Oracle Corporation et al v. SAP AG et al
Declaration of Zachary J. Alinder in Support of 649 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment filed byOracle International Corporation, Oracle USA Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit 7, # 8 Exhibit 8, # 9 Exhibit 9, # 10 Exhibit 10, # 11 Exhibit 11, # 12 Exhibit 12, # 13 Exhibit 13, # 14 Exhibit 14, # 15 Exhibit 15, # 16 Exhibit 16, # 17 Exhibit 17, # 18 Exhibit 18, # 19 Exhibit 19, # 20 Exhibit 20, # 21 Exhibit 21, # 22 Exhibit 22, # 23 Exhibit 23, # 24 Exhibit 24, # 25 Exhibit 25, # 26 Exhibit 26, # 27 Exhibit 27, # 28 Exhibit 28, # 29 Exhibit 29, # 30 Exhibit 30, # 31 Exhibit 31, # 32 Exhibit 32, # 33 Exhibit 33, # 34 Exhibit 34, # 35 Exhibit 35, # 36 Exhibit 36, # 37 Exhibit 37, # 38 Exhibit 38, # 39 Exhibit 39, # 40 Exhibit 40, # 41 Exhibit 41, # 42 Exhibit 42, # 43 Exhibit 43, # 44 Exhibit 44, # 45 Exhibit 45, # 46 Exhibit 46, # 47 Exhibit 47, # 48 Exhibit 48, # 49 Exhibit 49, # 50 Exhibit 50, # 51 Exhibit 51, # 52 Exhibit 52, # 53 Exhibit 53, # 54 Exhibit 54 - 1, # 55 Exhibit 54 - 2, # 56 Exhibit 55, # 57 Exhibit 56, # 58 Exhibit 57, # 59 Exhibit 58, # 60 Exhibit 59, # 61 Exhibit 60, # 62 Exhibit 61, # 63 Exhibit 62, # 64 Exhibit 63, # 65 Exhibit 64, # 66 Exhibit 65, # 67 Exhibit 66, # 68 Exhibit 67, # 69 Exhibit 68, # 70 Exhibit 69, # 71 Exhibit 70, # 72 Exhibit 71, # 73 Exhibit 72, # 74 Exhibit 73, # 75 Exhibit 74, # 76 Exhibit 75, # 77 Exhibit 76, # 78 Exhibit 77, # 79 Exhibit 78, # 80 Exhibit 79, # 81 Exhibit 80, # 82 Exhibit 81, # 83 Exhibit 82, # 84 Exhibit 83, # 85 Exhibit 84, # 86 Exhibit 85, # 87 Exhibit 86, # 88 Exhibit 87, # 89 Exhibit 88, # 90 Exhibit 89, # 91 Exhibit 90, # 92 Exhibit 91, # 93 Exhibit 92, # 94 Exhibit 93, # 95 Exhibit 94, # 96 Exhibit 95, # 97 Exhibit 96, # 98 Exhibit 97, # 99 Exhibit 98, # 100 Exhibit 99, # 101 Exhibit 100, # 102 Exhibit 101, # 103 Exhibit 102, # 104 Exhibit 103, # 105 Exhibit 104, # 106 Exhibit 105, # 107 Exhibit 106, # 108 Exhibit 107, # 109 Exhibit 108, # 110 Exhibit 109, # 111 Exhibit 110, # 112 Exhibit 111, # 113 Exhibit 112, # 114 Exhibit 113, # 115 Exhibit 114, # 116 Exhibit 115, # 117 Exhibit 116, # 118 Exhibit 117)(Related document(s) 649 ) (Howard, Geoffrey) (Filed on 3/3/2010)
Oracle Corporation et al v. SAP AG et al
Doc. 657 Att. 66
Case4:07-cv-01658-PJH Document657-67
Filed03/03/10 Page1 of 3
Case4:07-cv-01658-PJH Document657-67
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BakTrak HR702 Restores (by Date)
RESTOR Exhibit ID E_ID TARGET_ENV 12 47 HR70203G 34 56 HR702DEV 46 55 HR702REP 13 64 HR70204A 47 77 HR702REP 35 78 HR702DEV 14 82 HR70204A 15 84 HR70204B 59 89 HR702TST 72 36 48 87 60 16 37 49 50 17 38 61 18 62 51 39 19 63 40 52 20 21 41 53 22 88 23 24 64 42 89 25 65 73 66 26 43 54 27 28 29 30 31 67 68 44 55 56 32 57 33 58 45 1 74 2 3 4 5 10 HR702DAT 104 HR702DEV 103 HR702REP 107 HR702TMP 115 HR702TST 117 HR70204C 129 HR702DEV 130 HR702REP 134 HR702REP 137 HR70204C 145 HR702DEV 146 HR702TST 149 HR70204D 152 HR702TST 160 HR702REP 161 HR702DEV 171 HR70204E 175 HR702TST 183 HR702DEV 184 HR702REP 188 HR70204E 197 HR70204F 207 HR702DEV 206 HR702REP 208 HR70204F 212 HR702TMP 214 HR70205A 218 HR70205A 219 HR702TST 237 HR702DEV 238 HR7702RE 241 HR70205A 243 HR702TST 288 D702DATM 245 HR702TST 247 HR70205B 266 HR702DEV 267 HR702REP 268 HR70205B 271 HR70205B 272 HR70205B 273 HR70205B 274 HR70205C 324 HR702TST 325 HR702TST 356 HR702DEV 353 HR702REP 360 HR702REP 365 HR70205C 406 HR702REP 411 HR70205D 414 HR702REP 415 HR702DEV 434 HR702CSS 442 H702RHIM 492 HR702CSS 506 HR702CSS 525 HR702CSS 535 HR702CSS
