Oracle Corporation et al v. SAP AG et al

Filing 657

Declaration of Zachary J. Alinder in Support of 649 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment filed byOracle International Corporation, Oracle USA Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit 7, # 8 Exhibit 8, # 9 Exhibit 9, # 10 Exhibit 10, # 11 Exhibit 11, # 12 Exhibit 12, # 13 Exhibit 13, # 14 Exhibit 14, # 15 Exhibit 15, # 16 Exhibit 16, # 17 Exhibit 17, # 18 Exhibit 18, # 19 Exhibit 19, # 20 Exhibit 20, # 21 Exhibit 21, # 22 Exhibit 22, # 23 Exhibit 23, # 24 Exhibit 24, # 25 Exhibit 25, # 26 Exhibit 26, # 27 Exhibit 27, # 28 Exhibit 28, # 29 Exhibit 29, # 30 Exhibit 30, # 31 Exhibit 31, # 32 Exhibit 32, # 33 Exhibit 33, # 34 Exhibit 34, # 35 Exhibit 35, # 36 Exhibit 36, # 37 Exhibit 37, # 38 Exhibit 38, # 39 Exhibit 39, # 40 Exhibit 40, # 41 Exhibit 41, # 42 Exhibit 42, # 43 Exhibit 43, # 44 Exhibit 44, # 45 Exhibit 45, # 46 Exhibit 46, # 47 Exhibit 47, # 48 Exhibit 48, # 49 Exhibit 49, # 50 Exhibit 50, # 51 Exhibit 51, # 52 Exhibit 52, # 53 Exhibit 53, # 54 Exhibit 54 - 1, # 55 Exhibit 54 - 2, # 56 Exhibit 55, # 57 Exhibit 56, # 58 Exhibit 57, # 59 Exhibit 58, # 60 Exhibit 59, # 61 Exhibit 60, # 62 Exhibit 61, # 63 Exhibit 62, # 64 Exhibit 63, # 65 Exhibit 64, # 66 Exhibit 65, # 67 Exhibit 66, # 68 Exhibit 67, # 69 Exhibit 68, # 70 Exhibit 69, # 71 Exhibit 70, # 72 Exhibit 71, # 73 Exhibit 72, # 74 Exhibit 73, # 75 Exhibit 74, # 76 Exhibit 75, # 77 Exhibit 76, # 78 Exhibit 77, # 79 Exhibit 78, # 80 Exhibit 79, # 81 Exhibit 80, # 82 Exhibit 81, # 83 Exhibit 82, # 84 Exhibit 83, # 85 Exhibit 84, # 86 Exhibit 85, # 87 Exhibit 86, # 88 Exhibit 87, # 89 Exhibit 88, # 90 Exhibit 89, # 91 Exhibit 90, # 92 Exhibit 91, # 93 Exhibit 92, # 94 Exhibit 93, # 95 Exhibit 94, # 96 Exhibit 95, # 97 Exhibit 96, # 98 Exhibit 97, # 99 Exhibit 98, # 100 Exhibit 99, # 101 Exhibit 100, # 102 Exhibit 101, # 103 Exhibit 102, # 104 Exhibit 103, # 105 Exhibit 104, # 106 Exhibit 105, # 107 Exhibit 106, # 108 Exhibit 107, # 109 Exhibit 108, # 110 Exhibit 109, # 111 Exhibit 110, # 112 Exhibit 111, # 113 Exhibit 112, # 114 Exhibit 113, # 115 Exhibit 114, # 116 Exhibit 115, # 117 Exhibit 116, # 118 Exhibit 117)(Related document(s) 649 ) (Howard, Geoffrey) (Filed on 3/3/2010)

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Oracle Corporation et al v. SAP AG et al Doc. 657 Att. 107 Case4:07-cv-01658-PJH Document657-108 Filed03/03/10 Page1 of 11 EXHIBIT 107 Case4:07-cv-01658-PJH Document657-108 Filed03/03/10 Page2 of 11 Certificate of Recordation This is to certify t h a t t h e a t t a c h e d d o c u m e n t was recorded i n t h e C o p y r i g h t Office o n t h e d a t e a n d i n t h e place s h o w n below. This certificate is issued u n d e r t h e seal o f t h e U n i t e d States C o p y r i g h t Office. DATE OF RECORDATION 13Aug08 VOLUME DOC. NO. 3569 436 VOLUME DOC. NO. ~~c9di:w Register o f C o p y r i g h t s a n d A s s o c i a t e L i b r a r i a n f o r C o p y r i g h t Services Ex 107 - Page 1 ORCL00424496 Case4:07-cv-01658-PJH Document657-108 Filed03/03/10 Page3 of 11 D o c u m e n t Cover S h e e t U N I T E D STATES C O P Y R I G H T O F F I C E C o p y r i g h t Office f e e s , u e s u b j e c t t a c h a n g e . 