Cambridge University Press et al v. Patton et al

Filing 316

DEPOSITION of Mark P. Becker, Ph.D. taken on April 22, 2011 by Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Inc., Sage Publications, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit 7, # 8 Exhibit 8)(Rains, John)

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E X H I B I T 6 Georgia State University Faculty Handbook Page of FACULTY HANDBOOK NOTE All faculty in The contact Learning Section 200 and person for the Faculty He and accountable for are responsible Section Uandbook can reached by telephone http// is the information contained 300 of this Faculty Handbook Peter 404-413-2542 Lindsay Director of the Center for Teaching and or e-mail Exhibit 6 - 1 4/21/2011 Georgia State University Handbook Faculty Page Faculty of Handbook TABLE OF CONTENTS Brief TOG in area to right Display Search letter Sources Rjest from the President and Definitions Introduction Update Histpy SECTION 100 OF GEORGIA SYSTEM UNIVERSITY 101 102 List of Institutions System 103 Chancellor 104 Organizational 105 Vision 106 Guiding Principles 107 Segjgfianning 108 Budgjpjtiatives 109 University_System pmmittees 110 University_System policy_Manual SECTION for and Staff Chart the University_System for of Georgia Action Strategic Policy_Directives 200 GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY 201 Plan Strategjc 202 History of the Uniycjy 203 Statutes of Georgia 204 Bylaws State University of the University 205 Organization Senate 205.01 Administrative 205.02 Academic 205.03 Administrative 205.04 Centers 206 Univergiy and Pol University Units Institutes and Procedures Magement Crisis gpjpgs Master 206.03_Harassment and Plan Plan Principles Pojjgy and Dg Policy 206.04 Alcohol 206.05 Poljcy Student Grievance Procedures on Smoking 206.06 Policy_gnd Procedures 300 FACULTY PERSONNEL Empjpynt POLICIES Policies 301.01 /Iwww2 Civil 301.02 httn State Organization 206.02 301 Georgia Units 206.01 SECTIDN of and Units Affirmative Rights Compliance Action Education Policy su.eduRwwwfhb/contents.htm1 Exhibit 6 - 2 4/21/2011 Georgia State University 301 Handbook Faculty Statement on Accommodation Policy 301.05 Policy Policy .03 301.04 Statement 301.07 Employment 301.08 Potential 301.09 Faculty 301.10 Criminal Individuals on Policy with Practice and Veterans Veterans on of Disabilities of Religious on Disabled Board of Regents 301.06 Page of the Vietnam Era of Relatives Employment of Aliens Of Conflict Hiring Interest Amorous In Relationships Policy Background Check Policy flcruitentan4ointpeit PQjApppjntnients Q.02 Joint the Faculty to of Faqpjty 4ppointment Q0jrcemlQymei3tRecords 303 Contra Types 303.01 Academic 303.02 Fiscal Year Contracts Year Contracts 304 Comppsation 305 Personnel Files 305.01 Annual 305.03 Contract 305.04 Fring 305.05 306 Appointment 305.02 ChpgQQf Faculty Papers Review Promotion and Tax Benefits Academic Status and Full-time University Part-tiw Documents Faculty 306.03 Part-time 1ostrciors 306.04 Graduate Teaching 306.05 Adjunct 306.06 Emeritus Faculty 306.07 Graduate Faculty 307 Promjpn Faculty Assistants Faculty Tenure and 307.01 Time Rank in 307.03 Georgia 307.04 Procedures Policies 308 Research State University by the Board of Regents to Standards be Followed DuriggffiUniversity-level Review of Promotion and Tenure Candidates ProfessQfffls Regents Professorshjgg 310 Non-tenure Track Personnel/Academic Professionals F4ciijvahuation 311.01 Annual Review 311.02 Student Evaluation 311.02.01 Student 311.03 Evaluation 311.04 Evaluation of Facujty Evaluation