The Authors Guild v. Google, Inc.

Filing 41

JOINT APPENDIX, volume 1 of 6, (pp. 1-300), on behalf of Appellant Jim Bouton, Joseph Goulden, Betty Miles and The Authors Guild, FILED. Service date 04/07/2014 by CM/ECF.[1196245] [13-4829]

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A-26 312112014 09/0812009 SONY CMIECF Versioo 4.2 ill. NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by Robert CUIllIingham Turner on behalf of Yahoo! Inc. (Turner, Robert) (Entered: 09/0812009) 09/0812009 286 Objecmn to Settlement Agreement. Docwmnt filed by Dirk Sutro. (Attaclnmnts: # 1 Exhibit A -- Class Action Reports)(Horowitz, Eric) (Entered: 09/0812009) 09/0812009 2R1 MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Opposition To The Settlement Proposal On Behalf of the French Republic. Docwmnt fiIild by French Repub1K:. (Max, Theodore) (Entered: 09/08/2009) 09/0812009 2R8. MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Opposition re: .ll MOTION to Approve !Notice of Motionfor Preliminary Settlement Approval.. Docwmnt filed by Yahoo! Inc .. (Turner, Robert) (Entered: 09/08/2009) 09/0812009 289 RULE 7.1 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT. No Corporate Parent. Docwmnt filed by Lyrasis, Inc., NYLlNK, Bibliographical Center fur Research Rocky Mountain, Inc ..(ClariIa, Robert) (Entered: 09/0812009) 09/0812009 m DECLARATION ofNicolas Georges in Opposition re: m Merrorandwn of Law in Opposition Docwnent filed by French Republic. (Max, Theodore) (Entered: 09/0812009) 09/0812009 m MEMORANDUM OF LAW MEMORANDUM OF AMICUS CURIAE THE INTERNET ARCHIVE IN OPPOSITION TO SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT. Docwmnt filed by The Internet Archive. (Boccanfuso, Anthony) (Entered: 09/0812009) 09/0812009 292 BRIEF AMICI CURIAE OF LYRASIS, INC., NYLINK AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CENTER FOR RESEARCH ROCKYMOUNTAIN, INC. IN SUPPORT OF MODIFICATION OF PROPOSED SETTLEMENT. Docwnent filed by Lyrasis, Inc., NYLlNK, Bibliographical Center fur Research Rocky Mountain, Inc .. (Clarida, Robert) (Entered: 09/0812009) 09/08/2009 m 09/0812009 294 NOTICE of Intent to Appear at the Fairness Hearing on October 7,2009, on behalf of the afulerrentioned m:mbers ofthe Publtiher Sub-Class.. Docwnent filed by Hachette Livre SA, Librarie Art:1nm Fayard SA, Dunod Editeur SA, Les Editions Hatier SNC, Editions Larousse SAS, Editorial Salvat SL, Grupo Anaya SA, Algaida Editores, S.A., A1ian2a Editoria~ S.A., Edi:ions Xerais De Ga1K:ia, S.A., Editorial Barcanova, S.A., Larousse Edito~ S.L, Grupo EditorialBnmo, S.L., Edelsa Grupo Didascalia, S.A., Hachette UK Limited. (Micheletto, Robert) (Entered: 09/0812009) 09/08/2009 09/0812009 Objecmn to Proposed Settlement. Docwmnt filed by Free Software Foundation, Inc .. (Williamson, Aaron) (Entered: 09/0812009) u*REJECTION OF ATTEMPTED PAPERFILlNG IN ECF CASE. The fullowing docwmnt(s) Epic's Motion to Intervene, by Mark Rotenberg, was rejected by the Clerk's Office and must be FILED ELECTRONICALLY on the Court's ECF System (eet) (Entered: 09/0812009) 295 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE. Docwnent filed by French Republic. (Max, Theodore) hllpstlecf.I1)Sd.USC<U1s.g"'cgl·'1 971194 A-27 312112014 09115/2009 SONY CMIECF Versioo 4.2 1l.2 MOTION fur Charles D. Ossola, Elaioe Met1in and Victor S. Perhnan to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Docmrent fik:d by The Am:ri:an Society of Media Photographers, Inc., Graphic Artists Guild, Picture Archive COWlCil of Am:ri:a, North Am:rX:an Nature Photography Association, Joel Meyerowitz, Dan Budnick, Peter Turner, Lou Jacobs. (mro) Modified on 9/17/2009 (mro). (Entered: 09116/2009) 09116/2009 11.6: ORDER: September 8, 2009 was the deadline by which objectDns and amicus curiae brie:fS were to be filed with the Court. In light of the vo1unx: of submissions, and the apparent public interest in the case, the fullowing procedures shall govern the filirness hearing: By 10/2/09 the parties shall respond in writing to the filings in this case. The filirness hearing shall proceed as scheduled on 10/7/09 at 10:00 a.m Any person who wishes to speak at the fil.irness hearing must submit a request to speak by sending an email to googlebookcase@nysd.uscourts.govby 5:00 p.m EDT on 9/21109. The parties shall post a copy ofthi; order on the settlement website furthwith. Details regarding courtroom seating, press access, and an overflow room will be provided in a later order. (Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 9/16/09) (tro) (Entered: 09/16/2009) 09/17/2009 CASHIERS OFFICE REMARK on :zoo. Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice in the amJUnt of$25.00, pail on 09/08/2009, Receipt Number 699182. (jd) (Entered: 09117/2009) 09/17/2009 CASHIERS OFFICE REMARK on lM. Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice, in the amnmt of$25.00, pail on 09/08/2009, Receipt Number 699159. (jd) (Entered: 09/17/2009) 09118/2009 120. NOTICE of Statement of Interest. Document filed by United States ofAm:rX:a. (Chpper, John) (Entered: 09/18/2009) 09/2112009 09121/2009 0912112009 721 ORDER FOR ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE ON WR1TI'EN MOTION: ORDER granting 1l.2 MotDn fur Charles D. Ossola and Victor S. Perhnan to Appear Pro Hac Vice fur The Am:ri:an Society ofMedia Photographers, Inc., Graphic Artists Guild, Picture Archive COWlCiI of Am:rX:a, North Am:rican Nature Photography Association, Joel Meyerowitz, Dan Budni:k, Peter Turner, Lou Jacobs. (Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 9/19/09) (db) (Entered: 09/21/2009) Transmissbn to Attorney Admissbns Clerk. Transmitted re: 721 Order on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice, to the Attorney Admissions Clerk fur updating of Attorney InfurmatDn (db) (Entered: 09/2112009) 122. ORDER FOR ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE ON WR1TI'EN MOTION: ORDER granting ill MotDn fur Lee L. Kaplan to Appear Pro Hac Vice fur Questia Media, Inc. (Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 9/19/09) (db) (Entered: 09/21/2009) 0912112009 Transmissbn to Attorney Admissbns Clerk. Transmitted re: 722 Order on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice, to the Attorney Admissions Clerk fur updating of Attorney InfurmatDn (db) (Entered: 0912112009) 0912112009 121 ORDER ADMITTING EDWARD F. SIEGEL PRO HAC VICE: ORDER granting 717 MotDn fur Edward F. Siegel to Appear Pro Hac Vice fur Charles D. Weller. hllpstlecf.I1)Sd.USC<U1s.g"' 1_94 A-28 312112014 SONY CMIECF Versioo 4.2 (Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 9/19/09) (db) (Entered: 09/2112009) TransmissDn to Attorney AdmissDns Clerk. Transmitted re: m Order on Mooon to Appear Pro Hac Vice, to the Attorney Admissions Clerk fur updating of Attorney Infunnaoon (db) (Entered: 0912112009) 09121/2009 09/2112009 121 MEMORANDUM ENDORSEMENT re: MOTION FOR LEAVB TO WITHDRAW APPEARANCE ON BEHALF OF THE CANADIAN STANDARDS ASSOCIATION. ORDER granting 657 Mooon to Withdraw Attorney. Attorney Kristin Hackett N eurmn terminated. ENDORSEMENT: Approved. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 9/19/09) (db) (Entered: 0912112009) 09/2112009 :ill. LEI IER addressed to Mr. McMahon from The Berne Convention fur the Protectinn of Literary and Artisti: Works dated 9/3/09 re: Objection to the Proposed SettkJrent. (db) (Entered: 0912112009) 0912112009 126: LEI IER addressed to Mr. McMahon from Ann Mitcalte dated 9/3/09 re: Objecoon to the Proposed Settlement. (db) (Entered: 0912112009) 09121/2009 727 LEI IER addressed to Google Settlement from Dohres Karl dated 9/1/09 re: To opt out of the Google-Autbors Guiki Settlement. (db) (Entered: 0912112009) 0912112009 llQ MOTION fur Robert 1. LaRocca to Appear Pro Hac Vice. DOCUlD;lnt filed by Paul Dickson, Joseph Goulden, The Author's Guild, Herbert Mitgang, Betty Mills, Daniel Hoffinan.