Viacom International, Inc. v. Youtube, Inc.

Filing 121

APPENDIX, on behalf of Appellant Black Entertainment Television, LLC, Comedy Partners, Country Music Television, Inc., Paramount Pictures Corporation and Viacom International, Inc., FILED. Service date 12/10/2010 by CM/ECF. [165091] [10-3270]

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1-'. :>:: '< ~ CI HI .1-" n o What can be outsourced? What are the tradeoffs of outsourcing? ~ 1-" rt ~ · Tape digitization can be fully outsourced Viacom International, Inc. v. Youtube, Inc. · Outsourcing tape digitization is significantly more expensive than developing the capability in house · Outsourcing could indirectly benefit our competitors by giving vendors the volume needed to test and improve processes, thereby lowenng the cost to digitize in the marketplace Item Cost Item Cost A-581 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 243-5 Cost Per Tape (assuming 60 min per tape) $2.62 $20 Capital Depreciation Costs per Hour of Content Digitized Labor Costs per Hour of Content Digitized $0.91 Fixed Overhead Costs (CapEx and Labor) per Hour of Content Digitized I $5.00 Facilities Costs per Hour of Content Digitized $0.21 Facilities Costs per Hour of Content Digitized Cost per Hour of Content Digitized Total Cost I $0.62 Cost per Hour of Content Digitized $22.83 $6.54 $137,340 Source: Michael Baldwin Digitization Analysis Total Cost I $534,000 Filed 04/15/10 Page 38 of 43 § o Source: Wendy Chang, Michael Baldwin Digitization Analysis o ~ I o o Note: Given hardware sourcing challenges, 1 year assumed to be fastest content could be digitized in house (;:0(:" -.l \0 ~ o '" '" Doc. 121 Att. 6 :.: ~ '< 1-" n g Off-Site Operation at NARA: Basic Needs Hl 1-" ~ rI' 1-" m · Pre-work - Finalize terms of NARA partnership - Receive direction from EMG on timeframe for completing - Obtain office space near NARA - Determine insurance needs · People - Hire 2 temps and hire/allocate 1 manager - Decide whether manager needs to be part-time or full-time A-582 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 243-5 - l o c a t e local servicing company (optional) · Equipment - Purchase tape decks, prod machines, corp machines, NAS drives, and barcode scanners & p~~rn . - Obtain basic office furnishings · Content - Prioritize content for digitization - Establish process for shipping hard drives to data centers - Return master copies to NARA Filed 04/15/10 Page 39 of 43 g o i-' o F~ o ..... o I l;~O··· i-' \0 o 0'\ ..... :t: ",. '< ~ n o ~ o Proposed Solution ",. rI' ~ · First Phase - Digitize 35,000 hours of NARA taped content, starting with 21,000 hours of U-matic content - Prioritize taped content based on popular topics (as identified by NARA and Google Search queries) . . - Provide digitization ops with more flexibility to purchase used equipment in order to test it; we still know relatively little about which models will be best suit our purposes - Obtain data on usage of digitized content by type · Second Phase - Determine whether user demand for digitized content validates NARA film digitization A-583 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 243-5 - Determine whether NARA film should be digitized at the highest quality for preservation and distribution purposes, or whether quality can be sacrificed to save time and costs · · Digitizing this films using a vendor would cost over $19,550,000 (46,000 hours x $425/hour) Determine whether the future GV content pipeline will contain enough film to warrant the significant investment needed to build this capability In-house - Digitize 46,000 hours of NARA film · Third Phase - Study partner pipeline, determine most prevalent formats, and create a solution for scaling the digitization operation - Digitize other partner content (see next slide) Filed 04/15/10 Page 40 of 43 § o o t-' o ..., o I (;Q(:I~e:" 39 t-' \0 o '" o:J ,,<' ~ := ,..- ~ ,..~ ,..- Beyond NARA: Pipeline Profile, ~ A-584 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 243-5 CBS Evening News 60 Minutes Pathe Archive *** Getty Film Anthology Film Archives, G reengeace *** Am nesty IntI. *** Democracy Now *** ITVS Olympic Archive NBC Sports Moma American Museum Natural History Total Hours Hours of Hours Content Video Film 5,200 4,000 1,200 2,100 2,100 2,500 2,500 20,000 20,000 3,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 750 250 3,000 6,000 3,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 2,000 500 1,500 2,000 1,200 1,000 800 1,000 400 ~9mputer History Museum*** Filed 04/15/10 Page 41 of 43 8 o o f-' o o I Source: Daniel Blackman G( -.l \0 f-' 0\ o \0 A-585 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 243-5 Filed 04/15/10 Page 42 of 43 (J) 0... Q) ~ (J) x z Q) H i g h l y Confidential GO0001-00791610 =: f-'. '< ~ n o Next Steps for any support to the team f-'. ~ ~ f-" ~ · Get search data from - Broad matches on "video" except obvious red herrings - What topics of video are users seeking? · Get usage data from a functioning (after end 02) - Once search and browse really work, user behavior will be a meaningful guide to the value of different kinds of content A-586 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 243-5 · Which browse paths used most? · Which videos searched for most often? By genre, partner tier, content owner, country, language: · Which videos played through more than 30 seconds? · Which (short) videos played to within 5% of end? Filed 04/15/10 Page 43 of 43 8 (;:o(:~le:' 42 I-' o o o o,J o I I-' \0 I-' I-' Cl'I A-587 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 208-26 Filed 03/18/10 Page 1 of 4 To To:: From: From: Gc: Cc: Bec: Bee: Received Date: Received Date: SubjeGt: StJeçt; .·PatriCkWalke," ..pìwaiker@QOO!e,com:i PatriCk Walke,' <pjwalker@QOOQ!> ""Joanna $r.ìèlds. <joannas@goog!