Touchscreen Gestures LLC v. Google Inc.

Filing 1

COMPLAINT For Patent Infringement against Google Inc. ( Filing fee $ 350 receipt number 0540-3765999.), filed by Touchscreen Gestures LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet, # 2 Exhibit A, # 3 Exhibit B, # 4 Exhibit C, # 5 Exhibit D)(Huff, Winston)

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      EXHIBIT  C   ( 2 United States Patent 1) Lin et al. (54) M E T H O D A ND CO NTRO L L E R FO R I DE NTI FY I NG DO UB L E TAP GESTURES (75) Inv entors : J ao-Ching Lin, Hs in Chuang (TW); Shyh-In Huang, Hs in Chuang (TW), Lin-A bel Chu, Hs in Chuang (TW); Chung-Yi Shen, Hs in Chuang (TW) (73) As s ignee: Sent elic Corporation. Taipei (TW) (*) Notice: S u b j e c t to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 554 days. (22) Fi l e d : F e b . 12, 2004 P r i o r Public ation Data US 2005/0179646 A l A u g . 18, 2005 (51) I n t . Cl. G09G 5/00 ( 2 0 0 6 . 0 1 ) (52) U . S . Cl. 3 4 5 / 1 7 3 ; 345/156 (58) F i e l d of Classification Search 3 4 5 / 1 5 6 , 345/157, 173-177; 178/18.01-18.09 See application file for complete search history. (56) R e f e r e n c e s Cit ed U.S. PATENT DO CUMENTS 5,880,411 5,956,019 6,856,259 7,002,557 2002/0093491 2004/0178997 A * A * Bl* B2 * Al* Al* 3/1999 9/1999 2/2005 2/2006 7/2002 9/2004 Gillespie et a l. Bang e t a l. Sharp Tizuka e t a l. Gillespie et a l. Gillespie et a l. Primary Examiner Ric a rd o Osorio A B S T R A C T A method o f identifying double tap gesture, wherein the double tap gesture is produced o n a touc h device and characterize in that: when the summation of the first appearing time duration, the time span between the two appearing time durations and the second appearing time duration is smaller than the first reference time, then generate a first signal that represents the first and second appearances. This is to simulate the double tap signal output from the double clicking of the mouse button and so as to achieve a short, simple and reliable determination. 21 Claims , 4 Drawing Sheets down Output up I s T d o w n l • 178/18.01 345/173 341/5 345/173 345/173 345/173 * cited by examiner Mdown2 Input 1 1 1 (10) Patent No.: U S 7,190,356 B 2 (45) Date of Patent: M a r . 13, 2007 (57) (21) A p p l . No.: 10/776,976 (65) 1111111111)1 1111111111 111111111! ) 9 91 5 9 1111111 1111 111111 11 1 1 down2 T I , 51 5 down 2 U.S. Patent OT U US 7,190,356 B2 Mar. 13, 2007 S h e e t 1 o f 4 r 11 t 1 9 t20 t21 L 1 1 FIG 1 1 2 U.S. P a t e n t M a r . 13, 2007 Sheet 2 of 4 t-D U S 7,190,356 B2 Main unit Transmitter interface 3-4 LC) C =3 C=1 c •-• 0. tn u CY) Cs-) U.S. P a t e n t M a r . 13, 2007 down Input Output up up T down1 T 61. 4 • 1 4 upl I I I . . IM I d o w n 2 Sheet 3 of 4 down2 T U 7,190,356 B2 , _up- , 51 r --- 5 2 Li down FIG 3 S U.S. P a t e n t US 7,190,356 B2 M a r . 13, 2007 S h e e t 4 of 4 FIG 4 " I First appearance starts i First appearance / 42 , endhasbeendetected 'o r counted time has -- ' --,....--r First appearance - N 4 r N _ _ _ c ends_ _ _ _ _ e a c Second appearance / 44 counted time has reached T I h start has been detected ." 4 e or counted time has d reached Ti? T ',_----Second appearance starts i ? counted time has reached TI / 47 Mdown2 M I counted time has reached T I or Second appearance 4 ena has been detected or counted time has or Mdown2 M I reached TI? Second appearance ends No / 43 Determine if it is any other gesture Generates drag signal / 50 US 7,190,356 B2 1 M E TH O D A ND CO NTRO L L E R FO R I DE NTI FY I NG DO UB LE TAP GESTURES 2 duration t time of stay of the object first appeared on the touch device) 19 o f with the first reference time, i f the first appearing t ime t h e BACKG RO UND OF THE I NV E NTI O N duration t „ is s maller than the first reference time value, o b j 5 t h e n produce a first signal 11; after that, i f second appeare c ist not detected within the time of the second reference 1. Field of the Invention ance o The present invention relates to a method and controller time, terminates the first signal, in other words, the time span n for identifying double tap gestures, especially referring to a between the t wo appearing t ime duration t „ has t o be t method and controller for identifying double tap gestures on smaller than the second reference time value; next, compare touch device. When the touch device identifies the double I o t h second appearing time duration t „ wit h the third referhe e tap gesture, simulate a double tap signal that represent a ence time value, if the second appearing time duration t series o f consecutive double c lic k ing o f