Google Inc. v. Rockstar Consortium US LP et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT for Declaratory Judgment of Non-Infringement against All Defendants ( Filing fee $ 400, receipt number 0971-8252154.). Filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Civil Cover Sheet)(Warren, Matthew) (Filed on 12/23/2013)

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EXHIBIT G US006937572B1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: (45) Date of Patent: Egan et al. (54) CALL TRACE ON A PACKET SWITCHED NETWORK 6,681,232 B1 * 6,721,184 B1 * 2002/0114274 A1* (75) Inventors: Brian B. Egan ’ Ontario (CA)'’ Milos US 6,937,572 B1 Aug. 30, 2005 1/2004 SistaniZadeh et al. 707/1041 4/2004 Lehmeier et al. ......... .. 361/728 8/2002 Sturges et al. ............ .. 370/229 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Vodsedalek, Ontario (CA) Stevens, Richard; TCP/IP Illustrated, vol. 1; 1994; Addison 73 As' s1gnee: N 0rte lN etworksL"dS t. L aurent lmlte , Wl ey, es 263265 , 97109* . * cited by eXammer Subject' to any disclaimer, the term of this Primary Examiner_DaVid Vincent Patent 15 extended or adlusted under 35 ( * ) Notice: . pp. (CA) . (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—MintZ Levin Cohn Ferris (21) Appl. NO.Z 09/751,796 (57) (22) Acall trace feature for a network compatible device, such as Flled: Dec‘ 29’ 2000 (51) Int. Cl.7 ............................................ .. (52) U S C] ,' ' ABSTRACT ' '''''' G01R 31/08 a Voice Over Internet Protocol device‘ The can trace infor' 370/252 709/224 mation may include an Internet Protocol (IP) address, a '''" ’ geographical location of the end-point device, a type or class (58) of the end-point device, a call route, a topology of the route, ’ _ ’ ’ _ ’ _ . (56) References Clted U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 6,144,336 A * 11/2000 Preston et al. ....... .. 342/35709 6,636,504 B1 * a domain name server of the IP address and route, a directory number and name, a call back number, an advisement as to Whether the IP address for the end-point device is mobile and an advisement as to What redirection may have occurred 10/2003 Albers et al. ............. .. 370/352 6,643,267 B1 * 11/2003 Karia et al. ............... .. 370/252 before the can Was Completed‘ 26 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet /SET A \ ROUTER, CALL AND U.S. Patent Aug. 30, 2005 % US 6,937,572 B1 EmOiv>g mPZDQU QJEAZH<DUOM MQdC?éAzOmiEl mMT/ m EwmOiv>g m.ZQE<mL / .95 H ><AmHQ / / \ Hmm O U DE. ’ EHmO>m QMmwrmm Q P750 EQ> HZEAU US 6,937,572 B1 1 2 CALL TRACE ON A PACKET SWITCHED NETWORK SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION information about a caller’s end-point device that commu nicates on a packet switched network. The end-point device may be a voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) device, which An aspect of the invention relates to providing call trace 1. Field of the Invention The invention relates to providing call trace information operates using voice that is packetiZed in accordance with on a packet switched network to users of various network compatible devices, such as telephone sets, personal digital 10 assistants, soft phones and the like. 2. Discussion of Related Art Support for end-to-end voice calls using the Internet as an alternative to traditional public switched telephone networks (PSTN) is well known. Unlike the PSTN, which is circuit switched, the Internet is packet-switched; communication on 15 the Internet is accomplished by transmitting and receiving packets of data. In addition to data, each packet contains an address to ensure that it is routed correctly. The format of these packets In the case of a conference call, a further aspect of the invention is to provide a feature that enables call trace information about each one of the conferees to be delivered is de?ned by the Internet Protocol (IP). One type of allowable data is encoded, digitiZed voice. Voice over IP (VoIP) is encoded digitiZed voice that is packetiZed in accordance with IP, and communicated over the Internet for telephone-like communication. Aservice provider can off-load branch-of?ce voice traf?c from the PSTN and route it across the company’s existing Internet Protocol (IP) and transmitted over the Internet. The call trace information may include the following about the end-point VoIP device: the IP address, the geo graphical location of the end-point device and the type or class of the end-point device. In addition, the call trace information may provide the call route and the topology of the route, the domain name server (DNS) of the IP address and route, the directory number and name and the call back number for the user. Further, the call trace information may inform about whether the IP address for the end-point device is mobile and what redirection may have occurred before the call was completed. back to the originator of the conference call, whether the conference is a voice, video or chat session. Even a circuit 25 switched time division multipleX (TDM) device may acti vate this feature if it is connected to an end-point VoIP device through a gateway. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING packet switched data intranet, thereby eliminating toll charges. In addition, interoffice faX traffic can be routed For a better understanding of the present invention, ref erence is made to the following description and accompa nying drawings, while the scope of the invention is set forth in the appended claims. across a company’s data network or through an eXtranet, using eXisting faX machines, key systems, CentreXes, and PBXs, making the process of placing calls over the IP network transparent to users. Users of VoIP devices currently are not provided with call trace information. Such call trace information could be useful in a variety of applications. For instance, it would be useful for emergency E911 (electronic 911) service to help emergency personnel deter 35 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION 40 While the following description makes reference to pro viding call trace information to compatible VoIP devices, the call trace information may be provided to any packet mine critical information about an IP client in advance of rendering emergency service. Such call trace information would also be useful for tracking down and apprehending prank callers who use VoIP. Even misbehaving IP clients could be identi?ed and reprimanded or shut down by net The drawing is a schematic representation of a network having network compatible devices. 45 work administrators that have access to such call trace information. In addition, call trace information may serve as switched network device. The drawing illustrates a communication network having ?ve VoIP clients. The VoIP clients each include network compatible devices, such as voice communication devices, referred to as sets A, B, C, D & E. The sets may receive voice communications over a packet switched network, such as the Internet. critical debugging information to help network servicing personnel determine network faults and the like. The name and number information of the called party may be linked to address and geographic location information about a called party. If geographic information about the The con?guration depicted in the drawing is illustrative only; any number of communication devices may be employed and different types of networks may be con?gured called party of a VoIP call were known to the caller, the instead or in addition to that illustrated. For instance, the caller would then be in a position to know whether the call 55 user may have a plain old telephone service (POTS) tele is costly due to the geographic distance from the called party phone with an adjunct device that connects to a VoIP and whether the call to be placed is being received in a gateway that is in communication with the Internet or some different time Zone. If the caller is a retail merchant, geo other IP network. graphical information about the called party may be useful in deciding whether to ship certain products to certain In the con?guration depicted in the drawing, set A talks to set B through a local area network and a wide area network A call server and a terminal proxy server geographical Zones. It would be advantageous to provide call trace informa tion to users and/or administrators of network compatible devices. Such users and/or administrators would then be informed about a caller’s end-point device in advance of taking some action with respect to that caller or caller’s end-point device. control sets A, B, C, D & E. Sets C, D & E may be in conference with sets A & B or have separate calls going on at the same time. 65 Sets D & E, which are wireless VoIP clients, communicate through a wireless VoIP base station with the Sets A, B or C. Set C may be a computer telephony integration with a US 6,937,572 B1 3 4 monitor that displays a VoIP control panel. Set D may be a Wireless LAN (802.11) Voice over IP phone With an integral operating. Events in a trace chronology may be paired, forming event-pairs. An example of an event-pair includes the start and end times. Implementing the user interface to obtain this call trace information from the IP-PBX call manager or gateWay is performed in the same manner implementing any other feature code activated IP-PBX feature. Most of the call trace information is con?gured at the time text display capability. Set E may be a third generation Wireless digital phone With an integral text and video display capability. Where the adjunct device for a POTS telephone is being used instead of a VoIP device, the adjunct device Would be capable of handling the same type of information that the VoIP device handles. 10 Auser may have a VoIP device or a TDM device (such as one connected through a gateWay to a packet sWitched network). The user of the packet sWitched netWork activates the call trace information feature of the present invention. The activation may be by depressing a button, sliding a sWitch, or entering a feature code. Activation may also be of registration for the VoIP device and stored in a variety of locations or centraliZed directory and may be accessed using Local Directory Application Protocol (LDAP). As a VoIP device registers With a packet sWitched netWork, it is assigned an IP address, a domain name server (DMS) entry, a directory number (DN), a name, and optionally a geo 15 graphic location that is assigned for static terminals (i.e., those Which are at ?xed locations and not mobile), and automatic—either at startup, during the entire call, or peri odically. If desired, the call trace feature may be remotely terminal type (e.g., Wired, PC based, Wireless, etc.). DN, name and terminal type are stored in a call server data base activated With a sniffer softWare that is turned on in the (PBX), While data information such as IP address, DNS netWork. Once activated, call trace information is provided at the user’s VoIP or TDM device. If desired, the call trace feature entry and other data parameters are stored in a data netWork server, such as a WINDOWS NT server. The terminal proxy server may retrieve all this information at initial registration may be con?gured to present only selected pieces of infor of the VoIP device or the terminal proxy server may have mation. The presentation of the information may be in dynamic access to this information. graphic or numeric, textual or any combination thereof. 