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' , 0 0 0 Pnnled on recycled p a p e r u . s . G o v e r n m e n t P r i n t i n g Office: J O 0 7 - n o - 9 4 ' ) / 6 0 , - " Ex 107 - Page 2 ORCL00424497 Case4:07-cv-01658-PJH Document657-108 Filed03/03/10 Page4 of 11 135690436 >age 1 P E O P L E S O F r / J D E LLC O I C ASSET TRANSFER A G R E E M E N T T I l l S o l e A S S E T T R A N S F E R A G R E E M E N T (dris " A g r e e m e u t " ) is entered a s ofMarcb I, 2005 4the "Effective Date") b y and between Oracle Corporation ( " O r a d e j a Delaware CQIPOration having its principal place o f business at 500 OracIe.Parlcway, Redwood Shores, California 94065, <>mcle International Corporation ( " O l e " ) a california Corporation having its principal place ofbusincss at 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, california 94065, PeopleSo1\, Inc. ( " P e o p J e S o r t j a Delaware corporation, having its principal place of9usirless at 4460 HaciQ1da Drive, Ple&Wlton, CA 94588 and J.D. Edwards & Company, LLC ( " J D E LLC'1 a Delaware limited liability company having its principal place o f business 111 One Technology Way, Denver, Colorado 80231 (PeopleSoft andJDE LLC, together, the "TraDsferriDg Parties"). RECITALS W H E R E A S , PeopleSofl is a wholly-owned subsidiary o f Oracle and IDa u . c · i s an . indirect s u b s i d i a r y o f Oracle; W H E R E A S , Oracle bas determined that i t is desirable and in t h e best interest o f Oracle a n d its stockholders t o reorganize t h e corporate organizational structure (the " R e o r g a a i z a t i o n j o f O r a c l e and its. subsidiaries, including PeopleSoft a n d IDE LLC; W H E R E A S , in connection w i t h the Reorganization, it is contemplated that: (a) PeopleSoft, a wbolly-owned subsidiary oIOracIe, will merge with and into OliCle, pursuant to w h i c h merger O r a c l e will continue as the SlIIViving cmporation ( t h e "Initial M e r g e r " ' ) ; a n d (b) immediately following the Initial Mexger, IDE L t c . a wholly-owned subsidiary ofPcopIeSofl. will merge with a n d into Oracle, puxsuant to which merger Oracle will continue tlS the surviving entity (the "Second Merger"); and WHEREAS, in connection with the Reoxgani2atioJl, each o f the parties desires that, immediately prior to the Initial Merger, each ofPeopleSofl and IDE LLC will tlaDsfer all o f t h c i r inteIle<:tual property (the " P e o p l e S o f t l J D E L L C I P ASsets") directly t o OlC (a wholly-owned SUbsidiary o f Oracle), and t h a t O l e will tlSswne aD obligations with respect to such PeoplcSoftlJDE LLC lP Assets (the " l P Transfer"). Each such transfer w i l l b e t r e a t e d for t a x purposes as a transfer o f the PeopleSoftlJDE LLC lP Assets by PeopleSoft to OIiCle in connection with the Initial M e r g e r i n a transaction that qualifies a s a " r e o r g a n i z a t i o n " u n d e r the Internal Revenue Code o f 1986, as amended (the "Code") section 368(a), f o n o w e d b y a contribution o f the PeopleSoftlJDE LLC JP Assets to OlC in a transaction descnOed in Code sections 368(aX2XC) and 351. NOW, T H E R E F O R E , in consideration oftbe fo~oing and the mutual agreements, provisions and covenants conlllined berein, and f o r other good and valuable considemt.ion, the receipt and legal sufficiency whereof are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto further agree as foll()~: Article I A n t h o r a a t i o n aDd T r a n s f e r o f A s s e t s S e c t i o n 1.1. P a r e n t E n t i t y A u t h o r i z a t i o n a n d D i r e c t i v e . Based on the foregoing recitals: SFODMS/6438894J1 Ex 107 - Page 3 ORCL00424498 Case4:07-cv-01658-PJH Document657-108 Filed03/03/10 Page5 of 11 13569 D 4 3 6 'age 2 (a) Oracle hereby authorizes and directs PeopleSoft 10 make the assignments described below to OlC on bebalf o f Oracle to facilitate and effectuate the l P Tnmsfer as bmtemplated above. (b) Each o f Oracle and PeoplCSoft hereby authorizes and directs IDE LLC t o make the assigDIl1cuts described below to OIC 011 behalf o f Oracle 8Ild PeopJeSoft to facilitate a n d effectuate the IP Transfer as contemplated above. ' T r a n s f e r o f Assets. Upoo and subject to the terms