the mouse button shorter than the third reference time value, then terminates t 1 i s 2. (usually the default is the left button). the first signal and produce a second signal 12, therefore it o 2. B rief Description of Related Art can u output two signals 11 and 12 to simulate the signal of Graphical Us er Interface, G UI , accompanying b y t he 1 5 double clicking of the mouse button. c pointing device (such as a mouse) was the first program h Even though the conventional method can achieve the operation interface released by the PARC research group. objective of identifying the double tap gesture, however in d The user can easily accomplish the executed action by just the conventional method, it makes the determination to be e using the visual type of pointer through the movement and more complex by comparing the first appearing time (Juraclicking of the mouse, this solves the inconvenience created 2 o t v n t io by the input o f complex instruction during the text mode. 1 9i and the second appearing time duration t c Therefore, GUI is commonly used by Apple computers and , tive reference t ime values. Additionally , s inc e t he us er 2 Microsoft and it becomes a mainstream interface of all the differs t h 1 t h e t iem w i from one another, therefore, when each person peroperating systems. In the electronic devices that utilize GUI, e ( e the double c - gesture on the touch device will have form s p e tap r such as desktop computer, portable computer, tablets, per- 2 5 different length of time in each step of the action or even for s rp sonal digital assistant and so on, pointing device has become the same user to perform the every double tap gesture on the en a touch device will vary in time for each action, thus resulting a basic accessory. b f ethe situation where a misinterpretation has occurred. Also, Currently, the pointing device includes external mouse, in e w track-ball and touch pad built-in on the portable computers, t during the operation o f the touch device, it can be easily the touch panel incorporated with the monitor and so on. The 3 e touched by mistake, or due to the noise of the touch device o re mouse is the pointing device that is released the earliest. n s itself, o r interference by the noise f rom the surrounding Using the mouse as an example to illustrate the functionality t t environment w i l l a ll produce short spike o f the first and of the pointing device, the mouse is able t o c ontrol the w o second appearance phenomenon. The conventional method pointer on the monitor screen, whic h means that the pointer o does not have minimum time restriction on the first and t will f o llo w t o anywhere the mouse moves t o and when 3 5 second appearing time duration and the time span between a h clicking o f the c ontrol button is performed at the to be the two appearing time durations; therefore, the interference p e executed target on the monitor, then the instruction will be signal produced due to noise will cause inappropriate deterexecuted to the electronic device. However, the current trend p mination and easily allow the situation of misinterpretation of the electronic equipment is heading towards s mall and e to happen. Moreover, as the tap and drag gesture also taps on light, f o r example, the portable computers are gradually 4 a t he touch device twice where during the drag of the second o i replacing the ex port o f the desktop computers and this r tap, the conventional method did not take into the considresults the small-sized touch device (e.g. touch pad) to be n eration o f the accumulated displacement o f the second slowly become the mainstream of pointing device. g appearing duration, it will easily cause the misinterpretation Presently, the touch device technology includes capacitor t of the double tap gesture wit h the tap and drag gesture. type, resistive type, magnetic type, pressure type, inductance 45 i S UMMA RY OF I NV E NTI O N type, surface sonar type, supersonic type, and optical type m and so on. When an object such as a finger moves on the e A main objective according to the present invention is to touch device, i t can c ontrol the pointer to mov e in the direction o f the movement o f the object. Moreov er, the d provide a method and controller for identifying double tap u pointing device besides c ontrolling the pointer, it also has 50 gesture, utiliz ing the comparison of the total time duration the func tion to execute instruction. Us ing the mouse as an r for each action with the first reference time value in order to example, wh e n the pointer moves ov er the target (e.g. a achieve