(mro) (Entered: 09/22/2009) 0912112009 734 ORDER, iliat Gary Leland Reback, Esq. be admitted to the Bar ofthis Cowt pro hac vice as cOUllSeI fur Ami:us CmiIIe Open Book Alliance, upon payment of the applicable ree to the Clerk ofCowt. (Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 9/19/09) (PI) Modified on 9/2412009 (Pl). (Entered: 09124/2009) 0912212009 728 MOTION fur Hearing / Notice of Unopposed Motion of the Author Sub-Class and the Publisher Sub-Class to Alijourn October 7, 2009 Final Fairness Hearing and Schedule Status Conference. DOCUlD;lnt filed by Associaoon ofAJrerican Publishers, Inc., The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Pearson Educaoon, Inc., Sirmn & Sclruster, Inc., John Wikly & Sons, Inc .. (Keller, Bruce) (Entered: 09/22/2009) 09122/2009 729 MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: 728 MOTION fur Hearing/Notice of Unopposed Motion of the Author Sub-Class and the Publisher Sub-Class to Alijourn October 7, 2009 Final Fairness Hearing and Schedule Status Conference .. DOCUlD;lnt filed by Association ofAJrerican Publishers, Inc., The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Pearson Educatinn, Inc., Sirmn & Sclruster, Inc., John Wiley & Sons, Inc .. (Keller, Bruce) (Entered: 09122/2009) 0912212009 731 09122/2009 ill MOTION fur Richard Moutgomery Donaldson to Appear Pro Hac Vice. DoCUlD;lut MOTION fur Charles B. Casper to Appear Pro Hac Vice. DOCUlD;lnt filed by Microsoft Corpomtion(mro) (Entered: 0912212009) filed by Microsoft Corpomoon(mro) (Entered: 0912212009) hllpstlecf.I1)Sd.USC<U1s.g"' 15G'194 A-29 312112014 SONY CMIECF Versioo 4.2 0912312009 CASHIERS OFFICE REMARK on 717 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice, 718 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice, 1.!.2. Mofun to Appear Pro Hac Vi:e, in the amJlmt of$125.00, paid on 09/1512009, Receipt Nmnber 700022,700067 & 700099. Gd) (Entered: 09123/2009) 0912312009 ill BRIEF OF AMICUS CURIAE. Docurrent filed by Public Knowledge.(ad) (Eotered: 0912412009) 0912312009 ... Attorney Sherman Siy fur Pub1i: Knowledge, JefPearhmn fur Pub1i: Knowledge added. (ad) (Eotered: 0912512009) 0912412009 CASHIERS OFFICE REMARK on 730 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice in the amJlmt 0[$25.00, paD on 09/2112009, Receipt Nmnber 700386. Gd) (Eotered: 0912412009) 09124/2009 Transmi;si>n to Attorney Admi;si>ns Clerk. Transmitted re: ~ Order on Mofun to Appear Pro Hac Vi:e" to the Attorney Admissi>ns Clerk fur updating of Attorney Infurmafun (PI) (Eotered: 09/2412009) 0912412009 :ill. ORDER, that on September 22,2009, plaintiflS IIDved fur an adjourmr:ent ofthe filimess hearing currently scheduk:d fur October 7, 2009. Defundant Google, Inc. does not oppose the IIDfun Under all the circumstances, it makes no sense to conduct a hearing on the filimess and reasonableness of the current settlem:nt agreeInlnt, as it does not appear that the currentsett1eInlnt will be the operative one. Accordingly, the Cowt will not proceed with the filimess hearing on October 7, 2009. The Cowt wiD, however, conduct a status confurence on October 7 at 10 00 a.m to detennine how to proceed with the case as expeditiously as possible, as this case has now been pending fur over fuur years The pllltils shall attend. AdditDnal relief as set furth in this Order. (Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 9124/09) (PI) (Entered: 0912412009) 0912412009 736 FILING ERROR - DEFICIENT DOCKET ENTRY - MOTION fur Reconsneration Docurr:ent filed by The Amri:an Society ofMedia Photographers, Inc .. (AttachInlnts: # 1 Exhibit Motion to Intervene, # 2. Exhibit Letter to Chambers, # .J. Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order)(Saed, Shirley) Modified on 912512009 Gar). (Entered: 09124/2009) 09124/2009 Tn FILING ERROR - WRONG EVENT TYPE SELECTED FROM MENU (Certificate of Service) - MOTION fur Reconsneration certificate ofservice. Document filed by The Amri:an Socilty of Media Photographers, 1nc.. (Saed, Shirley) Modified on 9/2512009 Gar). (Entered: 09/2412009) 0912412009 ·"NOTE TO ATTORNEY TO RE-FILE DOCUMENT - DEFICIENT DOCKET ENTRY ERROR Note to Attorney Shirley Saed to RE- FILE Doc\llrent 736 MOTION fur Reconsneration. ERROR(S): Supporting Docurr:ents must be filed indivDually. Use the event type MelIDrandurn of Law fuund under event list Replies, Opposition, Supporting Documents. NOTE: The Motion must be correctly re-filed. Gar) (Eotered: 0912512009) 0912412009 "·NOTE TO ATTORNEY TO RE-FILE DOCUMENT - EVENT TYPE ERROR hllpstlecf.I1)Sd.USC<U1s.g"' 1511194 A-30 312112014 SONY CMIECF Versioo 4.2 Motionfor Preliminary Approval of Amended Settlement Agreement.. Document fikd by Association of Atreri:an Publishers, Inc., The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Pearson Education, Inc., Sirmn & Schuster, Inc., John Wikly & Sons, Inc .. (Keller, Bruce) (Entered: 11/1312009) 11113/2009 770 DECLARATION ofMichaelJ. Boni in Support re: 768 MOTION to Approve I Notice ofMotion for Preliminary Approval ofAmended Settlement Agreement .. Docum:nt filed by Association ofAtreri:an Publishers, Inc., The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Pearson Education, Inc., Sirmn & Schuster, Inc., John Wikly & Sons, Inc .. (Attachments: # ! Exhibit 1 - Ammded Sett1emJnt Agreemmt, # 2 Exhibit 2 - Changes made to Atrended SettkJmJnt AgreemJnt)(Keller, BfIX)e) (Entered: 1111312009) 1111612009 m 1111912009 771 NOTICE ofWilbdrawal of Objection re: 297 Affirmation in Opposition to Motion,. Docum:nt filed by Songwriters Guild ofAtreri:a. (Fedele, John) (Entered: 1111912009) 1111912009 772 ORDER GRANTING PREl1MINARY APPROYAL OF AMENDED SETILEMENT AGREEMENT: granting 16.8. Motion to Approve preliminary approval of an Atrended Sett1emmt AgreemJnt alIIlDg pla.inti:flS and defundant. All other provilions as set furth in this order. A final settkJmJntllilirness hearing shan be held on February 18, 2010 at 10:00 a.m So Ordered. (Signed by Jndge Denny Chin on 11119/09) (is) (Entered: 11119/2009) 11119/2009 m. 11119/2009 THIRD AMENDED COMPlAINT atrending 1 Complaint, lCi Ammded Complaint, 22 Second Atrended Complaint, against Google Inc.Document filed by Canadian Standard Association, Association of Atreri:an Publishers, Inc., Associationa1 PlaintifIS, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Pearson Education, Inc., Sirmn & Schuster, Inc., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., The Author's Guild, Herbert Mitgang, Betty Miles, Daniel Hof'finan. Related document: ! Complaint fikd by The Author's Guild, Betty Miles, Herbert Mitgang, Daniel Hoffinan, 36 Amended Complaint, filed by The Author's Guild, Betty Mikls, Joseph Gouklen, Paullli:kson, Herbert Mitgang, Daniel Hoffinan, 22 Second Atrended Complaint" fikd by The Author's GuikI, Joseph Goulden, Sirmn & Schuster, Inc., Herbert Mitgang, Associational PlaintifIS, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Betty Miles, Paul Dickson, Association ofAtreIi:an Publishers, Inc., Daniel Hoffinan, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Pearson Education, Inc. (ae) (Entered: 12/0412009) STIPULATION AND ORDER FOR AMENDMENT: The Clerk ofthe Cowt iI directed to docket the Third Atrended Complaint as filed on the date this stipulation and order are entered on the docket, and pla.inti:flS shan fullow up with submission of an electronic version of the atrended complaint in accordaoce with the Court's ECF Rules and Instructions. So Ordered (Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 11119/09) (is) (Entered: 11119/2009) Set DeadlineslHearings: Sett1emJnt Confi:rence set fur 