Filing 138

LARGE ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENT(S) by PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC. 136 Second MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC., 137 SEALED MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE DOCUMENT UNDER SEAL filed by PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC. (This document is SEALED and only available to authorized persons.) filed by PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Errata 7, # 8 Exhibit 8, # 9 Exhibit 9, # 10 Exhibit 10, # 11 Exhibit 11, # 12 Exhibit 12, # 13 Exhibit 13, # 14 Exhibit 14, # 15 Exhibit 15, # 16 Exhibit 16, # 17 Exhibit 17, # 18 Exhibit 18, # 19 Exhibit 19, # 20 Exhibit 20, # 21 Exhibit 21, # 22 Exhibit 22, # 23 Exhibit 23, # 24 Exhibit 24, # 25 Exhibit 25, # 26 Exhibit 26, # 27 Exhibit 27, # 28 Exhibit 28, # 29 Exhibit 29, # 30 Exhibit 30, # 31 Exhibit 31, # 32 Exhibit 32, # 33 Exhibit 33, # 34 Exhibit 34, # 35 Exhibit 35, # 36 Exhibit 36, # 37 Exhibit 37, # 38 Exhibit 38 FILED UNDER SEAL, # 39 Exhibit 39 FILED UNDER SEAL, # 40 Exhibit 40, # 41 Exhibit 41, # 42 Exhibit 42, # 43 Exhibit 43, # 44 Exhibit 44, # 45 Exhibit 45, # 46 Exhibit 46, # 47 Exhibit 47, # 48 Exhibit 48, # 49 Exhibit 49 FILED UNDER SEAL, # 50 Exhibit 50 FILED UNDER SEAL, # 51 Exhibit 51 FILED UNDER SEAL, # 52 Exhibit 52 FILED UNDER SEAL, # 53 Exhibit 53 FILED UNDER SEAL, # 54 Exhibit 54 FILED UNDER SEAL, # 55 Exhibit 55 FILED UNDER SEAL, # 56 Exhibit 56, # 57 Exhibit 57, # 58 Exhibit 58 FILED UNDER SEAL, # 59 Exhibit 59 FILED UNDER SEAL, # 60 Exhibit 60 FILED UNDER SEAL, # 61 Exhibit 61 FILED UNDER SEAL, # 62 Exhibit 62, # 63 Exhibit 63, # 64 Exhibit 64, # 65 Exhibit 65, # 66 Exhibit 66, # 67 Exhibit 67, # 68 Exhibit 68, # 69 Exhibit 69 FILED UNDER SEAL)(Bridges, Andrew)

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EXHIBIT 36 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ______________________________ AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION, INC. ) ) ) AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ) ASSOCIATION, INC.; and ) ) NATIONAL COUNCIL ON ) MEASUREMENT IN EDUCATION, ) INC.; ) ) Plaintiffs-Counterdefendants ) ) vs. ) ) PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC., ) Defendant-Counterclaimant ) ______________________________ Case No. 1:14-cv-00857 TSC-DAR 12 13 Videotaped 30(b)(6) Deposition of 14 AERA, APA and NCME through the testimony of Felice J. Levine, Ph.D. Washington, D.C. August 16, 2019 15 16 17 9:51 a.m. 18 19 Reported by: 20 Bonnie L. Russo 21 Job No. 22 PAGES 1 - 87 3475330 [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Videotaped 30(b)(6) Deposition of AERA, APA and 9 NCME through the testimony of Felice J. Levine, 10 Ph.D. held at: 11 12 Spaces 13 1441 L Street, N.W. 14 Washington, D.C. 15 16 Pursuant to Notice, when were present on behalf 17 of the respective parties: 18 19 20 21 22 [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 3 1 APPEARANCES: 2 On behalf of Plaintiffs/Counterdefendants: 3 5 CLIFTON S. ELGARTEN, ESQ. CROWELL & MORING, LLP 1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20004 202-624-2523 6 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 On behalf of Defendant/Counterplaintiff: SHANNON TURNER, ESQ. FENWICK & WEST, LLP Silicon Valley Center 801 Mountain View, California 94041 650-335-7844 13 -andMATTHEW BECKER, ESQ. 14 FENWICK & WEST, LLP 15 555 California Street 12th Floor San Francisco, California 94104 650-335-7930 16 17 18 19 Also Present: 20 Deanne M. Ottaviano, Esq., General Counsel, 21 American Psychological Association 22 Daniel Russo, Videographer [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 4 1 C O N T E N T S 2 EXAMINATION OF FELICE J. LEVINE, Ph.D. 3 PAGE BY MS. TURNER 9 4 5 6 Exhibit 1300 7 8 9 Public.Resource.Org, Inc.'s Rule 30(b)(6) Deposition Notice of American Psychological Association Inc. Exhibit 1302 Public.Resource.Org, 15 Inc.'s Rule 30(b)(6) Deposition Notice of National Council on Measurement in Education, Inc. Exhibit 1303 PlaintiffsCounterdefendants' Response and Objections 11 13 14 15 16 17 14 15 to Public.Resource.Org's Second Set of Requests for Production 18 19 14 Exhibit 1301 10 12 EXHIBITS Public.Resource.Org, Inc.'s Rule 30(b)(6) Deposition Notice of American Educational Research Association, Inc. 21 PlaintiffsCounterdefendants' Response to Public.Resource.Org's Third Set of Requests 22 for Production 20 Exhibit 1304 19 [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 5 1 2 EXHIBITS (CONTINUED): Exhibit 1305 Plaintiffs- 24 3 Counterdefendants' 4 Responses to 5 Public.Resource.Org's 6 Second Set of Interrogatories 7 Exhibit 1306 Standards for 8 Educational and 9 26 Psychological Testing 10 Sales Report 11 AERA_APA_NCME_RFP2_0000027 12 Exhibit 1307 American Educational 37 13 Research Association 14 Standards for Educational 15 and Psychological Testing 16 (2014 Edition) 17 2014 Sales Reports 18 Showing the Number of Sales 19 of Specific Units Sold 20 AERA_APA_NCME_RFP2_0000001-26 21 22 [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 6 1 2 EXHIBITS (CONTINUED): Exhibit 1308 Standards for Educational 3 & Psychological Testing 4 56 (2014 Edition) 5 Exhibit 1309 1999 Standards 59 6 Exhibit 1310 AERA Book Order Form 65 7 8 9 10 PREVIOUSLY MARKED EXHIBITS: 11 Exhibit 1207 Standards for Educational 12 and Psychological Testing 13 Sales Report, 1999 Edition 14 Exhibit 1208 Standards for Educational 15 and Psychological Testing 16 Sales Report 17 18 19 20 21 22 [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 7 1 P R O C E E D I N G S 2 3 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Good morning. We 4 are going on the record at 9:51 a.m. on August 5 16, 2019. 6 Please note that the microphones are 7 sensitive and may pick up whispering, private 8 conversations and cellular interference. 9 Please turn off all cell phones or place them 10 away from the microphones as they can interfere 11 with the deposition audio. 12 recording will continue to take place unless 13 all parties agree to go off the record. 14 Audio and video This is Media Unit 1 of the 30(b)(6) 15 video-recorded deposition of APA, NCME, AERA, 16 through the testimony of Felice Levine taken by 17 counsel for defendant in the matter of American 18 Educational Research Association, Incorporated, 19 American Psychological Association, 20 Incorporated, and National Council on 21 Measurement and Education, Incorporated, 22 plaintiffs-counterdefendants versus [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 8 1 Public.Resource.Org, Incorporated, 2 defendant-counterplaintiff, filed in the United 3 States District Court for the District of 4 Columbia, Civil Action No. 5 1:14-cv-00857-TSC-DAR. 6 This deposition is being held at 7 Spaces, located at 1441 L Street, Northwest, 8 Washington, D.C. 9 My name is Daniel Russo from the 10 firm Veritext Legal Solutions and I'm your 11 videographer today. 12 Bonnie Russo from the firm Veritext Legal 13 Solutions. 14 The court reporter is Counsel and all present in the room 15 and everyone attending remotely will now state 16 their appearances and affiliations for the 17 record, please. 18 MS. TURNER: Shannon Turner from 19 Fenwick & West on behalf of 20 21 Matthew Becker from Fenwick & West. 22 With me today is also MR. ELGARTEN: Cliff Elgarten, [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 9 1 Crowell & Moring. 2 3 MS. OTTAVIANO: Deanne Ottaviano, APA. 4 THE WITNESS: Felice Levine on 5 behalf of the American Educational Research 6 Association, the American Psychological 7 Association and the National Council of 8 Measurement and Education. 9 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Will the court 10 reporter please swear in the witness. 11 12 FELICE LEVINE, 13 being first duly sworn, to tell the truth, the 14 whole truth and nothing but the truth, 15 testified as follows: 16 EXAMINATION BY COUNSEL FOR DEFENDANT 17 BY MS. TURNER: 18 Q. Good morning. 19 A. Hi. 20 Q. Will you please state your name and 21 22 spell it for the record. A. Sure. Felice, F-E-L-I-C-E, middle [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 10 1 2 3 initial is J, Levine, L-E-V-I-N-E. Q. My name is Shannon Turner and I will be taking your deposition today. 4 Have you ever been deposed before? 5 A. Yes. 6 Q. And how many times? 7 A. Once. 8 Q. What case was that? 9 A. This case. 10 Q. Great. 11 So are you the same Felice Levine who has given testimony in this case? 12 A. To the best of my knowledge. 13 Q. Great. 14 And have you ever testified at trial? 15 A. No. 16 Q. And have you ever testified for 17 anyone other than AERA? 18 A. No. 19 Q. I'm going to ask you a series of 20 questions today and the court reporter is going 21 to record your answer. 22 Do you understand? [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 11 1 A. Yes. 2 Q. And your answers are under oath and 3 under penalty of perjury so it's the same as 4 though you're in front of a court and a judge 5 and a jury. 6 Do you understand? 7 A. Uh-huh. 8 Q. If I ask a question and anything is 9 10 unclear or ambiguous, please ask me to rephrase the question. 11 A. Okay. 12 Q. If you don't ask me to clarify, then 13 I'm going to assume that you understand the 14 question. 15 If you need a break at any time, 16 please let me know and as long as a question is 17 not pending, we can break. 18 A. Okay. 19 Q. And please verbalize your answer so 20 that the court reporter can write them down. 21 Let me finish a question before you answer, 22 that way we are not talking over each other. [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 12 1 A. Okay. 2 Q. So, you know, no head nods, uh-uhs, 3 uh-huhs, because that can be hard for the court 4 reporter to write down. 5 6 Is there any reason you cannot provide truthful and accurate testimony today? 7 A. No reason at all. 8 Q. Are you taking any medication that 9 10 would affect your ability to give truthful answers? 11 A. No. 12 Q. Great. 13 A. Yes. 14 Q. By whom? 15 A. American Educational Research 16 Are you employed? Association. 17 Q. 18 there? 19 A. Executive director. 20 Q. Can you please state your work 21 22 Great. And what is your title address for the record. A. Yes. 1430 K Street, Northwest, [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 13 1 2 3 4 5 Washington, D.C. 20005, Suite 1200. Q. Thank you. What did you do to prepare for today's deposition? A. I essentially reread my filings. I thought I might read my prior deposition. 6 Q. 7 testimony? 8 A. 9 Did you review your prior deposition Really only a few pages. A little discussion that Mark and I had, it was a little 10 joke I made. 11 That's good. 12 13 14 Q. A. Did you review any documents to help Just the fillings that I submitted. MS. TURNER: I'll ask the court reporter to mark this as Exhibit 1300. 17 18 You just laughed. refresh your recollection? 15 16 You laughed. (Deposition Exhibit 1300 was marked for identification.) 19 BY MS. TURNER: 20 Q. Do you recognize this document? 21 A. I do. 22 Q. And what is it? [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 14 1 A. This was the filing that set forth, 2 I suppose, primarily focused on the topics of 3 examination but the issues that we might 4 discuss today. 5 6 Q. Is this a 30(b)6) notice to American Educational Research, Inc.? 7 MR. ELGARTEN: 8 THE WITNESS: 9 BY MS. TURNER: 10 Q. We agree it is. Yes. And you understand you are produced 11 as a witness designated to answer questions on 12 behalf of AERA today? 13 A. 14 15 MS. TURNER: (Deposition Exhibit 1301 was marked for identification.) 18 19 20 If I could have the court reporter mark as Exhibit 1301. 16 17 Correct, yes. BY MS. TURNER: Q. Do you recognize this document? MR. ELGARTEN: You can put the other 21 one in front of her and we will agree that she 22 is testifying on behalf of all three [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 15 1 organizations. 2 THE WITNESS: I see. 3 MR. ELGARTEN: We will agree that 4 she's testifying on behalf of all three 5 organizations and this was per agreement with 6 Mr. Becker. 7 8 MS. TURNER: (Deposition Exhibit 1302 was marked for identification.) 11 12 MR. ELGARTEN: MS. TURNER: If we can have the court reporter mark this as 1303. 15 16 The deposition is half over already. 13 14 So if you could mark this as Exhibit 1302. 9 10 Great. (Deposition Exhibit 1303 was marked for identification.) 17 BY MS. TURNER: 18 Q. Are you familiar with this document? 19 A. Yes. 20 Q. What is this document? 21 A. These were the questions that you 22 all posed and that I responded to. [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 16 1 Q. Great. And you understand that 2 these are plaintiff's written responses to 3 Public.Resource.Org's request for documents? 4 A. Correct. 5 Q. Did AERA search for documents in 6 response to these requests? 7 A. I did. 8 Q. And how did AERA go about searching 9 10 for documents? A. I looked through our files that were 11 saved information in our share drive where we 12 have information on this and through e-mails, 13 as did two other colleagues. 14 Q. 15 documents? 