BlackBerry Limited v. Facebook, Inc. et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT Receipt No: 0973-21360760 - Fee: $400, filed by Plaintiff BlackBerry Limited. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit H, # 9 Exhibit I, # 10 Exhibit J) (Attorney James R Asperger added to party BlackBerry Limited(pty:pla))(Asperger, James)

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EXHIBIT D EXHIBIT D US008301713B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: (45) Date of Patent: Klassen et a1. (54) HANDHELD ELECTRONIC DEVICE AND ASSOCIATED METHOD PROVIDING TIME DATA IN A MESSAGING ENVIRONMENT (56) US 8,301,713 B2 *Oct. 30, 2012 References Cited U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 6,301,609 B1 10/2001 Aravamudan et al. 6,590,529 B2 7/2003 SchWoegler et al. Christopher R. Wormald, Kitchener (CA); Lawrence E. Kuhl, Waterloo 6,603,389 B1 * 8/2003 6,889,063 B2 * 5/2005 (CA) 7,043,530 B2 5/2006 Isaacs et al. (75) Inventors: Gerhard D. Klassen, Waterloo (CA); Murray ........................ .. 340/72 6,636,243 B1 * 10/2003 MacPhail 715/772 Yamada ...................... .. 455/567 7,099,700 B2 * 8/2006 Research In Motion Limited, Waterloo 7,111,044 B2 * 9/2006 Lee .................. .. (CA) (73) Assignee: 7,181,497 B1 * 2/2007 Appelman et a1. .......... .. 709/206 7,236,472 B2 Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 EP 0743762 A2 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Lastoria, Gianluca; Search Report from corresponding European May 19, 2011 Application No. 101728327; search completed Oct. 1, 2010. Prior Publication Data US 2011/0216071A1 (Continued) Sep. 8,2011 Primary Examiner * Ario Etienne Assistant Examiner * Michael C Lai Related US. Application Data Continuation of application No. 10/944,925, ?led on Sep. 20, 2004, noW Pat. No. 7,970,849. (60) Provisional application No. 60/504,379, ?led on Sep. 19, 2003. (51) Int. Cl. (57) ABSTRACT aspects of a messaging conversation on a handheld electronic device are made available to a user. Such time data is pro (2006.01) US. Cl. ...... .. 709/207; 709/204; 709/206; 455/566; 455/567; 715/772 (58) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Brett J. Slaney; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP An improved handheld electronic device and an associated method are provided in Which time data regarding certain G06F 15/16 (52) 11/1996 (Continued) (21) Appl. N0.: 13/111,675 (63) Mathewson et a1. ........ .. 709/206 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS This patent is subject to a terminal dis claimer. (65) 12/2007 (Continued) U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. (22) Filed: 709/204 6/2007 LaZaridis et al. 7,305,441 B2 * Notice: Hwang et a1. ............... .. 455/566 Field of Classi?cation Search ................ .. 709/206, vided, for instance, in situations Where an interruption has occurred during a messaging conversation. Time data can also be provided to a user on demand in certain circumstances. 709/207, 204; 455/566, 567; 715/772 See application ?le for complete search history. 12 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets 50 / > Hi Honey, how was your day’? ( Brutal! Larry embarrassed me in froni of everybody. > Whal a Jerk! ( Yeah, but 1 gal him back laler wilh a karaie chop! @ (@ > 368 He , want 10 0 out 1on1 hi? </ ysounds fun.g Sure, > {374 Great, 1'11 pick you up in an hour. ( Can’t wail EXHIBIT D Page 166 2:44 pm '1378 US 8,301,713 B2 Page 2 US. PATENT DOCUMENTS A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 7/2002 l/2003 3/2003 6/2003 7/2004 11/2004 HorvitZ Brin Graham et a1. Yamamoto Bodley et a1. Fernandez et al. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS EP GB 1176840 A1 1/2002 2 350 746 * 12/2000 2350746 A 12/2000 GB 2002/0087649 2003/0001890 2003/0060240 2003/0104841 2004/0137967 2004/0228531 GB 2384150 A 7/2003 W0 W0 W0 W0 W0 0160091 W0 02/2141} W0 02/065250 WO 2004/064362 A1 A2 A2 A1 4/2001 3/2002 8/2002 7/2004 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Varma, S.; Search Report from corresponding PCT Application No. PCT/CA2004/001712; search completed Dec. 1, 2004. * cited by examiner EXHIBIT D Page 167 US. Patent 0a. 30 2012 _ 0 Sheet 1 of7 O D FIG] EXHIBIT D Page 168 US. Patent Oct. 30, 2012 12 Sheet 2 of7 2 ( 52 7 1 INPUT US 8,301,713 B2 MP APPARATUS K MEMORY f 4 /16 T’ UUTPUT APPARATUS 20 fa 60*“ ROUTINE 55 104 r60 / DEVICE \4 ffTso DEVICE - \ sERvER FIGS EXHIBIT D Page 169 I US. Patent 0a. 30, 2012 Sheet 3 of7 70 74 { 66 US 8,301,713 B2 72 \>how was/fyourf68 )f78 ,76 Hi Haney, day? [so \< Brut . Larry embarrassed me in front of everybody. 