> Joanna Shields· -:joannas@goole,co", 2006·06,28 15:24:42 CST 2006-06,28 15:24:42 CST Fw: you tube Fw: yóUtub Sent from my BlackB¡;iry Wireless Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld Handheld ""~-Original Message--.-~..fÍgina Mes--- From: David Euri ; Eun To: Rosenberg; Susan Wojcicki; ,Jennifer Feikin;=oanna Shields; David Drummond To: Peter Chane; Rosenberg; SusanWojdckí; ,Jennifer Feikín;=aanna Shields: David Drummond CD: Elliot Schrage;SherylSandberg CD: Elliot Schrage; Sheryl Sandberg Sent: Wed Jun28 07:18:58 2006 Sent WedJtJ28 07:18:58 2006 Subject He: you tube Subecl: He: you tube '(Copying Ellot '(Copying Elliot .arid Shêryl) ari Sheryl} I think it's clear that all of uswanl what's best Googloo=ideo. .Nolhíngisoul of the question to consider, I think il's clear thaI all of uswanl to doto do whal's besl for Googléo=ideo, Nolhingis out of the question toconsider, irduding our ;;:urrentcopyright emorcementpolicy, It's also cle¡:r that no one knows z::xactly how the spacewill iriCuding our "'urrentcopyright enforceent policy, It's also clSpr that no one kno ",xactly how the space will evolve, c..o it's n1th.rfl easier to back back and "'oînt out course corrections we should have made. "'oint out course corrections we should evolve, c.. it's ilLL"b easier to look {oak and That said, here That said, nere are a few thill(}Slo consider eS we continue 10 dlSCU$ =ut copyright enforcement Isse: à few thin(jsto consider ss we cor:rlnu 10 dìSC"'ur copyright enforcement issue: am want to doalarg8, ::rategic deal with us, incluáíngbut not lìmited tbto video. This ls a :::eflection of their View ard want to dna large, :::::trategic deal with us, inc!udlngbut not limited video. Tfìs 1s a ::eflection of their View iha! we're a bíg Cùmpany with reSOIJrces that ::gesit." Tim A and I Iare planting a meeting wilh vanQU senior big company reSOIJrces that "'geis ít." Tim A. and are plàrting a meeting with vanous senior lhal execs =rom NBC to frame what thî.$ might !öokiike. to frame what this might look !ike. execs ",rom 2.. 10 their minds they are belngvery pragmatic and co-opting YotiTube as:;:: promotionalplatform, creating the 2 intheírminds they are being very pragmatic and co-opting YoùTubeas=promolional platform, creating the assurances =ith equivalent of our Partner pages =ith$Ome one-time promotions. NBC has received assurances that YouTwbe YouTube $Ome one-time promotions, NBC has received equivalent of our Partner pages 1. .NBC has eXPlicitly stG.ted to us that they recognize and appreciG.te "'ur proactive copyright enforcemènt policy 1 NBC has explícilly stated to uS that they recognize andapprecÎale ""ur proactive copyright enforcemeht policy ",illl increase the level of SC/1Jtiny to identifymega! uploadsgQìri =oiward, Le., the direction is to lncrea$ethe level ",i increase the level of scriiny 10 identify Hleg uploads going ""olWard, Le ..· the direction lncease the leve! offpolicing. not =9Crease and YouTubeYouTube recognizes lhis. . . o poHcing, not =9Crease and recognizes this. 3,. W eshouldn'tlose sight of tr,e fact that desite some fantastic ",~'welopment$ lately to improve our prodUGtand 3 W eshuldn't lose sight of tr.e fact that despite some fantastic ::o:evelopment$ lately to improve out product and Ul, YouTube has been a=eader in tramc generation because of rrstools and functionlity, not=ust Ul, YouTube has been 9.=eader in traffic genr,>ration because of ITS tools and funclionality, not.=ust its loose we c;ootinue to improve continue 10 unless copyright enforcemE;)nt We're losing the traffiCbattle =0=0 themwil will continue to unless we GOntìnueto improve traffc battle them and and copyright enforcement We'relosing the our product""xpríence ar è.caire as much gcod content as possble (andnof just :;remium Cùntent). our prClt ",xperience and aGq\Jire as much gcod content as possible (and not just :;;::remium conteni). interetation 4, CharP~irr~ our pOlicy tas impHcaHons ror other parts of our business: =} the Print sui!: where our interpretation suit: where our 4. Cri;:irr;; our pOlicy t,as impiicaHons for other parts of C'lr business: =) th Print and enforcement of rights :::ssociatoo withcopyrigrit isin question;b) outside the US: where the =MCA doesn't and enforcement of rights ::ciated with copyrigrlt isin queion; b) outside the US: where t!l=MCA doesn't appy $nd content owners Èlreeven more vociferous about :::rotectii'l\J their cOment; and c) to Advertising and are even more vocferous about=fOtecing Advertising and appy $ndconterr cönìeri; and Syndication:: whatwe"'hink is THE; OLJsìnessopportunityfor GV. This 1s not possble to buìld =íthout the support Syndication whatwe ",hink is THE business opportunity for GV This IS not possible to build =ithou! the support of premium content owners,owners, the very parties who are ""ost sensitive abbut copyrihl enforcement, many of whom are ",ost senstive abb cOPyright enforcement, many parles who of premium content the veiy "blame" uslor :::dentifyir.-g sites withmegalin our serch product us:;o refrain monetizing "blame" uslor =dentìfyir.-g sites wíthllegaJ content content in our search product and want us:;;::o refrain from monetizing site.s sthat traffic in megal iJploaos. . site. that traffc in megal ÌJpJoC\òs, 5,, Things are sHU very early. The!arge media companies are very, o:eryslow and reiatively disorganized. But, relatively disorganizad, But, 5 sHU Viy early. The!arge l'ediacompaniesare very, ""ery slow just because 1heyhaven't =eted on lliisdoesn't mean they won't they haven't =cted on lllisdoesn't mean they won't. just because 6, Lastly, asas Sergey pOinted out at our!ast GPS, is c!lar.ging a a policy "'0 Increastraffic knowing beforehand last GPS, is C!iar.ging policy "'0 i!'\Crease traffic knowing bBforehan 6. L$s!ly, SGrgey pointed ouLal our thatt we'l! profit from iIlega!