Anascape, Ltd v. Microsoft Corp. et al

Filing 417

Additional Attachments to Main Document: 415 Proposed Bill of Costs,.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit C Part 2, # 2 Exhibit C Part 3, # 3 Exhibit D, # 4 Exhibit E, # 5 Exhibit F)(Blank, James)

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Anascape, Ltd v. Microsoft Corp. et al Doc. 417 Att. 1 LUFKIN. TX 75901 TELEPHONE 936-699-2500 FAX 936-699-2535 o f f i o a l sponsor u.s. Olympic Team ~ USA name address UFKIN. T X 75904 room number. arrival date departure date' adult/child: room rate 2081KXLX 05/06/086:39PM 051081081 0:59AM 1/0 159.00 II the debltloedol Cilld you at> USf19lor check.., IS iIltachod t o a bank Of chedcmg acmunt. a hold WlII b e placed on tile KCOOn! lor the full on1lapated dollar amount to be owed to the hotel, ondudmg ..,...ted rKJdenlils. throughyot.f date 01 cfu!dc-out aI'd such funds WIll not be _ for n bullness hoors 1rom !he dale of check-out or long", at the dlSCll!lIon of l'O'Jl hnanooll/lStJtulJon RATE PLAN HH# AL: CAR: LVO ONFIRMATION NUMBER: 88270605 5/08108 PAGE Rates subject t o apphcable sales. occ:upanc:y. or other ta1<e5 Please do not leave any money or Items oi value unattended on your room A safety deposit box IS avilllable for you WI the lobby I agree that my hablhty for thIS blll IS not wllIved and agree t o b e held personaUy hable I n the event that the Indoted person. company or assoaatlOn falls to pay for any part or the full amount of these charges I have requested weekday dehve'Y o f USA TODAY It refused. a credit of $ 7S WIll be applled to myaceo...nt In the event o f an emergency. I, or someone In my party. requite speaal evacuation due to a phYSical dISability Please IndICale yes by checking here 0 l:_':' signature: 1 - · ; - ; - - ~ - " _ P : - · - : - 7 ~ 7 . : ; - ' : - - : : 7 · ~ . : - : ~ I - , , - r r - " 7 - : ~ - : ; - : - - - - - - - v- . , - ; - - . - - - - - - - - - - - .- - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - , - - - - . -- : ~ c_at~_·· _~i.:-~...!:.r::~'_'_.:. _ ~~ _ __o_~ ' i a_m_o_u_n_t , ~ I 05/06108 05/ooios 05/06108 05/07108 ·05/07/08 05/07108 05/08/08 411909 411909 411909 412074 412074 412074 412162 GUEST ROOM STATE TAX OCCUPANCY TAX GUESTROOM STATE TAX OCCUPANCY TAX I \ ) ( '1000 ':1 J ' ,1\0\,'-" \-1.fA. Ilf\ * * BALANCE * * $159.~ $9.54 $11.13 ($359.34) $0.00 $159.~ $11.1:J. $9'~1 EXPENSE REPORT SUMMARY ROOM & T I \ ) ( DAILYTO A L 05106108 $179.67 $179.67 51712008 $179.67 $179.67 STAY TOTAL $359,34 $359.34 f o r reservations c a l l 1 . 8 0 0 . h a m p t o n o r visit us online a t w w w . h a m p t o n . c o m account no. date o f charge folio/check no. AX *1000 card member name .InN 51612008 authorization purcnases & selVlces 114463 A establishment no. and locatIOn ISIabII:5hr'nrIt 19fetS t o transmit t o Gll"d hoIdtt' lor ~ taxes tips & mlsc s i g n a t u r e o f card member x -~---- t o t a l amount ------------------,--------------------------------~ _ 1llI'lltltonl\lIl1lh . 