Motorola Mobility, Inc. v. Apple, Inc.

Filing 95

AFFIDAVIT signed by : Christine Saunders Haskett. Supplemental Declaration in Support of Apple Inc's Responsive Claim Construction Brief (Brief Filed Under Seal) by Apple, Inc. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 21, # 2 Exhibit 22, # 3 Exhibit 23, # 4 Exhibit 24, # 5 Exhibit 25, # 6 Exhibit 26, # 7 Exhibit 29, # 8 Exhibit 30)(Pace, Christopher)

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EXHIBIT 25 .#5/17~ .()_ ~3' ~- /O/lfJb/ ?y IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE APPLICANTS: Paulick, Thomas E. EXAMINER: Pham, C. SERIAL NO.: 08/023,234 GROUP: 2611 FILED: February 25,1993 CASE NO.: CEOO802R ENTITLED: Receiver Having Concealed External Antenna Motorola, Inc. Corporate Offices 1303 E. Algonquin Road Schaumburg, IL 60196 August 26,1994 AMENDMENT under 37 C.F,R. 1,115 Honorable Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks Washington, D.C. 20231 Dear Sir: In response to the Office Action dated May 26, 1994, please amend .the as follows: ~laims In The Specification: ~e~ert' On page reference number "210". On -to produce integral contacts 308 and 310-- after the page.s:Cy~e<'.. integm'-, before the wo,d "contacts", On page ?~f':~ute "FIG. 1" with number --FIG. 2--. pag~ On line 1{subStitute "......" with -1293A--; and on line 16 substitute "model number ......" with --named "Bravo"--. 1\ I" -1- -------_ .. t1 ..... ..... -"_.._....._-----.- -....j 987FH058 In The Claims: 1. (Amended) A combination radiotelephone/pa er unit including .a....user nterface, comprising: a housing enclosing radiotelephone andp gel' circuitry; a radiotelephone ailtenna coupled to the adiotelephone circuitry; and a pager antenna coupled to the pager c· cuitry and [forming a loop substantially surrounding the user interfac disposed between the housing ~. portion of the user interface. (Amended) A combination radiotelephone/pager unit according to cl",n,-,""urther comprising [means, coupled to the housing,] hi 1 Ie ding at least one of the radiotelephone and pager circuitry. 3. (Amended) A co IOn radiotelephone/pager unit according to claim 1 wherein t~ mterface [element] further comprises at least one of the following: an acoustic, a visu~~l...!ea~n~d~a..l:t""a:>:.ct""i~le....... . in...,t""e","rfa""c""e.:... ... ~ radiotelepllone/pag~~ .;- A combination unit according to claim -acoustic, visual and tactile interface further comprises y. l'dU,,"" a di,pJay and a 'witch, "'. 6. ~ _ wherein the us IC mbination radiotelephone/pager unit according to claim 1 wherein the antenna is integrally formed with at least a portion of the user interface. ~(Amended) A combination radiotelep to fd-. / ~ f\ one/pager unit comprising: a housing enclosing radiotelephone d pager circuitry; a radiotelephone antenna coupled t the radiotelephone circuitry; a pager antenna coupled to the pa ercircuitry and [disposed on] ~led to an outside surface of the housing; and a cover for concealing the pager antenna such that the pager antenna is unnoticeable to a user of the unit. -2- 987FH059 · ... ... ~ 8. A combination radiotelephone/pager unit accor 0 claim 7 wherein the cover further comprises at least one of the mg: a hand grip, a keypad, a lens, an escutcheon, a keypad cap. 9. ,.,-f ended) A combination r further comprising [means, couple on~_?f the radiotelephone and pa e/pager unit according to claim 7 ing,] a shield for shielding at least 7 ,/ 10. A combination radiotelephone/pager unit according to claim 7 wh III the pager antenna is disposed between the outside surface of the housin nd the cover. 11. A combination radiotelephone/pager unit accord' g to claim 7 wherein the pager antenna is integrally formed with the cover 12. A combination radiotelephone/page nit according to claim 7 wherein the pager antenna further comprises a I antenna. 13. A combination radiote hone/pager UI~it according to claim 12 further comprises user interface stimtially surrounded by the loop antenna. 