Google Inc. v. Rockstar Consortium US LP et al
COMPLAINT for Declaratory Judgment of Non-Infringement against All Defendants ( Filing fee $ 400, receipt number 0971-8252154.). Filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Civil Cover Sheet)(Warren, Matthew) (Filed on 12/23/2013)
United States Patent [19]
[11] Patent Number:
Date of Patent:
Nov. 17, 1998
6/1995 Rivera et a1. .................... .. 174/35 GC
6/1996 Dais et a1. .......................... .. 174/35 R
[75] Inventor: Yee-Ning Chan, Nepean, Canada
[73] Assignee: Northern Telecom Limited, Montreal,
Electronic package With an electronic component mounted
the PCB. The component is protected by an EMI shield
Which is grounded to a ground plane of the PCB. Especially
Int. Cl.6 ..................................................... .. H05K 9/00
US. Cl. ...................... .. 361/818; 361/760; 174/35 R;
Field of Search ................................... .. 361/760, 767,
174/35 GC; 257/699; 257/723; 257/728
361/818; 174/35 R, 35 GC, 357 S, 51;
257/659, 660, 699, 723, 728, 738, 778;
437/221; 29/832, 840
References Cited
upon a PCB or ceramic substrate by ?rst level interconnects
and housing second level interconnects on the other side of
[21] Appl. No.: 691,056
[22] Filed:
Aug. 1, 1996
Primary Examiner—Leo P. Picard
Assistant Examiner—Jayprakash N. Gandhi
Attorney, Agent, or Firm—R. J. Austin
10/1994 Swirbel et a1. .............. .. 174/35 GC X
3/1995 Hirvonen et a1. ................. .. 361/818 X
signi?cant When there are a plurality of components pro
tected by the shield and When at least one of the components
is an integrated circuit component (I.C.C.). The package is
thus prebuilt With the EMI shield and Without a separate
package required for each I.C.C., and is robust in construc
tion for shipping. The shield and ground plane provide a
Faraday cage Which is especially complete When the shield
extends around edges of the PCB and onto its other side. The
package is ready for connection to a motherboard by use of
the second level interconnects and process steps to place
EMI shields individually onto mother boards are avoided.
12 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent
Nov. 17,1998
Sheet 1 of2
18 14
S 136
[ 1(4
FIG. 1
9%? A’ 28
U.S. Patent
Nov. 17,1998
Sheet 2 of2
Which conventionally is individually packaged and provided
circuit component and hence procedures involved in pro
With an EMI shield. In the inventive concept hoWever, When
an integrated circuit component is included, this does not
require its oWn individual packaging in addition to the EMI
shield. The shield provides protection of the integrated
viding shields When assembling prepackaged integrated
1. Field of the Invention
This invention relates to electronic packages.
2. Related Prior Art
circuit components, onto substrates are not required. The
preparation of the inventive package thus simpli?es the ?nal
In the manufacture of electronic circuitry assemblies,
assembly process onto a larger substrate, and insofar as
circuitry is included in the substrate of the package of the
printed circuit boards containing circuitry have electronic
invention, circuitry of the larger substrate may be simpli?ed.
components mounted thereon and EMI shielding is then
placed around certain sensitive components toWards
circuit component protected against damage during storage
completion of the assemblies. Almost invariably, present day
assemblies include integrated circuit components (i.e. chips)
The package is thus a completed unit With the integrated
The electronic package may include tWo or more elec
tronic components, at least one of Which is an integrated
circuit component, and all of these components are shielded
Which need to be packaged to form electronic packages for
storage and transportation purposes before incorporation
into circuitry assemblies. The packaging process is an added
expense to the cost of the chip. Methods of making assem
by the EMI shield.
The EMI shield preferably comprises a single metal sheet
Which is formed as required into the shape of the shield. This
manufacture from a single metal sheet may be by punching
blies also require additional electromagnetic interference
shields (EMI shields) to be placed around sensitive compo
nents after the components have been incorporated onto the
boards and this adds to the process steps required on the
boards. In addition, each shield needs to be connected
or transportation to its assembly location onto a larger
out a blank from the sheet and then bending the blank as
around its periphery to a solder trace on the board and this
is connected to a ground member normally in the form of a
ground plane of the board construction. The solder trace
required to form the shield, care being taken to bring edges
of Walls of the shield into close proximity thereby avoiding
any gaps Which could nullify the shielding effect.
