Filing 1

COMPLAINT against All Defendants ( Filing fee $ 402 receipt number AFLNDC-7840257.), filed by Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S., Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Summons for Ronald D. DeSantis, # 4 Summons for Meredith Ivey, # 5 Summons for Martin Garcia, # 6 Summons for Michael Sasso, # 7 Summons for Ron Peri, # 8 Summons for Bridget Ziegler, # 9 Summons for Brian Aungst, Jr., # 10 Summons for John Classe) (LOSEY, ADAM)

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Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 1 of 76 EXHIBIT A Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 2 of 76 andReturn to: Prepared by/Record Edward G.Milgrirn LawGroup Milgrim 3216 Corrine Drive FL32803 Orlando. CHAPTER WALT DISNEY 163 DEVELOPMENT WORLD AGREEMENT This Development Agreement (this"Agreement") ismade this day of February, 2023,by andbetweenWalt Disney Parks and ResortsU.S.,Inc.,a Florida en behalf corporation, of itself and itsaffiliated and subsidiary entities referred t oas Master (hereinafter Developer"), whose mailingaddressis1375 Buena VistaDrive,Lake Buena Vista,Florida32830, and Reedy Creek Improvement District, a publiccorporation and publicbody corporate and politic of the Stateof Florida, whose mailingaddressis 1900 Hotel Plaza Blvd.,Lake Buena Vista,Florida 32830 (hereinafter referredto as "RCID"). RCID and Master Developermay sometimes be tocollectively referred hereinasthe"Parties". WITNESSETH in 1967 the FloridaLegislature createdthe Reedy Creek knprovement WHEREAS, District inorder tocreate a structure asstated intheRCID Charterwiththe (RCID) governmental and forthe and stated intheRCID Charter; and governmentalpowers, objectives purposes, since1967 RCID has servedasthegoverningagency to approvelong-term WHEREAS, withinits plans jurisdictional boundary includingcomprehensiveplans and land development and has and issuedbuilding regulations, approveddevelopmentapplications permitsinaccordance withtheabove;and theBoard of Supervisors ofRCID hasthepower and authority toadminister WHEREAS, thecomprehensiveplanand supporting landdevelopmentregulations inrespect toalllandslocated withinthejurisdictional referred toas the"RCID Jurisdictional boundary ofRCID (hereinafter and Lands"); this Agreement govems a portion of the RClD Jurisdictional Lands WHEREAS, referred toasthe asdefined a attached a sEXHIBIT (hereinafter "Property") by legaldescription asEXHIBIT 2; and 1and a location map attached Master Developerowns, either or throughone or more subsidiary WHEREAS, directly thevastmajorityoftheProperty, inthe entities, future, although, portionsofthePropertyor any otherland thatMaster Developermay acquirewithinthe RCID Jurisdictional Lands, may be transferred or leasedto anotherentity orsubdividedand soldor expanded;and Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 3 of 76 Master Developer has developedportionsof the Propertyintothe Walt WHEREAS, Distæp World® Resort("Walt Disney World"), a world renowned resortwith multipletheme commercialand otherlanduses alongwith monorails parks,entertainment venues,resort hotels, and transit serviceto supportWalt Disney World, and plansto continueto developWalt Disney World onto additional portionsof the Property(Walt Disney World as further developedand referred toasthe"Project"); and expandedhereinafter WHEREAS RCID alsoowns landcomprisinga portionof thePropertywhich may be as ofthe and developed part Projectinthefuture; RCID has adopted a comprehensiveplan (hereinafter WHEREAS, referred to as the "Comprehensive Plan") thathas been reviewed and approved by the StateLand Planning and Agency, as required by Chapter163,FloridaStatutes; RCID has adopted land development regulations WHEREAS, ("RCID LDRs"), as and required by Chapter163,FloridaStatutes; as requiredby State growth management law, in June 2022 the WHEREAS, Plan was amended and updatedto extendtheplanningtimeframethrough2032 Comprehensive and to adopt updatesto thefuturelanduse map and maximum developmentprogram withinthe RCID Jurisdictional Lands forthetimeframe2022-2032:and thisAgreement isneeded toestablish and vestinMaster Developercertain WHEREAS, and entitlements forthe Master that developmentrights Project Developerwillbe ableto relyon forthelife ofthisAgreement;and Sections 163 3220-163.3243, Florida Statutes(the "Florida Local WHEREAS, Government Development Agreement Act"),authorize localgovemments and developersto enterintocertain of with an initial durationof up to thirty types developmentagreements, (30) to toboth intermsofcurrent a nd future years providecertahity and entitlements; parties processes and WHEREAS, development agreementspursuant to the FloridaLocal Government and loca1governments intheState DevelopmentAgreement Act area common toolfordevelopers with to like ofFlöridas Walt especially respect long-term, multi-phase projects DisneyWorld; and in accordancewith Section163.3229 of the FloridaLocal Government WHEREAS, have agreedon a periodof thirty Development AgreeinentAct, theParties (30)yearstoallow developmenton thePropertyofthemaximum developmentprogram as definedbelow in TABLE referred toas the"Maximum Dev elopmenf Program"); and (hereinafter in consideration of themutual terms,covenantsand conditions NOW, THEREFORE, contained hereinand othergood and valuableconsideration, thereceipt and sufficiency.of which areacknowledged,itismutuallyagreedas follows: L PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY Recitals. The recitals setforthabove aretrueand correct and areincorporated (A) into thisAgreement by reference. 2 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 4 of 76 (B) Purpose.The putposeofthisAgreement isthree-fold: Itwillprovidea bindingwrittenagreementbetweentheParties 1) forthelongtermdevelopmentofthePropertyand Project inordertovesttheMaximum DevelopmentProgram andto providecertainty toMasterDeveloper;and Itwillstipulate the provísionof necessarypublicfacilities 2) by RCID that willbe in placeconcurrentwith the demand of the Maximum Development Program as itis and constructed; Itwillprovideclarification forhow the Comprehensive Plan and RCID 3) LDRs willapplytotheProject, bothnow and inthefuture. AuthorityforAgreement. ThisAgreement isenteredintopursuanttothe authority (C) of the FloridaLocal Government Development Agreement Act, which consistsof Sections FloridaStatutes. The authority under thosesectionsis supplementaland 143.3220-163.3243, tothepowers conferred additional local upon governmentsby otherlawsand itencouragessound capitalimprovement planningand financingand a commitment to longetermcomprehensive planning. IL APPROVED.LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS Land Use and Project The RCID Jurisdictional (A) Entitlements. Lands consist ofland usesassetforthinand consistent withtheFutureLand Use Map (defined and are below) approved for the Maximum Development Program identified in TABLE 1 below. The densities and intensities oftheProject areidentified and described inTABLE 2 below. Maximum BuildingHeights.Buildingheightsareto be controlled (B) and approved theimmersivenatureand aesthetic by MasterDeveloperinordertoprotect ofthetheme character either ortobe built o n the parksand attractions A bsent Master currently existing Property. specific themaximum building the on are Developerapproval, theFederal controlled heights Property by AviationAdministration and any waiveror variancefrom saidstandards (FAA) heightstandards as approvedby theFAA. Provisionof NecessaryPublicFacilities. In orderto facilitate the implementation (C) ofand provideadequatelevels of service fortheMaximum DevelopmentProgram,certain public infrastructure and/or expansions of existingfacilities systems will requirenew facilities referred to as the"PublicFacilities"). The PublicFacilities (hereinafter arelisted in ihe Capital ItnprovementElement of the Comprehensive Plan a copy of which is attachedheretoand hereinasEXHIBIT 3, and willbe funded,designedand constructed incorporated or causedtobe constructed thatis owned by Master by RCID. Any land requiredforthe PublicFacilities to RCID3 or otherpublicentity, as required. Developershallbe dedicated Compensationforsaid land dedication shallbe negotiated atthe time of transfer between parties but in no eventshaH MasterDeveloperrequestpayment forthelandin excessof fairmarketvalueas determined a by Member oftheAppraisalInstitute selected (MAI) realestate appraiser, jointly by theParties. 3 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 5 of 76 TABLE 1 -Maximum Development Program FLUE Table2-1- Additional (RCID Comprehensive Plan, ApprovedDévelopmentThrough2032) Uses Hotels/Resorts Comp Plan FutureLand Use Where Permitted Mixed Use HoteVResort Comme cial Entertainment Ófnce Retail/Restaurant 2020Base Condition (Existing)(° PP Th o 09V3 Total & Existing Approved 39,232Keys 14000 Keys 53,232Keys Commercial SF 1,004,521 150,000SF 1,154 21 SF Commercia 1A63222 SF SF 1,000,000 SF 2,463,222 MajorTheme Parks Mixed se Entertainment 4 Parks 1 Park 5 Parks MinorTheme Parks MixedUse Entertainment 3 Parks 2 Parks 5 Parks 2020BaseCondition Usesstricken in2022CPA (eg.,81HolesofGolf) (1)Doesnotinclude Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 6 of 76 TABLE 2 - Average Land Use Densities and Intensities forExisting Development FLUE Table2-5) (RCID Comprehensive Plan, Land Use Units De5elopedAcreage Residencia 0 Density/Intensity 17DU | 1.18DU/Acre Commercial Office/Retail/ Restaurant Hotel/Resort Hotelsand Resorts GolfCourses Entertainment Major ThemePark Minor ThemePark 303 SF 2dí83,907 0.20FAR 2,559 816 39 232 1,916 446 4 parks 479 Acres/Park 3 parks 149Acres/Park 81 153 Keys/Acre 10.1Holes/Acre Note:DU - Dwelling Units /FAR = Floor AreaRatio Table 2 depicts the existing densityof developmentinRCID. As the supplyofundevelopedland becomes smaller, new development isprojectedto occur at somewhat higherdensities or on somewhat smallersites. Infill areaswillalsotendto increase developmentwithinexisting activity theoveralldensityof developedareas.While therewillbe to thisassumption,the exceptions overall trendisexpectedtobe towardsmore dense development. 5 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 7 of 76 (D) MasterDevelopment Program Changes and MasterDeveloperRightL The allowedlanduseswithintheRCID Jurisdictional 1) Lands aredetermined by the FutureLand Use Map in the Comprehensive Plan (the"Future Land Use Map") and Chapter2-20 oftheRCID LDRs. MastetDeveloperisthemasterdeveloperfortheProject. 2) The Parties agree thatallofthe developmentrights and entitlements, without thoseapplicable including, limitation, to alladditional appmved developmentthrough2032,as established by theMasterDevelopment i n identified 1 TABLE the "Master Program (collectively, Development Rights and arevestedinMasterDeveloperand thatMasterDeveloperowns and controls Entitlements") such Master Development Rightsand Entitlements. Master Developer may assignportionsof the MasterDevelopment Rightsand Entitlements to otherlandownersand/orground lessees within the RCID Iurisdictional Lands. Any proposed development thatutilizes any of the Master thepriorwritteùalipróval of Master Developer. Development Rightsand Entitlements requires MasterDevelopershallbe responsible formaintainingan accountingof theMasterDevelopment thathavebeen usedand theMasterDevelopméntRightsanc Entitlements Rightsand Entitlements thatareunused and available foruse. EnvironmentalLong Term Permits MitigationCredits.In örder to facilitate (E) and sustainable theParties environmentally inthe collaborated protective development, previously and state levelenvironmental procurementoffederal RGID Lands Jurisdictional permitsentitling and RCID's extra-jurisdictional boundaries(EJB) with uniqueand beneficial developmentrights and privileges referred to as the "Long Term Permits")( Specifically, Master (collectively and a ll atMaster costbut the Developersought received, Developer's benefiting entireRCID Jurisdictional from U.S.Fishand Wildlife Serviceand FloridaFishand Wildlife Lands,approvals ConservatianCommission governingtheprotection and relocation of threatened and endangered and f orsame. Master Developer similarly species requisite mitigation pursued and received approvalofa comprehensiveand forwardlookingfederal entitlement framework dredge and fill Protection a throughtheU.S.Army Corps ofEngineersand U.S.Environinental Agency,creating wetland creditmitigationbank via the acquisition, restoration and perpetual site-specific management of what isnow known as Disney% WildernessPreserveand Mira Lago. Master Developerand RCID collaboratively pursuedapprovalsfrom South FloridaWater Management District (SFWMD) fora MSSW (Management and Storageof SurfaceWaters)and ultimately an ERP ConceptualPermitentitling theRCID Jurisdictional Lands and EJB. The SFWMD Permit thesame mitigation bank referenced credit (asdefinedinfootnote1)utilizes above,as developed and managed by Master Developer.The mitigation credits obtäinedand maintainedthroughthe tohereinasthe"LTP MitigationCredits". referred Long Term Permitsarecollective]y 1 The withoutlimitation, the following: South Florida Long Term Permitsspecifically include, Water Management District (SFWMD) Permit:#48-00714-S dated September 10, 1992 (the "SFWMD Permit");Army Corps ofEngineersPermit;#199101901 (IP-GS),datedDecember 21, 1992; and Stateof FloridaGame and FreshWater Fish Commission PermitNo. OSC-4. dated November 12,1992,Perinit No. OSC-SSC-1, datedJuly 19,1994 and PermitNo. OSC-TSR-1, datedAugust 9, 1994,issuedunder the authority of the WildlifeCode of theStateof Florida (Chapter39,FloridaAdministrative Code). 6 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 8 of 76 Given the above, the Partiesagree that the LTP MitigationCredits, 1) withoutlimitation, thoseLTP Mitigation CreditscreatedthroughSouthFloridaWater including, District Environmental ResourcePermits Nos. 48-00714,5and 48-00714-S-22are Management vestedinMaster Developerand thatMasterDeveloperissolelyentitled toutìlize thesame. No otherentity Creditswithoutpriorwritten may use theLTP Mitigation authorization from Master DeveloperRCID shallrequestand must receivewrittenapprovalfrom Master Developertoallow fortheuse of any threatened or endangeredspeciesmitigation and/orany useof wetlandimpacts orLTP Mitigation Credits ofsaidpennitsthatseek formodifications priorto filing any application to impactwetlandsaffected by theseLong Tenn Permits.As and when MasterDeveloper seeks to use any of theLTP Mitigation RCID shallpromptlycooperateas necessaryto allow Credits, Master Developer'suse of theLTP Mitigation Creditsconsistent with the Master Development and Program, including,without limitation, executing submittingthe appropriatepermit appHeationoandany othernecessarydocumentationto allow forsuch use of LTP Mitigation CreditsRCID shallneither nor impede theuse of theLTP Mitigation Credits prohibit by Master for inaccordance withtheMaximum Development Plannor requireany Developer development additional mitigation HL DEVELOPMENT REVIEW UTILITIES AND REQUIRED PERMITS (A) the Maximum Development Review. Any proposed development utilizing DevelopmentProgram (seeTABLE 11must followthedevelopmentreviewand approvalprocess as definedintheRCID LDRs PublicFacilities. PublicFacilities thatservethe Project, butnotlimited (B) including, to,potablewater,sanitary sewer,and solidwaste management, are providedby RCID. Public willbe addressedconsistent Facilities withEXBIBIT 3 forthePublicFacilities identified insuch Exhibit. 4 is a listof local (C) Development Permits Required. Attached as EXHIBIT developmentpermitsréquiredto develop the Propertyand the Project. The failure of this or restrietion Agreement toaddressa particular notrelieve shall Master term, permit,condition, of complying,and MasterDeveloperagreestocomply,withthe laws, Developeroftheùecessity ordinancesand regulationsgoveming said permittingrequirements,conditions,term or restrictions. IV. GOVERNING LAWS AND POLICIES. This Agreement establishes thestandards that bétween theAgreement and the applytothe Propertyand theProjectand ifthereisany conflict Comprehensive Plan or RCID LDRs this Agreement shall prevaiL Furthermore;for and policies and RCID LDRs not in conflict with this Comprehensive Plan goals,objectives ofthe theversion RCID LDRs and otherlocalgovernmentlaws Agreement, ComprehensivePlan, and policies atthetimeof executionof this goveming the developmentof thePropertyin effect shall Agreement of this govern thedevelopmentof the Propertyand the Projectforthe duration tothedevelopmentsubject Agreement.RClD may applysubsequently adoptedlaws and policies tothisAgreement,onlyifRC1D has followedtheproceduressetforthinChapter1633233, Florida Statutes. V. MORATORIA. No moratorium,ordinance,resolution or other land development orhmitationon therate timingor sequencingof the developmentof theProjectshall regulation 7 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 9 of 76 applytoor govern the developmentof the Projectin accordancewith the MasterDevelopment Program duringtheterm hereof,whetheraffecting or other building permits, occupancypermits, entitlements to be issuedby RCID. In the eventof any such action,Master Developer shall continue tobe entitled toapplyforan receive inaccordancewiththe.RCID developmentapprovals LDRs and otherlocalgovemment laws and policies governingthe developmentof the Property and theProject ineffect atthetimeofexecutionofthisAgreement andthetermsofthis Agreement. VL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. Pursuantto theterms and conditions of thisAgreement, RCID findsthattheProject, as proposedinthisAgreement,isconsistent withtheComprehensive Plan and RCID LDRs. Master Developer agreesthatany development proposalsutilizing from thisAgreement willbe reviewedforconsistency withtheComprehensive developmentrights Planand RCID LDRs ineffect atthetimeofthisAgreement unlessamended per SectionIV. VIL NO LIEN OR ENCUMBRANCE. be construedas creating a lien Nothing hereinshall or otherencumbranceon orwithrespect totitle tothe Property(orany portionthereof). VHL DURATION. The duration ofthisAgreement shall be thirty (30)yearsfrom itseffective datebutmay be extendedby mutualconsentofRCID and MasterDeveloperand subject toa public or throughextensionsfîledpursuantto hearingpursuantto Chapter163.3229,FloridaStatutes, Chapter252. 63,FloridaStatutes. IX. EFFECT.. The burdens of thisAgreement shallbe bindingupon, and the BINDING ofthisAgreement shall benefits inureto,allsuccessors and assignsof eachparty X. GOVERNING LAW This Agreement, and the rightsand obligations of the Parties shallbe governedby,construedunderand enforcedinaccordancewiththelaws ofthe hereunder, Stateof Florida. of thisAgreernenthas been a jointeffortof the.Parties and the Pteparation document shall asamatterofjudicial be construedmoreseverely resulting not,solely construction, a partytothe Agreement against XL Ifany proyision SEVERABILITY. of thisAgreement,orthe application thereof to any shallto any extenthe heldinvalid orunenforceable personor circumstances, by a court(orother thentheremainderofthisAgreement shallbe valid governmentbody) of competentjurisdiction, and enforceable to the fullest extentpermittedby law. Any provision(s) held wholly or partly invalidor unenforceable shallbe deemed amended, and the courtor othergovernment body is authorized toreformthe provision(s) totheminimum extentnecessaryto renderthem validand enforceable inconformitywiththeParties' intent asmanifestedherein. XH. MODIFICATION OR CANCELLATION. Modification ei cancellation of allor any of this t he withouteither written consentof Master Developeror in portion Agreement express accordancewith Section1633235, FloridaStatutes, shallbe considered or per se a modification cancellation of the allowableuses and entitlements to Master Developer'slegaland equitable theProperty. interestin XIIIL EXHWTS. Unless otherwise areincorporûted providedinthisAgreement, allexhibits hereinby reference, XIV. CAPTIONS FOR PARAGRAPH HEADINGS. 8 Captions and paragraphheadings Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 10 of 76 containedin thisAgreement are for convenienceand reference only,and in no way define, extendor limitthe scope or intentof thisAgreement,nor theintentof describe, any provision hereof. XV. COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executedin severalcounterparts, each a duplicateoriginal, but all such counterparts constituting one and the same constituting instrument. XVL This Agreement may be wholly or partially ASSIGNABILITY, assignedby Master Developertoone ormore thirdparties. XVIL EFFECTIVE DATE. ThisAgreement iseffective on thedatethata fully-executed copy isfiledintheOfficial Records oftheOrange County Comptrollerand theOfficial Recordsof the OsceolaCounty Comptroller. XVIILTERMINATION. ThisAgreement shallterminatein thirty (30)yearsfrom itseffective date,unlessextendedwhich includes, withoutlimitation, extensions filedpursuantto Section 252 363,FloridaStatutes, ormay be terrninated mutualconsent oftheParties. by XIX. AMENDMENTS. ThisAgreement rnaybe amended by mutualconsentoftheParties or ininterest so long asamendments meet therequirements by theirsuccessors of Section163.3237, FloridaStatutes. All amendments tothisAgreement willbe adoptedas an amended and restated versionand when an amendment goesintoeffect thenallpriorversions ofthisAgreement shall be nulland void. XX. NO THIRD PARTY CONSENT No one otherthanthePartiesor their REQUIRED. in interest successors may seek an amendment tothisAgreement and no consentof any other shallbe required. parties XXL EFFECT ON EXISTING DEVELOPMENT. Nothing in thisAgreement terminates, ormodifiesallowable rescinds, usesorentitlements cancels, vestedwithany otherpropertyowners tothejurisdiction ofRCID. subject XXIL FURTHER ASSURANCES. Each of the Partieshereto agrees to do, execute, or causeto be done, executedcacknowledgedand delivered, acknowledge and deliver, allsubh further actsand assurances as shall be reasonably requested by theotherpartyinorderto carryout theintent of thisAgreement and give effect thereto. Withoutin any manner limiting the specific setforthin thísAgreement,the Parties rightsand obligations declare their intention to hereby the terms of thisAgreement, and to coordinatethe cooperatewith each otherin effecting oftheir underthetermsúf thisAgreement. perfortnance respective obligations XXIIL NOTICES. Any noticesor reportsrequiredby thisAgreement shallbe sentto the following: 9 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 11 of 76 For theReedy Creek Improvement District: Reedy Creek hnprovement Distríct Attention: DistñetAdministrator 1900 HotelPlazaBlvd. Lake Buena Vista,Florida32830 With a copy to: Milgrim Law Group Edward G. Milgrim Attention: 3216 CorrineDrive Orlando,Florida32803 For MasterDeveloper: Walt Disney Parksand ResortU.S.,Inc. c/oWalt Disney Imagineering SitePortfolio Attention: Executive- WDW Floor1 WDI EPCOT Main Building, 1365 Avenue oftheStars Lake Buena Vista, Florida32830 With a copy to: Walt Disney Parksand ResortsU,$.,Inc. c/oWait Disney World - LegalDepartenent ChiefCounsel Attention: Team Disney 4thFloorNorth 1375 Lake Buena VistaDrive Lake Buena Vista, Florida32830 XXIV. This Agreement was approved by the Reedy Creek PUBLIC HEARINGS. after Board of Súpervisors two properlynöticedpublichearingsbeforethe Improvement District Board on 2023 and hebninyd 2023. [THE BALANCE OF THIS PAGE [SIGNATURES IS INTENTIONALLY ON FOLLOWING 10 LEFT BLANK.] PAGES.] Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 12 of 76 IN WITNESS the Partieshereto, through their duly authorized WHEREGE have executedthisAgreement as ofthedatesetforthbelöw. representatives, WITNESSES: WALT DISNEY PARKS AND a INC., Floridacorporation RESORTS U.S., itn ess#gnature) 7 Na Ie) (WitnessPrinted By± Print)ante d Title: O Jo CC "UAr Date C L (WitnessSign ure) S Ae2_ Prìfit d (Witness Name) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE The foregoing was acknowledged beforeme by mean; of instrument presence physical 80 onlinenotprizatjon of 2023 C62V#M , 7/) day by dd t)is of Walt Disney Parks and ResortsU.S, Inc, a Florida ruidl#/e who is /personally known tome or who has produced corporation, asidentification. or as . **r uwestate orrøria. fOp#z . Jennifer Cannsson GG 982408 ½= caesou No a PubÚc Name (typed, or stamped) printed 11 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 13 of 76 REEDY CREEK IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT, a publiccorporation and publicbody corporate and oftheStateofFlorida politic o apg sors By: B¢ By PrintNam C . fre Tr Title: Date: ATTEST: rbtSTRfCT CLEk Af Án Date 3 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE The foregoing instnmie sacknowl dged beforeme by means of ysical presence onlinenotarization this et , ths \L day of hu0£d2023 by }chn ashM of Creek a d Reedy Imbrovement District publiccorhoration Ma%n%VcdrOr and publicbody corporate and politic oftheStateof Florida, known to me who is ersonally or who has produced asid tification. it.ANADERRAa HH28M77 MYCOMMISSION# 2® Not Publi hÍame (typed, printedor stamped) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE The foregoing instrutnent was acknowledgedbeforeme by meansof hysical presence of or ____ onlinenotarization 2023 by this@day ydY¼m as District and publicbody Clerkof Reedy Creek improvement Distret,a publiccorporation who has oftheStateof Florida, who is known tome or and politic ersonally corporate as identificatiort produced H.ANAPERRAS * MYCOMMIS810N #HH28M77 ótaryPublic Name (typed, or stamped) printed 12 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 14 of 76 LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit1 Legal Description Exhibit2 Loe ationMap Exhibit3 CapitalImprovements Schedule Exhibit4 Listof Required Local Development Permits Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 15 of 76 EXHIBIT LEGAL 1 DESCRIPTION The Property is defined as the followingproperty lessand except any portionsof the Date ofthisAgreement, owned in feesimple followingpropertythatare,as ofthe Effective by a party other than RCID or Master Developer.If,during the Term ofthisAgreement, Master Developer obtains ownership of any portionsof the followingproperty that are owned infeesimpleby a partyotherthan RCID or Master Developeras ofthe Effective Date ofthisAgreement, such property shallbe deemed tobe and treatedas part ofthe Project (Seeattached56 page legaldescription) Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 16 of 76 DESCRIPTIONOF DEVELOPERS'AGREEMENT INORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA A parcelof landlying inSections 1 through3,8 through17,19 through28,33 through36 Township 24 and Sections 6 through8,17 through22,27 through31,Township 24 South,Range South,Range 27 East, 28 East, and described asfollows: Florida, Orange County, beingmore particularly 6,Township24 South, BeginattheSouthwestcorneroftheNorthwest1/4oftheSouthwest1/4ofSection Range 28 Eastrun N 00°00'22"E,1327.43feetalongtheWest lineofSection6 tothe Northwestcorner ofthe Southwest1/4 ofsaidSection6;thenceN 89°27'45"E,1997.50feetalongthe Northlineofthe SouthhalfofSection 6,totheSouthwestcorneroftheEast1/2oftheSoutheast1/4oftheNorthwest1/4 ofSection thenceN 00°20'35" oftheEast1/2oftheSoutheast1/4 6, W, 1154.75feetalongtheWest line oftheNorthwest1/4ofSection thenceN 89°38'50" 663.64feet thatis165.00feetSouth 6; E, alonga line ofand parallel totheNorthline oftheSoutheast1/4oftheNorthwest1/4ofSection 6;thenceN 89°11'34" to and 165.00feetSouthofthe NorthlineoftheSouthwest1/4 of E,148.62feet+/-alonga lineparallel the Northeast1/4ofSection6 to a pointon the WesterlyshorelineofLakeMable;thencemeander the shorelineof LakeMable ina Southerly to a pointon theSouthlineofSection6 and theNorth direction, lineofSection7,Township 24 South,Range 28 East, saidpointbeingS 16°20'10" W, 3981.97feetmore orlessfrom thepreviously described and also N 89°31'17" 1683.05 feet fromtheSouthwest E, point, lying cornerof Section6; thence continuealong the shore lineof Lake Mable in a Southeasterly and direction acrosstheNorth1/4ofSection ofSection 7 and theSouthline 7,totheNorthline Northeasterly ofSection6,Township 24 South,Range 28 East,saidpointbeingN 89°31'17"E,alongthe Northsection lineofSection7,1381.64feetfrom the previously described S 89°31'17" W, 2304.35feet pointand lying from the Northeastcornerof Section7;thencecontinueto meander the shorelineof LakeMable ina direction acrosstheSoutheast1/4ofSection 6,Township24 South,Range 28 Easttoa point Northeasterly on saidshoreline which isintersected the Northline oftheSouthhalf oftheSoutheast1/4 ofSection by described thenceN 89°29'30" 6,saidpointbeingN 25°14'10"E,1475.82feetfrom the previously point; oftheSouthhalfoftheSoutheast1/4ofSection E,alongsaidNorthline 6,1679.89feettotheEastsection linethereof; thenceS 00°12'20" W, 1330.62feetalongthe EastlineofSection6 totheSoutheastcorner ofSection 6 and theNorthwestcornerofSection thenceN 89°21'03" 8,Township24 South,Range 28 East; E alongthe NorthlineofSection8, 191.58feetmore or lessto a pointon theWest shorelineofSouth and Northeasterly Lake;thencemeander theshorelineofSouthLakeina Southwesterly, Southeasterly direction toa pointwhere theshoreline ofSouthLakeintersects theEastline oftheWest halfoftheWest halfofSection8;saidpointbeingS 25°17'13" described E,2679.01feetmore or lessfrom the previously thenceS 00°13'59" W, 221.07feettotheNortheastcorneroftheNorthwest1/4oftheSouthwest point; 1/4ofSection 8;thenceS 00°06'21"E alongtheEastlineoftheWest halfoftheSouthwest1/4ofSection 1334.85 feet totheSoutheastcorneroftheNorthwest1/4oftheSouthwest1/4ofSection 8, 8;thenceS 88°48'04"W, 1111.09feetto a pointof curvature of a curveconcaveSoutheasterly havinga radiusof 545.08feet, and a central thencerunSouthwesterly 772.99 angleof81°15'08"; alongthearcofsaidcurve, of a curveconcave Northerly feet;to a pointof reversecurvature havinga radiusof 80.00feet,and a centralangleof 128°43'50"; thence run Westerlyalongthe arcof saidcurve,179.74feet;thenceS 43°40'59"E, 16.92feet;thence S 34°38'41"E,8.13 feet;thence 5 25°16'40"E,86.79 feet;thenceS 28°57'56" thence5 58°01'53"E,87.73feet; thenceN 85°59'29" E,106.03feet; E,134.58feettoa pointof curvature ofa curveconcaveSoutherly a radius of425.00 and a central feet, having angleof 23°29'59"; thencerun Easterly toa pointofcompound curvature ofa curve alongthearcofsaidcurve,174.31feet; concave Southwesterly thence run havinga radiusof 15.00 feet,and a centralangleof 46°20'48"; 12.13feet; toa pointofcompound curvature ofa curveconcave Southeasterly alongthearcofsaidcurve, Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 17 of 76 and a central thencerunSoutherly Westerlyhavinga radiusof425.00feet, angleof 16°33'54"; alongthe arcof saidcurve,122.87feet;to a pointof compound curvature of a curveconcaveWesterlyhavinga radiusof25.00feet,and a central thencerun Southerly angleof 51°32'25"; alongthe arcof saidcurve, 22.49feet; thenceS 43°56'36"W, 91.06feet; thenceS 64°40'37" 105.25 thenceS 40°45'32" W, feet; W, 117.42feet; thenceS 13°26'04" thenceS 42°14'20" thenceS 68°59'11" W, 97.39feet; W, 133.97feet; W, 89.71feet;thenceS 28°50'44"W, 77.77feet;thence5 14°52'47" W, 88.32feet;thenceS 01°59'29"E, 106.28feet; thence5 24°42'46" thenceS 36°55'50"W, 126.64feet;thenceS 24°03'44" W, 241.59feet; ofa curveconcaveNorthwesterly of25.00feet, and W, 71.01feettoa pointofcurvature havinga radius a central of thencerun thearcofsaid 17.86 t henceS curve, feet; angle 40°55'45"; Southwesterly along 64°59'30" ofa curveconcaveNortherly of25.00feet, W, 91.68feettoa pointofcurvature havinga radius and a central thencerun Westerlyalongthe arcofsaidcurve,20.29feet;thenceN angleof 46°29'32"; 68°30'58" thenceN 34°57'28" thenceN 10°44'04" thence W, 131.37feet; W, 145.43feet; W, 144.09feet; N 10°34'18" thenceN 44°03'35"E,129.67feet; thenceN 86°35'32" thence E,129.55feet; E,100.03feet; N 62°48'18"E,100.08feet; thenceN 58°16'14"E,95.99feet; thenceN 15°01'47" thenceN E,86.03feet; 14°30'32" thenceN 03°06'23" thenceN 07°32'42"E,68.01feet; thenceN W, 104.94feet; W, 111.09feet; 15°14'13" 80.67 thenceN 87°12'48" 40.11 t henceS 77°42'57" 84.88 W, feet; W, feet; W, feet;thenceS 74°44'47"W, 66.79feet;thenceS 35°20'27" W, 90.33feet;thenceS 22°58'13" W, 87.94feet;thenceS 20°05'22" thenceS 65°39'23" thenceN 79°02'16" thence W, 168.18feet; W, 108.46feet; W, 146.86feet; S 44°41'24"W, 85.24feet; thenceS 66°58'59" thenceN 89°03'00" thenceS W, 80.82feet; W, 96.88feet; 84°18'13" thenceS 77°56'53" thenceS 70°14'00" thenceN W, 51.79feet; W, 116.91feet; W, 84.26feet; 63°52'48" 163.26 t henceN 71°49'57" 91.32 t henceN 56°38'48" 106.72 thence W, feet; W, feet; W, feet; N 37°38'37" 96.72 t henceN 69°48'38" 85.22 t henceN 85°15'14" 95.72 thence W, feet; W, feet; W, feet; N 76°56'11" thence5 28°55'14" thenceS 13°45'44" W, 104.56feet; W, 152.44feet; E,47.73feettoa point ofcurvature ofa curveconcaveWesterlyhavinga radiusof75.00feet, and a central angleof 30°06'13"; thencerun Southerly of a curve alongthearcof saidcurve,39.41feet;to a pointof reversecurvature concave Northeasterly thence run havinga radiusof 45.00 feet,and a centralangle of 99°54'55"; of a curveconcave Southeasterly alongthearcofsaidcurve,78.47feet;to a pointofreversecurvature a radius o f250.00 a nd a central of thencerun feet, Southwesterly having angle 55°31'16"; Southeasterly thenceS 28°03'11" ofa curve E,95.35feettoa pointofcurvature alongthearcofsaidcurve,242.26feet; concaveWesterlyhavinga radiusof 125.00feet, and a central thencerun Southerly angleof 59°41'01"; thenceS 31°37'50" thenceS 51°01'41"E,83.54 W, 165.37feet; alongthe arcofsaidcurve,130.21feet; feettoa pointon a non-tangent curveconcaveSoutheasterly a radius o f676.49feet, and a central having of thencefrom a ofN 50°17'44" E run thearcofsaid angle 29°43'07"; tangentbearing Northeasterly along curve,350.89 feet;thence S 35°59'30"E, 246.14 feet;thence S 55°37'13"E, 316.45 feet;thence S 68°44'46"E,336.44feetto a pointon a non-tangent curveconcaveSoutherly havinga radiusof399.38 and a central thencefrom a tangentbearingofN 79°13'56"E run Easterly feet, angleof 09°53'41"; along the arcof saidcurve,68.97feet;to a pointof reversecurvature of a curveconcaveNortherly havinga radiusof 137.63feet,and a central thencerun Easterly angleof 14°21'49"; alongthearcofsaidcurve, 34.50feet; thenceS 03°57'40" 60.74feet toa on a c urveconcave W, point non-tangent Southerly having a radiusof344.38feet, and a central thencefrom a tangentbearingofS 86°02'20"E angleof04°15'11"; run Easterly toa pointof compound curvature ofa curveconcave alongthearcofsaidcurve,25.56feet; of 132.00feet, and a central thencerun Easterly Southerly havinga radius angleof 26°04'01"; alongthe arcofsaidcurve,60.05feet; toa pointon a non-tangent curveconcaveSouthwesterly havinga radiusof 184.37feet,and a centralangleof 31°44'00"; thencefrom a tangentbearingof S 49°44'21"E run the arcof said 102.11 curve, feet;to a pointof compound curvatureof a curve Southeasterly along concaveWesterlyhavinga radiusof679.36feet, and a central thencerun Southerly angleof 08°51'48"; toa pointofreversecurvature ofa curveconcaveEasterly alongthearcofsaidcurve,105.09feet; having a radius of437.18feet, and a central thencerun Southerly angleof18°37'07"; alongthearcofsaidcurve, Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 18 of 76 142.06feet; toa pointofcompound curvature ofa curveconcaveNortheasterly of395.25 havinga radius a nd a central of thencerun thearcofsaid 125.74 feet, curve, feet; angle 18°13'39"; Southeasterly along to a pointof reversecurvature of a curveconcaveSouthwesterly havinga radiusof645.09feet,and a central thencerun Southeasterly angleof 03°21'33"; alongthe arcof saidcurve,37.82feet;thenceN 82°18'14" thenceN 51°44'44" thenceS W, 71.09feet; W, 65.78feet;thenceN 80°24'25" W, 90.39feet; 48°32'46"W, 80.93feet;thenceS 22°55'38" W, 113.12feet;thenceS 27°19'16"E,55.45feet;thenceS 18°40'56" thenceS 10°48'30" ofa curveconcave W, 159.75feet; W, 160.42feetto a pointofcurvature a radius of223.65 a nd a central of thencerun feet, Easterly having angle 59°02'33"; Southerly alongthe arcofsaidcurve,230.47feet; to a pointon the Northerly and Easterly ofTract GoldenOak R, boundary Phase1B according tothePlatthereofrecordedinPlatBook 75,Pages3 through15 ofthePublic Records of Orange County,a non-tangentcurveconcave Northerly havinga radiusof 25.00feet,and a central thencefrom a tangentbearingofS 49°58'05" E run Easterly angleof64°33'48"; alongthearcofsaidcurve, 28.17feet; thenceN 65°28'07"E,122.36feet; thenceN 76°27'23"E,76.59feettoa pointofcurvature of a curveconcaveNorthwesterly a radius o f25.00 a nd a central of thencerun feet, having angle 25°14'16"; thenceS 78°11'38" E,85.68feettoa pointon a nonNortheasterly alongthearcofsaidcurve,11.01feet; of 1010.00feet, and a central thence tangentcurveconcaveEasterly havinga radius angleof07°58'42"; from a tangentbearingofS 11°48'22" W run Southerly toa point alongthearcofsaidcurve,140.64feet; on a non-tangentcurveconcave Southwesterly havinga radiusof 25.00feet,and a centralangleof thencefrom a tangentbearingofN 03°49'41"E run Northwesterly 87°13'52"; alongthearcofsaidcurve, 38.06feet; thenceN 83°24'11" 42.54feet toa ofcurvature o fa curveconcave W, point Southerly having a radiusof221.37feet, and a central thencerunWesterlyalongthearcofsaidcurve, angleof29°07'38"; 112.54feet; to a pointofreversecurvature ofa curveconcaveNortherly havinga radiusof 132.76feet, and a central thencerun Westerlyalongthearcofsaidcurve,111.85feet; toa point angleof48°16'12"; on a non-tangentcurveconcave Northeasterly havinga radiusof 234.18feet,and a central angleof thencefrom a tangentbearingofN 64°15'37" W run Northwesterly 14°51'36"; alongthearcofsaidcurve, 60.74feet; thenceS 24°23'32" thenceS 18°04'39" E,34.06feet; E,78.70feettoa pointon a non-tangent curveconcaveNorthwesterly a radius o f25.00 a nd a central thencefrom feet, having angleof115°40'49"; a tangentbearingof S 17°50'29"E run Southwesterly alongthe arcofsaidcurve,50.48feet;thenceN 82°09'40" thenceS 26°43'01" thenceS 13°53'13" thenceS W, 26.47feet; W, 107.99feet; W, 84.71feet; 20°06'37" W, 86.21feet;thenceS 22°42'17" W, 90.27feet;thenceS 48°33'38"W, 93.96feet;thenceS 51°48'05"W, 58.47feet;thenceS 70°41'52"W, 98.39feet;thenceS 75°48'30" W, 82.70feet;thenceN 82°22'12"W, 18.57feet;thenceS 59°48'12" 61.99 thenceS 23°48'42" W, feet; W, 31.41feet;thenceS 21°34'58"E,112.96feet;thenceS 25°04'56"E,80.36feet; thenceS 06°58'19"E,51.79feetto a pointof curvature of a curveconcaveWesterlyhavinga radiusof 25.00feet,and a central angleof 54°17'13"; thencerun Southerly thenceS 47°18'54" thenceS W, 37.10feet; alongthearcofsaidcurve,23.69feet; 03°48'45"E,24.29feetto a pointofcurvature ofa curveconcaveNorthwesterly havinga radiusof25.00 thencerun Southwesterly feet,and a central angleof 79°16'52"; alongthearcofsaidcurve,34.59feet; thenceS 75°28'07" 70.19feet to a ofcurvature o fa curveconcave W, point Northerly havinga radiusof 25.00feet, and a central of thencerun thearcofsaid curve,18.01feet; angle 41°16'24"; Westerlyalong thenceN 63°15'30" ofRCIDcanalL-105asdescribed W, 63.09feettoa pointon the Easterly right-of-way inOfficial RecordsBook 1896,Page 232 ofthePublic RecordsofOrangeCountyFlorida, and a non-tangent curveconcaveEasterly thencefrom a havinga radiusof 1505.50feet,and a central angleof 37°08'46"; of5 03°51'20" E run thearcofsaid curveand 976.05feet; tangentbearing Southerly along right-of-way, thencecontinuealongsaidright-of-way S 41°00'06"E,193.39feet; thenceS 48°59'54" 100.00feet to W, a pointon thewesterly ofsaid t hence said Canal N 87°15'41" 130.57 Canal; run, W, right-of-way departing thenceN 63°21'34" thenceN 81°08'52" thenceN 39°33'00" feet; W, 33.90feet; W, 154.09feet; W, 38.53 thenceN 28°54'14" thenceN 28°30'43" thenceN 32°36'46" feet; W, 86.79feet; W, 101.63feet; W, 77.00 thenceN 39°30'36" ofa curveconcaveEasterly feet; W, 98.30feettoa pointofcurvature havinga radius Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 19 of 76 of 25.00feet,and a central thencerun Northerly angleof 37°14'40"; alongthearcof saidcurve,16.25 t henceN 02°15'56" 56.50 t henceN 39°36'59" 135.27 thenceN 85°04'00" feet; W, feet; W, feet; W, 67.65 feetto a pointofcurvature ofa curveconcaveNortheasterly a radius o f25.00 and a central feet, having thencerun Northwesterly thenceN 38°23'30" angleof46°40'29"; alongthearcofsaidcurve,20.37feet; thenceN 64°16'04" ofa curveconcaveNortheasterly W, 64.62feet; W, 16.33feettoa pointofcurvature of25.00feet, and a central thencerun Northwesterly havinga radius angleof58°38'45"; alongthearcof saidcurve,25.59feet;thenceN 05°37'20"W, 20.54feet;thenceN 44°31'28"W, 62.56feet;thenceS 23°42'54" ofa curveconcaveNorthwesterly of25.00 W, 95.95feettoa pointofcurvature havinga radius and a central of thencerun thearcofsaid 36.99 feet, curve, feet; angle 84°46'10"; Southwesterly along thenceN 71°30'56" thenceN 67°45'46" thenceN 47°09'12" W, 65.59feet; W, 71.42feet; W, 129.61feet; thenceN 28°09'10" ofa curveconcaveEasterly W, 67.04feetto a pointofcurvature havinga radiusof 25.00feet, and a central thencerun Northerly angleof58°17'03"; alongthearcofsaidcurve,25.43feet; thence N 30°07'52"E,66.18feet;thenceN 41°27'39"E,82.62feet;thenceN 28°03'16"E,61.53feet; thenceN 21°03'09" thenceN 17°13'11" W, 47.93feet; W, 99.26feet;thenceN 00°32'57"E,48.45feet; thenceN 12°21'10"E,151.79feet; thenceN 23°46'35"E,109.94feet; thenceN 39°26'51"E,91.52feet; thenceN 17°00'45"E,45.16feet; thenceN 34°56'26" thenceN 26°29'23" W, 27.03feet; W, 104.81feet; thenceS 48°40'54" curveconcaveSoutherly of W, 30.14feettoa pointon a non-tangent havinga radius 7.86feet, and a central thencefrom a tangentbearingofN 28°56'03" W runWesterly angleof78°20'37"; 10.75feet; toa pointofcompound curvature ofa curveconcaveSoutheasterly alongthearcofsaidcurve, a radius o f19.64 a nd a central of thencerun feet, having angle 36°52'37"; Southwesterly alongthearcof saidcurve,12.64feet;to a pointof compound curvature ofa curveconcaveEasterly havinga radiusof 3.95feet,and a central thencerun Southerly angleof 74°25'35"; alongthe arcofsaidcurve,5.13feet; thenceS 38°34'51"E,13.88feet; thenceS 51°58'30" thenceN 37°57'09" W, 145.54feet; W, 16.70feetto a pointon a non-tangent curveconcaveNortheasterly of1080.42feet, and a central havinga radius angle of 20°21'16"; thencefrom a tangentbearingof N 48°06'54"W run Northwesterly alongthe arcofsaid thenceN 37°56'18" thenceN 30°54'21" curve,383.82feet; W, 17.87feet; W, 193.79feettoa pointon a curve concave a radius o f762.70 a nd feet, a central non-tangent Southeasterly having angleof08°52'54"; thencefrom a tangentbearingof S 63°58'49"W run Southwesterly alongthe arcof saidcurve,118.23 thenceS 55°05'55" ofa curveconcaveSoutheasterly feet; W, 58.77feetto a pointofcurvature havinga radiusof 160.82feet,and a central thencerun Southwesterly angleof 19°16'01"; alongthe arcofsaid of a curveconcave Northwesterly curve,54.08feet;to a pointof reversecurvature havinga radiusof 159.35feet, and a central of thencerun thearcofsaid curve,100.82 angle 36°15'00"; Southwesterly along t henceS 72°04'54" 26.78feet to a ofcurvature o fa curveconcave feet; W, point Southeasterly havinga radiusof 158.03feet,and a central thencerun Southwesterly angleof 21°54'44"; alongthe arcofsaid to a pointon a non-tangent curveconcaveNortheasterly curve,60.44feet; havinga radiusof52.89feet, and a central thencefrom a tangentbearingof S 75°27'00"W run Northwesterly angleof 104°26'29"; the arcofsaid 96.41 thenceN 00°06'31"W, 54.31feet; thenceN 74°49'42"W, 43.41 curve, feet; along thenceS 44°47'41" 145.43 t henceS 45°05'06" 18.68 thenceS 03°14'02"W, 84.66 feet; W, feet; E, feet; t henceS 05°12'38" 58.35feet to a ofcurvature o fa curveconcave feet; E, point Easterly havinga radius of1125.00feet, and a central thencerun Southerly angleof27°57'29"; alongthearcofsaidcurve,548.95 thenceS 33°10'07" ofa curveconcaveWesterlyhavinga radius feet; E,163.59feettoa pointofcurvature of492.00feet, and a central thencerun Southerly angleof 26°59'13"; alongthearcofsaidcurve,231.74 thenceN 76°15'46"E,63.89feet;thenceS 64°36'17"E,118.17 feet;thenceN 86°26'26"E,126.87feet; thenceS 52°36'40"E,63.05feet; thenceS 45°16'16"E,127.88feettoa pointofcurvature ofa curve feet; concave Southwesterly a radius of 25.00 and a central of t hence run feet, having angle 35°13'41"; Southeasterly alongthe arcof saidcurve,15.37feet;thenceS 10°02'35"E,93.01feetto a pointof curvature of a curveconcaveWesterlyhavinga radiusof 