BlackBerry Limited v. Facebook, Inc. et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT Receipt No: 0973-21360760 - Fee: $400, filed by Plaintiff BlackBerry Limited. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit H, # 9 Exhibit I, # 10 Exhibit J) (Attorney James R Asperger added to party BlackBerry Limited(pty:pla))(Asperger, James)

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EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT A US007372961B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: (45) Date of Patent: Vanstone et a]. (54) METHOD OF PUBLIC KEY GENERATION (56) References Cited AShOk Vadekar, ROCkWOOd Robert J. Lambert, Cambridge (CA); * Robert P. Gallant, Mississauga (CA); Daniel R Brown Toronto (CA)_ ’ _ ’ _ _ 4/2001 Backal ...................... .. 380/28 6,307,938 B1* (*) Not1ce: _ 2/2001 6,219,421 B1 * _ _ 380/44 713/193 A1 * patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 563 days. 8/2002 2003/0084332 Al* Matyas et al. ......... .. 380/285 . 2002/0116527 SubJectto any dlsclalmer, the term of thls 10/2001 Vanstone et al. 6,327,660 B1 * 12/2001 Patel ........... .. Asslgneei Certlwm Corp” Mlsslssauga (CA) _ / 380 30 713/176 6,195,433 Bl * (73) _ / 5’073’935 A * 12 1991 6,088,798 A 7/2000 Alfred Menezes, West Canada (CA) _ May 13, 2008 See application ?le for complete search history. (75) Inventors: Scott A. Vanstone, Campbellville (CA); ' US 7,372,961 B2 Chen et al. ..... .. 709/245 5/2003 Krasinski et a1. ......... .. 713/200 OTHER PUBLICATIONS _ _ _ Schneier, Bruce, “Applied Cryptography”, 1996, John W1ley & _ Sons, Inc., 2nd editiion, pp. 483-490.* (21) (22) Appl' No" 10/025924 Filed: Dec_ 26, 2001 Nel et a1., “Generation of Keys for use With the Digital Signature Standard (DSS) , 1993, IEEE, pp. 6 10. * cited by examiner (65) Pnor Pubhcatlon Data US 2002/0090085 A1 Jul. 11, 2002 Primary ExamineriEmmanuel L. Moise Assistant ExamineriMichael PyZocha (30) (CA) _ >1< (74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmiBlake, Cassels & Graydon LLP; John R. S. Orange; Brett J. Slaney Foreign Application Priority Data Dec. 27, 2000 (51) 5, .................................. .. 2329590 Int. Cl. (57) ABSTRACT A potential bias in the generation or a private key is avoided H04L 9/08 (2006.01) by selecting the key and comparing it against the system G06F 7/58 (2006.01) parameters. If a predetermined condition is attained it is (52) U.S. Cl. ....................... .. 380/44; 380/277; 708/250 accepted If not it is rejected and a new key is generated. (58) Field of Classi?cation Search ................ .. 380/44, 380/277; 708/250 30 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets 26 \ Output RNG v 28 “\ \ Perform Hash Store as k EXHIBIT A Page 118 4 U.S. Patent Fig. 1 May 13, 2008 Sheet 1 0f 7 / EXHIBIT A Page 119 US 7,372,961 B2 U.S. Patent May 13, 2008 26 Sheet 2 0f 7 X Output RNG 28 X \ Perform Hash Is H(seed) < q? Store as k EXHIBIT A Page 120 US 7,372,961 B2 U.S. Patent May 13, 2008 Sheet 3 0f 7 US 7,372,961 B2 Output RNG / Store Value v < Increment Perform Hash Is H(seed) < q? Store as k Fig. 3 EXHIBIT A Page 121 -—> Re] ect U.S. Patent May 13, 2008 Sheet 4 0f 7 US 7,372,961 B2 Output RNG l Store Value < j Increment V I Perform Hash L V Combine H(seed) ll H(seed +1) V Reject Surplus Bits Is H(seed) < q? Store as k Fig. 4 EXHIBIT A Page 122 Reject U.S. Patent May 13, 2008 Sheet 5 0f 7 US 7,372,961 B2 Output RNG Store Value A Increment Perform Hash / Combine H(seed) I H(seed +1) V Select 1 bits Is H(seed) < q? Store as k Fig. 5 EXHIBIT A Page 123 Increment 1 bit Window U.S. Patent May 13, 2008 US 7,372,961 B2 Sheet 6 0f 7 26 K1 Output RNG _\ Apply Hash {r Select 1 bits A Increment 1 bit Window Is H(seed) < q? Store as k Fig. 6 EXHIBIT A Page 124 U.S. Patent May 13, 2008 Sheet 7 0f 7 US 7,372,961 B2 26 Output RNG 1 Combine Compute oak Reduce mod q V Store as k" ) Combine V Store as a kn Fig. 7 EXHIBIT A Page 125 A Compute 0ck‘ US 7,372,961 B2 1 2 METHOD OF PUBLIC KEY GENERATION key of the signatory. The signature on the message m is (r, s). The signature may be veri?ed by computing FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to public key cryptosystems and more particularly to key generation Within such systems. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION v:0t”l[3”2mod p, Where [3:061 mod p is the long term public key of the signatory and ?nally verifying that r:v The basic structure of a public key cryptosystem is Well known and has become ubiquitous With security in data communication systems. Such systems use a private key k and a corresponding public key (Xk Where 0t is a generator of mod q. The use of both the ephemeral and long-term keys in the signature binds the identity of the signatory to the ephemeral key but does not render the long-term key vul nerable. A similar signature protocol knoWn as ECDSA may be used for elliptic curve cryptosystems. In this protocol k is selected in the interval 1 to n-l Where n is an 1 bit prime. The the group. Thus one party may encrypt a message m With the intended recipients public key and the recipient may apply his private key to decrypt it. Similarly, the cryptosystems may be used for key agree ment protocols Where each party exponentiates the other party’s public key With their oWn private key. Thus party A Will take B’s public key otb and exponentiate it With A’s signature component r is generated by converting the x coordinate of the public key kP, Where P is the seed point on 20 take A’s public key 0t“ and exponentiate it With B’s private key b to obtain the same session key 06”’. Thereafter data may be transferred using a symmetric key protocol utiliZing 25 the common session key. Public key cryptosystems may also be used to sign messages to authenticate the author and/or the contents. In about the public key k. They both require the selection of k to be performed by a random number generator and it Will therefore have a uniform distribution throughout the de?ned interval. HoWever the implementation of the DSA may be done in such a Way as to inadvertently introduce a bias in to the selection of k. This small bias may be exploited to extract 35 lates the manner in Which an integer is to be selected for use 40 public keys, referred to as long term and short term or ephemeral key pairs respectively. The ephemeral private key correspondents, usually by a random number generator. The corresponding, ephemeral public key is generated and the 45 expressed as: 50 55 of the message. The DSA domain parameters are prese lected. They consist of a prime number p of a predetermined length, by Way of example 1024 bits; a prime number q of a predetermined bit length, by Way of example 160 bits, Where q divides p-l; a generator 0t lying betWeen 2 and p-l and Which satis?es the condition (aqmodp):l, and; a cryp tographic hash function H, such as SHA-l. The DSA requires the signatory to select an ephemeral than the prime q and so the DSS requires the reduction of the integer mod q, i.e. k:SHA—l(seed) mod q. Accordingly the algorithm for selecting k may be a neW session. Some of the more popular protocols for signature are the ElGamal family of signature schemes such as the Digital Signature Algorithm or DSA. The DSA algorithm utiliZes both long term and ephemeral keys to generate a signature as a private key. A seed value, SV, is generated from a random number generator Which is then hashed by a SHA-l hash function to yield a bit string of predetermined length, typically 160 bits. The bit string represents an integer betWeen 0 and 21 60—l. HoWever this integer could be greater is generated at the start of each session betWeen a pair of resultant key pair used in one of the possible operations described above. The long-term public key is utiliZed to authenticate the correspondent through an appropriate pro tocol. Once the session is terminated, the ephemeral key is securely discarded and a neW ephemeral key generated for a value of the private key d and thereafter render the security of the system vulnerable. One such implementation is the DSS mandated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) FIPS 186-2 Standard. The DSS stipu tunity of disclosing the private key, protocols have been developed that use a pair of private keys and corresponding the DSA and ECDSA, that if an ephemeral key k and the associated message m and signature (r,s) is obtained it may be used to yield the long term private key d and thereafter each of the ephemeral keys k can be obtained. Neither the DSA nor the ECDSA inherently disclose any information this case the sender Will sign a message using his private key and a recipient can verify the message by applying the public key of the sender. If the received message and the recovered message correspond then the authenticity is veri?ed. The public key cryptosystems rely on the intractability of the discrete log problem in ?nite ?eld arithmetic, that is even When the generator 0t and public key is knoWn, it is computationally infeasible to obtain the corresponding pri vate key. The security of such systems does therefore depend on the private key remaining secret. To mitigate the oppor the curve, to an integer mod n, i.e. rqkp mod n. The component s:k_l(H(m)+dr) mod n and the signature on the message m is (r,s). It Will be apparent in ElGamal signature schemes such as private key a to obtain a session key 06”’. Similarly, B Will if SHA- 1 (seed) Eq then k<—SHA— l (seed)—q else k<—SHA— 1 (seed). With this algorithm it is to be expected that more values Will lie in the ?rst interval than the second and therefore there is a potential bias in the selection of k. Recent Work by Daniel Bleichenbacher suggests that the modular reduction to obtain k introduces suf?cient bias in to the selection of k that an examination of 222 signatures could yield the private key d in 264 steps using 240 memory units. 