2/1812009 at 10:00 AM befure Judge Denny Chin. (is) (Entered: 1112012009) hllpstlecf.I1)Sd.USC<U1s.g"' 1571194 A-31 312112014 SONY CMIECF Versioo 4.2 dated 112612010 re: Objecfun to the sett1eJrent agreenrm. (tro)(tro). (Entered: 02/0512010) "·NOlE TO ATIDRNEY THAT THE ATTEMPTED FILING OF DOClllDlnt No. ill HAS BEEN REJECTED. Note to Attorney Jellllifur B. Coplan: THE CLERK'S OFFICE DOES NOT ACCEPT LETTERS FOR FILING, either through ECF or otherwise, except where the judge bas ordered that a particular letter be docketed. Letters maybe sent directly to ajudge. (KA) (Entered: 02/0512010) 02/0512010 02/05/2010 m. 02/0512010 222 NOTICE OF INTENT TO BE HEARD: Please let it be known that Joseph V. LEI IER addressed to Judge Denny Chin fromJellllifur B. Coplan dated 2/412010 re: Requesting leave from the Court to appear at the fuimess bearing scheduled fur February 18, 2010. (jpo) (Entered: 02/0512010) Saphia, attorney fur amicus curiae VG Wort, intends to appear and be heard at this Court's February 18, 2009 hearing. (jpo) (Entered: 02/05/2010) 02/0512010 930 ORDER: The Hearing will be bekl at 500 Pearl Street, New York, New York in Courtroom23B at 10:00 a.m on February 18, 2010. Overflow seating will be available in Courtroom I1A, where video of the proceeding will be provided. Seats will be reserved in the Courtroom fur the parties, the govetmreDt, and the twenty-six above-15tedobjectors, supporters, and amici If any of the objectors, supporters, or amici listed above bas not provided the nam: ofthe representative who will be speaking, it shall provide the nam: in writing to the Court promptly. (Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 2/512010) (jpo) (Entered: 02105/20 I 0) 02/0612010 2ll FILING ERROR - ELECTRONIC FILING FOR NON-ECF DOCUMENTNOTICE OF APPEARANCE by Lynn T. Chu on behalf ofWriters' Representatives ILC(LETTER). (Chu, Lynn) Modified on 2/812010 (KA). (Entered: 02106/2010) 02/0812010 "·NOlE TO ATIDRNEY THAT THE ATTEMPTED FILING OF DOClllDlnt No. 931 HAS BEEN REJECTED. Note to Attorney Lynn Chu: THE CLERK'S OFFICE DOES NOT ACCEPT LETTERS FOR FILING, either through ECF or otherwise, except where the judge bas ordered that a particular letter be docketed. Letters maybe sent directly to ajudge. (KA) (Entered: 02/08/2010) 02/08/2010 m 02/09/2010 2ll NOTICE of Intent To Appear. Docurrent filed by Charles N esson, Nicholas ORDER; that two additional entities have ako notifud the Court of their desire to be heard at the fuimess hearing against the proposed settlenrnt in this case: (1) The Conmmweallh ofPeIlllSY1vania; and (2) Writers' Representatives ILC and Richard A. Epstein. They will be permitted to speak at the hearing, in accordance with the procedures set furth in the order dated Fehruary 5,2010. (Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 2/8/10) (Pl) (Entered: 0210812010) Negroponte, Lewi; Hyde, Harry Lewi<>. (Garbus, Martin) (Entered: 02/0912010) 02/0912010 934 NOTICE of oflntent to Appear by Marc Rotenberg on Behalfof the E1ectrom: Privacy Infurmation Center. Docwrent filed by Electronic Privacy Infurmafun Center. (Rotenberg, Marc) (Entered: 02/0912010) hllpstlecf.I1)Sd.USC<U1s.g"' 173'194 A-32 312112014 02/0912010 SONY CMIECF Versioo 4.2 212 ORDER FOR ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE ON WRITIEN MOTION granting .2Q2 Motion fur Kiran Srimm Raj to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Kiran Srimm Raj is admitted to practice pro hac vice as counsel fur AT&T COIp. and its affiliates in thi; action (Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 2/9/2010) (11'0) (Entered: 02/1112010) 02/09/2010 937 ORDER FOR ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE ON WRITIEN MOTION granting .2l!1 Motion fur Michael K. Kelhgg to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Michael K. Kellogg is admitted to practice pro hac vice as counsel fur AT&T Corp. and its affiliates in thi; action (Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 2/912010) (11'0) (Entered: 02/1112010) 02/0912010 938 ENDORSED LEI IER addressed to Office of the Clerk, J. Michael McMahon from Stuart Bernstein dated 2/412010 re: Please accept thi; letter as a notice ofmy intent to speak at the 2/1812010 Fairness Hearing in the matter of the Ammded Goog1e Book Settlement. ENDORSEMENT: As thi; request was received on 2/912010, it is untin:J:1y. Io ligbt of the number ofrequests to speak, 1his request is DENIED as untin:J:1y. Mr. Bernstein is welcome to attend. (Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 2/912010) (11'0) (Entered: 02/1112010) 02110/2010 m 02/1112010 939 NOTICE of INTENT TO APPEAR that the UIldersigned, ofthe law firm of Eaton & VanWinkle, Ili', intends to appear at the Fairness Hearing in the above-captioned action, currently scheduled fur February 18,2010. ENDORSEMENT: Counsel may appear, but as 1his matter us untin:J:1y and IIIlIIIl1'OUS request to speck have been received counsel will not be permitted to speck. SO ORDERED. Document filed by Lewis Hyde, Harry Lewis, Charles Nesson, Nicholas Negroponte. GDll) Modified on 2/1112010 GDll). (Entered: 0211112010) 02/1112010 ~ 0211112010 211 BRIEF of Google Inc. in Support of Motion for Final Approval ofAmended NOTICE of Withdrawal ofRequest to Appear at the February 18, 2010 Fairness Hearing. Document filed by Questia Media Inc .. (Kaplan, Lee) (Entered: 02/1012010) NOTICE of State ofCT Withdrawal of Request to Appear at Feb 18, 2010 Fairness Hearing re: 914 Notice (Other). Document filed by Richard B1umenthaI. CT Attorney General (Becker, Gary) (Entered: 0211112010) Settlement Agreement. Document filed by Google Inc .. (Gratz, Joseph) (Entered: 02/1112010) 02/1112010 212. MOTION fur Attorney Fees Notice ofMotion and Motion for Approval of Attorneys' Fees and Reimbursement of Costs. Document filed by Paul Dickson, Joseph Gouklen, The Author's Ouik:l, Herbert Mitgang, Betty Miles, Daniel Hollinan. (Boni, Michael) (Entered: 0211112010) 02/1112010 943 MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: 942 MOTION fur Attorney Fees Notice ofMotion and Motionfor Approval ofAttorneys' Fees and Reimbursement of Costs. Memorandum ofLaw in Support ofMotion of Counsel for the Author Sub-Class for an Award ofFees and Reimbursement of Costs. Document filed by Paul Dickson, Joseph Goulden, The Author's Guild, Herbert Mitgang, Betty Mikls, DanielHollinan. (Boni, Michael) (Entered: 02/1112010) hllpstlecf.I1)Sd.USC<U1s.g"' 17<11194 A-33 312112014 SONY CMIECF Versioo 4.2 02/1112010 944 DECLARATION ofMicbael J. Boni (w/Exhibits A-E) in Support re: 942 MOTION fur Attorney Fees Notice ofMotion and Motionfor Approval of Attorneys' Fees and Reimbursement of Costs .. Docummt filed by Paul Dickson, Joseph Gouklen, The Author's Guild, Herbert Mitgang, Betty Miles, Daniel Hoffinan. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit F -- Declaration ofSanfurd P. Durnain, # 2. Exhibit G -- Declaration of Robert J. LaRocca)(Boni, Mi:bael) (Entered: 0211112010) 0211112010 W. MOTION to Approve Amended Sett1ement Agreement / Notice ofMotion for Final Approval ofAmended Settlement Agreement. Document filed by Association of Amen:an Publishers, Inc., The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Pearson Education, Inc., Silron & Schuster, Inc., John Wiley & Sons, Inc .. (Attaclnnents: # 1 [proposed] FinaIJudgment and Order ofDEmissal)(Keller, Bruce) (Entered: 0211112010) 02/1112010 21!i DECLARATION ofDaniel Clancy in Support re: .215. MOTION to Approve Amended Settl:ment Agreement / Notice ofMotion for Final Approval of Amended Settlement Agreement.. Document filed by Googk: Inc .. (Gratz, Joseph) (Entered: 0211112010) 0211112010 !M1 MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: W. MOTION to Approve Amended Settlement Agreement / Notice ofMotion for Final Approval of Amended Settlement Agreement. / Memorandum ofLaw in Support ofPlaintiffs' Motion for Final Settlement Approval. Document filed by Association of AmeIi:an Publishers, Inc., The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Pearson Education, Inc., Silron & Schuster, Inc., John Wiley & Sons, Inc .. (Keller, Bruce) (Entered: 02/1112010) 0211112010 !M8. DECLARATION ofDaphne Keller in Support re: W. MOTION to Approve Amended Settl:ment Agreement / Notice ofMotion for Final Approval of Amended Settlement Agreement .. Document filed by Googk: Inc .. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A (Googk: Books PrivacyPoli:y»(Gratz, Joseph) (Entered: 0211112010) 02/1112010 949 DECLARATION ofRi:bard Samoffin Support re: 945 MOTION to Approve Amended Sett1ement Agreement / Notice ofMotion for Final Approval of Amended Settlement Agreement .. Document filed by Association of American Publishers, Inc., The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Pearson Education, Inc., Silron & Schuster, Inc., John Wiley & Sons, Inc .. (Keller, Bruce) (Entered: 02/1112010) 0211112010 25.!!. DECLARATION of Owen Atkinson in Support re: W. MOTION to Approve Amended Settl:ment Agreement / Notice ofMotion for Final Approval of Amended Settlement Agreement .. Document filed by Association of American Publishers, Inc., The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Pearson Education, Inc., Silron & Schuster, Inc., John Wiley & Sons, Inc .. (Keller, Bruce) (Entered: 0211112010) 02/1112010 22.l DECLARATION ofJeffrey P. Cunard in Support re: 945 MOTION to Approve Amended Settl:ment Agreement / Notice ofMotion for Final Approval of Amended Settlement Agreement .. Document filed by Association of American Publishers, Inc., The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Pearson Education, Inc., Silron & Schuster, Inc., John Wiley & Sons, Inc .. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit, # 2. Exhibit, # 1 Exhibit)(Cunard, Jeffrey) (Entered: 02/1112010) hllpstlecf.I1)Sd.USC<U1s.g"' 17:1194 A-34 312112014 SONY CMIECF Versioo 4.2 02/1112010 m 02/1112010 !ill. DECLARATION ofTiffimey A11en in Support re: .!M5. MOTION to Approve DECLARATION ofPaul Aiken in Support re: ~ MOTION to Approve Amended Settlement Agreetrent / Notice ofMotion for Final Approval of Amended Settlement Agreement .. Docmmnt fWd by Association ofAtreri:an Publishers, Inc., The McGraw-HiH Comprums, Inc., Pearson Education, Inc., Sirmn & Schuster, Inc., John Wiley & Sons, Inc .. (Keller, Bruce) (Entered: 02/1112010) Amended Sett1etrent Agreetrent / Notice ofMotion for Final Approval of Amended Settlement Agreement .. Document filed by Association of American Publishers, Inc., The McGraw-HiHComprums, Inc., Pearson Education, Inc., Sirmn & Schuster, Inc., John Wiley & Sons, Inc .. (Attachtrents: # 1 Exhibit, # 2. Exhibit) (Cunard, Jeffrey) (Entered: 0211112010) 02/1112010 954 DECLARATION ofBelinda Bulger in Support re: 945 MOTION to Approve Amended Sett1etrent Agreetrent / Notice ofMotion for Final Approval of Amended Settlement Agreement .. Document filed by Association of American Publishers, Inc., The McGraw-HiH Comprums, Inc., Pearson Education, Inc., Sirmn & Schuster, Inc., John Wiley & Sons, Inc .. (Attachtrents: # 1 Exhibits 1-5 to Bulger Declaration, # 2. Exhibit 6 to Bulger Declaration)(Keller, Bruce) (Entered: 0211112010) 02/1112010 ill. SUPPIEMENTAL MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: ~ MOTION to Approve Atrended Settlement Agreetrent / Notice of Motion for Final Approval of Amended Settlement Agreement. / Plaintiffs' Supplemental Memorandum Responding to SpecifIC Objections. Docmmnt filed by Association of AmeIi:an Publishers, Inc., The McGraw-HiH Comprums, Inc., Pearson Education, Inc., Sirmn & Schuster, Inc., John Wiley & Sons, Inc .. (Keller, Bruce) (Entered: 0211112010) DECLARATION ofKatherine Kinsella in Support re: ~ MOTION to Approve Amended Sett1etrent Agreetrent / Notice ofMotion for Final Approval of Amended Settlement Agreement .. Document filed by Association of American Publishers, Inc., The McGraw-HiH Comprums, Inc., Pearson Education, Inc., Sirmn & Schuster, Inc., John Wiley & Sons, Inc .. (Attachtrents: # 1 Exhibit, # 2. Exhibit, # 1 Exhibit, # 1. Exhibit, # ~ Exhibit, # .2 Exhibit, # 1 Exhibit, # 11 Exhibit)(Cunard, Jeffrey) (Entered: 02112/2010) 02112/2010 ~ 0212212010 !ill MANDATE ofUSCA (Certified Copy) as to ~ Notice of Appeal fikld by Lewi<l Hyde, Harry Lewi<l USCA Case Number 09-4224-cv(con Ordered that the appeal is DISMISSED. Catherine O'Hagan Wolfu, Clerk USCA. Certified: 211912010. (nd) (Entered: 02122/2010) 0212412010 958 Objection [supplemental]. Docwnent filed by Davrl Meininger. (Davis, John) (Entered: 02124/2010) 0212412010 959 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by John W. Davis on bebalf ofDavrl Meininger (Davis, John) (Entered: 0212412010) 0212512010 22l!. MANDATE ofUSCA (Certified Copy) as to 1IDl. Atrended Notice ofAppeal, fWd by Px:ture Archive COlDlCil of America, Lou Jacobs, Jr, Peter Turner, North AmeIi:an hllpstlecf.I1)Sd.USC<U1s.g"' 17&'194 A-35 312112014 SONY CMIECF Versioo 4.2 Nature Photography Associafun, Dan Budnick, The American Socety of Media Photographers, Inc., Joel Meyerowitz, Grapm: Artilts Guild, ill Notice ofAppea~ fWd byPi:ture Archive CO\lllCilofAmlrica, l.ouJacobs, Jr, Peter Turner, North American Nature Photography Associafun, Dan Budnick, Joel Meyerowitz, The American Society ofMedia Photographers, Inc. USCA Case Number 09-4161. lnsolilr as no opposition has been filed hereto, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the IDJtion fur vohmtary Dismi<;sal be, and it hereby is GRANTED. Catherine O'Hagan Wolfu, Clerk USCA. Issued As Mandate: 2/2212010. (nd) (Entered: 02125/2010) 03/0912010 961 ENDORSED LEI IER addressed to Judge Denny Chin from Davn Bolt dated 112811 0 re: Canadian authors who are part of the proposed Author Sub Class object to the amended settlement in the Goog1e Book Search Copyright Class Acfun ENDORSEMENT: This letter is accepted fur filing as a timely objection So Ordered. (Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 3/9/10) Celli) (Entered: 0310912010) 0311012010 962 TRANSCRIPT ofproceedings hell on 2/1812010 befure Judge Richard Owen Ore) (Entered: 0311012010) 03110/2010 963 TRANSCRIPT ofproceedings hell on 2/1812010 befure Judge Denny Chin. Ore) (Entered: 03/1012010) 03125/2010 2M MOTION fur Paul D. Rothstein to Appear Pro Hac Vi:e. Document fWd by Darlene MarshaD.(mro) (Entered: 03/2612010) 0313012010 965 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by Rachel Eve Schwartz on behalf ofDavid Meininger (Schwartz, Rachel) (Entered: 0313012010) 04/0212010 966 ORDER FOR ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE ON WRITTEN MOTION granting 964 Mofun fur Paul D. Rothstein to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Paul D. Rothstein is admitted to practice pro hac vice as counsel fur Objector Darlene Marshall in this action (Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 41212010) (tro) (Entered: 04/0212010) 04/09/2010 CASHIERS OFFICE REMARK on 2M Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice in the aIDJunt of$25.00, pail on 03/2512010, Receipt Number 898543. Od) (Entered: 04/0912010) 04/09/2010 CASHIERS OFFICE REMARK on 2M Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice in the aIDJunt of$25.00, pail on 03/2512010, Receipt Number 898543. Od) (Entered: 04/0912010) 09/30/2010 2Q1 MEMO ENDORSEMENT on re: ~ Mofun to File Amicus Brief ENDORSEMENT: The applicafun was granted, as the briefwas accepted and the Japan P .E.N. Club's lawyer was heard at the hearing. So Ordered. (Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 