SOURCE_ENV RESTORE_DATETIME HR70203F 11/6/2003 0:00 HR70203G 12/1/2003 13:39 HR70203G 12/1/2003 15:00 HR70203G 12/17/2003 9:38 HR70204A 1/15/2004 12:36 1/15/2004 12:43 HR70204A HR70204A 1/20/2004 16:50 HR70204A 1/21/2004 18:12 HR70204B 2/2/2004 12:00 HR70202D HR70204B HR70204B HR70204B HR70204B HR70204B HR70204C HR70204C HR70204C HR70204C HR70204C HR70204C HR70204C HR70204D HR70204D HR70204D HR70204D HR70204D HR70204E HR70204E HR70204E HR70204E HR72004F HR70204F HR70204F HR70204F HR70204F HR70204F HR70205A HR70205A HR70205A HR70205A HR70204F HR702DAT HR70205A HR70205A HR702DEV HR702REP HR70205B HR70205B HR70205B HR70205B HR70205B HR70205B HR70205B HR70205C HR70205C HR70205C HR70205C HR70205C HR702REP HR702REP HR702REP HR70205D HR70205D HR702CSS HR702CSS HR702CSS HR702CSS
DESCRIPTION create 03G environment create 03G dev create 03G rep created 04A environment created 04A REP environment Created 04A DEV environment restore to prior to 04a applied (required for re-apply) create 04B environment temp env for between tax update testing
PERFORMED_BY chyde chyde chyde chyde chyde chyde chyde chyde chyde chyde chyde chyde chyde chyde chyde chyde chyde chyde chyde chyde chyde chyde chyde chyde chyde chyde chyde chyde chyde snelson chyde chyde chyde chyde chyde chyde chyde chyde glester glester glester glester jbaugh nvuong jbaugh nvuong nvuong nvuong nvuong nvuong nvuong nvuong nvuong nvuong nvuong nvuong nvuong nvuong nvuong nvuong nvuong nvuong nvuong nvuong nvuong nvuong JBaugh nvuong
2/10/2004 11:37 create new database to eliminate confusion between servers 3/30/2004 0:00 refresh DEV environment prior to 04B project 3/30/2004 12:53 refresh REP enviornment prior to 04B project 4/8/2004 14:37 temp area to run comparison reports 4/22/2004 16:32 create dev/tst env 4/30/2004 8:56 create 04C environment 6/16/2004 11:02 create starting point for 04C development 6/16/2004 11:03 create REP env for 04C 6/18/2004 10:34 restore after pre update payrolls run 6/18/2004 13:11 restore to 'rollback' before pre comparison payrolls run 6/23/2004 10:28 restored for post payroll runs 6/25/2004 12:33 create post 04c test 7/1/2004 7:46 create 04D env 7/15/2004 12:26 with canadian test data for fix 0715046282 8/18/2004 12:24 create REP env for 04D 8/18/2004 12:41 create DEV env for 04D 9/1/2004 16:16 create beginning 03E env 9/1/2004 16:41 refresh after 04D 10/28/2004 16:40 refresh for 04E dev 10/28/2004 16:44 refresh for 04E dev 10/29/2004 22:25 restore to pre comparison payroll 11/8/2004 16:37 Create 04F env 12/9/2004 14:37 refresh for 04f 12/9/2004 14:44 Refresh for 04f 12/10/2004 9:53 restore after comparison payrolls run 12/17/2004 12:58 temp env fro comparison paryoll 12/21/2004 10:39 create 05a env (need to apply 04f) 12/21/2004 16:10 create 05a env (need to apply 04f) 12/21/2004 17:37 refresh with 04F -BUT N 04F test data 1/14/2005 14:45 refresh for 05A dev 1/14/2005 14:45 refresh for 05A rep 1/17/2005 9:41 PRE-POST COMPARISON PAYROLL 1/17/2005 10:59 Testing HR702 .dat & .dms files for 0104054962. 