72 70 66» Whai a?e/rIIk/d/E8 68} f68 74~< Yeah, but I 901 him back Iaier wiih a karare chop! @ 2:44 pm 55$ good for you 278 K j ‘be do 72 \76 84 F164 > Hi Honey, how was your day? ( Bruial! Larry embarrassed me in fronf of everybody. > 76 Who! 0 Jerk! ( Yeah, bur I 901 him back later wiih a karaie chop! @ 3()\ > /\__72 2:44 pm\ good for you > / Hey, want To go our ionighi? Y / 53 do 80 F]G.5 EXHIBIT D Page 170 84 US. Patent 0a. 30, 2012 Sheet 4 of7 US 8,301,713 B2 (50 J > Hi Honey, how was your day? ( Bruiai! Larry embarrassed me in ironi of everybodY- Hide Menu > 95 / Find Whai a Jerk! ( Yeah, bui l goi him back iaier wiih Salad 34’\2:44 pm 00d for W > g Clear conversaiion Y 92""456 pm View Coniaci Lisi W > Hey, wani io go oui ionighi? End Conversation ( Sure, sounds fun. > Greai, I'LL pick you up in an hour. ( Can'i waii 158 (50 > Hi Honey, how was your day? < Bruial! Larry embarrassed me in front of J everybody. > Whai a Jerk! ( Yeah, but i goi him back iaier wiih a karaie chop! @ 2:44 pm\84 > good for you 4:56 pm f‘92 > Hey, wani io go aui ionigh’r? < Sure, sounds fun. > Greai, i’LL pick you up in an hour. ( Can'i waiik?x68 EXHIBIT D Page 171 US. Patent 0a. 30, 2012 Sheet 5 of7 US 8,301,713 B2 > Hi Honey, how was your day? ( Bruroli Larry embarrassed me in froni of everybody. > Wha’r a Jerk! ( Yeah, bul I got‘ him back later wirh a karaie chop! @ > Hey, wani #0 go aui fonighi?\/~180 188 Z44 Pm @184 4:56 pm\192 ( Sure, sounds fun. > Grea’r, I’LL pick you up in an hour. ( Can’? waii FIG. 7 EXHIBIT D Page 172 US. Patent > 0a. 30, 2012 Sheet 6 of7 US 8,301,713 B2 Hi Honey, how was your day? ( Brutal! Larry embarrassed me in trant at everybody. > What a Jerk! 282 284 ( Yeah, but I gy'iim back later with a karate chap! @ >\[2:44 pm] Hey, want to go out tonight? x236 292\</[4:56 pm] Sure, sounds tuna‘ 294 230 > Great, t’LL pick you up in an' hour. ( Can't wait 290 \288 F]G.8a ‘P Hi Honey, how was your day? ( Brutot! Larry embarrassed me in front of everybody. > What a Jerk! 280 286 282 ( Yeah, but i got him back later with a karate chop! @ \>\Hey, want to go out tonight? [2:44 pm]*\284 292\</[4:56 pm], Sure, sounds tun.’\~294 > Great, tLL pick youbup in an hour. ( Can’t wait 290 288 FIGBIQ EXHIBIT D Page 173 US. Patent 0a. 30, 2012 Sheet 7 of7 US 8,301,713 B2 50 / > Hi Honey, how was your doy'? ( Bruiol! Lorry emborrossed me in front of everybody. > Whol o Jerk! ( Yeah, but I gol him back later wiih o koroie chop! @ g > He , woni 1o 0 our foni hi’? 3684 Ysounds fun.g ure, > 9\374 i244 pm 1378 Greof, I’LL pick you up in on hour. ( Con’r woii F169 > Hi Honey, how was your day? < Bruiol! Lorry emborrossed me in from of everybody. ‘> Whoi o Jerk! ( Yeoh, bur I go? him back loier wiih o koroie chop! @ > Hey, woni io go ouf Tonight? ( Sure, sounds fun. > Greoi, FLL pick you up in on hour. 78 , . @ </C@ni we" <1] LESS THAN our MINUTE AGO ___T_ 468/ k474 FIGJO EXHIBIT D Page 174 J4 US 8,301,713 B2 1 2 HANDHELD ELECTRONIC DEVICE AND ASSOCIATED METHOD PROVIDING TIME DATA IN A MESSAGING ENVIRONMENT to provide an improved handheld electronic device and an CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION associated method that provide time data in a messaging environment. An improved handheld electronic device and an associated method are provided in Which time data regarding certain This application is a continuation of US. patent applica tion Ser. No. 10/944,925 ?led on Sep. 20, 2004 (now US. Pat. No. 7,970,849), Which claims the bene?t of US. Provisional Application No. 60/504,379 entitled ?led on Sep. 19, 2003, both of Which are hereby incorporated into the present appli aspects of a messaging conversation on a handheld electronic device are made available to a user. Such time data is pro vided, for instance, in situations Where an interruption has occurred during a messaging conversation. Time data can also cation by reference. be provided to a user on demand in certain circumstances. Accordingly, an aspect of the invention is to provide an improved handheld electronic device and a method in Which data regarding the times at Which certain communications have occurred in a messaging environment are made available BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The invention relates generally to handheld electronic to a user. Another aspect of the invention is to provide an improved devices and, more particularly, to a handheld electronic device and a method for providing information representative of the times of certain communications in a messaging envi 20 handheld electronic device and a method that enables a user to 25 be made aWare of certain timing aspects of a conversation in a messaging environment. Another aspect of the invention is to provide an improved handheld electronic device and a method in Which data regarding the times at Which certain communications have ronment. 2. Background of the Invention Numerous types of handheld electronic devices are knoWn. Examples of such handheld electronic devices include, for instance, personal data assistants (PDAs), handheld comput occurred are made available to a user While limiting the ers, tWo-Way pagers, cellular telephones, and the like. Such amount of display area that is occupied by such data. Another aspect of the invention is to provide an improved handheld electronic devices are generally intended to be por table, and thus are relatively small. Many handheld electronic devices also feature Wireless communication capability, handheld electronic device and a method in Which data can be 30 although many such handheld electronic devices are stand alone devices that are functional Without