a faster and more reliable determination. Another objective of the present invention is to provide a program, document) to be started, double clicking the mouse t button (default to be left button in most system) will select i method and c ontroller f or identify ing double tap gesture, the target and opens it. However, f or touch device such as 55 wherein the time duration of each respective action has to be o touch pad, currently two control buttons have been installed n larger than the corresponding pair of reference values so as below to replace the left and right buttons o f the mouse or t to effectively avoid the situation where a misinterpretation might occur due to noise signal. by defining certain gesture on the touch device to generate 2 signal corresponding to the simulated double clicking. A further objective of the present invention is to provide 0 Currently, the touch device opens the selected target by 60 a method and controller for identifying double tap gesture, tapping t h e t ouc h dev ic e consecutively t wic e ges ture , wherein the displacement detected during the second occurrence has t o be s maller than the corresponding reference (known as double tap gesture in the following text), whic h value so to achieve an accurate determination. replaces the double c lic k ing action of the mouse. Thus, a conventional method o f identifying double tap gesture is The method of identifying double tap gesture according to described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,414,671. Referring to FIG. 1 65 t he present invention, wherein the double tap gesture is (corresponding t o FIG. 1 5 F i n U.S. Pat. No . 6,414,671 performed on a touch pad and the method includes the specification), first of all, compare the first appearing time following steps: US 7,190,356 B2 3 i. detecting the first occurrence of an object on the touch pad; detecting the second occurrence of the particular object on the touch pad; and iii a first signal representing the first and second appearance being immediately generated in case of the summation of the first appearing time duration, the second appearing time duration and the time span between the end of first appearing time duration and the start of the second appearing t ime duration is s maller than first reference time value. 4 5 10 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The present invention can be more f ully understood by reference to the f ollowing description and accompanying drawings, in which: FIG. 1 is a diagram illustrating time pulse of conventional double tap gesture; FIG. 2 is a block diagram illustrating touch device of a preferred embodiment i n a method associated wit h t he present invention for identifying double tap gesture; FIG. 3 is diagram illustrating time impulse of an input and an output signal shown in FIG. 2; and FIG. 4 is a flow chart of the embodiment shown in FIG. 2. DETAI LED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBO DI MENTS First and foremost, the method and controller for identifying double tap gesture according to the present invention is to be applied on a touch device. To s implify the explanation, a capacity type touch device will be selected f or illustrating the preferred embodiment of the present invention. 15 20 25 30 35 Referring t o FI G . 2, a capacity ty pe touc h device 2 includes at least one touch pad 21, one treat unit along X direction 22, one treat u n it along Y direc tion 23. one 40 operational unit 24, one displacement unit 25, one gesture unit 26 and a transmitter interface 27. The touch pad 21 has multiple wires distributed in the X and Y direction respectively, for example 16 wires in the X direction and 12 wires in the Y direction. Therefore, when a conductive object such 45 as a finger 10 touches and in close contact with the touch pad 21, it will cause a change in the capacitance on the touch pad 21. Th e X and Y direc tion treat units w i l l immediately process the respective capacitance on the X and Y direction and transmit the data to operational unit 24. The operational 50 unit 24 based on the received data will compute the X and Y coordinates of the object contact location. After that, the displacement unit 25 will receive the X and Y coordinates computed by the operational unit 24 and based on this information calculate the relative displacement Dx and Dy 55 (referring to the contact signal) o f the object on the touch pad 2 1 a n d trans mit t hem t o t he gesture u n it 2 6 and transmitter unit 27. Thus the calculated result Dx and Dy can be transmitted to a host 3 through the transmitter unit 27 