60 This suggests that there is a need for the careful selection of the ephemeral key k. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION key k lying between 1 and q-l. A ?rst signature component r is generated from the generator 0t such that I:((Xk mod p) mod q, A second signature component s is generated such that s:k_l(H(m)+dr) mod q, and d is the long term private 65 It is therefore an object of the present invention to obviate or mitigate the above disadvantages in the generation of a private key. EXHIBIT A Page 126 US 7,372,961 B2 3 4 In general terms the present invention provides a key generation technique in Which any bias is eliminated during the selection of the key. function is performed over a group of order q, Where q is a prime represented as a bit string of predetermined length L. By Way of example only it Will be assumed that the length L is 160 bits, although, of course, other orders of the ?eld BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS may be used. To provide a value of k of the appropriate order, the hash Embodiments of the invention Will noW be described by function 28 has an L bit output, eg a 160 bit output. The bit Way of example only With reference to the accompanying draWings in Which: string generated by the random number generator 26 is greater than L bits and is therefore hashed by the function 28 to produce an output H(seed) of L bits. The resultant output H(seed) is tested against the value of FIG. 1 is a schematic representation of a data communi cation system; FIG. 2 is a How chart shoWing a ?rst embodiment of key q and a decision made based on the relative values. If generation; FIG. FIG. FIG. FIG. FIG. 3 4 5 6 7 is is is is is H(seed)<q then it is accepted for use as k. If not, the value a a a a a How How How How How chart chart chart chart chart shoWing shoWing shoWing shoWing shoWing a a a a a second embodiment; third embodiment; fourth embodiment; ?fth embodiment; and sixth embodiment. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS is rejected and the random number generator is conditioned 20 Referring, therefore to FIG. 1, a data communication system 10 includes a pair of correspondents 12, 14 con nected by a communication link 16. The link 16 may be a dedicated link, a multipurpose link such as a telephone connection or a Wireless link depending on the particular 25 mented by applying a non-linear deterministic function to the seed value. For example, the output may be incremented 30 pagers or any other device enabled For communication over a link 16. A further embodiment is shoWn in FIG. 4 Which has 35 40 frequently. It Will be appreciated that each of these functions is controlled by a processor executing instructions to provide functionality and inter-operability as is Well knoWn in the art. The secure memory 22 includes a register 30 for storing 45 a long-term private key, d, and a register 32 for storing an ?rst output H(seed). The seed value SV is incremented by a selected function to provide a seed value SV+ Which is further processed by the hash function 28 to provide a second output H(seed+). The tWo outputs are then combined, typically by cocat enation, to produce a 320 bit string H(seed)//H(seed+). The excess bits, in this case 157 are rejected and the resultant value tested against the value of q. If the resultant value is less than q, it is accepted as the key k, if not the value is ephemeral private key k. The contents of the registers 30, 32 may be retrieved for use by the processor 24 for performing rejected. signatures, key exchange and key transport functions in accordance With the particular protocols to be executed particular applicability to an elliptic curve cryptosystem. By Way of example it Will be assumed that a 163 bit string is required and that the output of the hash function 28 is 160 bits. The random number generator 26 generates a seed value SV Which is processed by the hash function 28 to obtain a string of predetermined length, typically 160 bits although other lengths such as 256, 384 or 512 are being used more by applying the function