25 Once the user interface on the VoIP device has been Where the sniffer softWare is turned on, the sniffer softWare activated, a request signal is sent to the terminal proxy server monitors and reports this information to security or other for call trace information pertaining to an end-point device. In response to the request signal, the terminal proxy server checks its oWn data base to retrieve the information pertain ing to call trace or dynamically retrieves it from the data authoriZed recipients. The call trace information may include the folloWing information about the connected end-point; the IP address, the geographical location of the end-point device and the type or class of the end-point device. In addition, the call trace information may provide the call route and the topol ogy of the route, the domain name server (DNS) of the IP address and route, the directory number and name and the call back number for the user. Further, the call trace infor bases that represent administered data for that end-point device. The terminal proxy server may supplement the retrieved 35 then returned to the VoIP device that requested the call trace information using an agreed upon protocol. mation may include Whether the IP address for the end-point device is mobile and What redirection may have occurred before the call Was completed. In the case of a conference call, the invention may provide: a feature that enables the call trace information for each of the conferees to be delivered back to the originator While the foregoing description and draWings represent 40 1. Apparatus that obtains call trace information, compris multiplex (TDM) device may activate this feature if it is 45 municate over a packet sWitched netWork With an end-point device, the netWork compatible device being performance analysis. This capability may be triggered at con?gured to generate a request for call trace informa tion that pertains to the end-point device and to receive the time the request for call trace information is received by or acted upon by the terminal proxy server or at the time of the call trace information that Was requested and to receipt of the call trace information by the requesting device. dynamically display at least a portion of the call trace The implementation of this call trace feature uses ping information that Was received. and net trace tools and makes queries to an Internet Protocol 55 call route, a topology of the route, a domain name server of the IP address and route, a directory number and name, a call back number, an advisement as to Whether the IP address for the end-point device is mobile and an advisement as to What redirection may have occurred before the call Was com type of function as a Domain Name Server (DNS). Aping tool includes a routine that sends a packet onto the netWork and obtains a value of the average delay encoun A netWork trace tool includes a routine that captures and records events and states that occur While the netWork is 2. An apparatus as in claim 1, Wherein the call trace information is selected from a group consisting of an Inter net Protocol (IP) address, a geographical location of the end-point device, a type or class of the end-point device, a address and a Name or Directory Number. It serves the same tered by that packet in reaching the destination and return ing. It also con?rms the status of the IP end-point. ing: a netWork compatible device that is con?gured to com An intelligent call log capability may be activated to log all of this call trace information for security or netWork based Private Branch Exchange (IP-PBX) call manager or gateWay for information such as directory number (and name) to IP translation and for other parameters such as geographical location, time, etc. The IP translation is a gatekeeper function to provide translation betWeen an IP the preferred embodiments of the present invention, it Will be understood that various changes and modi?cations may be made Without departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention. What is claimed is: of a conference call. Even a circuit sWitched time division connected to a VoIP gateWay. information by activating a dynamic IP trace against the requested end-point device. The retrieved information is pleted. 3. An apparatus as in claim 1, Wherein the netWork 65 compatible device is con?gured to originate a conference call With a plurality of end points and to receive the call trace information for each of the plurality of end-points. US 6,937,572 B1 5 6 4. An apparatus as in claim 3, wherein the network compatible device is a circuit switched time division mul 18. An apparatus as in claim 17, wherein the call trace information is selected from a group consisting of an Inter tipleX (TDM) compatible device. net Protocol (IP) address, a geographical location of the end-point device, a type or class of the end-point device, a 5. An apparatus as in claim 1, wherein the network compatible device is a circuit switched time division mul call route, a topology of the route, a domain name server of the IP address and route, a directory number and name, a call back number, an advisement as to whether the IP address for the end-point device is mobile and an advisement as to what redirection may have occurred before the call was com tipleX (TDM) compatible device. 