State of California et al v. Trump et al

Filing 57

ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION To enlarge page limits in support of motion for injunctive relief filed by State of California. Responses due by 4/18/2019. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order, # 2 Declaration of Lee Sherman, # 3 Notice of Motion & Motion for Preliminary Injunction, # 4 Proposed Order, # 5 Appendix of Declarations re: TFF, # 6 Appendix of Declarations re: Environmental, # 7 Request for Judicial Notice, # 8 Certificate/Proof of Service)(Sherman, Lee) (Filed on 4/4/2019)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 XAVIER BECERRA Attorney General of California ROBERT W. BYRNE SALLY MAGNANI MICHAEL L. NEWMAN Senior Assistant Attorneys General MICHAEL P. CAYABAN CHRISTINE CHUANG EDWARD H. OCHOA Supervising Deputy Attorneys General HEATHER C. LESLIE JANELLE M. SMITH JAMES F. ZAHRADKA II LEE I. SHERMAN (SBN 272271) Deputy Attorneys General 300 S. Spring St., Suite 1702 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Telephone: (213) 269-6404 Fax: (213) 897-7605 E-mail: Attorneys for Plaintiff State of California 12 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 13 FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 14 OAKLAND DIVISION 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Case No. 4:19-cv-00872 STATE OF CALIFORNIA; STATE OF COLORADO; STATE OF CONNECTICUT; STATE OF DELAWARE; STATE OF HAWAII; STATE OF ILLINOIS; STATE OF MAINE; STATE OF MARYLAND; COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS; ATTORNEY GENERAL DANA NESSEL ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF MICHIGAN; STATE OF MINNESOTA; STATE OF NEVADA; STATE OF NEW JERSEY; STATE OF NEW MEXICO; STATE OF NEW YORK; STATE OF OREGON; STATE OF RHODE ISLAND; STATE OF VERMONT; COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA; and STATE OF WISCONSIN APPENDIX OF DECLARATIONS RE: TFF HARMS IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION Judge: The Honorable Haywood S. Gilliam, Jr. Trial Date: None Set Action Filed: February 18, 2019 Plaintiffs, v. 28 1 Appendix of Declarations Re: TFF Harms (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 DONALD J. TRUMP, in his official capacity as President of the United States of America; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE; PATRICK M. SHANAHAN, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of Defense; MARK T. ESPER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Army; RICHARD V. SPENCER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Navy; HEATHER WILSON, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Air Force; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY; STEVEN T. MNUCHIN, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Treasury; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR; DAVID BERNHARDT, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of the Interior; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY; KIRSTJEN M. NIELSEN, in her official capacity as Secretary of Homeland Security; Defendants. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 Appendix of Declarations Re: TFF Harms (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 2 DECLARATIONS CONCERNING HARM TO PLAINTIFF STATES CAUSED BY THE DIVERSION OF RESOURCES FROM THE TREASURY FORFEITURE FUND Exhibit Number Declarant 1 Michael Cayaban (California Office of the Attorney General) 2 John Genovese (New York) 3 4 5 3 Kevin Gardner (California) 6 4 William Cranford (New Jersey) 7 5 Susie Park (Illinois) 6 James C. Rovella (Connecticut) 7 Randall Hughes (Delaware) 10 8 Kurt Keleman (Delaware) 11 9 Mark Wohner (Delaware) 12 10 Nolan Espinda (Hawaii) 13 11 Michael T. Yokley (Illinois) 14 12 Joseph Magats (Illinois) 15 13 Daniel A. Scott (Maine) 16 14 John Wilhelm (Maryland) 17 15 Michelle Small (Massachusetts) 18 16 Amanda Baker (Michigan) 19 17 Jeff Wersal (Minnesota) 20 18 Roland D. Swanson (Nevada) 21 19 Travis Hampton (Oregon) 20 Robert Azorr (Oregon) 21 Timothy G. Sanzi (Rhode Island) 22 Daniel Trudeau (Vermont) 23 Gary T. Settle (Virgina) 24 Brian O’Keefe (Wisconsin) 25 Jennifer Onofrio (New York) 8 9 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 Appendix of Declarations Re: TFF Harms (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) EXHIBIT 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 XAVIER BECERRA Attorney General of California ROBERT W. BYRNE SALLY MAGNANI MICHAEL L. NEWMAN Senior Assistant Attorneys General MICHAEL P. CAYABAN CHRISTINE CHUANG EDWARD H. OCHOA Supervising Deputy Attorneys General HEATHER C. LESLIE JANELLE M. SMITH JAMES F. ZAHRADKA II LEE I. SHERMAN (SBN 272271) Deputy Attorneys General 300 S. Spring St., Suite 1702 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Telephone: (213) 269-6404 Fax: (213) 897-7605 E-mail: Attorneys for Plaintiff State of California 12 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 13 FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 14 OAKLAND DIVISION 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 STATE OF CALIFORNIA; STATE OF COLORADO; STATE OF CONNECTICUT; STATE OF DELAWARE; STATE OF HAWAII; STATE OF ILLINOIS; STATE OF MAINE; STATE OF MARYLAND; COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS; ATTORNEY GENERAL DANA NESSEL ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF MICHIGAN; STATE OF MINNESOTA; STATE OF NEVADA; STATE OF NEW JERSEY; STATE OF NEW MEXICO; STATE OF NEW YORK; STATE OF OREGON; STATE OF RHODE ISLAND; STATE OF VERMONT; COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA; and STATE OF WISCONSIN; DECLARATION OF MICHAEL CAYABAN IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION Plaintiffs, 26 27 4:19-cv-00872-HSG v. 28 Declaration of Michael Cayaban (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 DONALD J. TRUMP, in his official capacity as President of the United States of America; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE; PATRICK M. SHANAHAN, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of Defense; MARK T. ESPER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Army; RICHARD V. SPENCER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Navy; HEATHER WILSON, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Air Force; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY; STEVEN T. MNUCHIN, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Treasury; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR; DAVID BERNHARDT, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of the Interior; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY; KIRSTJEN M. NIELSEN, in her official capacity as Secretary of Homeland Security; Defendants. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Declaration of Michael Cayaban (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 I, Michael Cayaban, declare as follows: 2 1. 3 I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth in this declaration. If called as a witness, I could and would testify competently to the matters set forth below. 4 2. I am employed by the California Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney 5 General, and currently serve a Supervising Deputy Attorney General within the Office’s Public 6 Rights Division, Natural Resources Law Section. I am a licensed member of good standing with 7 the California State Bar and represent the State of California in the above-captioned matter. 8 9 3. In my role as one of the attorneys representing the State of California in this matter, I reviewed publicly available information relating to the Treasury Forfeiture Fund 10 administered by the United States Department of Treasury pursuant to 31 U.S.C. section 9705. 11 This information consists of annual Audit Reports prepared by the Department of the Treasury, 12 Office of the Inspector General, which include financial statements and annual “Treasury 13 Forfeiture Fund Accountability Reports” prepared by private accounting firms. These documents 14 are collectively referred to herein as “Annual Audit Reports.” 15 4. The Treasury publishes the Annual Audit Reports on its website, found at 16 17 reports.aspx. This website contains the Annual Audit Reports for each fiscal year from 1993 to 18 2017. I last visited this website on March 29, 2019. The Annual Audit Report for fiscal year 19 (FY) 2018, filed concurrently herewith as Exhibit 29 to Plaintiffs’ Request for Judicial Notice 20 (RJN), is also available at 21 structure/ig/Audit%20Reports%20and%20Testimonies/OIG-19-022.pdf. Based on information 22 and belief, the Annual Audit Reports are disclosed by the Treasury to Congress on an annual 23 basis. 24 5. Pursuant to the requirements of 31 U.S.C. section 9705, the Treasury is permitted 25 to distribute shares of forfeited assets to state and local law enforcement agencies under a 26 program referred to as the “Equitable Share Program.” In various documents, including the 27 Annual Audit Reports and the Treasury’s “Guide to Equitable Sharing for State, Local and Tribal 28 Law Enforcement Agencies,” the Treasury refers to state and local agencies participating in the 1 Declaration of Michael Cayaban (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 equitable share program as “partner agencies.” As noted in the Annual Audit Reports, 2 Each year, the Fund pays tens of millions of dollars to state and local law enforcement agencies, and foreign governments, for their participation in seizures that lead to forfeitures of the Treasury Forfeiture Fund. State and local law enforcement agencies can use these resources to augment their law enforcement budgets to fight crime in their jurisdictions. Without these funds, budgets of the local municipalities would be taxed to provide these important resources or the need would go unmet. 3 4 5 (RJN, Ex. 29, p. 13.) 6 6. The Annual Audit Reports contain financial statements relating to the Treasury 7 Forfeiture Fund for that given year and each Annual Audit Report includes a statement reflecting 8 the amount of equitable shares received that year by law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies 9 within each state or territory under the Treasury Forfeiture Fund’s Equitable Share Program. An 10 example of this type of statement is found at RJN Exhibit 29, pages 47-48, which lists the amount 11 of equitable shares received by each state or territory in the form of cash or property value in FY 12 2018. 13 7. According to the Annual Audit Report for FY 1993, the Treasury Forfeiture 14 Fund was created by enactment in 1992 and the 1993 report pertained to the initial year of the 15 program. I reviewed the Annual Audit Reports from FY 1993 to FY 2018 to confirm each 16 Plaintiff State’s participation as an equitable share partner in the Equitable Share Program. 17 8. The Annual Audit Reports reflect that each Plaintiff State has participated as an 18 equitable share partner on a consistent basis throughout the history of the program. The Annual 19 Audit Reports also reflect that most of the Plaintiff States have received shares each year that the 20 program has existed. 21 9. The following table reflects the amount of equitable shares received by law 22 enforcement and prosecutorial agencies within each Plaintiff State, excluding New Mexico, for 23 the past five years, based on information contained in the Annual Audit Reports for FY 2014 to 24 FY 2018 that I reviewed from Treasury’s website. Based on information and belief, New Mexico 25 no longer participates in the Equitable Share Program. The dollar figures reflect the amount of 26 equitable shares in cash and property value received by state and local equitable share partners 27 within each state that year. 28 2 Declaration of Michael Cayaban (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 20181 California $53,366,000 Colorado 877,000 Connecticut 1,113,000 Delaware --Hawaii 30,000 Illinois 6,864,000 Maine 48,000 Maryland 1,816,000 Massachusetts 341,000 Michigan 375,000 Minnesota 30,000 Nevada 403,000 New Jersey 929,000 New York 27,368,000 Oregon 363,000 Rhode Island 39,000 Vermont --Virginia 306,000 Wisconsin 22,000 10. 20172 $8,295,000 321,000 311,000 66,000 130,000 5,268,000 1,099,000 1,320,000 2,023,000 234,000 2,673,000 2,433,000 2,019,000 17,101,000 697,000 43,000 7,000 7,061,000 78,000 20163 $10,915,000 303,000 354,000 26,000 174,000 2,174,000 213,000 642,000 938,000 1,344,000 48,000 248,000 673,000 83,846,000 842,000 67,000 8,000 1,558,00 629,000 20154 $13,848,000 1,746,000 460,000 101,000 24,000 3,772,000 12,000 2,587,000 2,016,000 1,307,000 290,000 1,128,000 2,955,000 47,833,000 1,462,000 36,000 82,000 6,554,000 1,338,000 Pursuant to requirements set forth in 31 U.S.C section 9705, after the Treasury reserves certain amounts as set forth in the statute, the Treasury may also distribute a portion of funds that it receives through the forfeiture of assets in connection with the law enforcement activities of federal law enforcement agencies. According to the Annual Audit Reports, these funds are paid from an account currently referred to as “Strategic Support” and formerly referred to as “Super Surplus.” 11. I reviewed the Annual Audit Report for each of the past nine years to determine the amount of Strategic Support (formerly Super Surplus) funds distributed to federal law enforcement agencies. Over the past nine years, a total of $584 million in Strategic Support funds were distributed to federal law enforcement agencies. The following indicates the amount of Strategic Support funds that Treasury distributed to each year to the various federal law enforcement agencies that participate in the TFF program. 24 2018: $47.1 million 25 26 1 RJN, Ex. 29, pages 47-48. Annual Audit Report for FY 2017, pp. 49-50. 3 Annual Audit Report for FY 2016, pp. 47-48. 4 Annual Audit Report for FY 2015, pp. 47-48. 5 Annual Audit Report for FY 2014, pp. 48-49. 3 2 27 28 20145 $12,216,000 228,000 440,000 12,000 37,000 5,128,000 35,000 3,793,000 2,721,000 2,064,000 555,000 4,426,000 5,941,000 140,302,000 593,000 27,000 148,000 61,423,000 74,000 Declaration of Michael Cayaban (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 2017: $39.5 million 2 2016: No funds distributed 3 2015: No funds distributed 4 2014: $155 million 5 2013: $82.3 million 6 2012: $78.7 million 7 2011: $102.5 million 8 2010: $78.9 million 9 12. I also reviewed the Department of the Treasury’s “Congressional Budget 10 Justification for Appropriations and Annual Performance Report and Plan, FY 2019” for the 11 Treasury Forfeiture Fund, which is attached as Exhibit 43 to Plaintiffs’ Request for Judicial 12 Notice. Based on information and belief, Exhibit 43 was submitted to Congress by the Treasury 13 on or about February 2018. 14 15 13. At page 4 of RJN Exhibit 43, under the heading “Challenges,” the Treasury noted the following: 16 Recently-enacted large rescissions have had a severe negative impact on the participating member agencies’ investigations. Insufficient and inconsistent funding support, uncertainty about future funding, investigations disrupted by cash flow problems, and inability to obtain necessary technology/infrastructure in the absence of Strategic Support all undermine both current and future financial investigations and forfeitures. FY 2017 total revenue was the lowest since FY 2007, and the substantial drop in “base” revenue (revenue from non-major forfeitures) that is relied upon to cover basic mandatory costs of the forfeiture program is especially troubling. Total FY 2017 “base” revenue was $349 million, as compared to $419 million in FY 2016, $387 million in FY 2015, and $410 million in FY 2014. 17 18 19 20 21 14. In relation to Treasury’s stated concerns of potential impacts that congressional 22 rescissions have had on the TFF program, I reviewed the Annual Audit Reports for fiscal years 23 2016-2018 for information relating to those rescissions. These reports state that Congress 24 rescinded $1.1 billion from the program in FY 2018, $1.3 billion in FY 2017, and $3.8 billion in 25 2016. 26 15. I further reviewed publicly available information concerning the Asset Forfeiture 27 Fund administered by the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). Specifically, I reviewed a 28 4 Declaration of Michael Cayaban (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 December 21, 2015, press release relating to DOJ suspension of its Asset Forfeiture Fund, filed 2 concurrently herewith as Exhibit. 44 to the RJN. 3 16. RJN Exhibit 44 indicates that in FY 2016, the DOJ was forced to temporarily 4 suspend its equitable sharing payments to state and local law enforcement in response to 5 Congressional rescissions. DOJ noted that Congress rescinded a combined total of $1.2 billion 6 from the DOJ Asset Forfeiture Fund in fiscal years 2015 and 2016. In response, DOJ 7 implemented cost reduction measures that included the suspension of its equitable sharing 8 program “[i]n order to maintain the financial solvency of the Program. . . .” RJN, Ex. 44. 9 17. At the conclusion of fiscal year 2016, the same year that the DOJ temporarily 10 suspended its equitable sharing program due to the impact of Congressional rescissions totaling 11 $1.1 billion over a two-year period, the net budget of the DOJ Asset Forfeiture Fund was $1.4 12 billion.6 13 18. At the conclusion of fiscal year 2018, the same year that Treasury expressed 14 concern for the program due to congressional rescissions totaling more than $5 billion over a 15 three-year period, the net budget of the Treasury Forfeiture Fund was $1.4 billion. RJN, Ex. 29, 16 p. 25. 17 18 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on April 2, 2019, at San Diego, California. 19 /s/ Michael Cayaban MICHAEL CAYABAN 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 6 28 Office of the Inspector General, U.S. Dept. of Justice, “Audit of the Assets Forfeiture Fund and Seized Assets Deposit Fund, Annual Financial Statements, Fiscal Year 2016,” p. 33. 5 Declaration of Michael Cayaban (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) EXHIBIT XAVIER BECERRA Attorney General of California ROBERT W. BYRNE SALLY MAGNANI MICHAEL L. NEWMAN Senior Assistant Attorneys General MICHAELP. CAYABAN CHRISTINE CHUANG EDWARD H. OCHOA Supervising Deputy Attorneys General HEATHER C. LESLIE JANELLE M. SMITH JAMES F. ZAHRADKA II LEE I. SHERMAN (SBN 272271) Deputy Attorneys General 300 S. Spring St., Suite 1702 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Telephone: (213) 269-6404 Fax: (213) 897-7605 E-mail: Attorneys for Plaintiff State of California IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA OAKLAND DIVISION STATE OF CALIFORNIA; STATE OF COLORADO; STATE OF CONNECTICUT; STATE OF DELAWARE; STATE OF HAWAII; STATE OF ILLINOIS; STATE OF MAINE; STATE OF MARYLAND; COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS; ATTORNEY GENERAL DANA NESSEL ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF MICHIGAN; STATE OF MINNESOTA; STATE OF NEVADA; STATE OF NEW JERSEY; STATE OF NEW MEXICO; STATE OF NEW YORK; STATE OF OREGON; STATE OF RHODE ISLAND; STATE OF VERMONT; COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA; and STATE OF WISCONSIN; 4:19-cv-00872-HSG DECLARATION OF JOHN GENOVESE Plaintiffs, v. Declaration of John Genovese (4: 19-cv-OO 872-HSG) DONALD J. TRUMP, in his official capacity as President of the United States of America; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE; PATRICK M. SHANAHAN, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of Defense; MARKT. ESPER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Army; RICHARD V. SPENCER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Navy; HEATHER WILSON, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Air Force; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY; STEVEN T. MNUCHIN, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Treasury; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR; DAVID BERNHARDT, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of the Interior; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY; KIRSTJEN M. NIELSEN, in her official capacity as Secretary of Homeland Security; Defendants. Declaration of John Genovese (4: I 9-cv-00872-HSG) I, John Genovese, declare as follows: I. I am an Assistant Deputy Attorney General for the Organized Crime Task Force (OCTF) in the New York State Office of the Attorney General (NYOAG). 2. I submit this Declaration in support of the State of New York' s litigation against Donald J. Trump, in his official capacity as President of the United States of America; United States of America; U.S. Department of Defense; Patrick M. Shanahan, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of Defense; Mark T. Esper, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Army; Richard V. Spencer, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Navy; Heather Wilson, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Air Force; U.S. Department of the Treasury; Seven T. Mnuchin, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Treasury; U.S. Department of the Interior; David Bernhardt, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of the Interior; U.S. Department of Homeland Security; and Kirstjen M. Nielsen, in her official capacity as Secretary of Homeland Security regarding the diversion of federal funding that New York receives toward bui [ding a wall on the United States-Mexico border. I am familiar with the matters set forth herein, either from personal knowledge or on the basis of documents that have been provided to and/or reviewed by me. If called as a witness, I could and would testify to the matters set forth below. 3. I am the Assistant Deputy Attorney General in charge of asset forfeiture matters for OCTF in the NYOAG located at 44 South Broadway White Plains, New York 10601-5008. My educational background includes graduating with an atrium baccalaureus from Georgetown University in 1981. I subsequently graduated with ajuris doctor from John Marshall Law School in 1985. I have been employed as the Assistant Deputy Attorney General in charge of asset forfeiture matters for OCTF since January 2018. Prior to this role, I served as an Assistant and Senior Assistant District Attorney primarily handling asset forfeiture matters in the Kings County District Attorney's Office in its Money Laundering and Revenue Crimes Bureau (renamed as the Asset Forfeiture and Crimes Against Revenue Bureau in 2014) from 2005 to 2018. 4. OCTF is responsible for investigating and prosecuting multi-county, multi-state, and multi-national organized criminal activities occurring within New York State. OCTF specializes in identifying emerging and existing organized crime enterprises, and seeks to Declaration of John Genovese (4: 19-cv-00872-HSG) undermine their structure, influence, and presence within the State. Most of OCTF's cases involve long-term investigations into crimes like narcotics trafficking, loan sharking, gambling, racketeering, tax fraud, and money laundering conducted in partnership with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. 5. OCTF is a participant in the Department of the Treasury (Treasury) equitable sharing program, and has been receiving equitable sharing payments from the Treasury Forfeiture Fund since 1996. The Treasury equitable sharing program is critical in facilitating collaboration between federal and state agencies in important law enforcement initiatives that affect New York State and the safety of its residents. 6. On behalf ofOCTF, the Criminal Justice Division of the NYOAG (the Criminal Justice Division) submits yearly Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification forms for fiscal years ending on March 31 to maintain compliance as a participant in the program. 7. After leading or providing assistance in law enforcement efforts resulting in federal forfeiture, OCTF requests a share of the relevant forfeited asset by submitting the requisite TD F 92-22.46 form to the federal agency processing the forfeiture. OCTF indicates its contribution with respect to the relevant seizure, including how many hours of OCTF time was expended. OCTF provides a summary of its participation in and costs incurred as a result of the seizure, which may include, among other things, the provision of investigators, the provision of translators, the execution of search warrants, the installation or provision of surveillance equipment, the provision and manning of an eavesdropping wire plant, the preparation of subpoenas, and preparation for and execution of trial. 8. From March 31, 20 I 3 to the present, the NYOAG has received $1,371,425.56 in equitable sharing payments from the Treasury Forfeiture Fund in connection with OCTF's participation in the equitable sharing program. 9. OCTF currently has requests for equitable sharing payments outstanding with respect to cash assets totaling $3,481,884.46. For example, in connection with a joint investigation by OCTF, the New York Police Department (NYPD), and Homeland Security Investigations into the trafficking of untaxed cigarettes in and between New York, Maryland, and 2 Declaration of John Genovese (4: l 9-cv-00872-HSG) Virginia, OCTF submitted equitable sharing requests on December I 0, 2018 for cash assets totaling $332,934.47, as well as for two vehicles. OCTF contributed investigators and incurred overtime expenses and travel expenses in connection with the investigation. OCTF also provided the installation of four surveillance cameras body worn cameras, audio listening devices, OPS vehicle tracking, translation services, and transcriptions of all recorded communications. OCTF attorneys prepared subpoenas, prepared utility requests, and prepared and applied for a New York search warrant. OCTF performed detailed analysis of subpoenaed financial records. OCTF attorneys also prepared the case and presented it to the Grand Jury of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Kings County, which resulted in the return of a twenty-one count indictment charging the relevant indiv1duals with violations ofNew York law. I 0. OCTF expects to submit requests for equitable sharing in future fiscal years> including in fiscal year 2019 and fiscal year 2020. 11. The NYOAG uses equitable sharing payments to support a broad range of state government purposes to further law enforcement operations and investigati ons, and to purchase law enforcement equipment. The types of expenses funded include wire taps, data circuits investigative software and storage, and other security equipment. Funds have also been transferred to other law enforcement agencies who participate in the equitable sharing program. YOAG's Community Overdose Prevention program, state and local For example, through the law enforcement officers were equipped with and trained in using naloxone, an opioid antagonist that is used to rapidly reverse opioid overdose. Additionally, funds have been provided to law enforcement agencies across the New York State for the purchase of bulletproof vests. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on March t:L 2019, at White Rans, New York. John Genovese As stant Deputy Attorney General rganized Crime Task Force New York State Office of the Attorney General 3 Declaration of John Genovese (4: l 9-cv-00872-HSG) EXHIBIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 XAVIER BECERRA Attorney General of California ROBERT W. BYRNE SALLY MAGNANI MICHAEL L. NEWMAN Senior Assistant Attorneys General MICHAEL P. CAYABAN CHRISTINE CHUANG EDWARD H. OCHOA Supervising Deputy Attorneys General HEATHER C. LESLIE JANELLE M. SMITH JAMES F. ZAHRADKA II LEE I. SHERMAN (SBN 272271) Deputy Attorneys General 300 S. Spring St., Suite 1702 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Telephone: (213) 269-6404 Fax: (213) 897-7605 E-mail: Attorneys for Plaintiff State of California 12 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 13 FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 14 OAKLAND DIVISION 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 STATE OF CALIFORNIA; STATE OF COLORADO; STATE OF CONNECTICUT; STATE OF DELAWARE; STATE OF HAWAII; STATE OF ILLINOIS; STATE OF MAINE; STATE OF MARYLAND; COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS; ATTORNEY GENERAL DANA NESSEL ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF MICHIGAN; STATE OF MINNESOTA; STATE OF NEVADA; STATE OF NEW JERSEY; STATE OF NEW MEXICO; STATE OF NEW YORK; STATE OF OREGON; STATE OF RHODE ISLAND; STATE OF VERMONT; COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA; and STATE OF WISCONSIN; DECLARATION OF KEVIN GARDNER IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR A PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION Plaintiffs, 26 27 4:19-cv-00872-HSG v. 28 Declaration of Kevin Gardner (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 DONALD J. TRUMP, in his official capacity as President of the United States of America; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE; PATRICK M. SHANAHAN, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of Defense; MARK T. ESPER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Army; RICHARD V. SPENCER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Navy; HEATHER WILSON, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Air Force; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY; STEVEN T. MNUCHIN, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Treasury; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR; DAVID BERNHARDT, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of the Interior; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY; KIRSTJEN M. NIELSEN, in her official capacity as Secretary of Homeland Security; Defendants. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Declaration of Kevin Gardner (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 I, Kevin Gardner, declare as follows: 2 1. 3 4 I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth in this declaration. If called as a witness, I could and would testify competently to the matters set forth below. 2. I am currently serve as the Chief for the California Department of Justice, Division 5 of Law Enforcement (“DLE”). I have held this position for the past two years. I have also 6 served in the positions of Captain and Acting Deputy Chief for the City of Sacramento Police 7 Department. I have served as a peace officer within the State of California since 1988. 8 9 10 11 3. As the Chief of the Division of Law Enforcement, I am responsible for complete oversight of DLE, including the budget, policies and procedures, personnel, planning, and the direction of DLE’s law enforcement programs. 4. DLE is one of the largest statewide investigative law enforcement agencies in the 12 United States. The mission of DLE is to enhance public safety by conducting: (1) criminal 13 investigations, (2) regulatory oversight, and (3) forensic analysis of evidence for criminal 14 proceedings. DLE consists of five bureaus, including the Bureau of Investigation (“BI”) and the 15 Bureau of Gambling Control (“BGC”). 16 5. The BI provides statewide expert investigative services to combat multi- 17 jurisdictional criminal organizations. The BI is comprised of Special Agents that are experts in 18 conducting complex criminal investigations in the areas of organized crime, drug trafficking, and 19 gang activity. BI agents are assigned to regional offices and task forces throughout the State. As 20 part of those efforts, the BI is active on task forces that include participating members from 21 federal agencies such as the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, 22 Firearms & Explosives, the Federal Bureau of Investigations, the Internal Revenue Service, and 23 Homeland Security Investigations within Immigration and Customs Enforcement. 24 6. The Bureau of Gambling Control is responsible for ensuring that lawful gambling 25 in California is conducted honestly, competitive, and free from criminal and corruptive elements. 26 Among its responsibilities, BGC agents conduct comprehensive investigations into the 27 qualifications of individuals and business entities who apply to the California Gambling Control 28 Commission for state gambling licenses, and conduct ongoing compliance inspections of 1 Declaration of Kevin Gardner (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 gambling operations and establishments throughout the state. BGC also participates in joint 2 investigations with federal law enforcement agencies, such as the Internal Revenue Service and 3 the Department of the Treasury. 4 7. The DLE participates as an equitable share partner in the Treasury Forfeiture Fund 5 (“TFF”) Equitable Share Program administered by the U.S. Department of Treasury pursuant to 6 31 U.S.C. § 9705. Under the TFF equitable share program, the Department of Treasury may 7 distribute funds derived from forfeited assets to a state or local law enforcement agency if that 8 agency is a participant in the program and the agency participated in a law enforcement action 9 that resulted in a seizure and forfeiture that is subject to the Department of Treasury’s 10 11 jurisdiction. 8. As the Chief of DLE, I have oversight responsibility over DLE’s participation in 12 the TFF Equitable Share Program and I supervise the Staff Service Manager I and Investigative 13 Auditor IV tasked with maintaining DLE’s records relating DLE’s claims to equitable shares and 14 its use of shares received through the program. These records include: claims submitted by DLE 15 to the Department of Treasury following law enforcement actions that resulted in a seizure; 16 notices of forfeiture that DLE receives from the Department of Treasury; records reflecting the 17 payment of equitable shares to the DLE by the Department of Treasury; and, records relating to 18 DLE’s use of equitable shares toward law enforcement purposes. 19 9. BI and BGC frequently participate in joint law enforcement actions and 20 investigations with federal agencies that fall under the Department of Treasury’s TFF program, 21 such as the Internal Revenue Service and the Department of Homeland Security’s Homeland 22 Security Investigations. For example, BI is involved in four task forces where Homeland 23 Security Investigations is a participating agency along with other local law enforcement agency 24 partners—(1) Los Angeles Interagency Metropolitan Police Apprehension Crime Task Force 25 (“LA IMPACT”); (2) High Impact Investigation Team (“HIIT”); (3) Tax Recovery and Criminal 26 Enforcement Task Force (“TRaCE”); (4) Inland Crackdown Allied Task Forces (“INCA”). These 27 joint law enforcement actions and investigations benefit California’s residents by disrupting large 28 scale criminal enterprises spanning multiple jurisdiction throughout the state and nation. 2 Declaration of Kevin Gardner (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 10. These law enforcement actions sometimes result in the seizure of assets—cash or 2 property with a monetary value. As a partner agency under the equitable share program, the DLE 3 submits a claim for an equitable share of the seized asserts based on DLE’s level of participation 4 in the action that resulted in the seizure. This initial claim is submitted within 60 days of the law 5 enforcement action resulting in a seizure. The Department of Treasury maintains possession of 6 the seized assets and provides DLE with notice of a judicial declaration of forfeiture. After 7 receiving such forfeiture notice, DLE certifies that it is entitled to a share of the seized assets 8 under state law. The Department of Treasury then makes a determination concerning DLE’s 9 equitable share claim and provides DLE with notice of the distributed amount. 10 11. Over the past five years, the BI and BGC have submitted a total 14 claims for 11 reimbursement. Each claim identified the date of the seizure, the federal agency involved in the 12 seizure, the amount of cash or value of the asset seized, and the percentage of the total value of 13 the seizure claimed by the DLE based on the level of DLE’s involvement in the law enforcement 14 action. Each equitable share claim is based on law enforcement actions that have already 15 occurred and which involved the expenditure of state resources and relied on the contributions of 16 state law enforcement personnel. 17 12. Within the past five years, the Department of Treasury has not advised DLE of any 18 equitable share claim submitted by DLE that has been rejected by the Department of Treasury, 19 nor that any seizure subject to an equitable share claim by DLE did not result in a forfeiture. 20 13. Of the 14 claims submitted by DLE over the past five years, the Department of 21 Treasury has paid at least a portion of the equitable share sought by DLE for five of the claims 22 submitted. The other nine claims remain outstanding. 23 24 25 26 27 28 14. DLE’s nine equitable share claims that remain outstanding seek shares of over $2.5 million in seized assets. These equitable share claims include: DLE’s claim to a 60% equitable share of $106,918 seized during a law enforcement action in which the DLE’s Bureau of Investigation participated in the action. In December 2018, the Department of Treasury notified DLE that the assets had been deemed forfeited and subsequently notified DLE of its intent to pay DLE $49,823.78, which is 46.6% of the total assets seized. Payment on this claim is currently pending. 3 Declaration of Kevin Gardner (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) • DLE's claim to a 35% equitable share of $1,780,653.76 seized during a law enforcement action involving the Internal Revenue Services and the DLE's Bureau of Gambling Control. The DLE has yet to receive payment ofthis claim. • 4 DLE's claim to a 40% equitable share of $503 ,986.65 in assets seized during a law enforcement action involving the DLE' s Bureau of Gambling Control. The DLE has yet to receive payment of this claim. 5 15. 1 2 3 As the Chief ofDLE, I am responsible for overseeing and approving DLE's 6 expenditure of funds DLE receives from the TFF and for ensuring said funds are used for 7 legitimate law enforcement purposes consistent with its equitable sharing agreement with the 8 Department of Treasury. For the past several years, the DLE has applied the equitable shares 9 that it has received toward the payment of rent for facilities utilized by the BI and BGC. 10 16. If Treasury's processing ofDLE's equitable share claims is delayed outside of the 11 regular course, DLE will be delayed from using the funds that it would have otherwise received 12 sooner, which will be to the detriment of public safety for the State of California. If DLE' s 13 pending equitable share claims are denied or reduced, the overall funding available to sustain law 14 enforcement operations will be diminished and potentially result in the closure of tasks forces, 15 adversely impacting our ability to provide law enforcement services in certain areas of the State. 16 I7 18 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on April 3, 2019, in Sacramento, California. 19 20 21 22 KEVIN GARDNER, Chief Division of Law Enforcement California Department of Justice 23 24 25 26 27 28 4 Declaration of Kevin Gardner (4: l 9-cv-00872-HSG) EXHIBIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 XAVIER BECERRA Attorney General of California ROBERT W. BYRNE SALLY MAGNANI MICHAEL L. NEWMAN Senior Assistant Attorneys General MICHAEL P. CAY ABAN CHRISTINE CHUANG EDWARD H. OCHOA Supervising Deputy Attorneys General HEATHER C. LESLIE JANELLE M. SMITH JAMES F. ZAHRADKA II LEE I. SHERMAN (SBN 272271) Deputy Attorneys General 300 S. Spring St., Suite 1702 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Telephone: (213) 269-6404 Fax: (213) 897-7605 E-mail: Attorneys for Plaintiff State of California 12 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 13 FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 14 OAKLAND DIVISION 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 STATE OF CALIFORNIA; STATE OF COLORADO; STATE OF CONNECTICUT; STATE OF DELAWARE; STATE OF HAW All; STATE OF ILLINOIS; STATE OF MAINE; ST ATE OF MARYLAND; COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS; ATTORNEY GENERAL DANA NESSEL ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF MICHIGAN; ST A TE OF MINNESOTA; ST ATE OF NEVADA; STATE OF NEW JERSEY; STATE OF NEW MEXICO; STATE OF NEW YORK; STATE OF OREGON; STATE OF RHODE ISLAND; STATE OF VERMONT; COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA; and STATE OF WISCONSIN; DECLARATION OF WILLIAM CRANFORD IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS' MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION Plaintiffs, 26 27 4: 19-cv-00872-HSG v. 28 Declaration of William Cranford (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DONALD J. TRUMP, in his official capacity as President of the United States of America; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE; PATRICK M. SHANAHAN, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of Defense; MARK T. ESPER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Army; RICHARD V. SPENCER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Navy; HEATHER WILSON, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Air Force; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY; STEVEN T. MNUCHIN, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Treasury; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR; DAVID BERNHARDT, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of the Interior; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY; KIRST JEN M. NIELSEN, in her official capacity as Secretary of Homeland Security; 13 14 Defendants. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Declaration of William Cranford (4: l 9-cv-00872-HSG) 1 I, William Cranford, declare as follows: 2 1. 3 I am the Deputy Administrator within the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety (LPS), Office of the Attorney General (OAG). 4 2. I submit this declaration in support of the State of New Jersey's litigation against 5 6 7 Donald J. Trump, et al. regarding the diversion of certain federal funding that New Jersey receives toward building a wall on the United States-Mexico border. I am familiar with the matters set forth 8 herein, either from personal knowledge or on the basis of documents and information that have 9 been provided to and/or reviewed by me. If called as a witness, I could and would testify 10 11 competently to the matters set forth below. 3. I am the Deputy Administrator of the LPS, and I have held that position since 2017. 12 In that capacity, I have oversight of budgetary, fiscal, personnel, data processing, office automation, 13 14 15 capital and facilities transactions. 4. The New Jersey State Police regularly participates with the United States 16 Department of Homeland Security (DHS), specifically Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) and 17 Homeland Security Investigations-ICE (HSI) in carrying out law enforcement operations. The New 18 19 Jersey State Police conducts law enforcement operations and related investigations in partnership with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. 20 5. After the New Jersey State Police or other eligible State agencies carry out law 21 22 enforcement activities in conjunction with the federal agencies that participate in the Department 23 of the Treasury's (Treasury) Treasury Forfeiture Fund (TFF) that may result in forfeited assets, 24 New Jersey requests an equitable share of forfeited asset(s) by submitting the requisite TD F 92- 25 22.46 (9/11) (0MB No. 1505-0152) form to the federal agency processing the forfeiture. 26 27 28 Declaration of William Cranford (4: 19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 2 3 6. LPS oversees the New Jersey State Police and is a participant in the Treasury's equitable sharing program. LPS has been receiving equitably shared payments from the TFF since at least 2007. 4 7. OAG maintains a funding account funded exclusively by the TFF called the Federal- 5 6 Treasury Department of Law Public Safety account. On behalf of LPS, OAG submits yearly 7 Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification forms in August to maintain compliance as a 8 participant in the program. 9 10 11 8. In its past operations with federal agencies participating in the TFF, LPS regularly received some share of the forfeited assets based on its participation in the law enforcement operation. 12 9. As part of my responsibilities in the OAG, I have oversight of the LPS's sharing 13 14 requests, receipt and deposit of shared funds, spending and accounting of shared funds, and I ensure 15 that all of the expenditures of TFF-shared funds are carried out in line with the Guide to Equitable 16 Sharing for State, Local, and Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies as well as other guidance and 17 decisions issued by the Treasury. 1 18 10. On May 1, 2014, New Jersey State Police participated in a law enforcement 19 operation with the DHS that resulted in a seizure of $501,499. On June 30, 2015, New Jersey 20 21 22 received $32,542.27 in equitably shared funds from that forfeiture. 11. On August 25, 2016, New Jersey State Police participated in a law enforcement 23 operation with DHS that resulted in a forfeiture of $52,730.00. The State Police's Gangs and 24 Organized Crime Unit and its Electronic Surveillance Unit worked with the Jersey City Police 25 26 • 27 28 1 See U.S. Dep't. of the Treas. & U.S. Dep't. of Just., "Guide to Equitable Sharing for State, Local, and Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies," (July 2018) available at https ://www.justice. gov/criminal-afmls/file/794696/download (guidelines on participation in federal asset forfeiture equitable sharing program). 2 Declaration of William Cranford (4: l 9-cv-00872-HSG) 1 Department and HSI to break up a heroin trafficking ring. New Jersey requested 40 percent of the 2 forfeited assets and received approximately the requested amount, $19,636.65 in equitably shared 3 funds on October 31, 2018. 4 12. On May 15, 2017, New Jersey participated in four law enforcement operations with 5 6 the DHS. The first resulted in a $50,000 forfeiture. On October 31, 2018, New Jersey received 7 $7,472 from the first forfeiture. The second operation resulted in $68,990 being forfeited, of which 8 New Jersey received $5,154.93 in equitably shared funds on October 31, 2018. The third operation 9 resulted in a $84,380 forfeiture, of which New Jersey received $2,568.87 on October 31, 2018. The 10 11 final forfeiture amount was $245,855.00, of which New Jersey received $18,370.28 in equitably shared funds on December 31, 2018. 12 13. New Jersey has used these funds for critical law enforcement equipment upgrades 13 14 15 and the installation of new technology. 14. New Jersey was able to install a new digital evidence system, forensic software 16 training, related hardware, and an anti-virus license for the system with about $325,000 of the TFF 17 equitably shared funds. The system allows for more secure, permanent storage of digital evidence 18 for LPS's Division of Criminal Justice. The TFF equitably shared funds enabled New Jersey to set 19 up a properly configured and protected network in its Computer Analysis and Technology Unit 20 21 22 forensic lab, which significantly enhances the State's ability to obtain evidence of financial crimes. 15. Additionally, with the continued approval of Treasury, New Jersey has set aside 23 $500,000 of the TFF equitably shared funds for information leading to the capture of Joanne 24 Chesimard, a fugitive still at large for the murder of a New Jersey State Police trooper. 25 26 16. New Jersey does not budget or commit to spending shared funds in advance but has a reasonable expectation of receiving an equitable share in TFF funds due to its participation in 27 28 3 Declaration of William Cranford (4: 19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 several law enforcement operations that resulted in sizeable asset seizures and for which it has 2 pending TFF equitable share requests. 3 17. On May 19, 2017, the New Jersey State Police participated in a law enforcement 4 operation with HSI resulting in a $29,500 seizure. New Jersey submitted an equitable share request 5 6 7 and reasonably anticipates receiving an equitably shared portion. 18. On December 13, 2017, the New Jersey State Police participated in a law 8 enforcement operation with HSI that resulted in a $103,013.39 seizure. New Jersey submitted a 9 request for an equitable share of the forfeited funds on January 10, 2018 and reasonably anticipates 10 11 receiving an equitably shared portion. 19. On December 18, 2017, the New Jersey State Police participated in a law 12 enforcement operation with HSI and CBP resulting in a $70,050 seizure. New Jersey submitted a 13 14 15 16 17 18 request for a 30 percent equitable share on January 10, 2018 and reasonably anticipates receiving an equitably shared portion. 20. I am also aware that, in addition to the New Jersey State Police, other local and regional law enforcement agencies throughout New Jersey work with TFF-participating federal agencies in carrying out law enforcement operations, and these New Jersey agencies likewise 19 receive equitable shares of forfeited assets. I have reviewed the Department of Treasury's reported 20 21 data on Treasury Forfeiture Fund equitable shares received by the various states. Treasury reports 22 that law enforcement agencies in New Jersey as a whole received $2,817,000 in currency and 23 $138,000 in property for the fiscal year ending on September 30, 2015; 2 $670,000 in currency and 24 25 26 27 28 2 See U.S. Dep't. of the Treas., "Treasury Forfeiture Fund Accountability Report, Fiscal Year 2015," available at orfeiture/Documents/TFF%20FY%202015 %20Accountability%20Report%20F inal. pdf. 4 Declaration of William Cranford (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 $3,000 in property in the fiscal year ending on September 30, 2016, 3 and $1,018,000 in currency 2 and $1,001,000 in property in the fiscal year ending on September 30, 2017. 4 3 21. As presented above, through its receipt of asset forfeiture equitable share funds, New 4 Jersey has been able to fund important law enforcement operations and equipment that may not 5 6 have otherwise been available. If funds are diverted from TFF, New Jersey would lose valuable 7 resources for its state law enforcement activities, and its law enforcement operations will not be as 8 robust. 9 10 11 22. New Jersey is committed to ongoing coordination and cooperation with the United States Department of Homeland Security, the United States Secret Service, and the United States Department of the Treasury and the provision of New Jersey's law enforcement expertise to further 12 the mission of protecting the safety and welfare of the people of New Jersey and the United States. 13 14 15 16 17 18 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on April_ /_, 2019, at Trenton, New Jersey. 19 20 21 William Cranford 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 See U.S. Dep't. of the Treas., "Treasury Forfeiture Fund Accountability Report, Fiscal Year 2016," available at 4 See U.S. Dep't. of the Treas., "Treasury Forfeiture Fund Accountability Report, Fiscal Year 2017," available at .pdf. 3 5 Declaration of William Cranford (4: l 9-cv-00872-HSG) EXHIBIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 XAVIER BECERRA Attorney General of California ROBERT W. BYRNE SALLY MAGNANI MICHAEL L. NEWMAN Senior Assistant Attorneys General MICHAEL P. CAYABAN CHRISTINE CHUANG EDWARD H. OCHOA Supervising Deputy Attorneys General HEATHER C. LESLIE JANELLE M. SMITH JAMES F. ZAHRADKA II LEE I. SHERMAN (SBN 272271) Deputy Attorneys General 300 S. Spring St., Suite 1702 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Telephone: (213) 269-6404 Fax: (213) 897-7605 E-mail: Attorneys for Plaintiff State of California 12 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 13 FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 14 OAKLAND DIVISION 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 STATE OF CALIFORNIA; STATE OF COLORADO; STATE OF CONNECTICUT; STATE OF DELAWARE; STATE OF HAWAII; STATE OF ILLINOIS; STATE OF MAINE; STATE OF MARYLAND; COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS; ATTORNEY GENERAL DANA NESSEL ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF MICHIGAN; STATE OF MINNESOTA; STATE OF NEVADA; STATE OF NEW JERSEY; STATE OF NEW MEXICO; STATE OF NEW YORK; STATE OF OREGON; STATE OF RHODE ISLAND; STATE OF VERMONT; COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA; and STATE OF WISCONSIN; DECLARATION OF SUSIE PARK IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION Plaintiffs, 26 27 4:19-cv-00872-HSG v. 28 Declaration of Susie Park (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 DONALD J. TRUMP, in his official capacity as President of the United States of America; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE; PATRICK M. SHANAHAN, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of Defense; MARK T. ESPER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Army; RICHARD V. SPENCER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Navy; HEATHER WILSON, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Air Force; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY; STEVEN T. MNUCHIN, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Treasury; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR; DAVID BERNHARDT, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of the Interior; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY; KIRSTJEN M. NIELSEN, in her official capacity as Secretary of Homeland Security; Defendants. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Declaration of Susie Park (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 r 2 1. Susie Park, declare as follows: I am Deputy Chief for the Bureau of Organizational Development for the Chicago 3 Police Department (CPD). I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth in this declaration and 4 respectfully submit this declaration in support of the Plaintiff States' motion for prelimina:iy 5 injunction. 1f called as a witness I could and would testify competently to the matters set fo11h 6 below. 7 2. 8 as Deputy Chief 9 directly liaised with CPD for the City of Chicago's Office of Budget and Management. 10 3. I have served as Deputy Chief for CPD since February 2018. Prior to my service r worked as the Deputy Budget Director in charge of Public Safety which As part of my work for CPD, T am aware that CPD participates in equitable 11 sharing agreements with various federal law enforcement agencies including the United States l2 Department of the Treasury (''Treasury Department' ). Through these equitable sharing 13 agreements CPD receives a portion of the funds seized or forfeited as a result of cooperative law 14 enforcement efforts involving CPD and federal law enforcement agencies. Pursuant to federa l 15 equitable sharing procedures, CPD must submit an Equitable Sbal'ing Agreement and 16 Certification ("ESAC") form to the relevant federal law enforcement agencies. CPD maintains 17 these ESAC forms as part of its official records. 18 4. I have reviewed CPD internal records as well as ESAC forms submitted by CPD 19 for the fiscal years 2014 through 2018. My review of these records indicates that CPD has 20 received $2,489,678.14 in federal equitable sharing fw1ds from the Treasury Depaitment' s 21 Treasury Forfeiture Fund (TFF) in the 2014 through 2018 fiscal years: 22 Year TFF Funds Received 23 2014 $542,513.85 24 2015 $663,574.56 25 2016 $163 881.47 26 2017 $820,008.80 27 2018 $299,699.46 28 Total $2,489,678.14 I Declaration of Susie Park (4: !9-cv-00872-HSG) 1 5. I am also aware that CPD is eli.gible to receive additional federal equitable sharing 2 funds from the TFF. CPD has 274 requests pending with the Treasury Department for TFF funds. 3 The total value of these open cases is $25,197,719. As with past requests, CPD expects to receive 4 a percentage of these funds based on the level of CPD's participation in the cooperative law 5 enforcement effort in question. 6 6. CPD has historically expended the funds received from the TFF for operational 7 needs of the Department. Examples of costs to which CPD bas directed TFF funds includes car 8 leases, helicopter maintenance, equipment and support for body-worn cameras and tasers 9 training and computers. 10 7. CPD has also used TFF money to fund the expansion of the Strategic Decision 11 Support Centers (SDSCs). SDSCs are designed to employ a new approach to gun violence 12 prevention through a combination of police officers and analysts. Starting in early 2017, SDSCs 13 have served as centers of intelligence for the districts in which they are stationed, combining 14 intelligence gathering with quantitative data analytics, and providing real-time situational 15 awareness to CPD in order to enhance response times and crime prevention efforts. To date, CPD 16 has implemented SDSCs in 20 districts across the City of Chicago; districts with SDSCs saw an l7 average reduction in shootings of 25% in 2017, bringing down the number of shootings citywide 18 by 2 l % (or 765 fewer incidents). 19 8. CPD requires substantial resources to protect public safety. CPD looks to TFF 20 funds when the Department cannot meet its burden with other funds to cover operational costs. If 21 CPD does not receive TFF disbursements for the pending claims CPD will be harmed in the 22 amount of those disbursements. 23 I declare under penalty of pe1jury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is 24 true and correct. 