f(seed):a.seed2+b mod 2160, Where a and b are integer constants. Each of the correspondents 12, 14 includes a secure cryptographic function 20 including a secure memory 22, an arithmetic processor 24 for performing ?nite ?eld opera tions, a random number generator 26 and a cryptographic hash function 28 for performing a secure cryptographic hash such as SHA-l. The output of the function 28 Will be a bit value of q. If the H(seed) value is not accepted, the output of the random number generator 26 is incremented by a deterministic function and rehashed by function 28. The resultant value H(seed) is again tested and the pro cedure repeated until a satisfactory value of k is obtained. The output may be incremented by adding a particular value to the seed value at each iteration, or may be incre applications. Similarly, the correspondents 12, 14 may be computer terminals, point-of-sale devices, automated teller machines, constrained devices such as PDA’s, cellphones, to generate a neW value Which is again hashed by the function 28 and tested. This loop continues until a satisfac tory value is obtained. A further embodiment is shoWn in FIG. 3. In this embodi ment, the output of the random number generator 26 is hashed by hash function 28 as before and tested against the 50 Upon rejection, the random number generator may gen erate a neW value as disclosed in FIG. 2 or may increment under control of the processor. the seed value as disclosed in FIG. 3. A further embodiment is shoWn in FIG. 5 Which is similar to that of FIG. 4. In the embodiment of FIG. 5, the selection The long term private key, d, is generated and embedded at the time of manufacture or initialiZation of the crypto graphic function and has a corresponding long-term public key otd. The long-term public key otd is stored in the memory 55 22 and is generally made available to other correspondents of the system 10. The ephemeral key, k, is generated at each signature or other cryptographic exchange by one of the routines dis closed beloW With reference to FIGS. 2 to 9. Once the key, of the required L bit string is obtained by applying a L-bit Wide masking WindoW to the combined bit string. This is tested against the value of q and if acceptable is used as the value of k. If it is not acceptable it is rejected and the L bit WindoW incremented along the combined bit string 60 to obtain a neW value. k, and corresponding public key (Xk is generated, it is stored The values are tested and the WindoW incremented until a in the register 32 for use in the cryptographic protocol, such satisfactory value is obtained. as the DSA or ECDSA described above. A similar procedure may be used directly on an extended output of the hash function 28 as shoWn in FIG. 6 by applying a WindoW to obtain the required L bit string. The Referring, therefore, to FIG. 2, a ?rst method of gener ating a key, k, originates by obtaining a seed value (SV) from the random number generator 26. For the purposes of an example, it Will be assumed that the cryptographic 65 bit string is tested against q and the WindoW incremented until a satisfactory value of k is obtained. EXHIBIT A Page 127 US 7,372,961 B2 5 6 As shown in FIG. 7, the value of k may be generated by utilizing a loW Hamming Weight integer obtained by com bining the output of the random number generator 26 to mented output to produce a neW output; a determination being made as to Whether said neW output is acceptable as a key. facilitate computation of an intermediate public key 0t . The 8. The method of claim 7, Wherein said step of incre menting includes a further step of adding a particular value integer is masked by combination With predetermined pre computed value k' to obtain the requisite Hamming Weight for security. Such a procedure is disclosed in copending Canadian application 2,217,925. This procedure is modi?ed to said seed value. 9. A method of generating a key k for use in a crypto graphic function performed over a group of order q, said to generate the loW Hamming Weight integer k as a bit string greater than L, for example a 180 bit string. The masking value k' is distributed throughout the 180 bit string and the method including the steps of: generating a seed value SV from a random number generator; resultant value reduced mod q to obtain a 163 bit value k". performing a hash function H( ) on said seed number SV to provide a ?rst output H(SV); incrementing said seed value SV by a predetermined Note that the value otk" can be e?iciently computed by combining the precomputed value 0t With the ef?ciently computable value (Xk' function f( ) and performing said hash function H( ) on A similar technique may be used by relying on multipli cative masking. In this embodiment the value of k is said incremented seed value to provide a second output H(f(SV)); combined With a value [3 Where [3:0t”. The value of u is a secret value that is used to mask the loW Hamming Weight of k. Again, the values of u and the loW Hamming Weight number k can be chosen to have bit lengths greater than L, for example, bit lengths of 180. The resultant value is k"q1k mod q. It Will be appreciated that otk" can be ef?ciently combining said ?rst output H(SV) and second output 20 said order q prior to reducing mod q; computed since [3:0t” is precomputed, and since k has loW Hamming Weight. 