=own!oads how we want to conduct ourbuslness? Is this Googiey? tha we'U profi from iIegal==wnioads how we want conduct ourbusíness? Is Ihis Googiey? Myopinion is that we should continue to work aggressively on improving =eatures and functionality; double down aggressiveiy on improving ",eatures and functionality; double down My opinion is that we should continue to work j,m~;c"\~f~ll Highly Confidential Highly Confidential ."EXHIBlt>:'}\' ·········31116*··· »:,>\ COOOO~·-OQ563430 Gooooi.-OQS63430 A-588 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 208-26 Filed 03/18/10 Page 2 of 4 ~~.. ...._. - ._' on .efforts to get the most =ppealing content possible for our ads and syndication trials; and push ""ike crazy to and syndication and push ""ike crazy to think ultimately though we won't get perfect clarity getcontenlowners toto clarifytheirpositions on this =SSUEl.1 Ithink ultimately though we won't get perfect clarity content owners clarlfytheir positions on this ""SS. ffmm the ",ontßlt ownrs, so whêt we'll have to decde isis whetherthe presumed ~nefìs to to traffic frompOlicy rcm the =ont~t owners, so w~t we'll have to decide whether the presumed ~nefits traffic tromå a poii.ey on .efforts to get the most =ppealing content poible før our ads get change outweigh the resulting risks =rcosts. chang outweigh the reuning risks =f1dcostS. As AS for me, !'m opento chnging our policy. I'm ìus notsie NOW is ",11(; time to dolt. Without minimizing me, I'm opn to changing our poliey. !'m just not wre NOW is ",,118 time to dolt. Without minimizing and !onger ::rm. I'm YouTube's achievements, focuS on inçreàsing our own efforts to win now YotJTUbe's achievements, I'd '=TherI'd ~ther focus on inQreasing our own efforts to win now alîlnthe in the 10hger :=arm. I'm iinterested tQ hear what others think. nterested to hear what others think. Apologies for the .length of this email. As Mark Twain said, would =ave written shorter response had Apologies for thélength of thiS emaiL. As Mark Twain said, ¡I would ",ave wiitten you a shOrter response ififIIhad more me. moretìtime. Dave Dave On 6/28106, Peter On 6/28106, Peler Chane <peterch@gooQle.cont>wrote:;,wrote: acceptance poHcy the seiment was against ::aking a poHcy chane for I think you are rigrlt about the lesson al1l1oughin our mostrecent ",¡scusson about our content think you am figrit about the lesn alttÇ)hin our most recent :::iscussion about our content Googie acceptance poHey the sentiment was against ::::;eking a policy chang~ forGoogr~ Video. i Ithlr.k jhat's a mistake thlr.k {hat's a mistake but I ::nk !'m in the minorìty. but ¡ :::hinkI'm in the minority, } I think YbUtube ¡sPlaying their hand brilliantlybyuSíng thér =raffic Bnd thedmca to their advantage. Youube lspla>~ng brllantly by using !helr =-raffic Bnd thedmca to their advantage. The NBC deallialidaied them. '" worry th$t they are setting themselves up to be much be much more than a site :::0 setting themselves up to morelh$n a site ;; watch stupid viral videos. watch stupid viral videos. The NBC deal validated them. '" worry th$t they are YoUlube is GoogleVideo competitor; they w$nt to aggregate =edi.8 traffic to their site and Youtube is not not just a GoogleVideo competior; they JNa.I to aøgregale =edi.8 iraffìe to their site and capture these queries. And they are ::::evelopingtheir own ad system to monetize vides which appear on mC'.J¥ And they are::velbpng their own ad system to montize videos which appear on mC'..oy ""ites across the web, They area searchsìte witha'l Ad\vordsif\ôSBris=ìOgram gettngslarted. ",¡tes across the web. Thy area search site with.arlCl AdvvordslAdSBi1Se=iogram gettingslarted. capture these queries. P. P. On 6127/06, Jonathan Rosenberg On 6127/06, Jonathan > wrote· Seems to me [ike the dynamic here worked 01.>1 the opposite of what w8",ad beentemng each seems me (ike the dynmic here worked oiit the oppsite of whai Wi? ;;;ad been te{fing other. We were cautioof'Q avoid the =reewheeling users posting NBC material as this would other. We were cautiPirt ourselvesJo avoid the =reewheelirig usrs posting NBC lost usrs because YouTube had the content illegally, ",ext, NBC alienate nbc froro ::::$.Meanwhile., we lost usersbecause YouTi.e had the content ilegally. ",ext, NBC; worked allerte noc from ::$. Meanwhile, they a deaL Shouldii't with them more aggressively than us because theybecause they saw ~he viral nature and now they have a deal. Shouldn't the with them more aggressively than us saw ::he vìralnalure and now lessonhere be "'0 play faster Elndlooser and be aggresve until either aa courtsays =00" or a deal gets struck. L lessn here be "'0 play faster ~md looser and be aggressive until either court says =00" or a deaf gets strUCk. I don't think there can be an in =ßtween...and we were 011 the wrOhg end. don't think there can be an in ~tween. .. and we were on the wrong jf jr NBC Taps Popularity Of Online Video Sìte Site Popularity Of NBC Taps By Sarq Goo By Sara KehadElni Goo Washington PO::'1 Staff Writer Washington Po::;t Staff Writer 28.2006; 001 Wednesday, June 28,2006; 001 Wednesdy, Tube Inc. said yeslerday that will promote.=8C's fall television Online video company YouTube Inc. said yesterday that itìtwìli)rOmote=8C's fall television Online video company You lineuppand sponsor acoriest related to.a popular ~twork show, signaling a å waveof marriages between oldlineu and sponsr a contest related toa popular =ètwork show, sígnalìng wave of marriages beLween old- H i..'g hlyCon£ii d éntiaJ on£ . e al H G(OOOl~OOSG343 OO0001-0.05(> A-589 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 208-26 Filed 03/18/10 Page 3 of 4 media firms and =Iedgling video Web sites. media firms and ::Iedgling video Web sites. The deal follows $!I announcement by Warner it ",ill downlo$ds of The deal follows $f amunement by Warner Bros. on Monday that Bro$. on Monday that it ",¡il sell downloads of 200 films and TV episoes throuthrough (luba, another =nHne video site, The panners.'