25.00feet,and a central angleof 46°18'35"; thencerun Southerly thenceS 36°16'00" thenceS W, 28.53feet; alongthearcofsaidcurve,20.21feet; Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 20 of 76 20°23'46"W, 184.90feet; thence5 25°05'40" W, 31.33feetto a pointon a non-tangentcurveconcave thencefrom a tangent Northwesterly havinga radiusof 25.00feet,and a central angleof 33°58'13"; W runSouthwesterly thenceS 55°12'27" W, bearingofS 21°14'14" alongthearcofsaidcurve,14.82feet; 19.76feet;thenceS 18°42'59" W, 22.23feetto a pointon a non-tangentcurveconcaveSouthwesterly thencefrom a tangentbearingof S havinga radiusof 1908.34feet,and a central angleof 22°05'51"; 75°17'36"E runSoutheasterly thearcofsaid 7 36.00 thenceS 53°11'44"E,1498.58feet curve, feet; along toa pointofcurvature ofa curveconcaveNortheasterly a radius of950.92feet, and a central having angle of 14°29'06"; thencerun Southeasterly to a pointof compound alongthearcofsaidcurve,240.40feet; curvature ofa curveconcaveNortherly havinga radiusof513.39feet,and a central angleof 13°13'42"; thencerun Easterly thenceS 80°54'32" E,34.76feetto a pointof alongthearcofsaidcurve,118.53feet; curvature ofa curveconcaveNortherly and a central havinga radiusof1109.03feet, angleof07°17'21"; thencerun Easterly thearcof said 141.09 thenceS 88°11'54" 77.05 curve, feet; E, feet;thenceS along 89°29'03"E,140.11feet; thenceS 89°29'03" 433.68 t henceN 89°58'59" 1465.17 thenceN E, feet; E, feet; 00°00'00"E,131.18feet; thenceN 45°00'00" thenceN 00°00'00"E,633.08feet; thenceN W, 71.68feet; 89°59'00" thenceN 00°27'46"E,673.19feet; thenceS 89°58'17"E,398.81feet; thenceN W, 445.76feet; 00°00'00"E,753.74feet; thenceN 90°00'00" thenceN 05°16'59" thence W, 362.43feet; W, 106.23feet; N 26°33'54" thenceN 47°32'44"E,146.69feet; thenceN 11°28'34" W, 135.35feet; E,24.04feettoa point ofcurvature ofa curveconcaveWesterlyhavinga radius of15.00feet,and a central angleof 52°09'22"; thencerun Northerly thearcofsaid 13.65 t henceN 40°40'48" 82.81 thenceN curve, feet; W, feet; along 90°00'00" curveconcaveWesterlyhavinga radiusof 1396.50 W, 73.87feetto a pointon a non-tangent and a central thencefrom a tangentbearingofN 07°09'56" E run Northerly feet, angleof06°53'10"; along the arc of saidcurve,167.84feet;thence N 00°16'47"E, 0.50 feetto the Northwestcornerof the Northeast1/4 oftheSouthwest1/4 ofSection17 Township 24 South Range 28 East; thenceS 89°56'53" 3992.90feet the Northline oftheSouthhalf ofSection tothe East corner ofSection17; E, 17, 1/4 along thence5 00°24'52"W, 2682.68feetalongthe Eastsection lineofSection17 totheSoutheastcornerof Section17 and theNortheast cornerofSection thence5 00°01'36" 20,Township24 South,Range 28 East; lineofSection20 to theSoutheastcornerofthe Northeast1/4of E,1333.66feetalongthe Eastsection the Northeast1/4 ofSection20 and theSouthwestcornerofthe Northwest1/4 ofthe Northwest1/4of Section21,Township24 South,Range 28 East; thenceN 89°57'37" E,670.11feettotheNorthwestcorner of the Northeast1/4 of the Southwest1/4 of the Northwest1/4 of Section21;thenceS 00°08'32"E, 668.06feetto theSouthwestcornerthereof; thenceS 89°55'30"E,671.45feetto the Northeastcorner of the Southeast1/4 of the Southwest1/4 of the Northwest1/4 of Section21;thence5 00°15'27"E, 669.41feetto the Northwestcornerofthe Northeast1/4 oftheSouthwest1/4 ofSection21;thenceS 00°44'42"E,656.38feettotheNorthwestcornerofLot85,Munger and Company Subdivision ofSection tothePlatrecordedinPlatBook E Page 22 ofthePublic RecordsofOrangeCountyFlorida; 21,according thenceS 89°51'01"E,335.66feettotheNortheast cornerofsaidLot85;thenceS 00°40'49" E,656.31feet totheSoutheastcornerofLot85;thenceS 89°53'15" 1004.75 feet theNorthline o ftheSoutheast E, along 21to theNortheast cornerthereof; thenceS 00°29'10" 1/4oftheSouthwest1/4ofSection E,655.63feet alongthe West lineof the Northwest1/4,Southwest1/4 of the Southeast1/4 of Section21 to the Southwestcornerthereof; thenceN 89°20'56"E,666.99feetalongtheSouthlineofthe Northwest1/4, Southwest1/4oftheSoutheast1/4ofSection21to theSoutheastcornerthereof; thenceN 00°21'22" W, 652.39feetalongtheWest line oftheNortheast1/4,Southwest1/4oftheSoutheast1/4ofSection21to the Northwestcornerthereof; thenceN 89°37'38"E,2005.42feetalongthe NorthlineoftheSouthhalf oftheSoutheast1/4 ofSection21 to the Northeastcornerthereof, saidpointalsobeingthe Southwest corneroftheNorthwest1/4oftheSouthwest1/4ofSection thence 22,Township24 South,Range 28 East; N 00°02'32" ofSection 22 totheWest 1/4cornerofSection E,1285.39feetalongtheWest line 22;thence N 89°50'49"E,714.94feetalongtheNorthlineoftheSouthhalfofSection22 tothe Easterly ofway right lineofStateRoad 535 asshown inmap section 75280-2465and dated 2/22/1993; thence5 10°07'11" E, Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 21 of 76 1214.10feetrun along saidright-of-way; thence run along a deed describedin document number 20190036003 inthe PublicRecordsof Orange County Florida the flowingfourcourses; N 89°37'24"E, 749.86feet;N 38°29'47"E,22.59feet;N 38°29'47"E,576.34feet; thenceS 51°31'36"E,50.00feetto a of StateRoad 400 as shown inmap section75280-2465and dated pointon the Westerlyright-of-way S 38°29'47"W, 6175.37feetto a pointon the Westerly 2/22/1993;thencerun alongsaidright-of-way, line ofState Road 536 as shown in 75000-2520and dated 3/05/1998;thence right-of-way map section State Road 400 run State Road 536 the S 43°35'47" courses; W, 1571.44feetto departing along following a pointon a non-tangent curveconcaveNorthwesterly of1809.88feet, and a central havinga radius angle of 37°23'38"; thencefrom a tangentbearingof S 42°29'48"W run Southwesterly alongthe arcof said thenceS 79°52'51" ofSection28,and on curve,1185.59feet; W, 1492.49feettoa pointon theWest line theEastline ofSection saidpointlying N 00°00'07" 29,Township24 South,Range 28 East, W, 387.61feet from the SouthwestcornerofSection28;thenceS 79°52'53"W, 95.47feetto a pointofcurvature ofa curveconcave Northerly a radius of 2191.83feetand a central of thencerun having angle 32°28'09"; Westerlyalongthe arcof saidcurve,1242.10feet;thenceN 69°59'50"W, 311.61feet;thencerun S 23°29'47"W, 304.91feetto a pointon a non-tangentcurveconcaveSouthwesterly, havinga radiusof 11402.16feetand a central thencefrom a tangentbearingof S 65°33'17"E,run angleof 00°29'43"; Southeasterly alongthe arcofsaidcurve,98.56feet;thenceS 58°56'26"E,509.41feetto a pointon a curve concaveSouthwesterly, of900.00feetand a central non-tangent havinga radius angleof02°31'40"; thencerun Southeasterly thearcofsaid curve39.70feet toa on theSouthline theSoutheast along point 1/4 ofSection29,saidpointlyingN 89°50'43" W, 1167.48feetfrom theSoutheastcornerofSection29; thenceleaving saidright-of-way, run N 89°50'43" W alongtheSouthlineoftheSoutheast1/4ofSection cornerthereof; thenceN 89°50'42"W, 2152.59feetalongthe 29, 1496.10feet,to the South O.uarter Southline oftheSouthwest1/4ofSection 29 toa pointon theright-of-way ofCheloniaParkwayasshown on the Platof BonnetCreekResortrecordedinPlatBook 56,Page 41 ofthe PublicRecordsof Orange thencerun alongsaidright-of-way the following due North163.29feetto the courses; County Florida; ofa curveconcaveSoutheasterly, of675.00feetand a central pointofcurvature havinga radius angleof thencerun Northeasterly curvature 45°40'47"; alongthearcofsaidcurve538.15feettoa pointofreverse ofa curveconcaveWesterly, thencerun havinga radiusof825.00feetand a central angleof 98°34'08"; and thearcofsaid curve1419.29 feet toa ofreverse curvature Northeasterly Northwesterly along point ofa curveconcaveNortheasterly a radius of500.84feet and a central of thence having angle 22°53'21"; run Northwesterly and Northerly thearcofsaid curve200.08 t henceN 30°00'00" feet; W, 326.45 along feetto a pointon a Deed recordedinOfficial RecordsBook 5208,Page 3884 of the PublicRecordsof thencedeparting saidPlatrun alongsaidDeed, N 30°00'00"W, 245.14feet, to a Orange County Florida; indocument number 202000359979ofthe Public Recordsof Orange County pointon a Deed described thencerun alongsaidDeed the following fourcourses; N 74°50'28"E,100.11feet;N 87°20'49" Florida; 74.69 N 27°09'24" 47.56 S 63°22'25" 20.69 to a pointon a Deed described in W, feet; W, feet; W, feet, document number 202000360380ofthePublic Recordsof Orange CountyFlorida; thencerunalongsaid Deed the following 5 00°00'00"E,20.42feet;N 90°00'00"W, 30.04feetto a pointon a noncourses; from a tangentcurveconcaveEasterly havinga radiusof48.00feet,and a central angleof 47°40'00"; W run Northerly tangentbearingof N 29°07'51" alongthe arcofsaidcurve,39.93feet;5 79°56'22"W, 74.35feet;N 30°03'16" W, 21.84feet;S 59°56'44" W, 12.14feet;S 30°03'16"E,17.42feet;S 79°56'22" 34.35 N 69°28'35" 49.22 S 74°41'50" thencedeparting saidDeed runalong W, feet; W, feet; W, 40.22feet; aforesaid Deed recordedinOfficial RecordsBook 5208,Page 3884 thefollowing fivecourses; 5 57°06'40" 5 57°06'40"E,167.71feet; S 30°00'00" 5 06°15'02"E,54.63feet; 5 30°00'00" E,133.74feet; E,180.00feet; ofa curveconcaveNortheasterly, of650.84feetand E,408.17feettoa pointofcurvature havinga radius a central run Southeasterly angleof 22°53'21"; alongthe arcof saidcurve260.00feetto a pointon aforesaid and a pointof reversecurvature ofa curveconcaveWesterly, Plat; havinga radiusof675.00 feetand a central of thencerun and angle 98°34'08"; Southeasterly Southwesterly alongthearcofsaid Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 22 of 76 curveand Plat, 1161.24feetto a pointof reversecurvature of a curveconcaveSoutheasterly, havinga radiusof825.00feetand a central thencerun Southwesterly angleof 45°40'47"; alongthe arcofsaid curveand Plat, 657.74feet;thencerun alongand Platdue South,162.89feetto the South lineofthe Southwest1/4ofSection saidPlatand the right-of-way lineofCheloniaParkwayrun 29;thencedeparting N 89°50'42"W alongthe South lineofthe Southwest1/4 of Section29,360.99feetto the Southwest cornerofSection29 and theNortheast cornerofSection thenceS 31,Township24 South,Range 28 East; 00°40'50"E,2749.41feetalongthe Eastlineofthe Northeast1/4 ofSection31 totheSoutheastcorner thenceS 00°27'13" 31to the thereof; W, 2643.90feetalongtheEastlineoftheSoutheast1/4 ofSection SoutheastcornerofSection oftheSoutheast 31;thenceN 89°36'01" W, 2646.94feetalongtheSouthline thenceN 89°56'54"W, 2748.82feetalongtheSouth 1/4 ofSection31 totheSouthwestcornerthereof; lineof the Southwest1/4 of Section31 to the Southwestcornerthereofand the Southeastcornerof Section thenceS 89°50'04" of 36,Township24 SouthRange 27 East; W, 2658.48feetalongtheSouthline the Southeast1/4 of Section36 to the Southwestcornerthereof; thenceS 89°46'36"W, 2656.21feet oftheSouthwest1/4ofSection 36 totheSouthwestcornerthereofand theSoutheast alongtheSouthline cornerof Section35,Township 24 South Range 27 East;thenceS 89°48'35"W, 2652.59feetalongthe South lineof the Southeast1/4 of Section35 to the Southwestcornerthereof; thenceS 89°44'07"W, 2661.05feetalongthe South lineofthe Southwest1/4 of Section35 to the Southwestcornerof said Section and theSoutheastcornerofSection thenceS 89°46'46" 34,Township 24 SouthRange 27 East; W, 3438.73feetalongtheSouthline ofSection 34 toa pointon the boundaryofBlackLakeVillage according to the PlatthereofrecordedinPlatBook 75,Page 149 ofthe PublicRecordsof Orange County Florida; thence leaving the Southlineof Section34,run alongthe Easterly and Northerly boundaryofsaidPlat N 00°13'59" courses; W, 29.01feet;N 14°42'28" W, 114.62feet;N 06°53'49" W, 123.97feetto following a pointof curvature of a curveconcave Easterly a radius of 25.00 and a central feet, having angleof run thearcof said 7.25 N 09°42'37" 104.21feetto a 16°36'26"; Northerly curve, feet; E, along pointof curvature ofa curveconcaveSoutheasterly a radius o f25.00 a nd a central of feet, having angle 51°24'11"; run Northeasterly alongthearcofsaidcurve,22.43feet;N 61°06'48"E,53.88feet;N 71°34'02"E,17.56 curveconcaveNortheasterly feet;N 18°25'51" W, 18.21feetto a pointon a non-tangent havinga radius of 50.00 feet,and a centralangle of 106°48'50"; from a tangentbearingof N 80°45'36"W run Northwesterly alongthe arcof saidcurve,93.21feet;N 31°47'40"W, 44.69feetto a pointon a noncurveconcave tangent Northwesterly havinga radiusof436.00feet,and a central angleof 15°56'47"; from a tangentbearingof 5 58°12'21"W run Southwesterly the arcof said curve,121.35feet;5 along 74°09'08"W, 308.68feetto a pointof curvatureof a curveconcaveSoutheasterly havinga radiusof 514.00feet, and a central run Southwesterly angleof20°05'00"; alongthearcofsaidcurve,180.17feet; 5 54°04'10" ofa curveconcaveNortherly W, 67.69feetto a pointofcurvature havinga radiusof315.00 and a central of run thearcofsaid 197.54feet;N 89°59'58" feet, 35°55'53"; curve, angle Westerlyalong 83.84feet to a ofcurvature o fa curveconcave a radius of381.00feet,and a W, point Northerly having central of run the arcof said 226.97 to curve, feet; a pointof reverse angle 34°07'58"; Westerlyalong curvature of a curveconcaveSoutherly and a central havinga radiusof384.88feet, angleof 34°00'28"; run Westerlyalongthe arcofsaidcurve,228.44feet; to a pointofreversecurvature ofa curveconcave run Westerlyalongthearcof Northerly havinga radiusof185.00feet,and a central angleof 35°39'45"; saidcurve,115.15feet; to a pointofcompound curvature ofa curveconcaveEasterly havinga radiusof 47.00feet,and a central of run the arcof said curve,107.08feet;N angle 130°32'06"; Northerly along 76°19'21"E,28.14feet;5 89°22'47"E,9.24feet;N 75°08'23"E,42.15feet;N 66°44'45"E,45.92feet;N 58°10'56"E,7.13feet;N 40°00'00"E,8.68feet;N 28°21'12"E,21.50feet;N 19°11'06"E,7.97feet;N 05°44'49"E,22.07feet;N 09°37'03" E,18.85feet;N 28°18'59" E,25.32feet;N 39°33'24" E,18.56feet;N 51°48'12"E,17.01feet;N 53°20'03" E,12.93feet;N 67°23'56"E,18.89feet;N 61°31'34" E,16.11feet;N 85°31'20"E,16.65feet;S 84°27'04"E,14.79feet;S 66°07'30"E,25.25feet;5 70°01'08"E,21.22feet;S 76°11'40"E,28.29feet;5 81°04'45"E,15.99feet;S 63°15'14"E,32.58feet;5 71°35'23"E,7.28feet;S Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 23 of 76 83°45'15"E,20.77feet;N 86°06'18"E,21.64feet; 5 75°49'09"E,17.31feet; 5 87°55'16"E,10.48feet;N 72°43'50"E,26.75feet;N 60°42'21"E,36.44feet;N 77°16'53"E,19.62feet;N 68°37'24"E,7.52feet;N 57°06'15"E,21.62feet;N 48°30'29"E,7.40feet;N 29°59'26"E,8.68feet;N 13°42'55"E,39.82feet;N 10°06'24" N 05°37'39" N 12°01'53" E,32.03feet;N 01°43'31" W, 29.22feet; W, 26.82feet; W, 42.36feet; N 21°06'43" W, 7.72feet;N 36°50'10"W, 37.65feet;N 47°37'33"W, 25.00feet;N 56°19'26"W, 44.83 feet;N 49°30'53"W, 55.06feet;N 59°47'57"W, 8.89feet;N 72°21'36"W, 36.00feet;N 82°08'10"W, 65.71feet;5 89°42'01" W, 51.60feet;N 80°08'53" W, 56.11feet;N 89°26'00" W, 8.09feet;5 81°14'14" S 78°42'25" S 77°43'02" S 79°09'43" S 72°48'44" W, 46.34feet; W, 40.49feet; W, 63.74feet; W, 47.65feet; S 63°14'34" S 57°48'39" S 64°21'00" S 67°06'48" W, 44.03feet; W, 42.60feet; W, 28.70feet; W, 20.44feet; S 83°28'20" S 83°04'31" S 84°19'19" W, 29.21feet; W, 29.99feet; W, 27.06feet; W, 42.81feettoa point of curvatureof a curveconcave Northeasterly havinga radiusof 50.00 feet,and a centralangleof run thearcofsaid toa pointofcompound curvature of 83°36'01"; Northwesterly curve,72.95feet; along a curveconcaveEasterly a radius of 188.00 and a central of run feet, having angle 27°45'45"; Northerly saidPlatrun along alongthearcofsaidcurve,91.10feet;S 89°52'10"W, 174.16feet;thencedeparting theWest lineoftheSouthwest1/4ofSection34,N 00°00'19"E,313.89feettothe Northwestcornerof the Southwest1/4 oftheSouthwest1/4 ofSection34 and the Northeastcornerofthe Southeast1/4 of theSoutheast1/4ofSection thencecontinueN 00°00'19" E 498.35 33,Township24 South,Range 27 East; feetto the Southeastcornerofthe North5/8 ofthe Northeast1/4 ofthe Southeast1/4 of Section33; thencerun alongtheSouthlineoftheNorth5/8 oftheNortheast1/4 oftheSoutheast1/4ofSection33, N 89°47'57" thencerunalongtheWest line oftheNorth W, 1326.58feettotheSouthwestcornerthereof; 5/8 ofthe Northeast1/4,oftheSoutheast1/4ofSection 33,N 00°00'31"E,835.26feettotheNorthwest cornerthereof; thencerunalongtheWest lineoftheSoutheast1/4ofthe Northeast1/4ofSection 33,N 00°00'25"E, 1321.43feetto the Northwestcornerthereof; thence run alongthe North lineof the Southeast1/4 ofthe Northeast1/4 ofSection33,S 89°55'44"E,1326.40feet;to the Northeastcorner thencerun alongtheWest lineofthe Northwest1/4ofSection34 Township 24 South Range 27 thereof; thenceN 89°53'53"E,2679.47feet East,N 00°00'06"E,1329.09feetto the Northwestcornerthereof; oftheNorthwest1/4ofSection 34 totheNortheast cornerthereofandtheSouthwest alongtheNorthline cornerof the Southeast1/4 of Section27,Township 24 South,Range 27 East;thenceN 00°01'11"W, 3964.69feetalongtheWest lineofthe East1/2 ofSection27 to theSoutheastcornerofthe Northeast 1/4 ofthe Northwest1/4 ofSection27;thenceS 89°37'54" W, 1332.15feetalongthe Southlineofthe Northeast1/4oftheNorthwest1/4ofSection27 totheSouthwestcornerthereof; thenceN 00°08'12" E, 1330.97feetalongtheWest line oftheNortheast 27 totheNorthwest 1/4oftheNorthwest1/4ofSection cornerthereof,; thenceS 89°46'29" W, 1328.51feetalongthe Northlineofthe Northwest1/4ofSection 27 to the Northwestcornerof Section27 and the Northeastcornerof Section28,Township 24 South, Range 27 East;thenceS 89°48'06"W, 1331.20feetalongthe North lineof the Northeast1/4 of the Northeast1/4 ofSection28,totheNortheastcorneroftheWest 1/2oftheNortheast1/4ofSection28; thence5 00°12'18"W, 882.69feetalongthe EastlineoftheWest 1/2 and the Northeast1/4 ofSection of way lineofStateRoad 429 as 28,Township 24 South,Range 27 Eastto a pointon the Westerlyright describedinOfficial RecordsBook 7070,Page 2553 and Book 7106,Page 2802 ofthe PublicRecordsof alsobeinga pointon FlamingoCrossings Eastaccording to the Platthereofand Orange County Florida recordedinPlatBook 97,Page 95 ofthe PublicRecordsof Orange County Florida and a pointon a noncurveconcave a radius of2204.09 and a central feet, tangent Southwesterly having angleof 07°27'37"; thencefrom a tangentbearingof N 29°38'58" W run Northwesterly thearcofsaid of curve,right along 286.99feet;thencecontinuealongsaidrightof way lineand Platthe following two way lineand Plat, N 37°06'36"W, 690.17feetto a pointon a non-tangentcurveconcaveNortheasterly courses; havinga radiusof 808.57feet,and a central from a tangentbearingof N 38°37'50"W run angleof 09°35'40"; thearcofsaid 135.40 t hence saidright of way linecontinue curve, feet; Northwesterly along departing said N 88°48'31" 555.60 feet toa on the of line o f Plat; W, along point right way HartzogRoad asdescribed Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 24 of 76 inOfficial RecordsBook 9782,page 7172, Book 10170,Page 4303, Book 10173,page 8868 and Book and a pointon a non-tangentcurve 10815,Page 4619 ofthe PublicRecordsof Orange County Florida concaveWesterlyhavinga radius of1010.00feet, and a central froma tangentbearing angleof02°00'23"; ofS 05°42'00"E run Southerly of way line, 35.37feet; thence alongthearcofsaidcurve,Platand right run alongsaidPlatand right of way linethe following 5 00°27'57"W, 105.56feetto a pointof courses; curvature ofa curveconcaveWesterlyhavinga radiusof899.35feet,and a central angleof 05°39'43"; runSoutherly thearcofsaid 8 8.87 5 06°07'41" 311.81feet toa of curve, feet; W, along pointofcurvature a curveconcaveEasterly and a central run Southerly havinga radiusof2004.50feet, angleof06°19'57"; S 00°12'16"E,702.26feet;S 23°02'00" 5 00°12'16" E,19.33feet; alongthearcofsaidcurve,221.54feet; E,198.27feet;S 14°29'10" W, 29.80feetto a pointon a non-tangentcurveconcaveWesterlyhavinga radiusof 2162.49feet,and a central from a tangentbearingof S 00°12'49"W run angleof 07°53'08"; thearcofsaid 297.62 S 08°05'57" curve, feet; W, 46.90feet;N 81°54'04" W, 10.00feet; Southerly along S 08°05'57" 154.78 5 81°54'04" 5.50feet to a on a curveconcave W, feet; E, point non-tangent Westerly from a tangentbearingofS 08°05'57" havinga radiusof 1175.00feet,and a central angleof 07°00'25"; W run Southerly 5 00°07'03" thencedeparting said W, 13.59feet; alongthearcofsaidcurve,143.70feet; Platcontinuealongsaidright ofway line, thefollowing N 89°54'54" courses; W, 160.89feettoa pointon a non-tangent curveconcaveWesterlyhavinga radius of 1025.00feet, and a central angleof 10°07'39"; from a tangentbearingofN 18°13'36" E run Northerly thearcofsaid 181.18 5 81°54'03" curve, feet; along 5.50 N 08°05'57" 201.68 feet toa ofcurvature o fa curveconcave E, feet; E, point Westerlyhavinga radius of2013.49feet, and a central run Northerly angleof 08°18'12"; alongthearcofsaidcurve,291.80feet; N 00°12'16" ofa curveconcaveEasterly of2153.50 W, 931.40feettoa pointofcurvature havinga radius and a central run Northerly feet, angleof06°19'57"; alongthearcofsaidcurve,238.01feet;N 06°07'41" E,291.80feet;N 00°07'03"E,196.68feettoa pointon theSouthlineoftheSouthwest1/4ofSection21, saidrightof way line, S 89°49'36"W, 453.70feet Township 24 South,Range 27 East;thencedeparting theSouthline oftheSouthwest ofSection 24 1/4 21,Township South,Range 27 Eastto a pointon along West according tothePlat thereofand recordedinPlatBook 100,Page37 ofthePublic FlamingoCrossings RecordsofOrangeCountyFlorida; thencerun alongsaidPlatthefollowing threecourses; N 40°17'32" W, 323.52feet;N 32°21'38" thenceN 46°26'37" W, 271.63feet;N 34°30'31" W, 120.76feet; W, 108.80feet thenceS 89°49'14" extension; W, 28.71feetto a pointofcurvature alongsaidPlatand itsNorthwesterly ofa curveconcaveSoutherly a radius o f934.00 a nd a central thencerun feet, having angleof01°05'30"; thearcofsaid 17.79 t hence5 00°10'31" 11.26 t henceS 89°49'29" curve, feet; E, feet; W, Westerlyalong 28.35feet; thenceS 04°02'58" thenceS 86°05'06" thenceN 03°54'54" E,4.66feet; W, 22.85feet; W, 6.14 of a curveconcave Northerly feet;thenceS 89°49'29"W, 173.97feetto a pointof curvature havinga radiusof2158.53feet, and a central thencerun Westerlyalongthearcofsaidcurve, angleof 24°05'38"; 907.70feet; thenceN 66°04'53" oftheSouthwest1/4ofSection W, 548.81feettoa pointon theWest line 24 27 thencerun said S 00°35'44" 21,Township South,Range East; line, W, 1052.90feetto the along Southwestcornerthereof; thenceentering Section20,Township24 South,Range 27 EastrunS 89°18'37" W, 2676.09feetalongthe Southlineofthe Southeast1/4 of saidSection20,to the Southwestcorner thenceN 89°32'00" oftheSouthwest1/4ofsaidSection thereof; W, 2636.90feetrunalongtheSouthline