25 Executed on 26 /1a r CI, 29 2019atCLs < 27 __, 28 2 Declaration of Susie Park (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) u ie Park EXHIBIT 1 XAVIER BECERRA 2 ROBERT W. BYRNE SALLY MAGNANI MICHAEL L. NEWMAN Attorney General of California 3 Senior Assistant Attorneys General 4 5 MICHAELP. CAYABAN CHRISTINE CHUANG EDWARD H. OCHOA Supervising Deputy Attorneys General 6 7 8 9 10 11 HEATHER C. LESLIE JANELLE M. SMITH JAMES F. ZAHRADKA II LEE I. SHERMAN (SBN 272271) Deputy Attorneys General 300 S. Spring St., Suite 1702 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Telephone: (213) 269-6404 Fax: (213) 897-7605 E-mail: Attorneys for Plaintiff State of California 12 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 13 FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 14 OAKLAND DIVISION 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 STATE OF CALIFORNIA; STATE OF COLORADO; STATE OF CONNECTICUT; STATE OF · DELAWARE; STATE OF HAWAII; STATE OF ILLINOIS; STATE OF MAINE; STATE OF MARYLAND; COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS; ATTORNEY GENERAL DANA NESSEL ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF MICHIGAN; STATE OF MINNESOTA; STATE OF NEVADA; STATE OF NEW JERSEY; STATE OF NEW MEXICO; STATE OF NEW YORK; STATE OF OREGON; STATE OF RHODE ISLAND; STATE OF VERMONT; COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA; and STATE OF WISCONSIN; 26 27 28 4:19-cv-00872-HSG DECLARATION OF James C. Rovella Plaintiffs, v. DONALD J. TRUMP, in his official capacity Declaration ofJames C. Rovella (4: 19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 as President of the United States of America; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE; PATRICK M. SHANAHAN, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of Defense; MARKT. ESPER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Army; RICHARD V. SPENCER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Navy; HEATHER WILSON, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Air Force; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY; STEVEN T. MNUCHIN, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Treasury; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR; DAVID BERNHARDT, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of the Interior; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY; KIRSTJENM. NIELSEN, in her official capacity as Secretary of Homeland Security; Defendants. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Declaration of James C. Rovella (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 I, James C. Rovella, declare as follows: 2 1. I am Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and 3 Public Protection. I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth in this declaration. If called as 4 a witness, I could and would testify competently to the matters set forth below. 5 2. For at least each of the last five years, state and local law enforcement agencies in 6 the State of Connecticut have received equitable sharing resources - in both currency and 7 property- from the federal Treasury Forfeiture Fund (TFF). Those resources are an important 8 part of supporting effective law enforcement activities in Connecticut, and keeping our 9 communities safe and secure. 10 3. According to federal audits, in Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2018, which ended on 11 September 30, 2018, Connecticut-based law enforcement received TFF equitable sharing 12 resources worth a total dollar value of $1,113,000, with $1,060,000 in currency and the remainder 13 in property. In FFY 2017, Connecticut received $311,000 in TPF equitable sharing resources, all 14 in currency. In FPY 2016, Connecticut received $354,000 in TPP equitable sharing resources, all 15 in currency. In FFY 2015, Connecticut received $460,000 in TFF equitable sharing resources, all 16 in currency. And in FFY 2014, Connecticut received $440,000 in TFP equitable sharing 17 resources, all in currency. 18 4. In each of the last five years, the Connecticut Department of Emergency Services 19 and Public Protection (DESPP), which houses the Connecticut State Police, has received a 20 significant amount of currency through TFP equitable sharing. In State FY (SPY) 2018, ending 21 June 30, 2018, we received $335,514; in SFY 2017, we received $93,637; in SFY 2016, we 22 received $51,319; in SFY 2015, we received $269,251; and in SFY 2014 we received $335,904. 23 5. Those TFP resources support key aspects of our work that are critical to our 24 continuing to protect the public. In SPY 2018, for instance, DESPP spent $108,595 in TFF 25 equitable sharing funds on travel for necessary training activities; $42,158 for equipment for line- 26 of-duty law enforcement personnel; and $36,971 to support law enforcement operations. 27 28 6. DESPP regularly, and on an ongoing basis into the cunent fiscal year, submits claims to equitable sharing from the TPF. I am not aware of any instances in which Connecticut 1 Declaration of James C. Rovella (4: I 9-cv-00872-HSG) 1 has submitted a claim for equitable sharing resources from the Treasury Forfeiture Funds and 2 been denied its reasonable share of forfeited assets. 3 7. IfTFF funds are denied to DESPP, it will negatively impact our ability to train, 4 equip, and deploy state police officers. Connecticut anticipates a significant budget shortfall in the 5 upcoming fiscal years, and I do not anticipate that state general funds will be available to replace 6 resources lost if TFF funds are dive11ed. 7 8 9 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on Friday, March 29, 2019, at Middletown, Connecticut. 10 11 12 Janfs C. Rovella Commissioner Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection 13 14 15 State of Connecticut 16 County of t'.) , c.l i:l k .. :S-<"iZ 17 On this the 2 ~~' le.ue.s'i " :<. ~ 9 M 20 day of Q....< c..\.__ , ? o \ 'j , before me, (name of notary), personally appeared Cs\.e.-s c.. . Jlovu,c.. , known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the person(s) whose name(s) ( i s ~ ) subscribed to the within instrument and L :> C. 12. a..1 V\.lL (he/sh~) executed the same for the acknowledged that purposes therein contained. 21 In witness whereof! hereunto set my hand. 18 19 22 L) ~.,..... 2<>1'1 Date: ~ 23 24 25 26 27 Abi Levesque NOTARY PUBLIC State of Connecticut Notary Public Print Name: tib. Leu.e..:::,4 ...,c_. My Commtaaion Expires 05/31/2020 My Commission Expires: oS)~\ )Zc2.o 28 2 Declaration ofJames C. Rovella (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) EXHIBIT XAVIER BECERRA 2 Attorney General of California ROBERT W. BYRNE 3 SALLY MAGNANI MICHAEL L. NEWMAN Senior Assistant Attorneys General 4 5 MICHAEL P. CA YA BAN CHRISTINE CHUANG EDWARD H. OCHOA Supervising Deputy Attorneys General 6 7 8 9 10 11 HEATHER C. LESLIE JANELLE M. SMITH JAMES F. ZAHRADKA II LEE I. SHERMAN (SBN 272271) Deputy Attorneys General 300 S. Spring St., Suite 1702 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Telephone: (213) 269-6404 Fax: (213) 897-7605 E-mail: Artorneys.for Plai111ijJS1ate o.(California 12 IN THE UN1TED STATES DISTRICT COURT 13 FOR THE NORTHERN 14 DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA OAKLAND DIVISION 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 STATE OF CALIFORNIA; STATE OF COLORADO; STATE OF CONNECTICUT; STATE OF DELAWARE; STATE OF HA WAIL; STATE OF lLLINOLS; STATE OF MAINE; STATE OF MARYLAND; COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS; ATTORNEY GENERAL DANA NESSEL ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF MICHIGAN; STATE OF MINNESOTA; STATE OF Nl~VADA; STATE OF NEW JERSEY; STATE OFNEWME'A'ICO; STATE OF NEW YORK; STATE OF OREGON; STATE OF RHODE TSLAND; STATE OF VERMONT; COMMONWEALTH QJr VIRGINIA; and STATE OF WISCONSIN; 26 27 28 Plaintiffs, v. DONALD J. TRUMP, in his official ca1n1city 4: I 9-cv-00872-HSG DECLARATION OF RANDALL L. HUGHES IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS' MOTION FOR A PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 as President of the United States of America; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE; PATRICK M. SHANAHAN, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of Defense; MARKT. ESPER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Army; RICHARD V. SPENCER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Navy; HEATHER WILSON, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Air Force; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY; STEVEN T. MNUCHIN, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Treasury; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR; DAVID BERNHARDT, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of the Interior; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY; KIRSTJEN M. NIELSEN, in her official capacity as Secretary of Homeland Security; Defendants. 1 I, Randall L. Hughes, declare as follows: 2 l. 3 4 5 6 I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth in this declaration. If called as a witness, I could and would testify competently to the matters set forth below. 2. I am Police Chief of the Georgetown Police Department ("GPD"), in the State of Delaware. I have served in my current position for the past 4 years . 3. In my current position, I perform duties relating to the participation as an equitable 7 share partner in the Treasury Forfeiture Fund («TFF") administered by the U.S . Department of 8 Treasury. The GPD is a participant in the TFF's equitable share program pursuant to 31 U.S.C. § 9 9705 and the terms of an equitable share agreement with the Department of Treasury. 10 4. I am familiar with the records maintained by the GPD relating to its participation 11 in the TFF equitable share program. These records include claims submitted by GPD to the 12 Department of Treasury following law enforcement actions that resulted in a seizure; notices of 13 forfeiture that GPD receives from the Department of Treasury; records reflecting the payment of 14 equitable shares to the GPD by the Department of Treasury; and, records relating to GPD's use of 15 equitable shares toward law enforcement purposes. 16 5. Under the TFF equitable share program, the Department of Treasury may 17 distribute funds derived from forfeited assets to a state or locals law enforcement agency if that 18 agency is a participant the program and the agency participated in a law enforcement actions that 19 resulted in a seizure and forfeiture that is subject to the Department of Treasury's jurisdiction. 20 6. GPD participates in joint law enforcement law actions with federal agencies that 21 fall under the Department of Treasury's Treasury Forfeiture Fund program. These law 22 enforcement actions sometimes result in the seizure of assets - cash or property with a monetary 23 value. As a partner agency under the equitable share program, the GPD submits a claim for an 24 equitable share of the seized asserts based on GPD's level of participation in lhe action that 25 resulted in the seizure. The Department of Treasury makes a determination concerning GPD's 26 equitable share claim and provides the GPD with notice of the distributed amount. 27 28 7. For FYl 9 GPD has also submitted equitable share claims for seizures which have occurred but for which no payment has yet been received. 1 2 3 8. The funds received by the GPD from the TFF are used for law enforcement purposes consistent with its equitable sharing agreement with the Depa11ment of Treasury. 9. If the GPD does not receive its equitable shares to pending claims, or if the 4 Department of Treasury eliminates, reduces, or delays its payments of equitable share claims, 5 GPD will be forced to draw from other law enforcement resources to pay for the facilities and 6 equipment utilized by these law enforcement task forces, diverting funds from the GPD's other 7 law enforcement priorities. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is tlue and correct. Executed on April 1, 2019, at Georgetown, Delaware EXHIBIT 1 XAVIER BECERRA 2 ROBERT W. BYRNE SALLY MAGNANI Ml.CHA ELL. NEWMAN Attorney General of California 3 Senior Assistant Attorneys General 4 5 MI.CHAELP.CAYABAN CHR1STJNE CHUANG EDWARD H. OCHOA 6 BEATHER C. LESLIE 7 JANELLE M. SMITH JAMES F. ZAHRADKA Il LEE I. SHERMAN (SBN272271) Supervising Deputy Attorneys General 8 9 IO 11 Deputy Attorneys General 300 S. Spring St., Suite 1702 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Telephone: (213) 269-6404 Fax: (213) 897-7605 E-mail: Attorneys for Plaintif!State of California 12 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 13 FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 14 OAKLAND DIVISION 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 STATE OF CALIFORNIA; STATE OF COLORADO; STATE OF CONNECTICUT; STATE OF DELAWARE; STATE OF HAWAII; STATE OF ILLINOIS; STATE OF MAINE; STATE OF MARYLAND; COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS; ATTORNEY GENERAL DANA NESSEL ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF MICIDGAN; STATE OF MINNESOTA; STATE OF NEV ADA; STATE OF NEW JERSEY; STATE OF NEW MEXICO; STATE OF NEW YORK; STATE OF OREGON; STATE OF RHODE ISLAND; STATE OF VERMONT; COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA; and STATE OF WISCONSIN~ 26 27 28 Plaintiffs, v. 4:19-cv-00872-HSG DECLARATION OF KURT KELEMEN IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS' MOTION FOR A PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DONALD J. TRUMP, in his official capacity as President of the United States of America; UNITED STATES OF AMEIUCA; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE; PATRICK M. SHANAHAN, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of Defense; MARK T. ESPER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Army; RJCHARD V. SPENCER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Navy; HEATHER WILSON, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Air Force; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY; STEVEN T. MNUCHIN, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Treasury; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR; DAVID BERNHARDT, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of the Interior; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY; KIRSTJEN M. NIELSEN, in her official capacity as Secretary of Homeland Security; 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Defendants. I, Kurt Kelemen, declare as follows: 2 3 4 5 6 1. I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth in this declaration. If called as a witness, I could and would testify competently to the matters set forth below. 2. I am currently employed as the Controller for the Delaware State Police ("DSP). I have served in my current position for the past 4 years. 3. In my current position, I perform several duties relating to the participation as an 7 equitable share partner in the Treasury Forfeitme Fund ("TFF") administered by the U.S. 8 Department of Treasury. The DSP is a participant in the TFF's equitable share program pursuant 9 to 31 U.S.C. § 9705 and the terms of an equitable share agreement with the Department of 10 Treasury. 11 4. I am familiar with the records maintained by the DSP relating to its participation 12 in the TFF equitable share program. These records include claims submitted by DSP to the 13 Department of Treasury following law enforcement actions that resulted in a seizure; notices of 14 forfeiture that DSP receives from the Department of Treasury; records reflecting the payment of 15 equitable shares to the DSP hy the Department of Treasury; and, records relating to DSP's use of 16 equitable shares toward law enforcement purposes. 17 5. Under the TFF equitable share program, the Department of Treasury may 18 distribute funds derived from forfeited assets to a state or locals law enforcement agency if that 19 agency is a participant the program and the agency participated in a law enforcement actions that 20 resulted in a seizure and forfeiture that is subject to the Department of Treasury's jurisdiction. 21 6. DSP participates in joint law enforcement law actions with federal agencies that 22 fall under the Department of Treasury's Treasury Forfeiture Fund program. These law 23 enforcement actions sometimes result in the seizure of assets - cash or property with a monetary 24 value. As a partner agency under the equitable share program, the DSP submits a claim for an 25 equitable share of the seized asserts based on DSP's level of participation in the action that 26 resulted in the seizure. The Department of Treasury makes a determination concerning DSP's 27 equitable share claim and provides the DSP with notice of the distributed amount. 28 1 2 3 4 5 7. Over the past three years the DSP has received the following funds from TFF: FY16 $11,124; FYl 7 $0; FYl 8 $46,600. 8. The funds received by the DSP from the TFF are used for law enforcement purposes consistent with its equitable sharing agreement with the Department of Treasury. 9. If the DSP does not receive its equitable shares to pending claims, or if the 6 Department of Treasury eliminates, reduces, or delays its payments of equitable share claims, 7 DSP will be forced to draw from other law enforcement resources to pay for the facilities and 8 equipment utilized by these law enforcement task forces, diverting funds from the DSP's other 9 law enforcement priorities. 10 11 12 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on _ A..,_p_'f'.·,.;....:...._ _ __,, 2019, at Dover, Delaware. \ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Kurt Kelemen EXHIBIT 1 XAVIER BECERRA 2 ROBERTW. BYRNE SALLY MAGNANI MICHAEL L. NEWMAN Attorney General of California 3 Senior Assistant Attorneys General 4 5 MICHAEL P. CAY ABAN CHRISTINE CHUANG EDWARDH. OCHOA Supervising Deputy Attorneys General 6 7 8 9 10 11 HEATHER C. LESLIE JANELLE M. SMITH JAMESF. ZAHRADKA II LEE I. SHERMAN (SBN 272271) Deputy Attorneys General 300 S. Spring St., Suite 1702 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Telephone: (213) 269-6404 Fax: (213) 897-7605 E-mail: Attorneys for Plaintif!State of California 12 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 13 FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 14 OAKLAND DIVISION 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 STATE OF CALIFORNIA; STATE OF COLORADO; STATE OF CONNECTICUT; STATE OF DELAWARE; STATE OF HAWAII; STATE OF ILLINOIS; STATE OF MAINE; STATE OF MARYLAND; COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS; ATTORNEY GENERAL DANA NESSEL ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF MICIDGAN; STATE OF MINNESOTA; STATE OF NEVADA; STATE OF NEW JERSEY; STATE OF NEW MEXICO; STATE OF NEW YORK; STATE OF OREGON; STATE OF RHODE ISLAND; STATE OF VERMONT; COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA; and STATE OF WISCONSIN; 26 27 28 Plaintiffs, v. 4:19-cv-00872-HSG DECLARATION OF MARK WOHNER IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS' MOTION FOR A PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DONALD J. TRUMP, in his official capacity as President of the United States of America; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE; PATRICK M. SHANAHAN, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of Defense; MARKT. ESPER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Army; RICHARD V. SPENCER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Navy; HEATHER WILSON, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Air Force; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY; STEVEN T. MNUCIDN, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Treasury; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR; DAVID BERNHARDT, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of the Interior; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY; KIRSTJEN M. NIELSEN, in her official capacity as Secretary of Homeland Security; Defendants. I, Mark Wohner, declare as follows: 2 3 4 5 6 1. I have personal knowledge of the facts set fo11h in this declaration. If called as a witness, I could and would testify competently to the matters set forth below. 2. I am Chief of Police for the Newport Police Department ("NPD"), in the State of Delaware. 3. In my current position, I perform several duties relating to the participation as an 7 equitable share partner in the Treasury Forfeiture Fund ("TFF") administered by the U.S. 8 Department of Treasury. The NPD is a participant in the TFF's equitable share program pursuant 9 to 31 U.S.C. § 9705 and the terms of an equitable share agreement with the Department of 10 Treasury. 11 4. I am familiar with the records maintained by the NPD relating to its participation 12 in the TFF equitable share program. These records include claims submitted by NPD to the 13 Department of Treasury following law enforcement actions that resulted in a seizure; notices of 14 forfeiture that NPD receives from the Department of Treasury; records reflecting the payment of 15 equitable shares to the NPD by the Department of Treasury; and, records relating to NPD' s use of 16 equitable shares toward law enforcement purposes. 17 5. Under the TFF equitable share program, the Department of Treasury may 18 distribute funds derived from forfeited assets to a state or locals law enforcement agency if that l9 agency is a participant the program and the agency participated in a law enforcement actions that 20 resulted in a seizure and forfeiture that is subject to the Department of Treasury's jurisdiction. 21 6. NPD pru1icipates in joint law enforcement law actions with federal agencies that 22 fail under the Department of Treasury's Treasury Forfeitme Fund program. These law 23 enforcement actions sometimes result in the seizure of assets - cash or property with a monetary 24 value. As a prutner agency under the equitable share program, the NPD submits a claim for an 25 equitable share of the seized asserts based on NPD's level of pruticipation in the action that 26 resulted in the seizure. The Department of Treasury makes a determination concerning NPD's 27 equitable shru·e claim and provides the NPD with notice of the distributed amount. 28 1 2 3 7. The NPD received funds from TFF in FY 2017 and 2018. Currently we are awaiting our percentage of equitable share funds as a result of a claim made in 2018 arising out of a drug seizure case. 4 5 6 7 8. Toe funds received by the NPD from the TFF are used for law enforcement purposes consistent with its equitable sharing agreemem with th! Department of Treasury. 9. If the NPD does not receive its equitab'e sharef to pending claims, or if the 8 Department of Treasury eliminates, reduces, or delays its payments of equitable share claims, 9 NPD will be forced to draw from other law enforcement resources to pay for the facilities and to equipment utilized by these law enforcement task forces, diverting funds from the NPD's other 11 law enforcement priorities. 12 13 14 I declare under penalty of perjury tmder the laws of the United States that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on April .L 2019, at Newport, Delaware. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 k Wohner EXHIBIT 1 XAVIER BECERRA Attorney General of California 2 3 ROBERT W. BYRNE SALLY MAGNANI MICHAEL L. NEWMAN Senior Assistant Attorneys General 4 5 MICHAEL P. CAY ABAN CHRISTINE CHUANG EDWARD H. OCHOA Supervising Deputy Attorneys General 6 7 8 9 10 ll HEATHER C. LESLIE JANELLE M. SMITH JAMES F. ZAHRADKA II LEE I. SHERMAN (SBN 272271) Deputy Attorneys General 300 S. Spring St., Suite 1702 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Telephone: (213) 269-6404 Fax: (213) 897-7605 E-mail: Attorneys for Plaintiff State ofCalifornia 12 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 13 FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 14 OAKLAND DIVISION 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 STATE OF CALIFORNIA; STATE OF COLORADO; STATE OF CONNECTICUT; STATE OF DELAWARE; STATE OF HAWAII; STATE OF ILLINOIS; STATE OF MAINE; STATE OF MARYLAND; COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS; ATTORNEY GENERAL DANA NESSEL ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF MICHIGAN; STATE OF MINNESOTA; STATE OF NEVADA; STATE OF NEW JERSEY; STATE OF NEW MEXICO; STATE OF NEW YORK; STATE OF OREGON; STATE OF RHODE ISLAND; STATE OF VERMONT; COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA; and STATE OF WISCONSIN; 26 27 28 4: l 9-cv-00872-HSG DECLARATION OF NOLAN ESPINDA, DIRECTOR OF THE STATE OF HAWAl'I DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS' MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION Plaintiffs, ~ DONALD J. TRUMP, in his official capacity Declaration of Nolan Espinda (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 as President of the United States of America; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE; PATRICK M. SHANAHAN, in his official capacity as Actil).g Secretary of Defense; MARK T. ESPER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Army; RICHARD V. SPENCER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Navy; HEATHER WILSON, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Air Force; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY; STEVEN T. MNUCHIN, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Treasury; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR; DAVID BERNHARDT, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of the Interior; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY; KIRST JEN M. NIELSEN, in her official capacity as Secretary of Homeland Security; Defendants. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Declaration of Nolan Espinda (4: 19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 I, Nolan Espinda, declare as follows: 2 1. 3 4 I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth in this declaration. If called as a witness, I could and would testify competently to the matters set forth below. 2. I am the Director of the State ofHawai'i Department of Public Safety 5 ("D.epartment of Public Safety"). Prior to serving as the Director of the Department of Public 6 Safety, I was the Warden ofHalawa Correctional Facility. 7 3. The Sheriff Division of the Department of Public Safety ("Sheriff Division") is 8 responsible for carrying out law enforcement services statewide, which includes working in 9 conjunction with other federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies to provide for the 10 health, safety, and welfare of all citizens in the State ofHawai'i. The Sheriff Division is an 11 agency of the State ofHawai'i. 12 13 14 15 4. The Sheriff Division participates in the Treasury Forfeiture Fund and has regularly received funds from the Treasury Forfeiture Fund through the years. 5. From 2015 to 2018, the Sheriff Division received the following amounts through equitable sharing from the Treasury Forfeiture Fund: 16 a. In 2015, $27,048.55, 17 b. In 2016, $8,850.60, 18 C. In 2017, $97,517.24, and 19 d. In 2018, $21,078.92. 20 21 22 6. In the past, the Sheriff Division has received equitable shares when it has submitted claims and the forfeiture process has been completed. 7. In the past, the Sheriff Division has used the money received from equitable 23 sharing to increase its law enforcement capabilities. The Sheriff Division will determine how 24 equitable sharing funds can be used consistent with program requirements and conditions. Such 25 funds are generally used for a variety of purposes, primarily equipment and training-related costs. 26 8. Based on the Sheriff Division's past participation, the Sheriff Division anticipates 27 participating in equitable sharing from the Treasury Forfeiture Fund in the immediate and 28 foreseeable future. 1 Declaration of Nolan Espinda (4: l 9-cv-00872-HSG) 1 9. If the availability of this critical law enforcement funding is reduced, public safety 2 in Hawai'i will be harmed in that the ability of the Sheriff Division to secure equipment and 3 training that would allow it to better perform its mission will be impaired. 4 5 6 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing 1s true and correct. Executed on April 2, 2019, at Honolulu, Hawai'i. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 Declaration of Nolan Espinda (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) EXHIBIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 XAVIER BECERRA Attorney General of California ROBERT W. BYRNE SALLY MAGNANI MICHAEL L. NEWMAN Senior Assistant Attorneys General MICHAEL P. CAYABAN CHRISTINE CHUANG EDWARD H. OCHOA Supervising Deputy Attorneys General HEATHER C. LESLIE JANELLE M. SMITH JAMES F. ZAHRADKA II LEE I. SHERMAN (SBN 272271) Deputy Attorneys General 300 S. Spring St., Suite 1702 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Telephone: (213) 269-6404 Fax: (213) 897-7605 E-mail: Attorneys for Plaintiff State of California 12 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA OAKLAND DIVISION 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 STATE OF CALIFORNIA; STATE OF COLORADO; STATE OF CONNECTICUT; STATE OF DELAWARE; STATE OF HAWAII; STATE OF ILLINOIS; STATE OF MAINE; STATE OF MARYLAND; COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS; ATTORNEY GENERAL DANA NESSEL ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF MICHIGAN; STATE OF MINNESOTA; STATE OF NEVADA; STATE OF NEW JERSEY; STATE OF NEW MEXICO; STATE OF NEW YORK; STATE OF OREGON; STATE OF RHODE ISLAND; STATE OF VERMONT; COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA; and STATE OF WISCONSIN; 4:19-cv-00872-HSG DECLARATION OF MICHAEL T. YOKLEY IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION Plaintiffs, v. DONALD J. TRUMP, in his official capacity as President of the United States of America; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE; PATRICK 1 Declaration of Michael T. Yokley (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 M. SHANAHAN, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of Defense; MARK T. ESPER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Army; RICHARD V. SPENCER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Navy; HEATHER WILSON, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Air Force; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY; STEVEN T. MNUCHIN, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Treasury; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR; DAVID BERNHARDT, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of the Interior; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY; KIRSTJEN M. NIELSEN, in her official capacity as Secretary of Homeland Security; Defendants. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 Declaration of Michael T. Yokley (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) I, Michael T. Yokley, declare as follows: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 l. I am employed as Chief Financial Officer for the Illinois State Police ("ISP"). My office is located at 801 S. Seventh Street-Suite 700-S Springfield IL 62703. 2. The Asset Forfeiture Section is responsible for tracking the seizure and forfeiture of assets by ISP pursuant to the authority conferred on ISP by Illinois law. These assets include, for example, currency and other property seized as part ofISP's efforts to combat trafficking of illegal drugs and narcotics. The Asset Forfeiture Section manages the collection and holding of asset 9 forfeiture infonnation and funds, and provides for subsequent disposition of all drug-related assets IO 11 12 in compliance with state and federal law, court orders, and administrative rules. 3. As Chief Financial Officer, I am aware that ISP participates in equitable sharing 13 agreements with various federal law enforcement agencies, including the United States Department 14 of Treasury ("Treasury Department"). Through equitable sharing agreements, ISP receives a 15 portion of the assets seized and forfeited as a result of cooperative law enforcement efforts 16 involving ISP and federal law enforcement agencies. In order to be eligible to receive any such 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 assets, ISP must submit a DAG for each asset and an Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification ("ESAC") fonn annually to the relevant federal law enforcement agencies. The Asset Forfeiture Section maintains the ESAC fonns submitted by ISP as part of its official records. 4. I have reviewed the ESAC fonns submitted by ISP for the fiscal years 2011 through 2018. Based on my review of the ESAC fonns submitted by ISP, I am aware that, during this time period, ISP received $516,624.42 in federal equitable sharing funds from the Treasury Department. 24 5. I am also aware that ISP is eligible to receive additional federal equitable sharing 25 26 funds from the Treasury Department for the current fiscal year. Specifically, ISP has participated 27 in initiating cases with cooperating federal law enforcement agencies resulting seizures in excess 28 of $1,000,000. Based on ISP's participation in initiating these cases, ISP is eligible to receive a I 3 Declaration of Michael T. Yokley (4: 19-cv-00872-HSG) portion of the seized assets from the Treasury Department pursuant to the equitable sharing 2 3 agreement between ISP and the Treasury Department. 6. If the Treasury Department diverts the seized assets resulting from the cases in 4 which ISP participated to another purpose, ISP would not receive its share of these assets. ISP uses 5 6 7 8 the equitable sharing funds it receives from the Treasury Department to purchase needed equipment for enforcement of laws within the State of Illinois. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. 9 10 11 12 Executed on March 29, 2019, at Springfield, Illinois. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4 Declaration of Michael T. Yokley (4: 19-cv-00872-HSG) EXHIBIT 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 XAVIER BECERRA Attorney General of California ROBERT W. BYRNE SALLY MAGNANI MICHAEL L. NEWMAN Senior Assistant Attorneys General MICHAEL P. CAYABAN CHRISTINE CHUANG EDWARD H. OCHOA Supervising Deputy Attorneys General HEATHER C. LESLIE JANELLE M. SMITH JAMESF.ZAHRADKAII LEE I. SHERMAN (SBN 272271) Deputy Attorneys General 300 S. Spring St., Suite 1702 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Telephone: (213) 269-6404 Fax: (213) 897-7605 E-mail: Attorneys for Plaintif!State ofCalifornia 12 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 13 FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 14 OAKLAND DIVISION 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 STATE OF CALIFORNIA; STATE OF COLORADO; STATE OF CONNECTICUT; STATE OF DELAWARE; STATE OF HAWAII; STATE OF ILLINOIS; STATE OF MAINE; STATE OF MARYLAND; COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS; ATTORNEY GENERAL DANA NESSEL ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF MICHIGAN; STATE OF MINNESOTA; STATE OF NEVADA; STATE OF NEW JERSEY; STATE OF NEW MEXICO; STATE OF NEW YORK; STATE OF OREGON; STATE OF RHODE ISLAND; STATE OF VERMONT; COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA; and STATE OF WISCONSIN; 26 27 28 4:19-cv-00872-HSG DECLARATION OF JOSEPH MAGATS IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS' MOTION Plaintiffs, v. DONALD J. TRUMP, in his official capacity Declaration of Joseph Magats ( 4: 19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 as President of the United States of America; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE; PATRICK M. SHANAHAN, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of Defense; MARKT. ESPER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Army; RICHARD V. SPENCER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Navy; HEATHER WILSON, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Air Force; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY; STEVEN T. MNUCHIN, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Treasury; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR; DAVID BERNHARDT, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of the Interior; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY; KIRSTJEN M. NIELSEN, in her official capacity as Secretary of Homeland Security; Defendants. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Declaration of Joseph Magats (4: 19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 I, Joseph Magats, declare that the following is true and correct: 2 1. I am employed as the First Assistant State's Attorney in the Cook County State's 3 Attorney's Office (the "Office"). My office is located at 69 W. Washington, Suite 3200, 4 Chicago, Illinois 60602. 5 2. The Office is a law enforcement agency headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, with 6 over a dozen locations throughout Cook County, Illinois. The Office prosecutes all misdemeanor 7 and felony crimes committed in Cook County. The Office employs more than 1,100 people, 8 including over 700 attorneys and 75 sworn investigators. The Office is the second largest 9 prosecutor's office in the United States. 10 3. As part of my work for the Office, I am aware that the Office participates in 11 equitable sharing agreements with various federal law enforcement agencies, including the United 12 States Department of the Treasury ("Treasury Department"). Through equitable sharing 13 agreements, the Office receives a portion of the funds seized and forfeited as a result of 14 cooperative law enforcement efforts involving the Office and federal law enforcement agencies. 15 Pursuant to federal equitable sharing procedures, the Office must submit an Equitable Sharing 16 Agreement and Certification ("ESAC") form to the relevant federal law enforcement agencies. 17 The Office maintains the ESAC forms submitted by the Office as part of its official records. 18 4. I have reviewed the ESAC forms submitted by the Office for the fiscal years 2010 19 through 2018. A true and correct copy of these ESAC forms is attached hereto as Exhibit A. 20 Based on my review of these ESAC forms, I am aware that the Office received the following 21 amounts in federal equitable sharing funds from the Treasury Department's Treasury Forfeiture 22 Fund (TFF) in the 2010 through 2018 fiscal years: 23 24 Year TFF Funds Received 25 2010 $ 208,922.00 26 2011 43,944.00 27 2012 472,173.56 28 2013 295,635.09 1 Declaration of Joseph Magats (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 2014 233,037.52 2 2015 303,651.83 3 2016 83,816.29 4 2017 168,959.03 5 2018 122,273.85 6 2010-2018 total $1,932,413.17 7 8 5. The Office has historically expended the funds received from the TFF for the 9 Office's Investigations Bureau. The Investigations Bureau provides other local law enforcement 10 agencies in Cook County with investigative assistance, expertise, and technical resources. It also 11 handles investigations of specialized crimes such as official misconduct, violations of public 12 integrity, election fraud, and complex financial crimes, among other duties. The Office has used 13 TFF funds for training, vehicles, law enforcement equipment, and law enforcement operations 14 and investigations within the Investigations Bureau. 15 6. I am also aware that the Office is eligible to receive additional federal equitable 16 sharing funds from the TFF for the current fiscal year. The Office has TFF claims pending based 17 on its participation in initiating cases with cooperating federal law enforcement agencies that 18 resulted in the seizure of assets. Based on the Office's participation in initiating these cases, the 19 Office is eligible to receive a portion of the seized assets from the TFF pursuant to the equitable 20 sharing agreement between the Office and the Treasury Department. 21 7. The Office requires substantial resources to protect public safety. If the Office 22 does not receive TFF disbursements for the pending claims, the Office will be harmed in the 23 amount of the unpaid claims, and its ability to procure resources and equipment for the conduct of 24 law enforcement activities will be hindered. 25 26 27 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on March 28, 2019, at Chicago, Illinois. 28 2 Declaration of Joseph Magats (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 Declaration of Joseph Magats (4: l 9-cv-00 872-HS G) EXHIBIT A .111qu11ao1e ~nar1ng Agreement and Certification Police Department Sheriff's Office Natlonal Guard Counterdrug Unit Task Force Other e Prosecutor's Office Version:1.9 Agency Name: Cook County State's Attorney's Office NCIC: IL016013A Street Address:69 W. Washington, Suite 3200 Clty:Chicago State: IL . Zip: 60602 l.i'inance Contact: First:Raymond Last: Balcarcel Phone:312-603-1861 Preparer: Flrst:Gerald ·Last:Lakomiak Phone:312-603-1895 lndependant Public Accountant: Email: FY End Date: 11/30/2010 New Participant Agency Current FY Budget: $101,175,133.00 e Existing Participant . Annual Certification Report Amended Form Summary of Equit~ble Sharing Activity Justice Funds Treasury Funds . Beginning Equitable Sharing Fund Balance $245,214.0q I $870, 145.0q :. Federal Sharing Funds Received $517,761.0@ I $208,922.0g ,, Federal Sharing Funds Received from Other Law Enforcement Agencies & TI! · $0.0@ I $0.0~ k Other Income $0.0g $0.09 i. Interest Income Accrued $0.0Q $0.0q Non-Interest Bearing Account i. Total Equitable Sharing Funds (total lines 1-5) i . $762,975.00l i $1,079,067.00\ '. Federal Sharing Funds Spent (total lines a-n below) I $161.os3.0011 $311.s6s.o~ !. Ending Balance (subtract lines 7 from 6) 1 $s9s,922.o@ I s101,199.og I I Summary of Shared Monies Spent Total spent on salaries ,. Total spent on overtime :. Total sp~nt on informants, "buy money" and rewards i. Total spent on travel and training ,. Total spent on communications and computers f. Total spent on weapons and protective gear ~. Total spent on electronic surveillance h.. Total spent on building and improvements l. Total transfers to other state and local law enforcement agencies (Table C) i. Total spent on other law enforcement expenses (Table D) k. Total Expenditures in Support of Community-based Programs (Table E) I. Total Windfall Transfers to Other Governmrnt Agencies (Table F) m. Total spent on matching grants (Table G) o. Did your agency receive non-cash assets? (Table H) Yes eNo Treasury Funds $0.0 $165,690.0Q] $0.0( $0.00! $0.0 $0.0~ $6,183.00 $0.001 $46,299.0 so.001 $0.og $0.00 $78,913.0 $0.0g $107,119.0 $0.0Q] $0.00 $0.00l $139,354.0 s1,363.001 $0.0Q] . $0.0 $0.og Justice Funds I 1. n. I I Total I I [ I I I I I $0.og $167,053.og $377,868.0 rame A: Members of Task Force fable B: Equitable Sharing.Funds Received from Other Agencies ~gencyName Table C: Equitable Sharing Funds Transferred to Other Agencies Table D: Other Law Enforcement Expenses Description of Expense Legal Notices Audit Charge Bank Charges Drug & Educational Awareness Programs Automotive · Justice $1,363.00 Table E: Expenditures in Support of Community-based Programs Table F: Windfall Transfers Table G: Matching Grants Table H: Other Non-Cash Assets Received Asset Description Table I: Civil Rights Cases During the past fiscal year, has the Agency been part of any proceedings alleging discrimination by the Agency? Yes • No Agency Head Name: Anita Alvarez Title: Cook County State's Attorney Date: 11/30/2011 Email: Subscribe to Equitable Sharing Wire: Governing Body Head Name: Toni Preckwinkle Title: President, Cook County Board Date: Email: Treasury $42,102.00 . $3,500.00 $2,109.00 $538.00 $91,105.00 Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification Police Department Sherifrs Office Task Force l i I < e Prosecutor's Office National Guard Counterdrug Unit Other Agency Name: Cook County State's Attorney's Office StreetAddress:69 W. Washington, Suite 3200 City:Chicago l<'inance Contact: First:Raymond Last:Balcarcel Phone:312-603-1861 Preparer: Flrst:Oerald Version2.0 I I NCIC: IL016013A State: IL Zip:60602 Email:raymond Last: Lakomiak Phone:312-603-1895 lndependant Public Accountant: Email: FY End Date: 11/30/2011 New Participant Agency Current FY Budget: $88,271,065.00 Amended Form e Existing Participant Annual Certification Report Summary of Equitable Sharing Activity Justice Funds Treasury Funds . Beginning Equitable Sharing Fund Balance $595,922.00\ I $701,199.0tj :. Federal Sharing Funds Received $81,8S6.00j ! $43,944.oq ,, Federal Sharing Funds Received from Other Law Enforcement Agencies & TI! $0.00! $0.0~ L Other Income $0.0g $0.00\ i. Interest.Income Accrued ! $0.0tj I $0.0tj Non-Interest Bearing Account ;, Total Equitable Sharing Funds (total lines 1-5) I $611,ns.og I $745,143.o~ 7• Federal Sharing Funds Spent (total lines a-n below) I s110,434.oo) I $494,193.o~ L Ending Balance (subtract lines 7 from 6) $so1 ,344.00\ $2so,9so.001 I I II. o. Did your agency receive non-cash assets? (Table H) Yes eNo Total I Justice Funds Summary of Shared Monies Spent 1. Total spent on salaries ,. Total spent on overtime ~. Total spent on informants, "buy money" and rewards i. Total spent on travel and training :,. Total spent on communications and computers f. Total spent on weapons and protective gear ~. Total spent on electronic surveillance n. Total spent on building and improvements i. Total transfers to other state and local law enforcement agencies (Table C) i, Total spent on other law enforcement expenses (Table D) k. Total Expenditures in Support of Community-based Programs (Table E) l. Total Windfall Transfers to Other Governmrnt Agencies (Table F) m. Tota{ spent on matching grants (Table G) I I Treasury Funds I I I $170,210.0~ $0.og $0.0g $0.0~ $0.og $0.00\ $0.001 $0.00\ l $0.og 1 $224.0~ I I I I I so.og $0.0~ $0.0~ $170,434.0Q\ $0.0 $0.0 $0.00 $8,576.0C $127,691.00 $0.00 $124,136.00 $106,827.0 $0.0 $126,963.0 $0.0 $494,193.00 ,; ; fable A: Members of Task Force fable B: Equitable Sharing Funds Received from Other Agencies \.gency Name Table C: Equitable Sharing Funds Transferred to Other Agencies Table D: Other Law Enforcement Expenses Description of Expense Automotive Legal Notices Drug & Educational Awareness Programs Bank Service Charges Justice $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $224.00 Table E: Expenditures In Support of Community-based Programs T·able F: Windfall Transfers Table G: Matching Grants Table Ii: Other Non-Cash Assets Received · Asset Description Table I: Civil Rights Cases · During the past fiscal year, has the Agency been part of any proceedings Yes • No alleging discrimination by the Agency? Agency Head Name: Anita Alvarez Title: Cook County State.'s Attorney Date: 01/20/2012 Email: Subscribe to Equitable Sharing Wire: Governing Body Head Name: Toni Preckwinkle Title: President, Cook County Board Date: 03/16/2012 Email: Treasury $80,471.00 $44,207.00 $558.00 $1,727.00 Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification e Police Department Sheriff's Office Task Force Prosecutor's Office Version2. l Other National Guard Counterdrug Unit Agency Name: Cook County State's Attorney's Office NCIC: 11016013A Street Address: 69 W. Washington, Suite 3200 City: Chicago State: IL Zip: 60602 Finance Contact: First:Raymond Last:Balcarcel Phone:312-603~ 1861 Preparer: First:Raymond Last: Balcarcel Phone:(312)603-1861 Independant Public Accountant: FY End Date: ll/30/2012 Agency Current FY Budget: $90,678,192.00 Amended Form New Participant e Existing Participant Annual Certification Report Summary of Equitable Sharing Activity Justice Funds Treasury Funds . Beginning Equitable Sharing Fund Balance j $507,343.94j I $250,949.6§ :. Federal Sharing Funds Received j $1,322,216.0~ I $472,173.S~ ,. Federal Sharing Funds Received from Other Law Enforcement Ag~ncies & Tlj $0.0@ I $0.09 LOther Income I $0.og I $0.og i. Interest Income Accrued $0.og I $0.0g Non-Interest Bearing Account ,. Total Equitable Sharing Funds (total lines 1-5) I $1,s29,s6o.o3I I $123,123.2~ '. Federal Sharing Funds Spent {total lines a-n below) I $15S,749.40\ I $332,015.03\ I. Ending Balance {subtract lines 7 from 6) 1 $1,613,s10.63I I $391,1os.191 e! Justice Funds Treasury Funds 1. Total spent on salaries $0.0 I $110,849.49 J, Total spent on overtime so.og $0.0 I :. Total spent on infonnants, "buy money'' and rewards $0.0 $0.00) I· i. Total spent on travel and training $6,902.98 $0.001 I ~. Total spent on communications and computers $59,200.81 $0.09 I f. Total spent on weapons and protective gear $41,824.55 so.001 J. Total spent on electronic surveillance $5,173.9 $0.001 b.. Total spent on building and improvements $0.og $126,342.9~ l. Total transfers to other state and local law enforcement ag~ncies (Table C) $0.0 $0.0g j. Total spent on other law enforcement expenses (Table D) $92.569.76 $44,900.0Ql le. Total Expenditures in Support of Community-based Programs (Table E) $0.og 1 l. Total Windfall Transfers to Other Govenunmt Agenci~s (Table F) $0.0 so.001 l tn. Total spent on matching grants (Table G) $0.0~ I $332,015.031 Total! __;$_15_5..:.....,7_49_.4__.~I !l. o. Did your agency receive non-cash assets? (Table H) Yes eNo Summary of Shared Monies Spent L-_ rable A: Members of Task Force fable B: Equitable Sharing Funds Received from Other Agencies '-gencyName ·Table C: Equitable Sharing Funds Transferred to Other Agencies Table D: Other Law Enforcement Expenses Descrintion of Expense Legal Notices Auditing Automotive Subscriptions Supplies Translation Services Records Fees Justice $9,000.00 $35,900.00 Treasury $21,112.00 $8,000.00 $54,777.84 $3,552.00 $4,194.89 $642.10 $290.93 Table E: Expenditures in Support of Community-based Programs Table F: Windfall Transfers Table G: Matching Grants Table H: Other Non-Cash Assets Received Asset Description Table I: Civil Rights Cases During the past fiscal year, has the Agency been part of any proceedings alleging discrimination by the Agency? Yes • No Agency Head Name: Anita Alvarez Title: Cook County State's Attorney Date: Email: Subscribe to Equitable Sharing Wire: Governing Body Head Name: Toni Preckwinkle Title: _President. Cook_ County Board Date: Email: officeofthepresident@cookcowityil.go y Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification Police Department Sheriff's Office Task Force Other National Guard Counterdrug Unit e Prosecutor's Office Version2.1 Agency Name: Cook County State's Attorney's Office NCIC: IL016013A Street Address:69 W. Washington, Suite 3200 Clty:Chicago State: IL Zlp:60602 lfinance Contact: First:Raymond Last:Balcarcel Phone:312-603-1861 Preparer: First:Raymond Last:Balcarcel Phone:(312)603-1861 lndependant Public Accountant: FY End Date: 11/30/2013 New Participant Agency Current FY Budget: $93,229,590.00 e Existing Participant Amended Form Annual Certification Report Summary of Equitable Sharing Activity Justice Funds Treasury Funds I . Beginning Equitable Sharing Fund Balance $1,673,810.6~ $391,108.19! :. Federal Sharing Funds Received $681,117.3111 $295,635.0~ ,. Federal Sharing Funds Received from Other Law Enforcement Agencies & TII $0.0tj $0.0tj ~. Other Income · $0.og ====;;$0=.o=::.=:q i. Interest Income Accrued e]::======:! ~_ _ _$_0_.o~g $0.0tj! Non-Interest Bearing Account ;, Total Equitable Sharing Funds (total lines 1-5) $686,743.28! $2,354,921.9~ 7• Federal Sharing Funds Spent (total lines a-n below) $453,195.1~ s24s,614.s~ 1 L Ending Balance (subtract lines 7 from 6) $233,548.1~ $2,106,3 t3.01r I I I .=l I Summary of Shared Monies Spent 1. Total spent on salaries ,. Total spent on overtime ;, Total spent on informants, 11buy money" and rewards i. Total spent on travel and training ~. Total spent on communications and computers f. Total spent on weapons and protective gear ~- Total spent on electronic surveillance h. Total spent on building and improvements i. Total transfers to other state and local law enforcement agencies (Table C) i. Total spent on other law enforcement expenses (Table D) k.:. ·Total Expenditures in Support of Community~based Programs (Table E) l. Total Windfall Transfers to Other Govermnrnt Agencies (Table F) m. Total spent on matching grants (Table G) Total [l. o. Did your agency receive non-cash assets? (Table H) Yes eNo Justice Funds I I l I I I I l f I Treasury Funds $0.0 $0.0Q] $0.00 $0.0g $8,792.0 $0.00! $O.og $11,086.71 " 207,450.75 $ $97,855.551 $5,887.73 $416.111 $0.0 $92,045.0~ $82,629.78 $52,962.951 $0.0 $0.0~ $137,348.0 $5,335.2~ $0.0QJ $0.00\ $0.00J $248,614.8] $0.0 $453,195.14 rable A: Members of Task Force fable B: Equitable Sharing Funds Received from Other Agencies \..gency Name Table C: Equitable Sharing Funds Transferred to Other Agencies Table D: Other Law Enforcement Expenses Description Exoense of Justice Treasury $3,360.00 $1,975.26 Legal Notices Auditing Automotive Supplies Translation Services $3,500.00 $121,426.51 $2,014.56 $267.52 Table E: Expenditures in Support of Community~based Programs Table F: Windfall Transfers Table G: Matching Grants Table H: Other Non-Cash Assets Received Asset Description Table I: Civil Rights Cases During the past fiscal year, bas the Agency been part of any proceedings alleging discrimination by the Agency? Yes • No Agency Bead Nrune: Anita Alvarez Title: Cook County State's Attorney Date: 01/24/2014 Email: Governing Body Bead Nam~: Toni Preckwinkle Title: President, Cook County Board Date: 01/27/2014 Email: officeofthepresident@cookcountyil.go y Subscribe to Equitable Sharing Wire: 0MB Number 1123-0011 Expires: November 30, 2021 Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification NCIC/ORlfTracklng Number: IL016013A Agency Name: Cook County State's Attorney's Office Malling Address: 69 W. Washington, Suite 3200 Type: Prosecutor's Pffice Chicago, IL 60602 Agency Finance Contact Name: Phone: Email: Jurisdiction Finance Contact Name: Balcarcel, Raymond Phone:3126031861 Email: ESAC Preparer ·Name: Balcarcel, Raymond Phone: (312)603-18~1 Email: FY End Date: 11/30/2014 Agency FY 2015 Budget: $99,983,108.00 Amended Annual Certification Report· 4 5 6 7 8 Agencies and Task Force Other Income Interest Income Total Equitable Sharing Funds Received (tota1ofllnes1-s) Equitable Sharing Funds Spent (!Olli of lines a - n > Ending Equitable Sharing Funds Balance Treasury Funds $233,548.14 $0.00 $0.00 $1,373.91 $0.00 $2,384,973.39 1 Beginlng Equitable Sharing Fund Balance 2 Equitable Sharing Funds Received 3 Equitable Sharing Funds Received from Other Law Enforcement 1 Justice Funds $2,106,313.07 $278,660.32 $0.00 $0.00 Summary of Equitable Sharing Activity $467,959.57 2 $233,037.52 $391,305.94 ltdlffllrence between Une 7 and Unt 51 · $0.00 $1,993,667.45 $467,959.57 1Department of Justice Asset Forfeiture Program participants are: FBI, DEA, ATF, USPIS, USDA, DCIS, OSS, and FDA 2Department of the Treasury Asset Forfeiture Program participants are: IRS, ICE, CBP and usss. Summary of Shared Funds Spent Treasury Funds Justice Funds 26,451.78 b Training and Education c Law Enforcement, Public Safet , and Detention Facilities $26,726.35 $63,342.84 $274,784.97 $0.00 $0.00 ·$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 f Contracts for Services Law Enforcement Travel and Per Diem h Law Enforcement Awards and Memorials I Drug, Gang, and Other Education or Awareness Programs j Matching Grants k Transfers to Other Participating Law Enforcement Agencies I Support of Community-Based Programs m Non-Categorized Expenditures n Salaries $0.00 Total Date Printed: 03/21/2019 $0.00 $391,305.94 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Page 1 of 5 Equitable Sharing Funds Received From Other Agencies Transferring Agency Name Justice Funds Treasury Funds Justice Funds Treasury Funds Other Income Other Income Type Other $1,373.91 Matching Grants Matching Grant Name Justice Funds Treasury Funds Justice Funds Treasury Funds Transfers to Other Participating Law Enforcement Agencies Receiving Agency Name Support of Community-Based Programs Recipient Justice Funds Non-Categorized Expenditures Description Justice Funds Treasury Funds Justice Funds Treasury Funds Salaries 1Salary Type Paperwork Reduction Act Notice Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, a person Is not required to respond to a collection of Information unless It displays a valid 0MB control number. We try to create accurate and easily understood forms that Impose the least possible burden on you to complete. The estimated average time to complete this form Is 30 minutes. If you have comments regarding the accuracy of this estimate, or suggestions for making this form simpler, please write to the Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section at 1400 New York Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20005. Privacy Act Notice The Department of Justice ls collectlng this Information for the purpose of reviewing your equitable sharing expenditures. Providing this information is voluntary; however, the Information is necessary for your agency to maintain Program compliance. Information collected Is covered by Department of Justice System of Records Notice, 71 Fed. Reg. 29170 (May 19, 2006), JMD-022 Department of Justice Consolidated Asset Tracking System (CATS). This Information may be disclosed to contractors when necessary to accomplish an agency function, to law enforcement when there is a vlolatlon or potential violation of law, or In accordance with other published routine uses. For a complete 11st of routine uses, see the System of Records Notice as amended by subsequent publications. Single Audit Information Independent Auditor Name: Company: Phone: Date Printed: 03/21/2019 Email: Page 2 of 5 0MB Number 1123-0011 Expires: November 30, 2021 Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification NCIC/ORI/Tracklng Number: IL016013A Type: Prosecutor's Office Agency Name: Cook County State's Attorney's Office Malling Address: 69 W. Washington, Suite 3200 Chicago, IL 60602 Agency Finance Contact Name: Phone: Email: Jurisdiction Finance Contact Name: Balcarcel, Raymond Phone:3126031861 ESAC Preparer Name: Balcarcel, Raymond Phone:3126031861 Emall: FY End Date: 11/30/2015 Agency FY 2016 Budget: $103,747,610.00 Annual Certification Report Summary of Equitable Sharing Activity Justice Funds 1 Begining Equitable Sharing Fund Balan.ce 6 7 8 2 Treasury Funds Agencies and Task Force Other Income Interest Income Total Equitable Sharing Funds Received (to1a1 ornnas 1-5) Equitable Sharing Funds Spent (total of lines a. n ) Ending Equitable Sharing Funds Balance ltdlfference between line 7 and line 6) $0.00 $467,959.57 $303,651.83 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,372,747.77 $332,409.56 $2,040,338.21 2 Equitable Sharing Funds Received 3 Equitable Sharing Funds Received from Other Law Enforcement 4 5 . 