16 A. 17 18 19 Did you look for any hard copy I suppose I did. I mean, I went through the stack of our material. Q. And did AERA produce documents in response to these requests? 20 A. Yes. 21 Q. And did AERA withhold any documents 22 it otherwise found in its search? [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 17 1 A. No. 2 Q. And did APA search for documents in 3 response to these requests? 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A. did. Q. And how did APA go about searching for documents? A. I am assuming a similar mechanism, hard copy files, to the extent -- to the extent we have them and electronic. Q. Okay. And did APA produce documents in response to these requests? 13 14 To the best of my knowledge, they MR. ELGARTEN: I will tell you all documents were produced by all three parties. 15 THE WITNESS: Although I think the 16 ones I had are the ones that were responsive. 17 Everybody responded. 18 19 20 21 22 BY MS. TURNER: Q. Do you know if the APA withheld any documents it otherwise found in its search? A. I am sure as a long-standing member of APA, they withheld nothing. [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 18 1 Q. Thank you. 2 A. I'm less of a long-standing -- I'm 3 sure they withheld nothing. 4 5 And for NCME as well? MR. ELGARTEN: The nature of the NCME -- 6 THE WITNESS: I was going to say, 7 NCME is a smaller organization of the three of 8 us and they don't really -- they have a 9 management company managing the association so 10 there is nothing really they would have that I 11 wouldn't have. 12 BY MS. TURNER: 13 Q. Do you know if NCME searched for 14 documents? 15 A. Yeah, I'm sure they did across 16 e-mails, but they are more likely to have 17 things that I sent them as attachments by 18 virtue of being part of the management 19 committee of the testing standards project. 20 Q. And do you know if NCME withheld any 21 documents? 22 A. I am -- I'm sure they didn't. [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 19 1 Q. Okay. 2 A. As sure as one could be who is not 3 the executive director of NCME. 4 MS. TURNER: 5 1304, please. 6 7 We will mark as Exhibit (Deposition Exhibit 1304 was marked for identification.) 8 BY MS. TURNER: 9 Q. And are you familiar with this 10 document? 11 A. Yes. 12 Q. And you understand that these are 13 plaintiff's written responses to 14 Public.Resource.Org's third request for 15 documents? 16 A. Uh-huh. 17 Q. Did AERA search for documents in 18 response to these requests? 19 A. Yes. 20 Q. How did AERA go about searching? 21 A. Essentially have testing standards 22 material and this case material in my office. [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 20 1 I went through the hard copies, but most things 2 I know I have electronically even if a hard 3 copy doesn't exist. 4 Q. Did AERA produce documents -- 5 A. Yes. 6 Q. -- in response? 7 A. Yes. 8 Q. Did AERA withhold any documents in 9 response? 10 A. No. 11 Q. What about APA? 12 Did APA search for documents in response to these requests? 13 A. Yes. 14 Q. And how did they go about searching? 15 A. I am assuming the same way. 16 Q. Okay. 17 Did APA produce documents in response to these requests? 18 A. Yeah. 19 Q. Did APA withhold any documents? 20 A. Not to my knowledge. 21 Q. Great. 22 Same response. And for NCME, did NCME search for any documents responsive to these [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 21 1 2 3 requests? A. Yes. They all -- we all received this and searched and provided anything we had. 4 Q. Okay. 5 searching? 6 A. And how did NCME go about There's probably less of a stack 7 anywhere because there isn't someone who is 8 staffing NCME on this, but went through e-mails 9 and whatever someone might have had in print. 10 11 Q. Did NCME withhold any documents in response to these requests? 12 A. No, not to my knowledge. 13 Q. If you could turn to Page 2, please. 14 A. Of the last one? 15 Q. Yes, of the last one. 16 A. Okay. 17 Q. If you look at the bottom of the 18 page, you see Request for Production No. 44? 19 A. Uh-huh. 20 Q. The requests asks for all documents 21 not previously produced on which you intend to 22 rely in this litigation. [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 22 1 Do you see that request? 2 A. Uh-huh. 3 Q. Okay. If you turn the page, the 4 plaintiffs' response, it states that: 5 "Plaintiffs have already produced or are 6 producing all documents on which they intend to 7 rely on this litigation, but note they have not 8 made any final determination." 9 Do you see that response? 10 A. Yes. 11 Q. When the plaintiffs respond "or are 12 producing," what does that mean? 13 MR. ELGARTEN: This is my language 14 because this asked what we're going to rely on 15 as a legal matter in the case, so you could ask 16 that question of me. 17 18 19 MS. TURNER: Well, these are also plaintiffs' responses to the document request. MR. ELGARTEN: That's right, and I 20 answered this question because I make the 21 determination of what we're going to rely on 22 ultimately in the case, and I do this in [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 23 1 consultation with Ms. Levine in connection with 2 this, and so if you want to pose this question 3 to me, you can, but you can't make the judgment 4 about what we legally -- the documents to rely 5 on. 6 MS. TURNER: I understand that's a 7 legal question but what I wanted to ask Dr. 8 Levine is the language "or are producing." 9 BY MS. TURNER: 10 Q. So are plaintiffs withholding any 11 documents? 12 A. No. 13 Q. Okay. No. 14 MR. ELGARTEN: 15 THE WITNESS: Sorry. Really, you got 16 everything the first time around, folks. 17 was -- this was a no-brainer to give you 18 whatever was left because there was nothing 19 left. 20 It BY MS. TURNER: 21 Q. Great. Thank you. 22 A. I mean, there were some things left [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 24 1 which we gave you, but unless you asked for new 2 forms of information. 3 MS. TURNER: 4 could please mark this as Exhibit 1305. 5 6 If the court reporter (Deposition Exhibit 1305 was marked for identification.) 7 BY MS. TURNER: 8 Q. Are you familiar with this document? 9 A. Yes. 10 Q. What is this document? 11 A. These were additional sets of 12 requests or questions that you asked and our 13 responses. 14 Q. So you understand these are 15 plaintiffs' written responses to 16 Public.Resource.Org's interrogatories? 17 A. Yes. 18 Q. If you could just let me finish the 19 question. 20 A. Sorry. 21 Q. It's a little tough for the court 22 reporter to get it when we are talking over [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 25 1 each other. 2 A. Okay. 3 Q. If you could turn to Page 10, 4 please, which is the last page of the document. 5 A. Uh-huh. 6 Q. Is this your signature? 7 A. Yes. 8 Q. And it's verifying that the 9 10 statements in plaintiffs' responses are true and correct? 11 A. Correct. 12 Q. Do you have any reason to believe 13 that any of the statements in here are 14 incomplete or incorrect? 15 16 17 A. No, I have no reason to believe that. Q. Okay. Did plaintiffs withhold any 18 information responsive to these 19 interrogatories? 20 A. No. 21 Q. Thank you. 22 MS. TURNER: The court reporter can [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 26 1 please mark this as Exhibit 1306. 2 3 (Deposition Exhibit 1306 was marked for identification.) 4 MS. TURNER: For the record, this is 5 a document produced by plaintiffs that is 6 identified as Bates No. 7 AERA_APA_NCME_RFP2_0000027. 8 BY MS. TURNER: 9 Q. 10 document? 11 Dr. Levine, do you recognize this MR. ELGARTEN: Well, we have two 12 different questions here. I produced this 13 document from my files because I felt I had 14 told Mr. Becker -- I think it was Mr. Becker 15 that we looked for certain documents. 16 document was not present in the files of the 17 client, but it was present in my law firm files 18 and since I had said something to Mr. Becker 19 that I would try to find something, and he 20 asked, I said, I didn't think I could find real 21 old information but he asked and I really 22 didn't object to it. This I decided to produce this [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 27 1 to him. 2 So Ms. Levine had no role in this 3 because it followed the prior production, it 4 was pursuant to a discussion I had with Mr. 5 Becker. 6 7 MS. TURNER: 10 Was this document produced by plaintiffs on behalf of plaintiffs? 8 9 I think it was you, Matt. MR. ELGARTEN: It is produced on behalf of all plaintiffs, yes, and she may know what it is because -- 11 THE WITNESS: 12 I know what it is. MR. ELGARTEN: -- the original 13 source of the document was the client files, so 14 you can ask those questions but she doesn't 15 know that it was produced. 16 MS. TURNER: Understood. 17 BY MS. TURNER: 18 Q. Are you familiar with this document? 19 A. Yeah. 20 I mean, I know what it is, I can tell you what it is. 21 Q. Do you believe this document is 22 authentic? [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 28 1 A. Yes. 2 Q. What is this document? 3 A. This document is a sales report of 4 the 1999 edition of the testing standards and 5 the preceding edition before the 1999 edition. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Q. Okay. What was the preceding edition? A. I think it was '85. I don't remember exactly the year without looking at the -- I think it was '85. Q. Is this a document that is kept in the ordinary course of business? 13 A. This or something equivalent. 14 Q. How is this document created? 15 A. I'm going to not exactly guess, but 16 I'm going to extrapolate from my knowledge, 17 how's that, because I did not -- I didn't 18 become executive director until 2002. 19 Q. Okay. 20 A. And I had no contact with the prior 21 edition, so when I came in 19 -- 2002, the 1999 22 edition was already published. [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 29 1 Q. Okay. 2 A. The prior edition was published by 3 -- on behalf of the three organizations by the 4 American Psychological Association. 5 was -- I'm going to assume a running tab, as it 6 were, of each year's sales for the years 7 preceding the 1999 edition. 8 Q. Okay. 9 edition" -- 10 A. So this When say, "preceding the 1999 The 1999 edition picks up with 11 probably the 1768 as my -- this will be my 12 guess, as the partial year sales of the 1999 13 edition. 14 Q. Okay. 15 A. Because that's what we did similarly 16 in triangulating to the new edition. 17 So this is the sales report then of 18 the 1999 edition through 2013, which was the 19 end of December 2013 when this issue arose in 20 2014. 21 22 Q. Okay. it says: If you look at the line where "1999 through 8-99," is it just -- [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 30 1 2 can you tell what the time period is there? A. I'm going to allow -- again, infer 3 that this is the sales from -- from January 4 through -- January through August 1999, and 5 depending upon when it was literally published, 6 I suspect it might be the old edition. 7 -- there is usually kind of a crossover. 8 9 10 11 Q. Okay. I don't Were there any sales between August and December of 1999? A. I literally don't know but I can only assume so. 12 Q. Okay. Is that -- 13 A. Although it may be crumped in the 14 2000 -- in other words, it might have been -- 15 the new edition -- I don't know when the new 16 edition literally came out, so let's say it 17 came out in September, so it might have been 18 incorporated in to what you are seeing as 2000. 19 I don't believe there is a gap. 20 matter of when the cutoff of one edition 21 happened and when the new edition happened. 22 Q. It's just a So when calculating a sales number, [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 31 1 if a new edition comes out mid-year, let's say, 2 would that -- those numbers for the new 3 edition, the sales numbers be encompassed in 4 the following year's sales? 5 A. Well, I can tell you about 2014. 6 You have that report. 2014, we continued to 7 monitor 1999 in 2014, and you will see 8 something that looks like July or August 2014 9 to the end of the year. That is under my 10 watch. 11 under somebody else's watch. 12 I don't know exactly what happened MR. ELGARTEN: I believe Ms. Levine 13 is referring to the additional documents 14 showing sales figures that were provided to 15 you. 16 THE WITNESS: Yeah. Exactly. So 17 that's how we do it now. That's why I 18 extrapolated but logically, there is a little 19 bit of a hiatus so that side of the -- and I 20 don't know when it came out, so I suppose it 21 was either incorporated in or maybe it came out 22 at the end of the year. Maybe it came out in [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 32 1 November 1999. I just don't know. 2 It may have been so de minimis at 3 that point that it was really a 2000 -- the 4 beginning of the reported sales might have been 5 in 2000 depending upon when the release of that 6 edition happened. 7 I could go a step further. It could 8 also be there is a little hiatus that they were 9 taking orders but then not selling because 10 maybe it didn't come out until November. 