communication With other devices. With advances in technology, handheld electronic devices are being con?gured to include greater numbers of features While having relatively smaller form 35 factors. Electronic devices, including handheld electronic devices, are capable of numerous types of communication. One type of communication is “messaging”, and one type of messaging is “instant messaging” Which enables a ?rst device to send a 40 provided regarding the elapsed time since a communication. Accordingly, an aspect of the invention is to provide an improved method of providing an output on at least one of a ?rst electronic device and a second electronic device, With the ?rst electronic device being adapted to be in electronic com munication With a second electronic device. The general nature of the method can be stated as including determining that a ?rst messaging communication has occurred at a ?rst time betWeen the ?rst device and the second device, output ting a ?rst indication that is representative of at least a portion of the ?rst communication, determining that a predetermined message on a more or less instantaneous basis to a second period of time has elapsed since the ?rst time substantially device. With most all instant messaging, a given electronic device is provided With an interface that outputs the various communications that have occurred betWeen the electronic device and another electronic device during a messaging “conversation”. A sample output on an electronic device that is representative of the various communications that have Without further communication betWeen the ?rst device and the second device and, responsive to determining that a pre 45 method of providing an output on at least one of a ?rst elec occurred during a conversation may be as folloWs: Hi Honey, hoW Was your day? <Brutal! Larry embarrassed me in front of everybody. 50 What a Jerk! <Yeah, but I got him back later With a karate chop! @ good for you. In this example, incoming messages are indicated by a greater than “>” mathematical symbol, and outgoing mes 55 the conversation continues quickly, i.e., substantially Without ?rst communication, detecting a predetermined input and, Another aspect of the invention is to provide an improved method of providing an output on at least one of a ?rst elec 60 unnecessary output since it occupies too much valuable space on the limited display of the handheld electronic device. In some messaging circumstances, hoWever, it may be desirable for information regarding certain timing aspects of conversation to be available to a user. Nevertheless, the lim ited space available on a display of a handheld electronic device has made a solution dif?cult. It thus Wouldbe desirable tronic device and a second electronic device, With the ?rst electronic device being adapted to be in electronic commu nication With a second electronic device. The general nature of the method can be stated as including determining that a ?rst messaging communication has occurred at a ?rst time betWeen the ?rst device and the second device, outputting a ?rst indication that is representative of at least a portion of the responsive to detecting a predetermined input, outputting a ?rst time stamp representative of the ?rst time. sages are indicated by a less than “<” mathematical symbol. If interruption, the messages do not need a time stamp on them. In the environment of a handheld electronic device, it Would be desirable to avoid unnecessary time stamps and other determined period of time has elapsed, outputting a ?rst time stamp representative of the ?rst time. Another aspect of the invention is to provide an improved 65 tronic device and a second electronic device, With the ?rst electronic device being adapted to be in electronic commu nication With a second electronic device. The general nature of the method can be stated as including determining that a ?rst messaging communication has occurred at a ?rst time betWeen the ?rst device and the second device, outputting a ?rst indication that is representative of at least a portion of the ?rst communication, determining that a ?rst period of time EXHIBIT D Page 175 US 8,301,713 B2 3 4 has elapsed since the ?rst time substantially Without further depicted schematically in FIG. 2. The exemplary handheld communication betWeen the ?rst device and the second electronic device 4 includes a housing 8 upon Which are device and, responsive to determining that a ?rst period of time has elapsed, outputting a ?rst time stamp representative of the ?rst period of time. Another aspect of the invention is to provide an improved disposed an input apparatus 12, an output apparatus 16 and a processor apparatus 20. The input apparatus 12 includes a keypad 24 that can be said to include a plurality of keys 28. The output apparatus 16 includes a display 50. The output apparatus 16 can additionally include, for instance, additional indicators such as lights, and the like, and can additionally handheld electronic device of a type that is adapted to be in electronic communication With another electronic device. The general nature of the handheld