and conditions o f Ibis Agreement, as Section 1.2. o f 12:01 a.m. Pacific Standard Time: on the Effective Date, the l'raIlsferrlng Parties h e r e b y assign, agree to assign, tIaIlsfer. convey and deliver to OIC: (a) Patents Copyrights. Trade Secrets. Know-How. and Other Intellectual Property. All of its right, title, and interest in: (i) all invmtioDS, patcn~ and pending applications; (u) all copyrighls, trade secrets, know-bow, and any other proprietary rights' and mtellectual assets, registered and umegistered, that are embodied in, o r tbaJ pertain to the development, testing, instillatiOD, implementation, customization, optimization, configuration, operation, support, promotion, marlceting, advertising. sale, bosting or other use thereof o f the educational core c u r r i c u l u m , the software progtllDls and related documentation specified in the Tnmsfemng Parties' global price lists; and (iii) all copyrights, trade secrets, kPow-how, and any other proprietary rights and intellectual assets, registered and unregist~ed, that relate to the Transferring Panies' business operations, products. and services (collectively the "IP'}, toget:hei with (iv) the goodwill oCthe Transferring Partics' businesses tolUlCCtCd . with the use o f and symbolized by the IP and all the rights and privileges that inhere in such lP. (b) T r a d e n a w and Trademarks. All o f its rights, title, a n d intc:R:st in all global tradenamcs, trademarks, service marks, trade dresses, logos. designs and slogans. whether i l l word mark, stylized or design folJllll1, registered and unregistered (tbe "Marks"), together with the goodwill o f the Transferring Partics' business connected with the use o f and symbolized by the Marks m d all the rights and privileges that inhere in such Marks. Section 1.3. Liabilities. The Transferriug Parties shall not transfer, and OlC shall Dot assume, any liabilities wbatsoever as part o f this Agreement, except any obligations related t o the assets being transferred, Section 104. Deliveries. The Transfening Parties shall deliver to OIC such docwnents as are Decessary to ·transfer the assets listed above in Section 1.2. Section 1.5. Ackoowledgmellt. The Transferring Parties acknowledge that from and after the execution o f this Agreement, O l e i s the owner o f all right, titie and interest in a n d to the l P and Marlai in any form or embodiment thereof 8Ild is also the OWIJer o f the goodwill attached to the JP aod Marks. The Transfening Parties shall not at any time do or suffer to be done any act or thing which may materiaUy. adversely affect any rights o f ole in or to the IP and Marks. Ole acknowledges that the Transferring Parties have gnmted certain IicellSes and other rights to the IP and Marks and that OlC acquires such lP and Marks subject to such licenses and other rights. Section 1.6. Cooperation. The TTansferring Parties shall take all actiollS necessary to execute BUy aud all documents as may be reasonably requested by OlC from time to time to fully vest o r perfect in OlC all right, title and interest in and to the l l ' and Marks p u r s u a n t t o this Agreement. Such aetiODll shall include without limitation, providmg documents and infortnation useful or necessary to proseculing any application to Tegister or pcIfect m y o f the IP and Marks. maintaining any trademark registration, o r S FODMSl64l8894.8 2 Ex 107 - Page 4 ORCL00424499 Case4:07-cv-01658-PJH Document657-108 Filed03/03/10 Page6 of 11 135690436 )age 3 pulSlling r defending any adminisb:ative, cowt, o r other legal proceeding involving one or more o f the IP and ; . ArticleD RepresentatiODS aDd WllJTlIuties o f Transfcrrfng Parties Section 2 . . PeopleSoft I n c a r p o r a t l o n ; . \ u t h o r i z a d o u . PeopleSoft hereby represents and warrants to OIC as ollows: .' Ij·. J ~ ,j. I \ (a) Organization and Good Standing. PeopleSoft is a corporation d u l y organized, Ylllidly c sting a n d i n good standing W1der the l a w s o f the jurisdiction o f the Slate o fDeJawIll'll. PeoplcSo bas full corporate power and authOrity t o execute, deliver and perfonn this Agreement The execution, d c l i y g y and perfonnan~ o f this Agreement b y PcopleSOft has been duly authorized by all D e C e s s a I ) ' o r p o r a t e a n d s h a r e h o l d e r actions. (b) B i n d i n g Effect. This A g r e e m e n t has been d u l y executed a t l d dclivcred by PeoplcSo and, assuming the due executiOn and delivery bereofto Ole, constitutes the legal, valid and binding 0 ligation o f PeopleSoft, enforceable against PeoplcSoft in accordarn:e w i t h its tero1S. I D E L L C l n c o r p o r a t i l m ; Authorization. IDE LLC hereby represents and warrants to ws: (a) Org1lnization a n d Good Standing. IDE LLC is a limited liability c o m p a n y duly organized., validly ~ting and in good standing under the laws o f the jurisdiction o f the State o f Delaware. IDE LLC has full power a n d authority t o execute, deliver and perform this AgreelDalt. The execution, delivery and perfurmance o f this Agreement b y IDE LLC bas been duly authorized by all necessary corporate and member actionS. . I (b) B i n d i n g Effect. This Agreem:cnt h a s b e e n d u l y c:xe:euted a n d delivered b y IDE L L C and, suming the due e x e c u t i o n and delivery b e r e o f to O l e , constitutes the legal, v a l i d and i?inding . obligation f I D E LLC, CIlforceable a g a i n s t IDE LLC in accordance w i t h it1; terms. .1 I . ArticreUI RepreseublioDs a n d W a r r a n t i e s o f O I C Section 3. Incorporation; A u t h o r i z a t i o n . T r a n S f C r r i t P a r t i e s a s follows: . (a) J. Ole hereby represents and warrants to each o f the good ex.ecute, d liver lind p e r f o n n this A g r e e m e o t The execution, delivery' and performance oftbis . Agreemen b y OlC bas been d u l y authorized by all necessary corporate actions on the part ofOIC. SI8n*g WIder the laws ofthe State of California. OIC ha.s fun corporate power and authority to Organization. O l e is a corPoration duly organized, validly existing a n d in l (b) Binding Effect. This Agreement has beCll duly executed and delivered by OIC, and, asswn/ng t h e due execution and delivCl}' h e r e o f b y the Transf'ening Parties, this Agreemc:nt ! ! 3 i SfODMSl643t94.8 Ex 107 - Page 5 ORCL00424500 Case4:07-cv-01658-PJH Document657-108 Filed03/03/10 Page7 of 11 V3569 D436 >age 4 constitutes the legal, valid and binding obligatioD o f O I C . enforceable against O I C i n accordance with its terms.. Article IV Miscellaneous Provisions Section 4.1. Governing Law. (a) This Agreement sball b e governed by and coostn1ed in accordance with the l a w s ofllie State o f C a l i f o m i a aod, to t h e extent applicable, fedetaJ l a w s as they affect trademarlcs. copyrights a o d parents a n d t h e t r a n s f e r and assignmClll: thereof. (b) The: p a n i c s agree to $ u b m i t t o the exclusive j u r i s d i c t i o o of. m d venue ~ the . s t a t e o r federal court i n S a n F r a n c i s c o , S a n Mateo, or Santa Clara counties i n C a l i f u m i a , and that venue is proper in such coiJrts, for any dispulEs arising out o f o r relating t o the A g t e c m c n t Section 4.2. Third p a r t y Beneficiaries. Nothing in this Agreement is intended, nor shall it b e . constructed, to confer any r i g h t s or benefits upon liD)' person (incJuding, but not limited to. any employee o r former employee o f t h c Transferring Parties) o t h e r than the parties hereto. Section 4.3. E n t i r e A~eDt.