Report of SGA Office Deans of Vice Presidents 311.06 Evaluation of the Provost 311.07 Evaluation of the President 311.08 Evaluation of the Associate Faculty Duties 312.01 /Iwww2 to of Chairs 311.05_Evaluation http Board of Regents of the Requirements Procedures 307.05 Membership Develqpment Tenure Relevant 307.02 312 history Rank 306.02 311 Tenure Records Personnel 306.01 3ft9 and Documents and and Vice President for Academic Affairs Provosts Responsibilities Tcachjflg gsu.eduLwvv-wfhb/contents .html Exhibit 6 - 3 4/21/2011 Georgia State University 312.02 Handbook Faculty Page Research 12.02.01 Recommendations Policy 312.02.02 Qopyrigt on Research Policy 12.02.03 Intellectual 12.02.04 Human Subjects 312.02.05 Review and Approval Procedurcs 312.02.06 Research 312.0107 Animal Care and Use Property and Scholarly Scholarly Integrity 12.02.09 Openness in 312.03 Outside Conflict of Sponsored Grants and Contracts Misconduct Responsible Conduct of Research Reseaccfqijy Activity 312.05 and for Service 312.04 Policy Protection 12.02.08 313 of Other Duties 313.01 Interest on Guidelines Agreement Rspgct Books to and denes 313.0 Academic 313.04 Identification 313.05 Ethical Classroom Copying in Not-for-profit Educational Institutions with Recording of Broadcast Programming omplimentaiy for Educational textbooks Pujmoses Convocations Cards Behavior with Reggrtp and Rights for Periodicals foLOff-Air 313.03 314 Faculty Policy and Responsibilities Privilg 314.01 Academic 314.02 Faculty 314.03 Grievance Freedom Library Privilcgg Procedures 315 Faculty_Devejqpment 315.01 31 316 The Center 5Q Special Faculty/Staff 316.01 for and Learning Teaching Fund in Opportunities Services Health Clinic Ses 316.02 Lanette 316.03 Recreational 316.04_Indian Child Development Creek Lodgg 316.05 University 316.06 Testing 316.07 Information Syfgnjfechnolpgy 316.08 Multimedia Resources 316.09 317 Center Services Faculty Severance 317.01 Facilities Service Audit of Classes from the University Non-renewal of Contract 17.O2llismissal 317.03 Retirement 317.04 Payfor Accrued 317.05_C1eariigte 17.06 Continuation Leave for TerminatediRetired Faculty Unjysify of Coverage under COBRA fCTION_400 ACADEMIC 401 INSTRUCTIONAL INFORMATION Class Ortanization 401.01 hun IIwww2 Course Syllabus su edu/wwwthb/contents Exhibit 6 - 4 .html 4/21/2011 Georgia State University Handbook Faculty 401.02 Student Veteran Attendance 401.05 Withdrawal 401.06 Textbooks 401.07 Access 401.08 Disruptive 401.09 Assessment_of of Attendance 401.04 402 Class 401.03 Page Rolls from Class Records Student to Student Behavior Policy Outcomes StudcntLparnin Examinations 402.01 Final Examinations 4QQflegentsExaiuination 402.03 403 Reguijnts Legislative Grading Policy Systen 403.01 Gradiflg 403.02 Reporting 403.03 Policy 403.04 Chapgc Grades of Grades of Incomplete on Cl of Grade 404 Academic Standing 405 Academic Recognition 406 Policion Courses Listed 407 Cross 408 Ajgpment Policy and Use of on Academic Instructional Definitions Evidence 409.04 Sources and Procedures for Academic of Examples and Burden of for Sqppoit Undergraduate 4lQQ Writing 410.03 Mathematicsgjstance 410.04 Conippter 410.05 Student 410.06 Disability Dishonesty Studies Complex Services Supppgt Services Cooperative African 411.01 Academic Facilities 410.08 411.02 of Students udio 410.07 and Education American Discovery Program Offcp Services Student Safety/Enjgncy University Proof Resolving Matters 410.01 and PrQgJms Procedures of Fire or Suspicion BuildingEvacuation Alarm 500 LEAVE AND FRINGE 501 Fgcjjjt Honesty 409.03 SECTION