electronic device can be stated as including a processor apparatus, an input apparatus, and an output apparatus. The processor apparatus includes a processor and a memory and is adapted to receive input from include an audible output such as a speaker as Well as other output devices. The processor apparatus 20 includes a processor 52 that can be, for instance, and Without limitation, a microprocessor the input apparatus and to provide output to the output appa (HP), and it is responsive to inputs from the input apparatus 12 and provides output signals to the output apparatus 16. The ratus. The processor apparatus also is adapted to determine that a ?rst messaging communication has occurred at a ?rst processor apparatus 20 further includes a memory 56 that includes a routine 60 stored therein. The exemplary routine 60 time betWeen the handheld electronic device and the other electronic device. The output apparatus is adapted to output a ?rst indication that is representative of at least a portion of the ?rst communication. The processor apparatus is adapted to determine that a predetermined period of time has elapsed since the ?rst time substantially Without further communica is a messaging routine that can provide a messaging capabil ity on the device 4. It is understood that the memory 56 likely 20 number of” and variations thereof shall refer broadly to any nonZero quantity including a quantity of one. The processor 52 interfaces With the memory 56, and the routine 60 is tion betWeen the handheld electronic device and the other electronic device. Responsive to a determination that a pre determined period of time has elapsed, the output apparatus is adapted to output a ?rst time stamp representative of the ?rst includes a number of other routines that are not expressly mentioned herein. As employed herein, the expression “a 25 time. executable on the processor 52. The device 4 further includes a Wireless communication system. As can be seen in FIG. 3, the device 4 With the routine 60 can interface With a messaging service 62 to Wirelessly BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS provide the messaging capability on the device 4. In the A full understanding of the invention can be gained from 30 depicted exemplary embodiment, the messaging service 62 the folloWing Description of the Preferred Embodiments When read in conjunction With the accompanying draWings in provides an instant messaging capability on the device 4 and Which: FIG. 1 is an exemplary top plan vieW of a handheld elec tronic device in accordance With the invention Which can be used in conjunction With an improved method in accordance scribers to the messaging service 62. The messaging service 62 is schematically depicted as including a server, although the teachings herein are not limited to messaging services that employ a server. For instance, the messaging service could, for example, provide a point-to-point communication capa bility such as is provided With the Bluetooth protocol, or may provide some other type of communication capability, on the other electronic devices having routines that are sub 35 With the invention; FIG. 2 is a schematic vieW of the handheld electronic device of FIG. 1; FIG. 3 is a schematic vieW of the handheld electronic device of FIG. 1 and another device in a messaging environ 40 Whether or not Wireless. FIG. 3 further depicts another device 104 as being a device having a routine that is another subscriber to the messaging service 62. Speci?cally, the device 104 is an electronic device ment; FIG. 4 is an exemplary vieW of an output provided in accordance With an aspect of the method of the invention; FIG. 5 is another exemplary vieW of an output provided in accordance With an aspect of the method of the invention; FIG. 6a is another exemplary vieW of an output provided in accordance With an aspect of the method of the invention; FIG. 6b is another exemplary vieW of an output provided in accordance With an aspect of the method of the invention; FIG. 7 is another exemplary vieW of an output provided in accordance With an aspect of the method of the invention; FIG. 8a is another exemplary vieW of an output provided in accordance With an aspect of the method of the invention; FIG. 8b is another exemplary vieW of an output provided in accordance With an aspect of the method of the invention; FIG. 9 is another exemplary vieW of an output provided in accordance With an aspect of the method of the invention; and FIG. 10 is another exemplary vieW of an output provided in accordance With an aspect of the method of the invention. Similar numerals refer to similar parts to the speci?cation. 