Alternatively, the shield may be formed from a single metal
sheet by a forming and stamping operation Which provides
adds to complication of board design. Thus, Where (as in
most electronic circuitry assemblies) integrated circuit com
ponents are used, these particular components need to be
prepackaged, stored and transported to the circuitry assem
a top and side Walls to the shield With side Walls extending
integrally into one another. Also preferably, the shield
bly locations, assembled onto printed circuit boards, and
face the second side of the substrate. It is also preferred that
extends around and shields edges of the substrate so as to
the shield is interconnected on the second side With the
then provided With EMI shields.
The present invention provides an electronic package
Which is of speci?c convenience in use and may simplify
manufacture of electronic circuitry assemblies.
is conveniently done by spot soldering. Alternatively, rivets
make electrical contact betWeen the shield and the ground
Accordingly, the invention provides an electronic package
comprising: a rigid planar dielectric substrate; an electronic
member. Where hoWever the ground member is provided
upon either side of the substrate, then perforations must be
provided in the ground member to provide insulating clear
component mounted upon a ?rst side of the substrate and
having terminals connected to a plurality of ?rst level
terminal interconnects provided upon the ?rst side of the
board; a covering EMI shield extending over the electronic
component and being electrically interconnected to a ground
member of the substrate; and a plurality of second level
ground member. When the ground member is situated Within
the substrate, the shield is connected by electrical pathWays
extending through the substrate to the ground member, the
pathWays advantageously being soldered to the shield. This
ance betWeen the ground member and the ?rst or second
45 level terminal interconnects as the case may be.
The invention also provides an assembly of a mother
board and an electronic package incorporating a rigid planar
daughter board substrate, the package further comprising an
interconnects mounted upon a second side of the substrate
electronic component mounted upon a ?rst side of the
and electrically interconnected through the substrate to the
daughter board and having terminals connected to a plurality
of ?rst level terminal interconnects provided upon the ?rst
side of the board, a covering EMI shield extending over the
?rst level interconnects.
The substrate can be, for example, a printed circuit board
or a ceramic substrate.
electronic component and being electrically interconnected
The invention provides a package Which includes its oWn
individual EMI shield for the electronic components for
assembly by the second level interconnects onto a further
and larger substrate Which also carries its oWn circuitry. The
to a ground member of the daughter board; and a plurality
ground member preferably extends across substantially the
Whole area of the substrate and With this arrangement, a
complete Faraday cage is provided for the electronic
component, the Faraday cage comprising the ground mem
ber and the EMI shield Which is electrically connected to it.
Thus, in a package according to the invention, the rigid
substrate of the package provides a daughter board for
incorporation onto a motherboard i.e. the larger substrate.
The invention has particular advantages When the elec
tronic component comprises an integrated circuit component
of second level interconnects mounted upon a second side of
the daughter board and electrically interconnecting through
the daughter board to the ?rst level interconnects, the second
level interconnects serving to mount the electronic package
onto the mother board.
The invention further includes a method of making an
electronic package comprising: mounting an electronic com
ponent upon a rigid planar dielectric substrate With terminals
of the component connected to ?rst level terminal intercon
nects located on a ?rst side of the substrate; and locating an
65 EMI shield upon the substrate so as to cover the electronic
component, and electrically connecting the shield to a
ground member of the substrate, the ?rst level terminal
interconnects being interconnected With second level inter
combination With the ground plane to Which it is grounded
provides a Faraday cage for all electronic and electrical
components and circuitry Within the cage. Hence, the elec
tronic package 10 may be said to provide a “Faraday caged
connects located on a second side of the substrate.
ball grid array” package.