1 $1,993,667.45 $379,080.32 $6,112.85 $0.00 $777,724.25 $0.00 $777,724.25 1Department of Justice Asset Forfeiture Program participants are: FBI, DEA, ATF, USPIS, USDA, DCIS, DSS, and FDA 20epartment of the Treasury Asset Forfeiture Program participants are: IRS, ICE, CBP and USSS, Justice Funds Summary of Shared Funds Spent Treasury Funds $145,769.70 $42,394.43 $0.00 e Joint Law Enforcement/Public Safet Equipment and O eratlons f Contracts for Services Law Enforcement Travel and Per Diem h Law Enforcement Awards and Memorials i Drug, Gang, and Other Education or Awareness Programs j Matching Grants k Transfers to Other Participating Law Enforcem~nt Agencies I Support of Community-Based Programs m Non-Categorized Expenditures $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 n Salaries Total Date Printed: d3/21/2019 $140,245.43 $0.00 $4,000.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 · $0.00 $0.00 $332.409.56 $0.00 Page 1 of 5 Equitable Sharing Funds Received From Other Agencies Justice Funds Treasury Funds Justice Funds Transferring Agency Name lreasury Funds Other Income Other Income Type Other $6,112.85 Matching Grants Matching Grant Name Justice Funds Treasury Funds Justice Funds Treasury Funds Transfers to Other Participating Law Enforcement Agencies Receiving Agency Name Support of Community-Based Programs I. . R_e-cl-p-le_n_t------------------'----J-us_t_lc_e_F_u_n_ds_- - - . Non-Categorized Expenditures Justice Funds Treasury Funds Justice Funds Description Treasury Funds Salaries Salary Type Paperwork Reduction Act Notice Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, a person ls not required to respond to a collection of information unless It displays a valid 0MB control number. We try to create accurate and easily understood forms that Impose the least posslble burden on you to complete. The estimated average time to complete this form is 30 minutes. If you have comments regarding the accuracy of thls estimate, or suggestions for making this form simpler, please write to the Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section at 1400 New York Avenue, N.W•• Washington, DC 20005. Privacy Act Notice The Department of Jus1ice is collecting this Information for the purpose of reviewing your equitable sharing expenditures. Providing this Information is voluntary; however, the information Is necessary for your agency to maintain Program compllance. Information collected Is covered by Department of Justice System of Records Notice, 71 Fed. Reg. 29170 (May 19, 2006), JMD-022 Department of Justice Consolidated Asset Tracking System (CATS). This Information may be disclosed to contractors when necessary to accomplish an agency function, to law enforcement when there Is a violation or potential violation of law, or in accordance with other published routine uses. For a complete 11st of routine uses, see the System of Records Notice as amended by subsequent publications. Single Audit Information Independent Auditor Name: Company: Phone: Date Printed: 03/21/2019 Email: . Page2of5 uMts Numoer 112;:s-001 1 Expires: November 30, 2021 Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification NCIC/ORI/Tracklng Number: IL016013A Agency Name: Cook County State's Attorney•s Office Malllng Address: 69 W. Washington, Suite 3200 -Chicago, IL 60602 Agency Finance Contact Name: Phone:. Type: Prosecutor's Office Emall: Jurisdiction Finance Contact Name: Coleman, Branski Phone:3126031861 · Email: ESAC Preparer Name: Coleman, Brenskl Phone:3126031861 Email: FY End Date: 11/30/2016 Agency FY 2017 Budget: $123,195,674.00 Annual Certification Report . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Summary of Equitable Sharing Activity Begining Equitable Sharing Fund Balance Equitable Sharing Funds Received Equitable Sharing Funds Received from Other Law Enforcement Agencies and Task Force Other Income Interest Income Total Equitable Sharing Funds Received (tots! of lines 1-5) Equitable Sharing Funds Spent (total ofllnes a - n) Ending Equitable Sharing Funds Balance i(dlfference between line 7 and line 6\ 1 Justice Funds $2,040,338.21 Treasury Funds $777,724.25 $223,483.30 $83,816.29 $0.00 $0.00 $5,241.52 $0.00 $2,269,063.03 $0.00 $0.00 $438,302.37 $1,830,760.66 2 $861,540.54 $42,497.82 $819,042.72 1Department of Justice Asset Forfeiture Program participants are: FBI, DEA, ATF, USPIS, USDA, DCIS, DSS, and FDA 2Department of the Treasury Asset Forfeiture Program participants are: IRS, ICE, ceP and USSS. Summary of Shared Funds Spent a Law Enforcement operations ana lnvest1gat1ons b Training and Education C Law Enforcement, Public Safetv, and Detention Facilities d Law Enforcement Equipment e Joint Law Enforcement/Public Safety Eauioment and Operations f Contracts for Services · a Law Enforcement Travel and Per Diem h Law Enforcement Awards and Memorials I Drug, Gang, and Other Education or Awareness Programs J Matching Grants k Transfers to Other Participating Law Enforcement Agencies I Support of Community-Based Programs m Non-Categorized Expenditures n Salaries Total Date Printed: 03/21/2019 Treasury Funds Justice Funds $152,468.82 $0.00 $55,057.32 $4,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11,031.88 $117,747.01 $0.00 $0.00~ $0.00 0,00 $97,997.34 $438,302,37 $42,497.82 $42,497.82 Page 1 of5 Equitable Sharing Funds Received From Other Agencies Transferring Agency Name Justice Funds Treasury Funds Justice Funds Treasury Funds Other Income Other Income Type Other $5,241.52 Matching Grants Justice Funds Treasury Funds Justice Funds Matching Grant Name Treasury Funds Transfers to O~her Participating Law Enforcement Agencies Receiving Agency Name Support of Community-Based Programs Recipient ~"': ., . -I -, ., ' . Justice Funds ... ~ , '" ',··-., - ,J _ -T' ' Non-Categorized Expenditures Description , ' ' ', I ',, r ,, Justice Funds ' Treasury Funds Justice Funds i.'1 _____j •,':,~"' [ Treasury Funds Salaries Salary Type $97,997.34 Salary- Federal Task Force Replacement Officer $42,497.82 Paperwork Reduction Act Notice Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, a person is not required to respond to a collection of Information unless It displays a valid 0MB control number. We try to create accurate and easily understood forms that Impose the least possible burden on you to complete. The estimated average time to complete this form Is 30 minutes. If you have comments regarding the accuracy of this estimate, or suggestions for making this form simpler, please write to the Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section at 1400 New York Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20005. Privacy Act Notice The Department of Justice Is collecting this information for the purpose of reviewing your equitable sharing expenditures. Providing this information Is voluntary; however, the Information Is necessary for your agency to maintain Program compliance. Information collected is covered by Department of Justice System of Records Notice, 71 Fed. Reg. 29170 (May 19, 2006), JMD-022 Department of Justice Consolidated Asset Tracking System (CATS). This information may be disclosed to contractors when necessary to accomplish an agency function, to law enforcement when thi:,re is a violation or potential violation of law, or in accordance with other published routine uses. For a complete list of routine uses, see the System of Records Notice as amended by subsequent publications. Single Audit Information lndep,ndent Auditor Name: Company: Phone: Date Printed: 03/2112019 Email: Page 2 of 5 0MB Number 1123-0011 Expires: November 30, 2021 Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification NCIC/ORI/Tracklng Number: IL016013A . Agency Name: Cook County State's Attorney's Office Malling Address: 69 W. Washington, Suite 3200 Chicago, IL 80602 Type: Prosecutor's Office Agency Finance Contact Name: Phone: Emall: Jurlsdletlon Finance Contact Name: Coleman, Branski Phone:3126031861 Emali: ESAC Preparer Name: Coleman, Brenskl Phone:3126031861 FY End Date: 11/30/2017 Agency FY 2018 Budget: $122,385,682.00 Annual Certification Report . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Summary of Equitable Sharing Activity Begining Equitable Sharing Fund Balance Equitable Sharing Funds Received Equitable Sharing Funds Received from Other Law Enforcement Agencies and Task Force Other Income Interest Income Total Equitable Sharing Funds Received {totalofline& 1-6) Equitable Sharing Funds Spent (total ofllnes a. n) Ending Equitable Sharing Funds Balance /difference between line 7 and nne 6) 1 2 Justice Funds $1,830,760.66 $176,919.44 $0.00 Treasury Funds $819,042.72 $168,959.03 $0.00 $139,428.34 $0.00 $2,147,108.44 $278,249.20 $1,868,859.24 $42,497.82 $0.00 $1,030,499.57 $0.00 $1,030,499.57 1Department of Justice As!let Forfeiture Program partlclpants are: FBI, 01:A, ATF, USPIS, USDA, DCIS, DSS, and FDA 2Department of the Treasury Asset Forfeiture Program participants are: IRS, ICE, CBP and USSS. Summary of ~hared Funds Spent a Law Enforcement operations ano 1nvestigat1ons b Training and Education C Law Enforcement, Public Safety, and Detention Facllltles d Law Enforcement Equipment e Joint Law Enforcement/Public Safety Equlpmf:lnt and Ooeratlons f Contracts for Services a Law Enforcement Travel and Per Diem h Law Enforcement Awards and Memorials I Drug, Gang, and Other Education or Awareness Programs j Matching Grants k Transfers to Other Participating Law Enforcement Agencies I Support of Community-Based Programs m Non-Categorized Expenditures n Salaries Total Date Printed: 03/21/2019 Justice Funds Treasury Funds $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $137,691.01 $36,822.21 $0.00 $98,735.98 $0.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $0.00~ $0.00 $0.00 $278,249.20 0,00 $0.00 $0.00 Page 1 of5 Equitable Sharing Funds Received From Other Agencies Transferring Agency Name Justice Funds Treasury Funds Justice Funds Treasury Funds Other Income Other Income Type Other $139,428.34 $42,497.82 Matching Grants Matching Grant Name Justice Funds Treasury Funds Justice Funds Treasury Funds Transfers to Other Participating Law Enforcement Agencies Receiving Agency Name Support of Communlty~Based Programs Justice Funds Recipient = . ... - r. . .. . . ·. /i .~. F ~ I ., Non-Categorized Expenditures , ' l • ,) •11, ,,! Justice Funds ,.,' , Treasury Funds Justice Funds Description ·-·1 ,• . t,,,. Treasury Funds Salaries Salary Type Paperwork Reduction Act Notice Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, a person Is not required to respond to a collection of Jnformatlon unless It displays a valld 0MB control number. We try to create accurate and easily understood forms that impose the least possible burden on you to complete. The estimated average time to complete this form Is 30 minutes. If you have qomments regarding the accuracy of this estimate, or suggestions for making this form simpler, please write to the Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section at 1400 New York Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20005. Act Notice The Department of Justice is collecting this information for the purpose of reviewing your equitable sharing expenditures. Providing this information is voluntary; however, the Information is necessary for your agency to maintain Program compliance. Information collected Is covered by Department of Justice System of Records Notice, 71 Fed. Reg. 29170 (May 19, 2006), JMD~022 Department of Justice Consolidated Asset Tracking System (CATS). This information may be disclosed to contractors when necessary to accomplish an agency function, to law enforcement when there is a violation or potential violation of law, or In accordance with other published routine uses. For a complete list of routine uses, see the System of Records Notice as amended by subsequent publications. · Single Audit Information Independent Auditor Name: Company: Phone: Date Prlnted:03/21/2019 Email: Page 2of 5 0MB Number 1123-0011 Expires: November 30, 2021 ",(~ Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification NCIC/ORI/Tracklng Number: IL016013A Agency Name: Cook County State's Attorney's Office Mailing Address: 69 W. Washington, Suite 3200 Chicago, IL 60602 Agency Finance Contact Name: Coleman, Brenskl Phone: 312""603-1861 Type: Prosecutor's Office Emall: Jurisdiction Finance Contact Name: Coleman, Brenskl . Phone:3126031861 ESAC Preparer Name: Coleman, Branski Phone:3126031861 Emall: FY End Date: 11130/2018 Agency FY 2019 Budget: $126,811,403.00 Annual Certification Report Summary of Equitable Sharing Activity · 1 Beglnlng Equitable Sharing Fund Balance 2 Equitable Sharing Funds Received 3 Equitable Shc1rlng Funds Received from Other Law Enforcement Agencies and Task Force 4 Other Income 5 Interest Income 6 Total Equitable Sharing Funds Received (totalofllnea1-s) 7 Equitable Sharing Funds Spent (total of lines a. n ) a Ending Equitable Sharing Funds Balance l!dlfferenoe between llne 7 and Bne 6) · 2 Justlc~ Funds 1 :i;1 ,868,859.24 $322,739.88 $0.00 $2,774.84 $0.00 $2,194,373.96 $152,026.19 $2,042,347.77 Treasury Funds $1,030,499.57 $122,273.85 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,152,773.42 $121,633.29 $1,031,140:13 10epartment of Justice Asset Forfeiture Program participants are: FBI, DEA, ATF, USPIS, USDA, DCIS, DSS, and FDA 2Department Qf the Treasury Asset Forfeiture Program participants are: IRS, ICE, CBP and USSS. Summary of Shared Funds Spent a I Law Enforcement Operations and Investigations b Training and Education C Law Enforcement, Public Safety, and Detention Facllltles d Law Enforcement EQuipment e Joint Law Enforcement/Public Safety Equipment and Operations f Contracts for Services . a Law Enforcement Travel and Per Diem h Law Enforcement Awards and Memorials I Drug, Gang, and Other Education or Awareness Programs j Matching Grants k Transfers to Other Partlclpating Law Enforcement Agencies I Support of Community-Based Programs m Non-Categorized Expenditures n Salaries Total Date Printed: 03/21/2019 Justice Funds $33,283.20 $41,656.57 $0.00 $77,086.42 $0.00 Treasury Funds $34,658.62 $13,151.74 $0.00 $73,822.93 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 !t0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00~ $0.00 $0.00 $152,026.19 0.00 $0.00 $121,633.29 Page 1 of 5 Equltable Sharing Funds Received From Other Agencies Transferring Agency Name Justice Funds Treasury Funds J ustlce Funds Treasury Funds . Other Income Other Income Type $2,774.84 Reimbursements Matching Grants Matching Grant Name Justice Funds Treasury Funds Justice Funds Treasury Funds Transfers to Other Participating Law Enforcement Agencies Receiving Agency Name Support of Community-Based Programs Recipient Justice Funds [ ~ I' I ---· ' =i -~~ .. ·-· :_'. r' , ~·_-, 1 .. ' ,• ' •' Non-Categorized Expenditures ·oescrlption Justice Funds Treasury Funds Justice Funds Treasury Funds Salaries Salary Type Paperwork Reduction Act Notice Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, a person Is not required to respond to a collection of information unl. ss It displays a e valid 0MB control number. We try to create accurate and easily understood forms that impose the least possible burden on you to complete. The estimated average time to complete this form is 30 minutes. If you have comments regarding the accuracy of this estimate, or suggestions for making this form simpler, please write to the Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section at 1400 New York Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20005. Privacy Act Notice The Department of Justlce is col[ectlng this Information for the purpose of reviewing your equitable sharing expenditures. Providing this Information Is voluntary; however, the Information Is necessary for your agency to maintain Program compliance. Information collected Is covered by Department of Justice System of Records Notice, 71 Fed. Reg. 29170·(May 19, 2006), JMD-022 Department of Justice Consolidated Asset Tracking System (CATS). This information may be disclosed to contractors when necessary to accomplish an agency function, to law enforcement when there Is a violation or potential violation of law, or In accordance with other published routine uses. For a complete list of routine uses, see the System of Records Notice as amended by subsequent publications. Single Audit Information Independent Auditor Name: LESTER H. MCKEEVER , JR. Company: Washington, Pittman & McKeever, LLC Phone: 312-786-0330 Email: LMCKEEVER@wpmck.COM Date Printed: 03/2112019 Page2of5 EXHIBIT Attorneys for Plaintiff State of California • DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20224 Colonel's Office Rece ived SEP 2 5 2018 Criminal Investigation Dan Scott Maine Warden Service 284 State Street State House Station #41 Augusta, Maine 04330 September 7, 2018 Inland 1'1 sheries & Wlldllft AlJgusta , ME Person to Contact: Special Agent Ryan Talbot Asset Forfeiture Coordinator Telephone Number: 617-557-2283 Refer Reply to: FRENCH, Malcolm Re: Seizure of Real Property (Total Asset Value: $274,600.00, N~t arngunt_available for sharing: $Z38,956.42) Dear Mr. Scott: This letter responds to your sharing request filed with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) seeking equitable distribution of the above-described property pursuant to Section 309 of Public Law 98-4733 (the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984), as implemented by the Secretary of the Treasury's Guidelines on Seized and Forfeited Property (April 2004) . In your request for equitable sharing , you asked for 30% of the net proceeds resulting from the above seizure. The AFTRAK number relating to this seizure is 04120124-01, 04120125-01 & 04120126-01. DECISION Your agency's sharing request for net proceeds has been granted in the amount of 3.0%. This percentage was based on your agency's overall participation in and contribution to the inv_estigation. ltyou have any questions ceg~rding the _ percentage approved, please contact the Asset Forfeiture Coordinator at the telephone number listed above. The asset has been forfeited and the final order of forfeiture will be forwarded ~ith the approved sharing decision forms to the Treasury Executive Office for Asset · Forfeiture (TEOAF) for final approval and processing of payments. If after ninety days payment has not been received, please feel free to contact the Asset Forfeiture Coordinator listed above. EXHIBIT 1 If your request has been granted in whole or in part, please note the following information: No property can be shared unless your agency has submitted a Federal Equitable Sharing Agreement to TEOAF. All assets placed into official use must be used for a law enforcement purpose for at least one year. All state and local law enforcement agencies must implement standard accounting procedures and internal controls (e.g., tracking share requests and receipts, depositing shares into a separate revenue account or accounting code, restrictively endorsing checks upon receipt) to track equitably shared monies and tangible property. See the ~epartment of T!easury Guide to Equitable Sharing for delails:_ Any property transferred to your agency must be utilized as a budget enhancement and not as a budget offset. On occasion, circumstances arise which may require the return of forfeited property or proceeds after it has been equitably shared. If those circumstances occur, you may be requested to return the property or proceeds shared with you, or to have an equitable amount deducted from a future equitable share. If you have any questions regarding this letter or the status of the related forfeiture action, please contact the person named above. Sincerely, ~41"7" e, ~i..,,., n~ Ronald Whitsett Director, Warrants and Forfeiture ·---- ....... . . . '\. ......,_~.--.,~--- .., ... ..-.. .- - ...._... ··- ~ ,,.- - ,._T - -- IC ....~ .-- . . . . . . . . "' . . . . - - - .... - ... · - - · , . __ J ....... .... ~ -. . ...,_............ -. ..('\El~']~·; . :·tYr·:;~~~tJ!.tit::_ ~T Internal Revenue Service 1111 Constitution Avenue NW Washington , DC 20224-0002 5'£: (!J: .' tJ p-5 6 Has Ier ·iJi.tt1 : c:(r' 1 : tJ J: ···t··,:-....._.:;r. ..·':"'-·>("!" ... · :t .•'f . ~~~t-·~."-t'·'"" t .·,• . :u.,i,!-•,.,. J<'.~. --.:,F,;~f!i -~; ·-ii. Official Business Penalty for Private Use, $300 :-::::~=-·~-: ..::r;--.. . :::.:::: ·: .:::::~=::j i) di ]1Ii liljiji 09/17/2018 t•¥-14•J.ifflcl=i wm -~· ....... A FIRST-CLASS MAIL $000 470 · US OFFICIAL ~'IAIL S JOO Penalty - For p,t,,ate Use ZIP 20743 011012500050 iil ijp );i di Iii 1;111jjiin;; ;ii i ij1 i' fl •i Iii i,i1 EXHIBIT 1 XAVIER BECERRA 2 Attorney General of California ROBERT W. BYRNE 3 SALLY MAGNANI MICHAEL L. NEWMAN 4 Senior Assistant Attorneys General MICHAEL P. CAY ABAN 5 CHRISTINE CHUANG EDWARD H. OCHOA Supervising Deputy Attorneys General 6 7 8 9 10 11 HEATHER C. LESLIE JANELLE M. SMITH JAMES F. ZAHRADKA II LEE I. SHERMAN (SBN 272271) Deputy Attorneys General 300 S. Spring St., Suite 1702 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Telephone: (213) 269-6404 Fax: (213) 897-7605 E-mail: Attorneys/or Plaintif!State o/California 12 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 13 FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 14 OAKLAND DIVISION 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 STATE OF CALIFORNIA; STATE OF COLORADO; STATE OF CONNECTICUT; STATE OF DELAWARE; STATE OF HA WAIi; STATE OF ILLINOIS; STATE OF MAINE; STATE OF MARYLAND; COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS; ATTORNEY GENERAL DANA NESSEL ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF MICIDGAN; STATE OF MINNESOTA; STATE OF NEVADA; STATE OF NEW JERSEY; STATE OF NEW MEXICO; STATE OF NEW YORK; STATE OF OREGON; STATE OF RHODE ISLAND; STATE OF VERMONT; COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA; and STATE OF WISCONSIN; DECLARATION OF JOHN WILHELM IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS' MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION Plaintiffs, 26 27 4: l 9-cv-00872-HSG v. 28 Declaration of John Wilhelm (4: 19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 DONALD J. TRUMP, in his official capacity as President of the United States of America; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE; PATRICK M. SHANAHAN, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of Defense; MARKT. ESPER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Army; RICHARD V. SPENCER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Navy; HEATHER WILSON, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Air Force; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY; STEVEN T. MNUCIDN, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Treasury; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR; DAVID BERNHARDT, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of the Interior; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY;KIRSTJENM.NIELSEN,in her official capacity as Secretary of Homeland Security; Defendants. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Declaration of John Wilhelm (4: l 9-cv-00872-HSG) I, John Wilhelm, declare as follows: 2 1. I am Deputy Director oftbe Office of Strategic Planning at the Maryland 3 Department of State Police (I\IDSP), a position I have held for the past five years. Prior to this 4 role, I served as a sworn officer with the MDSP for 27 years, retiring as a Lieutenant in the 5 Computer Crimes Section. The Office of Strategic Planning develops and manages the MDSP's 6 operating and capital budgets and administers the MDSP's fiscal operations. I make this 7 declaration based on my personal knowledge and my review of internal records. If called as a 8 witness, I could and would testify competently to the matters set forth below. 9 2. The MDSP is a full-service law enforcement agency comprised of over 1,400 10 uniformed officers that is responsible for statewide traffic enforcement, criminal investigations, 11 tactical operations, and drug enforcement. 12 3. The MDSP is a participant in the Treasury Forfeiture Fund's equitable sharing 13 program and has been awarded equitable shares since the early 1990s for its contributions to law 14 enforcement operations that resulted in forfeitures. In my current role, I am responsible for 15 preparing and submitting an annual Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification form to 16 maintain compliance as a participant in the program. That certification lists the total amount of 17 equitable funds received during the fiscal year and summarizes how the funds were spent. 18 19 20 4. The MDSP received a total of$20,468.16 in equitable shares in 2016, $115,073.70 in 2017, $429 264. 76 in 2018, and has received $6,901.08 to date in 2019. 5. Currently, the MDSP has 54 requests pending with the Treasury Forfeiture Fund 21 for equitable shares relating to seized assets worth $8,390,879. The MDSP expects to submit 22 requests for equitable shares in future fiscal years as well. 23 6. In accordance with Department of Treasury policy, the MDSP uses equitable 24 shadng funds for a broad range of law enforcement purposes. In recent years, Treasury equitable 25 sharing funds have been used for critical law enforcement expenses such as vehicle procurement, 26 in-car cameras, duty firearms, recruitment, homicide investigation training, polygraph training, 27 dive training, communications training, and SWAT training. Should the MDSP receive equitable 28 sharing funds for its pending requests as it has in the past the MDSP would use those funds I Declaration of John Wilhelm (4: l 9-cv-00872-HSG) 1 2 3 4 similarly, to strengthen the MDSP's law enforcement capabilities. I declare under penalty of pe1jury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on April 1, 2019, at Pikesville, Maryland. 5 6 7 John Wilhelm Deputy Director Office of Strategic Planning Maryland State Police 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 Declaration of John Wilhelm (4: l 9-cv-00872-HSG) EXHIBIT 5 XA !ER B ECERRA Attorney General of Califomi 2 3 R OB ERTW. B YR E ALLY MAG NI MICHAEL L. NEWMAN Senior As istant Attorneys General 4 5 M ICHA L P. C YABAN CHRI TIN CH UA G EDWARD H. 0 HOA Supervi ing Dep uty Attorneys General 6 7 8 9 10 11 HEATH ER C. L ESLI E JA ELLE M. S 1TH JAM E . Z A HRADK II LEE I. H · RMAN(SB 272271) Deputy Attorn y Gen ral 300 S. Spring St. , Suite 1702 Los Angeles CA 90013 Telephone : (213) 269-6404 Fax: (2 13) 897-7605 E-mail: ee.Shennan @ A1 torneys for Plaintiff State of Cal(fornia 12 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT OURT 13 FOR TH 14 ORTHERN DT STRIC OF CALI ORNIA OAK.LA D DIVISIO 15 ]6 17 18 19 4: I 9-cv-00872-HSG STA TE OF CALIFORNIA; STATE OF COLORADO; ST ATE OF CONNECTICUT; ST ATE OF DELAWARE; ST ATE OF HAW All· ST ATE OF ILLINOIS; ST ATE OF DECLARA ION OF MICHELLE SMALL IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS' MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION MAJNE· STATE OF MARYLAND: 20 21 22 23 24 25 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS; ATTORNEY GE ERAL DANA NESSEL ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF MICHIGAN; ST ATE OF MINNESOTA; STATE OF NEVADA; STATE OF NEW JER EY; STATE OF NEW MEXICO; STATE OF NEW YORK; STATE OF OREGON; STATE OF RHODE ISLAND; STATE OF VERMONT; COMMONWEAL TH OF VIRGINIA; and STATE OF WISCON IN ; Plaintiffs, 26 27 v. 28 1 Declaration of M iche lle Small (4 : [9-cv-00872-HSG) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DONALD J. TRUMP, in his official capacity as President of the United tate of America; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE; PATRICK M. SHANAHAN, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of Defense; MARK T. ESPER, in his official capacity a ecretary of the Army; RICHARD V. SPENCER. in hi official capacity as Secretary of the avy; HEATHER WILSON. in her official capacit as Secretary of th Air Force: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY; TEVEN T. MNUCIDN, in hi official capacity as ecretary of the Treasury; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR; DAVID B RNHARDT, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of the Interior U.S. 11 DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND 12 SECURITY; KIRST JEN M. NIEL EN, in her official capacity as Secretary of Homeland Security; 13 Defendants. 14 15 16 17 I, Michelle Small, hereby declare as follows: I. I. Miche1l Small. am the Chief Administrative Officer for the Massachusetts tate Police ("MSP .. ), which is the tatewide police agency for the ommonwealth of Massachusell . 