Pearse-Hocker v. Firelight Media, Inc.

Filing 1

COMPLAINT filed by Anne Pearse-Hocker against Firelight Media, Inc. (Filing fee $ 350.00 receipt number 14683013336). (Attachments: # 1 Receipt, # 2 Civil Cover Sheet)(stas) (Additional attachment(s) added on 5/11/2010: # 3 Exhibit A to Complaint, # 4 Exhibit B to Complaint, # 5 Exhibit C to Complaint, # 6 Exhibit D to Complaint, # 7 Cover Letter) (stas, ).

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Pearse-Hocker v. Firelight Media, Inc. Doc. 1 Att. 5 EXHIBIT C PbOtO ^Archives Smithsonian Reproduction Rights Request INVOICE National Museum of the American Indian 4220 SUvec HjU Road, Suiiland. MD 20746-2863 APPLICANT 301-236-<j624, x�J70 (fax) 301-238-3206 Juliuina Bnnnum Associate Ptoducex , 9 Feb via email Firelight Media PERMISSION HA* BEEN CRANTEO FOrt USbOFTHE rO'-LOWNC IMAGE "~ TM ' Permission is granted for the use of die following inugery, worldwide, all media rights for the life of the project Wounded Knee, South Dakota, 1973. Photo by Anne Pearcc Hocker. Dakota, 1973. Photo by Anne Pearce Hockct. N44622 church at Wounded Knee, South Dakota, with profile of figure on right. American Indian takeover of N44926, man seated on floor with radio or walkie-talkie. American Indian takeover of Wounded Knee South N45215, group leaving building, with Frank ClewwatciP) on a gwncy. American Indian takeover of Wounded Knee, South Dakota, 1973. Photo by Anne Pearce Hocker. Petmissions Fee: Three images @ f 50.00/imagc; H50.00 NMAI PHOTO WIMflliX see above 'We ShaJl Remain" PUBUCATION OATL anuary 2009 VUBUSKEH WGBH Educational Foundation and PBS PFJlMliSlON GRANTED St ' DAXV~ Lou Swncari cofJDmoMs of wcirn agkisd to at (aitucakq Julianna Bnnnuin TU1ALAMO0MTOUE ?150.00 CHnurr UN� MUST KEaD: Counn;. Nition.1 Mmcutn of ihe An^cin Indiin. Satithtvnim Iradnnion (nr^nTc, rtdc, or cattlog numliw) Photo bj AnrcPcarfle Hockey Return the tigncd fann. (opsrhn *id> pijetK-nt. 11> Ihc Phoio A�hJ��. Ptait note (K.i you do not h�vi ccjuaductioa Dgbo foi your u�jpc vmil you icciin: from the ftioio Anhrvist. Such ptimiiiioQ ii gt�ucd upon me feVo*i�g coa^ 1 The ippliant will nippi/ NMAI Midi fwo giiM topic* of (he IWul publication no Uter ihiii two mondu tlta iht due of puMioMin. ?. Thn fnm refexi to reproduce'*" of photographic t� cSgiul nutccuJ onljr. is ldpulittd on the rtvene of Hi foim 01 xuehed iddcndum *nd doci not permit the mt ofdus nulccbt far ��/ other pivpoK viiAour eperific mitten ipjirovil by the NMAI Photo Afcliivn. }. Subject (0 iht twms md cemdioom (tenor, NMAI puiv lUe dppbruil d� limited, noii-cxduai ri^ht ro frjuoducr dir phoroj^ph (Uic ""IireigeT owned b; die NMAI Permiwion u pwtd tot one-tune iuc m n,� pun oc dcttrorac pobCaoon (the TubCenion"), fo� ons edition � piacnbcd lenffh ol'"� (nol 10 txceed One feaj foi wtb rius me). The lighti of itjxodurttxi ue fat worklw^dt U.S. Engtsh hopuj. use on)f, unlcxi �ito�iK tprafied. revmc of Uw lotm Such fccxue 11 non-emufenblc, iiooi^mcthIjIc. wd � cxpeoslf Uimtcd to the Pnbkiuon named on the � Ortly phmograpluc or distil tral>M�l lujiplicd bf rfw NMAI I'lioio Scr>�e> puf be uied for reproduction. No �xond-gtn<nfi<ni photngiiph^ ic lUfrwfrl Douuhndins or Ctfpr"^ from �n>- od<u tCAUCC u tnkllj- piohibitcd unlco pdo' wraigcmam hire been crude vidi (he NMAl 5 If die inuee i* rjopped, bowsi rninuniJlr, it must be i JawiCai u i "demT" in the cjption. tf i deoJl k med on a eovei. froniiipiece, or home jngk the full itrage "�"� �ppe� elsewhere m die pubiicadon, <�rti icrcrmce a> the detail. Mljlipuhtioa of the inugc u ptorsbiicd e�tpt for die lolcpurpoce of rwidftcuig die urugc m digiea! fotm. i- If in die fvo>n iht opjilieiul wuhei co itpcoduee die photognplik or diptal micoiil, at any ponion thcHcf. Uir ipplicinl mull conuct NMAI Photo Anhnu lot pemution. iidured upon ippli�ooii fU^uesn id tepioduec in tuU�]ucnt |�bl>ucioru tnd cdJDora Or (at cnended penodr tf lintc will be 7. Thii pcnruttion exundi oalj to lueh righu u NMAI Ins to audwnic rcptvJucoon uid docs am pgipott ro include am- ti^in th&i poions other tiun NMAI maf h�e und�x the Copfdpiii t>w of the United Sl�i� or die Uvi of miotu eouncriu h xrhidi die �ppficint'i voib nuy be puWiihcd ot dnuibuRd. Cimiii woib of ms u �ell at lh� phoiognpbt of lho�� woda of vt, nu; be pmneeied b; copy.-ighi tndcmuk, poVicy. or puMiriij njlio, oi oJicr inuiciu not ownwl lif NMAI. It it die ipplieanc'i tnpofltiblrf to atecrain �he>h� wif <uch lijhn oil, and ro obttin laj otlva pennuston nEC��>7 to rcptoducr tnd pubUib die buce- Applicant llttcbj tpcej u> iodemni.'; md hold NMAI h>mJtx> from tnd ipuui mj md all costt, claims. fobiSticc, or dinwga irKiurcd, tndudinc wihout bniarion iB attonKj's fed expeoded. is rault of inf <riet�!J9� Uj <ipplicuit of mjr top/right, trademark. pri�t7 or publiritj tightf. oe odicx inlcmtt tiling to die tubject rmire' ht�ot 8. If ioj other chkiun! come* foorard denwiding retouipaue for rijicoducaon of the muge ind the applionf ehoniet to iccopiiic meh eliim, the cam triTohtd -will Ik entirety die tpp^ewii'i

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