thence N 00°12'29"E, 1187.50feetalongthe West lineof the 20, to the Southwestcornerthereof; Southwest1/4 ofsaidSection20;thenceentering Section19,Township 24 South,Range 27 Eastrun,S 89°00'18"W, 988.08feetalongthe South lineof the North 150.00feetof the Southeast1/4 of the Southeast1/4 of saidSection19,to a pointon the Easterly rightof way lineof Avalon Boulevardas described inDeed Book 402,Page312,Deed Book 402,Page353 and Deed Book 357 ofthePublic Records ofOrange CountyFlorida; thencerun alongsaidright ofway linethefollowing two courses; N 19°17'43" curveconcaveEasterly of2832.01feet, and a E,1348.72feettoa pointon a non-tangent havinga radius central of from a of N 19°16'05" E run the arcofsaid 04°49'44"; angle tangentbearing Northerly along curve,238.69feettoa pointon theNorthlineoftheNortheast1/4oftheNortheast1/4oftheSoutheast Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 25 of 76 1/4 of saidSection19;thenceN 88°44'55"E,459.61feetalongsaidlineto the Northeastcornerofthe Southeast1/4 of saidSection19;thenceentering Section20,Township 24 South,Range 27 Eastrun N 00°13'41"E,708.14feetalongthe West lineofthe Northwest1/4 of saidSection20 to a pointon the aforesaid AvalonRoad right ofway lineand a pointon a non-tangent curveconcaveSoutheasterly having a radiusof2829.41feet, and a central thencefrom a tangentbearingofN 41°26'37" angleof 01°55'19"; E run Northeasterly of way line, 94.91feet;thenceN 43°21'56"E, alongthearcof saidcurveand right 753.57feetalongsaidright ofway line toa pointon theNorthlineoftheSouth1/2oftheNorthwest1/4 of saidSection20; thenceN 89°50'32"E,2068.41feetalongsaidlineto the Southeastcornerof the Northeast1/4oftheNorthwest1/4ofsaidSection 20;thenceN 00°21'49"E,1334.18feetalongtheWest lineoftheNorthwest1/4oftheNortheast 1/4ofsaidSection20 totheNorthwestcorneroftheNortheast 20 tothe 1/4;thenceS 89°45'19" E,2697.33feetalongtheNorthlineoftheNortheast1/4ofsaidSection NortheastcornerofsaidSection 20 and theSoutheastcornerofSection17,Township24 South,Range 27 thenceentering saidSection17 N 00°02'13"E,2669.40feetalongtheEastlineoftheSoutheast1/4 East; ofSection17 tothe Northeast cornerthereof; thenceS 89°43'49" W, 1347.90feetalongtheSouthlineof the East1/2ofthe Northeast1/4 ofSection17,totheSouthwestcornerthereof; thenceN 00°18'18" W, 2652.68feetalongthe West lineof the East1/2 of the Northeast1/4 of Section17 to the Northwest cornerthereof; thenceS 89°39'31" W, 2661.03feetalongthe NorthlineofSection17 tothe Northwest corneroftheNortheast1/4oftheNorthwest1/4ofSection 17 and theSouthwestcorneroftheSoutheast oftheSouthwest ofSection 24 thenceN 00°24'44"E,242.11 1/4 1/4 8,Township South,Range 27 East; feetalongtheWest lineoftheSoutheast1/4oftheSouthwest1/4 ofSection8 toa pointon the Easterly lineof County Road 545 as described inDeed Book 402,Page 355 ofthe PublicRecordsof right-of-way saidpointbeinga pointon a non-tangent curveconcaveWesterly, OrangeCountyFlorida; havinga radius of 2826.01feet,and a central of thencefrom a of N 18°34'50" 19°14'15"; E,run angle tangentbearing the arcofsaid curveand 948.86 thencecontinue said feet; Northerly along right-of-way, along right-ofthenceN 89°41'27" oftheSoutheast W, 141.86feet; E,1188.92feetalongtheNorthline way, N 00°39'25" 8 totheNortheast cornerthereof; thenceN 00°15'09" 1/4oftheSouthwest1/4ofSection E,1315.34feet alongthe West lineof the Northwest1/4 of the Southeast1/4 of Section8 to the Northwestcorner thenceN 00°14'57" 8 toa point thereof; E,50.00feetalongtheWest lineoftheNortheast1/4ofSection on the Northerly line of Road asdescribed i nOfficial RecordsBook 7172 9782,Page right-of-way Hartzog ofthePublic RecordsofOrangeCountyFlorida; thencerunalongsaidright-of-way line thefollowing three N 89°43'25"E,671.30feet; N 23°57'49" curveconcave courses; E,158.82feettoa pointon a non-tangent from a tangentbearing Southwesterly havinga radiusof 2750.09feet,and a central angleof 04°43'07"; ofS 33°16'29" E run Southeasterly thenceN 89°43'24"E,1038.21 alongthearcofsaidcurve,226.49feet; feetalongtheNorthlineoftheSoutheast1/4ofSection Records 8;toa pointon Deed recordedinOfficial Book 7121,Page 2952 ofthePublic RecordsofOrangeCountyFlorida; and a pointon a non-tangent curve concave Southerlyhavinga radiusof 2894.93feet,and a central of thence angle 08°15'21"; Entering Section from a tangentbearingofN 82°01'15" W runWesterlyalong 9,Township24 South,Range 27 East, thearcofsaidcurveand Deed,417.14feet; thenceS 89°43'24" W, 258.73feetalongsaidDeed toa point on the Easterly ofway lineofStateRoad 429 as recordedinOfficial RecordsBook 7106,Page 7802 right ofthe Public RecordsofOrangeCountyFlorida; thencerun alongsaidright ofway linethefollowing two N 21°29'36"W, 110.97feet;N 20°48'24"W, 1048.03feet;thenceN 00°08'24"E,211.55feet courses; alongtheWest lineofthe East530.00feetoftheSouthwest1/4 ofthe Northeast1/4 ofsaidSection8; thenceS 89°41'25"W, 797.83feetalongthe South lineof the North 1/2 of the Northeast1/4 of said Section 8;thenceS 89°34'56" W, 1230.74feetalongtheSouthlineoftheNortheast1/4oftheNorthwest 8 toa pointon the Easterly ofway lineofAvalonBoulevardasdescribed inDeed 1/4ofsaidSection right Book 402,Page 355 ofthe PublicRecordsof Orange County Florida; thencerun alongsaidright of way linethe following threecourses; N 00°39'25"W, 853.44feetto a pointon a non-tangentcurveconcave from a tangentbearingof N Easterly havinga radiusof 3241.05feet,and a central angleof 05°37'30"; Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 26 of 76 00°36'59" W run Northerly thenceN alongthearcofsaidcurve,318.19feet;N 05°00'31"E,152.48feet; 89°26'29"E,1220.84feetalongthe Northlineofthe Northwest1/4 ofsaidSection8 to the Northeast cornerthereof; thence N 89°39'25"E,2650.62feetalongthe Northlineof the Northeast1/4 of said Section8 tothe Northeastcornerthereof; thenceentering Section9,Township 24 South,Range 27 East oftheNorthwest1/4ofsaidSection run,N 89°46'07" E,1608.33feetalongtheNorthline 9;toa pointon of line ofSeidel Road as described i nDeed Book 243 and Deed Book 892, 789,Page Southerly right way 552 of the Public Recordsof Florida a nd a curveconcave Page Orange County non-tangent Northerly thencefrom a tangentbearingof S havinga radiusof 357.62feet,and a central angleof 23°38'08"; 66°08'04" W runWesterlyalongthearcofsaidcurveand right ofway line, 147.53feet; thencerunalong saidrightof way linethe following threecourses; S 89°46'01"W, 139.26feet;S 89°46'07"W, 1325.83 thencerun alonga right of way linedescribed inOfficial RecordsBook feet;S 89°39'24" W, 554.03feet; 2553 ofthePublic R ecords of Florida the twelve 5 00°20'32" 7070,Page courses; OrangeCounty following 20.00 5 89°39'28" 363.61 5 84°38'15" 372.03 5 00°20'32" 14.94 E, feet; W, feet; W, feet; E, feet;S 89°40'22" S 42°20'36"W, 55.11feet; S 00°03'00" W, 138.87feet; W, 857.17feetto a pointofcurvature of a curveconcave Northeasterly run havinga radiusof 250.01feet,and a central angleof 90°21'35"; Southeasterly alongthe arcofsaidcurve,394.28feet;N 89°41'19"E,364.69feet;S 00°18'35"E,80.00 S 89°41'25" curveconcaveNortheasterly feet; W, 481.37feettoa pointon a non-tangent havinga radius of 350.02 feet,and a centralangle of 72°08'18"; from a tangentbearingof N 70°50'15"W run 440.69feet; thenceS 89°41'15" of W, 483.83feetalonga right Northwesterly alongthearcofsaidcurve, RecordsBook 7106,Page 2802 of the PublicRecordsof Orange County way linedescribedinOfficial Florida to a pointthatis10.00feetEasterly ofwhen measure perpendicular tothe Easterly ofway right lineofaforesaid StateRoad 429;and a pointon a non-tangent curveconcaveEasterly of havinga radius 3721.85feet,and a centralangleof 03°53'37"; thencefrom a tangentbearingof 5 16°54'47"E run thatis10.00feetEasterly ofand parallel withsaidright of Southerly alongthearcofsaidcurveand a line 252.93 thence5 20°48'24" 96.16feet said to its intersection witha line feet; E, way line, along parallel thatis10.00feetNorthofand parallel withtheSouthlineofthe Northwest1/4 ofthe Northeast1/4 of saidSection thatis10.00feetNorthofand parallel with 8;thenceN 89°41'25"E,83.88feetalongsaidline the Southlineofthe Northwest1/4 of the Northeast1/4 of saidSection8,to itsintersection withthe West lineofthe East520.00feetoftheSouthwest1/4 ofthe Northeast1/4 of saidSection8;thenceS 00°08'24" oftheEast520.00feetoftheSouthwest1/4oftheNortheast W, 219.78feetalongtheWest line ofsaid Section to its intersection witha line thatis10.00feetEastofwhen measure perpendicular 1/4 8, tothe Easterly ofway lineofaforesaid StateRoad 429;thenceS 20°48'24" E,836.45feetalongsaid right linetoa pointon a Deed described inOfficial RecordsBook 9324,Page 367 ofthePublic Records parallel ofOrangeCountyFlorida; thencerunalongsaidDeed thefollowing sixcourses; S 87°25'27" E,291.32feet; thenceN 88°48'53"E,166.97feet;N 86°44'00"E,142.45feet;N 06°27'19" W, 91.16feet;N 28°52'42"E, 302.51feet;N 69°30'43"E,659.82feetto a pointon a deed describedinOfficial RecordsBook 10810, 147 ofthe Public R ecords of thencerun said Deed the following four Page Orange CountyFlorida; along N 84°17'43"E,306.52feet;N 55°03'52"E,1274.60feet;N 33°11'17"E,877.94feet;N 08°37'23" courses; thenceN 89°46'07" oftheNorthwest1/4ofsaidSection E,258.89feet; E,980.18feetalongtheNorthline 9 totheNortheast cornerthereof; thenceS 00°03'05" oftheNorthwest W, 2653.53feetalongtheEastline 9 totheSoutheastcornerthereof; thenceS 89°44'05" 1/4ofsaidSection W, 1325.36feetalongtheSouth lineofthe Southeast1/4 ofthe Northwest1/4 of Section9 to the Southwestcornerthereof; thenceS 00°08'51" 1314.23 feet the East line ofthe Northwest oftheSouthwest ofSection 9 to W, 1/4 1/4 along the Southeastcornerthereof; thenceN 89°45'10"E,1327.55feetalongthe NorthlineoftheSoutheast thenceS 00°03'05"W, 1314.64 1/4 ofthe Southwest1/4 of Section9 to the Northeastcornerthereof; feetalongtheEastline oftheSoutheast1/4oftheSouthwest1/4 ofSection9 totheSoutheastcornerof theSouthwest1/4 ofSection9;thenceN 89°53'46" E,2633.36feetalongtheSouthlineoftheSoutheast ofSection 9 to the Southeast corner thereof and the SouthwestcornerofSection10,Township 24 1/4 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 27 of 76 thenceN 00°15'35"E,5286.81feetalongtheWest section lineofSection10 tothe South,Range 27 East; Northwestcornerthereofand the Southwestcornerof Section3,Township 24 South,Range 27 East; thenceN 00°11'50" oftheSouthwest1/4,Section 3 totheNorthwest W, 2661.64feetalongtheWest line cornerthereof; thenceN 89°39'50"E,3976.31feetalongthe NorthlineoftheSouthhalfofSection3 to the Northeastcornerof the Northwest1/4 of the Southeast1/4 of Section3; thenceS 00°04'39"E, 1326.78feetalongtheEastlineoftheNorthwest1/4oftheSoutheast1/4ofSection3 tothe Northwest corneroftheSoutheast1/4 oftheSoutheast1/4 ofSection3;thenceN 89°37'16"E,1328.99feetalong theNorthline oftheSoutheast1/4oftheSoutheast1/4ofSection 3 totheNortheast cornerthereofand theNorthwestcorneroftheSouthwest1/4oftheSouthwest1/4ofSection2,Township24 South,Range 27 East; thenceN 00°07'50" ofNorthwest1/4,oftheSouthwest1/4, W, 1325.78feetalongtheWest line ofSection2 tothe Northwestcornerthereof; thenceN 00°07'43" W, 400.13feetalongtheWest lineof the Northwest1/4,ofSection2;thencerun alongthe Northerly boundaryofa deed recordedinOfficial RecordsBook 1457,Page934 ofthePublic RecordsofOrange CountyFlorida thefollowing threecourses; N 86°46'13"E,1024.87feet;N 77°37'23"E,1103.42feet;N 53°18'38"E,1872.82feetto a pointon the lineof Reams Road as shown on Platbook 3, Page 85 of the PublicRecordsof Southerlyright-of-way thencerunalongsaidright-of-way linethefollowing threecourses; S 43°40'10"E, OrangeCountyFlorida; 1382.92feetto the beginning ofa curveconcavetothe Northeast, a radius of546.86feetand a having central of thencerun the arcof saidcurve442.39 thenceN feet; angle 46°21'00"; Southeasterly along 89°58'50"E,341.61feet; thenceleaving saidright-of-way, runS 00°19'24"E,603.75feetalongthe East lineofthe Northeast1/4 ofSection2,totheSoutheastcornerthereof, and theNorthwestcornerofthe Northwest1/4oftheSouthwest1/4ofSection1,Township 24 South,Range 27 East; thenceN 89°43'47" E,alongtheNorthlineoftheNorthwest1/4oftheSouthwest1/4ofSection1,1297.19feettoa point25 feetWest of the Northeastcornerof the Northwest1/4 of the Southwest1/4 of Section1;thenceN 00°12'21"W, 598.76feetalonga linethatis25.00feetWest of and parallel to the West lineof the Southeast1/4 ofthe Northwest1/4 of Section1 to the Southerly lineof aforesaid Reams right-of-way of Reams Road;thencerun Road;thenceN 89°56'46"E,100.00feetalongsaidSoutherly right-of-way and Northerly RecordsBook 1465,Page 307 of alongthe Easterly boundaryofa deed recordedinOfficial the PublicRecordsof Orange County Florida the following fivecourses; 5 02°04'12"E,523.43feet;N 89°43'40"E,52.00feet;S 00°12'21"E,49.00feet;N 89°43'41"E,229.00feet;5 00°12'25"E,26.23feet; thenceN 89°43'47" oftheSouthhalfofSection 1to a point90.00feet E,1039.16feetalongtheNorthline EastoftheNortheast corneroftheSouthwest1/4ofSection1;thenceS 05°34'33" thence W, 911.86feet; S 00°05'18"E,420.00feetalongthe Eastlineofthe Northeast1/4 ofthe Southwest1/4 ofSection1 to the Southeastcornerthereof; thenceN 89°44'10"E,2649.93feetalongthe NorthlineoftheSouthhalf oftheSoutheast1/4ofSection1to thePointof Beginning. Lessthefollowing recordedparcels inthePublic RecordsofOrangeCountyFlorida: Book 2688,Page 1702 Book 6194,Page4392 Book 9745,Page 8716 Book 10275,Page 7457 Book 10304,Page 8949 Book 10681,Page 7447 Book 10681,Page 7453 Book 10681,Page 7458 Book 10778,Page 5071 Book 10987,Page 8396 Instrument 20050679647 Instrument 20050766353 Instrument 20160090446 Instrument 20160316309 Instrument 20160316310 Instrument 20160344785 Instrument 20210271782 Instrument 20220000060 Instrument 20220073431 Instrument 20220542316 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 28 of 76 DESCRIPTIONOF DEVELOPERS'AGREEMENT INOSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA A parceloflandlying inSections 1,2,11 through14,23 through26,Township 25 South,Range 27 East, and Sections 5 through9,16 through20,30 and 31,Township25 South,Range 28 East, Osceola and more described a sfollows: County,Florida, being particularly Beginatthe NorthwestcornerofsaidSection6,run alongthe NorthlineoftheNorthwest1/4 ofSection6,Township25 South,Range 28 Eastrun,S 89°56'54"E,2748.82feettotheNortheastcorner thenceS 89°36'01"E,2646.94feetalongthe Northlineofthe Northeast1/4 ofsaidSection6 thereof; to the Northeastcornerthereof; thenceenteringSection5,Township25 South,Range 28 Eastrun N 89°42'15"E,2600.72feetalongthe Northlineofthe Northwest1/4 ofsaidSection5 tothe Northeast cornerthereof;thenceS 89°17'26"E,153.63feetalongthe Northlineof the Northeast1/4 of said Section 5 toa pointon theStateRoad 400 right ofway line shown on Map Section 92130-2401and dated threecourses; S 38°30'29"W, August28,1969;thencerun alongsaidrightof way linethe following 248.14feetto a pointofcurvature ofa curveconcaveNorthwesterly havinga radiusof85794.19feet, and a central runSouthwesterly 2170.39feet; 5 39°57'27" angleof01°26'58"; alongthearcofsaidcurve, 2021.20 t hence5 01°12'07" 1838.47feet theWest line oftheSouthwest W, feet; W, 1/4 ofsaid along Section5 totheSouthwestcornerthereof; thenceentering Section 25 8,Township South,Range 28 East run N 89°47'15"E,2643.05feetalongthe North lineof the Northwest1/4 of saidSection8 to the Northeastcornerthereof; thenceN 89°44'15"E,2642.73feetalongtheNorthlineoftheNortheast1/4 ofsaidSection8 totheNortheastcornerthereof; thenceentering Section9,Township25 South,Range 28 Eastrun N 89°47'42"E,1315.60feetalongthe NorthlineoftheWest 1/2 ofthe Northwest1/4 of saidSection9 totheNortheastcornerthereof; thenceS 00°04'39"E,2645.23feetalongthe Eastlineof theWest 1/2ofthe Northwest1/4 ofsaidSection9;thence5 00°03'27"E,1320.49feetalongthe East lineofthe Northwest1/4 of the Southwest1/4 of saidSection9;thenceN 89°46'36"E,1311.24feet 9;thenceN 89°54'53"E, alongtheNorthlineoftheSoutheast1/4 oftheSouthwest1/4 ofsaidSection 1343.01feetalongtheNorthlineoftheSouthwest1/4 oftheSoutheast1/4 ofsaidSection9;thenceS 00°00'12"E,1320.26feetalongthe EastlineoftheSouthwest1/4 oftheSoutheast1/4 ofsaidSection oftheSouthwest1/4oftheSoutheast1/4of 9;thenceS 89°58'40" W, 1342.90feetalongtheSouthline saidSection9;thenceS 89°42'06"W, 1310.10feetalongthe Southlineof the Southeast1/4 of the Southwest1/4 of saidSection9;thenceentering Section16,Township25 South,Range 28 Eastrun 5 00°42'14"E,1335.79feetalongtheEastlineoftheNorthwest1/4 ofthe Northwest1/4 ofsaidSection 16;thenceS 89°44'25" W, 1319.70feetalongtheSouthlineoftheNorthwest1/4oftheNorthwest1/4 ofsaidSection16;thenceS 00°17'31"E,1334.87feetalongtheWest lineofthe Southwest1/4 ofthe Northwest1/4 of saidSection16; thence N 89°46'42"E, 2658.61feetalongthe North lineof the Southwest1/4ofsaidSection16;thenceS 01°06'54"E,1338.43feetalongtheEastline oftheNortheast 1/4oftheSouthwest1/4ofsaidSection16;thenceS 89°51'04" W, 2677.84feetalongtheSouthlineof theNorth1/2,oftheSouthwest1/4 ofsaidSection16;thenceS 00°17'31"E,1334.87feetWest lineof theSouthwest1/4 oftheSouthwest1/4 ofsaidSection16 to theSouthwestcornerofsaidSection16; thenceentering Section20,Township25 South,Range 28 EastrunS 00°20'44"E,5339.36feetalongthe EastlineofsaidSection20 totheSoutheastcornerthereof; thenceS 89°31'09" W, 5313.04feetalong theSouthlineofsaidSection20 totheSouthwestcornerthereof; thenceentering Section30,Township 25 South,Range 28 Eastrun 5 00°24'07"W, 5287.28feetalongthe EastlineofsaidSection30 to the Southeastcornerthereof; thenceentering Section 31,Township25 South,Range 28 EastrunS 00°25'58" W, 2630.53feetalongthe Eastlineof the Northeast1/4 of saidSection31 to the Southeastcorner thenceS 00°26'32"W, 1339.91feetalongthe Eastlineofthe Northeast1/4 ofthe Southeast thereof; ofsaid Section31;thenceS 89°38'07" 1/4 W, 1325.49feetalongtheSouthlineoftheNortheast1/4 of Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 29 of 76 the Southeast1/4 of saidSection31;thenceN 00°21'55"E,1337.78feetalongthe West lineof the Northeast1/4oftheSoutheast1/4ofsaidSection 31;thenceS 89°32'39" W, 663.66feetalongtheSouth line oftheEast1/2oftheWest 1/2oftheNortheast1/4ofsaidSection 31;thenceN 00°19'27" E,2635.75 feetalongtheWest lineofthe East1/2oftheWest 1/2ofthe Northeast1/4ofsaidSection31;thence Section30,Township25 South,Range 28 EastrunS 89°41'46" W, 665.30feetalongtheSouth entering lineoftheSoutheast1/4ofsaidSection30;thenceS 89°41'31" 2661.88feet W, alongtheSouthlineof the Southwest 1/4 of saidSection30 to the Southwest cornerthereof;thence enteringSection 25,Township25 South,Range 27 EastrunS 89°54'33"W, 2658.96feetrun alongthe Southlineofthe Southeast1/4 ofsaidSection25 totheSouthwestcornerthereof; thenceS 89°52'03"W, 2644.80feet thence alongtheSouthlineoftheSouthwest1/4 of saidSection25 to the Southwestcornerthereof; Section 25 27 East runS 89°49'42" 1327.07 feet theSouth South, W , entering 26,Township Range along lineoftheSoutheast1/4 oftheSoutheast1/4 ofsaidSection26;thenceN 00°03'44" W, 1330.70feet alongWest lineof the Southeast1/4 ofthe Southeast1/4 of saidSection26;thenceS 89°52'21"W, 1326.94feetalongSouthlineofthe Northwest1/4 ofthe Southeast1/4 ofsaidSection26;thenceN 00°03'24" oftheNorthwest1/4oftheSoutheast1/4ofsaidSection W, 1331.72feetalongWest line 26; thenceS 89°55'00" oftheNorthwest1/4ofsaidSection26;thence W, 1666.58feetalongtheSouthline N 00°00'25" oftheEast5/8 oftheNorthwest1/4ofsaidSection26, W, 1930.44feetalongtheWest line toa pointon the Easterly of line ofState Road 400 asdescribed inOfficial RecordsBook 2326, right way 701ofthePublic R ecords ofOsceola Florida and a curve concave Page County non-tangent Southeasterly thencefrom a tangentbearingof N havinga radiusof 3921.00feet,and a central angleof 14°53'09"; 25°02'25"E run Northeasterly 1018.71feet;thence alongthe arcof saidcurveand rightof way line, continuealongsaidright ofway linethefollowing two courses; N 39°57'15"E,901.93feet;N 50°02'45" thenceN 39°57'15"E,654.77feetalongtheStateRoad 400 right ofway line shown on Map W, 9.00feet; Section92130-2401and datedAugust28,1969;thenceN 89°45'55"E,128.02feetalongthe Northline of the Southeast1/4 of the Southwest1/4 Section23,Township25 South,Range 27 East;thence N 00°05'36"E,3974.79feetalongtheWest lineoftheEast1/2ofsaidSection23;thenceentering Section W, 1338.67feetalongWest lineoftheSouthwest 14,Township25 South,Range 27 EastrunN 00°01'48" 1/4 oftheSoutheast1/4 ofsaidSection14;thenceS 89°58'43"W, 431.70feetalongtheSouthlineof the Northeast1/4 ofthe Southwest1/4 ofsaidSection14;thenceN 00°04'30"W, 1337.83feetalong the EastlineoftheWest 235.00feetoftheEast1/2 ofthe Northeast1/4 oftheSouthwest1/4 ofsaid Section14;thenceS 89°52'00" W, 235.00feetalongtheSouthlineofthe Northwest1/4ofsaidSection 14;thenceN 00°04'30"W, 1328.24feetalongthe West lineof East1/2 of the Southeast1/4 of the Northwest1/4ofsaidSection14;thenceS 89°49'34" W, 334.40feetalongtheSouthlineoftheEast1/2 ofthe West 1/2 ofthe Northeast1/4 ofthe Northwest1/4 ofsaidSection14;thenceN 00°05'51"W, 1328.00feetalongtheWest lineoftheEast1/2oftheWest 1/2oftheNortheast1/4oftheNorthwest Section11,Township25 South,Range 27 EastrunS 89°47'08" 1/4ofsaidSection14;thenceentering W, 1004.74feetalongtheSouthwest1/4 ofsaidSection11;thenceN 00°10'06"E,666.14feetalongthe West lineoftheSoutheast1/4 oftheSouthwest1/4 oftheSouthwest1/4 ofsaidSection11;thenceS 89°53'39"W, 419.88feetalongthe South lineof the Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest1/4ofsaidSection11;thenceN 00°16'32" thatis208.71feetEast E,208.71feetalonga line ofand parallel withthe Eastright of way lineof County Road 545 as shown on Map Section9257-150 datedJune 21,1955;thenceS 89°53'43"W, 208.71feetalonga linethatis208.71feetNorthof and withSouthline oftheSouthwest1/4ofsaidSection11;thenceN 00°16'32"E,458.63feetalong parallel the aforesaid Eastrightof way lineof County Road 545;thenceS 89°59'41"E,293.67feetalongthe NorthlineoftheNorthwest1/4oftheSouthwest1/4oftheSouthwest1/4ofsaidSection11;thenceN 00°13'21"E,666.77feetalongtheWest lineofthe East1/2 oftheSouthwest1/4ofthe Northwest1/4 ofthe Southwest1/4 ofsaidSection11;thenceS 89°53'03"E,666.11feetalongthe Northlineofthe South 1/2 ofthe Northwest1/4 oftheSouthwest1/4 ofsaidSection11;thenceN 00°06'58"E,615.49 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 30 of 76 feetalongtheWest lineoftheEast1/2oftheNortheast1/4ofthe