Motorola Mobility, Inc. v. Apple, Inc.

Filing 95

AFFIDAVIT signed by : Christine Saunders Haskett. Supplemental Declaration in Support of Apple Inc's Responsive Claim Construction Brief (Brief Filed Under Seal) by Apple, Inc. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 21, # 2 Exhibit 22, # 3 Exhibit 23, # 4 Exhibit 24, # 5 Exhibit 25, # 6 Exhibit 26, # 7 Exhibit 29, # 8 Exhibit 30)(Pace, Christopher)

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EXHIBIT 26 _____________________________________________ From: Haskett, Christine Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 5:26 PM To: Anthony Pastor Cc: Moto-Apple-SDFL; Haslam, Robert T; Fram, Robert; Martiniak, Chris; Pearlman, Jef T.; Taylor, Ann M; 'Apple - Tensegrity (Cherensky)'; 'Ho, Jill' Subject: Apple/Motorola: Additional claim construction exhibit Tony, Please find attached an excerpt from the Microsoft Press Computing Dictionary, Third Edition. The dictionary was delivered too late to be incorporated into Apple's opening claim construction brief. Apple intends to rely on the definition of "address" therein and will cite it in our reply brief. Christine << File: Microsoft Press Computer Dictionary - Third Edition - Address.pdf >> Christine Saunders Haskett | COVINGTON & BURLING LLP One Front Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 Tel: 415.591.7087 | Fax: 415.955.6587 | This message is from a law firm and may contain information that is confidential or legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately advise the sender by reply e-mail that this message has been inadvertently transmitted to you and delete this e-mail from your system. Thank you for your cooperation. LVlicroso.fiPress ttlilltilfer - l~flttllllr"\T Third Edition Microsott"Press PUBLISHED BY :\1 icrosoft Press A Division of Microsoft One Microsoft Redmond, 98052-6399 ."v1icrosoft Corporation All reserved. No part of the contents of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher. of Cataloging-in-Publication Data pending. ISBN 1-57231·743-4 Printed and bound in the United States of America. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 QMQM 2 I 0 9 8 7 Distributed to the book trade in Canada Publishing Cn,rn,'1r",tinm :\lacmillan of Canada, a division of Canada A CIP ~'H~""""~ record for this book is available from the British Library. Microsoft Press books are available booksellers and distributors worldwide. For further information about international editions. contact your local Microsoft Corporation office. Or contact Microsoft Press International at fax (425) 936·7329. Visit our Web site at Macintosh. PO\ver Macintosh. and fonts are trademarks of Inc. Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation. DirectInput, DirectX. Microsoft Microsoft Press. MS-DOS. Visual Basic, Visual C++. Win32. Win32s. Windows. trademarks and ActiveMovie. ActiveX. and Visual Windows NT. and XENIX are J++ are trademarks of Microsoft Java is a trademark of Sun Microsy,;tems, Inc. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Acquisitions Editor: Kim Project Editors: Maureen Williams Zimmerman, Anne Technical Editors: Dail Jr .. Gary Nelson. Jean Ross, Jim Fuchs. John Conrow, Kurt Meyer. Robert Lyon, Lutsch tile dl:lnge with eadl s'"lIple <IS nenled, thus lIlueaslIlg the effective hit rt'solution of rhe d;lta. ,lcmll)'111 .