11 12 13 BY MS. TURNER: Q. Dr. Levine, do you want to take a quick break? 14 A. No, I'm fine. 15 Q. I think we will take a quick break 16 17 18 19 right now if that's okay with you. A. Sure. THE VIDEOGRAPHER: the record. We are going off The time is 10:14. 20 (A short recess was taken.) 21 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: 22 on the record. We are going back The time is 10:20. [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 33 1 MS. TURNER: 2 BY MS. TURNER: 3 Q. Thank you. Dr. Levine, during the break, did 4 you have an opportunity to review your prior 5 testimony in this case? 6 A. I did. 7 Q. Okay. 8 And I will introduce to you previously marked Exhibit 1207. 9 A. Thank you. 10 Q. And I will represent that this was 11 marked during your previous deposition in this 12 matter. 13 And, Dr. Levine, if you could state 14 whether or not the Exhibit 1207 and Exhibit 15 1306, the numbers between 1999 and 2013 are the 16 same? 17 A. Well, 1207 and 1306 are not 18 identical insofar as 1207 is reporting on the 19 1999 edition and 12 -- 1306 has information 20 about the prior edition which I believe is '85 21 but I would need to verify that by looking. 22 Q. Thank you. And if you can clear up [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 34 1 for the record, 1999 in 1306, what standard is 2 that -- are those sales for? 3 4 5 6 A. In 1306, I believe they are the 1999 edition. Q. Okay. Thank you. And, Dr. Levine, if you could turn back to 1306, Exhibit 1306. 7 A. Uh-huh. 8 Q. For the 19 -- if you see 1989 there 9 at the top through 1998. 10 A. Uh-huh. 11 Q. What versions of the standard are 12 13 encompassed in these sales units? A. I am going to -- I am going to -- 14 1989 shows a number of 21,920, so therefore, in 15 my -- I am inferring therefore that that 16 encompasses -- it could encompass a prior 17 edition, four years of sales at 21,000, seems 18 to me like that 21,000 might aggregate a prior 19 edition. 20 Q. Thank you, Dr. Levine. 21 A. But I don't know. 22 Let's -- I mean, you know, it's roughly -- you could see roughly 5,000 a [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 35 1 year times four years, it could be -- it could 2 be just '85 to '89. 3 estimate, within our set of typical rate of 4 production of sales in the early -- in the 5 early years of publication. 6 Q. That's what I guess I'd Thank you, Dr. Levine. Just to 7 clarify for the record, are you speaking about 8 the entry for pre-1989? 9 A. Yes, right, which says -- which is a 10 summated, pre-1989 is summated from '85 -- 11 well, I don't know when it starts, but let's 12 say '85, '86, '87, '88, four years times X, 13 let's say four years times 4500 would give you 14 roughly this 21,000. 15 16 17 18 19 20 Q. Thank you. And so your testimony is that this is the 1985 standard? A. If -- yeah. MR. ELGARTEN: I believe it's her assumption or inference. THE WITNESS: Yes. If we looked -- 21 if we opened it up, it would say the last 22 edition was, and I think it's '85 but I didn't [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 36 1 go back and review that detail. 2 3 4 BY MS. TURNER: Q. Thank you. And then for the 1989 through 1998, those numbers there -- 5 A. Uh-huh. 6 Q. -- which standard is that for? 7 A. '99. 8 Q. So 1989 -- 9 A. I'm sorry. '85 -- that continues 10 with the '85 through, let's say, the 11 presumptive '85 through 1998, so -- and not 12 atypically as the scientific and research and 13 practice community are anticipating a new -- an 14 updated revision like all of us, you know, want 15 the I10 and not the I8 so people are waiting 16 for the new edition of the -- the sales 17 declines not because of the lack of value of 18 the product but because the communities are 19 aware that a new edition is under preparation. 20 Q. Thank you. 21 A. Or new standards that will be 22 published in the new edition are under [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 37 1 preparation. 2 3 MS. TURNER: reporter can please mark as Exhibit 1307. 4 5 And if the court (Deposition Exhibit 1307 was marked for identification.) 6 MS. TURNER: And for the record, 7 this is a document produced by plaintiffs 8 identified as Bates 9 No. AERA_APA_NCME_RFP2_000001 through 26. 10 11 12 BY MS. TURNER: Q. Dr. Levine, do you recognize this document? 13 A. Yes. 14 Q. What is this document? 15 A. This document is aggregation of our 16 various sales reports from the 2014 edition 17 through -- what we've had in our files that you 18 asked us to produce, through 2018. 19 20 Q. Do you believe this document produced by plaintiffs is authentic? 21 A. All of the pieces are authentic. 22 Q. Thank you. [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 38 1 A. What I mean by that is, doesn't -- 2 it wasn't prepared initially as one document. 3 It's several different pieces of documents for 4 different purposes, so as you see, additive 5 documents so they were not all produced at 6 once. 7 8 Q. Thank you. And as the aggregate, this is authentic? 9 A. Correct. 10 Q. And is this -- 11 A. And it's everything we have. 12 Q. Thank you. And are these documents 13 that are in the aggregate, this document, is it 14 something that's kept in the ordinary course of 15 business? 16 A. Yes. 17 Q. And how was it created? 18 A. It's created through our inventory 19 sales report, through our association 20 management system and through our financial 21 accounting system. 22 Q. And do you know what association [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 39 1 management system that is? 2 proprietary? 3 A. Is that It's NOAH and I believe it's through 4 NOAH although we may keep the standards on a 5 separate spreadsheet, that are -- but it is 6 definitely through our own financial reporting 7 system. 8 9 10 Q. Okay. Thank you. And if you could please turn to what is identified as Page 7, and can you tell me what this page is? 11 A. Are these numbered? 12 Q. If you look at the bottom, there is 13 14 a number. A. There are numbers. 15 Okay. So this is our reporting of the 16 standards development fund from the end of -- 17 for fiscal years 2014, '15, '16, '17, '18, at 18 that point unaudited and projected through 19 April 30, 2019. 20 Q. And if you look under "Profit and 21 Loss," there is an entry for "Publication 22 Income." [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 40 1 Do you see that? 2 A. Yes, I do, uh-huh. 3 Q. And what does that mean? 4 A. I would say -- I believe it's the 5 6 sales of the 1999 edition. Q. And if you look under "Actuals," the 7 column "Actuals, December 31, 2014," do you see 8 that 42,219.40? 9 A. 10 about? 11 Q. Yes. 12 A. -- before, previously. 13 14 Isn't that what you were asking me Did I misinterpret your prior question? Q. No. I was asking about what the 15 publication income was. 16 We will walk through the numbers. 17 A. Okay. Fine. 18 Q. Do you see the numbers in 19 December -- 20 A. Yes. 21 Q. -- are those for sales of the 1999 22 standards? [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 41 1 A. Yes. It could have something else 2 in it, but I don't think so. 3 think of what it would be. 4 5 Q. Okay. I mean, I can't And if we turn to the next column, which is December 31, 2015. 6 Do you see that 6995? 7 A. Uh-huh. 8 Q. How many sales -- again, is this for 9 10 11 sales of the 1999 standard? A. It -- yes, it should be. Net of expenses. 12 Q. Okay. 13 A. And that's true of 42,219.40, net of 14 15 16 17 18 19 expenses. Q. And how many sales would that be for 6995? A. Depending upon who purchased it, it could be two. Q. If we go to the next column under 20 December 31, 2016, you see it says: 21 Dollars?" 22 A. "Zero Uh-huh. [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 42 1 Q. Is it accurate to say that there 2 were no sales of the 1999 standard in 2015 -- 3 I'm sorry, in 2016? 4 A. Yes. 5 Q. And the next column under December 6 31, 2017, it says: "Zero dollars." 7 A. Uh-huh. 8 Q. Is it accurate to say that there 9 were no sales of the 1999 standard in 2017? 10 A. Correct. 11 Q. And moving to the next column for 12 December 31, 2018, it says: "137.85." 13 A. Uh-huh. 14 Q. And about how many sales is this of 15 16 the 1999 standard? A. Could be -- depending upon who 17 purchased it, it could be four or five I 18 suppose. 19 20 21 22 Q. And when you say, "depending on who purchased it," what do you mean? A. Whether it was a member or nonmember of one of our associations. I don't quite [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 43 1 remember the selling price at that point or if 2 it was an institutional sale, a library sale. 3 Q. Are there different prices? 4 A. Yeah, for members and -- members get 5 a discount in all three organizations. 6 the same amount, whatever that might be. 7 8 9 Q. It's And you mentioned institutions, do they get any kind of discount? A. Only for book sales, because it 10 would be much higher than 137. 11 more than ten but it's bulk. 12 13 Q. says: 14 I think it's And moving to the next column, it "Projection as of April 30, 2019." You see it says: "Zero dollars" 15 there? 16 A. Yes. 17 Q. Is it accurate to say that there are 18 no projected sales numbers for the 1999 19 standards in 2019? 20 A. Up through that point, yeah. 21 Q. Looking at these numbers across the 22 board from 2014 to 2019, is it accurate to say [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 44 1 that sales declined of the 1999 standard 2 between 2014 and 2019? 3 A. Uh-huh. 4 Q. And why is that? 5 A. Because the 2014 edition was 6 7 8 9 released in mid-year. Q. And why would the release of the 2014 standard affect the sales? A. It's updated and expanded guidance 10 about best practices and testing, and our user 11 community of scientists and students and 12 faculty and teachers and test administrators 13 and test developers would turn to the new 14 standard. 15 Q. Thank you. If we could turn to the 16 next item, it says: "Book royalty revenues," 17 that's right below the publication income. 18 A. Correct. 19 Q. What does that mean? 20 A. That's the -- that's income from the 21 22 new -- from the 2014 edition. Q. And if you look under "actual," the [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 45 1 next column "actuals as of December 31, 2014," 2 it is "119,113.49." 3 Do you see that? 4 A. Yes. 5 Q. And what does that represent? 6 A. That represents the standard 7 development fund's royalty from the sales of X 8 number which we can see from the sales report 9 edition. 10 11 Q. When you say, "edition," do you mean -- 12 A. 2014. 13 Q. Okay. And moving to the next column 14 where it has "actuals as of December 31, 2015," 15 do you see the number "130,425.40?" 16 A. Uh-huh. 17 Q. Is that for sales of the 2014 18 standard as well? 19 A. Correct. The royalty. 20 Q. Royalty. Thank you. 21 22 And moving to the next column for "actuals as of December 31, 2016," do you see [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 46 1 that number, "110,046.35?" 2 A. Uh-huh. 3 Q. Is that for sales of the 2014 4 5 6 7 standard during 2016? A. It's the fund's royalty from that period. Q. And moving to the next column where 8 it says: 9 the number "97,407.50." 10 11 "Actuals as of December 31, 2017," Accurate to say that is also for the royalty for the sale of the 2014 standard? 12 A. Correct. 13 Q. And moving to the next column, 14 "unaudited as of December 31, 2018," see that 15 number, "$98,994.98?" 16 A. Uh-huh. 17 Q. Accurate to say that that's for 18 royalties from the sale of the 2014 standard? 19 A. Correct. 20 Q. And then the last column there is 21 "projection of April 30, 2019," it says: 22 "Zero dollars." [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 47 1 A. It didn't tank. 2 Q. So is it accurate to say that there 3 were no sales projected of the 2014 standard in 4 2019? 5 A. It -- this reflects when the royalty 6 payments are made. 7 different process for the 2014 edition than for 8 the 1999 edition. 9 10 11 Q. It's a different -- it's a Can you tell me a little bit about that process? A. In 2019 -- the 1999 edition, AERA as 12 publisher underwrote -- AERA as publisher was 13 reimbursed for all expenses, so this is the -- 14 you will see -- you will see printing and other 15 items -- well, you would see if you looked at 16 your prior report, printing and other items. 17 If you went through those documents 18 that you got, so this is the -- with the 2014 19 edition, the AERA underwrites all costs and so 20 this is the royalty. 21 arrangement to reimburse us for costs. 22 Functionally, it's the same. We have a royalty [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 48 1 Q. And what does royalty mean here? 2 A. Royalty is a percent of the gross 3 sales. 4 Q. Do you know what that percent is? 5 A. I would need to -- I would need to 6 7 refresh my memory. Q. I think it is now 50/50. And are you certain that the numbers 8 here under book royalty revenues are royalties 9 according to that split rather than gross 10 revenues? 11 A. Under book royalty revenue? 