25 Although the invention has been described With reference to certain speci?c embodiments, various modi?cations in performing said cryptographic function, Wherein said key k is equal to said neW output. 10. The method of claim 9 Wherein upon rejection of said neW output a neW seed value is generated by said random outlined in the claims appended hereto. The embodiment of the invention in Which an exclusive property or privilege is claimed are de?ned as folloWs: 1. A method of generating a key k for use in a crypto method including the steps of: number generator. 35 generating a seed value SV from a random number generator; performing a hash function H( ) on said seed value SV to provide an output H(SV); determining Whether said output H(SV) is less than said order q prior to reducing mod q; accepting said output H(SV) for use as said key k if the value of said output H(SV) is less than said order q; rejecting said output H(SV) as said key if said value is not less than said order q; 40 45 selected. 14. The method of claim 9 Wherein said step of combining said ?rst and second outputs includes a further step of rejecting excess bits such that said neW output is a bit string of length L. 15. A computer readable medium comprising computer and 50 executable instructions for generating a key k for use in a cryptographic function performed over a group of order q, said instructions including instructions for: 2. The method of claim 1 Wherein another seed value is generating a seed value SV from a random number generated by said random number generator if said output is generator; rejected. performing a hash function H( ) on said seed value SV to 3. The method of claim 1 Wherein the step of accepting said output as a key includes a further step of storing said key. 4. The method of claim 1 Wherein said key is used for generation of a public key. 5. The method of claim 1 Wherein said order q is a prime 11. The method of claim 9 Wherein upon rejection of said neW output said seed value is incremented by a predeter mined function and revised values for said ?rst output and said second output are obtained. 12. The method of claim 9 Wherein a bit string greater than a predetermined length L is obtained and an L bit string selected therefrom for comparison With said order q. 13. The method of claim 12 Wherein upon rejection of said bit string of predetermined length L, a further L bit string is if said output H(SV) is rejected, repeating said method; if said output H(SV) is accepted, providing said key k for use in performing said cryptographic function, Wherein said key k is equal to said output H(SV). accepting said neW output for use as said key k if said neW output has a value less than said order q; rejecting said neW output as said key k if said value is not less than said order q; if said neW output is rejected, repeating said method, and if said neW output is accepted, providing said key k for use thereof Will be apparent to those skilled in the art Without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as graphic function performed over a group of order q, said H(f(SV)) to produce a neW output; determining Whether said neW output has a value less than 60 number represented by a bit string of predetermined length provide an output H(SV); determining Whether said output H(SV) is less than said order q prior to reducing mod q; accepting said output H(SV) for use as said key k if the value of said output H(SV) is less than said order q; rejecting said output H(SV) as said key if said value is not less than said order q; L. 6. The method of claim 5 Wherein said output from said hash function is a bit string of predetermined length L. 7. The method of claim 1 Wherein if said output is rejected, said output is incremented by a deterministic function and a hash function is performed on said incre if said output H(SV) is rejected, repeating said method; and 65 if said output H(SV) is accepted, providing said key k for use in performing said cryptographic function, Wherein said key k is equal to said output H(SV). EXHIBIT A Page 128 US 7,372,961 B2 8 7 16. The computer readable medium of claim 15 Wherein accepting said output H(SV) for use as said key k if the value of said output H(SV) is less than said order q; rejecting said output H(SV) as said key if said value is not less than said order q; another seed value is generated by said random number generator if said output is rejected. 