Google Inc. v. Rockstar Consortium US LP et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT for Declaratory Judgment of Non-Infringement against All Defendants ( Filing fee $ 400, receipt number 0971-8252154.). Filed byGoogle Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Civil Cover Sheet)(Warren, Matthew) (Filed on 12/23/2013)

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EXHIBIT B US006037937A Ulllted States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: Beaton et al. [45] [54] Date of Patent: 6,037,937 *Mar. 14, 2000 NAVIGATION TOOL FOR GRAPHICAL 5,745,716 4/1998 Tchao et al. .......................... .. 345/350 USER INTERFACE 5,748,926 5/1998 Fukuda et al. .. 5,760,773 6/1998 Berman et al. [75] Inventors: Brian Finlay Beaton, Orleans; Colin - ’ [73] , 25521212165555: Dale , 1e 9/1998 Moran et al. ......................... .. 345/358 5,812,134 ’ 9/1998 Pooser et al. ......................... .. 345/356 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS This patent issued on a continued pros- 8 13; European 5“? - uropean a‘ " ecution application ?led under 37 CFR 1.53(d), and is subject to the tWenty year 0 684 543 11/1995 patent term provisions of 35 U.S.C. 154 a 2 . ( ) [21] AppL NO‘: 08/985,265 - [22] European Pat‘ Off’ ' OTHER PUBLICATIONS IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, “Scroll Control Box,” vol. 36, No. 4, Apr. 1993, pp. 399—403. _ Flled' .................................... .. 5,809,267 Assignee: Nortel Networks Corporation, CAX [ * ] Notice: 345/347 g?ig?matsu 9t 91 _ 223$? . 345/358 X Primary Examiner—Raymond J. Bayerl Dec‘ 4’ 1997 Assistant Examiner—Thomas Nguyen [51] Int. Cl.7 ............................... .. G06F 3/14; G06F 3/02 Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Finnegan, Henderson, FaraboW, [52] US. Cl. ........................ .. 345/339; 345/352; 345/347; Garrett & Dunner, L~L-P 345/341; 345/358 [58] [57] ABSTRACT Field of Search ................................... .. 345/358, 352, 345/353, 341, 354, 350, 348, 347, 356 The system and method consistent With the present inven tion provides improved graphical navigation tool for elec [56l References Cited Us‘ PATENT DOCUMENTS tronic devices. The graphical navigation tools may be used to navigate through documents at any direction at varying speeds. The navigation tool is preferably transparent to 4,954,967 9/1990 Takahashi ............................. .. 364/518 prevent obscuring the teXt of the underlying document. 5,297,253 3/1994 Meisel 395/348 Accordingly, the navigational tool does not take up addi 5a563a996 10/1996 Tchao 345/341 tional screen real estate. The GUI of the present invention 575707109 10/1996 Jens?“ 345/146 5,590,257 12/1996 may be especially useful in portable electronic devices With Forcler ....... .. .. 707/530 Small dis 1a S 5,592,195 1/1997 Misono e161. 345/146 p y‘ 5,600,765 2/1997 Ando et al. ....................... .. 345/326 X 5,745,116 4/1998 Pisutha-Armond ................... .. 345/358 24 Claims, 11 Drawing Sheets MACROMEDI SEARCH] BRAIN | lNDU l l MACROMEDIA SHOCKWAVE :EHAND U.S. Patent Mar. 14,2000 Sheet 1 0f 11 FIG. 1 FIG. 2 6,037,937 U.S. Patent Mar. 14, 2000 _ :8 2a .%ovD63aa L Sheet 2 0f 11 05.3% 2a3.5“ N-215m 8m2- 128 6,037,937 _ J m m GI mm. U.S. Patent Mar. 14, 2000 Sheet 4 0f 11 6,037,937 MEMORY 440 STATIC RAM 442 FLASH ROM 444 PROGRAM 510 TOUCH SCREEN PROGRAM 520 NAVIGATION PROGRAM 530 FIG. 5 DRAWING PROGRAM 540 U.S. Patent Mar. 14, 2000 (430 FEATURE PROCESSOR Sheet 5 0f 11 [460 ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ANALOG CONTROLLER 6,037,937 (474 H SEQUECEHN PANEL FIG. 6 4} 06> FIG. 7A ACTIVATION AREA FIG. 7B U.S. Patent Mar. 14, 2000 ' Sheet 6 0f 11 MACROMEDI SIJIEARCH BRAIN INDU O MACROMEDIA SHOCKWAVE FIG. 8 6,037,937 U.S. Patent Mar. 14, 2000 Sheet 7 0f 11 6,037,937 WITHIN-PAGE GATION RCLE 0111 "U m lT'l S PAG _/E§€§E FIG. 98 ADDITIONAL CONTROLS FORWARD TO T DOC Bil BAC K, HOME, IIHI FIG. 9C . NT, U.S. Patent Mar. 14, 2000 Sheet 8 0f 11 6,037,937 HDMEOU< _O_DZI<NwZ_mw ‘mm 296 QZm/E8W 206 40 9. Hz I EwmFZwO HM .3:QE U.S. Patent Mar. 14, 2000 Sheet 9 0f 11 6,037,937 VIEWING WINDOW DOES NOT MOVE (ACTIVATION AREA) VIEWING WINDOW MOVES SLOWLY VIEWING WINDOW MOVES QUICKLY FIG. 11A VIEWING WINDOW MOVES QUICKLY TO THE PREVIOUS PAGE NEXT PAGE .2 ICON vIEWING WINDOW MOVES ; SLOWLY TO THE PREVIOUS PAGE VIEWING WINDOW MOVES _{ SLOWLY TO THE NEXT PAGE PREVIOUS PAGE :“\ ICON vIEWING WINDOW MOVES QUICKLY TO THE NEXT PAGE FIG. 11B U.S. Patent Mar. 14, 2000 Sheet 10 0f 11 TOUCH POINT DISTRIBUTION FIG. 12 