so that the host 3 can control the movement of the pointer on 60 the screen. Hos t 3 c an be a personal computer, laptop, personal digital assistant (PDA), or a cellular phone. Hence, the previous mentioned components are not the characteristics of the present invention and commonly known by the people familiar with the art, no further explanation will be 65 illustrated here. Furthermore, the operational module, dis placement unit 25, gesture unit 26 and transmitter interface 27 in the preferred embodiment of present invention are all included in a controller such as a chip. The gesture unit 26 receives the calculation results Dx and Dy from the displacement unit 25 to determine if the object has produced an action qualified as a double tap gesture on the touch pad 21 and also during this determination whether the action is a double tap gesture, correspondingly transmits out the first signal of the simulated double clicking through the transmitter interface to the host 3 in order to carry out the corresponding control. The characteristic technique o f the present invention is the method o f identifying double tap gesture in the gesture unit 26. The gesture unit 26 can achieve t he met hod o f identify ing double t ap ges ture through software, firmware o r hardware. Moreover, even though the gesture unit 26 in the example o f the present invention is embedded in the controller of the touch device 2, it can be installed in the host 3 as a software or hardware and not jus t limit ed t o technique used i n the preferred embodiment of the present invention. Besides, even though a capacity type touch device 2 is used as an example in the preferred embodiment o f the present invention, persons wit h knowledge of this convectional art should k now that the present inv ention can be applied onto other types o f touch device, such as optical type, resistive type, magnetic type, pressure type, inductance type, surface sonar type, supersonic type and so on. Therefore, i t is not confined t o jus t what is illus trated in the preferred embodiment of the present invention. Referring to FIG. 3 and FIG. 4, they illustrate the flow chart o f an example in the preferred embodiment o f the present invention. In the example, first assume that an object such as a finger 10 has simultaneously tapped on the touch pad 21 twice. To s implify the explanation, in the following paragraphs, the object will be represented by the finger 10. Something worth noting is that even though a finger is used to illustrate the preferred embodiment of the present invention, persons familiar with the conventional art should know that the touch device 2 o f the preferred embodiment is suitable f or detecting other types o f conductive objects or multiple conductive objects, whic h is not confined to what is revealed i n the preferred embodiment o f the present invention. First of all, in step 41, the touch device 2 detects the finger 10 on the touch pad 21 at the start o f its first appearance. When the touch device 2 detects the first appearing time duration, gesture unit 26 will start timer immediately. Subsequently, in step 42, it is to be determined whic h of the t wo conditions: the ending o f the first appearing time duration or the timer after the first appearing time duration has reached the first reference time T,, has been achieved first. I n the present example, assume that wit hin the first reference time T,, the second tap of the double tap gesture should be able to be detected. The range of the first reference time T, in the present example is between 100 ms and 1000 ms (100 ms <T1<1000 ms), but it can be adjusted according to the need of the designer or the user's operating preference. I f in step 42, it has been determined that the timer has reached the v alue o f first reference t ime T i , i t c an be confirmed that it is not a double tap gesture as the first appearing t ime duration has not finished and the second appearing time duration is not yet detected as well. Thus step 43 will be executed to determine if the action is o f any other gestures. I f in step 42, i t has been determined that t ime firs t appearing time duration has ended and the t imer has not reached the first reference time T,, step 44 will be executed. US 7,190,356 B2 5 In step 44, it continues to determine which of the conditions: the start of the second appearing time duration or the timer has reached the first reference time T,, has been achieved first. Similarly, i f in step 44, it has been determined that the timer has reached the value of first reference time T, first, it can be confirmed that