0-)" ' _ _ 1 r.i"\ I Hil.lon_ '·(~V CONll' = > . . .r , n ; . :t.j ,Y !I . ....... I)no' " I,,,· . . . . .: - : - . . . . _ . .-.:. .. ~::.... ~_~ = -359.34 r n 'lilt.... ~ ;i1 ' 11.1"!JI I (;.ll'dclllnn t,.""".:.. ,,,,,,,, ~~~,"II ~ IL\\U)) """ .... :." -, , . .. _._... _ . _.. . '0"' t a n -5.. J : -- h k . .Justi .. V:::Pt .:':ETALLEE A L D O R s e Burger Kinglll 7743 SeaT:~ ~tarbucks HMSHcst BUrr !nternationa 1 Airport ., 9786 C h r i s r i n a Sea-Tac Alr:;port .Concpurss".D. ' ,: CHK 4024 HAY06'08 , ---------~------------------ 7:02AM G~T 1 ,~ . ORDE'R .35® ,' ... E:AY. I~ .~ j ' l E~ , : AND G 2.20 2.20 0.?1 2 4'1 ,.. .1)!~I;'~U~;I~.~~~~~~ · · · ·i:J d "CROISEe.tUET.tu'.5 ~"I! ·)"··C " ltMO H~~~~~QWt>l.\·_::'2;; .: '!..l-::::·:':. ltORANG„ JOICE 0.10 ;;, Sltr:total Tax Amt Tennered Cash Chang(~ 5.0 DL,e Z.~ ~~~TOTAL. CASH 4.29 ;11 ====::.-:.- TOTAL 4 . l :. 10.0,~ CHANGE 5.31 ======;iC;;;==;;~~==][lr;;===== ~._-'-. 1.-866-425-4745 CHECK ON BACK FOR FOOD OFFER., T E L L U S AT OUR GOAL IS YOUP SATISFACTLONI . Tue =======;===~~=============7=~~:' May 06 06:32 AM " T=oo C='10 ·· 1 ** STARBUCKS COFFEE COMPANY ** HWY 59 &DANIEL M #07934 LUFKIN TX75901 1 SCONE CINNN10N - .- --- OUPLICATE RECEIPT --1.75 1 SH AMERICANO 1.60 ADD SHOT 0.55 000055 3.90 0.32 4.22 20.00 SUBTOTAL TAX 8.25 TOTAL CASH CHANGE DUE 15.78 01934 02Cl 700828 001288795E 05/07/08 10:00 --- DUPLICATE RECEIPT --Introducing Starbucks new daily brew - Pike Place' Roast. I t ' s aI ways fresh 1y roasted, fresh 1y g'round and freshly brewed for you! C12 ,. ~ i - ** STARBUCKS COFFEE COMPANY ** ** STARBUCKS COFFEE COMPANY ** HWV 59 &DAWIEL M ·i07934 LUFKIN TX75901 --- DUPLICATE RECEIPT --1 TL BREWED COFFEE 1.60 SUBTOTAL TAX 8.25 TOTAL CASH CHANGE DUE 000002 1.60 0.13 HWY 59 &DANIEL M #07934 LUFKIN TX75901 --- DUPLICATE RECEIPr --1.95 1 TL AMERICANO 000094 ADD SHOT ADO SHOT ADD SHOT 000055 1 DONUT CHOCO OLD F SUBTOTAL TAX 8.25 TOTAL CASH CHANGE DUE 05/0B/08 0.55 0.55 0.55 1.50 5.10 0.42 5.52 10.00 4.48 1.73 2.00 0.27 07934 01A1 701155 001 489506E 05/08/08 1':08 07934 01A1 699873 001489506E 08:19 --- DUPLICATE RECEIPT --Introducing Starbucks new dally brew - Pike Place Roast. I t ' s always freshly roasted. freshly ground and freshly brewed for you! . .-- ..... ~ . .--._-;_.... . - Introducing Starbucks new daily brew - Pike Place Roast. I t ' s always freshly roasted, freshly ground· and freshly brewed for you! --- DUPLICATE RECEIPT --- 18~5 WILL CLAVTON HUMBLE Tl( 7733B P~)(Y 1411.1. CLAYTON P, 7865 Will Cla~t HUMBLE , TK m~152 85/88/2888 6:32: 29 PM 3366 VISA XlOOlKlll!4444 PEDERSEN/JON E IIIVOICE BNQ3~31 AUTH 825m PUMPI15 VISA bgular 9,466& $ 3.529 $33 ,41 PRICE/GAL FUEL tom total : $33.41 CRIHD Credit Credit Any size £Gunbin drink for Just $.99 ! ! $33,41 C13 t I I" --~._-~- I "I:ORGE BUSH INTRCNTL A l P ~i, Ticket 1012 Pappasito's #18 (641) 3950 S. Terminal Rd .