· This Agreement conlains the entire agreement b e t w e e n the paI1ies with respect to the transfer o f assets o f the Tnmsferring Parties to O I C . and constitutes the complete, final and exclusive e m b o d i m e n t o f the parties' agreement w i t h respect to that subject matter and s u p = d c s all prior lIgreemc:uts whelber writteo o r oral which may have been entered into by the parties on the ·subject matter. Section 4.4. Successors lUId A s s i g n s . This Agreement shall b e binding upon and iuure to the parties hereto and their respective successon; and assigns, provided, however, t h a t no party hereto will assign its rights or delegate its obligations under this AgreemenJ without the express written consent o f the oIher parties hereto except that ole may, upon notice to the other parties hereto, assign its rights WIder this Agreement to anyone o r more o f its affiliates so long as s u c h assignee or assignees assumes all o f OICs . .liabilities and obligations hereunder_ A m e n d m e n t . N o change. modification o r amendment o f this Agreement shall be valid or binding on the parties unleSs such change or modification sball be in writing signed b y the party or parties against whom the same is sought t o be enforced. S e c t i o n 4.5. [Tbis space intentionally left blank] ····· SfOOMSI64l889U 4 Ex 107 - Page 6 ORCL00424501 Case4:07-cv-01658-PJH Document657-108 Filed03/03/10 Page8 of 11 1 3 5 6 9 D436 >age 5 'IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement io be executed by their duly lIlIthoriicd representatives as o f the Effective Date. ORACLE C O R P O R A T I O N By; Name: Tide: Daniel C Senior Vice esidcnt, Genem! Counsel & Secretary By; Name: Title; mM~ma~7=7! ~ Sanjay Ptasad Vice President I -j I I : I I I PEOPLESOFT, INC. J.D. EDWARDS & COMPANY, L L C By, Name; Title: Safra~( President ~;j~ I I I By:· Name: Title: Debotah Lange Vice President I I I I I I I I I I I i ! i [ S i p a l D t c P o j c ror 1"copIcSoIlJJDE 1 L C IPTdllSfer A g = m C l l t } Ex 107 - Page 7 Case4:07-cv-01658-PJH Document657-108 Filed03/03/10 Page9 of 11 i 13569 D 4 3 6 'age 6 ! I' I , l IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreemeot to be executed b y their duly authorized representativC$ as o f the Effective Date. ORACLE C O R P O R A T I O N O R A C L E INTERNATIONAL C O R P O R A T I O N ! j' i j' I By: Name: Title: By; Daniel Coopennan SeniOl" Vice President, Geuaal Counsel &: SccretaJy I I I Nami:: Title: Sanjay Prasad Vice President i I I P E O P L E S O F r , INC. J.D. EDWARDS & COMPANY, LLC I I By: Name: TItle: i i ! j. By: SaCra Catz Name: I i I I President TIde: I I I j I I I i I I I I I I [Signalll~ Page fur P1:oploSo1llJDl! u . c IP Tnnsfi:r AgrccmOllJ Ex 107 - Page 8 ORCL00424503 Case4:07-cv-01658-PJH Document657-108 Filed03/03/10 Page10 of 11 C o p y r i g h t s A s s i g n e d - PeopleSoft, Inc. to O r a c l e I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o r p o r a t i o n Effective M a r c h 1, 2 0 0 5 (Partial List) Derivative W o r k I Material Added C o m p u t e r File T X 0 0 0 4 7 9 2 5 7 8 11/20/1998 PeopleTools 7.5 C o m p u t e r program. P e o p l e S o f t , Inc. 1998 C o m p u t e r File T X 0 0 0 4 7 9 2 5 7 4 12/15/1998 P e o p l e S o f t Financials 7 . 5 C o m p u t e r Software Program PeopleSoft, Inc. 1998 C o m p u t e r File T X 0 0 0 4 7 9 2 5 7 5 1 2 / 1 5 / 1 9 9 8 P e o p l e S o f t H R M S 7.5 Computer Software Program PeopleSoft, Inc. 1998 C o m p u t e r File T X 0 0 0 4 7 9 2 5 7 7 C o m p u t e r File T X 0 0 0 5 2 6 6 2 2 1 1 2 / 1 5 / 1 9 9 8 P e o p l e S o f t H R M S 7.0 9/5/2000 P e o p l e T o o l s 8.10 9/5/2000 P e o p l e T o o l s 8 . 