1310 DETERMINE INDIVIDUAL POINTS OF CONTACT MADE BY OBJECT V 130 COMPUTE CENTROID OF DETERMINED POINTS OF CONTACT V 130 COMPUTE STANDARD DEVIATION OF CENTROID 1340 DETERMINE POINTER OF THE OBJECT MAKING CONTACT FIG. 13 6,037,937 U.S. Patent Mar. 14,2000 Sheet 11 0f 11 6,037,937 PRE‘SSURE PEN TIME FIG. 14A PRESSURE A FINGER TlME FIG. 14B 6,037,937 1 2 NAVIGATION TOOL FOR GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE tions in multiple layers, thus requiring a user to move deeply into the hierarchy before reaching the desired function. This is time consuming and renders the GUI cumbersome and ineffective. Therefore, it is desirable to provide navigation tools that alloW small-siZe devices While maximiZing the use of avail RELATED APPLICATIONS This application is related to US. patent application, Ser. No. 08/985,264 (Atty. Docket No. 3884.0116-00), entitled INTELLIGENT TOUCH DISPLAY; and US. patent able screen real estate. application, Ser. No. 08/985,561 (Atty. Docket No. 3884.0117-00), entitled CONTEXTUAL GESTURE It is also desirable to provide tools to navigate Within a document at any direction at varying speeds. It is further desirable to provide navigation tools that can be activated Without requiring speci?c electronic devices. In addition, it is further desirable to provide an improved INTERFACE, both of Which are ?led concurrently hereWith, and both of Which are hereby incorporated by reference. 10 BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates generally to graphical user interfaces (GUI), and more particularly to a navigation tool for graphical user interfaces. 15 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Until relatively recently, softWare-based documents have been primarily vieWed and manipulated on desktop or laptop computers With relatively large displays, typically 640-480 GUI that simpli?es GUI by recogniZing various character istics of the touch input. Systems and methods consistent With the present inven 20 tion provide graphical control tools for ef?cient navigation in display devices. pixels or larger. These displays are often large enough to Speci?cally, a method consistent With this invention of display a full page of standard siZe page or at least a controlling display of content information in a physical signi?cant portion of the page. Hence, on-screen graphical menus and controls displayed in WindoW of an application did not greatly reduce the display area for the underlying document. Computers also have peripheral devices such as 25 a keyboard or a mouse to control the display of content information. Thus, vieWing and navigating around a single page or multi-page document have not posed much dif? culty. 30 Due to increasing focus on compactness of electronic devices, hoWever, the displays especially in portable elec means. The displaying means displays the content informa electronic devices With a smaller display area include elec 35 tion in the physical vieWing area, and displays a represen tation of a control tool over the display of content informa tion. The receiving means receives a user input selecting the graphical display-based telephones. Also available today are communicators that facilitate various types of communica control tool. Thereafter, the controlling means controls the display of the content information according to the user tion such as voice, faxes, SMS (Short Messaging Services) messages, e-mail, and Internet-related applications. These products can likeWise only contain a small display area. area. The system also displays a representation of a control tool over the display of content information. Thereafter, the system receives a user input selecting the control tool, and controls the display of content information according to the user input. A system consistent for this invention for controlling display of content information in a physical vieWing area includes displaying means, receiving means, and controlling tronic devices are becoming smaller and smaller. Popular tronic organiZers, PDA’s (personal digital assistants), and vieWing area comprises several steps. Initially, the system displays the content information in the physical vieWing 40 input. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS To enable users to navigate around a full page of content information, these devices typically provide hard-keys for arroWs as shoWn in FIG. 1. The hard-keys, hoWever, not only increase the siZe but also add to the cost of the devices. Also, hard-keys generally provide limited options for direction of The accompanying draWings, Which are incorporated in 45 movement, e.g., vertical or horiZontal. They generally do not provide the freedom to move in any direction. In the draWings, FIG. 1 shoWs conventional hard-key arroWs for naviga Some displays of these devices also require a separate tion control; stylus having peripheral technology that requires transmis sion of electromagnetic pulses or light to the display. These FIG. 2 shoWs conventional on-screen graphical naviga devices often require additional controllers such as buttons on the body or the tip of the stylus for activation. Furthermore, these styli require a poWer source, either through Wire or battery, and their compatibility is generally tion tool; FIGS. 3A—3B are diagrams of an exemplary mobile telephone consistent With the principles of the present inven 55 limited to a speci?c device. mobile telephone of FIG. 3A; With graphical on-screen arroWs or scroll bars that are FIG. 5 is a block diagram shoWing the components of the memory of FIG. 4; typically used in full-siZe computer displays. The on-screen 60 compound the limitations of small displays. Similar to the hard-keys, the on-screen arroWs also generally restrict the navigational movement to horiZontal or vertical direction. In other forms of on-screen GUIs, e.g., pop-up menus, also take up valuable screen space, further reducing the available display area for content information. Additionally, on-screen pop-up menus typically provide available func tion; FIG. 4 is a block diagram shoWing the elements of the As shoWn in FIG. 2, other devices substitute hard-keys scroll bars, hoWever, occupy valuable screen real estate and and constitute a part of this speci?cation, illustrate the invention and together With the description, serve to explain the principles of the invention. FIG. 6 is a block diagram of touch screen functionalities; FIGS. 7A—7B shoW an exemplary inactive and active graphical navigation tool, respectively; FIG. 8 is a sample screen shoWing an active navigation 65 tool; FIGS. 9A—9C shoW exemplary features of the navigation tool; 6,037,937 4 3 nals and supporting GSM protocols. BOCK 425 supplies the digital audio signals to VEGA 423 for digital-to-analog conversion. VEGA 423 applies the analog audio signals to FIGS. 10A—10C are sample screens showing the naviga tion tool performing various navigation functions; FIGS. 11A—11B shoW exemplary features of the naviga tion tool relating to speed of navigation; audio transducers 427. Audio transducers 427 include speaker 428 and microphone 429 to facilitate audio com munication by the user. Feature processor 430 provides GUI features and a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Feature processor 430 communi cates With BOCK 425 using high level messaging over an FIG. 12 is a diagram illustrating a touch point distribution; FIG. 13 is a ?owchart illustrating the process of deter mining the siZe of the object making contact With the vieWing area; and FIGS. 14A and 14B are graphs shoWing the touch char acteristics of a pen and a ?nger, respectively. asynchronous (UART) data link. Feature processor 430 contains additional system circuitry, such as a liquid crystal display (LCD) controller, timers, UART and bus interfaces, DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT Reference Will noW be made in detail to the present and real time clock and system clock generators (not 15 preferred embodiment of the invention, an example of Which is illustrated in the accompanying draWings. Where Memory 440 stores data and program code used by feature processor 430. Memory 440 includes static RAM 442 and ?ash ROM 444. Static RAM 442 is a volatile appropriate, the same reference numerals refer to the same memory that stores data and other information used by feature processor 430. Flash ROM 444, on the other hand, or similar elements. The appended claims de?ne the scope of the invention; the folloWing description does not limit that is a non-volatile memory that stores the program code scope. executed by feature processor 430. Sliding keypad 450 enables the user to dial a telephone number, access remote databases, and manipulate the GUI The graphical navigation tool of the present invention may be implemented in a Wide range of electronic devices mentioned above such as electronic organiZers, PDA’s, and graphical display-based telephones. Although the need to shoWn). 