45 having a routine 160 thereon Which can communicate With the messaging service 62 to provide a messaging capability on the device 104. While the exemplary devices 4 and 104 are 50 55 depicted as having a Wireless connection With the messaging service 62, it is understood that either or both of the devices 4 and 104 may employ a non-Wireless communication capabil ity and still not depart from the concept of the invention. It is further understood that While only the tWo devices 4 and 104 are depicted in FIG. 3 as being subscribers to the messaging service 62, many more subscribers to the messaging service 62 may exist but are not expressly depicted in FIG. 3. During the course of an electronic conversation, such as depicted in FIG. 4 betWeen, for instance, the devices 4 and 104, a number of messages 68 are communicated betWeen the 60 devices 4 and 104. An incoming message 72 received on, for instance, the device 4, provides a visual indication of a com munication that has been transmitted from, for instance, the device 104 to the device 4. As can be seen in FIG. 4, an incoming message 72 includes an incoming symbol 66 and an DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS incoming text portion 70. In the exemplary output depicted 65 An improved handheld electronic device 4 in accordance With the invention is indicated generally in FIG. 1 and is herein, the incoming symbol 66 is a mathematical greater than “>” symbol. The text portion 70 is an exemplary linguis tic output that could be of numerous types of forms, such as in EXHIBIT D Page 176 US 8,301,713 B2 5 6 different languages, and also can include, for instance, sym bols and the like that need not necessarily be a part of any second time stamp 92 is output adjacent the resumption mes particular language. display 50 the period of time during Which the conversation sage 88. A user thus can determine from the output on the Was suspended, i.e., the time betWeen transmission of the non-responded-to message 80 and transmission of the resumption message 88. Selective outputting of the second time stamp 92 saves space on the display 50. In this depicted An outgoing message 76 is depicted as including an out going symbol 74, and an outgoing text portion 78. In the exemplary output depicted herein, the outgoing symbol 74 is a mathematical less than “<” symbol. The text portion 78 is an example, the ?rst time stamp 84 is disposed, for example, adjacent the non-responded-to message 80, and the second time stamp 92 is disposed, for example, adjacent the resump exemplary linguistic output that could be of numerous types of forms. As can be further seen from FIG. 4, the exemplary conver sation depicted therein includes a plurality of incoming mes sages 72 and a plurality of outgoing messages 76 that are tion message 88. It is also noted that the second time stamp 92 is disposed, for example, betWeen the non-responded-to mes sage 80 and the resumption message 88. transmitted betWeen the devices 4 and 104 at a conversational speed, i.e., at a speed in Which back-to-back communications As the conversation continues after transmission of the resumption message 88, one of the users of the devices 4 and 104 may determine that a time stamp Would desirably be displayed in association With a message 68, such as if the user Wished to emphasiZe to himself or herself, or to the other user, betWeen the devices 4 and 104 occur Without a meaningful delay therebetWeen. Due to the conversational speed of the back-to-back communications, the messages 68 do not include an indication of the times at Which such messages 68 Were transmitted, it being assumed as a general matter that in such circumstances the speci?c time at Which a given mes sage Within such a conversation occurred may not be of sig 20 96, such as the exemplary user interface 96 of FIG. 6a, Which can manually cause the output of an inserted time stamp 98 adjacent the message 68, as in FIG. 6b. As mentioned above, ni?cance to a user. At a certain point in the exemplary conversation, though, an exemplary message 68 Which, for example, may be an outgoing message 76, may also become a non-responded-to the inserted time stamp 98 can be made to appear on both the 25 message 80, meaning that subsequent to its transmission sub stantially no additional communication occurs betWeen the device 4 and 104 Within a predetermined duration of time. More speci?cally, as the conversation transpires, the back-to back incoming messages 72 and outgoing messages 76 are non-responded-to message 180 and a resumption message 30 HoWever, in the exemplary output of FIG. 7 the ?rst time stamp 184 and the second time stamp 192 are disposed adja no additional communication occurs betWeen the device 4 35 cent one another and are both disposed betWeen the non responded-to message 180 and the resumption message 188. Such an exemplary display of the ?rst and second time stamps adjacent the non-responded-to message 80. For instance, if the non-responded-to message 80 Was transmitted at 2:44 40 betWeen the device 4 and 104 occurs betWeen 2:44 PM and 2:54 PM, at 2:54 PM the ?rst time stamp 84 “2:44 pm” is output to provide to the users of the devices 4 and 104 an indication that the conversation Was interrupted at 2:44 PM. Such selective outputting of the ?rst time stamp 84 generally 188, With a ?rst time stamp 184 being disposed adjacent the non-responded-to message 180, and With a second time stamp 192 being disposed adjacent the resumption message 188. of a predetermined duration of time after the transmission of a message 68, for instance ten minutes, in Which