0 C o m p u t e r Software Program C o m p u t e r program. C o m p u t e r program. PeopleSoft, Inc. PeopleSoft, Inc. PeopleSoft, Inc. 1997 2000 1999 C o m p u t e r File T X 0 0 0 5 2 6 6 2 2 2 C o m p u t e r File T X 0 0 0 5 2 9 1 4 4 0 PeopleSoft Human Resources 1 1 / 2 0 / 2 0 0 0 M a n a g e m e n t S o f t w a r e ( H R M S ) 8.0 C o m p u t e r Software Program PeopleSoft, Inc. 2000 C o m p u t e r File T X 0 0 0 5 5 0 1 3 1 2 C o m p u t e r File T X 0 0 0 5 4 5 6 7 7 7 3/26/2001 P e o p l e S o f t 8 H R M S S P I P e o p l e S o f t 8 c u s t o m e r relationship 9/27/2001 m a n a g e m e n t . P e o p l e S o f t 8 financials and supply 9/27/2001 c h a i n m a n a g e m e n t : s e r v i c e p a c k 2. C o m p u t e r Software Program CD-ROM. PeopleSoft, Inc. PeopleSoft, Inc. 2000 2001 N e w Matter: revision & 4 / 3 0 / 1 9 9 7 additions. (a) P r e v i o u s l y published version; (b) n e w a n d revised 4/30/1998 software code (a) P r e v i o u s l y p u b l i s h e d version; (b) n e w and r e v i s e d 4/24/1998 software code (a) P r e v i o u s l y p u b l i s h e d v e r s i o n ; (b) n e w a n d revised 9/15/1997 software code N e w Matter: n e w & rev. 9 / 1 / 2 0 0 0 s o f t w a r e code. N e w Matter: n e w & rev. 1 2 / 2 8 / 1 9 9 9 s o f t w a r e code. (a) P r e v i o u s l y p u b l i s h e d version; (b) n e w a n d revised 9/1/2000 s o f t w a r e code (a) P r e v i o u s l y p u b l i s h e d version; (b) n e w and revised 12/18/2000 s o f t w a r e code 6/29/2001 N e w Matter: additions. Ex 107 - Page 9 o () Prevo reg. 1999. Prevo reg. 1999. po (JQ ~ ....... vO V1 o 0\ --..J'O .o. , w C o m p u t e r File T X 0 0 0 5 4 5 6 7 8 0 CD-ROM. PeopleSoft, Inc. 2001 6/29/2001 N e w Matter: additions. 0\ :::0 r o o .t:> N .t:> 01 o .t:> Case4:07-cv-01658-PJH Document657-108 Filed03/03/10 Page11 of 11 Copyrights Assigned - PeopleSofl, Inc. to Oracle International Corporation Effective March 1, 2005 (Partial List) Computer File TXOO05431289 P e o p l e S o f l 8 Student Administration 11/30/2001 Solutions C o m p u t e r Software Program PeopleSofl, Inc. 2001 8/31/2001 Computer File TXOO05469032 Computer File TXOO05586247 2/112002 PeopleSoft 8.3 HRMS Peoplesoft 8.4 financials and supply 8/5/2002 chain management. 8/5/2002 PeopleTools 8.4 Computer File TXOO05586248 C o m p u t e r Software PeopleSofl, Inc. Program CD-ROM + C o m p u t e r program. PeopleSoft, Inc. CD-ROM + C o m p u t e r program. PeopleSoft, Inc. 2001 2002 2002 11/2/2001 3/22/2002 3/15/2002 Computer File TXOO05993616 P e o p l e S o f l 8 . 8 Enterprise 6/11/2004 P e r f o r m a n c e M a n a g e m e n t C o m p u t e r Software Program PeopleSofl, Inc. 2002 12/11/2002 (a) Previously published versions; (b) n e w software c o d e (a) Previously published version; (b) new and revised s o f t w a r e code N e w Matter: a d d i t i o n s & revisions. N e w Matter: a d d i t i o n s & revisions. (a) Previously Released V e r s i o n f o r PeopleSoft 8.3 Enterprise Performance Management (b) new and revised software code Prevo reg. 2001. Prevo reg. 2001. Ex 107 - Page 10 o () Computer File TX00060 15317 P e o p l e S o f t 8.8 C u s t o m e r Relationship 6/11/2004 M a n a g e m e n t Left blank on copyright PeopleSoft, Inc. (a) Previously released version for PeopleSoft 8.4 Customer Relationship Management; (b) new and revised software 2002 12/26/2002 code N e w Matter: a d d i t i o n s 2002 12/20/2002 & revisions. Prevo reg. 2002, TX 5-469· 032. p,V ~ -<.. lJJ (D lJl 0\ Computer File TX0006093947 611112004 PeopleSoft 8.8 HRMS Computer program. PeopleSoft, Inc. 00-0 0\ w 52 :::0 r o o .t:> N .t:> 01 o 01

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