12 Q. Yes. 13 A. Yes, I am. 14 15 16 That's why it is called something different. Q. Thank you. If you could please turn to Page 19 of the document in front of you. 17 A. Yes. 18 Q. Do you recognize this chart? 19 A. Yes, I do. 20 Q. What is it? 21 A. This is the sales report of the 2014 22 edition starting in July when it was released [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 49 1 through -- at that point, it was the report 2 through end of September or almost the end of 3 September 2016. 4 Q. Okay. And looking at the total sold 5 number, is it accurate to say that the total 6 number of units sold had declined between 2014 7 and 2016? 8 A. Between 2014 and 2016? 9 Q. Yes. 10 A. Without looking at the end of the 11 year report, I'm not sure it is accurate to say 12 that. 13 Q. I'm sorry, you -- 14 A. Because you are comparing ---well, 15 you are clearly comparing the 3242 and asking 16 that question to the 2474, but sales come in, 17 I'm going to say unanticipated ways, so there 18 could be a bookstore ordering X number of 19 copies for a university bookstore or a college 20 bookstore for costs for January, February, 21 March and sometimes we get very large sales 22 orders in November preparing for the next [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 50 1 semester, and so it might have bumped up, so 2 this could have been 3242 for a fall semester 3 cost, so I can't infer that without looking at 4 the final, you know, set of -- the final end of 5 year because -- in particular, because for 6 training and academic purposes, sales don't 7 just come linearly by month and it really 8 depends upon -- kind of in the aggregate, who 9 is teaching what, when, or who is having a 10 workshop when, and I know it seems sort of 11 weird, but we have been getting a lot of orders 12 in the past couple of years in that November 13 and even December period for the new semester, 14 and it seemed like in the beginning, it was 15 happening in the summer for the fall semester 16 and who's to explain what the academic 17 workplace is like, so the best way of looking 18 at it is the, you know, the stable end of 12 19 months particularly because -- because this is 20 used for training and workshop and course 21 purposes. 22 Q. And is there any reason why, for [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 51 1 this chart, there are cutoffs through September 2 of 20 -- 3 A. Yes, because we tend to prepare this 4 report that you are looking at for a meeting of 5 our management committee. 6 is a joint committee of the three organizations 7 and so whenever the management committee has 8 its meetings typically twice a year, we will 9 produce them, and since you asked us to produce Management committee 10 anything we had, you'll see some unusual 11 reports, like, we are going to have a meeting 12 in November and so there will be the equivalent 13 one in November and we had one in -- we had a 14 phone call this past July. 15 equivalent one up through July just to kind of 16 keep everybody updated. 17 Q. Okay. We probably have an If you could please turn to 18 the next page, Page 20. 19 So I think it's the one -- right there. 20 A. Yes. This one. 21 Q. Do you recognize this chart? 22 A. Yes. [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 52 1 2 3 Q. And can you tell me what the dates are, the sales comparison is for? A. This is comparing 2015 through -- it 4 was prepared undoubtedly for the same 5 management committee meeting and it's comparing 6 January through September 28, 2015, to '16 in 7 the same period. 8 9 10 Q. Okay. And why is it comparing on a ten-month basis here between 2015 and 2016? A. The same reason, because of it being 11 an interim report before this committee met, or 12 I had a conference call or something, but there 13 is always an end of year report and you could 14 see, this report gives more nuanced information 15 as I was saying in my earlier statement about 16 member and nonmember purchases and about E-book 17 purchases and print purchases and bundled 18 purchases. 19 Q. What is a bundle? 20 A. Bundle is, you could buy -- and a 21 further discount, the E-book edition and get a 22 hard copy. [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 53 1 Q. And looking at these numbers for the 2 ten-month period of January 1, 2015 through 3 September 28, 2015, and the same period for 4 2016, is it accurate to say that sales 5 declined? 6 A. It is only accurate to say it 7 declined in comparing the same ten-month period 8 which could have the same distortion I 9 previously spoke to. 10 11 Q. And turning back, you had mentioned the print E-book bundle? 12 A. Uh-huh. 13 Q. Why would someone want both an 14 15 E-book and a print copy? A. Well, I can tell you why I would 16 want it and then we could -- you could deduce 17 why others would want it. 18 us trained and reared in the nonelectronic 19 world, like to touch print, but yet most of us 20 are also technologically savvy as around this 21 room so you might want for reading purposes the 22 electronic version, to be able to skim, remind I suppose those of [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 54 1 yourself of what you are doing, you might want 2 it for a lecture, like, I would bring an iPad 3 into a lecture or seminar or discussion or 4 workshop, but when I am really planning what I 5 am going to say, I might want to be able to 6 have hard copy to line and take notes or, you 7 know, to do a deeper reading. 8 And I think that's an extrapolatable 9 experience, though I can't speak for every user 10 that if for a modest amount extra, you can get 11 the print, I suppose 50 years from now, nobody 12 will know what the word print means, but if you 13 can have both, you know, for a modest amount, 14 then you could have your cake and eat it. 15 Q. Any other reasons? 16 A. It's good enough that I can think 17 of. And other forms of users similarly. I 18 suppose having one on their shelf if you -- if 19 your briefing staff, let's say, you are 20 developing new tests and you run a test company 21 or revising tests and you can project it on a 22 screen, but if you had a print edition, you [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 55 1 know, you could say, hey, look, look, look. 2 Similar. 3 you know, courses, lectures and workshops. 4 It's for the deeper, I suppose the deeper 5 reader and maybe more particularly for those of 6 us who have at least had more print experience. 7 I'm not saying it's only used for, Though there is some -- I think 8 there is some degree of research that you might 9 find it even with your own e-mailing, you know, 10 kind of out of sight, out of mind a bit, so 11 that if you only have it electronically, you 12 might not recall things as easily as being able 13 to just pull it off a shelf and remind 14 yourself, get up to speed quickly, even for 15 those who read electronically. 16 17 18 Q. So for someone to purchase the 2014 standard, how do they go about doing that? A. They can do it in a range of ways. 19 The most immediate, I suppose, would be through 20 the AERA website because we are the publisher. 21 Of course, there are some bookstores 22 that carry it, so there's other ways of buying [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 56 1 it, but that's what I'd recommend somebody do. 2 3 MS. TURNER: can please mark this as Exhibit 1308. 4 5 (Deposition Exhibit 1308 was marked for identification.) 6 7 If the court reporter THE WITNESS: Meaning we do have some distributor sales. 8 BY MS. TURNER: 9 Q. Do you recognize this document? 10 A. Yes. And would this represent, if I 11 can ask, would this 8-14 be when you downloaded 12 this? 13 Q. Correct, yes. 14 A. Okay. 15 Q. So what is this document then? 16 A. This is from AERA website and it is Okay. 17 the publications part of our portal, and this 18 is the -- the access to ordering the 2014 19 edition. 20 21 22 Q. Does this appear to be an accurate capture of the AERA website? A. Yes. [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 57 1 2 3 Q. Great. So you had spoken about ordering the 2014 standard. A. I suppose we could update our 4 website and take the word "now" out, since it 5 has been available for a while. 6 that staff to it. 7 Q. Got to get You had said that one way that 8 someone can order a copy of the 2014 standard 9 is through the online store, and would they -- 10 on this website, how would they go about doing 11 that? 12 A. Well, there is a hypertext link -- 13 well, including ordering the 1999 edition. 14 Read more. 15 remind myself since I don't order it but there 16 is a hypertext link to the online book store. 17 18 Q. I would have to scroll down and I can represent, I think it's at the top, right above the -- 19 A. You are right. 20 Q. Great. Order now. Right. So do you offer electronic 21 copies of the 2014 standard for sale through 22 the website? [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 58 1 A. I believe there is -- yes, I believe 2 there is a hypertext link to the provider who 3 -- whose platform doesn't sit on our own 4 platform. 5 platform and protection of the PDF in such a 6 way that it is -- only purchasable. 7 Q. It needs a particular kind of So is it accurate to say that to 8 order online a copy of the -- an electronic 9 copy of the 2014 standard, it's done through 10 11 some kind of third-party platform? A. Correct. I am blocking on the name 12 of the company we use. 13 my memory, but it's a platform that both does 14 its own publishing, it's own E-publishing, it's 15 storage and works for any number of publishers. 16 Q. Thank you. I should have refreshed If someone wanted to go 17 about purchasing a copy of the 1999 standard, 18 how would they do that? 19 A. Right here. I think it's that 20 hypertext link to order previous edition of the 21 standard. 22 Q. It's in the store. Can someone order it online? [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 59 1 A. Yes. 2 Q. Okay. 3 A. I believe. 4 Q. So if I could -- 5 A. Yeah. 6 Q. If I could turn your attention to So -- 7 order -- to order a previous edition of the 8 standard, 1999, there's a hypertext link, and 9 it says: "Please use the mail fax order form 10 available on the left-hand side of the page 11 under the books tab." 12 A. Then I may be wrong. 13 Q. Thank you. 14 school for. 15 A. Sure. 16 17 What I went to law I almost went. MS. TURNER: If you could please mark this as Exhibit 1309. 18 19 Good reading. (Deposition Exhibit 1309 was marked for identification.) 20 THE WITNESS: 21 AERA is old style. 22 I hope you don't think I don't even have a fax machine. [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 60 1 MR. ELGARTEN: I think this is 2 actually beyond the scope of your deposition 3 notice, but I am not trying to overly restrict 4 you but just keep that in mind. 5 MR. BECKER: 6 MR. ELGARTEN: We just want to -I am trying not to -- 7 I am just noting that I believe it is, but you 8 want to ask a few questions, that's fine. 9 just don't want to spend a lot of time. 10 MR. BECKER: We are not. I We are 11 just considering it on your sales, but just 12 want to make sure that the method of sales is 13 updated to the present. 14 MR. ELGARTEN: 15 MS. TURNER: 16 MR. ELGARTEN: Okay. Thank you. That's fair, or I 17 think it's fair for the moment. 18 MS. TURNER: 19 not be long. 20 21 22 The questioning will BY MS. TURNER: Q. Dr. Levine, do you recognize this document? [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 61 1 A. Yes. 2 Q. What is it? 3 A. This is the -- the website specimen 4 information on the 1999 edition informing 5 potential users that there is also a 2014 6 edition. 7 8 Q. Does this appear to be an accurate capture of the AERA website? 9 A. Yes. 10 Q. And can you purchase -- if you are 11 looking on this website, can you purchase the 12 1999 standards in the online store for AERA? 13 A. Well, you've just updated me on the 14 fact that it looks like we did not include 15 that, I suppose as can happen with prior 16 editions of works, that it looks like a mail 17 and fax order. 18 19 Q. Can a person e-mail the form to AERA to purchase the 1999 standard? 20 A. E-mail it with an attachment? 21 Q. Correct. 22 A. Sure. [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 62 1 2 3 Q. Do you know how to do that from here? A. Let's see. From this particular 4 page, from this particular page, no, but there 5 is any number of pages that have a pubs e-mail 6 and -- or in this case, one could, I suppose, 7 call and learn how they could e-mail the -- the 8 form completed without faxing it. 9 Q. Okay. Are you certain that you can 10 e-mail the form to order a copy of the 1999 11 standard? 12 A. Am I certain? I am certain that we 13 would take a sale for anything any way it came, 14 we are pretty small. 15 AERA, 25,000 members, an annual meeting of 15 16 or 16,000, but our staff is under 30 people, 17 you know, so anything that comes in, we are 18 really pretty user friendly. 