substantially PM, and if substantially no additional communication device 4 and the device 104, and it is also noted that, if desired, the inserted time stamp 98 could be made to appear on only one or the other of the devices 4 and 104. As can be seen in FIG. 7, the output could provide a displayed adjacent one another. HoWever, after the expiration and 104, the message 68 is determined in accordance With the invention to be a non-responded-to message 80, and respon sive to such determination a ?rst time stamp 84 is output the time at Which the message 68 Was transmitted. If such a time stamp is desired, the user may activate a user interface 184 and 192 illustrates the gap in the conversation that occurred betWeen transmission of the non-responded-to mes sage 180 and transmission of the resumption message 188. It is noted that the ?rst time stamp 184 and the second time stamp 192 may have been generated in a fashion similar to the generation of the ?rst time stamp 84 and the second time stamp 92. the terminal message of a conversation, saves space on the As can be seen in FIGS. 8a and 8b, the time stamps can be output in other places. For instance, a text portion of a non responded-to message 280 may have a beginning 282 and an display 50. It is noted that the display of the ?rst time stamp ending 286. Similarly, a text portion of a resumption message 45 only inresponse to amessage 68 of some signi?cance, such as 84 typically Will occur on both the device 4 and the device 104. 288 may have a beginning 290 and an ending 294. In accor 50 It is understood, hoWever, that the time duration of ten minutes is completely exemplary and that the time duration could be set at any duration. It is also understood that the ?rst time stamp 84 can be output in response to the occurrence of additional and/or other predetermined events. Moreover, it is noted that the predetermined time duration may be variable depending upon the characteristics of the conversation. For 55 instance, if messages are being exchanged on a more infre quent basis, such as every nine minutes, the predetermined duration of time after Which the ?rst time stamp 84 is output may be adjusted to be tWenty minutes, for example. By Way of further example, and as is depicted generally in FIG. 5, another message 68 may subsequently be communi 60 cated betWeen the devices 4 and 104. Since the message 68 corresponds With a resumption of communication betWeen the devices 4 and 104 after a period of interruption, the mes sage 68 is determined to be a resumption message 88, and a 65 dance With another aspect of the invention, a ?rst time stamp 284 can be output at either the beginning 282 or the ending 286 of the text portion of the non-responded-to message 280, and in the example of FIG. 8a the exemplary ?rst time stamp 284 is output at the beginning 282. Also, a second time stamp 292 can be output at either the beginning 290 or the ending 294 of the text portion of the resumption message 288, and in the example of FIG. 8a the exemplary second time stamp 292 is output at the beginning 290. Other positioning of the ?rst time stamp 284 and the second time stamp 292 are possible Within the concept of the invention. For instance, and as another example, FIG. 8b depicts the exemplary ?rst time stamp 284 as being output at the ending 286 While the exemplary second time stamp 292 is output at the beginning 290. FIGS. 8a and 8b depict different exem plary Ways in Which the ?rst and second time stamps 284 and 292 can be output to provide time data to a user. In FIG. 8a the ?rst and second time stamps 284 and 292 are disposed at a EXHIBIT D Page 177 US 8,301,713 B2 7 8 consistent location, i.e., at the beginnings 282 and 290 of the text portions of the non-responded-to message 280 and the resumption message 288. FIG. 8b disposes the ?rst and sec ond time stamps 284 and 292 generally betWeen the ending 286 of the non-responded-to message 280 and the beginning 290 of the resumption message 288, Which focuses the atten the time stamp 478 might be con?gured to no longer output a relative time such as “?fty-nine minutes ago”, and rather to output an absolute time such as “2:54 pm”. Other variations can be provided Without departing from the concept of the invention. If it is desired to provide such time stamps that output relative times, it might also be desirable to output such time stamps in any of the fashions set forth above, and such time stamps potentially could be con?gured to be output Without tion of the user on the interval during Which the conversation Was interrupted. Other Ways of outputting the ?rst and second time stamps 284 and 292 Will be apparent. Another Way of providing time stamps in a fashion that saves space on the display 50 is depicted in FIG. 9. Speci? cally, the messages 368 are output Without displayed time ?rst detecting a delay or a break in the “conversation”. For instance, the time stamp “less than a minute ago” could be displayed immediately upon receiving a message on the handheld electronic device 4, if such a con?guration is stamps, but upon moving a cursor 374 or other pointing device or other