25 maximiZe the use of screen real estate is most critical in portable electronic devices With small displays, the present invention can also be implemented in full-siZe computers or features. Sliding keypad 450 preferably includes a mylar resistive key matrix that generates analog resistive voltage in response to actions by the user. Sliding keypad 450 prefer ably connects to main housing 210 (FIG. 3A) of mobile telephone 310 through tWo mechanical “push pin”-type electronic devices. For purposes of illustration, hoWever, the present invention Will be explained in detail in a mobile contacts (FIG. 4). telephone environment. device that acts as an interface betWeen feature processor Analog controller 460 is preferably a Phillips UCB1100 Speci?cally, FIG. 3A shoWs a mobile telephone 310 and 430 and sliding keypad 450. Analog controller 460 converts FIG. 3B shoWs an exemplary Wireline telephone preferably having the graphical navigation tool consistent With the present invention. Mobile telephone 310 includes main digital signals for presentation to feature processor 430. Display module 470 preferably includes a 160x320 pixel the analog resistive voltage from sliding keypad 450 to 35 housing 210, antenna 320, keypad 330, and display 340. LCD 472 With an analog touch screen panel 474 and an FIG. 4 shoWs the hardWare elements in mobile telephone electroluminescent backlight. LCD 472 operates in conjunc 310 including antenna 410, communications module 420, tion With feature processor 430 to display the GUI features. Analog controller 460 scans touch screen overlay 474 While feature processor 430 refreshes LCD 472. feature processor 430, memory 440, sliding keypad 450, analog controller 460, display module 470, battery pack 480, and sWitching poWer supply 490. Battery pack 480 is preferably a single lithium-ion battery With active protection circuitry. SWitching poWer supply 490 Antenna 410 transmits and receives radio frequency infor mation for mobile telephone 310. Antenna 410 preferably comprises a planar inverted F antenna (PIFA)-type or a short stub (2 to 4 cm) custom helix antenna. Antenna 410 com municates over a GSM (Global System for Mobile ensures highly ef?cient use of the lithium-ion battery poWer 45 by converting the voltage of the lithium-ion battery into stable voltages used by the other hardWare elements of mobile telephone 310. Communications) sWitching fabric using a conventional FIG. 5 is a block diagram illustrating the components of voice B-channel, data B-channel, or GSM signaling channel connection. memory 440. Static RAM 442 stores data and other infor mation used by feature processor 430. Flash ROM 444 contains various programs including a program 510, a touch screen program 520, a navigation program 530, and a Communications module 420 connects to antenna 410 and provides the GSM radio, baseband, and audio function ality for mobile telephone 310. Communications module 420 includes GSM radio 421, VEGA 423, BOCK 425, and audio transducers 427. GSM radio 421 converts the radio frequency information to/from the antenna into analog baseband information for presentation to VEGA 423. VEGA 423 is preferably a Texas draWing program 540. Program 520, preferably Written in languages such as Java, C, or C++ for Macintosh, is a main 55 program overseeing the operation of mobile telephone 310. Touch screen program 520 facilitates processing of touch input on touch screen panel 474 using a typical touch input algorithm. Navigation program 530 handles navigation of Instruments VEGA device, containing analog-to-digital (A/D)/digital-to-analog (D/A) conversion units 424. VEGA the content information display. DraWing program 540 is a 423 converts the analog baseband information from GSM radio 421 to digital information for presentation to BOCK 425. BOCK 425 is preferably a Texas Instruments BOCK device containing a conventional ARM microprocessor and a conventional LEAD DSP device. BOCK 425 performs may be one of any commercially available packages or a GSM baseband processing for generating digital audio sig graphical draWing package. Programs 520, 530, and 540 user-de?ned feature program or macro. The present invention provides various features through tactile GUI. Initially, LCD 472 displays various GUI fea 65 tures. Referring to FIG. 6, a user touches touch screen panel 474 to provide user input, for example, to navigate around a document or invoke a desired function. Analog controller 6,037,937 5 6 460 scans touch screen panel 474 and reads the correspond not display the respective previous or next page icons. This ing analog voltage of touch screen panel 474. Analog Would apply to one-page documents, or When the user is at the beginning