6. An apparatus as in claim 1, wherein the network compatible device is a voice over Internet Protocol compat ible device. 7. An apparatus as in claim 1, further comprising at least one data base containing the call trace information. 10 19. A method as in claim 18, further comprising logging 8. An apparatus as in claim 2, further comprising a call log that logs all the call trace information. 9. An apparatus that obtains call trace information, com prising: pleted. the call trace information. 20. A method as in claim 18, further comprising storing the call trace information. municate over a packet switched network with an 21. A method as in claim 18, further comprising originat ing a conference call with a plurality of end-points and to receive the call trace information for each of the plurality of end-point device, the network compatible device end-points. including means for generating a request for call trace information about the end-point device, means for receiving the call trace information that was requested and means for dynamically displaying at least a portion 22. A method as in claim 21, wherein the network compatible device is a circuit switched time division mul 15 a network compatible device that is con?gured to com of the call trace information that was received. 10. An apparatus as in claim 9, wherein the call trace information is selected from a group consisting of an Inter tipleX (TDM) compatible device that accesses the packet switched network through a gateway. 23. A method as in claim 18, wherein the network compatible device is a circuit switched time division mul 25 tipleX (TDM) compatible device that accesses the packet net Protocol (IP) address, a geographical location of the end-point device, a type or class of the end-point device, a switched network through a gateway. 24. A method as in claim 18, wherein the network call route, a topology of the route, a domain name server of the IP address and route, a directory number and name, a call back number, an advisement as to whether the IP address for the end-point device is mobile and an advisement as to what redirection may have occurred before the call was com compatible device is a voice over Internet Protocol compat ible device. 25. An apparatus as in claim 1, further comprising: a terminal proXy server, comprising software responsive to a request to download call trace information and to pleted. transmit the downloaded call trace information to a network compatible device, the call trace information 11. An apparatus as in claim 9, wherein the network compatible device is con?gured to originate a conference 35 selected from a group consisting of an Internet Protocol (IP) address, a geographical location of the end-point call with a plurality of endpoints and to receive the call trace information for each of the plurality of end-points. device, a type or class of the end-point device, a call 12. An apparatus as in claim 10, wherein the network compatible device is a circuit switched time division mul route, a topology of the route, a domain name server of tipleX (TDM) compatible device. the IP address and route, a directory number and name, 40 advisement as to what redirection may have occurred tipleX (TDM) compatible device. 14. An apparatus as in claim 9, wherein the network compatible device is a voice over Internet Protocol compat ible device. 15. An apparatus as in claim 9, further comprising means 45 before the call was completed. 26. An apparatus as in claim 1, further comprising: a terminal proXy server, comprising software responsive to a request for call trace information to dynamically access and then transmit the call trace information to a for storing the call trace information. 16. An apparatus as in claim 9, further comprising means for logging the call trace information. network compatible device, the call trace information selected from a group consisting of an Internet Protocol (IP) address, a geographical location of the end-point 17. A method that obtains call trace information, com device, a type or class of the end-point device, a call prising: communicating over a packet switched network between a network compatible device and an end-point device, generating a request for call trace information that a call back number, an advisement as to whether the IP address for the end-point device is mobile and an 13. An apparatus as in claim 9, wherein the network compatible device is a circuit switched time division mul route, a topology of the route, a domain name server of the IP address and route, a directory number and name, a call back number, an advisement as to whether the IP 55 address for the end-point device is mobile and an pertains to the end-point device, subsequently receiving advisement as to what redirection may have occurred the call trace information that was requested, and before the call was completed. dynamically displaying at least a portion of the call trace information that was received. * * * * * UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION PATENT N0. : 6,937,572 B1 Page 1 of 1 APPLICATION NO. : 09/751796 DATED INVENTOR(S) : August 30, 2005 : Brian B. Egan and Milos Vodsedalek It is certified that error appears in the above-identi?ed patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby corrected as shown below: Claim 18, Column 6, line I: delete “An apparatus” insert --A method- Signed and Sealed this Eighteenth Day of September, 2012 David J. Kappos Director ofthe United States Patent and Trademark O?ice

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