18 19 20 21 2. I have personal knowledge of the facts set fo11h in this declaration. If called as a witness. I could and would testity competent! to the maners set fonh belov.-·. 3. MSP 's mi sion is to protect residents of and visitors to Massachusetts. In fulfilling 22 this mission MSP routinely partn rs with local , state. and federal law enforcement agencies on 23 investigations. op rations, and training to mak Massachusetts a safer place for all. 24 4. MSP regularly conducts joint law enforcement activitie with federal law 25 enforcement agencies that participate in the Treasury Forfeiture Fund ("TFF"). A a result. MSP 26 has r cei ed funding from th T F for joint law nforcement activities with relevant federal 27 28 ag nc1es. 2 Declaration of Michelle Small (4: I9-cv-00872-HSG) 5. 2 3 The foll \\Wg ar tJ1 am unt r cei cd car from th TFF:FY _016: 35. 90:F d l '): I M Pin ea h f th prn10u. f ur Ii cal 2017: 4 1,822:FY2018: 35.28 :andFY2019(l. 1 .9 0. 4 6. To dat . M P has r ·c ·i ed equitabl hares from lhc TFF upon subrnitting a claim 5 6 and tbe compl tion of f rfeiture. 7. 7 8 11 amount r ceived ' MSP rr r at.:h forl'eiture dcp nd on the valu forfeited as et after i tim payment , anorncy · fee . nd otb r ·u. 1 are paid. 9 10 The preci P ha recei ed arying am unts fr m th TF in relati< n t indi idual 8. of th - individual forfeitures an be a. high as tens ore f rl' itures. n hundr d of th u ands of d llar . 12 of Mar h 19, 20 I , M P h d twenty-two p nding claims 9. r r forfeit ·d assets. 13 1-i 10. 15 of March 19, 2 19. M P ha<l len pending laim for eized assets that had 17 1101 \' n eizure of currcnc whi h l taled 56 7.045. et b n forf il d. Th 16 f\ izures of real prop rt •. and one! scizm·e or motor vchi · le. 11. 19 _o f forfeit cl asset c rresp nding ,,vith th e laim i • 1.9 .87 . The total alu t In the past. MSP has used th funds received fr m the TF • for equipment. intern ·hnolog} pur has s. in-~ervi 12. Jf training.. and pro . ional devel pm nL 1 P w r to re ei c funding from it ut tan<ling TFF claim , it, uld use th 21 22 m n , to pr vid ion I de, I pment pp rtuniti . Th fund: al o, uld b u ed t pur hase imernet cechn log equipment lhat i crn ial to offic rand publi · _4 25 26 27 tet). Exam pk- · of int ·rnel techn log_ pur ha ar n 'l\\Ork quipment. b king c 1uipml.!nt. and special operation equipment. The con ti nu d a ailability f funds thr ugh the T · r, i 1Il1p rtant to th pursuit f Ma . achuseu · law nf rcement bjecti e~ nu acti iii .. l 2 3 14. MSP is committed to ensuring that funds from the TFF are used in an effective manner that furthers law enforcement objectives and activities to enhance public safety in Massachusett . 4 5 6 7 I declare under penalty of pe1jury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on April 3, 2019, at Boston, Massachusetts 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4 Declaration of Michelle mall (4: l 9-cv-00872-H ' G) EXHIBIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 XAVIER BECERRA Attorney General of California ROBERT W. BYRNE SALLY MAGNANI MICHAEL L. NEWMAN Senior Assistant Attorneys General MICHAEL P. CAYABAN CHRISTINE CHUANG EDWARD H. OCHOA Supervising Deputy Attorneys General HEATHER C. LESLIE JANELLE M. SMITH JAMES F. ZAHRADKA II LEE I. SHERMAN (SBN 272271) Deputy Attorneys General 300 S. Spring St., Suite 1702 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Telephone: (213) 269-6404 Fax: (213) 897-7605 E-mail: Attorneys for Plaintiff State of California 12 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 13 FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 14 OAKLAND DIVISION 15 16 26 STATE OF CALIFORNIA; STATE OF COLORADO; STATE OF CONNECTICUT; STATE OF DELAWARE; STATE OF HAWAII; STATE OF ILLINOIS; STATE OF MAINE; STATE OF MARYLAND; COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS; ATTORNEY GENERAL DANA NESSEL ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF MICHIGAN; STATE OF MINNESOTA; STATE OF NEVADA; STATE OF NEW JERSEY; STATE OF NEW MEXICO; STATE OF NEW YORK; STATE OF OREGON; STATE OF RHODE ISLAND; STATE OF VERMONT; COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA; and STATE OF WISCONSIN; 27 Plaintiffs, 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 4: 19-cv-008 72-HSG DECLARATION OF AMANDA BAKER IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS' MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION 28 Declaration qf Amanda Baker (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 v. DONALD J. TRUMP, in his official capacity as President of the United States of America; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE; PATRICK M. SHANAHAN, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of Defense; MARKT. ESPER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Army; RICHARD V. SPENCER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Navy; HEATHER WILSON, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Air Force; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY; STEVEN T. MNUCHIN, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Treasury; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR; DAVID BERNHARDT, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of the Interior; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY; KIRSTJEN M. NIELSEN, in her official capacity as Secretary of Homeland Security; Defendants. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Declaration of Amanda Baker (4: 19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 I, Amanda Baker, declare as follows: 2 1. I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth in this declaration. If 3 called as a witness, I could and would testify competently to the matters set forth 4 below. 5 2. I am currently employed as the Director of Budget and Financial 6 Services for the Michigan State Police. I have been employed by the Michigan State 7 of Police for the past two years and two months. I have served in my current 8 position for the past two years, and two months. 9 3. As the Director of Budget and Financial Services for the Michigan State 10 Police (MSP), I perform several duties relating to the MSP's participation as an 11 equitable share partner in the Treasury Forfeiture Fund (TFF) administered by the 12 U.S. Department of Treasury. The MSP is a participant in the TFF's equitable 13 share program pursuant to 31 U.S.C. § 9705 and the terms of an equitable share 14 agreement with the Department of Treasury. 15 4. I am familiar with the records maintained by the MSP relating to its 16 participation in the TFF equitable share program. These rec01·ds include: claims 17 submitted by the MSP to the Department of Treasury following law enforcement 18 actions that resulted in a seizure; notices of forfeiture that MSP receives from the 19 Department of Treasury; records reflecting the payment of equitable shares to the 20 MSP by the Department of Treasury; and records 1·elating to MSP's use of equitable 21 shares for law enforcement purposes. 22 5. Under the TFF equitable share program, the Department of Treasury 23 may distribute funds derived from forfeited assets to a state or local law enfo1·cement 24 agency if that agency is a participant in the program, and the agency participated in 25 a law enforcement action that resulted in a seizure and forfeiture that is subject to 26 the Department of Treasury's jurisdiction. 27 28 1 Declaration of Amanda Baker (4: 19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 6. The MSP and its troopers frequently participate in joint law 2 enforcement law actions with federal agencies that fall under the Department of 3 Treasury's Treasury Forfeitm·e Fund pl'Ogram, such as investigations of the Internal 4 Revenue Service and the Department of Homeland Security's Homeland Security. 5 These law enforcement actions sometimes result in the seizure of assets - cash or 6 property with a monetary value. As a partner agency under the equitable share 7 program, the MSP submits a claim for an equitable share of the seized assets based 8 on its level of participation in the action that resulted in the seizure. This initial 9 claim is submitted within forty-five days of the law enforcement action resulting in a 10 seizure. The Department of Treasury maintains possession of the seized assets and 11 provides MSP with notice of a judicial declaration of forfeiture. After receiving such 12 notice, MSP certifies that it is entitled to a share of the seized assets under state 13 law. The Department of Treasury then makes a determination concerning MSP's 14 equitable share claim and provides MSP with notice of the distributed amount. 15 7. Since 2011, the MSP has submitted a total 151 claims for 16 reimbursement. Each claim identified the date of the seizure, the fede1·al agency 17 involved in the seizure, the amount of cash or value of the asset seized, and the 18 percentage of the total value of the seizure claimed by the MSP based on the level of 19 MSP's involvement in the law enforcement action. Each equitable share claim that 20 is filed is based on law enforcement actions that have already occu1Ted and which 21 involved the expenditure of state resources and relied on the contributions of state 22 law enforcement personnel. 23 8. Since 2011, the Department of T1·easury has not advised MSP of any 24 equitable share claim submitted by MSP that has been rejected by the Department 25 of Treasury, nor that any seizure subject to an equitable share claim by MSP did not 26 result in a forfeiture. 27 28 2 Declaration of Amanda Baker (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) 9. 1 Of the 151 claims submitted by MSP since 2011, the Department of 2 Treasury has paid at least a portion of the equitable share sought by MSP for the 3 claims submitted. 4 10. Since 2011, the MSP has received the following allotments from the 5 Department of Treasury related to its forfeiture activities, averaging $196,703 each 6 year: 7 2011- $196,693 8 2012 - $156,741 9 2013 - $348,809 10 2014 - $322,969 11 20t5 - $482,078 12 2016 - $ 34,494 13 2017 - $ 14 2018 - $ 22,413 15 11. 9,424 In my position as the Director of Budget and Financial Services for the 16 MSP, I am responsible for ensuring that the funds the MSP receives from the TFF 17 are used for legitimate law enforcement purposes consistent with its equitable 18 sharing agreement with the Department of Treasury. Since 2011, the MSP has 19 applied the equitable shares that it has received toward the payment for training, 20 equipment, and for overtime for staff fo1· vital services. 21 22 12. If the MSP does not receive equitable shares in 2019 as it has in the 23 past, or if the Department of Treasury reduces or delays its payments of equitable 24 share claims, the MSP will be forced either to draw from other law enforcement 25 resources to pay for the training and equipment used by the MSP, diverting funds 26 from the MSP's other law enforcement priorities, or otherwise forgo entirely the 27 planned training or equipment purchases. 28 3 Declaration of Amanda Baker (4: l 9-cv-00872-HSG) 1 2 3 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on March 29, 2019, at Dimondale, Michigan. 4 5 [Name] 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4 Declaration of Amanda Baker ( 4: 19-cv-00872-HSG) EXHIBIT 1 2 XA V!ER BECERRA Attorney General of California ROBERT W. BYRNE 3 MICHAEL L. NEWMA SALLYMAG ANI Senior Assistant Attorneys General 4 5 MICHAEL P. CAY ABAN CHRISTINE CHUANG EDWARD H. OCHOA Supervising Deputy Attorneys General 6 7 8 9 10 HEATHER C. LESLIE JA ELLE M. SMITH JAMES F. ZAHRADKA IT LEE I. SHERMAN (SBN 272271) Deputy Attorneys General 300 S. Spring St., Suite 1702 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Telephone: (213) 269-6404 Fax: (213) 897-7605 E-mail: Lee.Sherman@doj 11 Attorneys for Plaintif!State of California 12 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 13 FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 14 OAKLAND DIVISION 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 STATE OF CALIFORNIA; STATE OF COLORADO; STATE OF CONNECTICUT; STATE OF DELAWARE; STATE OF HAWAII; STATE OF ILLINOIS; ST ATE OF MAINE; STATE OF MARYLAND; COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS; ATTORNEY GENERAL DANA NESSEL ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF MICIDGAN; STATE OF MINNESOTA; STATE OF NEVADA; STATE OF NEW JERSEY; STATE OF NEW MEXICO; STATE OF NEW YORK; STATE OF OREGON; STATE OF RHODE ISLAND; STATE OF VERMONT; COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA; and STATE OF WISCONSIN; 26 27 4: 19-cv-00872-HSG DECLARATION OF JEFF WERSAL IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS' MOTION FOR A PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION Plaintiffs, v. Declaration of Jeff Wersal (4: 19-cv-00872-HSG) l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll L 13 a Pre ident of the nired tare of Ameri a; U JTED TATES OF AMERICA; .. DEPARTM T OF DEFEN E; PATRICK M. HAN , in hi officfal apacity a Acting e r tary ofD fense· MARKT. E PER in hi official capacity a Secretary of th Arm · RICHARD V. SPE ER, in his official cap cit as e retary of th a y: HEATHER WILSON, in her ial capacity Secretary of the Air Force; U . . DEPARTME T OF THE TREA URY· T VE . MNUCffi in hi fficial capacity a ecretary of the Trea ury· U. . DEP ARTME T OF THE INTERIOR; D VID BERNHARDT in bi official capacity a A ting ecretary of the Interj or· U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND EC RJTY· KIR TJE M. IELSE . i_n her official apacity a cretary of Homeland curity; Defendants. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 _] 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 De laration of Jeff Wersal (4: 19-c -00872-H G) 1 I, Jeff Wersal, declare as follows: 2 1. I am Commander of the Minnesota River Valley Drug Task Force ("MRVDTF") 3 and a Lieutenant with the Blue Earth County Sheriffs Office. I have personal knowledge of the 4 facts set forth in this declaration. If called as a witness, I could and would testify competently to 5 the matters set forth below. 6 2. The MRVDTF is a specialized investigative unit dedicated to com batting drug 7 trafficking. The MRVDTF is a multi-jurisdictional collaborative law enforcement effort between 8 Blue Earth County Sheriffs Office and nine other law enforcement agencies in southern 9 Minnesota. The Blue Earth County Sheriff's Office is the fiduciary agency for the MRVDTF. The MRVDTF has a pending claim submitted on June 9, 2015 for payment from 10 11 the Treasury Forfeiture Fund. An investigation by the MRVDTF resulted in the IRS Criminal 12 Investigation Division seizing six vehicles with a total value of approximately $66,000. The 13 pending claim is for these vehicles. 14 4. The federal seizing agency for this claim is the IRS Criminal Investigation 15 Division. The MRVDTF incurred extraordinary expenses in the course of this investigation and 16 contributed more than 1,000 hours to the investigation that forms the basis of this claim. 17 18 19 5. The MRVDTF intend to use the payment from the above-mentioned claim to pay for training and police equipment. 6. Denial reduction, or further delay of the funds will prevent the MRVDTF from 20 paying for the additional training and police equipment, and will thus negatively affect the 21 MRVDTF's ability to protect and serve the residents of its jurisdiction. 22 23 24 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on Ap r: l .t ,2019, at M.o."-~Io 25 26 27 JEFF 28 1 Declaration of Jeff Wersal (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) , Minnesota. EXHIBIT 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 XAVIER BECERRA Attorney General of California ROBERT W. BYRNE SALLY MAGNANI MICHAEL L. NEWMAN Senior Assistant Attorneys General MICHAEL P. CAY ABAN CHR!STJNE CHUANG EDWARD H. OCHOA Supervising Deputy Attorneys General HEATHER C. LESLIE JANELLE M. SMITH JAMES F. ZAHRADKA II LEE I. SHERMAN (SBN 272271) Deputy Attorneys General 300 S. Spring St., Suite 1702 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Telephone: (213) 269-6404 Fax: (213) 897-7605 E-mail: Attorneys for Plaintiff State of Cal(fornia 12 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 13 FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 14 OAKLAND DIVISION 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 DECLARATION OF ROLAND D. SWANSON, II IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS' MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION Plaintiffs, 26 27 4: 19-cv-00872-HSG STATE OF CALIFORNIA; STATE OF COLORADO; ST ATE OF CONNECTICUT; STATE OF DELAWARE; ST ATE OF HAW All; STA TE OF ILLINOIS; STATE OF MAINE; ST ATE OF MARYLAND; COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS; ATTORNEY GENERAL DANA NESSEL ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF MICHIGAN; STATE OF MINNESOTA; STATE OF NEVADA; STATE OF NEW JERSEY; STATE OF NEW MEXICO; STATE OF NEW YORK; STATE OF OREGON; STATE OF RHODE ISLAND; STATE OF VERMONT; COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA; and STATE OF WISCONSIN; v. 28 1 Declaration of Roland D. Swanson, II (4 : 19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 DONALD J. TRUMP, in his official capacity as President of the United States of America; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE; PATRICK M. SHANAHAN, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of Defense; MARKT. ESPER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Army; RICHARD V. SPENCER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Navy; HEATHER WILSON, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Air Force; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY; STEVEN T. MNUCHIN, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Treasury; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR; DAVID BERNHARDT, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of the Interior; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY; KIRST JEN M. NIELSEN, in her official capacity as Secretary of Homeland Security; 12 Defendants. 13 14 I, Roland D. Swanson, II, declare as follows: 15 1. 16 17 I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth in this declaration. If called as a witness, I could and would testify competently to the matters set forth below. 2. I am cmTently employed as Chief of the Investigations Division at the Office of the 18 Nevada Attorney General ("OAG"). I have been employed by the State of Nevada for the past 3.5 19 years and served in my cu1Tent position for the past 3 .5 years. 20 3. As the Chief of the Investigations Division, I perform several duties relating to the 21 Office's participation as an equitable share partner in the Treasury Forfeiture Fund ("TFF") 22 administered by the U.S. Department of Treasury. The Office is a participant in the TFF's equitable 23 share program pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 9705 and the terms of an equitable share agreement with the 24 Department of Treasury. 25 4. I am familiar with the records maintained by the Office relating to its participation 26 in the TFF equitable share program. These records include: claims submitted by OAG to the 27 Department of Treasury following law enforcement actions that resulted in a seizure; notices of 28 forfeiture that OAG receives from the Depaitment of Treasury; records reflecting the payment of 2 Declaration of Roland D. Swanson, II (4: I 9-cv-00872-HSG) equitable shares to the OAG by the Department of Treasury; and, records relating to OAG's use of 2 3 equitable shares toward law enforcement purposes. 5. Under the TFF equitable share program, the Department of Treasury may distribute 4 funds derived from forfeited assets to a state or local law enforcement agency if that agency is a 5 participant in the program and the agency participated in a law enforcement actions that resulted in 6 a seizure and forfeiture that is subject to the Department of Treasury's jurisdiction. 7 6. The OAG Investigations Division frequently participates in joint law enforcement 8 actions with federal agencies that fall under the Department of Treasury's Treasury Forfeiture Fund 9 program, such as the Internal Revenue Service. These law enforcement actions sometimes result in 10 the seizure of assets - cash or property with a monetary value. As a partner agency under the 11 equitable share program, OAG submits a claim for an equitable share of the seized asserts based 12 on OAG's level of paiticipation in the action that resulted in the seizure. This initial claim is 13 submitted within 60 days of the law enforcement action resulting in a seizure. The Depaitment of 14 Treasury maintains possession of the seized assets and provides the OAG with notice of Request 15 for Transfer of Property Seized/Forfeited by a Treasury Agency (TD F92-22.46). After receiving 16 such notice, the OAG certifies that it is entitled to a share of the seized assets under state law. The 17 Depaitment of Treasury then makes a detennination concerning OAG's equitable share claim and 18 provides the OAG with notice of the distributed amount. 19 7. Over the past five years, the OAG Investigations Division has submitted 20 approximately 12 claims for reimbursement. Each claim identified the date of the seizure, the 21 federal agency involved in the seizure, the amount of cash or value of the asset seized, and the 22 percentage of the total value of the seizure claimed by the OAG, based on the level of OAG's 23 involvement in the law enforcement action. Each equitable share claim is based on law enforcement 24 actions that have already occU1Ted and which involved the expenditure of state resources and relied 25 on the contributions of state law enforcement personnel. 26 8. Within the past five years, the Department of Treasury has not advised the OAG of 27 any equitable share claim submitted by the OAG, that has been rejected by the Department of 28 Treasury, nor that any seizure subject to an equitable share claim by OAG did not result in a 3 Declaration of Roland D. Swanson, II (4 : l 9-cv-00872-HSG) 1 forfeiture . 2 3 9. The OAG has received a total of $422,211 .94 in equitable share claims from the Department of Treasury during the following state fiscal years (SFY): 4 a) SFY 2015: $35,777.35 5 b) SFY 2016: $369,469.30 6 c) SFY 2017: $831.00 7 d) SFY2018: $16,134.29 8 e) SFY 2019: $0.00 10. 9 10 OAG cmTently has approximately six claims outstanding. OAG has yet to receive payments on any of these claims. 11 11. As the OAG' s Chief of the Investigations Division, I am responsible for ensuring 12 that the funds the OAG receives from the TFF are used for legitimate law enforcement purposes 13 consistent with its equitable sharing agreement with the Department of Treasury. For the past 14 several years, the OAG has applied the equitable shares that it has received toward the payment of 15 law enforcement and officer safety equipment, investigative tools, financial fraud training, expert 16 testimony, and operational travel related to criminal investigations and prosecutions. This funding 17 is critical to the OAG' s ability to effectively accomplish its law enforcement mission and enhance 18 public safety in the following program areas: General Financial Fraud; Elder Financial 19 Exploitation, Public Integrity Crimes; Insurance Fraud; Workers Compensation Fraud; and 20 Medicaid Fraud. 21 III 22 III 23 III 24 25 26 27 28 4 Declaration of Roland D. Swanson, II (4: l 9-cv-00872-HSG) 12. If the OAG does not continue to receive its equitable shares of task force work 2 conducted, or if the Department of Treasury reduces or delays its payments of equitable share 3 claims, the OAG will be forced to divert funds from other critical OAG functions to pay for officer 4 safety equipment, training, investigative, and prosecutorial priorities, which are necessary to protect 5 the citizens of Nevada. 6 7 8 I declare under penalty of pe1jury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on April 1, 2019, at Las Vegas, Nevada. 9 10 ~./.~--- 11 Roland D. Swanson, II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 5 Declaration of Roland D. Swanson, II (4 : l 9-cv-00872-HSG) EXHIBIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 ELLEN ROSENBLUM Attorney General NICOLE DEFEVER, State Bar No.191525 Senior Assistant Attorney General Oregon Department of Justice 100 Market Street Portland, OR 942401 Telephone: (971)673-1880 Fax: (971) 673-5000 E-mail: Attorneys for Plaintiff State of Oregon 7 8 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 OAKLAND DIVISION 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 STATE OF CALIFORNIA; STATE OF COLORADO; STATE OF CONNECTICUT; STATE OF DELAWARE; STATE OF HAWAII; STATE OF ILLINOIS; STATE OF MAINE; STATE OF MARYLAND; COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS; ATTORNEY GENERAL DANA NESSEL ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF MICHIGAN; STATE OF MINNESOTA; STATE OF NEVADA; STATE OF NEW JERSEY; STATE OF NEW MEXICO; STATE OF NEW YORK; STATE OF OREGON; STATE OF RHODE ISLAND; STATE OF VERMONT; COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA; and STATE OF WISCONSIN; 4:19-cv-00872-HSG DECLARATION OF TRAVIS HAMPTON IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR A PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION 21 Plaintiffs, 22 v. 23 24 25 26 27 28 DONALD J. TRUMP, in his official capacity as President of the United States of America; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE; PATRICK M. SHANAHAN, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of Defense; MARK T. ESPER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Army; RICHARD V. SPENCER, in his 1 Declaration of TRAVIS HAMPTON (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) official capacity as Secretary of the Navy; 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 HEATHER WILSON , in her official capacity as Secretary of the Air Force; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY; STEVEN T. MNUCHIN, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Treasury; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR; DAVID BERNHARDT, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of the Interior; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY; KIRSTJEN M. NIELSEN in her official capacity as Secretary of Homeland Security· Defendants. 9 10 1, Travis Hampton, declare as follows: 11 I am the Superintendent for the Oregon State Police. 1 have personal knowledge of the 12 I. 13 facts set fm1h in this declaration. If called as a witness, I could and would testify competently to 14 the matters set forth below. 15 2. L6 and expect to receive comparable monies in the future. .17 3. 18 received $63 ,378.99 in TFF. Fiscal year 2015, the OSP received $284,338.97 in TFF. 19 4. 20 training and education, and for law enforcement equipment. 21 5. 22 cameras, SWAT body armor, in-car cameras, and mobile data terminals for emergency vehicles. 23 6. 24 the OSP requests equitable sharing pursuant to the federal equitable sharing guidelines. 25 7. 26 major crimes and disrupt drug trafficking and production, among other duties. One of those task 27 forces is the Portland Airport Organi zed Crime Task Poree. 28 8. The Oregon State Police (OSP) have received Treasury Forfeiture Funds (TFF) in the past For the fiscal year 2017, the OSP received $23,909.86 in TFF. Fiscal year 2016, the OSP The OSP uses the TFF to support law enforcement operations and investigations, for For example, the OSP used $1.8 million in 2011-2019 biennium to purchase radios body When the OSP is the lead or partner agency in a seizure that results in a federal forfeiture, The OSP is involved with multiple task forces around the state, which work to investigate The Portland Airport Organized Crime Task Force has served over 30 federal search 2 Declaration of TRAVIS HAMPTON (4 : I9-cv-00872-I-ISG) warrants and made over 29 arrests since it was created in 2017. The Federal Bureau of 2 Investigation 's "Director's Commendation' was awarded to the Portland Airport Organized 3 Crime Task Force in 2018 for its excellent work. 4 9. 5 in 85 cases involving illegal Oregon marijuana exportation to other 17 states, and seized 126 6 firearms during its operations. In 2018, the Southwest Marijuana Enforcement Team seized over 7 $1.6 million in currency from a large scale marijuana interstate diversion and money laundering 8 operation. Those seized funds were the subject of a federal forfeiture. As a result of that 9 forfeiture the Oregon State Police has requested equitable sharing of Treasury Forfeiture Funds The OSP has a Southwest Marijuana Enforcement Team. In 2018, this team was involving 10 totaling approximately $1.1 million. 11 I 0. 12 million in currency that is allegedly illegal proceeds, and which the OSP reasonably believes will 13 be the subject of federal forfeiture. A portion of those forfeited funds are expected to be returned 14 to Oregon as TFF in 2019-2020. 