913012010) Ore) (Entered: 0913012010) 1011212010 968 TRANSCRIPT ofproceedings hell on Febroary 18, 2010 at 10:10 am befure Judge Denny Chin. (eet) (Entered: 10/1312010) 0111112011 2Q2 Letter from Edward R Clark dated January 3,2011 re: Please advise ifthe Court has hllpstlecf.I1)Sd.USC<U1s.g"' 1771194 A-36 312112014 SONY CMIECF Versioo 4.2 approved the settkment in the above case. Consileriog the Fairness Hearing was conducted nearly a year ago, I'm snspicions that the Set&ment Administrator, Rust Consulting, Inc. of Minneapolis, MN is not being honest, claiming the Cmnt has not approved the settl=ent. (arc) (Entered: 0112512011) 02118/2011 970 STIPULATION AND ORDER TO EXTEND CASH PAYMENT DEADLINE: The parties to the above-captioned case and to The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., et a1 v. Google Inc., No. 05 CV 8881, byani1hrough their undersigned counse~ hereby agree that the proposed Amended Set&ment Agreement, dated November 13,2009, is amended as fullows: (see order). (Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 211812011) Gar) (Fntered: 02118/2011) 0312212011 971 OPINION: #100080 In the end, I conchxle that the ASA is not fitir, adequate, and reasonable. As the United States and other objectors have noted, may of the concerns raised in the objections would be ameliorated ifthe ASA were converted from an "opt-ont" set&ment to an "opt-in" settlement. I urge the parties to consider revising the ASA accordingly. The motion fur final approval of the ASA is denild, withont prejudice to renewal in the event the parties negotiate a revised set&ment agreement. The IIDtion fur an award of attorneys' fees ani costs is denied, without prejudice. The Cmnt willhokl a statns conference on 4/2512011, at 4:30 p.rn in Cmniroom llAof the Daniel Patrick Moynihan Courthouse. (Statns Confurence set fur 412512011 at 04:30 PM in Cowiroom IIA, 500 Pearl Street, New York, NY 10007 befure Judge Denny Chin.) (Signed by Judge Denny Chinon312212011) (tro) Modified on 3/2412011 (ajc). (Entered: 03122/2011) 03124/2011 m ORDER: The Cmnt's Opinion, dated March 22, 2011, is hereby amended at pages 47 and 48 to list the appearance of counsel fur the United States of America, as further set furthin this Order. (Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 312412011) (mro) (Entered: 0312412011) 04/05/2011 m. FILING ERROR - ELEC1RONIC FILING FOR NON-ECF DOCUMENT - BILL OF COSTS (petition to Preserve Claim For Incentive Award And Attorneys' Fees). Docmnent filed by Darkme MarsbaD.(Weiss, Matthew) Modified on 4/6/2011 (ka). (Fntered: 04105/2011) 04/0612011 ***NOTE TO ATTORNEY TO RE-FILE DOCUMENT - NON-ECF DOCUMENT ERROR Note to Attorney Matthew Jay Weiss to MANUAlLY REFILE Docmnent No. 973 Petition This docmnent is not filed via ECF. (ka) (Entered: 04/0612011) 0411512011 974 ENDORSED LEI IER addressed to Judge Denny Chin from Bruce P. Keller dated 4/1412011 re: The parties respectfully request that the upcoming statns conference scheduled fur 4125111 be rescheduled fur 6/1/11 at 4 p.rn ENDORSEMENT: Application granted. So Ordered. (Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 4/1412011) Gti:) (Entered: 04115/2011) 0411612011 976 NOTICE of Filing Amended Certificate of Service. Docmnent filed by Darkme MarshaD. (mbe) (Entered: 0412112011) hllpstlecf.I1)Sd.USC<U1s.g"' 17&'194 A-37 312112014 04118/2011 SONY CMIECF Versioo 4.2 975 NOTICE of Compliance with the Clerk's 4/6/2011 Note to refile doc\llIlellt Manually. (mbe) (Entered: 04/18/2011) 07119/2011 Minute Entry fur proceeding<; held befure Judge Denny Chin: Status Confurence held on 7/19/2011, (Status Confurence set fur 9115/2011 at 11:00 AM befure Judge DennyChin.). (mbe) (Entered: 07/20/2011) 07/26/2011 ern. 07/26/2011 978 BRIEF CITATION OF NEW AUTHORITY (SUPREME COURT'S WAL-MART OPINION ON CLASS ACTION CERTIFICATION). Doc\llIlellt filed by Robert M. KlDlStadt(Maggi>ni, lIaria) (Entered: 07/26/2011) 08/01/2011 979 TRANSCRIPT ofProceeding<; re: Confurence held on 7119/2011 befure Judge Denny Chin. Court Reporterrrranscriber: Thomas Murray, (212) 805-0300. Transcript may be viewed at the court publi; terminal or purchased through the Court Reporterrrranscriber befure the deadline fur Release of Transcript Restricfun After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Redacfun Request due 8/25/2011. Redacted Transcript Deadline set fur 915/2011. Rekase of Transcript Restri:tion set fur 11/3/2011.(McGuirk, Kelly) (Entered: 08/01/2011) 08/01/2011 2Rl!. NOTICE OF FillNG OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT No1i:e is hereby given that an NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by Ilaria Maggioni on behalf of Robert M. KlDlStadt (Maggi>ni, Ilaria) (Entered: 07/26/2011) ofli:ial transcript ofa Confurence proceeding held on 7/19111 has been filed by the court reporterltranscriber in the above-captioned matter. The parti:ls have seven (7) calendar days to file with the court aN otice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such N olice is filed, the transcript may be made relDltely electronically available to the publi; without redacfun after 90 cakndar days ... (McGuirk, Kelly) (Entered: 08/0112011) 09114/2011 W. ENDORSED LEI IER addressed to Judge Denny Chin from Colin A. Underwood dated 9112/2011 re: We write to infurm the Comt that, as a resuhofour firm's recent hiring ofJu1ian Perhnan from Mishcon de Reya New York ILl' and Mr. Perlman's pror representation of plaintiflS in this litigation, our firm is in the process ofbeing retained by the Alrerican Society ofMed.ia Photographers C'ASMP'~ as special cOlDlSel in cOllllection with ASMP's claims agajnst Google. ENDORSEMENT: The Comt will address this issue at the confi:rence tolDlrroW. (Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 9/14/2011) (hnb) (Entered: 09114/2011) 09/15/2011 Minute Entry fur proceeding<; held befure Judge Denny Chin: Status Confurence held on 9/15/2011. An colDlSel present. Status Confi:rence held. The parties have submitted a proposed scheduling order. The Comt will adopt the proposed schedule and issue an order. (mro) (Entered: 09/16/2011) 09116/2011 Magistrate Judge Andrew J. Peck is so redesignated. (pgu) (Entered: 09/16/2011) 09116/2011 982 SCHEDULING ORDER: Any Mofun to Amend the Third Amended Complaint by October 14, 2011. Plaintiffi;' Class Certiti:afun Mofun by December 12, 2011. hllpstlecf.I1)Sd.USC<U1s.g"" 17!1'194 A-38 312112014 SONY CMIECF Versioo 4.2 Derendants' Response Class Certift:ation Motion by January 26,2012. Plairrtiffi;' Reply in further support of Class Certification Motion by March 12, 2012. Motions fur smnmary jndgmmt due by 513112012. Responses to smnmary judgmmt IDltion due by 7/9/2012 Reply in supportofsmnmaryjudgmmt due by 7/3012012. Expertdeposmn from 5114112 through 512512012. Merits discovery shaD be completed by 313012012. OralArgummt set fur 91612012 at 11:00 AM befure Judge Denny Chin. (Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 9/1612011) (jre) (Entered: 09/1612011) 0912112011 m. 0912112011 984 NOTICE OF FillNG OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT Notice is hereby given that an ofli::ial transcript of a Confurence proceeding held on 9/1512011 bas been filed by the court reporterltranscriber in the above-capfuned matter. The parti:s have seven (7) calendar days to file with the court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of tbis transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript may be made relDJtely electronically available to the public without redacfun after 90 calendar days ... (McGuirk, Kelly) (Entered: 0912112011) 0912112011 ·**DEIEfED DOCUMENT. Deleted dOCUllllnt lIUIIlber 985 Transcript The document was incorrectly filed in tbis case. (tro) (Entered: 0912112011) 1011412011 985 FOURTH AMENDED CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT amending 782 Amended Complaint against Google Inc. with JURy DEMAND.DoCUllllnt filed by Paul Dickson, Joseph Goulden, Daniel Hoffinan, Betty Miles, Herbert Mitgang, The Authors Guild. Related dOCUllllnt: 782 Ammded Complaint filed by Canadian Standard Associafun, Sirmn & Sclruster, Inc., Herbert Mitgang, Jolm Wiley & Sons, Inc., Betty Miles, Association ofAmeti:an Publishers, Inc., Daniel Hoffinan, The McGraw-HiD Companies, Inc., Pearson Education, Inc.