Oracle America, Inc. v. Google Inc.

Filing 199

Declaration of Daniel Purcell in Support of #198 Reply to Opposition/Response Daubert Motion filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D)(Related document(s) #198 ) (Purcell, Daniel) (Filed on 7/5/2011)

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Exhibit A 1 2 3 4 5 MORRISON & FOERSTER LLP MICHAEL A. JACOBS (Bar No. 111664) MARC DAVID PETERS (Bar No. 211725) DANIEL P. MUINO (Bar No. 209624) 755 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, CA 94304-1018 Telephone: (650) 813-5600 / Facsimile: (650) 494-0792 6 7 8 9 10 11 BOIES, SCHILLER & FLEXNER LLP DAVID BOIES (Admitted Pro Hac Vice) 333 Main Street Armonk, NY 10504 Telephone: (914) 749-8200 / Facsimile: (914) 749-8300 STEVEN C. HOLTZMAN (Bar No. 144177) 1999 Harrison St., Suite 900 Oakland, CA 94612 Telephone: (510) 874-1000 / Facsimile: (510) 874-1460 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ORACLE CORPORATION DORIAN DALEY (Bar No. 129049) DEBORAH K. MILLER (Bar No. 95527) MATTHEW M. SARBORARIA (Bar No. 211600) 500 Oracle Parkway Redwood City, CA 94065 Telephone: (650) 506-5200 / Facsimile: (650) 506-7114 Attorneys for Plaintiff ORACLE AMERICA, INC. 19 20 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 21 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 22 SAN FRANCISCO DIVISION 23 ORACLE AMERICA, INC. 24 Plaintiff, 25 v. 26 GOOGLE INC. 27 Case No. CV 10-03561 WHA ORACLE AMERICA’S FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO GOOGLE’S REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS (NO. 22) Dept.: Courtroom 9, 19th Floor Judge: Honorable William H. Alsup Defendant. 28 ORACLE’S 1ST SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO GOOGLE’S REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS NO. 22 CASE NO. CV 10-03561 WHA pa-1456496 1 PROPOUNDING PARTY: Defendant GOOGLE INC. 2 RESPONDING PARTY: Plaintiff ORACLE AMERICA, INC. 3 SET ONE (NOS. 1-65): First Supplemental Response No. 22 4 Pursuant to Rules 33 and 34 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Plaintiff Oracle 5 America, Inc. (“Oracle”) hereby submits the following supplemental response to No. 22 of 6 Defendant Google Inc.’s (“Google”) First Set of Requests for Production of Documents 7 (“Request”). 8 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 22: 9 Documents and Things sufficient to identify any intellectual property rights that are 10 essential to practice each release of each Java specification. 11 FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 22: 12 Oracle is unaware of any responsive documents that can be found in its possession, 13 custody, or control with reasonable efforts. If Oracle becomes aware of any non-privileged, 14 responsive documents in its possession, custody, or control through reasonable efforts, it will 15 produce them. 16 17 Oracle objects to this request to the extent it encompasses documents and information protected from discovery by the attorney-client privilege or the attorney work-product doctrine. 18 19 20 Dated: April 8, 2011 MICHAEL A. JACOBS MARC DAVID PETERS DANIEL P. MUINO MORRISON & FOERSTER LLP 21 22 23 24 By: /s/ Marc David Peters Marc David Peters Attorneys for Plaintiff ORACLE AMERICA, INC. 25 26 27 28 ORACLE’S 1ST SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO GOOGLE’S REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS NO. 22 CASE NO. CV 10-03561 WHA pa-1456496 1 1 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 2 I declare that I am employed with the law firm of Morrison & Foerster LLP, whose address is 755 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, California 94304-1018. I am not a party to the within cause, and I am over the age of eighteen years. 3 4 I further declare that on April 8, 2011, I served a copy of: 5 ORACLE AMERICA, INC.’S FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO DEFENDANT GOOGLE INC.’S REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO PLAINTIFF ORACLE AMERICA, INC. (NO. 22) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 BY ELECTRONIC SERVICE [Fed. Rule Civ. Proc. rule 5(b)] by electronically mailing a true and correct copy through Morrison & Foerster LLP's electronic mail system to the e-mail address(es) set forth below, or as stated on the attached service list per agreement in accordance with Federal Rules of Civil Procedure rule 5(b). Robert F. Perry Scott T. Weingaertner Bruce W. Baber Mark H. Francis Christopher C. Carnaval KING & SPALDING LLP 1185 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036-4003 Timothy T. Scott Geoffrey M. Ezgar Leo Spooner III KING & SPALDING, LLP 333 Twin Dolphin Drive, Suite 400 Redwood Shores, CA 94065 Donald F. Zimmer, Jr. Cheryl Z. Sabnis KING & SPALDING LLP 101 Second Street, Suite 2300 San Francisco, CA 94105 Steven Snyder KING & SPALDING LLP 100 N. Tryon Street, Suite 3900 Charlotte, NC 28202 24 25 26 27 28 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE CASE NO. CV 10-03561 WHA pa-1418284 1 1 2 Renny F. Hwang GOOGLE INC. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043 3 Ian C. Ballon Heather Meeker GREENBERG TRAURIG LLP 1900 University Avenue, 5th Floor East Palo Alto, CA 94303 4 5 6 7 Joseph R. Wetzel Dana K. Powers GREENBERG TRAURIG, LLP 153 Townsend Street, 8th Floor San Francisco, CA 94107 8 9 10 11 12 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Palo Alto, California, this 8th day of April, 2011. 13 14 15 16 Cynthia D. Fix (typed) /s/ Cynthia D. Fix (signature) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE CASE NO. CV 10-03561 WHA pa-1418284 2

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