Pearse-Hocker v. Firelight Media, Inc.

Filing 1

COMPLAINT filed by Anne Pearse-Hocker against Firelight Media, Inc. (Filing fee $ 350.00 receipt number 14683013336). (Attachments: # 1 Receipt, # 2 Civil Cover Sheet)(stas) (Additional attachment(s) added on 5/11/2010: # 3 Exhibit A to Complaint, # 4 Exhibit B to Complaint, # 5 Exhibit C to Complaint, # 6 Exhibit D to Complaint, # 7 Cover Letter) (stas, ).

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Pearse-Hocker v. Firelight Media, Inc. Doc. 1 Att. 6 EXHIBIT D Photo A Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian 422(IS.Iv� Hill Ko:.d,Sui<l�,a. MO 30^6-2863 M<l1.h-\KI' 30l.21fi.6624. xf.3?0 � (fa*) J01-2J8-3206 ,, . I il �� *---| via email Firelight Associate Producer Julianna Bianrmm J 19 t'cbruniy 2008 | j |'|-iimi�iiinii/vMti--jM(;k.\Kii:�nutrviiii nil-1i issi'Mi is granted for the: us<: of .he following imagery, worldwide, all media tiglm for chc life of the project. proie , 1973. Photo by Anue I'earce Hocka American - I tn-CT^ Dfk�ia' "'"It PtOfile �f figU1C �" "Sht American lndi.n takeover of -� - Permissions Fee: Three iimges @ f50.00/inwgc: J 150.00 see above I'l'lJIJlilllllN "We ShaU Remain' in in i<\ ~~ ��--. ~:!4�i. .^w^.� ;�!�*�' w ���..,. ' " ** r WG1SH Educational Foundation and PBS l-HUN.vStt IN CR^KllIII HV j Lou Srancari I) 1N1JIIK INSI>l'ltn;lUS ACKKIWm(IV Julian n a Bra nnum TOrAI.AMlll'N'l IXV * J*// $150.00 i:ili:m r i.ini; Ml Xl iu:a|1 �,mTM�,. N,u.HU| M,,<,,mi ..f il,, Antcotm Injij.i. .S.�;ih�...iba ln.|in.r.TM fnn-.ii . ,1., I ...I ��*�^,..; /�wn tin' Ill'.i.i .\rcl,'MW. ,.,,,..u.,.,,� ii w...,., ntw B>-, ,.u.,.� j , ,.l.,..J.tll.m,^wr..r, ^ unlll,,,,,ltviii ^ p Such pemuiBwi U pmiedupon dv: Mo*�'6 cooditions: I 2. The ij>plicanl �J1 jvpjty NMAI with t�� grtd* copie* of lh= fuiil publuttion no ���� Ovm two month* afw th* date of publication Thi� f"tm refcH to rcptodwcij'yit of photognphk c dipul nutcoi) only, u inpulucd oa tit ��nc of ihis fom tn ttwdwd addendum �r.d doci not permit i>k um of ilui nutcriil tot a\f other p�po� �iriiour tprdfic writKn upprorii by the NMAt Phoio ArchJTCt i. Subject to the tarn wul condiiioni henor. NMM p�nu tl>� up|iUnnt ihc lunitwl. MM-txcJuavr nphl to r�i�n)<Jucf ttw plrorop�pH (the "ImagO ovned bj ihe NMAI. rcimirtioo i� jt�i>TMil (or one-umc we m one pom o� dnoonic (Kibb^rran (the TNiMkwon'). tot oik edioon (>r piCKobcd lenfi* of umi (not to excenf orx ;tai for weU pur u�). The lipliU of ttyitxUtaon uc ftw worfUwnic U.S. English hngu^. u;c onJy, vxica �th�r*iic ^pra(j;i S�di Ucaue il noo-trtiufenble, non-MMgnililc. *o<i * ewprewlf luniiul ro lite Pvbk'Mon named on the nver<c of diA torm � Ortl; plwtugujrfuc Of digital tiuuvial (utiplied bjf ihe NMAI 1'hoto 5cr>�a iTM| be ured for reproikicoort. No <ccoud-;cnen(M>ii photognphjr is iDovnl Dovolojinc or eopjing r�orn �ny txliu ��uce it iirKtljr jnshibiicd unleo poo' amngcmain hi\-e been mjdt widi the NMAI S. If theinup � aoppol, howe**! nuninullf, it mun be identified u "detwr'"� the upturn. I(� deoil U tucd on a covec. ft<ji>wji.��, o< home puc, the full imam must 9]>peu elsewhere in the publiaooa with irfercncc to die rfettui. M^upubaon of Uk ntuge u piolatiittd etcept for the, jolc purpMr of reniiaiii^ die urugr r>i dif.inl fuan. 6. If n die fututc the appl'C"' wulie� W iep�oduce die phocop^pliic 01 dipol nvttn'U, of inj portion thereof, Uic ippUcmt nwit contact NMAI Photo Arch"" f�> perroilion pon ipplicntion l^ucsn to teptoikiee in <ubic<]uciii puhkeuiatu tnd cdtions Kit for extended period* of unv. w3) be 7. Thii pcjmjition w*i�li onlj to loth ngliu M NMAl hw u lutliotiie icproductioa ind dou not puqiOit to mdude mj tijhn t�aw penoru other tKui NMAI rajf rave undet the Coprdglit L�� of ihc United Stiles or die lavi of nriout eountiiei b whicii die applicant"! �oib m*r be pubUdicd ot d/iaiuutcd. CenaLi worb gf ��i, �� well u the photographs of thote �oih of jrt, m�jr be ptwaica bj copyright mdcmuk, pdncf. or pubKcicf Hgbtt. oj odtet intctcto not owned b; NMAI. 11� die ippUeam'i rcvporaibilicj tc� ajcotiin vliedvr �nf �ueh rights exit, und to obtain in/ oth� penrdwion neee�MT to reproduce, wid publoli die imge- Afiplicmt liercbj tpec* u) ioJcmoif) ind hoW W�AI harm)e� frtmi ind ipuia v\r and all coctt. chirm, liabKtiet, or drnrnen inciurid, indudins wtliout laratason all attorney's tea expended, w n nault of any �obtio" bf upplicant of any topyrighi, bidcmaitc. jmVjcy or publicity righa, or otftu interact relUMi^ � d>c lubject m�ite< 8. If toy otha chmaat coine> for\��d dcmmidine rcawipcnre foi r^irtduciion of t)�e imae* lnd *� appliont ehoma to tccognae tvth etoti, the �ntc ifl>ohvd wtD he endter/' die tpplicanfi.

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