19 answers the phone, it won't be me, but it even 20 could be me and everybody helps everybody out, 21 so if anybody calls and wants to get something 22 done, they'll get to somebody on the You might think of old If somebody [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 63 1 publication staff or they'll get to our 2 customer service or a membership director, if 3 not, a publications director and somebody will 4 say -- might even say fax it to me and I'll get 5 it done. 6 Q. Are there any instances that you 7 know of where someone had e-mailed an order 8 form for the 1999 standard? 9 A. Any instances where they e-mailed 11 Q. Correct. 12 A. Not without my checking with our 10 it? 13 publications director or membership, customer 14 service person. 15 16 Q. Is the 1999 standard available in an E-book format? 17 A. No. 18 Q. Is it available in any electronic 19 20 format? A. No. We think of ourselves as quite 21 a progressive, however, publisher, insofar as 22 many -- for many of our products and you can [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 64 1 look on our website, many publishers are eager 2 to sell the print edition and then delay E-book 3 editions, so we are trying to reach everyone in 4 the modality that they work in and -- which 5 includes with some of our major volumes being 6 able to purchase pieces. 7 8 Q. Any plans to make it available in an electronic format? 9 A. Which? 10 Q. The 1999 standard. 11 A. It hasn't come up, I suppose. I 12 mean, it hasn't come up with any of our 13 classics, and I think it is not likely, and we 14 have many other classics that were -- Complete 15 Research on Teaching, something that is a major 16 classic methodology book called Methods, and we 17 have 2005 editions and we are not even thinking 18 that there would be enough of an interest in 19 getting old pieces that way. 20 it, you know, or use it from the university 21 libraries. 22 MS. TURNER: People can buy If the court reporter [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 65 1 can please mark this as Exhibit 1310. 2 3 (Deposition Exhibit 1310 was marked for identification.) 4 5 MR. ELGARTEN: MS. TURNER: Almost done. Just a few more questions. 8 9 We are wandering from your list of subjects. 6 7 Same question. THE WITNESS: As long as you fill out one of each, I'm okay, when you are done 10 really. 11 of each of these. 12 I think your law firm should have one BY MS. TURNER: 13 Q. Do you recognize this document? 14 A. Definitely. 15 Q. And what is this document? 16 A. This is an order form for -- I mean more or less. 17 depending upon when you downloaded it, for our 18 various books, AERA's books that are available. 19 Q. Okay. 20 A. Do you know when you downloaded 21 22 this? Q. It's the same as the other ones, so [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 66 1 that would be August 14. 2 A. Okay. 3 Q. Can someone order the 1999 edition 4 through this order form? 5 6 MR. ELGARTEN: 9 Want to call her attention to this? 7 8 So then it is current. BY MS. TURNER: Q. Sure. it says: Yes. If you look down where "Standard for educational and 10 psychological testing," it is the sixth gray 11 bar and at the bottom of that, it says: 12 edition." 13 14 "1999 So if someone wanted to order the 1999 edition, would they put in the quantity? 15 A. Yes. 16 Q. The note? 17 A. Yes. 18 Q. Can you PDF this order form and then 19 20 21 22 Uh-huh. send it via e-mail? A. There it is. question. Q. The answer to your on the other side. Perfect. [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 67 1 A. No heads will roll this afternoon. 2 And just so you know, our -- that 3 e-mail is customer service and membership. 4 It's not membership questions. 5 is -- we see our membership team as customer 6 service. 7 Q. It's just -- it So if someone e-mailed that with the 8 order form, would they be able to place an 9 order through that e-mail address? 10 A. Absolutely, yeah. That's where you 11 put the PDF. 12 it comes through customer service, the label on 13 the e-mail is membership, but it's really 14 membership customer service department or team. 15 Q. We don't -- the order for film, Okay. I'm going to hand you a 16 document that was previously marked 1208, 17 Exhibit 1208. 18 19 I'll represent this was previously marked in your prior deposition in this matter. 20 A. Uh-huh. 21 Q. Do you recognize this document? 22 A. Yes. [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 68 1 Q. And what is it? 2 A. That's the -- I suppose, of course, 3 having seen the other two, it looks like it's 4 the 1999 edition without that 1999 sales 5 estimate. 6 7 Q. And if you could turn back, please, to what was marked as Exhibit 1306. 8 A. Yes. 9 Q. Is this the same document? 10 MR. ELGARTEN: As I said, I produced 11 this document, the additional document I 12 believe it's the same document. 13 THE WITNESS: 14 BY MS. TURNER: Well, I'm assuming. 15 Q. So is the answer yes then? 16 A. Yes. 17 Q. Okay. 18 19 MS. TURNER: quick break. 20 21 22 Why don't we take a MR. ELGARTEN: Okay. Are we almost done? MS. TURNER: We are. [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 69 1 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: 2 the record. 3 1. We are going off This is the end of Media Unit No. The time is 11:04. 4 (A short recess was taken.) 5 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: 6 on the record. 7 No. 2. We are going back This is the start of Media Unit The time is 11:26. 8 MS. TURNER: 9 BY MS. TURNER: 10 11 Q. Thank you. Dr. Levine, if you could please turn back to what has been marked as Exhibit 1307. 12 A. Yes. 13 Q. And if you could please turn to the 14 bottom of the page, No. 7. 15 A. Yes. 16 Q. And you testified earlier that the 17 publication income entry under profit and loss 18 is for sales of the 1999 standard? 19 A. Yes, publication income. 20 Q. And can you let us know if that is 21 22 net of expenses or is that a gross number? A. I think that's a -- in that context, [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 70 1 2 3 I'm going to say it's the gross number. Q. Okay. If you could please turn to Page No. 25 at the bottom. 4 A. 5 you saying? 6 Q. Yes, please. 7 A. Of the same document? 8 Q. Of the same document. 9 A. Okay. 10 Q. Great. 11 12 13 Yeah, well, I'm doing it. Got it. 25 are Okay. And the top chart here, can you tell us what this is? A. Okay. So this is total sales by year. 14 Q. Okay. 15 A. For 2014 to 2018. 16 Q. Okay. 17 If I could turn your attention to 2018. 18 A. Uh-huh. 19 Q. Is it accurate to say that sales in 20 2018 were higher than in 2017? 21 A. Correct. 22 Q. And why is that? [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 71 1 A. Why did it happen? 2 Q. Yes, if you know. 3 A. More purchases. Sorry. Why it happened. It seemed 4 self-evident. I suppose 5 really links to my prior point. 6 can't -- you couldn't really necessarily 7 abstract -- extrapolate from September 28th 8 that -- even though with certain forms of 9 quote-unquote publications in the world of You know, you 10 publications, one might think of them as having 11 a limited shelf life. 12 This publication is a publication 13 about guidance and wisdom and best practices in 14 the field, and as that is more wide -- of more 15 -- of wider interest, it -- unlike even an 16 academic publications, that might be superseded 17 by -- well, here, it might be superseded by a 18 new edition, but superseded by next, you know, 19 next stages of a research program, that a work 20 that has value can have expanded in during use. 21 22 So until such point as with other guidance, it needs to be, you know, rethought, [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 72 1 reupdated, to take account of new things that 2 didn't exist, so in 1985, for example, there 3 was no real use of technology in the way that 4 there is in 2018. 5 increase is probably some number of courses and 6 perhaps brought a worldwide distribution. 7 8 Q. So this, you know, modest And to clarify, these are -- for sales of the 2014 standard? 9 A. Correct. 10 Q. And the chart directly below that? 11 A. Uh-huh. 12 Q. What does this chart represent? 13 A. This is total quantities sold 14 through April 30 each year, so building upon my 15 prior point about September 28, this document 16 was created before we had a mini -- the 17 management committee had a mini-meeting in May, 18 so it was April 30, so they could get a 19 snapshot before their meeting which was 20 mid-May, so it is April 30, so then it compares 21 year-to-date, you know, as you'll see in 22 financial statements year-to-date and [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 73 1 comparable period, so the -- we were very 2 pleased with the fact that the 2019, you know, 3 performance suggests, you know, this -- the 4 work is -- is considered, you know, 5 increasingly -- is increasingly penetrating new 6 users. 7 Q. 8 And to clarify, this is also for sales of the 2014 standard? 9 A. All, correct, yeah. 10 Q. And this chart shows through 2015 11 through 2019, the total sales just for January 12 through April 30 -- 13 A. Correct. 14 Q. -- of each year? 15 A. Correct. It's sort of like a 16 snapshot of how -- recognizing the variation of 17 when it might be audited, which you have no 18 control over, it still gives sort of a 19 comparable snapshot. 20 Q. And is there any reason -- you spoke 21 before about the increase between 2018 and 22 2019, do you know any reason why there was an [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 74 1 2 uptick in sales during that same time period? A. Without looking at who purchased, I 3 might extrapolate that it was used in more 4 courses or maybe more workshops, which could be 5 a university or college sale anticipating a 6 course, maybe even a summer course or courses. 7 The 2015 high is reflecting the fact 8 that this is really the first six months of 9 publication or the availability of the 10 standards, so there was a lot of pent up 11 interest. 12 13 Q. If you could please turn to Page 2 of the same document. 14 A. Uh-huh. 15 Q. It should look like this. 16 A. Yes. 17 Q. I think the other side. 18 A. Good. 19 for my eyes. Yes. Because this one is not made Okay. 20 Q. Can you tell me what this chart is? 21 A. This is new edition -- wow, this is 22 a -- you have to be quaintly interested in [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 75 1 data, but this is new edition and the number of 2 copies sold by member group and nonmembers. 3 You see the -- so, for example, 4 NCME, two NCME members bought I suppose nine 5 copies, so nonmember sales which might be book 6 stores or faculty buying for courses but more 7 likely university book stores or agents, in 8 2014, there were, just as an illustration, six 9 purchases of 15 copies. 10 11 Q. Yes. Does that help? So let me try to rephrase it just to make sure I have it. 12 So, for example, in the column with 13 the number of copies at the top, if you go to 14 the nine? 15 A. Uh-huh. 16 Q. And directly below, there is a two 17 under NCME member, that means that two NCME 18 members bought nine copies each? 19 A. Correct. 20 Q. And this is for the 2014 standard? 21 A. Yes. 22 Q. Thank you. 2014 standards in 2014. And if we go over to the [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 76 1 total number of the total sales, it says: 2 "4,227." 3 Do you see that? 4 A. Correct. 5 Q. Okay. And if we could just turn 6 back to the page we were just looking at, Page 7 25. 8 A. 9 MR. ELGARTEN: 10 11 Yep. MS. TURNER: Do the numbers match? There is a slight discrepancy so we just want to clear it up. 12 MR. ELGARTEN: 13 THE WITNESS: Okay. I was going to say 14 somebody on staff can't add a column. 15 want to say that. 16 17 Q. Right. of 2014, it says: 19 Page 2, it says: 20 22 Total sales, 4236. BY MS. TURNER: 18 21 I don't So if you see in the column "Total sales 4,236," and on 4,227." Any reason for that discrepancy? A. It's human error, really, I suppose one was an effort to do a transfer from an [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 77 1 Excel spreadsheet or something of the number of 2 copies. 3 right? 4 Q. Yes. 5 A. So I am assuming something wasn't The other one was a higher number, 6 recorded. 7 It was missing data, but it should have been -- 8 in my view as a scientist, it should have been 9 recorded as missing data, but it wasn't. 10 It might not have been human error. So just unknown. 11 Unknown purchases as to the 12 quantity, probably one, you know, just given 13 the dominant mode of -- of us also, you know, 14 being interested in volume sales because that 15 means it penetrates and hits more users and 16 students. 17 18 Q. So is the number on Page 25, the 4236 number, is that the more accurate number? 19 A. Let's see. 20 Q. Correct. 21 A. Yes. 22 25. That's the higher? At that point, we didn't have E because we were just starting. [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 78 1 2 Q. So if you could please turn to Page 3 of the same document. 