or end of a multi-page document. In one controller 460 then converts the analog values into corre sponding digital values representing the Cartesian coordinates, Which are transmitted to feature processor 430 embodiment consistent With the present invention, a momentary touch of the next page icon causes navigation for processing. The resolution of the touch input depends on the ability of analog controller 460 to discern among mul program 530 to jump to the next page While a continuous touch on the next page icon causes navigation program 530 tiple levels of analog values, generally de?ned in bits. to continue scrolling through succeeding pages of the under lying document. The previous page icon may embody simi FIGS. 7A—7B shoW an exemplary graphical navigation tool preferably used to navigate around documents that are too large to vieW Within a single screen of a physical display 10 lar characteristics. The user may also control the speed of the navigation. As shoWn in FIG. 11A, the speed of the navigation accelerates (hereinafter referred as “vieWing area”). The navigation tool may be used to vieW any kind of document including faxes, as the user touch moves from the center of the circle toWard Web pages, or e-mail. In one embodiment consistent With the circumference of the circle, i.e., tip of the arroW. Hence, the present invention, an inactive navigation tool is dis played and accessible to the user at all times (FIG. 7A). The user may activate the navigation tool by touching and holding the center of the navigation tool for a predetermined time period, for example, one to tWo seconds (FIG. 7B). An activated navigation tool is preferably transparent to avoid hindering the display of content information in the vieWing 15 toWards the tip of the arroW. The speed of navigation, therefore, is determined by the distance of the touch relative to the center of the circle. LikeWise, similar principles apply to previous or next page/document icons Where a touch closer to the outer edge of the previous or next page/ area as shoWn in FIG. 8. Alternatively, the navigation star may change colors or other features of its appearance to indicate its active status. A solid line image, for example, may be used in greyscale displays that do not support the vieWing WindoW moves sloWly When the user touches the blunt end of the arroW located at the center of the circle While the speed accelerates as the user moves the ?nger document icons accelerates navigation through the docu ment as shoWn in FIG. 11B. 25 transparency. Although the exemplary transparent tool discussed above is for navigation, transparent control tools may be imple The present invention may be designed such that feature processor 430 ignores any touch input on the navigation tool unless the navigation tool has been activated. Instead, the touch input may be interpreted as input to access control buttons in the underlying document, Write on the underlying document, or invoke other functions related to the underly mented for a variety of functions. Atransparent tool may, for example, be used for a Web broWser application Where the controls may be used for appropriate functions such as moving forWards or backWards through different Web pages or returning to home page. One skilled in the art may easily vary the design or the functionality of the graphical navi ing document. This Will prevent against unintentional navi gation tools described above Without departing from the gation in the vieWing WindoW in case the user inadvertently scope of the present invention. In an exemplary embodiment of a navigation tool described above, a ?nger touch invokes navigational func touches touch screen panel 474. In an alternative 35 embodiment, the present invention may accept stylus input to access the underlying document While a ?nger or non tions based on the feature selected and the location of the electromagnetic touch on any part of the navigation tool invokes the navigation function. Referring to FIGS. 9A—9C, once the navigation tool is activated, the user may navigate through the document by user touch. Alternatively, other objects making contact With touch screen panel 474 may invoke other tools or functions. Apointy stylus touch, for example, may invoke a menu With cardinal points representing multiple line Widths, colors, or patterns. selecting the graphical arroWs, e.g., up, right, left, and doWn arroWs (FIG. 9A), or graphical page icons, e.g., previous or next page (FIG. 9B). One skilled in the art may vary the type and number of graphical tools