îpssek tO$Olv$ 1wo episodes GU08, ar:i1her =nHne vide site, patinershipsseek to solve two problems forthe :::ntertalnrnen! industry: OIo-rnedia co.mpao6s need popular Internet ::::hanne!s fight oeclining problerrs for the ::ntertaìrienl indtry: OIò-i¥:dia, cornparùes ne popuar Internet ::hannels tot.o fightçiedining TV and movie-tl1ler viewetslllp .and =ntemet Video start -ups need a reVenL'0 .$iream capitalize on their TV and movie-1hep!erviewersllp. ·.and =nlerrt lide start -ups need a revenL'0s1ream toto capitalizeon their ::::xplodlng popUlarity. ::x¡lodlng popUlarrty. 20 fims an TV Since tile beginning of the year, amateur thl3 ;:nt8rnet have becorrea Since tlie beginníng of the year, amateur video clips posted to th!3 ;::nternet have become a huge phenomeno, making on¡nevideosites some ",fthe mbst-vìslled placeSQ(the Internt.. phenomenon, making online video sites some:::f the most-visited placesQ(1ihe Internet.. says attracts ",0 miHion unique visitors a month,upfror 9 9 million in April, but =nd many competitors are saysìtitattraets::O m1l!ion unique visitors a mon!h,upfrom mHlìon In Apnl, bU itit;:nd many competitors are privately fundedari are$IHl searching for ,=leadyrevenue, privalelyfunded .andare$lìlsearching for ,=leadyreveriue, hue by sellngbanri$r acts, the N13C deal ìs'~a ::ey mileslone in our For You'fube, which !"las$11 million in v!;)nture C$lal funding and =oUects most of its revenue For You'fube, which l-is$11 miUion invGnture capitalfundlngand",öllects most of its reVenue by selling banner .ads, the NI3C deal is'~a :zey milestone in our copany's historf, "Said chief executIve Chad. company's his1t>r1," Said chief executive Chad. =urley. "It's a clear proof point that we're building viable,:zong-term business. and it's showing there's common =urley. "Ii's a clear proof point that we're building a a viable.=ong-teim busness, and it's shng there's common ~raditional ground ground between ~raditional and new m(3{jia. ' meiia. YouTube attracted attention n~s yeador spreading a popular online=ide that was illegally YouTub attracted attenion n~s yeador t;prèading a popular online .=ideothat was ilegally p!ucked from p!ucked from NBC's ·Saturday Night Uve" =rogram. Theclip depicted comedians rappng in a skit called "Lazy .Saturday Night Uve" ::rcgram. Th clip depicted comedians rapping in a s.~it called ::;unday" and as it spread, it r:lped thousands of Internet usrs team =ht thèy cou!dshre vlde as easily as it r:lped thods of Internet users learn =hat they could share vlc/eO as easily as ::uriay' and as it spread, for,varding an e-mail. for,varding an e-mait. :::rom its sileo But At the time, At the time, NBC NBCexecutiv8S demandeo thalYQuTube remove the video ::rom its site. Bui then, executives demanded that YouTube that ["Lazy Sunday") virally seeing its popularity, NBC posted the same:=jdeoon its own WebliThe "The fact that i"LazySunday"¡ virally ",ideo on its own Web site. site. spread ""ike wilpfire, that clearly told us something- that t we could maybe =uplícate that and creatè ptomos that spè$d ""ike wilçjfire,that clearly told us something- thawe COL1ld maybe=uplicate t.hat and create ptomos that peopie coiJld share. The mecharJ$rn =as thére/ said John MiIßr, chief marketing officer tor NBCUrjlversal peopìe could shrä The mecharJ$rn :::as there" said John Miller, chief for NSCUrjlversa! :;;elevision Group,Now, r:.e saJd.·we want to fully embrace the viral :;;clivlty thatYouTube embraces,. ",elevision Grou. Now, r:.e said, .we wan the viral :;c!ivity thatYouTube embraces,· seeing its populanty, NBC posted the same Flr1l3.nda! deta~sof the YouTube-NBG deal were not disclosed, YouTube ::::greed 10 sel up an Flncncal deta~sof the YÖlTUb-NBG deal were not discosed. YouTube =grood tosel up NBC page on its Web sìteon which viewers can watch ""orrmercJals and o1her features, such as interviews with NBC Web site on which viewers can watch :o;ommerclals and other features, such as interiews with =ight actors,for six =rograms on NBC's fa!! lineup and other programs including "Saturday =lght Live' aod 'Th =rograms 00 NBC's fal! lìneup and programs and 'The actor$, for Tonighl Show Jay Leno," In exchange, NBG will ",romote YouTiibe on TV with açontest encourages Tonight Show with with Jay Lena. In eXChange, NBC will ",romote YouTube on TV With a cootest that .encourages ::he winner's video in viewers to suPmit ::::unny videosoffice environmentsenvironmentsNBC will viewers to sumit ::unny y.ìdeosof their of their office to YouTube_com. to YouTube_com. NBC will air ::hewinner's video in CbnjLlnction With the Sitcom xTheOffice .· cbnj¡rilion with the sitcom xTheOffìce. . H To make the deal happen,however, YotiTubenas l1o to rein in some of ::t8 freewheeling, To deal happn, however, YotiTubehas l'-1ad to reio in some of ::::ts freewheellng, Wild-West-like appeal. The sile used to take a:::ommunily po!1cing approaCh under which it would consider Wild-West-like appeaL The site use to take a::ommunily poficing approach unr which it would consider remOVing only :::ideos that users reprted as inappropriate or as a possble copyright ::iolation. Now, YbuTube reported as inappropriate or as a possible copyright :::::Iolatioo. Now, Y()uTube removing only ",ideo said it has$t up online features that wiH ::HowN8C to patrol YouTwbe's entire Web site for possible said it hasset online featureslhat wi! ",How N8C to patrol YouTwb's entire Website possble infringement =1' NBC's copyrìghleç material and enable YoiJTube to quickly remove it. infringement =f NBC's copyrighled