Embodiments of the invention Will noW be described, by
Way of example, With reference to the accompanying
The ?nished electronic package is pre-manufactured for
later assembly onto a mother board. This pre-manufactured
package 10 comprises its oWn EMI shield 22 for electronic
components of the package Which need EMI shielding so
draWings, in Which:
FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional vieW through an electronic
package according to a ?rst embodiment;
FIG. 2 is an isometric vieW of an EMI shield forming part
of the package of FIG. 1;
that subsequent shielding of these components after addition
to the mother board is avoided. In addition, the package
provides a structure Which may be handled With physical
protection offered by the shield to the components during
FIG. 3 is a vieW similar to FIG. 1 of the package mounted
storage, and for shipping purposes before being incorporated
upon a mother board;
onto the mother board. Further, With the EMI shield con
FIG. 4 is a vieW similar to FIG. 1 of an electronic package 15
nected to the ground plane of the substrate 12, the pre-built
according to a second embodiment;
structure is provided With its oWn Faraday cage as indicated
FIG. 5 is an isometric vieW of the package of FIG. 4;
above for protection of the electronic components beneath
FIG. 6 is a cross-sectional vieW similar to FIG. 4 shoWing
the shield, the Faraday cage provided on one side by the
the manufacture of the package of the second embodiment
shield 22 and on the other side by the plane 30 connected to
during one manufacturing stage; and
the shield by the electrical pathWays 32.
As shoWn by FIG. 3, the electronic package 10 is
FIG. 7 is a vieW similar to FIG. 4 With the package of the
second embodiment mounted upon a mother board.
assembled onto a mother board 34 by the second level
interconnects being connected to circuitry on the mother
the structures carried upon the mother board Which also
In a ?rst embodiment as shoWn in FIG. 1, an electronic
includes other electronic components (not shoWn) and pos
sibly together With other electronic packages 38 basically
package 10 comprises a rigid planar dielectric substrate in
the form of a printed circuit board 12. Carried upon an upper
surface of the board are a plurality of electronic components
similar in construction to the device 10.
As may be seen therefore, and as indicated above, the
comprising at least one (in this case three) integrated circuit
assembly of the packages 10 and 38 onto the mother board
34 simpli?es the ?nal assembly process With the mother
board in that the packages 10 and 36 have their Faraday
component 14 and as shoWn, a capacitor or resistor 16. The
electronic components are provided on the upper surface of
the board With ?rst level interconnects 18 by Which the
terminals of the components are connected by circuit paths
in the board 12 With second level interconnects 20 on the
boards and holding the package 10 in position. The package
10, in this arrangement does, of course, provide only one of
cages already provided thereby eliminating the necessity for
loWer surface of the board. Possibly the components 14 and
16 are also electrically interconnected together through the
substrate 12. The second level interconnects 20 may be
these to be added subsequently onto the mother board. This
is a distinct advantage for the ?nal manufacture of the total
electronic structure.
The EMI shield need not necessarily be attached to the
upper side of the board as shoWn in the ?rst embodiment.
For instance, as shoWn in a second embodiment from FIG.
solder balls or columns as required for connection to cir
cuitry of a mother board as Will be described. The ?rst level
4 onWards, and in Which parts similar to those described in
interconnects 18 may also be solder balls, but alternatively
the ?rst embodiment bear the same reference numerals, an
electronic package 40 has an EMI shield 42 Which is of
are bond ?ngers for use in conventional Wire bonding
techniques or for use in tape automated bonding
slightly different structure from that shoWn in the ?rst
The electronic components are covered on the upper side
embodiment. As shoWn in the second embodiment in FIGS.
of the board by an EMI shield 22 Which extends across them. 45 4 and 5, the shield 42 has a top Wall 44 and depending side
The shield 22 has a closed top 24 and doWnWardly depend
Walls 46 Which have outWardly extending ?anges 48 similar
ing side Walls 26 terminating in outWardly extending ?anges
to the ?anges 28 of the ?rst embodiment. HoWever, in the
28. The structure of this shield is more clearly shoWn in FIG.
2. The shield may be formed from a single sheet of metal
second embodiment, the ?anges 48 extend outWardly
beyond edges of the board 12 and curve around the edges of
the board to terminate in ?ange edge regions 50 Which are
disposed beneath and directly face the loWer surface of the
board. These edge regions 50 are connected to the ground
Which is punched-out and then pressed into its desired shape.
