Viacom International, Inc. v. Youtube, Inc.

Filing 121

APPENDIX, on behalf of Appellant Black Entertainment Television, LLC, Comedy Partners, Country Music Television, Inc., Paramount Pictures Corporation and Viacom International, Inc., FILED. Service date 12/10/2010 by CM/ECF. [165091] [10-3270]

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Viacom International, Inc. v. Youtube, Inc. D Doc. 121 Att. A-798 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 210-26 Filed 03/18/10 Page 1 of 2 H i g h l y confidential 000001-00561603 A-799 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 210-26 Filed 03/18/10 Page 2 of 2 H i g h l y Confidential 000001-00561604 A-800 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 210-27 Filed 03/18/10 Page 1 of 2 H i g h l y Confidential 000001-00561605 A-801 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 210-27 Filed 03/18/10 Page 2 of 2 H i g h l y Confidential GO'OOO 1- 0 0 5 ' 6 1 6 0 ' . 6 A-802 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 210-28 Filed 03/18/10 Page 1 of 2 H i g h l y Confidential 000001-00561607 '< ~ o 1-" C) 1-" == ~ Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 210-28 g. ~ 1-" ~ Search .'. .. Video ,e.1Ib foI'pu~py ' .. ' .. .......·····"··········.....········"·'··'··········........ -......... " .....:.:....r·······················c~~t;nt·v;·~fl~~tiQ·~·T~~r····· '. .. .R"'lI:';1'1~'~'.""'t.1t:.:1(;j~:,~~j: .. 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This comprises of (i) an online console to file DMGA complaints and request take-downs and (ii) an MD5 hash to pro-actively take down a new upload of a previously taken-down video file ( i.e. assumin= it is bit-for-bit identical). » Our eye tools are now live as well and are only offered to partners who enter into a revenue deal with us. In particular, I believe that WMG and UMG are live. In order to identify possible infringements, they can either upload their videos into a reference database (beforehand) for matching through fingerprint (FP) technology or perform keyword searches across the YT index. Once a video is identified, the partner can either request (I) take-down, (ii) embrace with revenue share, or (iii) embrace without revenu= share but tracking. We calculate both a hash and derive a FP of every vlde= assign9clin either of these three buckets, and future uploads of the same video (through either exact (=hash) or approximate (=FP) matching) is treated In the same way (takedown, embrace, track) as the originally designated one. ~utomated 1'- = Today we have: 1) digital hashing on all files 2) Content Verification program offered on a select basis to partners (or companies that have contacted us with DMCA concerns). This is basicall= a way to easily notify YouTube of infringing content. In practice the "user" sees a little check box next to video search results. If they check the box we are notified of a takedown request. We offer this on a select basis because of the potential for abuse/misuse by content companies. All searches have to be entered manually - same behavior you have as a genera= YouTube user The new eye system has 1) digital hashing on all files 2) Audio fingerprinting system whereby the content partner can send "reference fingerprints" to Audible Magie's database along with a policy decision to license or block each piece of content. Each time a piece of content is uploaded to YouTube we will check Audible's database and look fo= a match. If there is a match the partner's policy kicks in (e.g. license 0= block). 3) Advanced text search tool. Enables partners to enter in any numbe= of search terms or strings. Partners can send these terms to YouTube in an DATE: .q--'2-2-~ DEPONENT: t-hA.~lB't'J EXHIBIT# L-. Z 1 000001.-01.511226 Highly Confidential CASE: Viacom, et aI., v. YouTube, et aI., The Football Association Premier League, et aI., v. YouTube, et aI., Case Nos. 07-CV-2203 and 07-CV-3582 A. Ignacio Howard, CLR, RPR, CSR No. 9830 A-818 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 212-16 Filed 03/18/10 Page 2 of 2 X M L feed or enter them manually. Searches can be narrowed or broadened and all searches can be saved. YouTube will ·push" search results to the partner in the form of a daily email showing and matches. Partner gets a nice admin interface showing all the matches. Partner is responsible for reviewing the matches and per the DMCA identifying their content. If the partner identifies content they are given the choice to either license or block the content. Arry content the partner identifies is automatically audio fingerprinted and placed in the Audible Magic database so the entire process gets smarter over time. David Eun NY: 212-565-8070 CA: 650-253-1993 Highly confidential GO0001-01511227 A-819 Case 1:07-cv-02103-LLS Document 212-22 Filed 03/18/10 Page 1 of 6 L a s t Moditied: January 9,2007 YOUTUBEIGOOGLE CONTENT IDENTIFICATION AND CLAIMING SYSTEM "CLAIM YOUR CONTENT" WHITE PAPER I. Introduction 1. Overview At all times during the Term, YouTube/Google shall facilitate and maintain content identification services in accordance with this Exhibit U. It is the intent of the parties that these content identification services wiltenable PARTNER to easily identify audio and audiovisual materials on the Video Service that are owned or controlled by PARTNER, and enable PARTNER to elect in each case to either (A) license the content to YouTube/Google in connection with the Video Service on the terms and conditions prescribed in the Agreement or (B) remove it from the Video Service (the "Election"). The content identification services shall consist of a three step process outlined in summary form immediately below and described in further detail in this exhibit: a. Video Hashing. YouTube/Google will create and retain a unique MD5 hash of each file that is identified during the Term as Blocked Content (as defined below) or that is removed from the Video Service due to an allegation of copyright infringement. YouTube/Google will block any files uploaded during the Term that match any of the MD5 hash(s) of any previously removed file. b. Audio Fingerprinting. For PARTNER content that is not identified by Video Hashing, YouTube/Google will employ audio fingerprinting technology to identify PARTNER content uploaded to the Video Service during the Term. In the event that a file is identified as containing audio content owned or controlled by PARTNER, PARTNER shall have the option to make the Election. c. Text & Tag Searching. For PARTNER content that is not identified by Video Hashing or Audio Fingerprinting, YouTube/Google will supply PARTNER with access to the Search & Claim Tool (as defined below) and shall run PARTNER Searches (as defined below) on behalf of PARTNER. 2 AJ..LC~:\J':~-:..JJ:~.. 0 __ · _____ · ___ ·· _. _________________· _______ · ___________________ · __ 0 ___________ 0 _________ · ________ · ____________________ Deleted: Content Ientification Cla-;;;;;;;;) 1 , Filtering and Blocking (CLEAN 11.18.06) ; .J: DATE: 17./10/0'1. DEPONENT: CnQ51-u jV' " , EXHIBIT# 1- CASE V' .: . Iacom, et aI., v. YouTube, et aI., The Football AsSocIatIOn PremIer League et al v Yo T b CN ' .,. u u e et aI ase os. 07-CV-2203 and 07-CV-3582 ' ., A. Ig~acio Howard, CLR, RPR, CSR No. 9830 Highly Confidential GO0001-01202238

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