it is not a double tap gesture as the start o f the second appearing t ime duration is not y et detected within the first reference time T,. Thus step 43 will be executed t o determine i f the ac tion is o f any other gestures. However, i f in step 44, it has been determined that the start o f the second appearing time duration is detected first, it implies that a double tap gesture may have occurred within the first reference time T, and step 45 w i l l be continued. Referring to FIG. 3, at the start of the second appearing time duration, the gesture unit 26 f ro m the input signals can obtain the first appearing time duration T „ , „ „ and the time span between two appearing time duration Touch pad 21 during its operation can be easily touched by mistake or due to the noise generated by its elf or noise from the surrounding environment and then produce inappropriate signals such as short first and second appearing time duration or short time span between the two appearing time duration. As these unwanted signals only last a short period of time, in the following steps 45, 46, 48 and 49 o f the preferred embodiment of the present invention, there is a requirement that the time duration of each action must be larger than the respective minimum time value, in order to effectively filter out inappropriate signals and thus enhance the accuracy of the identification. In step 45, first determine if the time span T thetfirst appearing time duration T, and the second appearing time duration T , ences b T The 2 p 1time e „t. w e first minimum UP reference time T „ is i the shortestreffective e n between the UP and DOWN of the time l a r g e tfinger 10. The first time span T , h a n tapping o f theh e 10 on the touch pad 21 followed by i t finger tp 1 h s leaving the touch pad 21 and until the second tapping of the t i m e e finger 10 on the touch pad 21. I n the present example, the e e n fb e tr w UP reference time T„, ranges from 1 ms to 10 first iminimum t h s (1t ms T e ms m1 need of the designer or the operating preference of the n the i 2 i 0m f step 45 determines the first time span T, u user. I 1 m 1 t han t he firs t min imu m U P reference t ime T larger p 1 ( UT t o ,2 - 1„ b e 1 P S ) T, 1 determines that the first time span Tupl is not larger than the > r T ne p a first e f2 1 minimum UP reference time T , d the first UP signal has to be considered as noise signal that ( T , 2 ) r ,1 ii its time duration is too short, thus the first appearing time as p i s tduration has not really finished and it will jump back to step , t v T c to continue detect the finish of the first appearing time 42 2 r 1 a duration. a ) i t e l n In step 46, determine if the first appearing time duration i m is larger than the first minimum tap reference time p l i e s p i b r d T e „ . Since usually when the finger 10 appeared on the touch e pad 21 implies that the finger 10 is down on the touch pad a a d 21, n u js then the shortest effective time the finger 10 first tap on the touch pad 21 and stays on it is called the first minimum e d s t tap reference time T n t e appearing time duration T „ „ , , is larger than the first first d m t h a c minimum itap reference time T, „ ( T , .s I f n u c the first appearance is a v alid signal and step 47 will be that o 0 s t e p t s r d continued. However, if step 46 determines the condition to „ > T6 4 , i ih 1false ( T be n 3 ia to t g, d ) i iw s t tt , n d i c a t e s „ it d e t e r i o w h i m i n e d h l 6 ance is a noise signal and will be discarded, it will jump back to step 41 and resume to wait for the next first appearance. After the detection of the second appearing time duration, the gesture unit 26 besides resuming the timer, it uses the 5 dis plac ement unit 25 to calculate the accumulated displacement of the second appearing time duration M 47, a 2 determines whic h of the f ollowing three conditions is detection of .achieved first: s t e p the finish of the second appearing I n time duration, the accumulated displacement of the second 10 appearing time duration M d displacement value M, or the timer since the first appearing „ „ ,time duration has reached the first reference time T„. i s n o t l e I fs in step 47, the condition that the second appearing time s t duration finishes is determined first, it implies that within the h a n 15 firs th reference time T t e and accumulated displacement o f the second 1 detected e rthee n r e f , tappearing time duration M w o c e displacement n c d a p p e a r avalue M verify i s I „ e s „ , that i n step 4 8 and 4 9 respectively, t he second 20 appearingw n 2duration