Motorola Mobility, Inc. v. Apple, Inc.

Filing 95

AFFIDAVIT signed by : Christine Saunders Haskett. Supplemental Declaration in Support of Apple Inc's Responsive Claim Construction Brief (Brief Filed Under Seal) by Apple, Inc. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 21, # 2 Exhibit 22, # 3 Exhibit 23, # 4 Exhibit 24, # 5 Exhibit 25, # 6 Exhibit 26, # 7 Exhibit 29, # 8 Exhibit 30)(Pace, Christopher)

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EXHIBIT 30 UNITED b-’I’ATE~OEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Patent; and Trademark Office Address: C~MM~alONER GF PATI~IT~ AND "rRAJ3~MARKS Weshingt~. D.C. 20231 FIRSTN~,IED INVENTOR 08t081,~31 06/22/~3 [ ATTORNEY DOCKET NO. I FLORIN "26Ml/0801 BLAK~_Y SOKOLOFF TAYLOR & ZAFMAN SEVENTH FLOOR 12400 NILSHIR~ BOULEVARI~ LOS ANGELES CA 90025 2602 DATE MAILED: 0~I01/95 This iS a communr~ from the exam[herin charge of your ~ppfcat~on. COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS.. AND TRAOEMARKS A shortened ~ttUtory pedod for response to b~is a~:~on Is ~et ~o sxptn~ ~ month(s}, __ days from Iha date of ~ letter, Failure to respond wflldn the psdod for response Will cause, the app~k~a.lJon’to ~ abandoned÷ 35 U,S,C, 133 Part I THE FoLLQWfNG ATI"ACHMENT(~ ARE PARTOFTHISACTION-" 1. "]~No’Jce of References Cited by Examiner, PTO-,B92, 3. It Notice of All O]’~d by App~tCanl. PTO,1449. 5. [] InfonnatJo~ on Hawto El’fec~.Drawfng Changes, PTO-147,L 2. ~J’ Notk:e of Draftsman’s Palant Drawing Review, PTQ-948. 4, [] Noff~ of [nform~[ Palent Ap~katlo~, PT0-152. Pml ,rl SUMMARY OF ACTION Of theaters, claims " 2.’~Clalms 3, [~Clalms 4. 5. [~Clalms 6. [] C!~lrns. 7. [] This ~k:~Ton has been filed wtth I~fot’m= dr’.zwtng’s under.J7 O.F.R. 1.85 which are ,=cceptable for examfna~on pUL’poseS, 8. [] Forma~ d~s are reciufre<l In response to ~s Office action. 9. [] The correcf~ or ~ubstltute draWings have been recehred on . Ur.~r 37 C,F.R. 1~84 ~e~ drawings are I"1 acsapt~b!s; I-1 not ao~ej~taJda (sea exp;an~tlan or Ncdsa of Draftsman’s Patent Drawing Review, PTo-g48). 10. ~l Th~ pmpnsed ed~tbn~r or eldostltute sheet(s) of d~wlngs, f led On ~xamL,~’; t"1 disapproved by the examr~er (e~e expranatlor,). ¯ has (have) I:~en Flapprewd by ~he has bean [] approved; i’=t disapproved (sea expl’analJorl]. 11. [] The proposed dr;zwlng c~nectton, f~led 12. J~JAcknowledgement ~ made of*,he c~almtotpdo~’y undeT 35 U.S.G. 119. The certified ¢opyhas r’lbean received [] not bear~ received r=l bee~ filed in parent a~callo~, seda] no. ; IITted on 13. [] Since this appll~L[on appliers to be In condition for ~llov,~n m ex~pt fO~ formal mattem, prosecullon es to 1~ merits ~s dosed In accordatK~ with the pradk:e under Ex p,~rle Quayle, 1935 C O. 11 ; 453 O,G. 213, 14. [] ~her ~l’s F L-AppleO001145 Serial Number: 081081,931 Art Unit 2602 1. -2- The text. of those sections of Title 35, U.S. Code not included in this action can be found in the prior Office action dated 4/10/95. 2. Applicant’s arguments with resp~.’ct to cJaims 2, 22 and 23 have been considered but are deemed to be moot ia view of the new grounds of rejection. 3. The f<~lowing is a quotation of the appropriate paragraphs of 35 U.S.C. § 102 that form the basis for the rejsctions under this section made in this Office action: A person shall be entitled to a ps.tent unless -o (b) theinvention was patented or described in a printed publication in this or a foreign country or in public ,ase or on sale in this country, more than one year prior to the date of application for patent in the United States. 4. Claims 2 and 22-24 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) as being anticipated by Beulton. Re claim 2, Boulton discloses the claimed: I) t~ansceiver including an interface generation means (controller 36, decode section 44 and memory 46); 2) plurality of information tracks (data soarces 12); and 3) control means (keyboard 38 and controller 36). Re claims 22 and 24, Boulton discloses the claimed listing means as being the electronic book 48. See col. 6, lines 1-14. Re claim 23, the claimed activating means is met by an entry ~rom keyboard 38. 5. Applicant°s amendment necessit~ted the new grounds of rejection. Accordingly, THIS ACTION IS MADE FINAL. See M.P.E.P. § 706.07(a). F L-Apple0001146 Serial Number: 08/08L931 Art Unit: 2602 -3- Applicant is reminded of the exten.~ion of time policy as set forth in 37 C.F.R. § 1.136(a). A SHORTENED STATUTORY PERIOD FOR RESPONSE TO THIS FINAL ACTION IS SET TO EXPIRE THREE MONTHS FROI~ THE DATE OF THIS ACTION. IN THE EVENT A F]SRS;~ RESPONSE IS FILED WITHIN TWO MONTHS OF THE MAILING DAT~) OF THIS FINAL ACTION AND THE ADVISORY ACTION IS’ NOT MAILED UNT]:L AFTER THE END OF THE THKEE-MONTH SHORTENED STATUTORY PERIOD, THEN THE SHORTENED STATUTORY PERIO!~ WILL EXPIRE ON THE DATE THE ADVISORY ACTION IS MAILED, AND ANY EXTENSION FEE PURSUANT TO 37 C.F.R. § 1.136(a) WILL BE CALCUI~TI~D FROM THE MAILING DATE OF TttE ADVISORY ACTION. IN NO EVENT WILL THE STATUTORY PERIOD FOR RESPONSE EXPIRE ]hATER THAN SIX MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF THIS FINAL ACTION. 6. Claims 8-9 and 36-38 are objected to as being dependent upon a rejected base claim, but would be allowable ff rewritten in independent form includfiag all of the limitations o£ the base claim ar..d any intervening claims. 7. Claims 10-21, 2%28, 30-35, 39-48, 53-69 and 72-90 are allowable over the prior art of record. Any inquiry concerning this communication or earlier communications from the examiner should be directed to Jeffrey Murrell whose telephone number is (703) 305-8155. The examiner can norma!ly be reached on M-F from 9:30 to 6. If attempts to reach the examiner by telephone are unsuccessful, the examiner’s supervisor, Jim Groody, can be reached on (703) 305-4702. The fax phone number for this Group is (703) 305.9509. F L-Apple0001147 Serial Number: 08!081,9[11 Art Unit: 2602 Any inquiry of a general nature or relating to the status of this application or proceeding should be dLr~cted to the Group receptionist whose telephone numbe: is (703) 305-4700. Jeffrey Murrell July 24, 1995 F L-Apple0001148

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