device in proximity to a given message 368 a desired. In such a con?guration, and in order to save space on corresponding requested time stamp is output adjacent the message 368. In this Way, the messages 368 can be provided the display 50, the handheld electronic device 4 may be con ?gured to provide such a relative time stamp only for the most Without also displaying time stamps, but if a time stamp is recently transmitted message. That is, responsive to detecting desired as to any of the messages 368 a requested time stamp the transmission of a message, the handheld electronic device 378 can be readily output. In this regard, the requested time stamp 378 may be output for only a predetermined duration of time, for instance a feW seconds, and/or the requested time stamp 378 may be deleted from the display 50 upon a detec tion of another input, such as from the input apparatus 12 or otherWise. In this regard, all of the messages 368 can have time stamps associated thereWith that are not displayed until may be con?gured to substantially immediately output a time 20 like. HoWever, upon the transmission of an additional mes sage, the time stamp for the prior message can be deleted and a neW time stamp such as “less than a minute ago” can be 25 requested. the user can understand an aspect of the time of transmission 30 any of the messages 368 Will be apparent. It is noted that the appearances of the various time stamps The different fashions of selectively providing intelligent 35 such selective outputting of time stamps advantageously 40 details could be developed in light of the overall teachings of the disclosure. Accordingly, the particular arrangements dis folloWing day, the ?rst time stamp 84 potentially could be con?gured to automatically change from being displayed as sponded-to message 80 to being displayed as, for instance, “2:44 pm Thursday” or, for instance, “2:44 PM Sep. 17, 2004” or, for instance, “2:44 pm yesterday” on the folloWing day, although other con?gurations Will be apparent and Will be Within the concept of the invention. Further in this regard, the time stamps can be con?gured to closed are meant to be illustrative only and not limiting as to 45 of at least a portion of a corresponding messaging com munication betWeen the electronic device and a second electronic device; time stamp 478 associated With a message 468 can be output 55 been transmitted less than one minute prior to the current time. Such a time stamp 478 could be con?gured to be an active like as time progressed. Such a time stamp also could be con?gured, for instance, to revert back to displaying an abso lute time after the expiration of a given time duration. For example, once the message 468 is one hour old, for instance, outputting an electronic conversation comprising a plural ity of indications, each indication being representative times. For instance, and as is depicted generally in FIG. 10, a time stamp, meaning that it Would change as time progressed. For instance, the time stamp 478 could progressively change from saying “less than one minute ago” to saying “one minute ago”, “tWo minutes ago”, “forty-?ve minutes ago”, and the the scope of the invention Which is to be given the full breadth of the claims appended and any and all equivalents thereof. The invention claimed is: 1. A method of operating an electronic device, the method comprising: 50 depict relative times, i.e., elapsed times, rather than absolute to say, for example, “less than one minute ago”, meaning that the message 468 that has been activated by the cursor 474 has While speci?c embodiments of the invention have been described in detail, it Will be appreciated by those skilled in the art that various modi?cations and alternatives to those the ?rst time stamp 84 of FIG. 4 Was output as indicated above, and if the conversation Was not resumed until the “2:44 pm” on the day of communication of the non-re time data in the form of selectively output time stamps advan tageously saves valuable space on the display 50. Moreover, avoids unnecessary visual clutter on the display 50. be a smart time stamp and provide additional information depending upon the prevailing circumstances. For instance, if Without having to refer to the current time. This advanta geously saves effort by the user because it eliminates the mental step of determining the current time and subtracting therefrom an absolute time displayed by a time stamp to determine the elapsed time since transmission of the message. of managing the output of the requested time stamp 378 as to herein is completely exemplary, and that the time stamps could be provided in any format Without departing from the concept of the invention. In this regard, and in accordance With another aspect of the invention, a given time stamp may provided With respect to the neW message. Such relative time stamps provide to the user an expedited understanding of the timing aspects of the message. That is, It is also noted that the requested time stamp 378 need not be requested by the cursor 374, and rather could be requested With virtually any other type of input desired, such