(mro) (Entered: 10117/20 11) 1012012011 ~ ENDORSED LEI IER addressed to Judge Denny Chin from Joseph C. Gratz dated 1011812011 re: CO\lllSel fur botb parti:s request that the Court permit Defundant to file its response to the complaint on or befure 1117120 II. ENDORSEMENT: Approved, but FINAL. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 10/2012011 )(ft) (Entered: 1012112011) 1012812011 m ENDORSED LEI IER addressed to Judge Denny Chin from Joseph C. Gratz dated 1012512011 re: CO\lllSel fur the derendant writes on behalf of all parti:s to request an extension ofDefundants time to file its response to the complaint, until 11128/20 11. ENDORSEMENT: Application GRANTED. The deadline set furth in the Court's 9/16111 Scheduling Order shaD otherwise remain in place. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 1012812011) (ft) (Entered: 1013112011) TRANSCRIPT ofProceedings re: Confurence held on 9115/2011 befure Judge Denny Chin. COlnt Reporterrrranscriber: Thomas Murray, (212) 805-0300. Transcript may be vilwed at the court public tenninal or pw-cbased through the Court Reporterrrranscriber befure tbe deadline fur Release of Transcript Restricfun After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Redacfun Request due 10/1712011. Redacted Transcript Deadline set fur 10/2712011. Release ofTranscript Res1ri:fun set fur 1212312011.(McGuirk, Kelly) (Entered: 0912112011) hllpstlecf.I1)Sd.USC<U1s.g"" 18G'1Q4 A-39 312112014 SONY CMIECF Versioo 4.2 1112912011 m. 1211212011 2R2 MOTION to CertifY Class. Document filed by Paul Dickson, Joseph Goulden, Daniel SCHEDULING ORDER: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED as fullows: The fullowing deadlines shall apply: a. Defundant's IOOtions to dismi;s shan be filed by December 23, 2011. b. PlaintifIS' oppositDns to defundant's IOOtions shall be filed by January 23, 2012. c. Defundant's replies shall be filed by February 3,2012. The deadlines set furth in the Court's September 16, 2011 Scheduling Order shall remain in place. Motions due by 1212312011. Responses due by 112312012. Replies due by 21312012. (Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 1112812011) (rjm) (Entered: 11129/2011) Hoffimn, Betty Miles, Herbert Mkgang, The Authors Goild. (Attachrrents: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Zack, Joanne) (Entered: 12/1212011) 1211212011 990 MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: 989 MOTION to CertifY Class.. Document filed by Paullli:kson, Joseph Goulden, Daniel Hoffimn, Betty Miles, HerbertMkgang, The Authors Goild. (Zack, Joanne) (Entered: 12/1212011) 12/1212011 991 DECLARATION ofJoanne Zack in Support re: 989 MOTION to CertifY Class.. Document filed by Paullli:kson, Joseph Goulden, Daniel Hoffimn, Betty Miles, Herbert Mkgang, The Authors Goild. (Attachrrents: # 1 Exhibit 1-12, # .2 Exhibit 1323)(Zack, Joanne) (Entered: 1211212011) 12122/2011 992 MOTION to Dismiss Fourth Amended Complaint. Document filed by Goog1e Inc .. Responses due by 1123/2012(Gratz, Joseph) (Entered: 12/2212011) 1212212011 m. 1212212011 994 NOTICE of Request fur Jwfuial N oU:e in Support ofMofun to Di'lmiss Fom'lh Ammded Complaint re: m MOTION to Dismiss Fourth Amended Complaint .. Document filed by Goog1e Inc .. (Attachrrents: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # .3. Exhibit 3)(Gratz, Joseph) (Entered: 12122120 11) 01117/2012 m. 0111712012 996 SCHEDULING ORDER: The fullowing deadlines shall apply: a. PlaintiflS' oppositDn to defundant's IOOfun to dismiss shall be filed by 2/612012; b. Defundant's response to the class certification IOOtion shall be filed by 2/812012; c. Defundant's reply in support ofits IOOtion to dismiss shall be filed by 2/17/2012; d. PlaintifIS' reply in support of their class certifuafun IOOtion shall be filed by 41312012; e. Fact discovery shan be completed by 4/1312012. The remaining deadlines set furth in the Court's 9/1612011 Scheduling Order shall remain in place. (Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 111712012) MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: .222. MOTION to Dismiss Fourth Amended Complaint .. Document filed by Googb Inc .. (Gratz, Joseph) (Entered: 1212212011) STIPULATION AND ORDER FOR WlTHDRAWAL OF HERBERT MITGANG, DANIEL HOFFMAN, AND PAUL DICKSON AS REPRESENTATIVE PLAINTIFFS: An claims of representative plaintiflS Herbert M~ DaniJl Hoffimn, and Paul Dickson are vohmtarily dismi;sed. The di'lmissals are without prejwfue, and Herbert Mkgang, Daniel Hoffimn, and Paullli:kson retain all right as Jmmbers of the putative class in this acfun The furegoing i; without costs, disburseJmnts, or cO\.UISel fues to any party. Herbert M~ Paul Dickson and DaniJl Hollinan tenninated. (Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 111712012) (ft) (Entered: 0111712012) hllpstlecf.I1)Sd.USC<U1s.g"' 1811194 A-40 312112014 SONY CMIECF Versioo 4.2 (ft) (Entered: 0111712012) 02/06/2012 221 MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Opposition re: .222. MOTION to Dismiss Fourth Amended Complaint .. Docwmnt filed by The Authors Guild. (7=k, Joanne) (Entered: 02/06/2012) 02/0812012 228. MOTION fur AminKassamand Aodrew DeVore to Withdraw as Attorney. Docum:nt filed by Arlo Gutbri:, Catherine Ryan Hyde, Eugene Linden, Julia Wright. (Kassam, Amin) (Entered: 02/0812012) 02/0812012 222- DECLARATION ofAmin Kassam in Support re: 228. MOTION fur AminKassam and Aodrew DeVore to Withdraw as Attorney.. Docum:nt filed by Arlo Gutbri:, Catherine Ryan Hyde, Eugene Linden, Julia Wright. (Kassam, Amin) (Entered: 02/0812012) 02/0812012 1000 MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Oppositionre: ~ MOTION to CertifY Class .. Docum:nt filed by Google Inc.. (Gratz. Joseph) (Entered: 02/0812012) 02/0812012 ll!!ll DECLARATION ofHal Poret in Opposition re: m MOTION to CertifY Class.. Docum:nt filed by Google Inc.. (Attachtrents: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Appendix A, # .1 Appendix B, # :l Appendix C, # ~ Appendix D, # .Q Appendix E, # 1 Appendix F) (Gratz. Joseph) (Entered: 02/0812012) 02/0812012 .l.!!l!2 DECLARATION ofE. Gabriel Perle in Opposition re: .2R.2 MOTION to CertifY Class .. Docum:nt filed by Google Inc.. (Gratz. Joseph) (Entered: 02/0812012) 02/08/2012 lOO3. DECLARATION ofJoseph C. Gra1z in Opposition re: .2R.2 MOTION to CertifY Class .. Docum:nt filed by Google Inc.. (Attachtrents: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2. Exhibit 2, # .3. Exhibit 3, # :l Exhibit 4, # ~ Exhibit 5, # .Q Exhibit 6, # 1 Exhibit 7, # ~ Exhibit 8, # .2 Exhibit 9, # lQ Exhibit lOA, # II Exhibit lOB, # 12. Exhibit 11, # II Exhibit 12, # H Exhibit 13, # U Exhibit 14, # .lQ Exhibit 15, # 11 Exhibit 16)(Gratz. Joseph) (Entered: 02/0812012) 02/08/2012 .l.QQ:l DECLARATION ofDaniel Clancy in Opposition re: .2R.2 MOTION to CertifY Class.. Docum:nt filed by Google Inc.. (Gratz. Joseph) (Entered: 02/0812012) 0211712012 1005 REPLY MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: 992 MOTION to Dismi;s Fourth Amended Complaint .. Docwmnt filed by Google Inc.. (Gratz. Joseph) (Emered: 0211712012) 0312712012 .l.QQQ MEMO ENDORSEMENT on 228. MOTION FOR LEAVE TO