Northwest1/4oftheSouthwest1/4 ofsaidSection11;thenceS 89°46'25"E,332.34feetalonga line50.00feetSouthofand parallel with theNorthline oftheSouthwest1/4ofsaidSection11;thenceN 00°13'26"E,50.00feetWest line ofthe Northeast1/4oftheSouthwest1/4ofsaidSection11;thenceS 89°46'24" E,332.44feetalongtheSouth lineoftheWest 1/2 oftheSouthwest1/4 oftheSoutheast1/4oftheNorthwest1/4 ofsaidSection11; thenceN 00°00'19"W, 663.86feetalongthe West lineof the East1/2 of the Southwest1/4 of the Southeast1/4oftheNorthwest1/4ofsaidSection11;thenceS 89°51'37" E,331.87feetalongtheNorth lineoftheEast1/2 oftheSouthwest1/4 oftheSoutheast1/4 oftheNorthwest1/4 ofsaidSection11; thenceN 00°03'15"W, 1328.72feetalongthe West lineofthe East1/4 ofthe Northwest1/4 of said Section11;thenceN 89°57'56"E,661.47feetalongtheNorthline oftheSoutheast1/4oftheNortheast 1/4 ofthe Northwest1/4 ofSection11;thenceN 00°09'07"W, 665.37feetalongtheWest lineofthe Northeast1/4ofsaidSection11to theNorthwestcorneroftheNortheast1/4ofsaidSection11;thence Section2,Township25 South,Range 27 Eastrun N 00°22'03"E,5290.72feetalongthe West entering lineoftheEast1/2 ofsaidSection2;thenceS 89°44'07" W, 495.03feetalonga line10.00feetSouthof and parallel withthe Northlineofthe Northwest1/4ofsaidSection2;thenceS 00°22'03"W, 1390.09 feetalonga line495.00feetWest ofand parallel withtheWest lineofthe East1/2 of saidSection2; thenceS 89°44'07"W, 2110.14feetalonga line1400.00feetSouthofand parallel withthe Northline oftheNorthwest1/4ofsaidSection2 toa pointon the Easterly ofde-annexation Resolution boundary No.442 on recordat Reedy Creek ImprovementDistrict; thencerun alongsaidboundarythe following N 02°17'23"E,40.72feet;N 18°56'28"E,11.18feet;N 00°08'32"E,14.20feet;N 45°08'32"E, courses; 35.36feet; S 89°51'28"E,4.49feet;N 00°08'32"E,60.00feet;N 44°51'28" W, 35.36feet;N 00°08'32" E, 10.44feet; N 44°51'28" N 00°08'32" N 01°09'08" N 44°51'28" W, 4.24feet; E,346.14feet; W, 176.69feet; N 00°08'32" oftheNorthwest1/4ofsaidSection W, 39.61feet; E,660.14feettoa pointon theNorthline 2 and being25.00feetEastofthe Northwestcornerof saidSection2;thenceN 89°44'07"E,2636.05 feetalongtheNorthlineoftheNorthwest1/4ofsaidSection2 totheNortheast cornerthereof; thence N 89°48'35"E,2652.59feetalongtheNorthlineoftheNortheast1/4ofsaidSection2 totheNortheast cornerthereof; thenceentering Section1,Township25 South,Range 27 EastrunN 89°46'36" E,2656.21 feetalongtheNorthlineoftheNorthwest1/4ofsaidSection1to theNortheast cornerthereof; thence N 89°50'04"E,2658.48feetalongtheNorthlineoftheNortheast1/4ofsaidSection1to theNortheast cornerthereoftothePointof Beginning, acresmore or less. 11063.93, containing Lessand exceptthefollowing: A parcelof landlyinginSections11 through14,Township 25 South,Range 27 East,Osceola and beingmore particularly described asfollows: County,Florida, Commence attheNorthwestcorneroftheNortheast1/4ofsaidSection11,runalongtheWest lineofthe Northeast1/4 ofsaidSection11,S 00°09'07"E,132.00feet; thenceN 89°52'08"E,1175.60 feetalonga line thatis132.00feetSouthofand parallel withtheNorthlineoftheNortheast1/4ofsaid Section11 to a pointon the boundary of de-annexation Resolution No. 291 as describedinOfficial RecordsBook 1235,Page 1769 of the PublicRecordsof OsceolaCounty,Florida, and the Pointof thencecontinue aforesaid N 89°52'11" 240.29 feet toa line, E, Beginning; along parallel pointon a deed recordedinOfficial RecordsBook 1563,Page 2410 of the PublicRecordsof OsceolaCounty Florida; thencerun alongsaidlinefollowing two courses; 5 79°55'37"E,62.09feet;N 89°52'08"E,193.48feet toa pointon a deed recordedinOfficial RecordsBook 1674,Page 2470 ofthePublic RecordsofOsceola thence run alongsaiddeed the following fivecourses; 5 00°07'52"E,207.00feet;S County Florida; 89°52'08" 5 00°07'52"E,500.00feet; N 89°52'08"E,400.00feet;N 00°07'52" W, 350.00feet; W, 707.00 feettoa pointon theaforementioned deed recordedinOfficial RecordsBook 1563,Page2410;thence runalongsaiddeed thefollowing N 89°52'09" 5 45°03'23" 5 00°00'00" courses; E,2.14feet; E,42.36feet; Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 31 of 76 ofa curveconcaveEasterly of1597.84feet, and a E,174.79feetto a pointofcurvature havinga radius central run Southerly S 09°05'25"E,282.87 angleof 09°05'25"; alongthearcofsaidcurve,253.51feet; feetto a pointofcurvature ofa curveconcaveWesterlyhavinga radiusof 1457.85feet,and a central runSoutherly 5 17°05'06" W, 544.65feetto angleof26°10'31"; alongthearcofsaidcurve,666.01feet; a pointofcurvature ofa curveconcaveNortheasterly of1597.85feet, and a central havinga radius angle of 102°07'51"; run Southeasterly thearcofsaid 2848.19feet toa on a deed recorded curve, along point inOfficial RecordsBook 1280,Page 1782 of the PublicRecordsof OsceolaCounty Florida; thence deed recordedinOfficial RecordsBook 1674,Page2470 following thedeed recordedinOfficial departing RecordsBook 1280,Page 1782 following saidpointbeing a pointofcompound curvature ofa courses; curveconcaveNortherly and a central run Easterly havinga radiusof 1597.89feet, angleof 07°30'00"; S 12°49'30"E,117.68feetto a point alongthearcofsaidcurve,209.16feet;S 54°40'11"E,66.55feet; on a non-tangentcurveconcave Easterly a radius of 2009.86 feet,and a centralangleof having from a of S 10°48'36" W run 24°18'27"; tangentbearing Southerly alongthe arcof saidcurve,852.67 of a curveconcave feet;S 13°29'51"E,341.79feet;S 13°29'51"E,408.71feetto a pointofcurvature and a central run Southerly Westerlyhavinga radiusof 1809.86feet, angleof 11°41'10"; alongthearc ofsaidcurve, 369.14feet; toa pointofcompound curvature ofa curveconcaveWesterlyhavinga radius of1809.86feet, and a central thencerunSoutherly 540.54 angleof17°06'44"; alongthearcofsaidcurve, 5 15°17'58" 294.15 t hence said deed run the of of feet; W, feet; departing along Westerlyright way line StateRoad 400 and World DriveInterchange as described inOfficial RecordsBook 1659,Page 1492 of the PublicRecordsof OsceolaCounty Florida the following courses;S 15°15'17"W, 300.03feet;N 74°44'43" S 17°31'41" thenceS 15°15'11" W, 45.00feet; W, 302.54feet; W, 177.35feetto a pointon a non-tangentcurveconcaveEasterly havinga radiusof4501.37feet,and a central angleof 06°46'34"; from a tangentbearingof S 15°15'19"W run Southerlyalongthe arcof saidcurve,532.35feet;5 08°28'42" 5 81°31'15"E,26.00feet;5 08°28'45" W, 421.43feet; W, 543.00feet;N 81°31'15" W, 26.00 5 08°28'44" 1288.75feetto a of curvature o f a curveconcave feet; W, point Northwesterly havinga radiusof 1051.92feet, and a central run Southwesterly angleof 30°21'09"; alongthearcofsaidcurve, 557.26feet;S 38°49'53"W, 892.32feetto a pointon theaforesaid Reedy Creek Improvement District de-annexation Resolution No. 291;thencerunalongsaidde-annexation courses; boundarythefollowing N 34°24'01" thenceN 41°10'58"E,504.10feet; N 56°53'24" N 00°00'05" W, 342.34feet; W, 1046.80feet; W, 182.99feet;N 00°00'05" W, 262.45feet;N 00°00'05" W, 604.56feet;N 20°22'32" E,1354.78feet;N 39°36'34"E,1142.27feet;N 89°59'55"E,550.00feet;N 00°00'05"W, 1600.00feet;N 53°58'26"W, 680.07feet;N 11°08'10" W, 1105.17feet;N 44°36'19" W, 1268.50feet;N 61°15'45" W, 889.74feet;N 18°33'37" thenceN 00°00'05" W, 469.54feet; W, 391.70feet;N 89°59'55"E,48.91feet;N 06°11'23"E, 746.77feet; thenceN 13°51'33"E,679.15feet;N 45°31'55"E,264.41feet;N 89°59'55"E,356.15feet; thenceN 00°00'05" 263.49acres, more or less. W, 317.21feettothePointof Beginning, containing AND A parcelof landlyinginSections11 through14,Township 25 South,Range 27 East,Osceola and beingmore particularly described asfollows: County,Florida, Commence attheNorthwestcorneroftheNortheast1/4ofsaidSection11,runalongtheWest lineofthe Northeast1/4 ofsaidSection11,S 00°09'07"E,132.00feet; thenceN 89°52'08"E,1922.52 feetalonga line thatis132.00feetSouthofand parallel withtheNorthlineoftheNortheast1/4ofsaid Section11 toa pointon Southerly ofway line ofStateRoad 530 and a pointon the boundaryofderight annexationResolution No. 291 as describedinOfficial RecordsBook 1235,Page 1769 of the Public Recordsof OsceolaCounty,Florida, and the Pointof Beginning; thencerun alongsaidboundariesthe five N 89°52'07" 728.48 N 89°52'44" 1251.91feet;N 89°50'43"E,190.56 courses; E, feet; E, following feettoa pointon a non-tangent curveconcaveNortheasterly of814.00feet, and a central havinga radius Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 32 of 76 from a tangentbearingofS 19°06'55" E runSoutheasterly angleof20°35'33"; alongthearcofsaidcurve, 292.56feet;to a pointon a non-tangentcurveconcaveNortheasterly havinga radiusof 1073.93feet, and a central from a tangentbearingof S 36°35'41"E run Southeasterly angleof 17°34'32"; alongthe arcofsaidcurve,329.43feet;thencedeparting saidright of way linecontinuealongthe aforesaid deannexationboundarythe following S 00°08'00"E,455.76feet;N 89°52'00"E,20.00feet;S courses; 00°08'00"E,488.84feettoa pointon a non-tangent curveconcaveWesterlyhavinga radius of1759.86 a nd a central of f rom a ofS 00°08'08" E run feet, angle 33°38'13"; tangentbearing Southerly alongthe arcofsaidcurve,1033.17feet;S 33°30'09" ofa curveconcave W, 1183.50feettoa pointofcurvature of2059.86feet, and a central runSouthwesterly Southeasterly havinga radius angleof14°13'45"; along thearcofsaidcurve,511.56feet; to a pointon a non-tangent curveconcaveNortherly havinga radius of1457.89feet, and a central from a tangentbearingofS 82°51'48" W runWesterly angleof 12°05'33"; thearcofsaid 307.69 t oa of curvature o fa curveconcave curve, feet; along point compound Northerly havinga radiusof 1457.79feet,and a central angleof 29°15'05";run Westerlyalongthe arcof said curve,744.25feet;N 34°12'14"E,149.99feet;N 38°16'56"W, 139.49feet;N 20°31'56"W, 110.01 feet;N 70°14'49" W, 129.46feet;N 45°48'22" W, 132.54feet;S 89°14'11" W, 181.70feettoa pointon a non-tangent curveconcaveEasterly of 1457.85feet, and a central havinga radius angleof 47°22'50"; from a tangentbearingof N 30°17'44"W run Northerly the arcof said 1205.56feet;N curve, along 17°05'06" 386.62 5 72°54'50" 290.44 N 10°23'11" 320.40 N 04°30'12" E, feet; E, feet; E, feet; E,320.81 N 87°47'48" 244.99feet toa on a curveconcave a of feet; W, point non-tangent Westerlyhaving radius 1597.84feet, and a central from a tangentbearingof N 02°12'13"E run Northerly angleof 11°17'38"; ofa curve alongthearcofsaidcurve,314.96feet;N 09°05'25"W, 282.87feetto a pointofcurvature concaveEasterly of1457.85feet, and a central run Northerly havinga radius angleof09°05'25"; along thearcofsaidcurve,231.30feet;N 00°00'00"E,186.09feet;N 44°56'12"E,42.49feettothePointof 191.436Acres,more or less. Beginning, containing AND A parceloflandlyinginSections 12 and 13,Township 25 South,Range 27 Eastand Section7, 25 28 Osceola and beingmore particularly described as South,Range East, Township County,Florida, follows: Commence attheNorthwestcornerofsaidSection 7,run alongtheWest lineoftheNorthwest toa pointon Southerly ofway lineofStateRoad 1/4ofsaidSection 7,S 00°16'52" W, 182.00feet, right 530 and a pointon the boundaryofde-annexation Resolution No. 291 as described inOfficial Records Book 1235,Page 1769 of the PublicRecordsof OsceolaCounty,Florida, and the Pointof Beginning; thencerun alongsaidde-annexation N 89°36'48"E,1370.16feetto a courses; boundarythe following on a curveconcave a radius of2774.79 and a central feet, point non-tangent Southerly having angleof f rom a ofS 87°18'45" E run thearcofsaid 706.70 14°35'33"; curve, feet; tangentbearing Easterly along 5 72°43'12"E, 120.32feet; 5 68°43'12"E,476.40feetto a pointof curvatureof a curveconcave of310.00feet, and a central run Southeasterly Southwesterly havinga radius angleof64°11'44"; along thearcofsaidcurve,347.33feet; toa pointofcompound curvature ofa curveconcaveWesterlyhaving a radiusof 710.00feet,and a central angleof 43°41'01";run Southerly alongthe arcof saidcurve, 541.32feet;5 39°09'33" 593.50 5 39°49'53" 428.75feet toa curve W, feet; W, pointon a non-tangent concave Northwesterly a radius of 17038.73 and a central of from a feet, having angle 00°07'01"; W run Southwesterly toa pointof tangentbearingofS 39°57'15" alongthearcofsaidcurve,34.76feet; ofa curveconcaveNorthwesterly and a central compound curvature havinga radiusof 17038.73feet, to a pointof compound angleof 00°07'00";run Southwesterly alongthearcofsaidcurve,34.73feet; curvatureof a curveconcave Northwesterly a radius of 17038.73 and a central feet, having angleof r un thearcofsaid 1522.83 t o a ofreverse curvature 05°07'15"; Southwesterly curve, feet; along point Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 33 of 76 ofa curveconcaveSoutheasterly of17338.73feet, and a central run havinga radius angleof07°18'35"; ofa curve Southwesterly alongthe arcof saidcurve,2212.08feet;to a pointof compound curvature concave Southeasterly havinga radiusof 17338.73 feet,and a centralangle of 03°23'57"; run Southwesterly alongthe arcof saidcurve,1028.62feet;to a pointof reversecurvatureof a curve concave Northwesterly havinga radiusof 17038.73feet,and a centralangle of 05°03'27"; run the arcof saidcurve,1503.98feet;5 44°18'34"W, 2356.77feetto a pointon a Southwesterly along curveconcave and a central non-tangent Northerly havinga radiusof451.67feet, angleof 120°17'51"; from a tangentbearingofS44°19'15" W runWesterlyalongthearcofsaidcurve, 948.32feet; toa point of compound curvature ofa curveconcaveEasterly of1767.86feet, and a central havinga radius angle of 30°38'14";run Northerly alongthe arcof saidcurve,945.31feet; N 15°15'17"E,57.43feet;N 74°44'43"W, 42.00feet;N 10°06'45"E,301.24feet;N 15°17'20"E,293.98feetto a pointon a nonand a central from tangentcurveconcaveWesterlyhavinga radiusof2009.86feet, angleof28°47'54"; a tangentbearingofN 15°18'05" E run Northerly thearcofsaid 1010.21 N 13°29'49" curve, feet; along ofa curveconcaveEasterly of1809.86feet, and a W, 750.50feettoa pointofcurvature havinga radius central run Northerly 957.35feet;N 46°27'10" E,105.97 angleof30°18'27"; alongthearcofsaidcurve, feet;to a pointon a non-tangentcurveconcaveSoutheasterly havinga radiusof 1759.86feet,and a central of f rom a of N 19°48'38" E run Northeasterly 13°41'33"; angle tangentbearing alongthearcof saidcurve, 420.57feet;N 33°30'11"E,1183.50feettoa pointofcurvature ofa curveconcaveWesterly havinga radiusof 2059.86feet,and a central angleof 33°23'10";run Northerly alongthe arcof said ofa curveconcaveSoutheasterly curve,1200.27feet;N 05°42'05" E,369.98feettoa pointofcurvature of426.87feet, and a central run Northeasterly havinga radius angleof56°29'55"; alongthearcofsaid ofa curveconcaveSoutherly curve,420.93feet;N 62°12'02"E,1022.85feetto a pointof curvature of1789.72feet, and a central run Easterly havinga radius angleof15°19'53"; alongthearcofsaidcurve, 478.90feet; toa pointon a non-tangent curveconcaveSoutherly a radius of1791.86feet, and a having central of from a of N 78°45'37" E run thearcofsaid angle 03°26'13"; tangentbearing Easterly along ofa curveconcaveSoutherly curve,107.49feet;to a pointof compound curvature havinga radiusof 2181.28feet, and a central run Easterly angleof06°37'08"; alongthearcofsaidcurve,251.98feet;N 88°49'08" 744.473acres, E,659.02feet;N 89°50'46" E,591.75feettothePointofBeginning, containing more or less. AND A parcelof landlyinginSections12,13,23 and 24,Township 25 South,Range 27 East and Sections 17 through20 and 30,Township 25 South,Range 28 East, OsceolaCounty,Florida, and 7,8,9, more described a sfollows: being particularly Commence attheNorthwestcornerofsaidSection9,run alongtheWest lineoftheNorthwest to a pointon Southerly of way lineofStateRoad 1/4 ofsaidSection 9,S 00°08'49"E,132.00feet, right 530 and a pointon the boundaryofde-annexation Resolution No. 291 as described inOfficial Records Book 1235,Page 1769 of the PublicRecordsof OsceolaCounty,Florida, and the Pointof Beginning; thencerun alongsaidde-annexation N 89°47'42"E,622.99feetto a courses; boundarythe following on a curveconcave a radius of450.00 and a central feet, point non-tangent Northeasterly having angle of 59°52'20";from a tangentbearingof S 00°12'18"E run Southeasterly the arcof saidcurve, along 470.24feet;5 60°04'38"E,118.30feettoa pointofcurvature ofa curveconcaveSouthwesterly having a radiusof150.00feet, and a central run Southeasterly angleof 60°00'00"; alongthearcofsaidcurve, 157.08feet; N 89°55'21"E,40.00 feet;S 00°04'25"E,2369.91feet; N 89°56'33"E,50.00feet;S 00°03'27"E,512.31feet;5 00°03'27"E,358.24feet;S 47°23'03"W, 1794.78feet;N 75°57'54"W, 2061.55feet;S 53°52'46" W, 4747.05feet;S 13°19'33" E,1235.00feet;S 57°29'14"E,837.20feet;S 26°03'58"E,3172.66feet;S 45°00'05"E,707.11feet;5 09°55'30"W, 2030.39feet;N 65°37'30" W, Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 34 of 76 1163.91feet;N 44°47'06" W, 1831.04feet;5 48°53'12" W, 715.92feet;N 65°37'30" W, 341.01feet;N 26°33'59"W, 2124.26feet;S 68°44'53"W, 965.66feet;S 16°54'23"E,5330.34feet;S 50°31'34"W, 1101.14feet;N 41°38'06" W, 4214.56feet;N 18°02'08" W, 2261.08feet;5 89°59'55" W, 1650.00feet; S 00°00'05" E,1224.24feet;5 35°39'14" W, 1200.88feet;5 89°59'55" W, 1800.00feet;N 34°46'45" W, 1157.70feet;N 27°43'20" W, 492.90feet;N 01°09'30" W, 124.30feet;N 50°54'37" W, 282.74feet;S 59°21'14" W, 36.00feet;N 38°52'34" W, 156.01feet;N 39°57'15" E,502.67feet;N 43°58'16" E,1918.88 feetto a pointofcurvature of a curveconcaveSoutherly a radius of622.20 and a central feet, having angleof 73°46'51";run Easterly alongthe arcof saidcurve,801.22feet;to a pointof compound curvatureof a curveconcave Southwesterly havinga radiusof 2405.91feet,and a central angleof runSoutheasterly toa pointon a non-tangent curve 15°39'49"; alongthearcofsaidcurve,657.74feet; concaveSouthwesterly a radius o f3677.60 a nd a central of f rom a feet, 09°13'43"; having angle tangent bearingof5 46°35'06"E run Southeasterly alongthearcofsaidcurve,592.35feet;S 37°21'28"E,61.64 feet;N 52°38'37"E,295.00feet;N 37°21'24" W, 236.29feet;N 33°58'59" W, 295.13feettoa pointof curvature ofa curveconcaveEasterly havinga radiusof724.53feet,and a central angleof 32°07'27"; run Northerly 406.22feet;N 01°51'30" W, 914.66feettoa pointofcurvature alongthearcofsaidcurve, of a curveconcave Easterly havinga radiusof 1433.91feet,and a centralangleof 30°54'26";run thearcofsaid curve,773.50feet;N 31°08'21" E,714.41feet;N 32°17'07"E,68.88feet Northerly along to a pointofcurvature ofa curveconcaveSoutheasterly havinga radiusof4489.66feet,and a central of r un thearcofsaid 506.37feet;N 38°44'50" curve, E,91.15feet; angle 06°27'44"; Northeasterly along N 51°13'07"W, 15.63feet; N 39°57'15"E,399.78feetto a pointof curvatureof a curveconcave of17028.73feet, and a central runNortheasterly Southeasterly havinga radius angleof05°21'16"; along the arcof saidcurve,1591.38feet;to a pointof reversecurvature of a curveconcaveNorthwesterly havinga radiusof 17348.73feet,and a central angleof 00°22'04";run Northeasterly alongthearcof saidcurve,111.39feet; N 45°03'33"W, 10.00feetto a pointon a non-tangentcurve concave of17341.08feet, and a central from a tangentbearing Northwesterly havinga radius angleof04°36'46"; of N 44°56'25"E run Northeasterly alongthe arcofsaidcurve,1396.13feet;to a pointof compound curvatureof a curveconcave Northwesterly havinga radiusof 17338.73feet,and a central angleof to a pointofreversecurvature 05°43'39";run Northeasterly alongthearcofsaidcurve,1733.24feet; ofa curveconcaveSoutheasterly of17038.73feet, and a central run havinga radius angleof05°21'16"; the arcof said 1592.32 N 39°57'15" 942.63 N 44°36'59" curve, feet; E, feet; E, Northeasterly along 348.99feetto a pointon a non-tangentcurveconcaveSoutheasterly havinga radiusof 1342.44feet, and a central from a tangentbearingof N 44°44'08"E run Northeasterly angleof 24°30'00"; alongthe arcofsaidcurve,574.04feet;N 69°14'08"E,1832.61feet;S 47°43'15"E,1148.63feet;S 37°11'45"E, 2082.95feet;N 52°48'15"E,150.00feet;N 37°11'45" W, 2096.77feet;N 47°43'15" W, 1086.16feet; N 69°14'08" ofa curveconcaveSoutherly a radius of1342.40 E,104.92feettoa pointofcurvature having a nd a central of r un thearcofsaid 4 53.52 N feet, curve, feet; 88°35'33" angle 19°21'25"; Easterly along 600.08 N 83°15'36" 300.22 t henceN 89°45'45" 3676.81feet tothePoint of Beginning, E, feet; E, feet; E, 2908.288acres, more orless. containing AND A parceloflandlying inSections 23 through26,Township25 South,Range 27 East, and Section 25 28 East Osceola and more described as 30,Township South,Range County,Florida, being particularly follows: Commence attheSoutheastcornerofsaidSection26,run alongthe EastlineoftheSoutheast 1/4 of saidSection26, N 00°04'03"W, 120.00feet,to a pointon the boundary of de-annexation Resolution No. 291 as describedinOfficial RecordsBook 1235,Page 1769 of the PublicRecordsof OsceolaCounty,Florida, and the Pointof Beginning; thencerunalongsaidde-annexation boundarythe Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 35 of 76 courses;5 89°49'18"W, 678.98feet;5 89°56'16"W,41.46feet;5 89°50'14" W, 486.92feet; following N 00°07'57"W, 333.91feet;N 00°07'57" W, 177.25feet;N 00°01'07"W, 178.96feet;N 00°03'44" W, 631.66feet;5 89°52'13"W, 494.06feet;5 89°55'05"W, 828.90feet;N 90°00'00"W, 5.12feet;N 00°08'06"W, 251.46feet;N 00°08'09"W, 394.13feet;N 00°08'11"W, 655.92feet;N 00°13'25"W, 23.67feet;5 89°55'00"W, 128.49feet;N 89°31'49" W, 397.18feet;N 89°31'34"W, 122.10feet;N 89°32'10" 47.99 N 89°31'47" 361.14 N W, feet; W, feet; 89°31'38" W, 68.77feet;N 89°32'02" W, 98.33 N 89°31'40" 203.89 N 09°35'39" 23.58 N 34°30'31" 3.49 N 89°39'50" feet; W, feet; W, feet; E, feet; W, 46.97feet;S 89°55'09" W, 105.90feet;N 00°00'26" W, 1997.80feet;N 39°37'22"E,1530.02feet;N 39°37'22"E,3105.08feet;S 25°35'45"E,1405.42feet;S 48°02'51"W, 2129.92feet;S 27°09'04"E, 2191.46feet; N 89°59'55"E,429.40feet; N 42°34'45"E,61.38feet; N 77°28'31"E,6.16 feet; S 80°50'28"E,42.95feet;5 76°40'19"E,50.95feet;N 78°08'48"E,34.33feet;5 30°04'17"E,4.22feet; 5 76°06'37"E,130.56feet;N 89°59'55"E,618.64feet;N 00°00'05"W, 1750.00feet;5 85°45'54"E, 2707.40feet;5 38°39'40"E,320.15feet;5 01°48'36"E,382.26feet;5 54°54'10"W, 2031.38feet;5 34°49'33"E,1400.89feet;N 66°34'12"E,2012.03feet;N 89°59'55"E,1596.15feet;S 41°29'52"E, 1068.10feet;S 16°30'11" W, 1408.01feet;5 60°01'01" W, 808.14feet;N 44°46'55" W, 709.83feet;N 00°00'05"W, 700.00feet;5 89°59'55"W, 1100.00feet;S 15°22'30" W, 829.70feet;5 89°59'55"W, 620.00feet;S 00°00'05"E,250.00feet; N 89°45'12"E,331.16feet; N 22°25'57"E,47.85feet;N 32°49'38" W, 99.62feet;N 06°38'41" W, 20.86feet;N 67°06'55"E,58.35feet;N 80°46'35"E,124.29 N 59°15'21" 74.38 N 76°39'34" feet; E, feet; E,72.66feet;5 59°47'48"E,57.26feet;5 54°56'34"E, 123.34feet;S 58°10'29" E,79.63feet;S 30°10'31" E,44.20feet;S 06°24'36" E,107.82feet;S 11°28'54" W, 73.24feet;S 17°38'04" W, 10.26feet;S 67°56'29"E,225.59feet;N 45°25'09"E,16.32feet;S 61°51'19"E,58.22feet;S 30°56'12"E,14.64feet;S 67°56'29"E,748.10feet;S 89°54'33" W, 2032.92 feet;S 89°51'55" W, 2644.56feet;S 00°04'03" E,79.89feet;S 89°49'42" W, 1207.06feet;N 89°49'42" 829.134acres, more or less. E,1207.06feettothePointof Beginning, containing Lessthe following recordedparcelinthe Public RecordsofOsceolaCountyFlorida: 0.R.Book 6074,Page 1234 inaggregate24,200.76 acresmore or less. Containing Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 36 of 76 TOV/ GI TH 6 P15 ) 1" 10 11 GRAPHIC SCALE SCALE1"=COOC 12 16 P.5 .13 20 P.12 4 C~ 22 23 00 10 . P 9 a.BEPEvlATIDlJE o DJi-DEED BOuk A_RECORDS 0.R.