Apple Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. et al

Filing 662

EXHIBITS re #660 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Apple Inc.'s Notice of Motion and Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Exhibits to Mueller Declaration ISO Apple's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment [660-9] filed byApple Inc.(a California corporation). (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Mueller Decl Exhibit 26, #2 Exhibit Mueller Decl Exhibit 27, #3 Exhibit Mueller Decl Exhibit 28, #4 Exhibit Mueller Decl Exhibit 29, #5 Exhibit Mueller Decl Exhibit 30, #6 Exhibit Mueller Decl Exhibit 31, #7 Exhibit Mueller Decl Exhibit 32, #8 Exhibit Mueller Decl Exhibit 33, #9 Exhibit Mueller Decl Exhibit 34, #10 Exhibit Mueller Decl Exhibit 35, #11 Exhibit Mueller Decl Exhibit 36, #12 Exhibit Mueller Decl Exhibit 37, #13 Exhibit Mueller Decl Exhibit 38, #14 Exhibit Mueller Decl Exhibit 39, #15 Exhibit Mueller Decl Exhibit 40, #16 Exhibit Mueller Decl Exhibit 41)(Related document(s) #660 ) (Selwyn, Mark) (Filed on 1/25/2012)

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Mueller Exhibit 31 European Telecommunication Standards Institute IPR information statement and licensing declaration forms Page 1 of 5 (version 5) IPR information statement and licensing declaration IPR Holder/Orqanisation Legal Name: SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Si_~natorv Name: Seung Gun, Park Position: Vice President Department: Telecommunication R&D Center Address: Dong Suwon P.O.BOX 105, 416, Maetan-3Dong, Yeongtong-Gu, Suwon-City, Gyeonggi-Do, Korea 442-600 Tel.: 82-31-279-5067 E-mail: jhl Fax: 82-31-279-4560 IPR information statement In accordance with the ETSI IPR Policy, Clause 4.1, I hereby inform ETSl that, with reference to the technical proposal identified as 3GPP andtor in relation to Work Item No. and/or with reference to ETSI Standard No. TS 25. 212, TS 25.309, TS 25.321, TS 25.331 it is my belief that the IPRs listed in the attached [PR information statement annex are, or are likely to become, Essential IPRs in relation to that Standard. IPR licensinq declaration The SIGNATORY has notified ETSI that it is the proprietor of the IPRs listed in the attached IPR information statement annex and has informed ETSI that it believes that the IPRs may be considered ESSENTIAL to the Standards listed above, The SIGNATORY andlor its AFFILIATES hereby declare that they are prepared to grant irrevocable licences under the IPRs on terms and conditions which are in accordance with Clause 6.1 of the ETSI IPR Policy, in respect of the STANDARD, to the extent that the IPRs remain ESSENTIAL. This undertaking is made subject to the condition that those who seek licences agree to reciprocate the same in respect of lhe STANDARD in accordance with Clause 6.1 of the ETSI 1PR Policy (delete this paragraph if lhis condition is not required). The construction, vaJidity and performance of this DECLARATION shall be governed by the laws of France. Place, Date: Signature: (Place, Date) Please return this form duly signed to: ETSI Director-General ETSI - 650, route des Lucioles - F-06921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex - FRANCE Fax. +33 (0) 4 93 65 47 16 APLNDC-WH-A 0000009482 European Telecommunication Standards Institute ]PR information statement and licensing declaration forms Page 2 of 5 (version 5) IPR information statement annex 2353878 UNITED STATES CANADA ZL99815036.3 CHINA 3814146 JAPAN AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA CANADA CHINA ISRAEL INDIA JAPAN RUSSIAN FEDERATION UNITED STATES SOUTH AFRICA 6,493,815 U~TS 3GPP TS 25.212 4.2.3,2 V.3.2,0 Samsung Electronics Corporation 1998-0059068 0350459 INTERLEAVING/DEINTRLEAVINO KOREA DEVICE AND METHOD FOR (REPUBLIC COMMUNICATION SYSTEM OF) 761546 762032 2346845 3GPP TS 10,3.6.2 25_331 1 V.3.8.0 S am sung Electronics Corporation 1999-34014 METHOD FOR COMMUNICATING KOREA SCRA_MBLrNG CODE 113 IN 0429545 (REPUBLIC MOBILE COMMUNICATION OF) SYSTEM ZL00801691.7 142489 207743 3992981 2214695 7,22!,695 2001~906 3GPP TS 25.309 lI.l.t T_T~TS 3GPP TS 9,2.5.3,2 25.321 Samsung Electronics Corporation 2003-0000466 