17. The computer readable medium of claim 15 Wherein the step of accepting said output as a key includes a further if said output H(SV) is rejected, repeating said method; step of storing said key. and if said output H(SV) is accepted, providing said key k for use in performing said cryptographic function, Wherein said key k is equal to said output H(SV). 18. The computer readable medium of claim 15 Wherein said key is used for generation of a public key. 19. The computer readable medium of claim 15 Wherein said order q is a prime number represented by a bit string of 20. The computer readable medium of claim 19 Wherein said output from said hash function is a bit string of 24. The cryptographic unit of claim 23 Wherein another seed value is generated by said random number generator if said output is rejected. 25. The cryptographic unit of claim 23 Wherein the step of predetermined length L. accepting said output as a key includes a further step of 21. The computer readable medium of claim 15 Wherein if said output is rejected, said output is incremented by a storing said key. predetermined length L. deterministic function and a hash function is performed on said incremented output to produce a neW output; a deter mination being made as to Whether said neW output is acceptable as a key. 20 22. The computer readable medium of claim 21, Wherein said step of incrementing includes a further step of adding a particular value to said seed value. 23. A cryptographic unit con?gured for generating a key k for use in a cryptographic function performed over a group 25 istic function and a hash function is performed on said incremented output to produce a neW output; a determina tion being made as to Whether said neW output is acceptable of order q, said cryptographic unit having access to com puter readable instructions and comprises: an arithmetic processor for: generating a seed value SV from a random number generator; as a key. 30 performing a hash function H( ) on said seed value SV to provide an output H(SV); 26. The cryptographic unit of claim 23 Wherein said key is used for generation of a public key. 27. The cryptographic unit of claim 23 Wherein said order q is a prime number represented by a bit string of predeter mined length L. 28. The cryptographic unit of claim 27 Wherein said output from said hash function is a bit string of predeter mined length L. 29. The cryptographic unit of claim 23 Wherein if said output is rejected, said output is incremented by a determin 30. The cryptographic unit of claim 29, Wherein said step of incrementing includes a further step of adding a particular value to said seed value. determining Whether said output H(SV) is less than said order q prior to reducing mod q; EXHIBIT A Page 129 UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION PATENT NO. 2 7,372,961 B2 APPLICATION NO. : 10/025924 DATED INVENTOR(S) Page 1 Ofl : Scott A. Vanstone et a1. : May 13, 2008 It is certified that error appears in the above-identi?ed patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby corrected as shown below: In the drawings, Sheet 7, Fig. 7, reverse the arrow between box “k'” and box “Combine k + k'”, delete the box identified as “Combine” and replace with a box identified as “Comb”. In column 1, line 35, delete “public key is known” and replace with “public key are known”. In column 2, line 21, delete “rzxkp” and replace with “rzxkp”. In column 2, line 50, delete “else”. In column 2, line 51, add “else” at the beginning of the line to read “else k <— SHA-1(seed).” In column 3, line 61, delete “is generated” and replace with “are generated”. In column 3, line 61, delete “it is stored” and replace with “k is stored”. In column 4, line 44, delete “cocatenation” and replace with “concatenation”. In column 4, line 44, delete “//” and replace with “1 1”. In column 4, line 45, delete “157” and replace with “157”. In column 5, line 2 and 3, delete “combining” and replace with “combing”. In column 5, line 14, delete “or” and replace with “ark”. Signed and Sealed this Twelfth Day of July, 2011 David J. Kappos Director afthe United States Patent and Trademark O?ice EXHIBIT A Page 130

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