has truly finished and the second l e stime e < M h ( M d so v a appearance isn v alid signal, and then it will confirm that the a 1 ) • t e h aa r two appearances is a double tap gesture. l W h a e l t y h t In step 48, determine i f the time span after the second b r ee f e r e n 25 appearingl t ime duration T , is larger than the second f o c en e minimum UP lreference time T o w s 22 is the time span after the second appearing time T, i than f .p I the seconde p s t minimum UP reference time T s it ( T 2 implies a r g 4 2 i s8 , l that theesecond appearance has truly finished and , r ttep 30 sd 2 e 49 will r m i n e However, i f step 48 determines p t e be continued. o that the time span after the second appearing time duration >T s T, 2 t 2 h a t time T., p ), span , 2 ( Tafter the second appearing time is noise signal and thus , 35 will be discarded and jump back to step 47 to resume waiting p i the ,for T real UP signal which indicates the finish of the second s appearing time duration. In the present example, the second 2 2 n minimum UP reference time T ) , the first minimum UP reference time T o as 22 c a n b e it 2n 40 s 1 estep 49, determines i f the second appearing t ime I t t o tl duration T . b e ia m reference time T td h e p2 l r ing 3 , time duration T e „ s a m ig s f tap Ireference time T „ ( T d .i e 45 ssignal,r ofgi ssecond appearance is a valid signal. Then, as the d „2t, , e pthe e a „ s „ l tsummationeofrthe first appearing time duration T > a r r l 4 Tr 9 g e d h 2 ehbetween n two appearing time duration T, span h t e r the 3 t a d t secondt i h m time duration T „ a ,, , i nn appearing s p ) h t t h e s e m reference ue a first time T, [ ( T d a n d ta is t eh c t h e t, t 50 accumulated displacement e f rthe second appearing t ime d i s a t„ , n n d s id c m at l l o in o eFT h duration M t a n h shM 1(Md0wn2<M1), step 50 will be executed. However, e t ment e m s 0 w ni 2 n e d d h e e e s t ep h 9udetermines t h a t t h e c ondit ion i s f a ls e tt s m 4 h i c1 - T) < T if o s e i U d0wn2 T32), the second appearing time duration is too e m n l o d c a s 1 s 55 sP hort and will be considered as noise so the signal o f the a p n d o ] d second e p m eappearing time will be discarded and jump back to m s a a d step r n u c a l 44 to wait for the start of the real second appearing time i l e h t e duration. I n the present example, the second minimum tap r o n r reference time T in i t h 60 min imu m tap reference time T 3 n2 c a n d m e a 3 1 b In step 50, gesture unit 26 will output a first signal through g m u n . s transmitter interface 27 into the host 3 to notify the host the e t ti t that a o double tap gesture has been produced and simulate the tm h n t signal produced by double c lic k ing o f the mouse button. h b e e i 65 Ref erring to FIG. 3, the signal 51 and 52 in the present e ta h tm example will only be sent together after the detection of the p e r e iu second appearance and the double tap gesture is confirmed. f e s m m e a r m e e U n c a P e s US 7,190,356 B2 7 It differs from the convectional method of identifying where the first signal is produced immediately after the first tap. I f in step 47, it is determined first that the accumulated displacement of the second appearing time duration M is n d o o t le s s t h a n t h e ref erenc e dis plac ement M , (Mdouw2. M I ) , it implies that when the finger 10 taps on the „, touch pad 21 f or the second time has not move and thus it could be a tap and drop gesture instead of double tap gesture so it will jump back to step 43 to detennine if it is any other gestures. Thus, it will effectively reduce or avoid the chance that the tap and drop gesture is determined as the double tap gesture. The range of the reference displacement M, in the present example can vary between 1 pix el and 10 pix el (1 pixel 1\,4,_ 1 0 pixel), such as 3 pix el or it can be adjusted according t o t he need o f the designer o r the operating preference of the user. Similarly, if in step 47, it is determined first that the timer since t he firs t appearance has already reached the firs t reference time Ti, it implies that the summation of the first appearing time duration T appearing time duration T do duration iT m e t „,, t d(0 p a n [ T , s not double dw gesture and will jump to step 43 instead to „ d p b 1 ea n tap e e t determine if it is o f any other gestures. 