material and enable YouTube to quickly remove it. "Thisreally shOws nOV'. proactive we're being" about protecting ::opylighted material. Hurley about protecting :=opylighted materiaL, Hurley "This really shws hOYJ proactive we're beìrig" said. Thêsame tools wil be avaiiable avaiiable to ",ther users,he said. said. The same tools wi!! be to ",ther usrs, YouTube said the NBC .dealis the first of severa! relationships wilh::edia cQrrpanìE:sthat it severa! reationships wHh::edia companies that it YouTube said the NBCdealìs the first of expecls to announce in the coming monlhs. Media =xecutiVèSsaid such deals are low-cost opportunities to expeels to announce in th coming monlhs. Media =xeculj~s said such deals are low-cost opportunties t6 experiment ",ays to t"p Internt audiences lor with :=ays to tap Internet audiences lor promotions and and sales, For Warner ",res.) the arrangement promotions sales. For Wamer ",ros.) the arranement exrimeni with with Gubais anis an expsriment in using an dternativ.eouliet for se!!ing movies and TV addition to a more and TV shQwsin addition a more with Guba expßrimenlìn using an =lterratíveoutiet forsemng movies =stablishedonline vehicle ",stablislied online vehicle such as Apple Computer Inc. SlJChps Apple Computer >=:.n!tp://<Y 2FcusiOm%2Fwpost%2 .. ",h\tP:I!",D&q=http%3A %2F%2Ffinacìal. washitlQtonpct,com~/,,2Fcustom%2fwpost%2 Fhtml-qcn.aspYo3Fdlspnr:aV':!~3DbUslness<>!,,26mwpage%3Dqc=%26Symb%3D,A"A,PL%26naV';<.3Del>'s's {Tunes, Fhtml--cn.aspYo3Fdispri;:V'/';3Dbuslness"lo26mwpage%3Dqc::%26Symb%3DP...APL%26naV'¡(3Del;. ITunes. he said. . to 'We don't know whals going to work at lhis point. ·. said JimW uthrich, =enior vice president of wilal's going to .work at lhis point, sald JimW uthdch, =enior viçepresident .We don'l digital ldistribution oioi Warner Bros.hQme =ntertainment g,oup. 'ObviolllY, there's consier demand fbr this digità distribution Warner Bros. home =otertalnment group, 'ObvioUSly, there's conSiJ!Yler demand fòr this :::ontem. The question is, are thosepepie wH!íng for a ;:igh-quiity delivery of tr,at cantenl? We oolieve ::ontent. The ques1ion is, are those people wHHng to pay ror a =igh-quaiity oeliveiyoftriat còrìtenl? We be!ievËl so,, but we don't know ::::hat content they're more interesledìri. .· they're more interested in . so but we =hat ~ighly ~ighly CObfidential Confidéntial 000001-00563432 000001-00563432 A-590 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 208-26 Filed 03/18/10 Page 4 of 4 G u b LLC S?.Jd its deahvith Warnr 8ros. esisJly reonigiJred i1s",evnue moel, $0 iì is Guba a LLC S?.Jd its deal "vith Warner Bros. essentially n:'lConfigured ils!:'evenue model, so itis no longerafl ad-supported, and GLPa sees less its fLlture tied to video cotent generated from the pubHG. no lOiraH ad-surted, and GLiba seesleS$ ",f=f its fLlture tie to video content gerated from the public, . money: . said 1hmas Mclrorimy, chief exect.itjve of =uoa. .peopleaæ use to payirifor fims, While video posted byuS$rsis compelling, is not going to pay the ",ern, the company salcl While vídeo posted byusersìs compellng, it it is notgoing to pay the ""er, the company saò. . . money: ·A kid fa!Hng off a skateboard, or.a kid lip-syncing ~f it haS know endurance,· "A kid fa!Hng of a skatebard, ora kid lip-syncing - I don't know - ! don'tlegs or <::of it has legs orendurance,. said 1homas Mclronmy, cllief executive of =uba. ·Peopleare used to paying for films, whic presents a which to us presents a very dear revenue opportunity. The chllen for Y ouT ubeis ho to keep the =Ommunity happy and also make ver dear revenue OpportUl¡ty. The challenge for YouT ubeis how to keep the=ommunty hapP and also make . © 2006 The Washington Post Company @2006 The Washìriton Post Company Ads byGoole Ads by Goog!e .::::<::oD&!k..!··(o .httP;/¡;..3A%2;...2Fpagead2.gcoglesyndica!..;!ko 3Fsa%3Df%26ai%3D8xnteuxqIRNbmFYqQwQKAgat,pCbGNmP=SgCtbTpnAoAEAEYASGO£LoFMAA4AFCjy 3Fsa%30l%26aì%3D8xnteuxqìRNbmFYqQwQKAgal-pU:iGNmP=sgCtbTpnAoAEAEYASG~oFMAA4AFCjy 42cBYgBAaoBEGJl C21UZXNzX2FydGljpGWyARZ3d=eud2FzaGluZ3RvbnBvC3QuY29tyAËB2gFXaHROcDovL 42CBY gBAaoBEGJ1 c2IUZXNzX2FyoGljbGWyARZ3d=eud2FzaGluZ3RvbnBvc3QuV29tyASB2gFXaHROcDovL 3d3dy53YXNoaW5ndG9ucG9zdG5jb2=vd?AiZHluL2NvbnRlbnOvYXJOaWNsZ8ByMDA2LzA2Lz!3LOFSMjAwN 3d3dy53YXNQaW 5ndG9ucG9zdG5jb2=vd?AiZHluL2NvbnRlbnQvYXJOaW NsZS8yMDA2LzA2LzI3LOFSMjAwN jjA2MjcwMTc1MF9wZi5=dG 1 sgA!BmALSGBACAQ%26num%3D1 %26adurl"/o <<lmageO01.gif» 3Dhtt A2MjcwMTc1 MF9wZi5~G 1 sgA1BmALSGBACAQO/26num'%3D1 0/26adwrl"/o .;-drnage01.gíb,:; 30ht ::<imageOO3.gif» «JrnageOO2. gil»¡mageüS.gff:i:; "".;jrrage0ò2. gib:i ::%PA %2f%2Fwww.nutrara1(",lipost-atticie-sit j $) bendìng.htm%26c!ient%3Dc~-washlngt=llpost-attlcle-$itj S> W'N'N.cosamincom w'Nv'¡.cOSmincom Goo.d News fot Knees Goo.d News for Knees Glucosamina Chondroitin Sulfate Re$6arch backed product Glucosamin Choroitin Sulfate Reserch backed produc PelerChane PelerGhane GrO\.ip Business Product Manager Manager GrO\ìp Business Boogie VkJeo {ihttp:(<!e.coml> Googie VkJeo,com-:htp:f/;, OavidEun OavidEun NY:: 212-589·-8070 NY 212-589-£070 MV:: 650-253-1993 MV 650"253-1993 Hîghiy CQnf~dentìai 0000o:-005153433 GOOOn-00563433 A-591 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 208-27 Filed 03/18/10 Page 1 of 2 To: From: Cc: Bcc: Received Date: Subject: ·'Patrick Walker''' <> "Ethan Anderson" <> 2006-07-1717:44:59 CST Reasons not to change the upload policy Top 10 reasons why we shouldn't stop screening for copyright violations: It crosses the threshold of Don't be Evil to facilitate distribution 1. of other people's intellectual property, and possibly even allowing monetization of it by somebody who doesn't own the copyright 2. Just growing any traffic is a bad idea. This policy will drive us to a build a giant index of pseudo