14. A combina ' n radiotelephone/pager unit according to claim 13 wherein the user interfac urther comprises at least one of the following: an acoustic, a tactile interface. a housing; receiver circuitry disposed in the hous' g; [user interface coupled to the receiver circuitry;] and an antenna coupled to the receiver 'rcuitry and [forming a loop substantially surrounding the user inter!: ce] disposed between the housing and at I 16. A receiver according to claim 15 wherein the use a~e further comprises at least ~.t:-t:lnrfuj~,mtw.--a:rr1ffiioiUustic, visual and a tactile a interfa/' / -3- ·-------"-l ! 987FH060 \ 17. A receiver according to claim 15 wherei n the ustie, visual and tactile interfa ce further compri ses an electroacou ransdu cer, a display and a switch, respect ively. \ ~lease 1 i \ I cancel, 19. eiver according to claim 15 wherei n the antenn a is integra lly formed with a least a portion of the user interface. I i ~))[I (Amen~e~)' A receiver compris' g: ; Cc{ fJ ~ i i .I a housmg ; receive r circuitr y disposed in he housing; an antenn a coupled to the r eiver circuitr y and [disposed on] attache <U2 an outside surface of the housin , and a cover for concealing th antenn a such that the antenn a is ~nnotic eable to a user of the unit. D ~ [21~]".e I. ?~'. rv.. 1"2--0 \1 A receive r according to claim.2 6 wherei n the cover further compri ses at least one of the following: a hand grip, a keypad, a lens, an escutch eon, a cJ 'lu.~eypad and a cap. ~\" I r; h.t;· t'l- 21]~. bet; ; A rec-'·--.-~a<r.ccording to claim 20 wherei n the antenn a is disposed utside surface of the housing \~d the cover. d~];M'. A receive r according to formed with the cover. claim~whereinthe antenn a is integra lly Q.".e¥ (\ . [23] ~.' A receive r according to claim i6 wherei n the antenn a further compri ses a loop antenn a. [24]~. (Amended) A receive r according to claim [23] further comprises user interfac e substan tially surroun ded by the loop antenn a. a r-\ \ I J i i -4- 1 ! ; . _._. , . . . L_5~ _ . ,j . ._. . . .1 ....-.--..-.. ,._".~,. :-1 1 987FH061 ~ ~. ~7 (Amended) A receiver according to claim [20] ~wherein the user [25J· c, a visual and interfac e further comprises at least one of the following: an acousti a tactile interface. REMARKS All claims origina lly filed have been reprodu ced for the examin er's conven ience during examin ation. ered Respon sive to the examin er's point 2, the claims have been renumb using the examin er's number ing system. d to Respon sive to the examin er's point 3, claim 26 has been amende overcom e the examin er's rejection. amende d Respon sive to the examin er's points 4-5, claims 1 and 15 have been d, cancelle to overcom e the examin er's rejection. Claims 5 and 18 have been withou t prejudi ce. the Respon sive to the examin er's point 6, the applian t submits that t. Specifically, the examin er examin er's charact erizatio n of Kawam oto is incorrec the abstrac t of states that the ferrite case 2 is a "housing". Howev er, as stated in . The applica nt Kawam oto, the ferrite case 2 functio ns as the core of the antenna re, the submits that a part of an antenna is not the same as a housing . Therefo applica nt submit s that claims 20-26 are allowab le over Kawam oto. the Respon sive to the examin er's points 7-8, the applica nt submits that of the claimed examin er's combin ation of referen ces does not meet the limitati ons nt submits that the inventi on as now claimed in claim 7. Specifically, the applica prior claim present claim languag e "attach ed to" is distingu ishable over the been amende d in the same way. languag e "dispos ed on". Note that claim 20 has Krenz et a1. in Therefo re, the applica nt submit s that claims 7-14 are allowab le over view of Metrok a. -5- /{ '.. -··'l·. . ,;; '. 987FH062 Accordingly, Applicants respectfully request reconsideration of the claims and passage to allowance at the earliest possible date. Respectfully submitted, PAULICK, THOMAS E. by: ~)Q.K~ Kevin D. Kaschke Agent for Applicants Registration No. 35,767 Phone: (708) 538-2455 Fax: (708) 576-3750 I hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposited with the United States Postal Service as first class mail in an envelope addressed to: Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks Washington, D.C. 20231 by on d~8,rt/~ ~ L" Kevin D. Kaschke ?--..::2t{ -9 Date -6- 987FH063

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