2 . t n hi s e the n Summarising e d previous claims, the requirement for the 1 s e c t o th o n double a gesture i n the preferred embodiment o f the s m tap e a r - p pw a t present invention is defined by the following equations: l F i l o Tn e g Eq. 1 r T di 1 > T 3 1 m d t t,„ h , e Eq. 2 T a 2 > T 3 2 a 2 n Eq. 3 T t T u F p h „ l Eq. 4 T > u e 1 T p Eq. 5 l f , ) 2( T a „, v n i + T a . v n 2 „ 1 > i T T F Mdown2<M1 Eq. 6 2 T,I) <T1 r 1 2 s It should be noted that even the previous mentioned steps ] 42. t 44 and 47 can simultaneously determine multiple con, ditions. Th e person f amiliar wit h the convectional arts r e t should know that the previous mentioned steps 42, 44 and 47 f e h can also determine the conditions sequentially, so it is not r e u just limit ed t o what has been revealed in the preferred n c s embodiment of the present invention. e t It is appreciated that the present inv ention is different t h from the convectional method with which the time of each i e respective step is determined by way of if it is smaller than m t the respective reference t ime v alue and t he method o f e identifying double tap gesture according t o t he present w invention sums up the overall time duration of each action, T o , T a than the first reference time T, (refer to Eq. 5) so as t o d p achieve a short, effective and reliable determination. Moreo p over, the present inv ention further requires that the time w e duration of each action has to be larger than their respective n a reference values T i r 31 ( r e f e r T , a o tinappropriate signals generated due to disturbance and thus 2 T q a. more accurate determination. I n addition, t he n achieve E 2 present inv ention also requires that the accumulated dis d c 1 ( ) , placement of the second appearing time duration M d 0 e T r to be smaller 0 2 h a s than reference displacement M, (refer to Eq. w s 2 this will differentiate the double tap gesture from the tap e 6), 1 n a r ( f e f and 2 r drop gesture and effectively avoid the misjudgement of e e r a te r n o t d E o 8 the t ap and drop gesture as the double tap gesture, and further achieve a more accurate determination. While the invention has been described with reference to the a preferred embodiment thereof, it is to be understood 5 t h a t modifications or variations may be easily made without departing from the spirit of this invention, whic h is defined by the appended claims. What is claimed is: 1. A method of identifying double tap gesture with which to t he double tap gesture is performed on a touc h device, comprising f ollow steps: i. Detecting a first appearance o f an object on the touch device; Detecting a second appearance o f the object on the 15 t o u c h device; and generating a first signal that represents the first and second appearances in case of the summation of a first appearing time duration, a second appearing time duration and a time span between the two appearing time 20 d u r a t i o n s being smaller than a first reference time. 2. The method of identifying double tap gesture as defined in c laim 1, wherein the first signal is generated when the accumulated displacement of the second appearing duration is smaller than the reference displacement value. 25 3 . The method of identifying double tap gesture as defined in claim 1, wherein the first signal is generated when the first appearing time duration is larger than the first minimum tap reference time value. 4. The method of identifying double tap gesture as defined 30 i n claim 1, wherein the first signal is generated if the second appearing time duration is larger than the second minimum tap reference time value. 5. The method of identifying double tap gesture as defined in c laim 1, wherein the first signal is generated when the 35 t ime span between the ending o f the first appearing time duration and the start of the second appearing time duration is larger than the first minimum UP reference time value. 6. The method of identifying double tap gesture as defined in c laim 1, 2, 3, 4, o r 5 wherein the first signal w i l l be 40 generated when there is no detection of a new appearance within the time after the ending o f the second appearance that is at least larger than the second minimum UP reference time value. 