porn, lady punches, and copyrighted material.. We might get more traffic (perhaps, although it's just a parallel offering to YT), but it will have little social value and little way to make money 3. We should be able to win on features, a better UI, technology, advertising relationships - not just policy. It's a copout to resort to dist -rob-uti on 4. YouTube has always had core features that we have only added in the last month or are about to this month:,html uploader, comments/ratings/tags, user playlists, syndicated uploader, international sites. We haven't given it enough time to see the impact of reaching feature parity before resorting to lowering our policy standards. We also haven't turned on major traffic drivers like One Box and a tab on 5. It will cause terrible press and PR for Google Video, especially in conjunction with Google Print. It will also be portrayed as an act of desperation since we didn't start with this policy but switched over to it when we were losing to YouTube 6. There is no reason to believe that all the YouTube users will now switch over to Google Video because we are doing the exact same thing as YouTube. We will only get new users if we can offer something different or better than YouTube, not if we follow them in everything we do 7. It makes it more difficult to do content deals when you have an index of pirated material 8. It make it more difficult to expand internationally because copyright laws vary from country to country and the DMCA is a US law 9. It will make it difficult to do OneBox if web search results are returning pirated videos 10. We allow downloads and YouTube doesn't. This would make it easier for users to capture and distribute pirated material EXHIBIT Nod! DATE :y~--cJZ!> Y.FENNELLY CSR5495 Highly Confidential GOO001-00563469 A-592 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 208-27 Filed 03/18/10 Page 2 of 2 E t h a n Anderson Intemational Business Product Manager, Google <> (P) +1 650.253.2977 High1y Confidential 000001-00563470 A-593 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 1 of 174 To: Alex Ellerson <>; Chris Maxcy <>; Kevin Yen <>; Jordan Hoffner <>; David Eun <>; Chad Hurley <> . From: Shashi Seth <> Cc: . Bee: Received Date: 200H16-1316:59:07 CST Subject: Top 10k Queries Hi: Alex had requested that we provide a list of our top queries so that the BD team can dive into it and determine value of deals. Here is a spreadsheet that gives you the top 1Ok queries from a given day. The results should surprise no one. Sex is on everyones mind, and that is pretty clear - even the Japanese are obsessed with it. However, consistent with my earlier findings, music videos (being searched mostly by artist names - when will our users learn to type in better queries, although Umbrella - Rihanna's latest song was searched by name) are being searched a lot, as are TV shows (Sopranos, Britains got talent, etc.), recent events (new French President Monsieur Sarkozy made it to f\!o. 30), and celebrities (Ronaldinho, Paris Hilton, etc.) made It. Going down the list of 10k, it seems that the queries do reflect the popularity of the artists, songs, celebrities, and lots of regional content starts showing up. I was amazed to find that Indian film stars, songs and movies were being searched for and the ranking definitely reflected their popularity (Aishwarya Rai being searched for more than Priyanka Chopra). - Searches do reflect popularity pretty well - Searches do reflect who is searching for content (although it may very well be that Indian content is being searched for by Indians living outside of India) - Regionality plays out pretty welt - people are searching for French, British, Japanese, Indian content - Fresh content is being searched for consistently - MUSic, TV Shows, Movies, Celebrities, Sports, etc. are definitely our top categories to attack The Takeaways for me are: - Build out the Category pages as fast as we can and provIde an amazing browse experience for our users. We want our users to think of these category landing pages (ex: as destination sites - Now that fingerprinting is live, we should attack the business model and start making serious money for our partners (and ourselves). Music is particularly easy to do. - Make search better (provide tips to people. For example when user types query "Gwen Stefani", we give the following options to narrow searches "Official Music Videos", "Sweet Escape', ·Concert Videos·, ·lnteNiews" .... Shashi Seth What Primetime? There is no more Primetime\ YouTube users decide when it is primetlme - and that will change the dynamics of TV and Video advertising. Attachments: YT Top 10k Queries.csv ~ EXHIBIT i SeJIA ~I '1 It v I O~d Highly Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747816 A-594 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 2 of 174 H i g h l y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747817 A-595 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 3 of 174 H i g h l y Confidential. Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GOO001-00747818 A-596 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 4 of 174 H i g h l y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747819 A-597 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 5 of 174 H i g h l y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GOO001-OO747820 A-598 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 6 of 174 H i g h l y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747821 A-599 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 7 of 174 H i g h L y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GO0001-00747822 A-600 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 8 of 174 H i g h l y Confidential. Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GOO001-00747823 A-601 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 9 of 174 H i g h l y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747824 A-602 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 10 of 174 H i g h l . y Confidential. Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747825 A-603 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 11 of 174 H i g h l y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747826 A-604 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 12 of 174 H i g b l y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001.-00747827 A-605 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 13 of 174 H:i.ghl.y Con£:i.dent:i.aJ. Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GO0001-00747828 A-606 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 14 of 174 H i g h 1 y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GOO001-00747829 A-607 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 15 of 174 H i g h 1 y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747830 A-608 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 16 of 174 H i g h l y Confidentia1 Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747831 A-609 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 17 of 174 H . i . g b l . y Conf.i.d.ential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GOOOOl.-00747832 A-610 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 18 of 174 H i g h l y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GO0001-00747833 A-611 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 19 of 174 H i g h l y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747834 A-612 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 20 of 174 H i g h l . y Confidentia1 Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GOO001-00747835 A-613 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 21 of 174 H i g h 1 y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747836 A-614 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 22 of 174 H i g h l . y Confidentia1 Expert - Adve~tising 000001-00747837 A-615 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 23 of 174 H i g h l y Confidential E~rt - Advertising GO0001-00747838 A-616 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 24 of 174 H i g h l y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747839 A-617 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 25 of 174 H i g h l y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747840 A-618 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 26 of 174 H i g h 1 y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GOO001-007478U A-619 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 27 of 174 · · · Highly Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747842 A-620 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 28 of 174 · · · Highly Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GOO001-00747843 A-621 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 29 of 174 · · · Highly Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GO0001-00747844 A-622 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 30 of 174 · · · Highly Confidentia1 Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747845 A-623 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 31 of 174 · · · Highl.y Confidential. Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747846 A-624 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 32 of 174 · · · Higb1y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747847 A-625 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 33 of 174 · · · Highl.y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747848 A-626 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 34 of 174 · · · HighLy Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GO0001-00747849 A-627 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 35 of 174 · · · Highly Confidential. Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GOO001-00747B50 A-628 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 36 of 174 · · · High1y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747851 A-629 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 37 of 174 · · · HighLy Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747852 A-630 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 38 of 174 · · · Hi.ghly Confi.dential. Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747853 A-631 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 39 of 174 · · · High1y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747854 A-632 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 40 of 174 · · · High1y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747855 A-633 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 41 of 174 · · · Hi.ghl.y Confi.dential. Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GO0001-00747856 A-634 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 42 of 174 · · · Higb2y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747857 A-635 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 43 of 174 · · · Highly Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747959 A-636 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 44 of 174 · · · Highly Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GO0001-00747859 A-637 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 45 of 174 · · · Highly Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GOO001-00747860 A-638 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 46 of 174 · · · Hig~y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747861 A-639 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 47 of 174 · · · Higb1y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747862 A-640 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 48 of 174 · · · Hig~y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GOO001-00747863 A-641 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 49 of 174 · · · Highly Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747864 A-642 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 50 of 174 · · · Hi9~Y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GOOOOl.