=OFFIE S.R-51All HL#D OFWáY R/W-RIC-HT SM=PROFF SID JAlSllR'..Ff0R ANDMAPPER DS L.5.=LICENSED BUSINESS SEC=5ECTION -~ TWN-TOWNSHIP PNG=RANGE POE=POINT OFBEGlt.NING POC-POINT OFCCthENCEMENT FQg svArsor ,!L j DocuSigned by: """ 24 P.7 p T g -j -*- e9 .- __ . ..3 ') LEGEND REEDY CREEK IMPREVEMENT DISTFICT RalNhARY l-9/A46433A/649E... . LE3AL Thia documont haoboon xingadíqltal slactronloally oignad signaturo DESCRPl!ON n compliance ...... with F,A.C. Prir.led oftFie 5J-17.602(3), copies SJRVEYJR'S NOTE docur1ent crenotconsidered and the rnust be signed e-signatLire CHAPTER FLOR DA verified vi.Jry electraic Theëeal m lliis dvcun ont 5.J-17, wpies. appearing A0bilNISTRATIVE CODEREQUIRES PSR 5357. SE4RINGS wasauthorized L.Green A.RE BASEE ONTHEWESTLINE byJeff THE COLLOWNG STATEMENT OFTHESW1/4, OFSEC. Creek LB7714 6,TVA24S, SerWees, Ready Energy TNSm'S NOTA B[XfNDM'T SUR RNG28E ÀSBEING N 3000'22" E Mû0 C.e-iter ?OP.?n-1ûûO P.dve, RayInke,Flc,ridn FILING AREA DATE: OVERALL 12/7/22 CAI PliOJECF NAME mm DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT IN ORANCE COUNTY TA SI-RiD DRANBY TYPE sV3ENA PnoG407-a24-ee55 J_G SKETCH OF £ESCRIPTION sumssûr ers as -Il-NAu-: C®.MENTS 10dG22053 SHENT 1 DF 20 SHNETS Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 37 of 76 165.00 feet South ofthe North SE1/4, NW 1/4, line, Sec. 6-24-28 \ West East line, 1/2, e L1 SE1/4, NW 1/4 Sec.. 6-24-28 ..__ ·· SW1/4, NW,corner, Sec. 6-24-28 SWcorner, E 1/2, SE1/4, NW 1/4--. O Sec. 6-24-26 o I I 165.00 feet South ofthe SW1/4, NE1/4 line, r Nc.rth 6-24-25 / Soc_ L2/ she.re ImeofLake Mcble r Westerly C' N 8927'45"E 1997.50 Nvthlini half3 .. South SW 1/4. Sec·. Weet Ilne, 6-24-28o t. Les) 0.R. 2688/1702 O r z NW1/4, SW SWcerner. Sec6-24-28 1/4, I N North South SE1/4 line., half4 / 5ec, 6-24-25 N 8929'30"E 1679.69 o fy o c . East Sec. 6-24-28 line, d 8 P, O.B. 1850&SI.3 Acres± South Sec6-24-28 line. E N E9·31'17" 5+c. SW carner, B-24-28 4E N 8931'17" 1381.54 .5E Sea. S-24-25 çarner, ¬ NEcorner, Sec. 7-24-2B NW corner, Sec.B-24-2B _ _ Sec. North line, 7-24-28 East West line r1/Z, West 1/2 Sec. B-24-28 1 West shore line of'--- .e CO 0 -k 0 NEc ner, 'NW1/4 SW 1/45 c.B-24-28 ARRPFÙlATIONS D.BæDEED 50dK. O.R,=0FFICIAL RECORDS s.R..==sTATE POAD OFWAY R/W=RIGHT P.·B.=PLAT BD,0N VEYOR .SUR PSM=PROFESSIONAL ANDMAPPER BUSINE13 L.B.=LICENSEFJ SEC-SECTION TWN=TOWNSHIP lRNG=RANGE POB-POINT OFBEGINNING OFGOMÜÉNGEMENT POC=POINT Less 0.R. 20210271782 W hol, SW1/4Sec. B-'4-28 Eaet line, aECORNR,NW 1/ W /4_ FILING äREA OV ERALL PROJECT NAME P·ª B' DEV ELOPERS AGREEMENT LAh E BUENA VISTASURVEY TWE FL32830-1000 ImIEEIRET SIEWIBsE PHONE 407-824-5855 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS SHEET 2 0F 20 SHEETS it IN ORANGE S 8848'04"W COUNTY DATE: 12/7/22 SCALE 1" = 1000 DRAMl BY1 JLG FILENAME: 10do22053 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 38 of 76 CD- 0 ·$ C3 r LS6(3 Sc Agl4BL47 I n Lese 0,R. 20210271762 C5 014 o 69 L67 ARRRFVATIONS 0.B.-DEED BCCK 0,R,=OFFICIAL RECORDS S.R.=STATE ROAD OFWAY R/W=RIGHT P.B.=PLAT BOOK PSM=PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR ANDMAPPER L.S.--LICENSED BUSINESS SEC=SECTION TWN=TGVVNSHIP RNG-RANGE OFBEGINNING POB-POINT POC=POINT OFCOMMENCEMENT Less O.R. 10304/BíJ49 . .024 .. C29 C2 FILING AREA OV ERALL PROJECT NAME e·¤·B 1000° AGREEMENT LAKE BUENA V5TA DEVELOPERS rear simuis a oÑË a 5s55SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS SHEET 3 0F 20 SHEETS 7 / andEaeterly of Northerly boundary DakPhasr e Tract R,Golden 12, Plat Book 3-15 75,Pages C / IN ORANGE COUNTY DATE: i2/7/22 SCALE 1" = 400 DRAVN BY: JLG FILENAME: iodo22053 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 39 of 76 im 0R 10304/B949 * ar Northerly -Tract R,Go Plat Book 7 C24 Less 0.R202102717B2 . ÔMDE Ö BÓÒ 0R.=CFFIC ALRECDRDS SR.=STATED OFWAY R/W=RIGH-F PSM=PROFES$10NAlrSURVEYOR BUSINESS tB>LICENSED SEC=SEdlÓ TWN=TOWNSHIP RNG-RANGE POC=PGINT 13F COMMENCEMENT * IIII ,. FILING AREA OV ERALL PROJECT NAME P.O.5, 10DO° DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT LAKE BUENA V5TA SURVEY TYPE FL32830-1000 EIRET EIBEIBES PHONE 407-824--5855 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS SHEET 4 0F 20 SHEETS .7 gs IN ORANGE COUNTY DATE: i2/7/22 SCALE 1" = roo" DRAVN BY: Ac FILENAME: iodo22053 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 40 of 76 andEasterfy f I Northerly boundary Tract OakPhase R,Colden IB, NE1/4, SW1/4, Sec. 17-24-28 r NWcorner, Plat Book 3-15 75,Pages North South 5e0. 17-24-2a I1ne, half, . -,¬ C6O L177 7 C5 £174 L175 L173 2 L1.,7 L171 %LL-105 PG2.32 S 8956'53"E 3992.90' East Gëc. 17-24-2 1/4corner, o 7 0 L169 Weøerly R/Wline East section Sec. 17-24--2B line, ... . L167 SEtorriér, Sec. 17-24-qB . ... 5 L163 OL181 -N 8958*59 E qgg7, Sec, NEcorner, 20-14-2.6 U (,J LJC, .. NWcorner, ME1/4, rSW1/4,NW1/4, Sec. 21-24-28 East Sec. sectiori l[ne, 20-2%28 L179 SEcorner, NE1/4, NE1/4, Shc, D-24-26 _,,...rNW 1/4, NW1/4, Sec. SWtorner, 21--24-26 L181 NE1/4. SW1/4. NW1/4, Sec. 21-24-2BV SWcdrner NEcorn SE1/4, SW1/4 .r. -Sec. HW1/4. 21-2b28 20 r- --' NWcorner, NE1/4, SW /4,Seç21-24-76 L B4 ofLe1E5 Munger and empany SutdMélon NWcorrier Sec. recorded inPatBook E Page 2221-24-28, ARPRFv1ATIÓNS 0.B.=DEE0 BdOK RECRDS O.P.=CFFICIAL ROAD S.R.=5TATE OFWA( R/W=RIGHT PE.=PLAT BOOK PSM=PFQFES$10NAL SURVEYOlt ANDMAPPER L,B,-LICENSED BU5NESS SEC=5ECTION TWi>TOWNSHIP RNG=RANGE OFBEINRlNG POB=PGINT PDC=PGINT DFCOMENCEMENT IIII FILING AREA OV ERALL PROJECT NAME P,0.5, 10D00 AGREEMENT DEVELOPERS LAKE BUENA VISTASURÆY TYPE FL32830-1000 EEIRET 5IB51BE5 PHONE 407-824-5855 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS SHEET 5 0F 20 SHEETS SEcarner, Loi 85sNorth 5E SW1/4 IInc.. c 1/4, _¿pg West Ine, NW1/4, 2 4.SOCs NW 1/ 5Wcorner, Sec, 3/E1/4, IN ORANGE COUNTY SEcorner, NE1 DATE: i2/7/22 SCALE 1" = 1000' DRAVN BY: JLG FILENAME: 10d022053 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 41 of 76 Co 0 - NEccmer, SE1/4. SW1/4. NW1/4, Sec. 21-24-28 L181 2.4-25 / -- 4, .21 4 E on e-t14 - mar 2423 s / L1 r4 56 -l--^l----|-- EP 0: _ ELt lyF h ||re -- - fJE usrner LtB IErierJE1 4 E 1 4 5" - - 4--mpan$1H iur , atBaul· E Pg.y 12N rtF Ine adhFalt E 14.---21-415 2 ' 1"'E / / N a-r Jd'E ZD 42 ll14 Nh "rrar NEi4 A 1 .Et.rrr L,tA5 er, E 1 4 9 21-'4-''E rEle4'A1 4 krFhne, 21-4-2d 1NE mar5,ui.h alf 4' 1 4 * ~1--4--21 Yast 14 Ir5N 1 4,ari L1 crrar NW14.½ 14 SE1'4Ee-21-24-22 -2-14-3 S rtr erfl1 4 5,r 1 '4 stline d E 1"4Sa... El-24B NE1 4 -41 4 E 1,4se 1-24-_tl E utt· line 4 1 4 d 14 IJ EE14 -- 21--4--.d La OCC'19FTbE39 -Er.. martJE 1 4,EV1 4,EE1, 4 -o 2.1-24-2H t / . LE DLC2L..V31 LE [#raifieqn4 J 1 l 28 1., P #f watatly ,R '=y, - Ae=t -a 2.5-dP Ilna, '' * _E - qnr ¬ .. - 3e, -S r..rrtur Ea.. EC-24-2B __ __ ____ III FILING AREA OV ERALL PROJECT NAME P.O.5, 10DO° DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT LAKE BUENA V5TA SURÆY TYPE FL32830-1000 IEIRET 5IB51BE5 PHONE 407-824-5855 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS SHEET 6 0F 20 SHEETS BEPE lATI..tb EE=DEEE B iul |P=||FFI l-L PE FE P='Tw TEP »D P ½-Fl|HT 1F#4 PE=PLaT B l ,IPE rP F M=PP|FEIifJ'L ANE11AFFEF EN'ED E'il'INE" LB_-Llt E = E TI-t) ThN=T inN sHIF PflL=Pi··N..E FCE'=PiltlT ||F E'Etifl1tJI P::=FtJNT [JF :JHliEN[EHENT DATE: i2/7/22 SCALE 1" = 1000 IN ORANGE COUNTY DRAVN BY: JLG FILENAME: iodo22053 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 42 of 76 SEE DETAIL 29~ 0 || R/WofChelortla F½rkway Plot 41 89¾E6, Page -. East sec29-24-2B line, 5,R, 536-Westerly R/WllM, South Sec. 29-24-28 1/4corner W corner, Sec. 29-24-28 NEce,mpr. 31-24-28 See, L21 ¬ Edst 11ne NE1/4, Sec. 31-24-28 r.ò O N 8950'42"W 2152.59' N 8950'43" W 1496,10/ N 5 South SW1/4, Sec. 29-24-28 line, South SE1/4, Sec. 29-24-28 .. lirie, SEcomer. Sec29-24-28 . DETAIL AREA SCALE1" = 200' DOCf 20200360380 .Docy 20200359972 L206 C68 ' N L2050 L201 O 0,R, 5208/3684 SEcorner Sec, 31-248 NE1/4, SE1/4, Sec, 31-24-2B line, m. Eawt o SEcomer. Sec. 31-2+-28¬ ORANGE SE1/4, Sec. Souih line. 31-24-28 TOWNSHIP N 893601"W 2é46.# . .. , _. ARRPFVIATIDNS D.B.-DEED BOOK 0.R =OFFICIAL RECORDS 5.R =STATE ROAD W=¯R°Ns°|ù PSM=PROFES$10NAL SUR\EYOR ANDMAPPER LB.-LICENSED BUSINESS SEC=SECT10N TWN=TDWNSHIP RNG-RANGE POB=POINT OFEEGINNING POC=POINT OFCOMMENCEMENT COUNTY 24 SOUTH . .. ......... FILING AREA OV ERALL PROJECT NAME P,0.5, 10Doo DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT SURÆY TYPE 3283000 nEEEET EIREIEEE PHONE 407-824-5855 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS SHEET 7 OF 20 SHEETS IN ORANGE COUNTY DATE: i2/7/22 SCALE 1" = 1000 DRAVN BY: JLG FILENAME: iodo22053 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 43 of 76 cn n 36 ORANGE TOWNSFilP South SE1/.4, 35-24-27 Sec. , nne, 3 -- 7 s 895004"w 26584 s se.w3e.w 2sse.21 1A S_E TOWNSHIP OSCEOLA ARRRFVATIONS D.B.-DEED BOOK O.R.=OFFICIAL RECORDS 3.R.=STATE ROAD OFWAY R/W=RIGHT P.B.=PLAT BOOK SURVEYOR PSM=PROFESSIONAL ANDMAPPER L.S -LICENSED BUSINESS SEC=SECTION TWN=TGVfNSHIP RNG-RANGE POB=POINT OFBEGINNING POC=PQ1NT OFCOMMENCEMENT E4 COUE!TY SOUTH SW1/4, South Sec. line, 31-2.4-28 ,e N 895654"W 2745,82 Sec, mer, SWmmer, 31224-È8 ( SW SE1/4, SEcorner, Sec.6-24-Ø7 Sec. 31-·24-2B 25 SOUTH COUNTY .. . '- FILING AREA OV ERALL PROJECT NAME DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT e3° TYPE FL32830-1000SURÆY IEEEET EIREIEEE PHONE 407-824-5855 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS SHEET 8 0F 20 SHEETS / . IN ORANGE COUNTY DATE: i2/7/22 SCALE 1" = 1000' DRAVN BY: JLG FILENAME: iodo22053 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 44 of 76 O 35 ORANGE COUNTY TOWNSHIP 24 SOUTH Sodhline, SEf/4, Sec, N-24-27 35-24-27 South 11ne, See, SW1/4, L S 89WO7" W 2636.05 SW Sec. 35-24-27 corner, \_ Sec. 34-24-27 SEcomer, TOWNSHIP OSCEOLA S 8948'35"W 2652.59'. S 8946'36" W SE1/4, .. \_SWccmer, ./. ... 35-24-27 sec. SOUTH 25 swcorner, sec. ae-æn / SEcorner. Sec. 35-24-27 COUNTY 2656.21 ARRRFVATIONS 0.B.-DEED BOOK O.R.=OFFICIAL RECORDS S.R.=STATE ROAD OFWAY R/W=RIGHT P.B.=PLAT BOOK SURVEYOR PSM=PROFESSIONAL ANDMAPPER LB.-LICENSED BUSINESS SEC=SECTION TWN=TGVVNSHIP RNG-RANGE POB=POINT OFBEGINNING POC=PQ1NT OFCOMMENCEMENT FILING AREA OV ERALL PROJECT NAME DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT P3° TYPE FL32830-1000SURÆY ersissimus PsoNE 407-824 5s55SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS SHEET 9 0F 20 SHEETS IN ORANGE COUNTY DATE: i2/7/22 SCALE 1" = 1000' DRAVN BY: JLG FILENAME: iodo22053 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 45 of 76 L..JUU 12 L307 13 L308 L309 31 C90 L311L31Ö East West 1 2., NE1/4, Sec. 28-24-27 line. 28 27 West East line T/ Sec..27-24-27 o North NW 1/4, Sec3424-27 , Ilne, NWcorner, Sec. 34-2&27 8 z N 3953'53" E 2679,47' E comer, NW1/4. Sec. 34-24-27 SWcomer. 5E1/4, Sec..27-24-27 West NW1/4, Sec. 34-24-27 line, O rJ North SE1/4, NE1/4, Sec. 33-24-27 line, 3 NWcarner, SE1/4. \ Sec. 33-2427 NE1/4, 5 8955'44" E\ , 1326,40 - NEcorner, ·SE NE1/4, Sec.. 3F24-27 1/4, Wesi SET/4, Sec. 33-24-27 line, Nß1/4. LO. 33 , NWcorner. N.5,/8. NE1,/4.mrth5/!., NE1/4, SE1/4, 33-24-27 West line, Se'p_ SE1/4, Sec. 33-221--27 -S9uth NE1/4, SE1/4. Sec. North 33-24-27 line, 5/6, SEcomer; SE1/4Seg. 33-24-27 Nncth NE1/4, 5/E, 13.26.58 N 8947'57"W sE NWcomer, SW1/4, SW1/4, 5ec. 34-24-27 NEcomer, SE1/4, SE1/4, Sec33-24.-27 sec. 34-24-27 SW1/4, 3 ARPRFVATIONS 0.B.-DEED BCCH 0.P.=OFFICIAL RECORDS S.R.=5TATE ROAD OFWAY R/W=RIGHT P.B.=PLAT BOOK SURVEYOR PSM=PF0FESS10NAL ANDMAPPER L.S.-LICENSED BUSINESS SEC=5ECTION TWN=TOWNSHIP RNG-RANGE POB=P0lNT OFBEGINNING POC=PQ1NT OFCOMMENCEMENT 34 . _.. SEE SHEET11 N FOR THISAREA FILING AREA OV ERALL PROJECT NAME P.O.5, 10DO° DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT KEBUEN STA SURÆY TYPE n inersissimus PNaNE 407-824 5s55SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS SHEET 10 0F 20 SHEETS t scuth 34-24-27 line, Sec. , c, - gg4 IN ORANGE " w 343g73' COUNTY DATE: i2/7/22 SCALE 1" = 1000' DRAVN BY: JLG FILENAME: iodo22053 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 46 of 76 SEcomer. North NE1/4. SL1/4, Sec. 33-24-27 5/8, cn || NWcorn+r, SW1/4, $ec. 34-24-27 SW1/4, SE1/4, SE1/4, Sec, NEcomer, 33-24-07 -West sec. 34-24-27 line, çW1/4, o of andNortherly Enterîy boundary Black Plot Book Lake 149 Village 75, Page c4 a 269 L270 L230 C Black Lake Plot Book 149 75,Page Village, RANCE ARRRFVAT10NS D.B.-DEED BCCK O.R.=OFFICIAL RECORDS S.R.=STATE ROAD OFWAY R/W=RIGHT P.B.=PLAT BOOK SURVEYOR PSM=PROFESSIONAL ANDMAPPER L.S.-LICENSED BUSINESS SEC=SECTION TWN=TGVVNSHIP RNG-RANGE POB=POINT OFBEGINNING POC=PQ1NT OFCOMMENCEMENT c4 COUNTY TOWNSHIP 24 TOWNSHIP 25 OSCEOLA FILING AREA OV ERALL PROJECT NAME P.O.5, 1000° DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT KEBUEN STA SURÆY TYPE n inst s amis PNaNE 407-824 5s55SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS SHEET 11 0F 20 SHEETS SOUTH SOUTH COUNTY IN ORANGE COUNTY DATE: i2/7/22 SCALE 1" = 300 DRAVN BY: JLG FILENAME: iodo22053 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 47 of 76 cn c.5 IJETAIL AREA SEALE L" = 200' L323'NË2l L327 Less 0.R20160344785 0,R. 20160316309 0.R20160316310 27 0.R. .-Less 10987/8396 Less ÖA 1.Õ¢È1/7453 Less 08.100Bf/7447 Less OA 10¢8.1/7458 Lese O.R. 10275/7457 SEE DETAIL . FOR.THISAREA North NE1/4, lIne,. e Less 0.R. Sec. 2Öd4-27 heterly R/W5.R429 T NE1/4. 10778/5071 OR 7070/2553.. -r otrth E 1/4,fline, NWcorher, Sec. 27-24-27 Sec; 21-24-27 0,R. 7106/2BO'" / NEcorner, .Sec. 2.6-24-29' . NEcomer; West 1/2, n NWcarhér NW1/4, 5ec27-24-27 NE1/4. . NE1/43.S4c..8-24-2 sw1/4, sw1/4, sec. 22-24-2i .sE-comer, . L299 1328.51 133T.20' . L316 S 8946'29" W W 5 6946'05" / L315 LXO SW1 4,_/ South line, C87 21-24-27 Sec. L314 L301 HW 1/4, Sec, 27-24-27 North line. W 1/2, NE1/4, Sec. 28-24-27 E. UNE, Hartzo Road 0 n Crc.ss Flamingc. ngsc 0.R. 9782/7172 O EatPlat Bos97, OR 10170/4303 97 SWcomer; NE1/4, NW1/4 Page OA 10173/B8ea 27-24-27 4 4.Sec. ,T sec. 27-24-27 0.R. 10815/4519 133115' L303 W / L304 NE1..' Set27-24-27 8937'54" South line. .NW1/4, L305 -' SEcorner, NE1/4, NW1/4, Sea27-24-27 CE9 C92 L306 West 1 2.NE1/4, Sec. 28-24-27 Easi ARRRFVATIONs L312 L307 line, BCCH 0.B.-DEED L308 L31 RECORDS 0.P.=OFFICIAL L309 U91 c9o ROAD S.R.=5TATE OFWA R/W=RIGHT BOOK P.B.=PLAT SURVEYOR o PSM=PF0FESS10NAL ANDMAPPER 27 L.S.-LICENSED BUSINE55 5EC=5ECTION TWN=TOWNSHIP RNG-RANGE POB=POINT OFBEGINNING POC=PQ1NT OFCOMMENCEMENT FluNG AREA OV ERALL PROJECT NAME P·°·B 1°°°° DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT KEBUENA V5TA SURÆY TYPE nEEEET EIREIEEE PHONE 407-824-5855 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS SHEET 12 0F 20 SHEETS / mm ." IN ORANGE COUNTY DATE: i2/7/22 SCALE 1" = 1000' DRAVN BY: JLG FILENAME: iodo22053 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 48 of 76 East 1 NE1/4Set. 1'-_4-P mer. -authline. Ea-t 1 .., NE14.Sec. I'-U--.NErtarer 'E1, -J- ARRF4FVIATIONR D.B.=DEED BOOK 0.R =OFFICIAL RECODS S.R.=STATE ROAD OFWAY R/W=RIGHT P.B.=PLAT BOOK PSM=PROFESSIONAL SURVEYDR ANDMAPPER L,B,=LICEN5ED BU5lt ESS 5EC-SECTION TWN=TOWNSHIP RNG=PANGE POB-P0lNT OFBEGllpNING PDC=PCINT OFCOMMENCEMENT - CN o O NWcorner, NE1/4 -\ Sec. 20-24-27 East SE1/4,. Sec. 17-24-27 line, NE1/4, mN.Line, Sec. 20-24-27 5 8945'19" E 2697.33' / ,, o n SEcorner, NE1/4 Z NW 1/4, Sec. 20-24-27 ... N 6950'32E 206841'\ S 1,/2, NW 1/4. -N.LINE. .. NEcófner, 5èc. 20-24-27 SEcorner, 17-24-27 Sec. W.Llne, NW 1/4. NE1/4, Sec. 20.-24-27 W.Línr. NW1/4Sec.2d TWhL 249,RNG27E OR . ,'L329 NE1/4. NE1/4 - N.line. st1,¼sec. 1s-24-z7 988.05 W 5 6900'18/ c. r-- 1/74. L..I /, - d <4 South line oftheSouthwest 1/4 ofSectlom 20¬24-27 oftheE:outheast r-Southwed conaer 1/4 c.f section 20-24-27 south line ofthe.Scutheast 1/4 20-24-'I7 ofsection a . N 593200" W 2636.90 W 2675,09 5 8918'37" / SouthweEt corner oftheSouthwest 1/4 corner oftheSouthwest Southwest 1/4 ofSection 20-24-27 21-24-27 ofsactIen FILING AREA OV ERALL PROJECT NAME P.O.5, 10DO° DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT IN ORANGE COUNTY KEBUEN STA SURÆY TYPE n iner s amis PNaNE 4078245s55SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS SHEET 13 0F 20 SHEETS -.,, C Flamingo Croseings East Plat Book 37 100.. Page JP DATE: i2/7/22 SCALE 1" = 1000 DRAVN BY: AG FILENAME: iodo22053 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 49 of 76 NEcgrner HE1/4 Sec. B-24-27 \ N line, NE1/4 Sec. 6-24-27 \ ¼ NEcorner NW 1/4 Sec. $/24/27 .N.line, NW1/4 Sec. B-24--27 N 89:3125"E 2650.52 E N 89.2.6'29" 122D.84 R/WO.R. 7070/2553 R/W0,R. 7106/2802 7 Seidel Road Deed Book B92/522 N 8946'07" E 606.35 N 8946'07"E 980.18' \ L346 3 394E07"W L345C 02 1325 3 q, DEED 0.R 10810/14 oggoon 9327/367 9 L354r- , 230 74 L35s , s 5s34'56"W ¼ / 34 3.line, NE1/4, NW1/4r 3ec. 5-Z4-Z7 5.line, ft1/2, NE1/4, Sec. S-24-27 . W,· E, 530,00', SW1/4 line, NE1/4,Sec. B-24-27 East SR.4290.P. R/WIlne' 7106/7802 . R/Wline ofHartzog Northerly , Road OR.9782/7172 -\ \ West NE1/4. Sec.. B-221-27 line. Q n 335 . N.line. NW1/4See, 9-24-27 o . NW1/4.5eS-24-27¬ East line. cc outhhe, SE1/4 line of0.R. 7121/29D2· /-Nerth ss7 e/ 894r2e \ 103521 Lt.] North Ilne,.SE \ 1/4 Sec. 8-24--2.7 ,,s NWcorner, SE1/4, NW1/4, o trj sec, a-24-27 .. 1325.3e\ W s 8744'05 . 9 SE1/4, Ilne, E.Ilne, NW 1/4, . -North West NW1/4, SE1/4, Sec. 8-54-27 $W1/4, ling Sec. W24-27 E /N 8945'10" f NEcc.rrrer, .SE 5ec, 8--24-27 1/kSW1/4, SEcorner, NW 1/4, 1327.55 _/ SW1/4, Sec. 9-24-27 O ofC.19. 545 R/Wline Easterly ¤ O Deed Bool. 355 402, Page Wedline, SE1/4, $W1/4, Sec. B--24-27 NEc 5W1 East ,. S 8939'31" W NWcorner, Et 1/2, NE1/4, Sec. 17-24-27. NWcerner, NE1/4, NW1/4, Sec. 17-24-27 5Weorner, SE1/4, SW1/4, Sec. 8-24-27 E to N ARRRFVATIONS D.B.-DEED BCOM O.P.=OFFICIAL RECORDS S.R.=5TATE ROAD OFWAY R/W=RIGHT P.B.=PLAT BOOK SURVEYOR PSM=PF0FESS10NAL ANDMAPPER L.S.-LICENSED BUSINESS SEC=5ECTION TWN=TOWNSHIP RNG-RANGE POB=P0lNT OFBEGINNING POC=PQ1NT OFCOMMENCEMENT DO I o EJ r n West East iJE Sec17-24-27 line, 1/4,, 1/2, . East cSWcorner, Sec17-24-27 1/tNE.1/4 / 17 IIII SEcor o \_SWcorner, SE1/4, NW1/4, Sec. 9-24-27 o North SE1/4, line, SV/ Sec. 6-24-27 If4, E . N 894f27"Y c -/ :| ggcc,, sec. 9 Ead1,'2, NE1/4, 17-24-27 line, .$ea, f South / 00 90' s 894 w w FILING AREA OV ERALL PROJECT NAME P,0.5, 10DO° DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT LAKE BUENA V5TA SURÆY TYPE FL32830-1000 MEIRET 5IB51BE5 PHONE 407-824-5855 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS SHEET 14 0F 20 SHEETS IN ORANGE COUNTY DATE: i2/7/22 SCALE 1" = 1000' DRAVN BY: AG FILENAME: iodo22053 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 50 of 76 N 59 W50" E 3975.31 -See: -3-24-27 North Ungih tolf, MW coi-ne!-, SW1/4, Sec. 3-24-27 . NE-torrrer, SE1/4See. NW1/4. 3-24-27 _ East NW1/4, SE1/4, sec. 5-24-27 11ne, mn o o N 3937 6 | 13289W North GE1/4, line, SE1/4, Sec. 3-24-27 West SW1/4. Sec. 3-24-27 line. O NEcc,mer NW 1/4 Sec9-24-27 \ - NWcorner, 390, 1d-24-27 swcorner, see, 3--24-27 C ra West Sec. 1-24-27 line, C 10 SEcomer NW 1/4 Sec, 9-24-27 24-27 0 4 SE1/4, _ NEcorner, SW1/4, Sec. 9-24427 ABBREMATIONS b-B,=DEED BOOK RECORDS O.R.=0FFICIAL 5,R ROAD =STATE OFWA1 R/W=RIGHT P,B.=PLAT BOOK SURWf0R PSM-PROFESSIONAL ANDMAPPEP· BUSJNESS L.B.=LICENSED SED=SECTION TWN=TOWNSHIP RNC=RANGE DFBEGINNING POB=POINT SE1/4, SW1/4, Sec, 9 East line . . o O O a O .. III -SEccrner, SW1/4. Sec. 9-14-2 SE1/4Sec, 9-24-27 line, r South N 8953'46E 263336 E corner, Ser9-24-27 SWcarnpr, Sec10-24-27 FILIN< AREA O /ERALL PROJ: CTNAME P,0.5, 10DO° DE'VELOPERS AGREEMENT LAKE BUENA V5TA SURV FL32830-1000 YTYPE IEIRET 5IB51BE5 PHONE 407-824-5855 S KETCH OF DESCRIPTION COMh ¯NTS S'IEET 15 0F 20 SHEETS IN ORANGE COUNTY DATE: i2/7/22 SCALE 1" = 1000 DRAVN BY: JLG FILENAME: iodo22053 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 51 of 76 8 O TOWNSHIP 24 SOUTH ofReams Raad Southerly R/Wline ,1. Ine, \ West 4?g 373 N.ortherly bændary _ L371 OR.Book 354 ,, .7.3- +. 1457, Page 42 N 8g4O3. E .rb24.87 East NE1/4Sea, 2-24-27 line, SEcomer, NE1/4, see. 2-24-27 " West NW 1/4,.5ec. 2--24--27 11ng N 894347"E SWf/4, NWconer, NW1/4, ¿ee. 1-24-27 NW1/4, SW1/4, see. Nwcomer, 2--W27 2 . North SW1/4, 5ec1 · IIne..NW 1/4, West NW1/4, ÈW1 4,Sec. 2-24-27 line, O .Ó5.00 West, SW1/4, Sec East NE1/4, SWi 11ne, z SE1/4, SE1/4, Sec, .©--24-27 NKcorner, NWcomer, SW 4 .SW 2-24-27 Ñ/4Sec. N 69 3716 E 5Etorner. SW NE1/4, I | ARRRFMATIONR D.B =DEED BOOK OA=0FFICIAL RECOFDE S.R.=$TATE PGAD OFWAf R/W=RIGHT P.B=PLAT BOOL SLL P.£YOR PSM=PROFESSIONAL ANDMAPPER LB,=LICENSED Bl.lSINES ¼ 5EC=SECTION TWN=TOWNSHIP RNC.=RANGE POB-PtilNT OFBEGINNI E OFCDMúEb POC=PolNT CEMENT FILING AREA OV ERALL PROJECT NAME P.O.5, 10DO° DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT SURÆY TYPE 3230-00 n inersissimus PNaNE 4078245s55SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS SHEET 16 0F 20 SHEETS IN ORANGE COUNTY DATE: i2/7/22 SCALE 1" = 1000' DRAVN BY: JLG FILENAME: iodo22053 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 52 of 76 8 o TOWNSHIP 24 SOUTH 165.00 feet South ofthe North SE1/4, NW 1/43 line, Sec. 6-24-25 West East Ilne, 1/2, SE1/4, NW14 Sec. 6-24-28 I 2E00West oíandparallel to SE1/4, NW1/4, Sec. 5 West line, 1-7427 Road R/WofReams 37p-southeriy andNortherly line, Easierly 0.R. 307 1465, Page North S.half line, r--Sec. 1-24-27 90·00' NEc.orner 5W1/4. East, 1039.16' ,·' N 8943'47" E r sec1-04-97 39 E N 43 47 L378 129.7.19 O SW 1/4, Sec. 1 /4, 5.00' NEcorndr, NW1/4, West, SW 1/4, NW,corner, Sec. 6-24-28 SWcorner, E 1/2, SE1/4, NW 1/4,. Sec. 6-24-28 O o xz N BS27'45"E 1997.50 Nirth South half line, - West SW 1/4, Sec6-24-2B lhe, y Less D.R. 2055/1702 .. North South half line, Sec. East NET/4,· SW1/4, 1-24-27 line, N .39 44'10" E 2649.93© CV W corner. NW 1/4.. SW sm 0 24-p 1/4. > 3Ecomer, Sm 1-24-27 SW1/4. NE1/4, P.O.B. Acrea± 18508.513 South 5-24-25 5ec. line, E 16B3.05 M 8931'17" 1381.6-1 SWcorner, Sec, F24-25 I I IAftARFVIATIONR BOOK RECORDS 0.R,=0FFICIAL ID.B.