· Space 4 Bush Intercontinental Airport Houston, TX 77032 281-821-2266 Server: michael P Ticket: 1012 Table: Dine In GroundBeefTaco Platter #1 Diet Coke Subtotal: Guests: 0 May 08, 2008 07:32pm 8.79 1. 79 -------- PEDERSEN RR 119489554 JON I VEHICLE: 0 1 6 9 5 / 5 6 6 2 3 7 0 08NZOS LIC: TX GFX1I20 FUEL: 1lI6 OUT 1lI8 IN COP: 12471 - NINTENDO OF AMERICA RE5: E0050991731 10265F I C COMPLETED BY: 5005 ITXIAH12 RENTED: HOUSTON INTERCONT'L AlP RENTAL: 0 5 / 0 6 / 0 8 1 4 : 4 9 RETURN: 0 5 / 0 8 / 0 8 18 :43 PLAN I N : PLAN OUT: 0265F 0265F RATE CLASS: C TR-X MILES MILES ALLOWED MILES CHARGED 58.75 / DAY $ T$ T$ 176 .· 176 . 19. MILES I N : 1569 MILES OUT: B30 MILES DRIVEN: 239 DAYS 3 @l SUBTOTAL CONCESSION fEE LOW LIS P A l . PEC VLC*/CFClBUS TAX 15. 000 !ill ON NET DUE PAID BY AMX Tax: 10.58 0.87 -------- $ Total Cash 11 .45 -20.00 -------- RECOVERY DECLINED DECLINED DECLINED 215.06 XXXXXXXXXXXl000 T$ $ 19 32.: $ 247.3~ ,~'; ~ ~ Change: 8.55 Thank you for dining at Pappasito's! Ticket 1012 1) Z)) 3 HOW ~s YOUR EXPERIENCE? WE'D LIKE YOUR FEEDBACK. Visit Can 1-800-278-1595. o r WWW.HERTZSURVEY.COM 01606 E n t e r Access Code: ID ~ Take B r i e f 4 Q u e s t i o n Survey THANK YOU FOR RENTING FROM' HERTZ C14 _. E d w a r d G . F i o r i t o , Esq. I P Consulting A t t o r n e y 6 9 2 5 S p a n k y Branch D r i v e D a l l a s , T X 75248-1527 Tel: 972380-1070 Fax: 9 7 2 3 8 0 - 9 1 5 4 M a y 26, 2008 Joseph Presta Nixon & Vanderhye P.C. 901 N o r t h G l e b e R o a d - 11 t h F l o o r A r l i n g t o n V A 22203 Tax 1.0. No. 75-2213855 Statement No. 94852 RE: Anascape v. M i c r o s o f t & N i n t e n d o In t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s D i s t r i c t C o u r t fer the Ea~ern D i s t r i c t o f T e x a s Case No. 9 : 0 6 - C V - 0 0 1 5 8 - R C Professional Services REDACTED C15 · .,Ioseph P r e s t a Page 2 REDACTED 4/1712008 Taxi. 4 / 1 7 / 2 0 0 8 A i r Fare. 4118/2008 Taxi. 31.50 98.75 16.00 411812008 Parking. 5/4/2008 Telephone V 5 / 1 4 1 2 0 0 8 Mileage 25.58 65.68 227.25 $464.76 T o t a l costs Total a m o u n t o f this bill Previous balance 511712008 P a y m e n t received f r o m Nixon & Vanderhye p.e. - thank you. . C h e c k No. 0 7 7 0 0 2 , dated April 25, 2008, for Statement No. 94842, dated Apli113, 2 0 0 8 . ($26,52~ $4,125.00 ($4,125.00) ($4.125.00) $26,527.26 Total payments and adjustments Balance d u e C16 ') / .Invoice ExperlServices"\

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