W1THDRAW APPEARANCE: Motion GRANTED. DeVore and DeMarco, LLP, is hereby REI1EVED as counsel fur the class rrembers listed above . ... Attorney Andrew C. DeVore and Amin S. Kassam tenninated. (Signed by Judge DeIll1Y Chin on 312612012) (ab) (Entered: 0312712012) 0312812012 ll!l!1 SCHEDULING ORDER: At the request of the part:i:s Opening expert reports shall be fikld by May 4,2012. b. Rebntta1 expert reports shaD be fikld by May 24,2012. c. Expert depositions shall be completed between May 28,2012 to J\IIIe 8,2012.d.Motions fur Summary Judgrrent shaDbe fikld by J\IIIe 14,2012. e. hllpstlecf.I1)Sd.USC<U1s.g"' 182/194 A-41 312112014 SONY CMIECF Versioo 4.2 Oppositions to Motions fur Sunmuy JudgtreDt shall be filed by July 23,2012. t: Replies in Support of Motions fur Sunmuy JudgtreDt shall be fik:d by August 13, 2012. Mooons due by 6/1412012. Responses due by 712312012 Replies due by 8/13/2012. (Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 3/27/2012) Os) (Entered: 03128/2012) 04/03/2012 1008 REPLY MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: 989 MOTION to CertifY Class.. DOCUlIllnt filed by Jim Bouton, Joseph GOlilien, Betty Miles. (Zack, Joanne) (Entered: 04/0312012) 04/0312012 1009 DECLARATION ofJoanne Zack in Support re: 989 MOTION to CertifY Class.. DOCUlIllnt filed by Jim Bouton, Joseph Gouklen, Betty Miles. (Zack, Joanne) (Entered: 04/0312012) 04/0312012 1010 DECLARATION ofJoanne Zack in Support re: ~ MOTION to CertifY Class.. DOCUlIllnt filed by Jim Bouton, Joseph Gouklen, Betty Miles. (Attaclnmnts: # 1 Exhibit 1-3, # 2, Exhibit 4-8, # .3, Exhibit 9-12, # ! Exhibit 13-14, # i Exhibit 15, # .!! Exhibit 16, # 1 Exhibit 17-18)(Zack, Joanne) (Entered: 04/0312012) 04/05/2012 lOll MOTION fur Genevieve Rosloffto Appear Pro Hac Vice. Document fik:d by Google Inc .. (hwa) (Entered: 04/1112012) 04/0512012 1012 MOTION fur Davrl F. McGowan to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Document fik:d by Google Inc .. (hwa) (Entered: 04/1112012) 0411112012 1013 ORDER FOR ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE FOR GENEVIEVE ROSLOFF granting 1011 Motion fur Genevieve Roshffto Appear Pro Hac Vice. (Signed by USCJ Denny Chin By Designation on 4/512012) (tjm) Modified on 4/1112012 (tjm). (Emered: 0411112012) 0411112012 ~ 0411612012 .l.O.l.5. ORDER. The Court i; in receipt of letters from Google and the Authors Guikl ORDER FOR ADMISSION PRO HAC VICEFORDAVIDF. MCGOWAN granting 1012 Motion fur Davrl F. McGowan to Appear Pro Hac Vice. (Signed by USCJ Denny Chin By Designation on 4/412012) (tjm) (Entered: 04/1112012) pla.inti:flS, both dated Apri112, 2012. Googkl's request fur leave to file a surreply i; denied. Its request fur an order compelling Mr. Edehnan and Mr. Gervais to appear fur depositions within the next two weeks i; also denied, as expert depositions are scheduled fur May 28th to June 8, 2012. Goog1e's objection to the inclusion of expert reports in the Authors Guild plaintiflS' reply brilfi; noted and can be addressed at oral argument. The motions to dismiss (in both cases) and the motion fur class certificaoon (in The Authors Guild case) having been fully submitted[ the Court will holl oral argument on these motions on May 3, 2012 at 10:00 AM. (Oral Argument set fur 5/3/2012 at 10:00 AM befure Judge Denny Chin.) (Signed by U.S. Circuit Judge Denny Chin Sitting by Designation on 4/1612012) (tjm) Modified on 4/1612012 (tjm). (Emered: 0411612012) 04124/2012 CASHIERS OFFICE REMARK on 1012 Mooon to Appear Pro Hac Vice in the amount of$200.00, paid on 04/0512012, Receipt Number 1034548. Od) (Entered: 04/2412012) hllpstlecf.I1)Sd.USC<U1s.g"' 1a:!/194 A-42 312112014 SONY CMIECF Versioo 4.2 0412412012 CASHIERS OFFICE REMARK on 1011 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice in the amJUnt of$200.00, paid on 04/0512012, Receipt Nmnber 1034585. Od) (Entered: 04/2412012) 05/0312012 Minute Entry fur proceedings held befure Judge DellllY Chin: Motion Hearing held on 5/3/2012. Case called fur m>tion argummt on Defundants m>tions to dismiss 1st ammded complaint (in both cases) and plainti:fIS m>tion fur class certifi:ation in the Authors Guild case- 05 cv 8136. Motions argued; decision reserved. (cd) (Entered: 0510412012) 0511512012 1016 SEALED DOCUMENT placed in vau1t.(mps) (Entered: 05/1512012) 0511512012 lll.l1 ORDER: PlaintifiS are permitted to file under seal a Reply Declaration in Support of Plainti1lS Momn fur Class Certifuation (Confidential Portion). A public Reply Declaration in Support ofPlainti:fIS Motion fur Class Certifi:amn has already been filed, bnt does not contain the confidential pages to be filed under seal (Signed by Judge DellllY Chin on 5/1412012) Os) (Entered: 05/1512012) SEALED DOCUMENT placed in vau1t.(nm) (Entered: 05/1612012) 05116/2012 1018 0511712012 1019 TRANSCRIPT ofProceedings re: ARGUMENT held on 5/3/20 12 befure Judge DellllY Chin. Court ReporterlTranscriber: Linda Fisher, (212) 805-0300. Transcript may be viewed at the court public tenninalor purchased through the Court ReporterlTranscriber befure the deadline fur Release of Transcript Restriction After that date it may be obtained through PACER Redaction Request due 6/1112012. Redacted Transcript Deadline set fur 6/2112012. Release of Transcript Restriction set fur 812012012.(McGuirk, Kelly) (Entered: 05/1712012) 0511712012 1020 NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT Notice is hereby given that an official transcript of a ARGUMENT proceeding held on 5/3112 has been filed by the court reporterltranscriber in the above-capmned matter. The parties have seven (7) calendar days to file with the court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript may be made rem>tely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days ... (McGuirk, Kelly) (Entered: 05117/2012) 0511812012 1021 NOTICE ofSupplemmtal Authority. DocIllIllIlt filed by Google Inc .. (Attachmmts: # 1 Exhibit A)(Gratz, Joseph) (Entered: 05/1812012) 0513012012 .l.ll22 RESPONSE re: .l.!!2.l Notice (Other) of Supplemental Authority. Docum::nt filed by Joseph Goulden, Betty Miles, The Authors Guild, Jim Bouton (ZlIck, Joanne) (Entered: 05130/2012) 0513112012 .l!!2J. OPINION # 101856. For the reasons stated above, Google's m>tions to dismiss the claims of the associational plaintifiS are denied and the AG Representative PlaintifiS' m>tion fur class certifi:ation is granted. Re: .2.&2 MOTION to CertifY Class filed by Betty Miles, The Authors Guild, Joseph Goulden, Paul Dickson, Herbert Mitgang, Dani:1 Hoflinan, m MOTION to Dismiss Fourth Amended Complaint filed by hllpstlecf.I1)Sd.USC<U1s.g"' 11W194 A-43 312112014 SONY CMIECF Versioo 4.2 Googk Inc. (Signed by U.S. Circuit Judge Denny Chin Sitting by Designafun on 513112012) (rjm) Modified on 513112012 (rjm). Modified on 61112012 (ft). (Entered: 0513112012) 0513112012 1025 INTERNET CITATION NOTE: Material from decision with Internet citafun re: 1023 MemJl'andum& Opmn. (Attachmmts: # 1 u.s. Copyright Office - Search Copyright Records) (11'0) (Entered: 06/1112012) 06/0112012 1024 ENDORSED LEI IER addressed to Judge Denny Chin from Joanne Zru:k aud Joseph C. Gratz dated 5/2312012 re: We write regarding three matters related to the upcoming brilfing on the parties' contemplated IIDfuns fur SWIlIll8l)' judgmmt. ENDORSEMENT: Redactions are to be kept to a minimmn Approved. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 6/0112012) (ama) Modified on 6n12012 (ama). (Entered: 06/0112012) 0611112012 1026 ORDER GRANTING PLAINTIFFS' MOTION FOR ClASS CERTIFICATION: It i; hereby Ordered that the Class i; certified, defined as set furth within thi! Order. Betty Miles, Joseph Gouklen, aud Jim Bouton are designated as Representative PlaintiflS fur the Class. Boni & Zru:k LLC is appointed Lead Counse~ and Milberg LLP aud Kobo, Swift & Gra~ P .C. are appointed Class Counsel (Signed by Judge Denny Chin, Sitting by designafun on 6/1112012) Ore) (Entered: 06/1112012) 06114/2012 llm ANSWER to ~ Amended Complaint" with JURy DEMAND. Document filed by Googk Inc .. (Gratz, Joseph) (Entered: 06/1412012) 0611912012 lQ28. SCHEDULING ORDER: Mofuns fur SlllIlllWY judgment due by 712712012. Responses due by 8124/2012 Replies due by 911712012. OralArgumeni set fur 101912012 at 10:00 AM befure Judge Denny Chin. (Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 6/1912012) (cd) (Entered: 06/1912012) 0712012012 .l.!!22 MOTION fur Jennifur M. Urban to Appear Pro Hac Vice. DoclllIllllt filed by Digital Humanities Scholars aud Law Proressors.(pgu) (Entered: 0712312012) 07124/2012 CASHIERS OFFICE REMARK on !.!l22 Mofun to Appear Pro Hac Vice in the RlIDUlltof$200.00, paid on 0712012012, Receipt Number 1044226. Od) (Entered: 07/2412012) 0712512012 lQl!! MOTION fur Babak Siavoshy to Appear Pro Hac Vice. DoclllIllllt filed by Digita1 Humanities Scholars aud Law Proressors.(pgu) (Entered: 0712512012) 07125/2012 CASHIERS OFFICE REMARK on lQl!! Mofun to Appear Pro Hac Vice in the RlIDUlltof$200.00, paid on 0712512012, Receipt Number 1044640. Od) (Entered: 0712512012) 0712712012 lQll MOTION fur SlllIlIlWY Judgrrent Notice ofDefendant Google Inc. s Motion for Summary Judgment or in the Alternative Summary Acijudication. DoclllIllllt filed byGoog1e 1nc.. (Gratz, Joseph) (Entered: 0712712012) 0712712012 .l.Qll MEMORANDUM OF lAW in Support re: lQll MOTION fur SlllIlIlWY Judgrrent Notice ofDefendant Google Inc. s Motion for Summary Judgment or in the hllpstlecf.I1)Sd.USC<U1s.g"' 18E1194 A-44 312112014 SONY CMIECF Versioo 4.2 Alternative Summary Adjudication .. DocUlIl;)nt filed by Googk In:.. (Gratz, Joseph) (Fntered: 07127/2012) 0712712012 1033 FILING ERROR - WRONG EVENT TYPE SELECfED FROM MENU MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: 1031 MOTION fur Summary Judgment Notice ofDefendant Google Inc. ~ Motion for Summary Judgment or in the Alternative Summary Adjudication. Local Rule 56.1 Statement of Uncontested Facts in Support ofDefendant Google Inc. ~ Motion for Summary Adjudication or in the Alternative for Summary Judgment. DocUlIl;)nt filed by Google Inc .. (Gratz, Joseph) Modifud on 712712012 (db). (Fntered: 0712712012) 0712712012!!: DECLARATION ofJudith A. Chevalier in Support re: l!!ll MOTION fur Summary Judgment Notice of Defendant Google Inc. ~ Motion for Summary Judgment or in the Alternative Summary Adjudication .. DocUlIl;)nt filed by Google Inc .. (At1acilIrents: # 1 Exhibit A)(Gratz, Joseph) (Fntered: 07127/2012) 0712712012 1035 DECLARATION ofDan Clancy in Support re: 1031 MOTION fur Summary Judgment Notice of Defendant Google Inc. ~ Motion for Summary Judgment or in the Alternative Summary Adjudication .. DocUlIl;)nt filed by Google Inc .. (At1acilIrents: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 1 Exhibit C, # 1 Exhibit D, # ~ Exhibit E, # !i Exhibit F, # 1 Exhibit G, # .8. ExhibitH)(Gratz, Joseph) (Fntered: 0712712012) 07127/2012 .llU2 DECLARATION ofJoseph C. Gra1z in Support re: l!!ll MOTION fur Summary Judgment Notice of Defendant Google Inc. ~ Motion for Summary Judgment or in the Alternative Summary Adjudication .. DocUlIl;)nt filed by Google Inc .. (At1acilIrents: # 1 Exhibit 1, # .2 Exhibit 2, # 1 Exhibit 3, # ~ Exhibit 4, # ~ Exhibit 5, # .!i Exhibit 6, # 1 Exhibit 7)(Gratz, Joseph) (Fntered: 0712712012) 0712712012 1037 DECLARATION ofAlbert N. Greco in Support re: 1031 MOTION fur Summary Judgment Notice of Defendant Google Inc. ~ Motion for Summary Judgment or in the Alternative Summary Adjudication .. DocUlIl;)nt filed by Google Inc .. (At1acilIrents: # 1 Exhibit A, part 1, # .2 Exhibit A, part 2)(Gratz, Joseph) (Fntered: 0712712012) 0712712012 1038 DECLARATION ofKurt Groetsch in Support re: 1031 MOTION fur Summary Judgment Notice of Defendant Google Inc. ~ Motion for Summary Judgment or in the Alternative Summary Adjudication .. DocUlIl;)nt filed by Google Inc .. (Gratz, Joseph) (Fntered: 0712712012) 07127/2012 .l.Ql2 DECLARATION ofBruce S. Harri; in Support re: .l.Qll MOTION fur Summary Judgment Notice of Defendant Google Inc. ~ Motion for Summary Judgment or in the Alternative Summary Adjudication .. DocUlIl;)nt filed by Google Inc .. (At1acilIrents: # 1 Exhibit A, Part 1, # .2 Exhibit A, Part 2)(Gratz, Joseph) (Fntered: 0712712012) 0712712012 100) DECLARATION ofBrad Hasegawa in Support re: l!!ll MOTION fur Summary Judgment Notice of Defendant Google Inc. ~ Motion for Summary Judgment or in the Alternative Summary Adjudication .. DocUlIl;)nt filed by Google Inc .. (Gratz, Joseph) (Fntered: 07/2712012) hllpstlecf.I1)Sd.USC<U1s.g"' 18&'194 A-45 312112014 SONY CMIECF Versioo 4.2 0712712012 1041 DECLARATION of Stepbane Jaski:lwX:zin Supportre: 1031 MOTION ror Summary Judgm:nt Notice ofDefendant Google Inc. s Motion for Summary Judgment or in the Alternative Summary Adjudication .. Doclllnlnt filed by Google Inc .. (Gratz, Joseph) (Entered: 0712712012) 0712712012 1042 DECLARATION ofGloriana St Clair in Support re: .l.Qll MOTION ror Summary Judgm:nt Notice of Defendant Google Inc. s Motion for Summary Judgment or in the Alternative Summary Adjudication .. Doclllnlnt filed by Google Inc.. (Attachrrents: # 1 Exhibit A)(Gratz, Joseph) (Entered: 0712712012) 0712712012 ***NOTE TO ATIORNEY TO RE-FILE DOCUMENT - EVENT TYPE ERROR. Note to Attorney Joseph C. Gratz to RE-FILE Document 1033 Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion. Use the event type Rule 56.1 Statement found under the event list Other Answers. (db) (Entered: 0712712012) 0712712012 .l.lMJ. RULE 56.1 STATEMENT. Doclllnlnt filed by Google Inc.. (Gratz, Joseph) (Entered: 0712712012) 0712712012 1044 SEALED DOCUMENT placed in vauh.(mn) (Entered: 0712712012) 0713112012 .!.!ill. ORDER granting .lJl22 Mofun ror Jemrifur M. Urban to Appear Pro Hac Vi:e. Upon payment to the Clerk ofthe Court of the applicable fue.(Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 7131/2012) (ama) Modified on 7131/2012 (ama). (Entered: 07131/2012) 0713112012 .l.!llii ORDER granting .lJll!! Mofun ror Babak Siavoshy to Appear Pro Hac Vi:e. Upon payment to the Clerk ofthe Court of the applicable fue.(Signed by Judge Denny Chin on 713112012) (ama) (Entered: 0713112012) 0810112012 1047 MOTION ror Leave to File Ami:i Curiae Brief in Support of Defendants Motion for Summary Judgment. Doclllnlnt filed by Ameri:a Library Associafun, Assocation of Research Libraries, Association of College and Research Libraries, Electronic Frontier Fowxiafun et ai.(Band, Jomthan) (Entered: 08/01/2012) 08/0112012 1048 BRIEF re: 1047 MOTION ror Leave to File Amici Curiae Brief in Support of Defendants Motion for Summary Judgment .. Docwrent filed by America Library Association, Assocation ofResearch Libraries, Associafun ofCoDege and Research Libraries, Electronic Frontier Fowxiafun et ai.(Band, Jomthan) (Entered: 08/0112012) 08/0312012 llM2 MOTION ror Summary Judgm:nt Plaintiffs' Notice ofMotion for Partial Summary Judgment (public Version). DocUIrent filed by Jim Bouton, Joseph Goulden, Betty Miles, The Authors Guild.(~ck, Joanne) (Entered: 08/0312012) 08/03/2012 ~ MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: llM2 MOTION ror Summary Judgm:nt Plaintiffs' Notice ofMotion for Partial Summary Judgment (public Version). (Redacted). DOC\llnlnt filed by Jim Bouton, Joseph Gouklen, Betty Miles, The Authors Guild. (Zack, Joanne) (Entered: 08/03/2012) 08/0312012 1051 MOTION to File Ami:us BriefIN PARI'IAL SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE SUMMARY hllpstlecf.I1)Sd.USC<U1s.g""cgl·'1 1871194

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