3 4 5 6 And what's on this page of the document? A. Well, the -- what is the whole document about? Is that what you want to know? 7 Q. This particular page, yes. 8 A. Yeah. 9 So it's -- so it's an effort to depict or report on net sales by number of 10 copies aggregating the copies less than ten and 11 including the nonmembers, so that of the 2,356 12 nonmember sales, less than a third -- probably 13 somewhere in the neighborhood of 28 percent 14 were individual, and you could see that -- if I 15 am not -- I don't know that the 934 were all 16 individual but once you get above ten, you are 17 talking about, you know, persons, merchants or 18 book dealers or book stores. 19 20 21 22 Q. And to clarify, this is for sales of the 2014 standards? A. 2014, that first year, which is the first six months and I hope those numbers tie. [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 79 1 The financial I have no doubt tie. 2 Sheridan Books I believe is our platform for 3 the E-book. 4 That was reflecting them serving as the 5 printer. 6 7 8 9 Q. And this That wasn't reflecting E-book. I think they were also the platform. When you say, "serving as the printer," is that for the physical copy? A. Yeah, literal printer. print in-house. We don't So we printed 5,400 -- AERA 10 printed 5,436-ish, I suppose it was probably a 11 run of 5500 initially and then needed to go 12 into a second printing in November. 13 14 Q. If you could please turn to the next page, Page 4. 15 A. Uh-huh. 16 Q. And then also on Page 5 as well if 17 18 Yes. you want to take a look. A. You must think research is crazy 19 that we do all these little microlevel tables. 20 Okay. 21 22 Q. Let's see. Okay. So I can represent to you, I believe these are the same documents but it was just [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 80 1 cut off for printing purposes. 2 A. Correct. 3 Q. Okay. 4 5 Definitely. Can you tell me what this document is or these pages represent? A. These are at the most microlevel 6 number of sales, it looks like somehow we did 7 intervals of five and then above 65, I suppose 8 they are the literal numbers that someone put 9 in, I mean that we were reporting. That's the 10 way we counted, so it's the exact count so you 11 can see it's -- it really isn't in intervals of 12 five. 13 the literal count and it jumps from 30 to 35 to 14 40, 47, 50, so it's the literal purchases. 15 It's under 10. It's 10, 11, 12, so it's With some of these categories, there 16 appears to be more than one of those, but -- 17 and then the revenue that it generated and then 18 when you see that discount is for that -- which 19 we saw on another sheet, it's the volume sales 20 discount for above ten. 21 Q. To clarify, this is for the 2014 -- 22 A. 2014. [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 81 1 Q. -- standard? 2 A. Correct. 3 Q. 2014 standard -- 4 A. Yes. 5 Q. -- in the year 2014. 6 A. Correct. 7 Q. Okay. 8 A. And you didn't receive other copies 9 of this because we were really obsessing on 10 what was happening, you know, we wanted to know 11 kind of what was happening as we were 12 launching, so we were running all this stuff, 13 like, you wouldn't want to see this every year 14 at that level. 15 16 Q. If you could turn to Page 15 of the same document. 17 A. Uh-huh. 18 Q. At the top, it states that it's the 19 Uh-huh. standards royalty calculation. 20 Do you see that? 21 A. Yep. 22 Q. And then just to clarify for the [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 82 1 record, you testified earlier about the royalty 2 percentage. 3 A. Yeah. 4 Q. And you believed it was a 50/50 5 split? 6 A. It switched though at the beginning 7 of AERA having underwritten -- all these costs 8 had a little bit higher royalty. 9 want to know, I have to double-check but I 10 think now it's 50/50. 11 12 If you really Q. Okay. Do you know when that change happened? 13 A. I believe, but I would want to 14 verify that it happened after the first full 15 year, meaning it was -- I would have to look. 16 I don't remember. 17 months of sales and '15 and then it switched. 18 19 Q. I think it was the first six And if I could just draw your attention -- 20 A. But I would really have to look. If 21 that's important to you, I would need to verify 22 it. [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 83 1 Q. If I could draw your attention -- 2 where it says royalty percentage, it says: 3 percent." 4 A. Where are you here? 5 Q. If you look down, it says: "55 "Royalty 6 percentage, total royalty," it's kind of 7 grouping of text right before the last one. 8 9 10 11 A. Correct. So that's what it was originally I suppose, then 45/55 or something like that I suppose. Q. So for the six months ended in 2017, 12 does it refresh your recollection that it was 13 -- 55 percent was the royalty percentage? 14 A. So it may -- it might have ended 15 with '17 I suppose, standards royalty 16 calculation. 17 not 50/50, it might be 45/55. 1, 2, 16. It could be -- it's 18 Q. And how is that split? 19 A. The testing standard is the larger 20 amount. 21 Q. Testing standard is 55 percent? 22 A. Yes. [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 84 1 Q. And the publisher is 45 percent? 2 A. Yeah. I will let our attorney know 3 if I am recalling wrong. So it might have been 4 50/50 at the beginning and then 45/55. 5 Q. And then -- 6 A. That's what happens when you are 7 part of the same family, you forget how much 8 you make. 9 Q. And If you could just turn to Page 10 16 there. 11 A. 16? 12 Q. Yes, the next page. 13 14 Again, this is the royalty for the six months ending June 30, 2018? 15 A. Yes. 16 Q. To clarify -- 17 A. It says right here, "development 18 fund," so that is prima facie as it were here. 19 Q. And the royalty -- 20 A. That's 55 percent of the joint 21 22 project so that's 45 percent to AERA. Q. Okay. And then on the following [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 85 1 page, Page 17. 2 A. Same, yeah. 3 Q. So you are saying 55 percent was the 4 royalty -- 5 A. Yeah. 6 Q. -- for the year ending December 31, 7 8 9 10 2018? A. Uh-huh. MS. TURNER: 13 Okay. Unless your counsel has any questions, we are done. 11 12 Yes. MR. ELGARTEN: I have no questions. Thank you. THE VIDEOGRAPHER: We are going off 14 the record at 11:48 a.m. 15 today's testimony given by Felice Levine on 16 behalf of APA, NCME, AERA. 17 media units used was two and will be retained 18 by Veritext Legal Solutions. 19 20 This concludes The total number of (Whereupon, the proceeding was concluded at 11:48 a.m.) 21 22 [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 86 1 2 I declare under penalty of perjury 3 under the laws that the foregoing is 4 true and correct. 5 6 7 Executed on _________________ , 20___, at _____________, ___________________________. 8 9 10 _________________________________ 11 FELICE J. LEVINE, PH.D. 12 13 14 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME 15 16 THIS _____DAY OF ________________, 2019. 17 18 __________________ ______________________ 19 (NOTARY PUBLIC) MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 20 21 22 [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 87 1 CERTIFICATE OF NOTARY PUBLIC 2 3 4 I, Bonnie L. Russo, the officer before 5 whom the foregoing deposition was taken, do hereby certify that the witness whose testimony appears in the foregoing deposition was duly 6 sworn by me; that the testimony of said witness 7 was taken by me in shorthand and thereafter 8 reduced to computerized transcription under my 9 direction; that said deposition is a true 10 11 record of the testimony given by said witness; that I am neither counsel for, related to, nor employed by any of the parties to the action in 12 which this deposition was taken; and further, 13 that I am not a relative or employee of any 14 attorney or counsel employed by the parties 15 hereto, nor financially or otherwise interested 16 in the outcome of the action. 17 18 19 20 ____________________________. 21 Notary Public in and for the District of Columbia My Commission expires: June 30, 2020 22 [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) Transcript Word Index [& - 45] & & 3:3,9,14 6:3 8:19,21 9:1 0 0000001-26 5:20 000001 37:9 0000027 5:11 26:7 00857 1:3 8:5 1 1 1:22 7:14 53:2 69:3 83:16 1:14 1:3 8:5 10 25:3 80:12,12 10:14 32:19 10:20 32:22 1001 3:4 11 80:12 11:04 69:3 11:26 69:7 11:48 85:14,20 110,046.35 46:1 119,113.49. 45:2 12 33:19 50:18 80:12 1200 13:1 1207 6:11 33:8,14,17,18 1208 6:14 67:16,17 12th 3:15 130,425.40 45:15 1300 4:6 13:16,17 1301 4:9 14:15,16 1302 4:12 15:8,9 1303 4:15 15:14,15 1304 4:19 19:5,6 1305 5:2 24:4,5 1306 5:7 26:1,2 33:15,17,19 34:1,3,6,6 68:7 1307 5:12 37:3,4 69:11 1308 6:2 56:3,4 1309 6:5 59:17,18 1310 6:6 65:1,2 137 43:10 137.85. 42:12 14 4:6,9 66:1 1430 12:22 1441 2:13 8:7 15 4:12,15 39:17 62:15 75:9 81:15 82:17 16 1:16 7:5 39:17 52:6 83:16 84:10,11 16,000 62:16 17 39:17 83:15 85:1 1768 29:11 18 39:17 19 4:19 28:21 34:8 48:16 1985 35:16 72:2 1989 34:8,14 35:8,10 36:3,8 1998 34:9 36:4,11 1999 6:5,13 28:4,5,21 29:7,8,10 29:12,18,22 30:4,9 31:7 32:1 33:15,19 34:1,3 40:5 40:21 41:9 42:2,9,15 43:18 1999 (cont.) 44:1 47:8,11 57:13 58:17 59:8 61:4,12,19 62:10 63:8 63:15 64:10 66:3,11,14 68:4,4 69:18 2 2 21:13 69:7 74:12 76:19 83:16 2,356 78:11 20 51:2,18 86:6 2000 30:14,18 32:3,5 20004 3:4 20005 13:1 2002 28:18,21 2005 64:17 2013 29:18,19 33:15 2014 5:16,17 6:4 29:20 31:5,6,7 31:8 37:16 39:17 40:7 43:22 44:2,5,8,21 45:1,12 45:17 46:3,11,18 47:3,7,18 48:21 49:6,8 55:16 56:18 57:2,8,21 58:9 61:5 70:15 72:8 73:8 75:8,20,21,21 76:18 78:20,21 80:21,22 81:3,5 2015 41:5 42:2 45:14 52:3,6,9 53:2,3 73:10 74:7 2016 41:20 42:3 45:22 46:4 49:3 49:7,8 52:9 53:4 2017 42:6,9 46:8 70:20 83:11 2018 37:18 42:12 46:14 70:15 70:17,20 72:4 73:21 84:14 85:7 2019 1:16 7:5 39:19 43:13,19,22 44:2 46:21 47:4,11 73:2,11 73:22 86:16 2020 87:22 202-624-2523 3:5 [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) 21,000 34:17,18 35:14 21,920 34:14 24 5:2 2474 49:16 25 70:3,4 76:7 77:17,19 25,000 62:15 26 5:7 37:9 28 52:6 53:3 72:15 78:13 28th 71:7 3 3 78:2 30 1:13 2:8 4:6,9,12 7:14 14:5 39:19 43:13 46:21 62:16 72:14,18,20 73:12 80:13 84:14 87:22 31 40:7 41:5,20 42:6,12 45:1 45:14,22 46:8,14 85:6 3242 49:15 50:2 3475330 1:21 35 80:13 37 5:12 4 4 79:14 4,227 76:2,19 4,236 76:18 40 80:14 42,219.40 40:8 41:13 4236 76:15 77:18 44 21:18 45 84:1,21 [45/55 - audio] 45/55 83:9,17 84:4 4500 35:13 47 80:14 5 5 79:16 5,000 34:22 5,400 79:9 5,436 79:10 50 54:11 80:14 50/50 48:6 82:4,10 83:17 84:4 55 83:2,13,21 84:20 85:3 5500 79:11 555 3:15 56 6:2 59 6:5 6 6 1:13 2:8 4:6,9,12 7:14 14:5 65 6:6 80:7 650-335-7844 3:11 650-335-7930 3:16 6995 41:6,16 7 7 39:9 69:14 8 801 3:10 8-14 56:11 85 28:8,10 33:20 35:2,10,12 35:22 36:9,10,11 86 35:12 87 1:22 35:12 88 35:12 89 35:2 8-99 29:22 add 76:14 additional 24:11 31:13 68:11 additive 38:4 address 12:21 67:9 administrators 9 44:12 9 aera 4:3 1:14 2:8 5:11,20 6:6 7:15 9:51 10:17 14:12 16:5,8,18,21 1:17 7:4 19:17,20 20:4,8 26:7 37:9 934 47:11,12,19 55:20 56:16 78:15 56:21 59:21 61:8,12,18 94041 62:15 79:9 82:7 84:21 3:10 85:16 94104 3:16 66:21 97,407.50. aera's 46:9 65:18 98,994.98 affect 46:15 12:9 44:8 99 affiliations 36:7 8:16 a afternoon a.m. 67:1 1:17 7:4 85:14,20 agents ability 75:7 12:9 aggregate able 34:18 38:7,13 50:8 53:22 54:5 55:12 64:6 67:8 aggregating absolutely 78:10 67:10 aggregation abstract 37:15 71:7 agree academic 7:13 14:7,21 15:3 50:6,16 71:16 agreement access 15:5 56:18 allow account 30:2 72:1 ambiguous accounting 11:9 38:21 american accurate 1:3,4 3:21 4:7,10 5:12 7:17 12:6 42:1,8 43:17,22 46:10 7:19 9:5,6 12:15 14:5 29:4 46:17 47:2 49:5,11 53:4,6 amount 56:20 58:7 61:7 70:19 43:6 54:10,13 83:20 77:18 annual action 62:15 8:4 87:11,16 answer actual 10:21 11:19,21 14:11 44:22 66:20 68:15 actuals answered 40:6,7 45:1,14,22 46:8 22:20 [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) answers 11:2 12:10 62:19 anticipating 36:13 74:5 anybody 62:21 apa 1:14 2:8 5:11,20 7:15 9:3 17:2,6,11,19,22 20:11,11 20:16,19 26:7 37:9 85:16 appear 56:20 61:7 appearances 3:1 8:16 appears 80:16 87:5 april 39:19 43:13 46:21 72:14 72:18,20 73:12 arose 29:19 arrangement 47:21 asked 22:14 24:1,12 26:20,21 37:18 51:9 asking 40:9,14 49:15 asks 21:20 association 1:3,5 3:21 4:8,11 5:13 7:18 7:19 9:6,7 12:16 18:9 29:4 38:19,22 associations 42:22 assume 11:13 29:5 30:11 assuming 17:8 20:15 68:13 77:5 assumption 35:19 attachment 61:20 attachments 18:17 attending 8:15 attention 59:6 66:6 70:17 82:19 83:1 attorney 84:2 87:14 atypically 36:12 audio 7:11,11 [audited - continue] audited 73:17 august 1:16 7:4 30:4,9 31:8 66:1 authentic 27:22 37:20,21 38:8 availability 74:9 available 57:5 59:10 63:15,18 64:7 65:18 avenue 3:4 aware 36:19 b back 32:21 34:6 36:1 53:10 68:6 69:5,11 76:6 bar 66:11 basis 52:9 bates 26:6 37:8 becker 3:13 8:21 15:6 26:14,14,18 27:5 60:5,10 beginning 32:4 50:14 82:6 84:4 behalf 2:16 3:2,8 8:19 9:5 14:12 14:22 15:4 27:7,9 29:3 85:16 believe 25:12,15 27:21 30:19 31:12 33:20 34:3 35:18 37:19 39:3 40:4 58:1,1 59:3 60:7 68:12 79:2,21 82:13 believed 82:4 best 10:12 17:4 44:10 50:17 71:13 beyond 60:2 bit 31:19 47:9 55:10 82:8 blocking 58:11 board 43:22 bonnie 1:20 8:12 87:3 book 6:6 43:9 44:16 48:8,11 52:16,21 53:11,14 57:16 63:16 64:2,16 75:5,7 78:18 78:18 79:3,3 books 59:11 65:18,18 79:2 bookstore 49:18,19,20 bookstores 55:21 bottom 21:17 39:12 66:11 