-00747865 A-643 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 51 of 174 · · · Highly Confidential. Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747866 A-644 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 52 of 174 · · · Hi.gbl.y Confi.denti.a1 Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GOO001-00747867 A-645 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 53 of 174 · · · Highly Confidential. Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GOO001-00747868 A-646 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 54 of 174 · · · Highly Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 00000l.-00747869 A-647 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 55 of 174 · · · Higb1y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GOO001-00747870 A-648 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 56 of 174 · · · Highly Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747871 A-649 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 57 of 174 · · · HighJ.y Confidential. Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747872 A-650 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 58 of 174 · · · Highly Confidential. Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747873 A-651 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 59 of 174 · · · Highly Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747874 A-652 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 60 of 174 · · · Highly Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GO0001-00747875 A-653 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 61 of 174 · · · 'Hig~y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747876 A-654 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 62 of 174 · · · Highly ConfLdential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747877 A-655 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 63 of 174 · · · Higb1y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GOO001-00747878 A-656 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 64 of 174 · · · Highly Confidential. Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747879 A-657 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 65 of 174 · · · High1y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GOO001-00747880 A-658 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 66 of 174 · · · HighJ.y confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GOO001-00747881 A-659 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 67 of 174 · · · Higbly confidential. Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747882 A-660 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 68 of 174 · · · Highly Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747883 A-661 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 69 of 174 · · · Highly Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GOO001-00747884 A-662 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 70 of 174 · · · Highly Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GOO001-00747885 A-663 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 71 of 174 · · · Highly Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GOO001-00747886 A-664 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 72 of 174 · · · High1y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747887 A-665 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 73 of 174 · · · Hig~y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747888 A-666 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 74 of 174 · · · HighLy Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747889 A-667 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 75 of 174 · · · H~gh1y Conf~dentia1 Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GOO001-00747890 A-668 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 76 of 174 · · · Highly Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GO0001-0074'1891 A-669 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 77 of 174 · · · High1y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GOO001-00747892 A-670 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 78 of 174 · · · Highly Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747893 A-671 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 79 of 174 · · · High1y Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GOO001-00747894 A-672 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 80 of 174 · · · H~ghly Conf~dential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747895 A-673 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 81 of 174 · · · Highly Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GOOOOl.-00747896 A-674 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 82 of 174 · · · Highly Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GOOOOl.-00747897 A-675 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 83 of 174 · · · Highly Confidential. Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747898 A-676 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 84 of 174 · · · Higbly COnfidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g GOO001-00747899 A-677 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 323-6 Filed 05/21/10 Page 85 of 174 · · · H~ghLy Confidential Expert - A d v e r t i s i n g 000001-00747900

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