15 11. 16 Interdiction Team (HIT). In 2018, the HIT team had 202 cases with seizures of guns, drugs, and 17 currency. A portion of those seized funds are expected to be federally forfeited and returned to 18 Oregon as TFF in 2019. 19 12. 20 sho1tfalls. At this time, OSP is not able to provide 24-hour patrol in any of the counties in 21 Oregon. 22 13. 23 is planning to use the next round of TFF funds to purchase protective helmets for our officers, and 24 to finish upgrading its mobile display terminals in patrol cars to Windows 10, as well as continue 25 to equip new vehicles with mobile data terminals and camera equipment. In addition, in the past six months, the OSP has been involved in the seizure of over $2.3 The Oregon State Police also has a High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) The OSP has a limited budget, and is facing the closure of OSP offices due to budget The OSP relies upon the TFF funds to supplement its state budget. ln particular the OSP 26 27 28 3 Dcclarntion of TRAVIS HA \IIPTON (.J.: I 9-cv-00872-HSG) 14. 2 The safety of Oregonian and the officer which protect them, wi II be dimini sh d without the Trea ury F'o rfeilure Funds fo r these necessary upgrades and eq uipment. l declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. 4 ,.., EXECUTED on April ___s 2019 at alem, Oregon. 5 L 6 e' ~ 1----/0 7 t RA VIS HAMPONf' 8 OREGON STATE POLICE UPERfNTE DENT 9 10 11 12 13 14 1.5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4 Dec laration ofTRAV I (4: 19- v-00872-H G) EXHIBIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II XAVIER BECERRA Attorney General of California ROBERT W. BYRNE SALLY MAGNANI MICHAEL L. NEWMAN Senior Assistant Attorneys General MICHAEL P. CAY ABAN CHRISTINE CHUANG EDWARD H. OCHOA Supervising Deputy Attorneys General HEATHER C. LESLIE JANELLE M. SMITH JAMES F. ZAHRADKA II LEE I. SHERMAN (SBN 272271) Deputy Attorneys General 300 S. Spring St., Suite 1702 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Telephone: (213) 269-6404 Fax: (213) 897-7605 E-mail: Attorneys for PlaintiffState of California 12 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 13 FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 14 OAKLAND DIVISION 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 STATE OF CALIFORNIA; STATE OF COLORADO; STATE OF CONNECTICUT; STATE OF DELA WARE; STATE OF HA WAIi; STATE OF ILLINOIS; STATE OF MAINE; STATE OF MARYLAND; COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS; ATTORNEY GENERAL DANA NESSEL ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF MICHIGAN; STATE OF MINNESOTA; STATE OF NEVADA; STATE OF NEW JERSEY; STATE OF NEW MEXICO; STATE OF NEW YORK; STATE OF OREGON; STATE OF RHODE ISLAND; ST ATE OF VERMONT; COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA; and STATE OF WISCONSIN; DECLARATION OF PORTLAND POLICE BUREAU'S ROBERT AZORR IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS' MOTION FOR A PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION Plaintiffs, 26 27 4: 19-cv-00872-HSG v. 28 Declaration of Robert Azorr (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DONALD J. TRUMP, in his official capacity as President of the United States of America; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE; PATRICK M. SHANAHAN, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of Defense; MARKT. ESPER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Army; RICHARD V. SPENCER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Navy; HEATHER WILSON, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Air Force; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY; STEVEN T. MNUCHIN, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Treasury· U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR; DAVID BERNHARDT, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of the Interior; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY; KIRSTJEN M. NIELSEN, in her official capacity as Secretary of Homeland Security; 13 Defendants. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Declaration of Robert Azorr (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 I, Robert Azorr, declare as follows: 2 1. I am an Investigative Accountant assigned to the Drugs & Vice Division of the 3 Portland Police Bureau (PPB) in Portland, Oregon. I have personal knowledge of the facts set 4 forth in this declaration. If called as a witness, I could and would testify competently to the 5 matters set forth below. 6 2. In my capacity as the Police Investigative Accountant for PPB I have managed 7 both State and Federal Forfeiture Programs for 28 years. This includes the submission of all 8 federal Equitable Sharing Requests, the annual reporting and certification as required by the US 9 DOI and US Dept. of Treasury's Equitable Sharing Program. 10 3. I was formerly employed as a financial investigator for the Oregon Department of 11 Justice where I routinely made analysis of the financial affairs of those involved in narcotic 12 trafficking and certain "white collar" crimes such as embezzlement, gambling, and fraud. In 13 addition, I was employed for three (3) years as a financial investigator for the Regional Organized 14 Crime and Narcotics Task Force (ROCN). That in this position I analyzed financial records 15 relating to drug trafficking organizations to trace the proceeds of such activity and develop a net 16 worth analysis to support civil forfeiture. 17 4. In my capacity as a financial investigator, I attended approximately eighty (80) 18 hours of training sponsored by the FBI, dealing with the use of computer technology and other 19 specialized techniques relating to money laundering, the tracing of money, and analysis of 20 financial records relating to drug trafficking. I was an instructor for FBI sponsored seminars on 21 financial investigations relating to narcotics trafficking. I have taught the net worth method of 22 calculating proceeds from illegal activity on at least 10 occasions throughout the United States 23 from 1990 to the present. 24 25 26 27 28 5. PPB often partners with other law enforcement agencies to address cross- jurisdictional criminal activity. Partners include federal and local law enforcement agencies. 6. Through my role I am aware that PPB participates as an equitable-share partner in the Treasury Forfeiture Fund, administered by the U.S. Department of Treasury. 7. When PPB participates in a law enforcement action that results in the seizure of 1 Declaration of Robert Azorr (4: l 9-cv-00872-HSG) 1 assets, PPB submits a claim for an equitable share of the seized assets based on its proportional 2 level of participation in the action. 3 4 8. Treasury Forfeiture Fund: 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 PPB has received the following amounts through equitable sharing from the 9. $ 406,464.07 $ 265,704.06 $ 600,318.40 $ 1,024,016.70 $ 150,612.05 95,002.28 $ $ 478,963 .15 $ 173,996.29 $ 245,471.46 36,187.20 $ In the past, PPB has always received an equitable share whenever it has submitted a claim and the forfeiture process has been completed. 10. PPB has submitted claims estimating $1. 8 million from January 2018 to the present. It may take two to five years to receive funds back. 11. PPB has used the money received from equitable sharing as conditioned by the 16 equitable sharing program's requirements. Recent examples of what PPB has used the money for 17 are training and education ($230,177), law enforcement equipment ($1,628,326) and facilities 18 ($109,773). 19 I hereby declare that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and 20 belief, and that I understand it is made for use as evidence in court and is subject to penalty 21 for perjury. 22 Executed on April 2, 2019, at Portland, Oregon. 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 Declaration of Robert Azorr (4: 19-cv-00872-HSG) EXHIBIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 PETER F. NERONHA Attorney General of Rhode Island JUSTIN J. SULLIVAN Special Assistant Attorney General Rhode Island Office of the Attorney General 150 South Main St. Providence, RI 02903 Telephone: (401) 274-4400 Fax: (213) 222-2995 E-mail: Attorneys for Plaintiff State of Rhode Island 7 8 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 OAKLAND DIVISION 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 STATE OF CALIFORNIA; STATE OF COLORADO; STATE OF CONNECTICUT; STATE OF DELAWARE; STATE OF HAWAII; STATE OF ILLINOIS; STATE OF MAINE; STATE OF MARYLAND; COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS; ATTORNEY GENERAL DANA NESSEL ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF MICHIGAN; STATE OF MINNESOTA; STATE OF NEVADA; STATE OF NEW JERSEY; STATE OF NEW MEXICO; STATE OF NEW YORK; STATE OF OREGON; STATE OF RHODE ISLAND; STATE OF VERMONT; COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA; and STATE OF WISCONSIN; 4:19-cv-00872-HSG DECLARATION OF MAJOR TIMOTHY G. SANZI IN SUPPORT OF PRELIMINARY INJUNCTIVE RELIEF 21 Plaintiffs, 22 v. 23 24 25 26 27 28 DONALD J. TRUMP, in his official capacity as President of the United States of America; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE; PATRICK M. SHANAHAN, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of Defense; MARK T. ESPER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Army; RICHARD V. SPENCER, in his 1 Declaration of Major Timothy G. Sanzi (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 official capacity as Secretary of the Navy; HEATHER WILSON, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Air Force; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY; STEVEN T. MNUCHIN, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Treasury; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR; DAVID BERNHARDT, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of the Interior; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY; KIRSTJEN M. NIELSEN, in her official capacity as Secretary of Homeland Security; Defendants. 10 11 I, Major Timothy G. Sanzi, declare as follows: 12 1. I am Major Timothy G. Sanzi, Detective Commander of the Rhode Island State Police. I 13 have personal knowledge of the facts set forth in this declaration. If called as a witness, I 14 could and would testify competently to the matters set forth below. 15 2. The Rhode Island State Police is a full-service, statewide law enforcement agency whose 16 mission is to fulfill the law enforcement needs of the people with the highest degree of 17 fairness, professionalism, and integrity, and protect the inherent rights of the people of 18 Rhode Island to live in freedom and safety. 19 3. The Rhode Island State Police receive equitable sharing funds from the Treasury 20 Forfeiture Fund in connection with law enforcement activities jointly performed by and 21 between the Rhode Island State Police and federal law enforcement agencies. 22 4. The Rhode Island State Police have consistently received equitable sharing funds from the 23 Treasury Forfeiture Fund upon submitting a claim and the completion of a forfeiture. 24 5. In 2018, the Rhode Island State Police received $47,146.28 from the Treasury Forfeiture 25 26 27 28 Fund in connection with joint law enforcement actions. 6. To date, in 2019, the Rhode Island State Police have received $19,305.77 from the Treasury Forfeiture Fund in connection with joint law enforcement actions. 7. The Rhode Island State Police use funds from the Treasury Forfeiture Fund to supplement 2 Declaration of Major Timothy G. Sanzi (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 its law enforcement budget and provide to law enforcement personnel and officers 2 additional resources, equipment, vehicles, and training opportunities that not only bolster 3 agency accreditation, but support communications initiatives and community outreach. 4 8. Upon information and belief, the President and U.S. Department of Treasury are diverting 5 6 funds from the Treasury Forfeiture Fund. 9. The Rhode Island State Police continue joint law enforcement operations with federal 7 officials and through these operations expect to file equitable sharing requests relating to 8 the Treasury Forfeiture Fund. 9 10. In the past, including in 2018 and 2019, Treasury Forfeiture Funds have been shared or 10 distributed to Rhode Island and Rhode Island State Police expect to receive additional 11 funds for equitable sharing relating to the Treasury Forfeiture Fund. 12 11. The diversion of any of the Treasury Forfeiture Fund threatens to cause the Rhode Island 13 State Police an imminent and irreparable injury, as the Rhode Island State Police will be 14 deprived of funds that would otherwise be available for law enforcement purposes, 15 negatively impacting the public safety and welfare of Rhode Island citizens. 16 17 18 19 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on the ______ day of April, 2019, in ___________________, Rhode Island. 20 21 __________ _ ___ ____________________________________ Major Timothy G Sanzi G. Detective Commander Rhode Island State Police 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 Declaration of Major Timothy G. Sanzi (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) EXHIBIT 1 XAVIER BECERRA 2 3 ROBERT W. BYRNE SALLY MAG ANT MICHAEL L. EWMAN 4 MICHAEL P. CAY ABAN 5 CHRISTINE CHUANG EDWARD H. OCHOA Attorney General of California enior Assistant Attorneys General Supervising Deputy Attorneys General 6 7 8 9 10 11 HEATHER C. LESLIE JANELLE M. SMITH JAMES F. ZAHRADKA II LEE I. SHERMA (SBN 272271) Deputy Attorneys General 300 S. Spring St., Suite 1702 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Telephone: (213) 269-6404 Fax: (213) 897-7605 E-mail: Lee. hennan@doj Attorneys for PlaintiffState of California 12 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 13 FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 14 OAK.LAND DIVISION 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 STATE OF CALIFORNIA; STATE OF COLORADO; STATE OF CONNECTICUT; STATE OF DELAWARE; STATE OF HAW All; STATE OF ILLINOIS; STATE OF MAINE; STATE OF MARYLAND; COM:MONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS; ATTORNEY GENERAL DANA NESSEL ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF MICIDGAN; STATE OF MINNESOTA; STATE OF NEVADA; STATE OF NEW JERSEY; STATE OF NEW MEXICO; STATE OF NEW YORK; STATE OF OREGON; STATE OF RHODE ISLAND; STATE OF VERMONT; COM:MONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA; and STATE OF WISCONSIN; DECLARATION OF DANIEL TRUDEAU IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS' MOTION FOR A PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION Plaintiffs, 26 27 4: 19-cv-00872-HSG v. 28 Dec]aration of Dan Trudeau (4: l 9-cv-00872-HSG) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DO ALD J. TRUMP, in ms official capacity as President of the United States of America· UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE; PATRICK M. SHANAHAN in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of Defense; MARKT. ESPER in his official capacity as Secretary of the Army; RICHARD V. SPENCER, in ms official capacity as Secretary of the Navy; HEATHER WILSON, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Air Force; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY; STEVEN T. MNUCHIN, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Treasury; U.S. 9 10 11 12 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR; DAVID BERNHARDT, in his official capacity as Acting ecretary of the Interior; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY; KIRST JEN M. NIELSEN in her official capacity as Secretary of Homeland Security; 13 14 Defendants. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Declaration of Dan Trudeau ( 4: l 9-cv-00872-HSG) 1 I, Daniel Trudeau, declare as follows: 2 1. I am a Major in the Vermont State Police (VSP) and Commander ofVSP s 3 Criminal Division. The Criminal Division is one of three divisions within VSP and is responsible 4 for investigating major criminal offences, including drug crimes and other specialized 5 investigations. I have served in my cunent role since December 20 18. Previously I served in a 6 variety ofroles in the Criminal Division since joining VSP in 2003 including Commander of the 7 Major Crimes Unit Commander of the Bureau of Criminal Investigation, and a supervisor in the 8 arcotics Investigation Unit. I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth in this declaration. 9 10 If called as a witness, I could and would testify competently to the matters set forth below. 2. VSP participates in the Treasury Department s asset forfeiture program and 11 occasionally receives equitable sharing payments from the Treasury Forfeiture Fund (TFF). VSP 12 uses paym nts from the TFF fund to finance a variety oflaw enforcement activities including 13 training, equipment, and travel. 14 15 16 3. The most recent funds received by VSP from the TFF were in 2016. At that time, VSP received $7 160 from the TFF. 4. VSP has identified 11 pending claims dating back to 2015 for which VSP has 17 ·submitted a claim to TFF but has not yet received a payment of its equitable share. Each of these 18 claims relate to seizures of currency, bank accounts, or property for drug-related incidents. Based 19 on VSP's experience submitting claims and receiving payments from the TFF VSP expects to 20 receive payments totaling more than $100,000 for these pending claims. 21 22 23 24 25 5. Loss of funding from the TFF would harm VSP by depriving it of a funding source for the law enforcement activities set forth above. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is true and conect. Executed on April 1, 2019, at Waterbury, 26 27 28 1 Declaration of Dan Trudeau (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) EXHIBIT 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MARK R. HERRING Attorney General BRIITANY M. JONES (Pro Hae Vice: February 22, 2019) MICHELLE S. KALLEN {Special Admission Pending) Office of the Attorney General 202 North Ninth Street Richmond, Virginia 23219 Telephone: (804) 371-0667 Fax: (804) 371-0200 Email: us Attorneys for Plaint([( State o,f Virginia 10 I THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT I1 FOR THE ORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 12 OAKLAND DIVISION 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ST ATE OF CALIFORNIA; ST A TE OF COLORADO; STATE OF CONNECTICUT; STATE OF DELAWARE; STA TE OF HAW All; STATE OF ILLINOIS; STATE OF MAINE; STATE OF MARYLAND; COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS; ATTORNEY GENERAL DANA NESSEL ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF MICHIGAN; ST ATE OF MINNESOTA; ST ATE OF NEVADA; ST A TE OF NEW JERSEY; STATE OF NEW MEXICO; STATE OF NEW YORK; STATE OF OREGON; STATE OF RHODE ISLAND; STATE OF VERMONT; COMMONWEAL TH OF VIRGINIA; and STATE OF WISCONSIN; 26 27 28 DECLARATION OF COLONEL GARY T. SETTLE IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS' MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION Plaintiffs, 24 25 4: l 9-cv-00872-HSG v. DONALD J. TRUMP, in his official capacity as President of the United States of America; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE; PATRICK Declaration of Colonel Gary T. Settle, Superintendent of the Virginia State Police (4: I9-cv-008 72-HSG) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 M. SHANAHAN, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of Defense; MARKT. ESPER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Army; RICHARD V. SPENCER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Navy· HEATHER WILSON, in her offi cial capacity as Secretary of the Air Force; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY; STEVEN T. MNUCHIN, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Treasury; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR; DAVID BERNHARDT, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of the Interior; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY; KIRST JEN M. NIELSEN, in her official capacity as Secretary of Homeland Security; Defendants. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Declaration of Colonel Gary T. Settle, Superintendent of the Virginia State Police (4 :19-cv-00872-l-lSG) I, Colonel Gary T. Settle, declare as follows: 2 1. I make this declaration from personal knowledge and a review of records 3 maintained by or accessible to, the Virginia State Police Department. If called as a witness I 4 would testify competently to the matters set f011h below. 2. 5 Having been appointed the Superintendent of the Virginia State Police on 6 December 15, 2017, by Governor Ralph S. Northam. Having served as a sworn member of the 7 Depattment of State Police for 31 years, serving in management and executive positions within 8 the agency with oversight of the Bureau of F ield Operations and the Bureau of Criminal 9 Investigation. 10 3. Law enforcement agencies in the Commonwealth of Virginia and its localities 11 regularly participate as equitable sharing partners in the Department of Treasury s Forfeiture 12 Fund. As the Treasury's Annual Audit Reports indicate, from 2013 to 201 7, law enforcement 13 agencies in the Commonwealth and its localities received over $122 million in distributions from 14 the Treasury s Forfeiture Fund. The relevant excerpts from the Treasury's Audit Reports are 15 attached as Exhibit A. 16 4. The Virginia State Police Department represents one of the law enforcement 17 agencies in Virginia that pa11icipates as an equitable sharing partner in the Treasury s Forfeiture 18 Fund. 19 5. Virginia State Police regularly participate in joint investigations that result in 20 federal forfeitures, particularly bulk cash seizures coordinated with Homeland Security 21 Investigations (HSI). In such cases, the Virginia State Police Department submits a request for 22 equitable sharing in the forfeited asset. The Department of Treasury then makes a determination 23 as to the percentage of the forfeited asset to return to the Virginia State Police Depaitment based 24 on the participation and expertise contributed by the Virginia State Police to the investigation that 25 resulted in the forfeited asset. 26 6. Because many of the Virginia State Police Department's requests for sharing in the 27 Treasury Forfeiture Fund involve cash seizures from investigations initiated by the Virginia State 28 Police, the Virginia State Police Department often obtains a significant sharing percentage 1 Declaration of Colonel Gary T. Settle, Superintendent of the Virginia State Police (4: I9-cv-00872-HSG) (approximately 50% to 80%) in response to its requests for sharing in such assets. 2 7. The Virginia State Police Department has not received any distributions from the 3 Treasury's Forfeiture Fund since August 2018. As of that date, the Virginia State Police 4 Department had approximately $1.2 million in sharing requests that had not yet been resolved or 5 funded by the Department of Treasury. The Virginia State Police Department also anticipates that 6 its officers will be involved in future joint investigations that will result in additional sharing 7 requests. 8 8. 9 The Virginia State Police Department typically uses the funding that it receives from the Treasury's Forfeiture Fund to provide valuable training and equipment to state police 10 officers. If the Virginia State Police Department did not receive any sharing from the Treasury's 11 Forfeiture Fund, it would have less funding available to satisfy these training and equipment 12 needs or to reimburse itself for costs associated with the investigations that resulted in the 13 forfeited assets. Likewise, a significant delay in obtaining the Virginia State Police Department s 14 approved share of the assets in the Treasury's Forfeiture Fund would result in a similar delay in 15 the Virginia State Police Department's ability. to use those funding for training and equipment 16 that benefit the safety and welfare of Virginia's citizens and law enforcement officers. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 Declaration of Colonel Gaty T. Settle, Superintendent ofrhe Virginia State Police (4 : 19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I declare under penalty of petjury under the Jaws of the United States that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on April 3, 2019 at North Chesterfield, Virginia. 8 -/_ 9 10 Colonel Gary T. Settle. Superintendent 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 On this _3_ day of April , 2019, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Gary T. Settle, proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which were his Driver's license, to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding docwnent who swore or affirmed to me that the contents of the document are truthful and accurate to the best of his knowledge and belief under penalties of perjury. No~y Kathryn ~e Teague, Public My Commission Expires December 31 , 2020 Reg. # 7689769 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 Declaration of Colonel Gary T. Settle, Superintendent of the Virginia State Police (4: 19-cv-00872-HSG) Exhibit A to Settle Affidavit TREASURY FORFEITURE FUND Equitable Sharing Summarized by State and U.S. Territories For the Year Ended September 30, 2017 (Dollars in Thousands) (Unaudited) State/U. S. Territories Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut D.C. Washington Delaware Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Jersey New Hampshire New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Subtotal carriedfonvard Currency Value $ 490 Property Value $ 6 238 330 8,149 176 311 77 66 2,579 4,590 2 6 146 140 595 7 130 74 5,107 844 51 65 161 3 7 346 34 1,096 1,317 1,942 234 2,667 210 430 43 591 2,149 1,018 3 3 81 99 6 14 14 1,001 1 14,030 1,915 3,071 806 764 595 28 670 102 100 1,271 211 43 1,317 60 484 4,223 825 $61,854 SECTION V -OTHER ACCOMPANYING INFORMATION (UNAUDITED) 3 1,294 _}J_Q $7,883 49 TREASURY FORFEITURE FUND Equitable Sharing Summarized by State and U.S. Territories For the Year Ended September 30, 2017 (Dollars in Thousands) (Unaudited) State/U.S. Territories Subtotal broughtfonvard Vermont Virgin Islands Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Totals Currency Value Property Value 61,854 7 7,883 7,061 366 1,441 70 8 $70,799 Summarized above are the cmTency and property values of assets forfeited and shared with state and local agencies and U.S. TeITitories participating in the seizure. This supplemental schedule is not a required part of the financial statement of the Department of the Treasury Forfeiture Fund. Information presented on this schedule represents assets physically transfetTed during the year and, therefore, does not agree with total assets shared with state and local agencies in the financial statements. In addition, the above numbers do not include the adjustment to present property distributed at net realizable value. 50 TREASURY FORFEITURE FUND ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT - FISCAL YEAR 2017 TREASURY FORFEITURE FUND Equitable Sharing Summarized by State and U.S. Territories For the Year Ended September 30, 2016 (Dollars in Thousands) (Unaudited) State/U.S. Territories Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut D.C. Washington Delaware Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Jersey New Hampshire New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Subtotal carriedfonvard Currency Value $ 696 1325 100 10,520 253 354 26 26 5,986 1,412 33 155 95 2,170 2,813 114 345 1,814 81 213 567 938 658 48 91 1,839 174 1,673 240 670 16 Property Value $ 28 7 395 50 8 98 188 19 209 4 2 14 75 686 171 48 8 3 14 83,128 4,268 718 1,212 671 68 703 526 641 67 4,431 80 258 6,751 90 $137,127 38 SECTION V-OTHER ACCOMPANYING INFORMATION (UNAUDITED) 139 479 138 1,922 $6,673 47 TREASURY FORFEITURE FUND Equitable Sharing Summarized by State and U.S. Territories For the Year Ended September 30, 2016 (Dollars in Thousands) (Unaudited) State/U.S. Territories Subtotal broughtforward Vermont Virgin Islands Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Totals Currency Value Property Value 137,127 8 6,673 1,531 1,867 127 239 25 27 43 57 416 23 $140,924 $ 7,239 Summarized above are the cun-ency and property values of assets forfeited and shared with state and local agencies and U.S. Ten-itories participating in the seizure. This supplemental schedule is not a required part of the financial statement of the Department of the Treasury Forfeiture Fund. Information presented on this schedule represents assets physically transfen-ed during the year and, therefore, does not agree with total assets shared with state and local agencies in the financial statements. In addition, the above numbers do not include the adjustment to present property distributed at net realizable value. 