69:14 70:3 bought 75:4,18 brainer 23:17 break 11:15,17 32:13,15 33:3 68:19 briefing 54:19 bring 54:2 brought 72:6 building 72:14 bulk 43:11 bumped 50:1 bundle 52:19,20 53:11 bundled 52:17 business 28:12 38:15 buy 52:20 64:19 buying 55:22 75:6 c cake 54:14 calculating 30:22 calculation 81:19 83:16 california 3:10,15,16 call 51:14 52:12 62:7 66:5 called 48:13 64:16 calls 62:21 capture 56:21 61:8 carry 55:22 case 1:3 10:8,9,11 19:22 22:15 22:22 33:5 62:6 categories 80:15 celgarten 3:6 cell 7:9 cellular 7:8 center 3:10 certain 26:15 48:7 62:9,12,12 71:8 certificate 87:1 certify 87:4 change 82:11 chart 48:18 51:1,21 70:10 72:10 72:12 73:10 74:20 check 82:9 checking 63:12 civil 8:4 clarify 11:12 35:7 72:7 73:7 78:19 80:21 81:22 84:16 classic 64:16 classics 64:13,14 clear 33:22 76:11 clearly 49:15 client 26:17 27:13 cliff 8:22 clifton 3:3 [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) colleagues 16:13 college 49:19 74:5 columbia 1:1 8:4 87:21 column 40:7 41:5,19 42:5,11 43:12 45:1,13,21 46:7,13,20 75:12 76:14,17 commission 86:19 87:22 committee 18:19 51:5,5,6,7 52:5,11 72:17 communities 36:18 community 36:13 44:11 company 18:9 54:20 58:12 comparable 73:1,19 compares 72:20 comparing 49:14,15 52:3,5,8 53:7 comparison 52:2 complete 64:14 completed 62:8 computerized 87:8 concluded 85:20 concludes 85:14 conference 52:12 connection 23:1 considered 73:4 considering 60:11 consultation 23:1 contact 28:20 context 69:22 continue 7:12 [continued - earlier] continued 5:1 6:1 31:6 continues 36:9 control 73:18 conversations 7:8 copies 20:1 49:19 57:21 75:2,5,9 75:13,18 77:2 78:10,10 81:8 copy 16:14 17:9 20:3 52:22 53:14 54:6 57:8 58:8,9,17 62:10 79:7 correct 14:13 16:4 25:10,11 38:9 42:10 44:18 45:19 46:12 46:19 56:13 58:11 61:21 63:11 70:21 72:9 73:9,13 73:15 75:19 76:4 77:20 80:2 81:2,6 83:8 86:4 cost 50:3 costs 47:19,21 49:20 82:7 council 1:6 4:13 7:20 9:7 counsel 3:20 7:17 8:14 9:16 85:10 87:10,14 count 80:10,13 counted 80:10 counterclaimant 1:10 counterdefendants 1:8 3:2 4:15,19 5:3 7:22 counterplaintiff 3:8 8:2 couple 50:12 course 28:12 38:14 50:20 55:21 68:2 74:6,6 courses 55:3 72:5 74:4,6 75:6 court 1:1 8:3,11 9:9 10:20 11:4 11:20 12:3 13:15 14:15 15:14 24:3,21 25:22 37:2 56:2 64:22 crazy 79:18 created 28:14 38:17,18 72:16 crossover 30:7 crowell 3:3 9:1 3:6 crumped 30:13 current 66:2 customer 63:2,13 67:3,5,12,14 cut 80:1 cutoff 30:20 cutoffs 51:1 cv 1:3 8:5 d d.c. 1:15 2:14 3:4 8:8 13:1 daniel 3:22 8:9 dar 1:4 8:5 data 75:1 77:7,9 date 72:21,22 dates 52:1 day 86:16 de 32:2 dealers 78:18 deanne 3:20 9:2 december 29:19 30:9 40:7,19 41:5,20 42:5,12 45:1,14,22 46:8,14 50:13 85:6 decided 26:22 declare 86:2 declined 44:1 49:6 53:5,7 declines 36:17 deduce 53:16 deeper 54:7 55:4,4 defendant 1:10 3:8 7:17 8:2 9:16 definitely 39:6 65:14 80:2 degree 55:8 delay 64:2 department 67:14 depending 30:5 32:5 41:17 42:16,19 65:17 depends 50:8 depict 78:9 deposed 10:4 deposition 1:13 2:8 4:7,10,13 7:11,15 8:6 10:3 13:3,5,6,17 14:16 15:9,11,15 19:6 24:5 26:2 33:11 37:4 56:4 59:18 60:2 65:2 67:19 87:4,5,9,12 designated 14:11 detail 36:1 determination 22:8,21 developers 44:13 developing 54:20 development 39:16 45:7 84:17 different 26:12 38:3,4 43:3 47:6,7 48:14 direction 87:9 directly 72:10 75:16 director 12:19 19:3 28:18 63:2,3,13 discount 43:5,8 52:21 80:18,20 discrepancy 76:11,20 discuss 14:4 [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) discussion 13:9 27:4 54:3 distortion 53:8 distribution 72:6 distributor 56:7 district 1:1,1 8:3,3 87:21 document 13:20 14:19 15:18,20 19:10 22:18 24:8,10 25:4 26:5,10,13,16 27:6,13,18 27:21 28:2,3,11,14 37:7,12 37:14,15,19 38:2,13 48:16 56:9,15 60:22 65:13,15 67:16,21 68:9,11,11,12 70:7,8 72:15 74:13 78:2,4 78:6 80:4 81:16 documents 13:12 16:3,5,9,15,18,21 17:2,7,11,14,20 18:14,21 19:15,17 20:4,8,12,16,19 20:22 21:10,20 22:6 23:4 23:11 26:15 31:13 38:3,5 38:12 47:17 79:22 doing 54:1 55:17 57:10 70:4 dollars 41:21 42:6 43:14 46:22 dominant 77:13 double 82:9 doubt 79:1 downloaded 56:11 65:17,20 dr 23:7 26:9 32:12 33:3,13 34:5,20 35:6 37:11 60:21 69:10 draw 82:18 83:1 drive 16:11 duly 9:13 87:5 e eager 64:1 earlier 52:15 69:16 82:1 [early - friendly] early 35:4,5 easily 55:12 eat 54:14 edition 5:16 6:4,13 28:4,5,5,7,21 28:22 29:2,7,9,10,13,16,18 30:6,15,16,20,21 31:1,3 32:6 33:19,20 34:4,17,19 35:22 36:16,19,22 37:16 40:5 44:5,21 45:9,10 47:7 47:8,11,19 48:22 52:21 54:22 56:19 57:13 58:20 59:7 61:4,6 64:2 66:3,12 66:14 68:4 71:18 74:21 75:1 editions 61:16 64:3,17 education 1:6 4:14 7:21 9:8 educational 1:3 4:7 5:8,12,14 6:2,11,14 7:18 9:5 12:15 14:6 66:9 effort 76:22 78:8 either 31:21 electronic 17:10 53:22 57:20 58:8 63:18 64:8 electronically 20:2 55:11,15 elgarten 3:3 8:22,22 14:7,20 15:3 15:11 17:13 18:4 22:13,19 23:14 26:11 27:8,12 31:12 35:18 60:1,6,14,16 65:4 66:5 68:10,20 76:9,12 85:11 else's 31:11 employed 12:12 87:11,14 employee 87:13 encompass 34:16 encompassed 31:3 34:12 encompasses 34:16 ended 83:11,14 entry 35:8 39:21 69:17 equivalent 28:13 51:12,15 error 76:21 77:6 esq 3:3,8,13,20 essentially 13:4 19:21 estimate 35:3 68:5 everybody 17:17 51:16 62:20,20 evident 71:4 exact 80:10 exactly 28:9,15 31:10,16 examination 4:2 9:16 14:3 example 72:2 75:3,12 excel 77:1 executed 86:6 executive 12:19 19:3 28:18 exhibit 4:6,9,12,15,19 5:2,7,12 6:2 6:5,6,11,14 13:16,17 14:15 14:16 15:8,9,15 19:4,6 24:4,5 26:1,2 33:8,14,14 34:6 37:3,4 56:3,4 59:17 59:18 65:1,2 67:17 68:7 69:11 exhibits 4:5 5:1 6:1,10 exist 20:3 72:2 expanded 44:9 71:20 expenses 41:11,14 47:13 69:21 experience 54:9 55:6 expires 86:19 87:22 explain 50:16 extent 17:9,9 extra 54:10 extrapolatable 54:8 extrapolate 28:16 71:7 74:3 extrapolated 31:18 eyes 74:19 f facie 84:18 fact 61:14 73:2 74:7 faculty 44:12 75:6 fair 60:16,17 fall 50:2,15 familiar 15:18 19:9 24:8 27:18 family 84:7 fax 59:9,21 61:17 63:4 faxing 62:8 february 49:20 felice 1:15 2:9 4:2 7:16 9:4,12,22 10:10 85:15 86:11 felt 26:13 fenwick 3:9,14 8:19,21 3:12,17 field 71:14 figures 31:14 filed 8:2 files 16:10 17:9 26:13,16,17 27:13 37:17 filing 14:1 filings 13:4 fill 65:8 fillings 13:14 [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) film 67:11 final 22:8 50:4,4 financial 38:20 39:6 72:22 79:1 financially 87:15 find 26:19,20 55:9 fine 32:14 40:17 60:8 finish 11:21 24:18 firm 8:10,12 26:17 65:10 first 9:13 23:16 74:8 78:21,22 82:14,16 fiscal 39:17 five 42:17 80:7,12 floor 3:15 focused 14:2 folks 23:16 followed 27:3 following 31:4 84:22 follows 9:15 foregoing 86:3 87:4,5 forget 84:7 form 6:6 59:9 61:18 62:8,10 63:8 65:16 66:4,18 67:8 format 63:16,19 64:8 forms 24:2 54:17 71:8 forth 14:1 found 16:22 17:20 four 34:17 35:1,12,13 42:17 francisco 3:16 friendly 62:18 [front - january] front 11:4 14:21 48:16 full 82:14 functionally 47:22 fund 39:16 84:18 fund's 45:7 46:5 further 32:7 52:21 87:12 g gap 30:19 general 3:20 generated 80:17 getting 50:11 64:19 give 12:9 23:17 35:13 given 10:11 77:12 85:15 87:10 gives 52:14 73:18 go 7:13 16:8 17:6 19:20 20:14 21:4 32:7 36:1 41:19 55:17 57:10 58:16 75:13,22 79:11 going 7:4 10:19,20 11:13 18:6 22:14,21 28:15,16 29:5 30:2 32:18,21 34:13,13 49:17 51:11 54:5 67:15 69:1,5 70:1 76:13 85:13 good 7:3 9:18 13:11 54:16 59:12 74:18 gray 66:10 great 10:10,13 12:12,17 15:7 16:1 20:21 23:21 57:1,20 70:10 gross 48:2,9 69:21 70:1 group 75:2 grouping 83:7 guess 28:15 29:12 35:2 guidance 44:9 71:13,22 h half 15:12 hand 59:10 67:15 happen 61:15 71:1 happened 30:21,21 31:10 32:6 71:4 82:12,14 happening 50:15 81:10,11 happens 84:6 hard 12:3 16:14 17:9 20:1,2 52:22 54:6 head 12:2 heads 67:1 held 2:10 8:6 help 13:12 75:9 helps 62:20 hereto 87:15 hey 55:1 hi 9:19 hiatus 31:19 32:8 high 74:7 higher 43:10 70:20 77:2,19 82:8 hits 77:15 hope 59:20 78:22 house 79:9 how's 28:17 huh 11:7 19:16 21:19 22:2 25:5 34:7,10 36:5 40:2 41:7,22 42:7,13 44:3 45:16 46:2,16 53:12 66:17 67:20 70:18 72:11 74:14 75:15 79:15 huh (cont.) 81:17,17 85:8 huhs 12:3 human 76:21 77:6 hypertext 57:12,16 58:2,20 59:8 i i10 36:15 i8 36:15 identical 33:18 identification 13:18 14:17 15:10,16 19:7 24:6 26:3 37:5 56:5 59:19 65:3 identified 26:6 37:8 39:9 illustration 75:8 immediate 55:19 important 82:21 inc.'s 4:6,9,12 include 61:14 includes 64:5 including 57:13 78:11 income 39:22 40:15 44:17,20 69:17,19 incomplete 25:14 incorporated 7:18,20,21 8:1 30:18 31:21 incorrect 25:14 increase 72:5 73:21 increasingly 73:5,5 individual 78:14,16 infer 30:2 50:3 inference 35:19 [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) inferring 34:15 information 16:11,12 24:2 25:18 26:21 33:19 52:14 61:4 informing 61:4 initial 10:1 initially 38:2 79:11 insofar 33:18 63:21 instances 63:6,9 institutional 43:2 institutions 43:7 intend 21:21 22:6 interest 64:18 71:15 74:11 interested 74:22 77:14 87:15 interfere 7:10 interference 7:8 interim 52:11 interrogatories 5:6 24:16 25:19 intervals 80:7,11 introduce 33:7 inventory 38:18 ipad 54:2 ish 79:10 issue 29:19 issues 14:3 item 44:16 items 47:15,16 j january 30:3,4 49:20 52:6 53:2 73:11 [job - methods] job 1:21 joint 51:6 84:20 joke 13:10 judge 11:4 judgment 23:3 july 31:8 48:22 51:14,15 jumps 80:13 june 84:14 87:22 jury 11:5 k keep 39:4 51:16 60:4 kept 28:11 38:14 kind 30:7 43:8 50:8 51:15 55:10 58:4,10 81:11 83:6 know 11:16 12:2 17:19 18:13,20 20:2 27:9,11,15,19 30:10 30:15 31:10,20 32:1 34:21 34:21 35:11 36:14 38:22 48:4 50:4,10,18 54:7,12,13 55:1,3,9 62:1,17 63:7 64:20 65:20 67:2 69:20 71:2,5,18,22 72:4,21 73:2 73:3,4,22 77:12,13 78:6,15 78:17 81:10,10 82:9,11 84:2 knowledge 10:12 17:4 20:20 21:12 28:16 l label 67:12 lack 36:17 language 22:13 23:8 large 49:21 larger 83:19 laughed 13:10,10 launching 81:12 law 26:17 59:13 65:10 laws 86:3 learn 62:7 lecture 54:2,3 lectures 55:3 left 23:18,19,22 59:10 legal 8:10,12 22:15 23:7 85:18 legally 23:4 level 81:14 levine 1:15 2:9 4:2 7:16 9:4,12 10:1,11 23:1,8 26:9 27:2 31:12 32:12 33:3,13 34:5 34:20 35:6 37:11 60:21 69:10 85:15 86:11 libraries 64:21 library 43:2 life 71:11 limited 71:11 line 29:21 54:6 linearly 50:7 link 57:12,16 58:2,20 59:8 links 71:5 list 65:5 literal 79:8 80:8,13,14 literally 30:5,10,16 litigation 21:22 22:7 little 13:8,9 24:21 31:18 32:8 47:9 79:19 82:8 llp 3:3,9,14 located 8:7 logically 31:18 long 11:16 17:21 18:2 60:19 65:8 look 16:14 21:17 29:21 39:12 39:20 40:6 44:22 55:1,1,1 64:1 66:8 74:15 79:17 82:15,20 83:5 looked 16:10 26:15 35:20 47:15 looking 28:9 33:21 43:21 49:4,10 50:3,17 51:4 53:1 61:11 74:2 76:6 looks 31:8 61:14,16 68:3 80:6 loss 39:21 69:17 lot 50:11 60:9 74:10 m machine 59:22 mail 59:9 61:16,18,20 62:5,7,10 66:19 67:3,9,13 mailed 63:7,9 67:7 mailing 55:9 mails 16:12 18:16 21:8 major 64:5,15 management 18:9,18 38:20 39:1 51:5,5 51:7 52:5 72:17 managing 18:9 march 49:21 mark 13:9,16 14:15 15:8,14 19:4 24:4 26:1 37:3 56:3 59:17 65:1 marked 6:10 13:17 14:16 15:9,15 19:6 24:5 26:2 33:8,11 37:4 56:4 59:18 65:2 67:16 67:19 68:7 69:11 [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) match 76:9 material 16:17 19:22,22 matt 27:5 matter 7:17 22:15 30:20 33:12 67:19 matthew 3:13 8:21 mbecker 3:17 mean 16:16 22:12 23:22 27:19 34:21 38:1 40:3 41:2 42:20 44:19 45:11 48:1 64:12 65:14 80:9 meaning 56:6 82:15 means 54:12 75:17 77:15 measurement 1:6 4:14 7:21 9:8 mechanism 17:8 media 7:14 69:2,6 85:17 medication 12:8 meeting 51:4,11 52:5 62:15 72:17 72:19 meetings 51:8 member 17:21 42:21 52:16 75:2,17 members 43:4,4 62:15 66:21 75:4,18 membership 63:2,13 67:3,4,5,13,14 memory 48:6 58:13 mentioned 43:7 53:10 merchants 78:17 met 52:11 method 60:12 methodology 64:16 methods 64:16 [microlevel - pennsylvania] microlevel 79:19 80:5 microphones 7:6,10 mid 31:1 44:6 72:20 middle 9:22 mind 55:10 60:4 mini 72:16,17 minimis 32:2 misinterpret 40:13 missing 77:7,9 modality 64:4 mode 77:13 modest 54:10,13 72:4 moment 60:17 monitor 31:7 month 50:7 52:9 53:2,7 months 50:19 74:8 78:22 82:17 83:11 84:14 moring 3:3 9:1 morning 7:3 9:18 mountain 3:10 moving 42:11 43:12 45:13,21 46:7 46:13 n n.w. 2:13 3:4 name 8:9 9:20 10:2 58:11 national 1:6 4:13 7:20 9:7 nature 18:4 ncme 1:14 2:9 5:11,20 7:15 18:1 18:5,7,13,20 19:3 20:21,21 21:4,8,10 26:7 37:9 75:4,4 ncme (cont.) 75:17,17 85:16 necessarily 71:6 need 11:15 33:21 48:5,5 82:21 needed 79:11 needs 58:4 71:22 neighborhood 78:13 neither 87:10 net 41:10,13 69:21 78:9 new 24:1 29:16 30:15,15,21 31:1,2 36:13,16,19,21,22 44:13,21 50:13 54:20 71:18 72:1 73:5 74:21 75:1 nine 75:4,14,18 noah 39:3,4 nods 12:2 nonelectronic 53:18 nonmember 42:21 52:16 75:5 78:12 nonmembers 75:2 78:11 northwest 8:7 12:22 notary 86:19 87:1,21 note 7:6 22:7 66:16 notes 54:6 notice 2:16 4:7,10,13 14:5 60:3 noting 60:7 november 32:1,10 49:22 50:12 51:12 51:13 79:12 nuanced 52:14 number 5:18 30:22 34:14 39:13 45:8,15 46:1,9,15 49:5,6 49:18 58:15 62:5 69:21 70:1 72:5 75:1,13 76:1 77:1,2,17,18,18 78:9 80:6 number (cont.) 85:16 numbered 39:11 numbers 31:2,3 33:15 36:4 39:14 40:16,18 43:18,21 48:7 53:1 76:9 78:22 80:8 o oath 11:2 object 26:22 objections 4:16 obsessing 81:9 offer 57:20 office 19:22 officer 87:3 okay 11:11,18 12:1 17:11 19:1 20:16 21:4,16 22:3 23:13 25:2,17 28:6,19 29:1,8,14 29:21 30:8,12 32:16 33:7 34:5 39:8,14 40:17 41:4,12 45:13 49:4 51:17 52:8 56:14,14 59:2 60:14 62:9 65:9,19 66:2 67:15 68:17 68:20 70:2,9,9,12,14,16 74:19 76:5,12 79:20,20 80:3 81:7 82:11 84:22 85:9 old 26:21 