In this case the side Walls 26 Would be slightly spaced apart
by the pressing operation at the vertical corners of the
structure (this arrangement not being shoWn). In the
plane by circuit paths 52 extending into the board. In the
embodiment, the structure 22 is formed by a forming and
pressing operation from a ?at blank sheet of metal so that all
the side Walls 26 interconnect at the corners With each other
as Well as With the top Wall 24.
The shield 22 is interconnected With a ground plane 30
extending substantially throughout the printed circuit board
12, this interconnection being provided possibly by rivets
but preferably by solder connections, at spaced intervals
around the ?anges 28, to electrical pathWays 32 extending
into holes around the edges of the board 12 and connecting
With the ground plane.
As Will be appreciated in the above structure, the second
structure of the second embodiment, the ?anges 48 in
extending around edges of the board 12 provide EMI
protection for circuitry Within the board 12 itself and the
overlap betWeen the edge regions 50 of the ?anges 48 and
edge regions of the ground plane 12 substantially complete
a closed Faraday cage around all of the electronic compo
nents and the board circuitry. This is particularly the case
Where the ground plane lies toWards the loWer surface of the
board. As shoWn by FIG. 5, the EMI shield 42 Which is
pressed, in this instance, from sheet metal has slight gaps 53
betWeen edges of the doWnWardly extending Walls 46. These
gaps hoWever are controlled so as to substantially eliminate
level interconnects 20 form an array of solder balls and may 65 any EMI leakage betWeen the ?anges. FIG. 5 also illustrates
be referred to in common terminology of the electronic
the curved portions of the ?anges 48 extending around the
board 12 to the undersurface of the board. The shield 42 is
industry as “ball grid array”. In addition, the shield 22 in
7. A package according to claim 6 Wherein the shield is
preferably provided, as in the ?rst embodiment, With aper
tures 54 disposed in appropriate locations for air ?oW
through the structure for removing heat from Within the
electrically interconnected With the ground member through
shield. The location of such apertures is a matter of choice
the second side of the substrate.
8. A package according to claim 7 Wherein the electrical
With the proviso that the top surface 44 may require a large
pathWays are connected to the ground member by soldering.
unapertured space as shoWn by FIG. 5 in the event that it is
9. An assembly of a mother board and an electronic
required to lift the package 40 by vacuum lifting techniques
package incorporating a rigid planar daughter board, the
package further comprising:
for assembly purposes onto a mother board.
FIG. 6 shoWs part of the process of assembling the EMI
shield 42 onto the board 12 in the second embodiment. The
an electronic component mounted upon a ?rst side of the
shield 42 is initially pressed from a planar sheet With
opposite side Walls 46 diverging outWardly from each other
as they extend from the top Wall 44. This provides a large
space betWeen the edge regions 50 of the ?anges 46 suf?
plurality of ?rst level terminal interconnects provided
daughter board and having terminals connected to a
upon the ?rst side of the board;
a covering EMI shield extending over the electronic
component and being electrically interconnected to a
cient to enable the shield to be disposed completely over the
ground member of the daughter board;
board 12 With the edge regions 50 passing doWn around the
board toWards the loWer side as shoWn by FIG. 6. Pressure
is then applied in the direction of the arroWs in FIG. 6 to the
side Walls 46 to move opposing side Walls toWards each
other With the result that the end regions 50 of the side Walls
pass beneath the printed circuit board 12 and into their ?nal
and a plurality of second level interconnects mounted
upon a second side of the daughter board and electri
cally interconnecting through the daughter board to the
and electrically connecting the electronic component
positions shoWn by FIG. 4. A soldering operation is then
performed for connection of the edge regions 50 to the
With circuitry in the mother board.
10. A method of making an electronic package compris
ground plane as discussed above.