signi?cantly. For example, the 45 navigation tool may provide graphical representations for forWard, next document, back, or home functions (FIG. 9C). FIGS. 10A—10C shoW exemplary screen displays While the user is touching the navigation tool. Upon touching the right arroW of the navigation tool, for example, the right application normally navigable by a ?nger touch, use of a sharp stylus may automatically invoke a document annota arroW is highlighted and navigation program 530 moves the tion application for marking up the underlying document. As described above, the touch-responsive GUI of the display to the right (FIG. 10A). Similarly, touching the doWn arroW moves the display doWn (FIG. 10B). Although the four arroWs are presented to guide the users, navigation program 530 supports navigational movement at any direc 55 equidistant betWeen the up and right arroWs, for example, a particular document does not have a page corresponding to a previous or next page icon, navigation program 530 Will present invention are facilitated though various components including touch screen panel 474, analog controller 460, and feature processor 430. Speci?cally, analog controller 460 tion. If the user touches an area of the navigation tool navigation program 530 Will move the display toWards the upper-right portion of the underlying document at a 45-degree angle. Touching the arroWs or any area in betWeen, moves the display in the selected direction until navigation program 530 reaches the edge of the page. Touching the next page icon moves the vieWing WindoW to the next page of the underlying document (FIG. 10C). If In another embodiment consistent With the present invention, tools or application programs may be stored in ?ash ROM 444 to provide related interfaces to the user. The use of a ?nger may, for example, invoke tools or dialogues that are ?nger-touchable and large Whereas the use of a sharp stylus may invoke a modi?ed GUI With smaller touch targets. In a yet another embodiment, in a document vieWing scans touch screen panel 474 to read the corresponding analog voltage of touch screen panel 474 activated by a user touch. Analog controller 460 then converts the analog values into a digital value representing the Cartesian coordinates, Which is transmitted to feature processor 430 for processing according to the functionalities of the present invention. 65 When a user touches touch screen panel 474, program 510 initiates touch screen program 520 to determine the pointer siZe of the object making contact With touch screen panel 474 based on a touch point distribution or pointer siZe of the 6,037,937 7 8 touch input. As shown in FIG. 12, touch screen program 520 can, for example, determine Whether the pointer size of the object is a ?nger or a sharp object. FIG. 13 is a ?owchart illustrating the process of deter quick drag to the right may invoke a draWing tool to draW from the starting point to the ending point of the touch points. In a document vieWing application, the same touch may invoke a navigation tool to move the vieW of the mining the siZe of the object making contact With the vieWing area. Touch point program 520 ?rst determines the document in the direction of the ?nger drag. All of the above functions and features described above focuses on providing intuitive GUIs and minimiZe the need individual points of contact made by the object (step 1310). It computes a centroid, or other average point, of the for users to memoriZe complicated, hierarchical menus or determined points of contact (step 1320). Touch program 520 then computes a standard deviation of the centroid as procedures. Additionally, the present invention maximiZe 10 Well as the variance (step 1330), and determines the pointer siZe based on the centroid and the standard deviation (step 1340). These computations are preferably performed on a real-time basis to provide immediate system response to the touch input. In order to achieve optimum results and accuracy, analog touch controller 460 preferably generates 15 150 points per second or more. Touch program 520 may also use the amount of pressure imposed on touch screen panel 474 as a function of time to determine the siZe of object. As shoWn in FIG. 14A, for example, if the amount of pressure increases or decreases sharply at a particular instant in time, touch point program 520 may determine that the touch corresponds to a pen. A ?nger touch, on the other hand, results in a gradual increase and decrease in pressure as illustrated by a smoother curve in FIG. 14B. the present