METHOD FOR DETERMINING KOREA DATA RATE USER EQUIPMENT (REPUBLIC SUPPORTING EUDCH SERVICE OF) zl20lN 10028203.8 CHINA 7o209~749 UNITED STATES JAPAN 4038483 European Telecommunication Standards institute IPR information statement and licensing declaration forms Page 3 of 5 (version 5) 2002301552 2381719 UMTS 3GPP TS 25.212 4.5 V.6.0.0 Samstmg Electronics Corporation 2001-0064742 TRANSCEIVER APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR EFFICIENT HIGH- KOREA SPEED DATA KETKANSMISSION 0827147 AND DECODING IN A CDMA (REPUBLIC OF) MOBILE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AUSTRALIA 2408875 ZL 02151899.8 K!NGDOM CANADA CHINA 0213110 FRANCE 523495 SWEDEN u~T~o 3566273 JAPA~ 7,027,782 UNITED STATES ZL02 i 27246.8 2378368 U~TS 3GPP TS 25.212 4.5 V.6.0.0 Samslmg Electronics Corporation 2001-34488 0689551 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR KOREA TRANSMITTING AND RECEVING (REPUBLIC DATA IN A CDMA MOBILE OF) COMMLrNICATION SYSTEM 2393086 2404313 CHINA UNITED KINGDOM0 UNITED KINGDOM 1 UNITED KINGDOM2 3753677 2380374 UNITED STATES AUSTRALIA UNITED KINGDOM ZL02148206.3 CHINA 524830 2002301480 SWEDEN UNIiED STATES AUSTRALIA 2408452 02160221.2 10248446 CANADA CH~’~A GERMANY 7,093,178 2002300260 ~MTS 3GPP TS 25.212 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR RETRANSMITTING HIGH-SPEED KOREA Electronics 2001-0044842 0539864 DATA IN A CDMA MOBILE (REPUBLIC Corporation oF) COMMUNICATION SYSTEM Samsung 4.5 V.6.0.0 7,283,509 3GPP TS 25.212 4.5 V.6.0,0 Samsung EtectroNcs Corporation TRANSMISSIONiRECEWING APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR KOREA 2001-0064114 0526525 PACKET RETP,.ANSMISSION IN A (REPUBLIC MOBILE COMMUNICATION OF) SYSTEM European Telecommunication Standards Institute IPR information statement and licensing declaration forms Page 4 of 5 (version 5) 2382010 273,096 20023’01470 2408i31 02151562.X 200510126992.3 10248018 20021829 0212735 UMTS UNITED KINGDOM UNITED STATES AUSTRALIA CANADA CHINA CHINA GERMANY 4.5 V.6.0.0 Samsung Electro~cs Corporation Transmitting/receiving apparatus and 2001-0063519 0464325 me~od for packet retransmission in a mobile cemmunicafion system KOREA (REPUBLIC OF) 2396787 MI2002A002167 3GPP TS 25.2!2 FRANCE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED K1-NDOM ITALY 2381718 3865680 4064385 MI2002A002326 UNITED STATES AUSTRALIA CANADA dHINA CHINA GERMANY FILAND FRANCE UNITED KINDOM UNITED K1NDOM ITALY 3926248 IAPAN 271,277 3GPP TS 25.212 4.5 V.6.0.0 Samstmg Electronics Corporation Transmitting/receiving apparatus and 2001-0067694 0474682 method for packet retransmission in a mobile commmn_ication system KOREA (REPUBLIC 2002301670 2410107 02154261,5 200510055804.2 10250867.4 20021932 0213688 OF) 2382284 0325480.2 European Telecommunication Standards Institute IPR information statement and licensing declaration forms Page 5 of 5 (version 5) 7°362,733 02128224.2 10228809.7 3GPP TS 25.212 4.5 V.6.0.0 Samstmg Electronics Corporation 0208008 Apparatus and metlaod for transmitting KOREA 2001-0041405 0450968 and receiving data ~ a CDMA mobile (REPUBLIC communication system OF) 2378870 3701263 183,824 TJ~TS 3GPP TS 25.212 4.5 V.6.0.0 Samsung Electronics Corporadon 2001-083064 0584426 INTERLEAVING APPARATUS KOREA AND METHOD FOR SYMBOL (REPUBLIC MAPPING IN AN I-ISDPA MIBILE OF) COMMUNICATION SYSTEM ZL02159600.X 200510116299.8 02028629,0 ~TS S a m sung 4.5 V.6.0.0 Electronics Corporation 2001-066887 0744347 APeay, arus MET OD Tr, SMZrrr orRECEWINO DATA IN A CDMA MOBILE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM KOREA (REPUBLIC 7,280,606 OF) 851,275 *Patent family information is provided voluntarily. The completeness and accuracy of any patent family information that is provided cannot be guaranteed. Please return this form duly signed to: ETSI Director-General ETSt - 650, route des Lucioles - F-06921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex- France I Fax. +33 (0) 4 93 65 47 16 CHINA GERMANY fFRANCE GERMANY IAPAN LrNITED STATES CHINA CHINA E~opeaa Patent Office 3748550 7°200°792 3GPP TS 25.212 I_IN~TED STATES UNITED STATES UNITED STATES UNITED STATES

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