As shoWn by FIG. 7, the package 40 may then be
assembled onto a mother board 52 together With other
electronic components (not shoWn) or other electronic pack
nection With the circuitry of the mother board is again
performed through the second level interconnects. The
advantages of the package 40 of the second embodiment and
interconnects being interconnected With second level
in its subsequent assembly onto the mother board are as
described for the ?rst embodiment.
What is claimed is:
1. An electronic package comprising:
interconnects located on a second side of the substrate;
and forming a Faraday cage around the electronic com
ponent by locating an EMI shield upon the substrate so
as to cover the electronic component, and electrically
interconnecting the shield to a ground member of the
substrate, the around member extending across sub
stantially the While area Within the con?nes of the
edges of the substrate.
11. A method according to claim 10 comprising locating
the shield upon the substrate With an edge region of the
shield extending outWardly beyond each edge of the
substrate, moving the edge regions of the shield inWardly so
that the edge regions extend around the edges of the sub
strate and face the second side of the substrate; and electri
and a plurality of second level interconnects mounted
upon a second side of the substrate and electrically
mounting an electronic component upon a rigid planar
dielectric substrate With terminals of the component
connected to ?rst level terminal interconnects located
on a ?rst side of the substrate, the ?rst level terminal
ages 56 of similar construction to the package 40. Intercon
a rigid planar dielectric substrate carrying a ground mem
ber extending across substantially the Whole area
Within the con?nes of the edges of the substrate;
a covering EMI shield extending over the electronic
component to locate the electronic component betWeen
the EMI shield and the around member of the substrate,
the EMI shield being electrically interconnected to the
ground member of the substrate to form With the
ground member, a Faraday cage around the electronic
?rst level interconnects, the second level interconnects
mounting the electronic package onto the mother board
cally interconnecting the edge regions on the second side of
the substrate With the ground member.
12. A method of assembling an electronic package com
prising a daughter board onto a mother board Wherein the
interconnected through circuit paths in the substrate to
package further comprises an electronic component
the ?rst level interconnects.
2. A package according to claim 1 Wherein the electronic
mounted upon a ?rst side of and having terminals connected
to a plurality of ?rst level terminal interconnects located
upon the ?rst side of the daughter board;
component comprises an integrated circuit component.
3. Apackage according to claim 1 comprising tWo or more
electronic components mounted upon the ?rst side of the
substrate and at least one of Which is an integrated circuit
component and all of the components are commonly
shielded by the EMI shield.
4. A package according to claim 3 Wherein tWo or more
of the electronic components are electrically interconnected
by circuitry of the substrate.
5. Apackage according to claim 1 Wherein the EMI shield
comprises a single formed sheet of electrically conductive
material, the sheet formed With a plurality of spaced aper
tures for cooling air circulation.
6. A package according to claim 1 Wherein the shield is
provided by a formed sheet of electrically conductive mate
rial and Which extends around the shield edges of the
substrate so as to face the second side of the substrate.
a covering EMI shield extending over the electronic
component and being electrically interconnected to a
ground member of the daughter board;
and a plurality of second level interconnects mounted on
a second side of the daughter board and electrically
interconnecting through the daughter board to the ?rst
level interconnects;
the method comprising disposing the package With the
second level interconnects in desired locations With
respect to electrical terminals on one surface of the
mother board and electrically interconnecting the sec
ond level interconnects With the electrical terminals of
the mother board.
: 5,838,551
Page 1 of 1
APPLICATION NO. : 08/691056
: November 17, 1998
: Yee-ning Chan
It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby corrected as shown below:
Claim 1:
Column 5, between Lines 37 and 38: - insert missing claim element as follows:
--an electronic component mounted upon a ?rst side of the substrate and having terminals connected to
a plurality of ?rst level terminal interconnects provided upon the ?rst side of the board,Claim 1:
Column 5, Line 40: - change the sixth Word “around” to “ground”
Claim 10:
Column 6, Line 35: - change the third Word “around” to “ground”
Column 6, Line 36: - change the third Word “While” to “Whole”
Signed and Sealed this
Twenty-second Day of June, 2010
David J. Kappos
Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Of?ce
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