30:6 59:21 62:14 64:19 once 10:7 38:6 78:16 ones 17:16,16 65:22 online 57:9,16 58:8,22 61:12 opened 35:21 opportunity 33:4 order 6:6 57:8,15,19 58:8,20,22 59:7,7,9 61:17 62:10 63:7 65:16 66:3,4,13,18 67:8,9 67:11 ordering 49:18 56:18 57:2,13 [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) orders 32:9 49:22 50:11 ordinary 28:12 38:14 organization 18:7 organizations 15:1,5 29:3 43:5 51:6 original 27:12 originally 83:9 ottaviano 3:20 9:2,2 outcome 87:16 overly 60:3 p page 4:2 21:13,18 22:3 25:3,4 39:9,10 48:16 51:18,18 59:10 62:4,4 69:14 70:3 74:12 76:6,6,19 77:17 78:1 78:3,7 79:14,14,16 81:15 84:9,12 85:1,1 pages 1:22 13:8 62:5 80:4 part 18:18 56:17 84:7 partial 29:12 particular 50:5 58:4 62:3,4 78:7 particularly 50:19 55:5 parties 2:17 7:13 17:14 87:11,14 party 58:10 payments 47:6 pdf 58:5 66:18 67:11 penalty 11:3 86:2 pending 11:17 penetrates 77:15 penetrating 73:5 pennsylvania 3:4 [pent - quantities] pent 74:10 people 36:15 62:16 64:19 percent 48:2,4 78:13 83:3,13,21 84:1,20,21 85:3 percentage 82:2 83:2,6,13 perfect 66:22 performance 73:3 period 30:1 46:6 50:13 52:7 53:2 53:3,7 73:1 74:1 perjury 11:3 86:2 person 61:18 63:14 persons 78:17 ph.d. 1:15 2:10 4:2 86:11 phone 51:14 62:19 phones 7:9 physical 79:7 pick 7:7 picks 29:10 pieces 37:21 38:3 64:6,19 place 7:9,12 67:8 plaintiffs 1:8 3:2 4:15,19 5:2 7:22 22:4,5,11,18 23:10 24:15 25:9,17 26:5 27:7,7,9 37:7 37:20 plaintiff's 16:2 19:13 planning 54:4 plans 64:7 platform 58:3,4,5,10,13 79:2,5 please 7:6,9 8:17 9:10,20 11:9,16 11:19 12:20 19:5 21:13 24:4 25:4 26:1 37:3 39:9 48:15 51:17 56:3 59:9,16 please (cont.) 65:1 68:6 69:10,13 70:2,6 74:12 78:1 79:13 pleased 73:2 point 32:3 39:18 43:1,20 49:1 71:5,21 72:15 77:21 portal 56:17 pose 23:2 posed 15:22 potential 61:5 practice 36:13 practices 44:10 71:13 pre 35:8,10 preceding 28:5,6 29:7,8 preparation 36:19 37:1 prepare 13:3 51:3 prepared 38:2 52:4 preparing 49:22 present 2:16 3:19 8:14 26:16,17 60:13 presumptive 36:11 pretty 62:14,18 previous 33:11 58:20 59:7 previously 6:10 21:21 33:8 40:12 53:9 67:16,18 price 43:1 prices 43:3 prima 84:18 primarily 14:2 print 21:9 52:17 53:11,14,19 54:11,12,22 55:6 64:2 79:9 printed 79:9,10 printer 79:5,7,8 printing 47:14,16 79:12 80:1 prior 13:5,6 27:3 28:20 29:2 33:4,20 34:16,18 40:13 47:16 61:15 67:19 71:5 72:15 private 7:7 probably 21:6 29:11 51:14 72:5 77:12 78:12 79:10 proceeding 85:19 process 47:7,10 produce 16:18 17:11 20:4,16 26:22 37:18 51:9,9 produced 14:10 17:14 21:21 22:5 26:5,12 27:7,8,15 37:7,20 38:5 68:10 producing 22:6,12 23:8 product 36:18 production 4:18,22 21:18 27:3 35:4 products 63:22 profit 39:20 69:17 program 71:19 progressive 63:21 project 18:19 54:21 84:21 projected 39:18 43:18 47:3 projection 43:13 46:21 proprietary 39:2 protection 58:5 provide 12:6 provided 21:3 31:14 [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) provider 58:2 psychological 1:4 3:21 4:10 5:9,15 6:3,12 6:15 7:19 9:6 29:4 66:10 public 86:19 87:1,21 1:10 4:6,9,12 8:1 8:20's 4:17,20 5:5 16:3 19:14 24:16 publication 35:5 39:21 40:15 44:17 63:1 69:17,19 71:12,12 74:9 publications 56:17 63:3,13 71:9,10,16 published 28:22 29:2 30:5 36:22 publisher 47:12,12 55:20 63:21 84:1 publishers 58:15 64:1 publishing 58:14,14 pubs 62:5 pull 55:13 purchasable 58:6 purchase 55:16 61:10,11,19 64:6 purchased 41:17 42:17,20 74:2 purchases 52:16,17,17,18 71:3 75:9 77:11 80:14 purchasing 58:17 purposes 38:4 50:6,21 53:21 80:1 pursuant 2:16 27:4 put 14:20 66:14 67:11 80:8 q quaintly 74:22 quantities 72:13 [quantity - sales] quantity 66:14 77:12 question 11:8,10,14,16,21 22:16,20 23:2,7 24:19 40:13 49:16 65:4 66:21 questioning 60:18 questions 10:20 14:11 15:21 24:12 26:12 27:14 60:8 65:7 67:4 85:10,11 quick 32:13,15 68:19 quickly 55:14 quite 42:22 63:20 quote 71:9 r range 55:18 rate 35:3 reach 64:3 read 13:5 55:15 57:14 reader 55:5 reading 53:21 54:7 59:12 real 26:20 72:3 really 13:8 18:8,10 23:15 26:21 32:3 50:7 54:4 62:18 65:10 67:13 71:5,6 74:8 76:21 80:11 81:9 82:8,20 reared 53:18 reason 12:5,7 25:12,15 50:22 52:10 73:20,22 76:20 reasons 54:15 recall 55:12 recalling 84:3 receive 81:8 received 21:2 recess 32:20 69:4 recognize 13:20 14:19 26:9 37:11 48:18 51:21 56:9 60:21 65:13 67:21 recognizing 73:16 recollection 13:13 83:12 recommend 56:1 record 7:4,13 8:17 9:21 10:21 12:21 26:4 32:19,22 34:1 35:7 37:6 69:2,6 82:1 85:14 87:10 recorded 7:15 77:6,9 recording 7:12 reduced 87:8 referring 31:13 reflecting 74:7 79:3,4 reflects 47:5 refresh 13:13 48:6 83:12 refreshed 58:12 reimburse 47:21 reimbursed 47:13 related 87:10 relative 87:13 release 32:5 44:7 released 44:6 48:22 rely 21:22 22:7,14,21 23:4 remember 28:9 43:1 82:16 remind 53:22 55:13 57:15 remotely 8:15 rephrase 11:9 75:10 report 5:10 6:13,16 28:3 29:17 31:6 38:19 45:8 47:16 48:21 49:1,11 51:4 52:11 52:13,14 78:9 reported 1:19 32:4 reporter 8:11 9:10 10:20 11:20 12:4 13:16 14:15 15:14 24:3,22 25:22 37:3 56:2 64:22 reporting 33:18 39:6,15 80:9 reports 5:17 37:16 51:11 represent 33:10 45:5 56:10 57:17 67:18 72:12 79:21 80:4 represents 45:6 request 16:3 19:14 21:18 22:1,18 requests 4:17,21 16:6,19 17:3,12 19:18 20:12,17 21:1,11,20 24:12 reread 13:4 research 1:3 4:8 5:13 7:18 9:5 12:15 14:6 36:12 55:8 64:15 71:19 79:18 respective 2:17 respond 22:11 responded 15:22 17:17 response 4:16,20 16:6,19 17:3,12 19:18 20:6,9,12,17,20 21:11 22:4,9 responses 5:4 16:2 19:13 22:18 24:13 24:15 25:9 responsive 17:16 20:22 25:18 restrict 60:3 retained 85:17 rethought 71:22 reupdated 72:1 [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) revenue 48:11 80:17 revenues 44:16 48:8,10 review 13:6,12 33:4 36:1 revising 54:21 revision 36:14 rfp2 5:11,20 26:7 37:9 right 22:19 32:16 35:9 44:17 51:19 57:18,19,19 58:19 76:17 77:3 83:7 84:17 role 27:2 roll 67:1 room 8:14 53:21 roughly 34:22,22 35:14 royalties 46:18 48:8 royalty 44:16 45:7,19,20 46:5,11 47:5,20,20 48:1,2,8,11 81:19 82:1,8 83:2,5,6,13 83:15 84:13,19 85:4 rule 4:6,9,12 run 54:20 79:11 running 29:5 81:12 russo 1:20 3:22 8:9,12 87:3 s sale 43:2,2 46:11,18 57:21 62:13 74:5 sales 5:10,17,18 6:13,16 28:3 29:6,12,17 30:3,8,22 31:3 31:4,14 32:4 34:2,12,17 35:4 36:16 37:16 38:19 40:5,21 41:8,9,15 42:2,9 42:14 43:9,18 44:1,8 45:7 45:8,17 46:3 47:3 48:3,21 49:16,21 50:6 52:2 53:4 56:7 60:11,12 68:4 69:18 70:12,19 72:8 73:8,11 74:1 75:5 76:1,15,18 77:14 78:9 [sales - submitted] sales (cont.) 78:12,19 80:6,19 82:17 san 3:16 saved 16:11 savvy 53:20 saw 80:19 saying 52:15 55:2 70:5 85:3 says 29:22 35:9 41:20 42:6,12 43:13,14 44:16 46:8,21 59:9 66:9,11 76:1,18,19 83:2,2,5 84:17 school 59:14 scientific 36:12 scientist 77:8 scientists 44:11 scope 60:2 screen 54:22 scroll 57:14 search 16:5,22 17:2,20 19:17 20:11,22 searched 18:13 21:3 searching 16:8 17:6 19:20 20:14 21:5 second 4:17 5:6 79:12 seeing 30:18 seen 68:3 self 71:4 sell 64:2 selling 32:9 43:1 semester 50:1,2,13,15 seminar 54:3 send 66:19 sensitive 7:7 sent 18:17 separate 39:5 september 30:17 49:2,3 51:1 52:6 53:3 71:7 72:15 series 10:19 service 63:2,14 67:3,6,12,14 serving 79:4,6 set 4:17,21 5:6 14:1 35:3 50:4 sets 24:11 shannon 3:8 8:18 10:2 share 16:11 sheet 80:19 shelf 54:18 55:13 71:11 sheridan 79:2 short 32:20 69:4 shorthand 87:7 showing 5:18 31:14 shows 34:14 73:10 side 31:19 59:10 66:21 74:17 sight 55:10 signature 25:6 silicon 3:10 similar 17:8 55:2 similarly 29:15 54:17 sit 58:3 six 74:8 75:8 78:22 82:16 83:11 84:14 sixth 66:10 skim 53:22 slight 76:10 small 62:14 smaller 18:7 snapshot 72:19 73:16,19 sold 5:19 49:4,6 72:13 75:2 solutions 8:10,13 85:18 somebody 31:11 56:1 62:18,22 63:3 76:14 sorry 23:14 24:20 36:9 42:3 49:13 71:3 sort 50:10 73:15,18 source 27:13 spaces 2:12 8:7 speak 54:9 speaking 35:7 specific 5:19 specimen 61:3 speed 55:14 spell 9:21 spend 60:9 split 48:9 82:5 83:18 spoke 53:9 73:20 spoken 57:1 spreadsheet 39:5 77:1 stable 50:18 stack 16:17 21:6 staff 54:19 57:6 62:16 63:1 76:14 [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) staffing 21:8 stages 71:19 standard 34:1,11 35:16 36:6 41:9 42:2,9,15 44:1,8,14 45:6 45:18 46:4,11,18 47:3 55:17 57:2,8,21 58:9,17,21 59:8 61:19 62:11 63:8,15 64:10 66:9 69:18 72:8 73:8 75:20 81:1,3 83:19,21 standards 5:7,14 6:2,5,11,14 18:19 19:21 28:4 36:21 39:4,16 40:22 43:19 61:12 74:10 75:21 78:20 81:19 83:15 standing 17:21 18:2 start 69:6 starting 48:22 77:22 starts 35:11 state 8:15 9:20 12:20 33:13 statement 52:15 statements 25:9,13 72:22 states 1:1 8:3 22:4 81:18 step 32:7 storage 58:15 store 57:9,16 58:21 61:12 stores 75:6,7 78:18 street 2:13 3:15 8:7 12:22 students 44:11 77:16 stuff 81:12 sturner 3:12 style 59:21 subjects 65:5 submitted 13:14 [subscribed - united] subscribed 86:14 suggests 73:3 suite 13:1 summated 35:10,10 summer 50:15 74:6 superseded 71:16,17,18 suppose 14:2 16:16 31:20 42:18 53:17 54:11,18 55:4,19 57:3 61:15 62:6 64:11 68:2 71:4 75:4 76:21 79:10 80:7 83:9,10,15 sure 9:22 17:21 18:3,15,22 19:2 32:17 49:11 59:15 60:12 61:22 66:8 75:11 suspect 30:6 swear 9:10 switched 82:6,17 sworn 9:13 86:14 87:6 system 38:20,21 39:1,7 t tab 29:5 59:11 tables 79:19 taken 7:16 32:20 69:4 87:4,7,12 talking 11:22 24:22 78:17 tank 47:1 teachers 44:12 teaching 50:9 64:15 team 67:5,14 technologically 53:20 technology 72:3 tell 9:13 17:13 27:20 30:1 31:5 tell (cont.) 39:10 47:9 52:1 53:15 70:11 74:20 80:3 ten 43:11 52:9 53:2,7 78:10,16 80:20 tend 51:3 test 44:12,13 54:20 testified 9:15 10:13,16 69:16 82:1 testifying 14:22 15:4 testimony 1:14 2:9 7:16 10:11 12:6 13:7 33:5 35:15 85:15 87:4 87:6,10 testing 5:9,15 6:3,12,15 18:19 19:21 28:4 44:10 66:10 83:19,21 tests 54:20,21 text 83:7 thank 13:2 18:1 23:21 25:21 33:1 33:9,22 34:5,20 35:6,15 36:3,20 37:22 38:7,12 39:8 44:15 45:20 48:15 58:16 59:13 60:15 69:8 75:22 85:12 things 18:17 20:1 23:22 55:12 72:1 think 17:15 26:14,20 27:5 28:8 28:10 32:15 35:22 41:2,3 43:10 48:6 51:18 54:8,16 55:7 57:17 58:19 59:20 60:1,17 62:14 63:20 64:13 65:10 69:22 71:10 74:17 79:5,18 82:10,16 thinking 64:17 third 4:21 19:14 58:10 78:12 thought 13:5 three 14:22 15:4 17:14 18:7 29:3 43:5 51:6 tie 78:22 79:1 time 11:15 23:16 30:1 32:19,22 60:9 69:3,7 74:1 times 10:6 35:1,12,13 title 12:17 today 8:11,20 10:3,20 12:6 14:4 14:12 today's 13:3 85:15 told 26:14 top 34:9 57:18 70:10 75:13 81:18 topics 14:2 total 49:4,5 70:12 72:13 73:11 76:1,1,15,18 83:6 85:16 touch 53:19 tough 24:21 trained 53:18 training 50:6,20 transcription 87:8 transfer 76:22 trial 10:14 triangulating 29:16 true 25:9 41:13 86:4 87:9 truth 9:13,14,14 truthful 12:6,9 try 26:19 75:10 trying 60:3,6 64:3 tsc 1:4 8:5 turn 7:9 21:13 22:3 25:3 34:6 39:9 41:4 44:13,15 48:15 51:17 59:6 68:6 69:10,13 70:2,16 74:12 76:5 78:1 79:13 81:15 84:9 [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO) turner 3:8 4:3 8:18,18 9:17 10:2 13:15,19 14:9,14,18 15:7 15:13,17 17:18 18:12 19:4 19:8 22:17 23:6,9,20 24:3 24:7 25:22 26:4,8 27:6,16 27:17 32:11 33:1,2 36:2 37:2,6,10 56:2,8 59:16 60:15,18,20 64:22 65:6,12 66:7 68:14,18,22 69:8,9 76:10,16 85:9 turning 53:10 twice 51:8 typical 35:3 typically 51:8 u uh 11:7 12:2,3 19:16 21:19 22:2 25:5 34:7,10 36:5 40:2 41:7,22 42:7,13 44:3 45:16 46:2,16 53:12 66:17 67:20 70:18 72:11 74:14 75:15 79:15 81:17,17 85:8 uhs 12:2 ultimately 22:22 unanticipated 49:17 unaudited 39:18 46:14 unclear 11:9 understand 10:22 11:6,13 14:10 16:1 19:12 23:6 24:14 understood 27:16 underwrites 47:19 underwritten 82:7 underwrote 47:12 undoubtedly 52:4 unit 7:14 69:2,6 united 1:1 8:2 [units - zero] units 5:19 34:12 49:6 85:17 university 49:19 64:20 74:5 75:7 unknown 77:10,11 unquote 71:9 unusual 51:10 update 57:3 updated 36:14 44:9 51:16 60:13 61:13 uptick 74:1 use 58:12 59:9 64:20 71:20 72:3 user 44:10 54:9 62:18 users 54:17 61:5 73:6 77:15 usually 30:7 v valley 3:10 value 36:17 71:20 variation 73:16 various 37:16 65:18 verbalize 11:19 verify 33:21 82:14,21 verifying 25:8 veritext 8:10,12 85:18 version 53:22 versions 34:11 versus 7:22 video 7:11,15 videographer 3:22 7:3 8:11 9:9 32:18,21 69:1,5 85:13 videotaped 1:13 2:8 view 3:10 77:8 virtue 18:18 volume 77:14 80:19 volumes 64:5 vs 1:9 w waiting 36:15 walk 40:15 wandering 65:5 want 23:2 32:12 36:14 53:13,16 53:17,21 54:1,5 60:5,8,9 60:12 66:5 76:11,15 78:6 79:17 81:13 82:9,13 wanted 23:7 58:16 66:13 81:10 wants 62:21 washington 1:15 2:14 3:4 8:8 13:1 watch 31:10,11 ways 49:17 55:18,22 website 55:20 56:16,21 57:4,10,22 61:3,8,11 64:1 weird 50:11 went 16:16 20:1 21:8 47:17 59:13,15 west 3:9,14 8:19,21 we've 37:17 whispering 7:7 wide 71:14 wider 71:15 wisdom 71:13 withheld z 17:19,22 18:3,20 zero withhold 41:20 42:6 43:14 46:21 16:21 20:8,19 21:10 25:17 withholding 23:10 witness 9:4,10 14:8,11 15:2 17:15 18:6 23:15 27:11 31:16 35:20 56:6 59:20 65:8 68:13 76:13 87:4,6,10 word 54:12 57:4 words 30:14 work 12:20 64:4 71:19 73:4 workplace 50:17 works 58:15 61:16 workshop 50:10,20 54:4 workshops 55:3 74:4 world 53:19 71:9 worldwide 72:6 wow 74:21 write 11:20 12:4 written 16:2 19:13 24:15 wrong 59:12 84:3 y yeah 18:15 20:18 27:19 31:16 35:17 43:4,20 59:5 67:10 70:4 73:9 78:8 79:8 82:3 84:2 85:2,5 year 28:9 29:12 31:1,9,22 35:1 44:6 49:11 50:5 51:8 52:13 70:13 72:14,21,22 73:14 78:21 81:5,13 82:15 85:6 years 29:6 34:17 35:1,5,12,13 39:17 50:12 54:11 year's 29:6 31:4 yep 76:8 81:21 [8/16/2019] 2019 0816 LEVINE, FELICE (VIDEO)

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