=DEED ROAD 5.R,=STATE OFWAY IF/WRIGHT F.B.=PLAT BCG P5M-PROFES$10NAL ·5URVEf0R ANDMAPPER BUSINESS L.B.=LICENSED SEC-SECTION TWH-TOMSHIP BNG=RANGE OFBEGINNING POB=POINT POC=POINT OFCOMMLNCEMENT . . FILING AREA OV ERALL jf PROJECT NAME P·°·B 1°°°° DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT KEBUENASTA SURÆY TYPE nEEEET EIREIEEE PHONE 407-824-5855 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS SHEET 17 OF 20 SHEETS w w 4 4 I.T-.T- IN ORANGE COUNTY DATE: i2/07/22 SOALE 1" = 1000' DRAVN BY: JLG FILENAME: iodo22053 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 53 of 76 LINEþ L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 L18 L19 L20 L21 L22 L23 L24 L25 L26 L27 L28 L29 L30 L31 L32 L33 L34 L35 L36 L37 L38 L39 L40 L41 L42 L43 L44 L45 L46 L47 L48 L49 L50 L51 L52 L53 L54 L55 L56 L57 L58 L59 L60 L61 L62 L63 L64 L65 L66 El TANGENTTABLE LINEM BEARING D1ST. L67 N 82°18'14'W 71.09 L68 N 51'44'44'W 65.78 L69 N 80°24'25' W 90.39 L70 5 48°32'46'W 80,93 L71 S 22°55'38' W 113.12 L72 S 27°19'16' E 55,45 L73 S L8*40'56'W 159.75 L74 S LO'48'30' W 160.42 L75 N 65°28'07' E 122.36 L76 N 76°27'23' E 76.59 L77 5 78°11'38' E 85.68 L78 N 83°24 11' W 42.54 L79 5 24*23 32' E 04.06 L80 S L8*04 39' E 78.70 L81 N 82°09 40' W 26.47 L82 S 26°43 01" W 107.99 L83 S L3°53 13' W 84,7L L84 5 20°06 37' W 86.2t L85 5 22*42 17' W 90,27 L86 S 48*33 38' W 93.96 L87 5 51"48 05" W 58.47 L88 S 70°41 52' W 98.39 L89 5 75°48 30" W 82.70 L90 N 82422 12' W 18.57 L91 S 59*48 12' W 61.99 L92 5 23*48 42' W 31.4L L93 S 21°34 58' E 112,96 L94 S 25°04 56' E 80.36 L95 5 06°58 19' E 51.79 L96 S 47°18 54" W 37.10 L97 5 03*48 45" E 24.29 L98 S 75°28 07' W 70,19 L99 N 63°15 30' W 63.09 L100 S 41°00'06'E 193,39 L101 S 48°59'54' W 100,00 L102 N 87*15'41' W 130,57 L103 N 63*21'34' W 33,90 L104 N 81°08'52' W 154,09 L105 N 39°33'00'W 38,53 L106 N 28°54'14' W 86,79 L107 N 28°30'43' W 101,63 L108 N 32*36'46'W 77,00 L109 N 39*30'36'W 98,30 L110 N 02°15'56'W 56,50 Lill N 39°36'59' W 135,27 Lil2 N 85°04'00'W 67,65 Lil3 N 38°23'30'W 64,62 Lil4 N 64*16'04' W 16,33 Li15 N 05*37 20" W 20,54 L116 N 44°31'28' W 62,56 Lil7 S 23°42'54'W 95,95 Lil8 N 71°30'56' W 65,59 Lil9 N 67°45'46' W 71,42 L120 N 47*09'12' W 129,61 N 28*09'10' W 67,04 |L121 L122 N 30°07'52'E 66,L8 L123 N 41°27'39' E 82,62 L124 N 28°03'16' E 61,53 L125 N 21°03'09' W 47,93 L126 N 17*13'11' W 99,26 L127 N 00*32'57' E 48,45 L128 N 12°21'10' E 151,79 L129 N 23°46'35' E 109,94 L130 N 39°26'51' E 91,52 L131 N 17°00'45' E 45,t6 L132 N 34+56'26' W 27,03 FILING AREA OV ERALL PROJECT NAME DEV ELOPERS AGREEMENT IN TYPE FL32830-1000SURVEY PHONE lEl RETEEEEIEEE 407-824-5E55 .OF ESCRIPTION COMMENTS SHEET 18 OF 20 SHEETS BEARING N 89*38'50"E N 89°11'34'E N 89*21'03' E S 00°13'59'W S 43'40'59'E S 34°38'41"E S 25°16'40'E S 28°57'56"E 5 58 01'53" E N 85'59'29' E S 43°56'36' W S 64°40'37'W S 40°45'32"W S 13*26'04"W S 42*14'20'W S 68"59'11"W S 28°50'44' W 5 14"52'47"W 5 Ol*59'29"E S 24°42'46'W S 36*55'50"W S 24°03'44' W S 64'59'30"W N 68*30'58' W N 34°57'28'W N 10°44'04" W N 10*34'18'E N 44*03'35"E N 86'35'32'E N 62°48'18" E N 58°16'14" E N 15®01'47'E N 14*30'32'W N 03'06'23'W N 07°32'42' E N 15°14'13" W N 87*12'48" W S 77*42'57" W S 74*44'47'W S 35°20'27' W S 22*58'13" W S 20*05'22"W S 65°39'23"W N 79°02'16" W S 44*41'24' W S 66*58'59" W N 89*03'00'W S 84°18'13" W S 77°56'53'W W S 70°14'.00" N 63*52'48'W N 71'49'57'W N 56°38'48' W N 37°38'37' W N 69°48'38" W N 85°15'14' W N 76*56'11' W 5 28'55'14" W 8 13°45'44' E S 28°03'11' E S 31'37'50" W S 51*01'41"E S 35*59'30" E S 55"37'13' E S 68°44'46'E 5 03°57'40"W DIST. 663,64 148,62 191,58 221,07 16,92 8,13 86.79 106,03 87,73 134,58 91,06 105,25 117,42 97,39 133,97 89,71 77,77 88,32 106,28 241,59 126,64 71,01 91,68 131 37 145,43 144,09 129,55 129,67 100,03 100,08 95,99 86,03 104,94 111,09 68,01 80,67 40 11 84,88 66,79 90,33 87,94 168,18 108 46 146,86 85,24 80,82 96,88 51,79 l16,91 84,26 163,26 91,32 106,72 96,72 85,22 95,72 104,56 152,44 47,73 95,35 165,37 83 54 246,14 316,45 336,44 60 74 LINEþ L133 L134 L135 L136 L137 L138 L139 L140 L141 L142 L143 L144 L145 L146 L147 L148 L149 L150 L151 L152 L153 L154 L155 L156 L157 L158 L159 L160 L161 L162 L163 L164 L165 L166 L167 L168 L169 L170 L171 L172 L173 L174 L175 L176 L177 L178 L179 L180 L181 L182 L183 L184 L185 L186 L187 L188 L189 L190 L191. L192 L193 L194 L195 L196 L197 L198 BEAR.ING BIST. N 26'29'23"W 104,81 S 48'4.0'54" W 30,14 S 38°34'51" E L3,88 S 51'58'30"W 145,54 N 37*57'09"W L6,70 N 37'56'18" W L7,87 N 30'54'21"W 193,79 S 55'05'55"W 58,77 S 72°04'54" W 26.78 N 00*06'31" W 54,31 N 74*49'42" W 43,41 S 44'47'41"W 145,43 S 45'05'06"E L8,68 S 03°14'02" W 84,66 S 05*12'38"E 58.35 S 33*10'07"E 163.59 N 86*26'26"E 126,87 N 76°15'46" E 63,89 S 64°36'17"E 1L8,17 S 52+36'40"E 63.05 S 45*16'16"E 127.88 S 10*02'35" E 93,01 S 36*16'00"W 28,53 S 20°23'46" W 184,90 5 25'05'40"W 31,33 S 55*12'27" W L9.76 S 18*42'59"W 22,23 S 80*54'32" E 34,76 S 88°11'54"E 77,05 S 89'29'03" E 140,11 S 89°29'03" E 433,68 N 00*00'00"E 131,18 N 45*00'00"W 71,68 N 00*00'00"E 633,08 N 89'59'00" W 445,76 N 00'27'46" E 673,19 S 89°58'17" E 398.81 N 00*00'00" E 753.74 N 90'00'00"W 362,43 N 05*16'59" W 106,23 N 26'33'54"W 135,35 N 47°32'44"E 146,69 N 11*28'34"E 24.04 N 40*40'48" W 82.81 N 90°00'00" W 73,87 N 00'16'44"E 0,50 N 89°57'37"E 670,11 S 00*08'32" E 668,06 S 89*55'30"E 671.45 S 00*15'27" E 669,41 S 00*44'42"E 656,38 S 89.*51'01" E 335,66 S 00'40'49" E 656,31 S 00*29'10" E 655.63 N 89°20'56" E 666,99 N 00*21'22" W 652,39 N 89*30'49" E 7L4,94 N 89'37'24"E 749,86 N 38'29'47" E 22,59 N 38°29'47" E 576.34 S 51°31'36" E 50,00 S 79*52'53"W 95,47 N 69'59'50"W 3L1,61 S 23'29'47" W 304,91 S 58°56'26" E 509,41 N 00 00'00" E 163.29 DATE: i2/7/22 SCALE ORANGE COUNTY DRAWBY: JLG FILENAME: 103o22053 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 54 of 76 LINE# L199 L2OO L201 L202 L203 L204 L205 L206 L207 L208 L209 L210 L2il L212 L213 L214 L215 L216 L217 L218 L219 L220 L221 L222 L223 L224 L225 L226 L227 L228 L229 L230 L231 L232 L233 L234 LE35 L236 L237 L238 L239 L240 L241 L242 L243 L244 L245 L246 L247 L248 L249 L250 L251 L252 L253 L254 L255 L256 L257 L258 L259 L260 L261 L262 L263 El TANGENT TABLE BEARING DIST, BIST. LINE# BEARING DIST, | LINE# BEARING N 30*00'00"W 326,45 L329 N 88*44'55' E 459 61 L264 N 48°30'29' E 7,40 N 74*50'28' E 100,li L265 N 29°59'26' E B.68 L330 N 00*13'41"E 708,14 N 87'20'49' W 74.69 L266 N 13°42'55'E 39,82 L331 N 43°21'56'E 753,57 N 27°09'24" W 47,56 L267 N 10°06'24' E 32,03 L332 N 00°24'44'E 242,11 L333 N 00°39'25"W 141,86 S 63°22'25' W 20,69 L268 N Ol°43'31"W 29,22 S 00°00 00' E 20,42 L334 N 00°14'57'E 50,00 L269 N 05°37'39' W 26,82 N 90*00'00'W 30.04 L335 N 89*43'25' E 671,30 N 12°01'53'W 42,36 L270 5 79*56'22" W 74,35 L271 N 2t°06'43' W 7,72 L336 N 23°57'49'E 158,82 N 30*03'16" W E1.84 L272 N 36°50'10' W 37 65 L337 S 89°43'24"W 258,73 5 59°56'44' W 12,L4 L273 N 47°37'33' W 25,00 L338 N 21°29'36'W L10,97 L339 N 00°08'24"E 211,55 5 30°03'16' E 17,42 L274 N 56°19'26' W 44 83 S 79°56'22' W 34.35 L340 S 89°41'25"W 797,83 N 49°30'53"W 55,06 L275 N 69°28'35' W 49.22 L343 N 00*39'25" W 853,44 L276 N 59°47'57'W 8,89 S 74*41'50'W 40,22 L277 N 72°21'36'W 36,00 L344 N 05*00'31'E 152,48 S 57*06'40' E 133,74 L278 N 82°08'10' W 65 71 L345 S 89°46'01"W L39,26 S 30°00'00'E 180,00 L279 S 89°42'01'W 51 60 L346 S 89°39'24'W 554,03 L347 S 00°20'32"E 20.00 S 06'15'02"E .54, 63 N BO'08'53'W 56 il L280 5 30°00'00'E 408.17 L348 S 89°39'28'W 363,61 L281 N 89°26'00'W 8 09 5 00°00 00' E 162.89 L282 L349 S 84*38'15" W 372,03 S Bl°14'14' W 46 34 N 89*50'42' W 360,99 L283 S 78°42'25' W 40 49 L350 S 00*20'32' E 14,94 S 89*44'07'W 25,00 L284 S 77°43'02'W 63 74 L351 S 89°40'22'W L38,87 N 00"13'59"W 29.01 L285 S 79°09'43" W 47 65 L352 S 42°20'36'W 55,11 L353 S 00°03'00"W 857,17 N 14'42'28' W 114.62 L286 5 72°48'44' W 44 03 L354 N 89°41'19" E 364,69 N 06°53'49' W 123,97 L287 S 63°14'34' W 42 60 N 09°42'37' E 104,21 L355 S 00*18'35'E 80,00 L288 S 57°48'39' W 28 70 N 61°06'48' E 53..88 L289 S 64°21'00'W 20 44 L356 S 89'41'25'W 481,37 N 71'34'02"E 17,56 L290 S 67°06'48"W 29 21 L357 S 89°41'15' W 483,83 N 18*25'51'W 18,21 L291 S B3°28'20' W 29 99 L358 S 20°48'24" E 96,16 L359 N 89°41'25"E 83 88 N 31°47'40'W 44,69 L292 S 83°04'31' W 27 06 L360 S 00°08'24"W 219,78 S 74°09'08"W 308.68 L293 S 84°19'19' W 42 81 S 54°04 10' W 67.69 L294 S 99°52'10' W 174 [6 L361 S 20°48'24'E 836,45 N 89°59'58'W 83.84 L295 N 00°00'19' E 313.89 L362 S 87°25'27"E 291,32 N 76*19'21' E 28,L4 L296 N 00°00'19' E 498,35 L363 N 88°48'53'E 166,97 S 89*22'47' E 9,24 L297 N 00°00'31' E 835,26 L364 N 86°44'00'E 142,45 L365 N 06°27'19" W 91,16 N 75°08'23' E 42,L5 L298 N 37°06'36'W 690,17 L366 N 28°52'42'E 302,51 N 66'44'45' E 45.92 L299 N 88°48'31' W 555,60 L300 S 00°27'57'W 105,56 L367 N 69°30'43'E 659,82 N 58°10'56'E 7,13 N 40°00'00'E N 84*17'43' E 306,52 8.68 L301 S 06°07'41' W 311,81 L368 N 28*21'12' E 21..50 L302 S 00°12'16' E 702 26 L369 N 08°37'23'E 258,89 N 19'11'06"E 7,97 L303 S 23°02'00"E 19,33 L370 N 00°07'43'W 400,13 N 05'44'49' E 22,07 L304 5 00°12'16' E 198,27 L371 N 89"58'50"E 341,61 L372 S 00°19'24"E 603,75 N 09°37'03"E 18,85 L305 S 14°29'10' W 29,80 L306 S 08°05'57'W 46,90 L373 N 00*12'21" W 598,76 N 28°18'59'E 25.32 N 39°33'24' E 18.56 L307 N 81°54'04'W 10,00 L374 N 89*56'46' E LOO,00 N 51°48'12' E 17.01 L308 S 08°05'57'W 154,78 L375 S 02'04'12" E 523,43 N 53*20'03'E 12,93 L309 S 81°54'04"E 5,50 L376 N 89°43'40'E 52,00 N 67*23'56'E 18,89 L310 S 00°07'03'W 13,59 L377 S 00°12'21"E 49 00 L378 N 89°43'41'E 229,00 N 61°31'34' E 16,il L311 N B9°54'54'W 160,89 L312 S 81°54'03'E 5,50 L379 5 00'12'25'E 26,23 N 85'31'20" E 16,65 S 84°27'04'E 14.79 L313 N 08°05'57"E 201.68 | L380 S 00*05'18' E 420,00 S 66°07'30' E 25.25 L314 N 06°07'41' E 291,80 S 70'01'08"E 21,22 L315 N 00°07'03'E 196,68 S 76*11'40" E 28,29 L316 S 89°49'36' W 453,70 L317 N 40°17'32' W 323,52 5 81°04'45" E 15,99 L318 N 32°21'38'W 271.63 S 63°15'14' E 32,58 L319 N 34°30'31'W 120,76 S 71°35 23' E 7.28 5 83°45'15' E 20,77 L320 N 46°26'37' W 108,80 N 86*06'18" E 21.64 L321 S 89°49'14' W 28,71 5 75*49'09'E 17,31 L322 5 00°10'31' E 11,26 L323 S 89'49'29' W 28 35 S 87'55'16" E 10,48 L324 S 04°02'58'E 4,66 N 72°43'50'E 26,75 L325 S 86°05'06'W 22,85 N 60°42'21' E 26,44 N 77°16'53'E 19.62 L326 N 03°54'54'W 6,14 N 68°37"24' E 7.52 L327 5 89°49'29" W 173,97 N 57*06'15' E 21,62 L328 N 66°04'53'W 548,81 FILING AREA DATE: i2/7/22 .. OV ERALL SCALE PROJECT NAME & DEV ELOPERS AGREEMENT IN ORANGE COUNTY DRAWBY: SURVEY TYPE 3283000 lEl RETEEEEIEEE PHONE 407-824-5E55 .OF OfSCRIPTION JLG FILENAME: COMMENTS 103D22053 SHEET 19 0F 20 SHEETS Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 55 of 76 CURVE TABLE CURVE Cl C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 ClO C11 Cl2 C13 C14 Cl.5 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 C28 C29 C30 C31 C32 C33 C34 C35 C36 C37 C38 39 C40 C41 C42 C43 C44 C45 C46 C47 C48 C49 C50 C51 C52 C53 C54 C55 C56 RADIUS DELTA 545.08 81*15'08" 80..00. 128'43'50" 425.00 23'29'59" 15.00 46*20'48" 425.00 16*33'54" 25.00 51*32'25" 25.00 40'55'45" 25.00 46°29'32" 75,00 30'06'13" 45.00 99*54'55" 55*3t'16" 250.00 125.00 59'41'01" 676.49 29'43'07" 399.38 09'53'41" 137.63 14'21'49" 344.38 04*15'11" 132.00 26*04'01" 184.37 31'44'00" 679.36 08'51'48" 437,18 18'37'07" 395.25 18*13'39" 645.09 03°21'33" 223.65 59'02'33" 25.00 64'33'48" 25.00 25 14'16" 1010.00 07'58'42" 25.00 87°13'52" 221.37 29*07'38" 132,76 48'16'L2" 234.18 14*51'36" 25.00 115'40'49" 25.00 54'17'l3" 25.00 79*16'52" 41*16'24" 25,00 1505.50 37'08'46" 25.00 37'14'40" 25.00 46'40'29" 25,00 58*38'45" 25.00 84*46'10" 25.00 58*17'03" 78'20'37" 7.86 19.64 36"52'37" 3.95 74'25'35" 1080.42 20*21 16" 762.70 08*52'54" 160.82 19'16'01" 159.35 36'15'00" 158,03 21'54'44" 104'26'29" 52,89 1125.00 27°57'29" 492.00 26°59'13" 25.00 35'13'41" 25.00 46*18'35" 25.00 33'58'L3" 1908.34 22'05'51" 950.92 14°29'06" LENGTH 772.99 179.74 174,3L 12.13 122.87 22.49 17,86 20.29 39.4l 78.47 242.26 130.2t 350.89 68.97 34,50 25.56 60,05 102.1L 105.09 142.06 125.74 37,82 230.47 28.17 11.01 140,64 38.06 112.54 111.85 60.74 50,48 23.69 34.59 18.0L 976.05 16.25 20.37 25,59 36.99 25.43 10,75 12.64 5.13 383,82 118,23 54.08 100.82 60.44 96.4L 548,95 231.74 15.37 20,2L 14,82 736.00 240.40 N N S S 5 S N N 5 S N N S 5 TANG, BRG,CURVE RAB]US C57 513.39 C58 1109,03 C59 15,00 C60 1396,50 C61 1809,88 C62 2L91.83 C63 11402,16 C64 900,00 C65 675,00 C66 825,00 C67 500,84 C68 48,00 50°L7'44' C69 650,84 79°L3'56" C70 675,00 C71 825,00 86°02'20" C72 25,00 C73 25,00 49°44'21' C74 50,00 C75 436.00 C76 514,00 315,00 C77 C¯78 381,00 .C79 384,88 49°58'05" C80 185,00 C81 47,00 11°48'22' C82 50,00 03°49'41" C83 188,00 .C84 2204,09 C85 808,57 64*L5'37' C86 1010,00 17°50'29" C87 899,35 C88 2004.50 C89 EL62,49 C90 1175,00 03°51'20" C91 1025,00 C92 2013,49 C93 2L53.50 C94 934,00 C95 EL58,53 C96 2832,01 28°56'03" C97 2829,41 .C98 2826,01 C99 2750,09 48°06'54"0100 2894,93 63°58'49" 2101 3241,05 2102 357,62 2103 250,01 350,02 ;104 75°27'00' 3105 3721,85 2106 546,86 DELTA LENGTH 13°13'42" 118.53 07*17'El' 141,09 52'09'22' 13,65 06°53'10' 167,84 37°37'38" 1188,59 32°28'09" 1242.LO 00°29'43" 98,56 02°31'40" 39,70 45*40'47' 538,15 98°34'08" 1419,29 22°53'El' 200,08 47°40'00" 39,93 22°53'2L" 260,00 98*34'08" 1161,24 45*40'47" 657,74 16°36'26' 7,25 51°24'It" 22,43 106°48 50" 93,21 15°56 47" 121.35 20*05 00" 180,17 35°55 53" 197,54 34°07 58" 226,97 34'00 28' 228,44 35°39 45" 115,15 130°3206" 107,08 83°36 Ol' 72,95 27°45 45" 91,10 07°27 37' 286,99 09°35 40" 135,40 02°00 23" 35,37 05°39 43" 88,87 06°19 57" 221.54 07*53 08" 297,62 07°00 25" 143,70 10°07 39" 181,18 08°18 12" 291,80 06°19 57" 238.01 01#05 30" 17,79 24°05 38' 907,70 04*49 44" 238,69 01°55 19' 94,91 19°14 15" 948,86 04°43 07" 226,49 08°15 El" 417,14 05*37 30" 318,19 23*38 08' 147,53 90°21 35" 394,28 72°08 18" 440,69 03°53 37" 252,93 46°21 00" 442,39 TANG, BRG. N 07'09'56' 5 42'29'48' S 65*33'17' N 29907'51' N 80°45'36' S 58°12'21' N 29'38'58' N 38'37'50" 5 05"42'00' S 00 12'49' S 08°05'57 N 18'13'36' N N N 5 N N S 19 16'05' 41*26'37' 18 34'50 33*16'29' 82*Ol'15' 00 36'59' 66 08'04' N 70'50'15 S 16°54'47' S 21°L4'34' S 75°L7'36' FILING AREA. OVERALL PROJECT NAME ® DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT SURVEY TYPE 3230-00 u woma usuar simums esONE 407-824-5E55 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS SHEET 20 0F 20 SHEETS DATE: 12/7/22 SCALE ,: IN ORANGE COUNTY DRAWN ElY2 JLG FILENAME: 10dC22053 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 56 of 76 P 2 P 10 P 3 aanmc scar SCALE1 = 5000' 500C P.13 .9 P 1 |¯ L P E >r \.. r-p-=, .1 .h by; DocuSigned F97A464D3A7549E... This dó;umerit hcsLieen a digit01 electronically cignet using Elgricture inempliance wthIA.L. .Printed corsiet c.1 thie DJ-1c'.UU2(J docurrent arena+coredered and tFe must be signed e-signatt.re va-Ifled orenyelectronc lhes-ecl orthls document coples. appear1rg wcsouthorized Jeff L. Grem P.S I .L 5.357. by Creek L37714 Gervlces. Reedy Erargy 5300Carder 328301000 Dríve, Bw Lake,Florida FIUNG ARE4 OVERALL PROJECT NAldE -o DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT TA SI-R'i>ET T'fPE *ygoN mur esa meersunniell PÑCt E407-824-6856 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION C0h4AENTS SHERT 1 GF 16 SHKETS AFORFvlATitlNE D.B..=DEED BCOK O.R.-O:FlQAL REC07J5 PDAD S.P.=STATE OFWe R/W-RIGHT P=SHETCH OFDESJRIP~lEN PAGENLNBER PA=PLAT BCOE PSV=F'iUFE5SIOk.L öUH'vlTOH ANDMA"FER LE,=LICENSEE Bu5Æ5S SE0=SECTION TWN=TO¾SHIP RNG=R ANGE POE-P]INT O BEQMNING POC=POINI O CUWENCEMENI 9lRVF YORS NOT HAPTER FLDRIDA EJ-'7, ADMINISTRATIVE CODEREQL'RE] IHEl-OLLD¼lNG SlAIEMEhl. "7NS?SNOTA BOUNDARy îL'R'Ær" BEARINGS AREBA5ED ONTHEWESTLNE OFTHE5¼1/©, CFSEC6.TWN24S. RNG29EASDEING N 3000 2'E DA-E; 12/1/2 st¼l f IN OSCEOLA COUNTY DRaWN EP JLO |-Il -NAIJi-: 10dG2:054 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 57 of 76 N_line, NE1/4, Ser_. 1-25-27 ._ ¼ \ N 8950'04"E 265B.48' TOWNSHIP OSCEOLA NW gorner, NE1/4, 5ec. 1--25-27 ---. . 25 S.OUTI COUNTY - .. N.line, NW14.Sec. -. 6-25-28 S 89 56'54" E, 2748.82' -NEcorner 1-25 sec. 27 NE1/4, Sec. 6-25-2B f N.line / S 893601"E 2646.94 _cc er W 1/4_/ 6 1 G N N P.O.C. NWCORNER, SEC7,TWH25S.PNGE5E U.s.192 rs.R. 530 6'594708" E gC39E[-68 195/477 1659/1492 Gb N 893B"48"E 1370.16C2 W.line, NWi/4 ofSec. 7-25-2B c - /.. .. t- LessOut 69 c6 BEARINGSARE BASED ON THE W. LINE, NW 1/4 SEC 7--25S-28E AS BEINGS 0016'52" W -2 Less Out. RCID de-annexation 291 ARBRFVIATIONS 744.473 Acres± DB_=DEED BOOK 0.R.-OFFlCIAL RECORDS 3,R.=STATE ROAD OFWAY R/W-RIGHT P.=SKETCH OFDESCRIPTION PAGENUMBER P.B.-PLAT BOOK PSM=PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR ANDMAPPER L.B.-LICENSED BUSINESS SEG=5ECTION TWN=TOWNSHIP RNQ-RANGE POB=P0lNT OFBEGINNING POC=POINT OFCOMMENCEMENT o Cd . . Less Out RCDde-annexation 2m 2 8. 8 Acres± . . C Extension MuthéfhConnector r-f ¢" EEE OV ERALL PROJECT NAME & ® DEV ELOPERS AGREEMENT SURVEY TYPE 3283000 lEl RETEEEEIEEE PHONE 407-824-5E55 .OF OfSCRIPTION COMMENTS SHEET 2 0F 16 SHEETS IN OSCEOLA COUNTY i2/7/22 SCALE 1" - 1000' DRMNBY: JLG FILENAME: 103022054 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 58 of 76 N"Y 1/4,Sec. 5-25-25 .-N.line, N 3942'15" E 2t·oo.T2' L1 -N,line, NE1/4, Sec. 5-25-28 SBCh-25-JA NEcomer, NWcorneh 5ec. 9-E9-26 NEcorner, NW1/4Sec5-25-25 ro I LEEL DUT ce ARRRFVIATIONS D,B,=DEED BOOK G.R.-OFFICIAL RECORDS S.R.=$TATE ROAD OFWAY R/W=RIGHT P,=SKETCH OFDESCRIPTION PAGENUMBER P.B,=PLAT BOOK PSM=PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR ANDMAPPER L.B,=LICENSED BUSINESS SEC=SECTION TWN=TOWNSHIP RNG=RANGE POB=POINT OFBEGINNING POC=POINT OFCOMMENCEMENT .._ .-. .- r' -SW rrrer °e 2'2P -N IraN 1 4 3e t1-m¬B LEt3 t"UT L1T U LO4 e_ i_.h h..L N 7 4'4" E 7 'b 1, ¹¹ r on- t r E.te-rsi uthi-·tn n ers n N na het1 ' - - N llr±, NE1 4 Sn u -L B mar e NE: Nb1 4 Er E-2=-2= h '1RJEP E TAN2 k© Llr-_ P O B iut Lr-, Lø- d sciD de-anne atinn ...w1 dJB r rea± L1 , PN.-PE 131crr L11 - oL r . E BEARINGSARE BASED ON THE L11 s W. LINE, NW 1/4.SEC.9-25S-28E AS BEINGS 000849" E FILING AREA DATE i2/7/22 OV ERALL SCALE PROJECT NAME P,0,B, 1000G 1" = 1000' AGREEkfENT IN OSCEOLA COUNTY LAKE BUENA VSTA 1)EVELOPERS DRAWN BY: TYPE FL 250-1000 SURVEY PsoNE 407-824-5s55 JLG SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION FiLENAME: COMMENTS 103022054 SHEET 3 0F 16 SHEETS Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 59 of 76 LrJLC Less Out .RCLDAe-ann.exatron.291 290B.2B5 Acres± o East NW 1/4 Ilne, SW1/4, Sea, 9-25-2B Llll N.Ilne, SE1/4, SW 1/4Sec. 9-25-28 SW 1/4, SE1/4;Sec. 9-25-28 r-N. line, t- N 8954'53"E 1343,0Ò o N 8946'36"E 1311.24' · .. .. E.line. SW1/4. SE1/4Sec. 9-25-28 . ·$5 8942'DB"W 1510,1.0' 58'40"W 1342.969 S .99 m S.line, SW1/4, SE1/4Sec, 9-25--28 5.line...SE SW1/4Sec. 9-25r28 1/4. E.line. NW1/4, N9/ Sec. 16-25-28 1/4, e, S B944'25"W ½131 70' F-l y t,J . line, NW1/4, NW 1/4, Set:. 16-25-2B W.line, SW1/4, NW 1/4Sec. 16-25-28 SW1/4,.Sec.16-25-28 r tLline 16 sr N 8946'42".E2658.61' ... ... . O E.line, NE1/4, 16-25-28 SY|' 1/4Sec. ··¬ W S 59S1'04? 2677.84 S.line, N 1/2,. SW1/4Sec. 15-25-28, r W.line, SW1/4, SW1/45ec. 16-25-2B SWcorner Sec. 18-2528 _r- IIII FluNG AREA OV ERALL PROJECT NAME P·°E1% DEV ELOPERS AGREEMENT LAKE BUENA VSTA SURVEY TYPE FL32830-1000 IIEIBET EIREIBIE PHONE 407-824-5E55 SKETCH OF OfSCRIPTION COMMENTS SHEET 4 0F 16 SHEETS ABBREMATIONS D.B.-DEED BOOK 0,R,=0FFICIAL RECORDS S.R.=5TATE ROAD R/W=PIGHT OFWAY P-SHETCH OFDESCRIPTIOH PAGENUMBER P.B.=PLAT BOOk PSM=PROFES910NAL SURVEYOR ANDMAPPEF l_B =LICENSED BUSINESS SEC=5ECTION TMd-TOWNSHIP ....RNG=RANGE PCB=POINT OFBEGINNING POC=POINT OFCOMMENCEMENT IN OSCEOLA COUNTY D6TE: i2/7/22 SOALE 1' = 1000 DRAEBf: JW FILENAME: 103022054 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 60 of 76 . Dut Lesp RCID de-añnexatian 291 Acres± 290B,268 SEcorner Sec. 20-25-283 r·3Wcorner Sec. 20-25-2B \ S 8931'09" W 5313.04' S.line, Sec. 20-25-28 ABBREMATIONS D.8,=DEED BOOK O.R.=OFFICIAL RECORDS S.R.=STATE ROAD OFWAY R/W=RIGHT P.=SKETCH OFPESCRIPTION PAGENUMBER PB=PLAT BOOK PSM=PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR ANDMAPPER L.B.=LICENSED BUSINESS 5EC=5ECBON TW=TOWNSHIP RNG=RANGE PDB=POINT OFBEGINNING PDC=POINT OFCOMMENCEMENT O Na Co. El FILING AREA OV ERALL PROJECT NAME P·°E1®® DEV ELOPERS AGREEMENT LAKE BUENA VSTA SURVEY TYPE FL32830-1000 lEl RETEEEEIEEE PHONE 407-824-5E55 .OF OfSCRIPTION COMMENTS SHEET 5 0F 16 SHEETS IN OSCEOLA COUNTY DATE: i2/7/22 SCALE 1^ = 1000 DRAWBY: JLG FILENAME: 103022054 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 61 of 76 o 586.15' 30 LeæOut RGID dé-annemtic.h 291 B2R134 Ades± ..-> ro N 5.Ilne, SET/'4, Sec_.30-25-28 q - 1 lirte, SW1/4. 30-25-28 tec. R9 4114f" W 665.30 S 884131"W 2651.88' -5W corner, Soc.. 30-25-2B 5 4, ec 1-55- 5Eærner 3ec. 30-25-25-\ o Ul SEcorner NE1/4,. Sec. 31-25-23, \m 663.60' S.Ifpe, E.1/2, W.1/2, NE1/4, Sec. 31-25-28 W.lirie, NE1/4, SE1/4, __ Sec. 31-25-28 SEcarner, NE1/4 EE1/4, 31-25-28 Sec. S 8935'07"W 1325,4 S.line, NE1/4, SE1/4, J 31-25-2E Sec. FILING AREA OV ERALL PROJECT NAME P·°E1®® DEV ELOPERS AGREEMENT LAKE BUENA VSTA SURVEY TYPE FL32830-1000 lEl RETEEEEIEEE PHONE 407-824-5E55 .OF OfSCRIPTION COMMENTS SHEET 6 0F 16 SHEETS 5 ABBREVIATIONS D.B.=DEED BOOK 0.R,=0FFICIAL RECORDS S.R.=STATE RDAD OFWAV R/W=RlCHT P=SKETCH OFDESCRIPT1DN PAGENUMBER P.B.-PLAT BCGK. PSN=PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR ANDMAPPER L.B.-LICENSED BUSINESS SEC=SECTION TWN=TOVNSHIP RNG=RANGE POB=POINT OFBEGINNING POC=POINT OFCOMMENCEMENT ..' El IN OSCEOLA COUNTY DATE: i2/7/22 SCALE 1" - 1000 DRMNBY: JLG FILENAME: 103022054 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 62 of 76 . Less Out RCID de-annemtlen 291 se2seAcres± . 24 m 19 APRPFMATIONS D.B.=DEED BOOK 0.R,=0FFICIAL REGORDS S.R.=STATE ROAD OFWAY R/W=RIGHT P.=5bETCH OFDESClilPTION PAGENUMBER P.B.