invention and in construction of this system Without departing from the scope or spirit of the invention. Other embodiments of the invention Will be apparent to those skilled in the art from consideration of the speci?ca tion and practice of the invention disclosed herein. The speci?cation and examples should be considered as exem plary only, With the true scope and spirit of the invention indicated by the folloWing claims. What is claimed is: 1. A method of activating functions responsive to a user input, comprising: 25 Program 510 can also be programmed to correlate certain pointer siZe to certain objects and invoke corresponding functions or tools. Such GUI provides a richer, yet simpli?ed interaction betWeen the user and mobile telephone 310. If program 510 determines that the pointer siZe of the object corresponds to the siZe of a ?nger, program 510 may initiate a navigation tool. If the pointer siZe corresponds to the siZe of several ?ngers, program 510 may invoke a drag function of the navigation tool. On the other hand, if program 510 determines that the pointer siZe of the object corresponds to available screen real estate While providing a Wide array of GUI and tools. It Will be apparent to those skilled in the art that various modi?cations and variations can be made in the system of providing a manipulable area portion in a physical vieW ing area, said manipulable area portion having at least one manipulation function associated thereWith; displaying a representation of a control tool overlaying the manipulable area portion, said control tool having at least one control tool function associated thereWith; receiving a user input to the physical vieWing area cor responding to the manipulable area portion and the representation of the control tool; 35 siZe of a sharp point or pen, program 510 may initiate a draWing tool supported by draWing program 540. Similarly, determining if the user input selects the control tool; and activating the at least one manipulation function When the user input does not select the control tool or permitting the at least one control tool function to be activated When the user input does select the control tool. 2. The method of claim 1, Wherein the at least one control tool function includes a function of changing a display of if program 510 determines that the pointer siZe of the object corresponds to siZe of a pencil eraser, program 510 may initiate an erase function of the draWing tool. One skilled in the art may easily vary the functions or tools initiated by program 510. Additionally, the functions or tools may be information in the manipulable area portion, the method commercial softWare packages, predetermined functions, or further including: user-de?ned macros. In addition to using the pointer siZe to determine the desired GUI, program 510 can also incorporate other char after at least one control tool function is permitted to be 45 activated, receiving a subsequent user input selecting a predetermined portion of the control tool; and activating the function of changing a display of informa acteristics of the user touch, e.g., gestures or movements, to simplify GUI and maximiZe screen real estate. A gesture track gestures and movement of user input based on vector direction and magnitude, all in the context of active user tion in response to the subsequent user input. 3. The method of claim 2, Wherein the function of changing a display of information includes shifting infor mation in the manipulable area portion. 4. The method of claim 3, Wherein the shifting includes application. This type of contextual gesture interface can scrolling. recogniZing interface extends the ability of the present invention to distinguish betWeen different siZed pointers to infer by context, the implement, and the gesture chosen by 5. The method of claim 3, Wherein the shifting includes the user What functions the user Wishes to invoke. 55 jumping. Accordingly, all these functions are available Without menus or scroll bars and do not require additional screen areas to 6. The method of claim 2, Wherein the function of changing a display of information includes control of the speed of the change of the display of information based on the subsequent user input. 