1/21/2005 4:13 Data Manipulation Env 1/25/2005 14:46 Requested by Sharon Piper 1/25/2005 16:45 Restore from 05A 3/30/2005 14:43 restore to '05B Readiness' 3/30/2005 14:50 restore to '05B Readiness' 3/30/2005 14:55 restore to '05B Readiness' 4/6/2005 16:17 restore to '05B Readiness' 4/8/2005 8:54 Requested by Beth Lester 4/8/2005 8:54 Requested by Beth Lester 4/8/2005 14:51 Requested by Beth Lester 5/10/2005 16:18 testing Fix Id TN-0506051644 5/12/2005 14:33 testing Master Fix Id TN-050605139 6/7/2005 8:39 refreshed for 05C development Backup of REP setup data prior to running payrolls - to be 6/7/2005 13:51 used as baseline for applying 05C tax update for testing 6/8/2005 8:44 05C Readiness 6/15/2005 12:04 O5C Readiness 8/15/2005 10:00 refresh for 05-D 8/15/2005 16:56 sync'd with REP for comparison payroll 8/16/2005 11:21 requested by Wanda Jones 8/16/2005 13:31 refresh for 05-D development 9/26/2005 10:09 created from 05-D backup 10/5/2005 17:00 create environment from latest HR70205D backup 12/5/2005 8:33 restored to PY05OCT applied 12/7/2005 9:32 restored to PY05OCT applied 12/20/2005 0:05 Restored to after PY05DEC bundle applied 1/5/2006 9:37 restored to 'After PY05FNL applied'
(Re-sorted data from Deposition Exhibit 1259)
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Case4:07-cv-01658-PJH Document657-67
Filed03/03/10 Page3 of 3
BakTrak HR702 Restores (by Date)
RESTOR Exhibit ID E_ID TARGET_ENV 6 553 HR702CSS 69 609 HR702TST 70 626 HR702TST 7 630 HR702CSS 71 637 HR702TST 8 676 HR702CSS 9 698 HR702CSS 10 708 HR702CSS 11 737 HR702CSS 75 749 H702RHIM 76 768 H702RHIM 77 770 H702RHIM 78 907 H702RHIM 79 960 H702RHIM 80 1088 H702RHIM 81 1092 H702RHIM 82 1138 H702RHIM 83 1146 H702RHIM 84 1206 H702RHIM 85 1257 H702RHIM 86 1315 H702RHIM
SOURCE_ENV RESTORE_DATETIME HR702CSS 1/10/2006 14:15 HR702CSS 1/26/2006 18:03 HR702CSS 2/22/2006 9:49 HR702CSS 3/23/2006 15:51 HR702CSS 3/24/2006 11:39 HR702CSS 4/19/2006 17:15 5/26/2006 17:30 HR702CSS HR702CSS 5/31/2006 9:59 HR702CSS 6/8/2006 23:43 HR702CSS 6/20/2006 11:17 H702RHIM 8/8/2006 14:10 H702RHIM 8/9/2006 11:07 H702RHIM 12/5/2006 11:56 H702RHIM 1/8/2007 11:43 H702RHIM 6/1/2007 11:30 H702RHIM 6/1/2007 11:35 H702RHIM 7/31/2007 10:40 H702RHIM 8/1/2007 16:08 H702RHIM 10/9/2007 9:55 H702RHIM 11/26/2007 14:07 H702RHIM 3/4/2008 18:30
DESCRIPTION Before PY06JAN Applied requested by Matthew Bowden Copy of HR702CSS as of 01/31/06 Before PY06MAR Applied restore with HR702CSS backup #1155 Back to "After PY06MAR applied" Per Kimberley's request Per Catherine's request Restore for PY06JUN Bundle Testing Restore per kimberley Restore for AUG PY06 Bundle Testing Before PY06AUG restore for 2007 payroll setup Before PY07JAN Restore for PY07JUN Restore for PY07JUN bundle(2nd time?) Restore for PY07JUN Re-Restore for PY07AUG Restore for PY07OCT Restore for PY07DEC Restore for PY08MAR
PERFORMED_BY dbaron nvuong mhosalli nvuong nvuong nvuong mhosalli mhosalli mhosalli mhosalli mhosalli nvuong mhosalli mhosalli pgoldswort mhosalli nvuong mgoff mhosalli mgoff pgoldswort
(Re-sorted data from Deposition Exhibit 1259)
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