48 TREASURY FORFEITURE FUND ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT- FISCAL YEAR 2016 TREASURY FORFEITURE FUND Equitable Sharing Summarized by State and U.S. Territories For the Year Ended September 30, 2015 (Dollars in Thousands) (Unaudited) State/US. Territories Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut D.C. Washington Delaware Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Jersey New Hampshire New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsy Ivania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Subtotal carried fonvard Currency Value $ 1,876 1,729 136 13,480 1,491 460 2 94 11,198 2,832 24 42 3,762 971 86 139 1,335 115 12 2,579 1,760 1,303 260 329 558 42 3,235 1,108 2,817 7 515 46,308 3,445 8 4,177 385 1,368 3,419 443 36 1,341 229 368 16,721 __ 7_1 $132,616 SECTION V-OTHER ACCOMPANYING INFORMATION (UNAUDITED) Property Value $ 109 14 368 255 7 421 91 25 10 11 8 256 4 30 3 20 138 122 1,525 206 33 88 94 22 72 238 1,018 __ 2 $5,191 47 TREASURY FORFEITURE FUND Equitable Sharing Summarized by State and U.S. Territories For the Year Ended September 30, 2015 (Dollars in Thousands) (Unaudited) State/U.S. Territories Subtotal broughtfonvard Vermont Virgin Islands Virginia Washington Currency Value Property Value $132,616 $5,191 82 28 6,554 1,337 West Virginia 527 Wisconsin Wyoming 206 Totals $141,322 Summarized above are the cmTency and property values of assets forfeited and shared with state and local agencies and U.S. Territories participating in the seizure. This supplemental schedule is not a required part of the financial statement of the Department of the Treasury Forfeiture Fund. Information presented on this schedule represents assets physically transferred during the year and, therefore, does not agree with total assets shared with state and local agencies in the financial statements. In addition, the above numbers do not include the adjustment to present property distributed at net realizable value. 48 TREASURY FORFEITURE FUND ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT- FISCAL YEAR 2015 TREASURY FORFEITURE FUND Equitable Sharing Summarized by State and U.S. Territories For the Year Ended September 30, 2014 (Dollars in Thousands) (Unaudited) State/U.S. Territories Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut D.C. Washington Delaware Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Jersey New Hampshire New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Subtotal carried.forward 48 Currency Value $ Property Value 987 186 934 333 12,182 213 440 21 12 19,267 4,135 2,373 37 16 5,112 2,536 771 238 1,728 514 35 3,783 2,721 2,062 474 290 607 8 1,861 4,410 5,940 2 984 139,617 5,095 487 774 593 1,461 1,917 27 3,059 42 528 9,742 214 $ 238,768 TREASURY FORFEITURE FUND ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT- FISCAL YEAR 2014 $ 6 229 10 34 15 561 5 115 16 11 5 8 10 4 81 7 2 65 16 1 9 685 641 102 (563) 33 44 263 4 457 $2,876 Equitable Sharing Summarized by State and U.S. Territories For the Year Ended September 30, 2014 (Dollars in Thousands) (Unaudited) State/U.S. Territories Subtotal brought.forward Vermont Virgin Islands Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Totals Currency Value Property Value $238,768 146 $2,876 2 61,417 361 673 64 6 6 $301,429 10 10 $2,910 Summarized above are the currency and property values of assets forfeited and shared with state and local agencies and U.S. Territories participating in the seizure. This supplemental schedule is not a required part of the financial statement of the Department of the Treasury Forfeiture Fund. Information presented on this schedule represents assets physically transferred during the year and, therefore, does not agree with total assets shared with state and local agencies in the financial statements. In addition, the above numbers do not include the adjustment to present property distributed at net realizable value. SECTION V -OTHER ACCOMPANYING INFORMATION (UNAUDITED) 49 TREASURY FORFEITURE FUND Equitable Sharing Summarized by State and U.S. Territories For the Year Ended September 30, 2013 (Dollars in Thousands) (Unaudited) State/U.S. Territories Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut D.C. Washington Delaware Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Jersey New Hampshire New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Subtotal carried.forward 50 Currency Value $ 236 1,951 959 640 11,973 1,874 158 11 290 3,788 2,750 55 92 192 1,523 135 538 373 306 489 1,370 3,185 665 589 333 25 5,253 36 150 215 3,157 1 196 11,135 4,377 Property Value $ 609 151 370 457 877 132 2,181 12 21 4,796 135 $68,761 TREASURY FORFEITURE FUND ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT- FISCAL YEAR 20/3 16 621 58 374 11 75 1,090 4 37 14 5 2 2 33 21 528 98 124 2 5 14 30 6 57 625 159 4 66 28 31 276 27 288 -$4,731 TREASURY FORFEITURE FUND Equitable Sharing Summarized by State and U.S. Territories For the Year Ended September 30, 2013 (Dollars in Thousands) (Unaudited) State/U.S. Territories Subtotal brought.forward Vermont Virgin Islands Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Totals Currencv Value Property Value $68,761 95 $4,731 45,836 2,799 1,336 56 12 2 72 $118.895 65 11J1Q Summarized above are the currency and property values of assets forfeited and shared with state and local agencies and U.S. Territories participating in the seizure. This supplemental schedule is not a required part of the financial statement of the Department of the Treasury Forfeiture Fund. Information presented on this schedule represents assets physically transferred during the year and, therefore, does not agree with total assets shared with state and local agencies in the financial statements. In addition, the above numbers do not include the adjustment to present property distributed at net realizable value. SECTION V -OTHER ACCOMPANY/NG INFORMATION (UNAUDITED) 51 EXHIBIT Attorneys for Plaintiff State of California EXHIBIT 1 XAVlER BECERRA 2 ROBERTW.BYRNE SALLY MAGNANI MICHAEL L. NEWMAN Attorney General of California 3 Senior Assistant Attorneys General 4 5 MICHAEL P. CAY ABAN CHRISTINE CHUANG EDWARD H. OCHOA 6 Supervising Deputy Attorneys General REA THER C. LESLIE 7 8 9 10 11 JANELLE M. SM1TH JAMES F. ZAHRADKA II LEE I. SHERMAN (SBN 272271) Deputy Attorneys General 300 S. Spring St., Suite 1702 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Telephone: (213) 269-6404 Fax: (213) 897-7605 E-mail: Attorneys for Plaintiff State of California 12 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 13 FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 14 OAKLAND DIVISION 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 STATE OF CALIFORNIA; STATE OF COLORADO; STATE OF CONNECTICUT; STATE OF DELAWARE; STATE OF HAWAII; STATE OF ILLINOIS; STATE OF MAINE; STATE OF MARYLAND; COMMONWEALTHOF MASSACHUSETTS; ATTORNEY GENERAL DANA NESSEL ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF MICIDGAN; STATE OF MINNESOTA; STATE OF NEVADA; STATE OF NEW JERSEY; STATE OF NEW MEXICO; STATE OF NEW YORK; STATE OF OREGON; STATE OF RHODE ISLAND; STATE OF VERMONT; COMMONWEALTHOF VIRGINIA; and STATE OF WISCONSIN; DECLARATION OF JENNIFER ONOFRIO Plaintiffs, 26 27 4:19-cv-00872-HSG v. 28 Declaration of Jennifer Onofrio (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 DONALD J. TRUMP, in his official capacity as President of the United States of America; UNITED STATES OF Al\lIERICA; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE; PATRICK M. SHANAHAN, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of Defense; MARKT. ESPER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Army; RICHARD V. SPENCER, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Navy; HEATHER WILSON, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Air Force; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY; STEVEN T. MNUCHIN, jn his official capacity as Secretary of the Treasury; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR; DAVID BERNHARDT, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of the Interior; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY; KIRST JEN M. NIELSEN, in her official capacity as Secretary of Homeland Security; Defendants. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Declaration of Jennifer Onofrio (4:19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 I, Jennifer Onofrio, declare as foUows: 2 1. I am a Director at The Po1t of Authority of New York & New Jersey (P ANYNJ). 3 2. I submit this Declaration in support of the State of New Jersey' s and the State of 4 New York's litigation against Donald J. Trump, in his official capacity as President of the United 5 States of America; United States of America; U.S. Department of Defense; Patrick M. Shanahan, 6 in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of Defense; Mark T. Esper, in his official capacity as 7 Secretary of the Army; Richard V. Spencer, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Navy; 8 Heather Wilson, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Air Force; U.S. Department of the 9 Treasury; Seven T. Mnuchin, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Treasury; U.S. 10 Department of the Interior; David Bernhardt, in his official capacity as Acting Secretary of the 11 Interior; U.S. Department of Homeland Security; and Kirstjen M. Nielsen, in her official capacity 12 as Secretary of Homeland Security regarding the diversion of federal funding that New Jersey and 13 New York receive toward building a wall on the United States-Mexico border. I am familiar with 14 the matters set f0tth herein, either from personal knowledge or on the basis of documents that 15 have been provided to and/or reviewed by me . If called as a witness, I could and would testify 16 competently to the matters set forth below. 17 3. l am a Director of Resource Management and Planning at PANYNJ located at 24 l 18 Erie Street Jersey City, New Jersey 07310. My educational background includes graduating with 19 a Master of Public Affairs degree from Princeton University in May of 2011, and a Bachelor of 20 Science degree in Liberal Arts from The New School in May of 2007. I have been employed as a 21 Director since April of 2018, and employed by PANYNJ since 2011. My prior roles in PANYNJ 22 include General Manager of Resource Management & Planning in the Office of the Chief 23 Security Officer; Manager of Performance, Policy & Planning in the Office of the Chief Security 24 Officer; Coordinator of Marketing Programs for PATH; and Leadership Fellow. 25 4. PANYNJ was formed pursuant to a compact between New York and New Jersey 26 to, among other things, construct and operate terminals and transportation facilities within the 27 Port of New York District, which includes patts ofNew York and New Jersey. New York and 28 New Jersey exercise substantial control over PANYNJ through appointment of its commissioners l Declaration ofJennifer Onofrio (4: 19-cv-00872-HSG) 1 2 and veto power over its commissioners' actions. 5. PANYNJ is responsible for building, operating, and maintaining infrastructure 3 critical to the transportation network of the New York and New Jersey region, including its 4 airports, marine term inals and po1ts, the P0tt Authority Trans-Hudson rail transit system, six 5 tunnels and bridges between New York and New Jersey, the Port Authority Bus Terminal in 6 Manhattan, and the World Trade Center. PANYNJ includes the Port Authority Police, which 7 serves and protects the people who work at and travel through PANYNJ facilities. 8 6. PANYNJ is a participant in the Department of the Treasury (Treasury) equitable 9 sharing program. Over the course of the past four years, PANYNJ has received $558,353 in 10 equitable sharing payments from Treasury in connection with its assistance in detecting and 11 stopping drug trafficking. P ANYNJ has received an additional $439,226 in interest from these 12 payments. 13 14 15 7. PANYNJ expects to submit requests for equitable sharing in future fiscal years, including in fiscal year 2019 and fiscal year 2020. 8. PANYNJ uses equitable sharing payments to suppott a broad range of critical 16 agency purposes to further its law enforcement operations and investigations, and to purchase Jaw 17 enforcement equipment. For example, PANYNJ used equitable sharing payments to purchase 18 and deploy an electronic incident and arrest reporting system, which was integral to modernizing 19 the way in which PANYNJ reports crime. PANYNJ also used funds to purchase mobile vehicle 20 license plate readers for its patrol cars to assist in the apprehension of serious offenders and stolen 21 property at bridge and tunnel crossings. PANYNJ plans to use equitable sharing funds it has 22 received to purchase and install a gunshot detection system at one of its airports, and to support 23 training related to its electronic systems for issuing summonses and writing motor vehicle 24 accident reports. 25 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is true 26 27 28 2 Declaration of Jennifer Onofrio (4: I9-cv-00872-HSG) and correct. 2 Executed on April 3, 2019, at Jersey City, New Jersey. 3 JennW Directo Port Aut ority of New York & New Jersey 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 Declaration of Jennifer Onofrio (4: 19-cv-00872-HSG) Department of the Treasury Executive Office for Asset Forfeiture 1341 G Street, NW, Suite 900 Washington, DC 20220 Search EQSH Payments 2003‐Present Search Criteria: Vendor Number: 4001359 Vendor Name contains: Agency: Search Seizure Number: Payment: State: Start Date: End Date: 10/1/2003 2/28/2019 Exact Amount: Greater Than: or Clear Search Less Than: < Search Results: Agency Vendor # Payee Seizure # Date Payment IRS 4001359 ST WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000319 12/11/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000303 12/11/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000330 12/11/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000329 12/11/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000328 12/11/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000327 12/11/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000326 12/11/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000325 12/11/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000324 12/11/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000321 12/11/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000360 12/11/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000318 12/11/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000317 12/11/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000316 12/11/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000315 12/11/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000314 12/11/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000313 12/11/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000312 12/11/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000311 12/11/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000310 12/11/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000304 12/11/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000322 12/11/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000309 12/17/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000359 12/17/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000358 12/17/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000307 12/17/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000305 12/17/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000308 12/17/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000306 12/17/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000355 12/18/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000356 12/18/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000357 12/18/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000354 12/22/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000352 12/22/2003 $20.00 Exhibit 1 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000353 12/22/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000340 12/29/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000342 12/29/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000341 12/29/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000345 12/29/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000346 12/29/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000347 12/29/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000349 12/29/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000351 12/29/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000339 12/29/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000350 12/29/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000337 12/29/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000338 12/29/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000336 12/29/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000335 12/29/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000334 12/29/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000333 12/29/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000332 12/29/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000331 12/29/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000320 12/29/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQHS3997000348 12/29/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3997000343 12/29/2003 $20.00 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3998003801 1/28/2004 $874.49 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3902000201 3/1/2004 $3,774.19 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3902000202 3/1/2004 $3,774.19 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3903001401 3/16/2004 $3,141.57 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3902006001 8/3/2004 $6,115.41 ICE 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE UCSEQSH2004370100000701 7/22/2005 $3,367.41 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3904005001 8/10/2005 $13,177.33 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3904005002 8/10/2005 $267.24 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4105000401 8/17/2005 $6,798.53 ICE 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE UCSEQSH2004370100000801 9/9/2005 $1,484.56 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4105000501 9/21/2005 $9,556.60 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3902001401 7/5/2006 $483.00 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3902000901 7/5/2006 $27.16 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3902001201 7/5/2006 $400.00 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3902001202 7/6/2006 $80.00 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3902000811 7/6/2006 $20.71 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3902000602 7/6/2006 $100.00 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3902000401 7/6/2006 $8,444.00 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3902000704 7/18/2006 $32.50 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3902000705 7/18/2006 $32.50 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3902000601 7/18/2006 $32.67 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3902001203 8/3/2006 $170.00 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3902000801 8/3/2006 $379.20 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3902000802 8/3/2006 $830.00 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4106000401 12/1/2006 $94,855.98 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4106000402 12/1/2006 $458,154.41 Exhibit 1 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3903003203 4/23/2008 $41.92 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3903003207 4/23/2008 $1,508.00 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3903003301 4/23/2008 $31,834.50 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3903003206 4/23/2008 $754.00 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3903003208 4/23/2008 $41.92 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3903003205 4/23/2008 $986.00 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3903003204 4/23/2008 $1,885.00 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4106004501 4/23/2008 $3,770.00 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3904005701 4/23/2008 $11,600.00 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3904002301 4/23/2008 $11,600.00 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3903003902 4/23/2008 $10,499.16 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3903003201 4/23/2008 $15,506.30 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3903003211 4/23/2008 $810.54 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3904001202 4/23/2008 $29,000.00 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4106003201 4/23/2008 $6,537.47 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3903003209 4/23/2008 $628.23 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3903003212 4/23/2008 $1.46 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3903003214 4/23/2008 $4,862.27 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3903003215 4/23/2008 $5,655.00 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3903003302 4/23/2008 $1,015.00 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3903003401 4/23/2008 $10,326.23 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3904000601 4/23/2008 $45,460.04 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3904000801 4/23/2008 $49,107.18 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3904001301 4/23/2008 $81,437.68 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4106003101 4/23/2008 $2,427.07 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3903003210 4/23/2008 $638.00 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3903003202 5/14/2008 $3,364.00 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3903003213 5/22/2008 $986.00 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3904000501 6/10/2008 $95,541.89 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3904000901 6/10/2008 $38,739.18 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH9404000402 6/13/2008 $63,175.36 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3903002101 7/3/2008 $62,607.51 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3903003901 7/3/2008 $8,267.07 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3903004001 7/3/2008 $4,750.00 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4107002102 9/16/2008 $12,859.52 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3904001102 11/12/2008 $49,300.00 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3903000193 12/10/2008 $9,100.00 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3903000192 12/10/2008 $32,500.00 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3903000101 12/10/2008 $10,766.79 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4105004101 4/15/2009 $1,980.00 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4105004301 4/15/2009 $14,256.00 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4105004001 4/15/2009 $1,024.94 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4105004201 6/10/2009 $5,130.62 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4107000901 7/7/2009 $858,799.74 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4107001201 7/7/2009 $781,208.62 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4107001301 7/7/2009 $876,774.26 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4108001201 7/14/2009 $19,816.04 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4108005301 8/31/2009 $3,060.41 Exhibit 1 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH3904005801 9/17/2009 $2,870.28 ICE 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE UCSEQSH2008370190000101 2/1/2010 $7,500.00 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4105004205 3/12/2010 $101.90 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4105000601 3/12/2010 $348.90 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4105004202 3/12/2010 $444.82 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4105000402 3/15/2010 $448.10 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4105000502 3/15/2010 $449.90 USSS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE USSEQSH21010001001 2/7/2011 $1,178.53 IRS 4001359 WI WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4110001501 5/6/2011 $39,943.20 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4111002001 12/5/2012 $13,117.39 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4110000801 6/13/2013 $1,692.36 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4110000702 7/25/2013 $205.42 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4110000903 8/14/2013 $3,090.73 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4110000904 8/14/2013 $1.54 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4110000901 8/14/2013 $620.46 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4110000703 8/14/2013 $188.54 ICE 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE UCSEQSH2013370100000501 2/24/2014 $60,066.95 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4111003101 5/7/2014 $462.46 IRS 4001359 WI DEPT OF JUSTICE IRSEQSH4110000701 3/18/2015 $17,701.49 IRS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS IRSEQSH7514005701 3/10/2016 $2,440.21 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014004002 3/23/2016 $167.11 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001060 9/23/2016 $2,860.13 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001061 9/23/2016 $1,287.12 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001062 9/23/2016 $2,940.24 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001063 9/23/2016 $2,910.09 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001064 9/23/2016 $3,240.04 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001059 9/23/2016 $2,962.45 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001068 9/23/2016 $3,337.62 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001065 9/23/2016 $3,252.35 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001069 9/23/2016 $5,459.33 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001066 9/23/2016 $3,364.96 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001001 9/23/2016 $1,870.53 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001016 9/23/2016 $2,224.83 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001008 9/23/2016 $60.80 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001006 9/23/2016 $707.30 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001005 9/23/2016 $5,471.19 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001004 9/23/2016 $498.62 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001003 9/23/2016 $3,981.60 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001002 9/23/2016 $15,833.27 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001067 9/23/2016 $3,331.30 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001041 9/23/2016 $14,584.34 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001080 9/26/2016 $3,195.83 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001081 9/26/2016 $2,718.46 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001082 9/26/2016 $2,770.16 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001083 9/26/2016 $2,359.58 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001084 9/26/2016 $4,149.21 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001079 9/26/2016 $3,480.01 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001086 9/26/2016 $2,874.16 Exhibit 1 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001074 9/26/2016 $3,974.53 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001085 9/26/2016 $2,498.77 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001078 9/26/2016 $4,091.84 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001077 9/26/2016 $4,442.26 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001075 9/26/2016 $2,960.15 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001073 9/26/2016 $3,900.17 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001072 9/26/2016 $5,507.68 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001071 9/26/2016 $6,028.50 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001070 9/26/2016 $5,856.23 USSS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS USSEQSH21014001076 9/26/2016 $3,201.05 IRS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS IRSEQSH4113000803 2/7/2017 $2,953.20 IRS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS IRSEQSH4113000701 2/7/2017 $6,559.48 IRS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS IRSEQSH4113000801 2/7/2017 $5,956.68 IRS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS IRSEQSH4113000802 2/7/2017 $14,077.20 IRS 4001359 WI DOJ ‐ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS IRSEQSH4110001401 5/17/2017 $7,062.95 Print Page Append Import INSTRUCTIONS Prepare Import Document: Reset Saved Import Command: Import New Payments: TOTAL: $4,233,271.07 Export Search Results: Exhibit 1

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