as With a stylus and a touch sensitive screen, by an actuation of a key, or by the use of alternate pointing or other devices. Other Ways stamp such as “less than a minute ago”. After one minute the time stamp may be altered to say “one minute ago”, and the identifying a ?rst messaging communication betWeen the electronic device and the second electronic device occurring at a ?rst time, the ?rst messaging communi cation having a corresponding ?rst indication represen 60 tative of at least a portion of the ?rst messaging commu nication and Which is one of the plurality of indications; 65 determining that a predetermined duration of time has elapsed since the ?rst time Without additional commu nication betWeen the electronic device and the second electronic device during that duration of time; detecting an input to the electronic device folloWing said identifying and determining steps, said input occurring at a second time; and EXHIBIT D Page 178 US 8,301,713 B2 10 responsive to said detecting an input, outputting in the electronic conversation, a time stamp representative of 8. The non-transitory computer readable medium of claim 7, Wherein the time stamp is disposed betWeen the ?rst indi the second time. 2. The method of claim 1, Wherein the input is a resumption cation and the second indication. 9. An electronic device for displaying an instant message conversation, the instant message conversation comprising a message. plurality of instant messages exchanged betWeen the elec 3. The method of claim 2, further comprising outputting in tronic device and a second electronic device, the electronic the electronic conversation a second indication representative of at least a portion of the resumption message. 4. The method of claim 3, Wherein the time stamp is dis posed betWeen the ?rst indication and the second indication. device comprising: a display; a memory; and a processor electronically coupled With the display and the memory, the processor con?gured to: output an electronic conversation comprising a plurality 5. A non-transitory computer readable medium comprising computer executable instructions embedded thereon for execution by a processor of an electronic device such that, of indications, each indication being representative of at least a portion of a corresponding messaging com munication betWeen the electronic device and the sec When executed, cause the processor to: output an electronic conversation comprising a plurality of indications, each indication being representative of at least a portion of a corresponding messaging communi cation betWeen the electronic device and a second elec tronic device; 20 identify a ?rst messaging communication betWeen the electronic device and the second electronic device occurring at a ?rst time, the ?rst messaging communi cation having a corresponding ?rst indication represen tative of at least a portion of the ?rst messaging commu nication and Which is one of the plurality of indications; determine that a predetermined duration of time has elapsed since the ?rst time Without additional commu nication betWeen the electronic device and the second ond electronic device; identify a ?rst messaging communication betWeen the electronic device and the second electronic device occurring at a ?rst time, the ?rst messaging commu nication having a corresponding ?rst indication rep resentative of at least a portion of the ?rst messaging communication and Which is one of the plurality of indications; 25 determine that a predetermined duration of time has elapsed since the ?rst time Without additional com munication betWeen the electronic device and the sec ond electronic device during that duration of time; detect an input to the electronic device folloWing said identifying and determining steps, said input occur ring at a second time; and 30 electronic device during that duration of time; responsive to said detecting an input, output in the elec tronic conversation, a time stamp representative of the detect an input to the electronic device following said iden tifying and determining steps, said input occurring at a second time; and responsive to said detecting an input, output in the elec tronic conversation, a time stamp representative of the second time. 6. The non-transitory computer readable medium of claim 5, Wherein the input is a resumption message. 7. The non-transitory computer readable medium of claim 6, further comprising computer executable instructions such that, When executed, the processor outputs in the electronic conversation a second indication representative of at least a second time. 10. The electronic device of claim 9, Wherein the input is a resumption message. 11. The electronic device of claim 10, Wherein the proces sor is further con?gured to output in the electronic conversa tion a second indication representative of at least a portion of the resumption message. 40 12. The electronic device of claim 11, Wherein the time stamp is disposed betWeen the ?rst indication and the second indication. portion of the resumption message. EXHIBIT D Page 179

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