7. The method of claim 2, Wherein the changing includes display the functions. Program 510 recogniZes other characteristics of the touch input including the context of the input, namely the task or sub-task applications running When the GUI is invoked. If a user is in a document navigation application, for example, program 510 interprets a quick drag to the right as a next page function. If the underlying task is an editing application, program 510 may interpret the same gesture as a highlight function and highlight a portion of the document touched by the user. Similarly, in graphics application, a displaying a different one of a plurality of pages of infor mation. 8. The method of claim 1, Wherein the displaying a representation of the control tool includes displaying arroWs 65 indicating direction. 9. The method of claim 1, Wherein the information displayed in the manipulable area portion includes a portion 6,037,937 9 10 of a document and wherein the at least one control tool function includes a function related to the document. means for activating the function of changing a display of information in response to the subsequent user input. 15. The apparatus of claim 14, Wherein the function of changing a display of information includes shifting infor mation in the manipulable area portion. 10. The method of claim 1, Wherein the displaying the representation of the control tool includes displaying a virtually transparent representation of the control tool. 11. The method of claim 1, Wherein the displaying the representation of the control tool includes displaying an opaque representation of the control tool. 12. The method according to claim 1, Wherein the at least one manipulation function includes an editing function for a document. 16. The apparatus of claim 15, Wherein the shifting includes scrolling. 17. The apparatus of claim 15, Wherein the shifting 10 18. The apparatus of claim 14, Wherein the function of changing a display of information includes control of the speed of the change of the display of information based on the subsequent user input. 19. The apparatus of claim 14, Wherein the changing 13. An apparatus for activating functions responsive to a user input, comprising: means for providing a manipulable area portion in a physical vieWing area, said manipulable area portion having at least one manipulation function associated thereWith; includes displaying a different one of a plurality of pages of information. 20. The apparatus of claim 13, Wherein the means for displaying a representation of the control tool includes means for displaying a representation of a control tool overlaying the manipulable area portion, said control tool having at least one control tool function associated thereWith; displaying arroWs indicating direction. 21. The apparatus of claim 13, Wherein the information displayed in the manipulable area portion includes a portion means for receiving a user input to the physical vieWing area corresponding to the manipulable area portion and the representation of the control tool; means for determining if the user input selects the control tool; and 25 means for activating the at least one manipulation func tion When the user input does not select the control tool or permitting the at least one control tool function to be activated When the user input does select the control tool. 14. The apparatus of claim 13, Wherein the at least one control tool function includes a function of changing a predetermined portion of the control tool, after at least one control tool function is permitted to be activated, and of a document, and Wherein the at least one control tool function includes a function related to the document. 22. The apparatus of claim 13, Wherein the means for displaying the representation of the control tool includes displaying a virtually transparent representation of the con trol tool. 23. The apparatus of claim 13, Wherein the means for displaying the representation of the control tool includes displaying an opaque representation of the control tool. 24. The apparatus according to claim 13, Wherein the at display of information in the manipulable area portion, the apparatus further including: means for receiving a subsequent user input selecting a includes jumping. 35 least one manipulation function includes an editing function for a document. UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION PATENT NO. : 6,037,937 DATED = March 14, 2000 INVENTOR(S) : . Bnan Beaton, et 211. It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby corrected as shown below: Title page, col. 1, item [73], after "Assignee: Nortel Networks Corporation," "CAX" should be --CANADA--. Signed and Sealed this Nineteenth Day of December, 2000 Q. TODD DICKINSON Arresting O?‘icer Commissioner of Palenrs and Trademarks

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