=PLAT BOOk PSlvl=PROFESSIONAL SURWiDR ANDMAPPER LB.=LICENSED BUSINESS SEG-5ECTION TWN=TOWN5HIP RN0=RANGE POB-POINT OFBEGINNING POC=PolNT OFCOMMENCEMENT r ó, Dd 2707.40' v_ N 8959'55"E 1596.15' 25 , t v_ Ú 51-1 Un -..P. . .. Less Out RCID de-anne».ation 291 529,134 Acree± . 1100.00 -1 S 8959 55" W 2 eo, ·7 Less out RCID de-anne ation 291 829,134 Acres± 30 -a _d n L169 L171 4, L172 THROUGH L189 44,56' 44.80 III S 895433" W 203Z92 S 8954'33'W 2658.96 L 5.line, SE1/4, Sec. 25-25-27 c $.line, SE1/4. Sec. 30-25-28, W 2661.88' S 6941'31" 5Wcorner, Sec. 30-25-28 FluNG AREA OV ERALL PROJECT NAME P,0,B, 1000G DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT LAKE BUENA VSTA SURVEY TYPE FL32830-1000 lEl RETEIRElBIS PHONE 407-824-5E55 .OF OfSCRIPTION COMMENTS SHEET 7 OF 16 SHEETS IN OSCEOLA gg4 -4 665.30 COUNTY DATE: i2/7/22 SCALE 1" = 1000 DRAWBY: JLG FILENAME: 103022054 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 63 of 76 E.1/2 line, sec,23-25-27 Ebötérli right N wafliRe 92130-2401 MapSection dated 1969 August.28. E.R/Wliner S.R. 400_ O.R. \ 2325/701 o -'-y.. cy W.Ilne, E.5/ENW1 Sec. 2.5-25-27 9 . . SE1/4SW1/4 _N.Ine, $ec. 23-25-27 5.11ne, NW 1/4, Sec. 2 -25-27 . h . Lese Out RdD 291 de-annexation 82R134 Acrest . 8955'00"W 1 10 * O F ........ 1666,58 0008'11 655.92 N 000B'09'' We3F4.13.... 73 ARRRFVIATIONS n a L143 DjB.-DEED BOOK O 0.R.=OFFICIAL RECORDS 8 8.9o _, 5.R.=STATE ROAD W.IfnNW 1/4, SE1/4, L1:41 S 895505"W Sec. 26-25-27 OFWAY R/W=RIGHT P SKETCH OFDESCRIPTION -oS 8952121" W PAGENUMBER East SE1/4 line, P.B.=PLAT BOOK 132Ü4 S.11ne, NW 1/4, SE1/4, -=. ofSec. 26-25-Q7 _/ PSM=PROFESSIONAL SLIRVEYOR Se-M-25-27 . . ANDMAPPER O L.B.=LICENSED BUSINESS ,13 . SEC=SECTION TWN-TOWNSHIP r 3 89 916"W 678,98 RNG=RANGE L138 ,-o POB-PolNT OFBEGINNING --_.L-e Out POC=POINT OFCDMMENCEMENT r/3 W.Ilne, SE1/4, EE1/4, __ Z ... .... Sec. 26-25-27 . . ...... 9516 2644c5 S 895203" W 5 894942" W P 26444 BEARINGSARE BASEDON THE SE s.une, sE1/4 1/4 sec. 26-25-27 1327.07 E.LINE, SE 1/4,SEC.26-25S-27E S 895014W 4BS.92 L135 SEC TVN25S,RNG27E , ,,W 26. AS BEINGN DO0403 FILING AREA DATE: .., i2/7/22 OV ERALL SCALE PROJECT NAME P,0,B, 1000G 1" = 1000' AGREEMENT IN OSCEOLA COUNTY LAKE BUENA VSTA IJEVELOPERS DRAWBY: TYPE FL32830-1000SURVEY III lEl RETEIRElBIS PHONE 407-824-5E55 .OF OfSCRIPTION JLG FILENAME: COMMENTS 103022054 SHEET 8 0F 16 SHEETS Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 64 of 76 sécí 11°25'27 1g swy4 Fm174sw174r .. . 00121" O ^f C16 o L13 N.dine NW1 4 $W1 4 W1f4rSee.41-26-27 In 208.71 . L9 éssout · 'RCID d nñexation 291 a 9mæB w O .4 c -25SW1 4,e3 1/4 SE1/4 SW1/4 SW1 4 5 }1- 27 ine$w1/ se 1-25-27 206.7T o o S 894708 W 1004.74b . I E1 W NE 14-227 . NW 1 ... RC|â RES291 NW1/ Sec1F2fy2 > I E S ) oy 4 NW 1/4BE P25 27 L235 ,E. Ealine NE1/4.SW1/4 1 NEG4 . line eMM-2A-21 O O ABBREMABONS D.B.=DEED BOOK O.R.=OFFICIAL RECORDS S.R -STATE ROAD OFWAY R/W=RIGHT P=SKETCH OFDESCRIPTION PAGENUMBER P.B -PLAT BOOK PSM=PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR ANDMAPPER W.¯ liñé E T/2 L.B,=LICENSED BUSINESS . Sec.23-2$-27 SEC=SECTION FTWN=TOWNSHIP RNG=RANGE POB=POINT OFBEGINNING oPOC=POINT OFCOMMENCEMENT Leo Out Lasé RCID 1.62 dá-amekafim-291. 290B 2BBAcres± --4toWorld Drvn erchMge c . .W K FILING AREf OV Ed ALL PROJECT NAME P·°E DEV ELOPERS AGREEMENT LAKE BUENA VSTA SURVEY TYPE FL32830-1000 lEl RETEEEEIEEE PHONE 407-824-5E55 .OF OfSCRIPTION COMMENTS SHEET 9 0F 16 SHEETS / EEE IN OSCEOLA COUNTY DATE: i2/7/22 SCALE 1" - 1000 DRA%N BY: JW FILENAME: 103D22054 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 65 of 76 IneNW14 NEcomer. -N-w Nb1 4 2-25-27 5e-2-25-2¬ -M4'D'" E --T%-E a N 1 4 Sa-1-m-°' -N Irr E '_b57 N F144 'JL." -N line, NE1 4,3r,2-2°-2 .M 534°'''-" Ba E 2bE.1 NWc roer. y: 1-252-, %t 2-EG-E7 HE -rner _ EE HEET 11 FOF THIS ¿PEs . -944'07"4 211 14 7J L.I #FsRFF 1ATII]IP [B=EEE[ BC-+ UP=LFFlt.laL PELGPL GF-5TATEF0aC cO F W=Flt;HT I]F #Ar P=SI ET:HDFDE5LPIPTltN P6oENUMBEF PB=PLaT E-Cl FSH=FPUFE3Sl]N-L SUPEiJP ANDHAPFEF LB=LICEll]ED Bll-INEls EEC=EECTICH TWN-TUWNaHIP FN;=P,.Nr,E - .. FJB=PflNT CFBE-,1NNING- . .. PDC=PE:lNT OF0:ttîENi EMENT ,,nu-, ut. 1 4 Se ll-2f-2 W Ilne E 1,2 er_-25-27 , ,EEHbEl|-FiF IHI e SE1 4,NE1 4,N91 1·4, 50:. 11-25-2 N llt c N 89E¯5 E bL14 W.lina, E 1'4, NW1 4,9- 11-2=-27 . o N lire E 1 E 7W 1,4-E1,4 UN 14 -9 11-2 -21 W line. E 1 4 -W 1 4. SE1 4,NA 1 4 2ec11--... S.line, W 1..' 5#14,9E14, NW14 -..c 1 2n-¬- - Ll5 -__ L' -- --4p - · Leos out Ell 4 --· n L 44 E 1._91 - --'n E L DF --BEAFlll'-AFE PA-ED'-il THE 1 4 '_E_11-2E-.W line, NE -'EL BElllG X 09'O'"E c - L¬1 -' PCIE de-anne aficn 2a1 LavCut PCID de-anne aln.r 231 _ r A- 6 1nnNE14, 9 14.be.. 1145-T E 1'2, NE1/4, line, NW14,SW1/4%c,11-25-£7 JW1 4,3e:11-25J 1·l, N,line. NN1/4. FILING AREA OV ERALL PROJECT NAME °E 1®® DEV ELOPERS AGREEMENT LAKE BUENA VSTA SURVEY TYPE FL32830-1000 lEl RETEEEEIEEE PHONE 407-824-5E55 .OF OfSCRIPTION COMMENTS SHEET 10 0F 16 SHEETS . ot ..11 EEE IN OSCEOLA COUNTY DATE: i2/7/22 SCALE 1^ - 1000' DRMNBY: JLG FiLENAME: 103022054 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 66 of 76 o rNW corner, Sec. .2-25-27 N.line NW1/4, 2-25-27 / Sec. ft8 44'o7"E 2636.05 ----a w GS&T0fsl TOWNSHIP a¥½77 25 SOUTH z F 1400.00' O ofRes. 442 boundary Easterly L30 L2n L28 L26 L27 L.25 L24 S 8744'07"W 2110.14' ABBREVIATIONS DB.=DEED BOOK .O.R.=0FFICIAL RECORDS S.R.=STATE ROAD OFWAY R/w=RIGHT P.=SKETCH OFDESCRIPTION PAGENUMBEli P.B.=PLAT BOOK PSM=PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR ANDMAPPER L.B.=LICENSED BUSINESS SEC=SECTION TWN=TOWNSHIP RNG=RANGE POB=POINT OFBEGINNING POC=POINT OFCOMMENCEMENT El FILING AREA OV ERALL PROJECT NAME DEV ELOPERS AGREEMENT TYPE FL32830-1000SURVEY lEl RETEEEEIEEE PHONE 407-824-5E55 .OF OfSCRIPTION COMMENTS SHEET 11 0F 16 SHEETS ¯¯ IN OSCEOLA -- COUNTY DATE: i2/7/22 SCALE 1" - 300 DRAWN BY: JLG FILENAME: 103022054 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 67 of 76 I North line ofthe Northeast 1/4 11-25-27 / ofSr..chrr P O.C NW CORNER,NE 1/4 SEC 11,TWN 25 5,RNG 27 E 132,00 530 U.S,192 (5,R, , N BS52'08"E 1922.52 L L45. L36 L36 E 1175.60, N 88'52'08" 0 L39 o W,línNE1/4Séç, 11-25-2.7. L41 L73 0.R. 1674/2470 RCID RES, 291 L44 ABBREVIATIONS D,B,=DEED BOOK D.R.=OFFICIAL RECORDS 5R.=5TATE ROAD OFWA1 R/W=PIGHT P,=SKETCH OFDESCRIPTION PAGENUMBER P.B,=PLAT BOOK PSM=PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR ANDMAPPER L.B.=UCENSED BUSINESS SEC=5ECTION TWN=TO¾l5HIP RNG=RANGE POB=POINT OFBEGINNING POC=POINT OFCOMldENCEMENT BEARINGSARE BASED ON THE W, line, NE 1/4 SEC,11-255-27E AS BEINGS 000707" E FILING AREA / OV ERALL PROJECT NAME P,0,B, 1000G DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT LAKE BUENA VSTA SURVEY TYPE FL32830-1000 EIEHIBIS PHONE 407-824-5E55 SKETCH OF OfSCRIPTION Byg¢mIEEEEET COMMENTS SHEET 12 0F 16 SHEETS > IN OSCEOLA COUNTY D6TE: i2/7/22 SOALE 1" = 300 DRAMJ Bf: JLG FILENAME: 103022054 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 68 of 76 . ...... Less Out RCID de-annexätion 291 744.473 Acree± ARRRFMATIQNR D.B.=DEED BOOK 0.R.=DFFICIAL RECORDS 5,R.=STATE ROAD OFWAY R/W=RIGHT P.=SKETCH DFDESCRIPTIDN PAGENUMBER P,B,=PLAT BOOK PSM=PROFESSIGNAL SUR'vEYOR ANDMAPPER L.B,=LICENSED BUSINESS SEC=SECTION TWN=TOWNSHIP RNG=RANGE POB=PDINT OFBEGINNING POC=POINT OFCOhlMENCEMENT O -·ci RCID de-annexatlon 291 2908.288 Acres± .. . o ,.9 . cc 13 1B L Less Out RCID de-annexation 291 290B.288 Acres± ny EEE FILING uPEL. OV ERAL L FPOJECT N44E DEV ELOPERS AGREEMENT LeFE BlJENA ·ETA EUP.Ei TiPE FL3J830-1UDD lElRET EEEEIEEE PHONE 407-824-E55 SÄfTCH OF OfSCRIPTION COMF4ENTS SHEET 13 0F 16 SHEETS IN OSCEOLA COUNTY DATE: i2/7/22 SCALE 1" = 1000 DRAWN BY: JLG FILENAME: 103022054 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 69 of 76 c..a p N 8945'3e Less Out RCID de-annexation 291 2908.288 Acresd- /y Lo 206L33 .42'O o S 3944'25"W \1319.70' S line, NW PES. 291 rn W,line, SW 1/4, NW 1/4Sec. I SW1/4, Sec 16-25r N.line N 894642" E 265t 17 c. O ,. if 9. O, Frl ¼5 895f04"W 26 S Ilne, N 1/2, SW 1/ W,line. SW 1/4. SW1/4Sec. 1 SWcorner Sec. 16-25-28 ..- ABBREVIATIONS e, D.B.=DEED BOOK O.P =OFFICIAL RECORD5 S.R.-STATE ROAD OFWKr R/W=RIGHT P.=SKETCH OFDESCRIPTION PAGENUMBER P.B.-PLAT BOOk PSM=PROFESSIONAL SURVE YOR ANDMAPPER L.B.=LIGENSED BUSINESS SEG=5ECTION TWN=TOWNSHIP RNG=RANGE POB=POINT OFBEGINNING POC=POINT OFCOMMENCEMENT .... . FILING AREA OV ERALL PROJECT NAME P·°E1% DEV ELOPERS AGREEMENT LAKE BUENA VSTA SURVEY TYPE FL32830-1000 EEERET EEEEIEEE PHONE 407-824-5E55 SKETCH OF OfSCRIPTION COMMENTS SHEET 14 0F 16 SHEETS 4| EEEE IN OSCEOLA COUNTY D6TE: i2/7/22 SOALE 1' = 1000' DRAMJ Bf: JLG FILENAME: 103022054 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 70 of 76 LINE# L1 L2 L3 L4 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 L18 L20 L22 L23 L24 L25 L26 L27 L2B L29 L30 L31 L32 L33 L34 L35 L36 L38 L39 L40 L41 L42 L44 L45 L46 L47 L48 L49 L50 L51 L52 L53 L54 L55 L56 L57 L58 L59 L60 L61 L62 L63 L64 L65. L66 L67 L68 L69 L70 L71 El BEARING BIST. 5 89'17'26" E 153,63 S 38'30'29" W 248.14 N .50°02'45"W 9.00 N 89'45'55"E 128.02 S 89'58'43"W 43L,70 5 89'52'00"W 235,00 5 89'49'34" W 334.40 S 89°53'39" W 419,88 N 00*16'32" E 208.71 S 89'53'43"W 208,71 N 00*16'32" E 458,63 5 89'59'41"E 293.67 N 00'06'58"E 615,49 S 89°46'25" E 332,34 N 00'13'26" E 50.00 S 89'46'24" E 332.44 S 89'51'37" E 331.87 N 00°09'07"W 665,37 S 89°44'07" W 495,03 N 02*l7'23" E 40.72 N 18°56'28" E 11.18 N 00'08'32" E 1.4. 20 N 45'08'32" E 35,36 S 89'51'28"E 4,49 N 00'08'32"E 60.00 N 44°51'28" W 35,36 N 00°08'32" E 10,44 N 44'51'28"W 4.24 N 00'08'32" E 346,14 N 01'09'08"W 176.69 N 44'51'28" W 39,61 S 00'09'07"E 132,00 N 89°52'11" E 240,29 S 79'55'37" E 62.09 N 89*52'08" E 193.48 S 00'07'52"E 207,00 S .89° 52'08" W 350.00 S 00'07'52"E 500.00 N 89°52'08" E 400.00 N 89'52'09"E 2,14 S 45'03'23"E 42,36 S 00°00'00"E 174,79 5 09'05'25" E 282.87 S 17'05'06"W 544 65 S 54°40'11" E 66.55 S 12'49'30"E 117,68 S 13'29'51"E 341,79 S 13'29'51"E 408.71 5 15'17'58"W 294,15 S 15°15'17" W 300.03 N 74°44'43" W 45.00 S 17'31'41"W .302. 54 S 15*[5'11" W 177.35 5 08'28'42"W 42l,43 S 81°31'15" E 26,00 S 08°28'45" W 543,00 N 81*31'15" W 26.00 N 34*24'01" W 342.34 N 41'10'58"E 504,10 N 00°00'05"W 182,99 N 00'00'05"W 262.45 N 00'00'05"W 604,56 N 89°59'55" E 550.00 N 18°33'37" W 469.54 N 00'00'05"W 391,70 N 89'59'55"E 48,91 LINEM L72 L73 L74 L77 L78 L79 L80 L81 L82 L83 L84 L85 L86 L87 L88 L89 L90 L91 L92 L93 L94 L95 L96 L97 L98 L99 L100 L101 L102 L103 L104 L105 L106 L107 L108 L109 L110 L111 L112 L113 L114 L115 L116 L117 L118 L119 L120 L121 L122 L123 L124 L125 L126 L127 L128 L129 L130 L131 L132 L133 L134 L135 L136 L137 L138 L139 TANDENT TABLE BEARING D1ST. N 45'31'55'E 264,41 N 89*59'55' E 356,15 N 00°00'05'W.317,21 N 89°50'43'E [90,56 S 00'08'00'E 453.76 N 89*52'00' E 20,00 5 00*08'00'E 488.84 N 34'12'14' E L49,99 N 38*16'56' W L39,49 N 20"31'56'W L10.01 N 70*L4'49'W 129,46 N 45*48'22' W L32,54 S 89'14'11' W [81.70 N 17°05'06'E 386,62 S 72*54'50" E 290.44 N 10*23'11' E 320.40 N 04*30'12" E 320,81 N 87*47'48' W 244,99 N 09°05'25'W 282 87 N 00*00'00'E [86,09 N 44*56'12" E 42.49 S 00°16 52' W L82.00 S 72*43'12' E L20,32 S 68'43'12" E 476,40 S 39'09'33'W 593,50 S 39°49'53'W 428,75 N iS"15'17" E 57.43 N 74*44 43" W 42.00 N 10'06'45"E 301.24 N 15'17'20'E 293.98 N 46'27'10" E 105,97 N 05©42'05" E 369.98 N 89#50'46" E 591,75 S 00'08'49"E 132.00 N 89 47'42' E 622.99 5 60'04'38" E 118.30 N 89©55'21" E 40.00 N 89*56 33" E 50.00 S 00 03 27" E 512.31 S 00*03 27' E 358.24 N 65 37 30' W 341.01 N 27'43 20" W 492,90 N 01'09 30' W 124.30 N 50"54 37" W 282.74 S 59©21 14" W 36..00 N 38 52 34' W 156,01 N 39'57 15" E 502,67 S 37'21 28' E 61.64 N 52'38 37" E 295.00 N 37"21 24" W 236.29 N 33*58 59" W 295.13 N 32'17 07" E 68.88 N 38 44 50" E 91.15 N 31'13 07" W 15,63 N 39 57 15" E 399,78 N 45*03 33" W 10.00 N 44*36 59" E 348.99 N 52 48 15" E 150.00 N 69'14 08" E 104,92 N 88©35 33' E 600,08 N 83 15 36' E 300.22 N 0D#04 03" W 120.00 S 89 56 16' W 41.46 N 00*07 57" W 333.91 N 00©07 43' W 177,25 N 00'01 07" E 178.96 FILING AREA OV ERALL PROJECT NAME °E DEV ELOPERS AGREEMENT SURVEY TYPE 3283000 lEl RETEEEEIEEE PHONE 407-824-5E55 .OF OfSCRIPTION COMMENTS SHEET 15 0F 16 SHEETS LINE# L140 L141 L142 L143 L144 L145 L146 L147 L148 L149 L150 L151 L152 L153 L154 L155 L156 L157 L158 L159 L160 L161 L162 L163 L164 L165 L166 L167 L168 L169 L170. L171 L172 L173 L174 L175 L176 L177 L178 L184 L185 L186 L187 L188 L199 L190 BEARING BIST. N 00'03'44'W 631.66 S 89"52'13' W 494.06 N 90*00'00' W 5.12 N 00*08'04' W 183.39 N 00*08'11' W 68,07 N 00'13'25' W 23,67 5 89'55'00'W 128.49 N 89"31'49' W 397,18 N 89©31'34' W 122.10 N 89*32'10' W 47.99 N 89*31'47' W 361.14 N 89'31'38'W 68.77 N 89'32'02'W 98.33 N 89©31'40' W 203.89 N 09*25'39' W 23.58 N 34©30'31' E 3.49 N 89*39'50" W 46.97 S 89*55'09' W 105,90 N 89©59'55' E 429.40 N 42'34'45'E 61.38 N 77©28'31' E 6.16 S 80 50'28' E 42.95 S 76*40'19' E 50,95 N 78'08'48'E 34,33 5 30'04'17" E 4.22 S 76'06'37'E 130,56 N 89"59'55'E 618.64 S 38©39'40' E 320.15 S 01'48'36'E 382,26 S 89*59'55' W 620.00 5 00'00'05"E 250,00 N 89©45'12" E 331.16 N 22°25'57' E 47.B5 N 32©49'38' W 99.62 N 06 38'41' W 20.86 N 67*06'55" E 58.35 N 80 46'35' E 124,29 N 59'15'21' E 74.38 N 76 39'34' E 72,66 S 11 28'54' W 73.24 S 17 38'04" W 10.26 S 67 56'29' E 225,59 N 45 25'09' E 16.32 3 61 51'19" E 58,22 S 30 56'12' E 14.64 S 00 04'03' E 79,89 DATE: i2/7/22 SCALE IN OSCEOLA COUNTY DRAWBY: JLG FILENAME: 103D22054 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 71 of 76 CURVE RADIUS C1 85794,19 C2 392l,00 C3 1597,84 C4 1457,85 C5 1597.85 C6 1597.89 C7 2009,86 C8 1809,86 C9 1809,86 CLO 450t,37 CL1 105t.92 CL2 814.00 Cl3 1073,93 Cl4 1759,86 CL5 2059,86 CL6 1457,89 CL7 1457.79 CL8 1457.85 CL9 1597.84 C2D 1457,85 C2] 2774.79 C22 310.00 C23 710.00 C24 17038,73 C25 17038,73 C26 17038,73 C27 17338,73 C28 17338.73 C29 1.7038. 73 C30 45t,67 C31 1767,86 C32 2009,86 C33 1809,86 C34 1759.86 C35 2059.86 C36 426.. 87 C37 1789.72 C3B 179t,86 C39 218L,28 C40 450.00 C41 150.00 C42 622,20 C43 2405,91 C44 3677.60 C45 724,53 C46 1433.91 C47 4489.66 C48 17028.73 C49 17348.73 C50 1734L.08 C51 17338,73 C52 17038.73 C33 1342.44 C54 1342,40 El CURVE TABLE DELTA LENGTH DL'26'58"2170,39 14'53'09' IOl8,71 09°05'25" 253,51 26°t0'31" 666,01 102°07'51"2848.19 D7°30'00" 209.16 24'L8'27' 852,67 ll*41'10" 369,14 17°06f44" 540,54 06°46'34" 532,35 30*21'09" 557.26 20*35'33" 292.56 17°34'32" 329,43 33°38'13' 1033,17 14°L3'45" 5L1,56 12°05'33" 307.69 29°L5'05" 744.25 47°22'50"1205.56 1L*L7'38" 3t4,96 09'05'25" 231,30 14°35'33' 706.70 64°L1'44" 347,33 43°41 01" 541.32 00*07'Ol' 34,76 00*07'00" 34,73 05°07'15" 1522.83 07°L8'35" 22L2,08 D3°23'57"1028.62 05°03'27" 1503.98 120*t7'51' 948,32 30*38'14" 945,31 28°47'54"10l0,21 30°L8'27' 957,35 13°41'33" 420.57 33°23'10" 1200.27 56°29'55" 420,93 15°t9'53' 478,90 03°26f13" 107,49 D6°37'08" 251.98 59°52'20" 470.24 60°00'00" 157.08 73°46'51' 801,22 1.5° 39'49' 657,74 09°L3'43' 592.35 32°07'27" 406,22 30°54'26" 773.50 D6°27'44" 506.37 D5*21'16" 1591,38 00°22'04 1L1.39 04°36'46' 1396,13 05°43'39" 1733,24 05°21'16" 1592.32 24*30'00" 574.04 19°21'25" 453.52 FILING AREA OV ERALL PROJECT NAME DEV ELOPERS AGREEMENT PJ TYPE FL32830-1000SURVEY I T IElEEEPHONE 407-824-5E55 .OF OfSCRIPTION COMMENTS SHEET 16 0F 16 SHEETS TANG. BRG, N 25*02'25' E S 10°4.8' 36' W S 15°15'19'W S 19*06'55'E S 36*35'41' E 5 00 08'08' E S 82+51'48' W N 30*17'44' W N 02*12'13" E S 87'18'45' E S 39*57'15" W S 44*19'15'W N 15'18'05"E N 19°48'38' E N 78°45'37' E S 00°12'18' E 5 46'35'06"E N 44'56'25' E N 44*44'08'E DATE: i2/7/22 SCALE IN OSCEOLA COUNTY DRMNBY: JLG FILENAME: 103022054 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 72 of 76 EXHIBIT LOCATION 2 MAP Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 73 of 76 EXHIBIT CAPITAL 3 IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE See below Tables 9-6 through 9-11 ofthe CapitalImprovement Element ofthe Comprehensive Plan Table9-6:Summary FiveYearScheduleofCapital improvements(inthousands) FY 2022 Roads (RCID) Potable & Reuse Water Sewer Sanitary FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2027 TOTAL $32,000 $19,160 $32,500 $58000 $144,500 $168,000 $454,160 $708 $2,400 $1,650 $1 800 $7,850 $4,850 $19,258 $2,350 $7 000 $13,000 $6,000 $4,500 $6,000 $38,850 SolidWaste $120 $230 Draínage $800 $0 TOTAL RCID FY 2026 $2,500 $0 $0 $0 $1,000 $10,100 $13,950 $0 $0 $800 $35,978 $28,790 $49,650 $65,800 $157,850 $188,950 $527,018 269iO26 $U5,2 ou ty/State/Federal) W,395 ,050 $0 $m,0n Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 74 of 76 TableC-7:FiveYear Scheduleof 3apital entsforRoads (ilthoustnds) hnproverr 9IFigure 1 Project 1 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 Project Description FundingFY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 Source Total NorldDrive NorthPhase2 Bond $25,000$1,660 $0 $0 $26,66Õ ofapprox3.2 Joristruction Funds niles ofroadways, rarnps' MSE retaining walls, (On 3ridges, and Hand) Jtflity relocationsidrainage hecreation ofa regional storrnwater pond,landscaping indinigation, etc. ntersection improvements Bond $2,000 $0 $0 $2000 ttBuenaVista DrivelWestern Funds Nay (On Interim intersection Hand) torelieve PM mprovements eakdelays. NorldDrive NorthPhase3 Bond $5,000 $17500 $32,500$35,000$31J00 $121500 of4 lanedivided Funds onstruction ural WDN extending roadway On Hand 'hase 2 toFloridian Place. & New) incluces 'roject utility elocations drainage, andirrigation, etc. andscaping Nestern Bond $20000 $75;000$75,0Ó0$17ó,000 Way andBuena lista Drive from4 Widening Funds aneurbanandrural divided (New) oadto6 lanes fromBVD to astofSR 429including ntersection at irnprovements Nestern Way andBVD Cost (Total ftyover). Projected 250,000,000/FY 26-29) VistaWay to Bond tealign $1,000 $8,000 $15,000$24.000 3onnecttoBuenaVista Funds Orive Way (New) ReaVgnVista whereit curves northicard owardCR 536toextend toBuena across straight Vista Drive ofthe south sarehouses. (Total / Cost$34,000,000 )rojected Y25-28) luenaVista Drive Bond $R000 $30,000$28,000$60,000 5 (Disney ntersection Funds 3prings Corridor) (New) ntersection to irnprovernents educecongestion during lighttime closing. 3uenaVista DriveDedicated Bond $50,000$50,000 AusLanes Funds Construct bus additional (New) anesfrom.Bonnet Creek toWorldDrive. Parkway Cost (Total Projected FY2740) 1200,000;D00/ Total RCIDRoads $32,0d0$49,160$32,500$58,000$144,500 $454,160 $168,000 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 75 of 76 Table9-8;FiveYear Scheduleof Capital Water (inthousands) improvementsforPotable/Reuse 9-2 Figure Funding # Project Project Description Source FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024FY 2025FY 2026FY2027 Total Not Indirect Potable/Reuse BondFunds 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1000 4,500 Shown Project NonTaxable Not WellRehabilitation BondFunds 300 300 300 330 300 300 1,800 Shown Program NonTaxable Not Welt#2Corístruction BòndFunds 200 2,500 2,700 Shown NonTaxable 1 ReclaimedBondFunds 350 Contemporary 350 WaterConversions .NonTaxable 2 ReuseWater BondI-unds 200 Epcot 150 3,550 5,500 t600 Conversions NonTaxable Not Goff CourseBooster 1DO Pump BondFunds 4dû 500 Shown Station Rehab(4Total) NonTaxable 3 ReuseWaterExtension BondFunds 208 208 to AlongWorldDrive NonTaxable DHS Service Not RemoteReuseWater BondFunds 200 3,500 3,700 | Shown and Storage NonTaxable Re-pumpSRF Total Potable andReuseWater $708 $2,400 $1,650 $1,800$7,850$4;850$193258 Table9.9:FiveYearScheduleofCapital Sewer (inthousands) improvementsforSanitary 9-3 Figure Funding # Source FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024FY 2025FY 2026 FY Project Project Description Total 2027 Lift Not Stations Rehabsand BondFunds 600 3,000 5 000 3,000 2 500 4 000 18,100 Shown Upgrades#7& #60Master Non Taxable Lift aríd Lift Stations, Duplex Station Program Not Rehabilitation ofCollectionBondFunds 750 2s000 2,000 2,000 6;750 Shown System NonTaxabfe WWTP WWTP Dewatering / BondFunds 1,000 4,000 8,000 1,000 Facility 14,000 FoodWasteTransfer NonTaxable Station Total Sm Itary Sewer $2,05o $7,000$13000 $6,000$4,500$c,000$36,850 Table9-10:FiveYear Scheduleof Capital improvementsforSolidWaste (inthousands) 94 Figure Funding # Project Source FY 2022FY 2023FY 2024FY 2025 FY 2026FY 2027 Total Project Description 1 Ftoor R esurface and Bond Tipping $100 $100 Drain Funds SystemRehab Taxable 1 Trarisfer Statiort Expansion Bond $120 $230 $2,500 $1,000$io,000$13,850 Funds Taxable Total Solid Waste $120 $230 $2,500 $0 $1,000$10,100$13,950 Table9-11:FlyeYear Scheduleof Capital improvementsforDrainage(inthousands) # $roject Project DescriptionFundingSource FY 2022FY 2023FY 2024 FY 2025FY 2026FY 2027 Total 1 Outside MajorRehabilitation: $0 $0 Drainage $800 $0 $0 $0 $8dû S 14 FeesOn Karid TOTA£ DRAINAGE $800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10 $800 Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1-1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 76 of 76 EXHIBIT IJST OF REQUIRED Permitting Agency Florida Fishand Wildlife . . Cornmission (FFWC) US Army CorpsofEngineers (ACOE) ReedyCreekEnergyServices / WaltDisneyWorld (RCE5) Environmental Affairs (WDWEA) LOCAL 4 DEVELOPMENT PERMITS Pentüt Type Listed Species Survey Relocation GopherTortoise SnakeMorfitoring Indigo Construction Cornmencement.Notification LongTerniPermitNotification (WetlandImpact) "InHouse"U.tility Permit(for) Potable Water/Wastewater/Reclaimed Water FireLineDedication Letter GreaseTrap/Holding Tanks(seeUP above) toilets A/C Condensate/Dry WeH/Portable (seeUP above) Service Utility Request(USR) Review Planning Consistency SouthFlorida Water MartagementDistrict (SFWMD) -ERP Modification RCIDDewateringPullFrom Ground -Pull SFWMD Dewatering From Ground ReedyCreekImprovement District and (RCID) Planrting Engineering Department(P&E) Florida of Departrnent Environmental Protection (FDEP) Review Planning Concurrency Site P lanReview Plarming StormWaterPollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP) Control PlanPermit Turbidity SiteCivil Construction PlanReview ofWay Use/ HaulPermit Right RightofWay Permit MaintenanceofTraffic NoticeofIntent touseGeneralPermit toSurface bewateringDischarge AirCònstruction Perrnit NPDES Genenc StormwaterPermit Construction Notification Utility Tanks LargeStorage

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