7. The method of identifying double tap gesture as defined 45 i n claim 1, wherein the first signal is transmitted to a host. 8. A controller of the touch device, with whic h it is used to identify gesture o f an object on the touch device, the controller comprising: an operational unit, being used to detect every appearance 50 o f the objec t o n the touc h device and accordingly producing a respective tap signal, the respective tap signal being generated corresponding to the start of the appearance on the touch device and being terminated when that appearance finishes; and 55 a gesture unit, being connected to the operational unit so as to receive the tap signal, calculating the time duration of the object appearing on the touch device based on the tap s ignal and identify ing movement o f the object; 60 w h e r e i n , the gesture unit receives from the operating unit the generated first tap signal and the second tap signal corresponding to the first and second appearance of the object on the touch device respective; the gesture unit also computes the summation o f the first appearing 65 t i m e duration, the second appearing time duration and then time span between the two appearing time durations and compares this result with the first reference US 7,190,356 B2 9 time; and if the sum is smaller than the first reference time value, then produce the first signal that presents the first and second appearance. 9. The c ontroller o f identify ing double tap gesture as defined in c laim 8, wherein the tap signal generated by the operational unit includes the amount of displacement on the touch device. 10. The c ontroller o f identifying double tap gesture as defined in claim 9, wherein the first signal will be generated by the gesture unit when the accumulated displacement of the second appearing time duration computed by the gesture unit is smaller than the reference displacement value. 11. The c ontroller o f identifying double tap gesture as defined in claim 8, wherein the first signal will be generated by t he gesture unit only when the firs t appearing t ime duration is larger than the first minimum tap reference time value. 12. The c ontroller o f identifying double tap gesture as defined in claim 8, wherein the first signal will be generated by the gesture unit when the second appearing time duration is larger than the second minimum tap reference time value. 13. The c ontroller o f identifying double tap gesture as defined in claim 8, wherein the first signal will be generated by the gesture unit when the time span between finish of the first appearing time duration and the start of the second time duration is larger than the first minimum UP reference time value. 14. The c ontroller o f identifying double tap gesture as defined in claim 8, 10, 11, 12 or 13 wherein the first signal will be generated by the gesture unit when there is no detection o f a new appearance wit hin the t ime after the ending of the second appearance that is at least larger than the second minimum UP reference time value. 15. The c ontroller o f identifying double tap gesture as defined in claim 8, wherein the controller further includes a transmitter interface that is connected to the gesture unit and transmit the first signal to a host. 10 16. A gesture unit of the touch device, whic h is used to identify movement of an object on the touch device, wherein the gesture unit receives from the operating unit the generated first tap signal and the second tap signal corresponding 5 t o the first and second appearance of the object on the touch device respective, the gesture unit also computes the summation o f the firs t appearing t ime duration, t he second appearing time duration and then time span between the two appearing time durations and compares this result with the to firs t reference time; and if the sum is smaller than the first reference time value, the first signal that presents the first and second appearance is produced. 17. The gesture unit as defined in claim 16, wherein the first signal is generated when the accumulated displacement 15 o f the second appearing time duration is s maller than the reference displacement value. 18. The gesture unit as defined in claim 16, wherein the first signal is generated when the first appearing time duration is larger than the first minimum tap reference t ime 2 ° 19. The gesture unit as defined in claim 16, wherein the v first signal is generated when the second appearing time a duration is larger than the second minimum tap reference l time value. 25 u e . 3 20. The gesture unit as defined in claim 16, wherein the first signal is generated when the time span between the finish of the first appearing time duration and the start of the second appearing t ime duration is larger than the firs t minimum UP reference time value. 21. The gesture unit as defined in claim 16, 17, 18, 19 or 20 wherein the first signal is generated when there is no 35 detection o f a new appearance wit h in the t ime after the ending of the second appearance that is at least larger than the second minimum UP reference time value.

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