\f)PCd (\ {)-p-(:-\,n. )'et' also puis", c( )de illodul:lti'iIl. COIli/Nlre ada prive ditferellti,d pu!.se code fi1o(/u/;!tion. adaptive differential pul.. e code modulation \,l-dapril' ciif-,lH:,n ,h,,1 puis k,-)d nloj-,,-Ej'slpn, lllo-dv;)-I:t'sh':lIl\ II :\ digital ,1mlin compression ,dgorIthm th;l[ store.s a S;Hllple JS [he ,"Ifc~rence hetween ;1 linear c()mhin;Hion of prL'\'ious samples cine! rhe <I,tual 'i:unple, rather [han the IlleJSllrel11l'nt Irself. The linear ,')l1lilinatloll forIllula is modified l'\'nv few s;tmpks to minimil.e tile dVll;uni<' range 01 [lit' IJlltput sigrul, re.sulring in dTiClelll stor:lge. Set' {[bJ puhe code Illodulation. C()II/p{/re 'll/aPril'<: dt'lta puht' ('()de Illudul;ltiof1. adaptive system \ ,'>-cia p' til' si' s(')Il1 \ II. A sysfl'111 that is Clp:lhle of .litering its hehavior hased Oil cerr;lin features of irs experieIlL'e or environment. ,'ee also expert s\·srem. ADB \A /)-B\ 11.)('''' ,\pple I)e.skrop I3us. ADC \ A' D-C '\ II. ,lee ;m;d()g-to-digiUI C()flvertt'r A-D converter \ A-I) k"n-\'"r t"r\ Jl lee analogto-digiral,'()nverter adder \ad ,)r\ II. l. A CP[' «'cmr;d processing tmin cOl1lronent thar 'ILids two numhers .'ient to it hv processing irl:-'[ru<'tions. I,'e It/SO c't'nrral proct'.ssmg IInit. 2. A ,'irell!t th;lt slims rhe ;lIlIplitLlcies of two inpur sign;l!.'. I'e", {/Iso lull ;Idder, half parri( lib r -;ite~ on tl Ie rfl[t'!'llt't ur other ner3. c\ (, H.le u.sed r() speCifY' ,Ill eiliail dt~stIllJ rion. address 2 \;I dres, ,)-elres\ 1,1) T,) rekrencc' ,I p;Jr[ielilar st, )rage locni, In. addressable cursor \,)-dres',)-hl kur -;"r\ II. :\ cursor programllled'io it can he 111<)\'l'd ru ,Ifl\' loclrion Oil rllt' .'iLTL'l'n, .I, hv I1lc'an.' of tilt' keyhoard or .I I!lOLIse. address book 'u dres iJ(W)k ;)-dres\ 17 1. In ;In e-IlI:lil progr;IIll . .I rer(cl't'IKe sedioll listing c~-Illail <Idtlres.s .. s ;lf1d individlI:Ii.< llellllt'S. 2. ,b .I \X'l"h p"ge, ;Irl intorrtul ('-nui! or [ kL Pfl()llt' ho()k. ,"el' the illustration. ilving \\()rk. :J "cldeL add-in \ad'in\ II. S('eadd-on addition record \,)-dish"n rek ,)rti\ :It/dress book. 1. :\ tile rhar d,~scrihe.'i rlt'W record (,llrril's (-;uch ;1-; .1 n<:\\' Cl!.SroIII er, t'mplo\'cl', '.ir product) in ;1 d;Juha,se 'iO that the" ,'all latL'r he ,'l nItini7ed ;mel P()stvti. 2. A wcord in ;l dunge lik spc'cit\'ing .1 new entry. Sec (/Iso <,h;mge fik~. add·on \ad'oIl\ 11 1.:\ hardware: device. slich as ,Ill L'XP:II1.'iJ( >fl h, ):![d or ,ClIp. rhat eln he .Idded to .1 c'olYlplIrt:r ro expand its cap;Ihilitil's. ,·t/so utlled :!dd-In. See illso open :Jrllutecrure (dcfimtion 2) 2. A supplenwnt:Ii program rhat eln extend rilc capahilitit~s or .111 applic:!tion prugram, ~'ce "Iso utilitv program. address l \.1 drcs. ,),cireS\ 11.1..\ numher srecitving;I locarion in 11Il'IlIOI'; where data is storni. S",e iI/S(J :iI)s( ,lute ;Iddress, adelres,s SP:ICt'. phvsical address, \'irrual address. 2. :\ nallle or (I )ken specII. • - IW address bus \a drl's Iltl.'; ,)-"1'<.',-;'\" A hardware parh usually c'onsisting of 10 r() (HSL'P:tr;!tc lincs li.scti t() c·;tnT the signab spl'citving :1 IllL'IllOf\" locltion. See tlls() hi!'';. address decoder \a elrt's de-k,) chr. -)-dre"\ 1/. An ded[OI1lL' device tint cO!J\·,"rts .I nUllleric ,Ilkiresss" ;IS to sclect :1 I<ll'll1ury lOc'atlon Oil onc or Illore RAj\ [ eh I ps addressing \,,-drc's -eng, ;I '''res-eng\ Jl The proCe.,,, of .I.'Signing or rc'rernng to an elddrt'ss III prograIllllling, tilt' ,ILidress i-; t\THeall" ;I ,pecifving ;1 ille[JlorV loc;!tioll. 'ee (/Is() <I<Idw,.si address mapping table '\;I ·tires lllap eng r.1 hI. ~­ lires \ II :\ r;lhk used I)\, routers or D()IIlain '\.IIllt' ""srem I D~S) .'iL'nlTS to rl'SOhL' Internet I)ro[ocnl IIi») .Icklrt''s from.! re'xl L'lltn' slJ(h .IS ,I Il;lllle ""Lit'

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