Catalogs Introduction 409.02 411 Diplomas University Facilities of Assignment 409.01 410 in Regjation 40801 409 on University BENEFIT POLICIES AND REGULATION Leaves 501.01 SickLeave 501.02 Leave 501.03 Family Leave 501.04 Military Leave 501.05 Death the Fanijjy of in Absence and Personal http//www2 Medical Leave .html under Exhibit 6 - 5 FMLA 4/21/2011 Georgia State University 501 .06 Vacation/Annual 504 of Holidays 503 Page Leave Miscellaneous 502 Handbook Faculty Insurance Leave 504.01 Health Insurance 504.02 Continuation 504.03 Dental 504.04 Life 504.05 Accidental 504.06 Disability 504.07 Workers 504.08 SocjnlSecuri 504.09 Professional 504.10 Section 504.11 Flexible of Benefits Insurance Death and Income 125 Transportation Vision Accounts Dependent Care Medical Accounts Spending Retirement Benefits Retirement Tax Automatic Debit 506 Other Sheltered Retiremcnt Supplemental of Premiums Insurance Accounts After 403b Accountsj Retirement Benefits 506.01 Remission and Tuition 506.02 Auditing 506.03 Employee 506.04 Faculty 506.05 Reimbursement Classes U.S SavingBorids Development and 506.06 Health 506.07 Dsic Emergncy and Training Staff Assistance Program Services Partner Policy Procedures 600 AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION AFFAIRS Comperjption Faculty Rate 601.01 Compensation 601 Payroll Deductions .02 601.03 Compsation 601.04 Extra for Summer or other non-contracted Term Academic Year Contracts Gratuities 601.05 602 Insurance Insurance 50503 601 Insurance STD Plan Spending 505.02 SECTION LTD Insurance Liability 505.01 BUSINESS Dismemberment Insurance Compensation 504.13 507 Termination after Insurance 504.12 505 Plans For Faculty on Compensation Travel 602.01 Travel Authorizations 602.02 Travel Advance 603ponsored Grants 603.OL 604 Financial 604.01 Indirect and 604.04 http//www2.gsu Cost Business Services Automatic PayoII 604.02_Faculty 604.03 andontracts Deposit Mail Service Postal Automated Service Bank Tellers eduF-wwwfhb/contents .html Exhibit 6 - 6 4/21/2011 Georgia State University 604.05 605 Auxiliary 605.01 Bookstore and Cafeterias Scrvice Parking Cap and 606 Out-of-state_Tuition httpIIwww2 of Telecommunications 605 04 Photopy 605.05 Page Services 60502 Food 605.03 Handbook Faculty Service Gown Service Waiver SeiLSuouse gsu.eduRwwwfhb/contents.htm1 and Chjj4rcn Exhibit 6 - 7 4/21/2011 Georgia State Presidents University Letter in Handbook Faculty of Page OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY Dear Colleagues The Georgia State University Faculty and Board of Regents the review to action of the various policies vice of the University the policy Handbook conflict shall between the in in made The to as of information source Georgia State University to Handbook or appendices accordance with statements information update the for faculty notification the policies in faculty in Handbook in policy members of changes about members University encourage the delegated are in many you instances manner changes may become effective before State in the through or by legislative abbreviated Georgia they read the University Board of Regents and procedures of Georgia them to of the University timely to either developed other publications are encouraged in were the authority Handbook the available is and the Board of Regents Consequently System publication latter are efforts Universitys relate presidents Senate summaries More complete Although that serves Handbook State University Georgia offices policies Handbook policy University State are published in System In the event that there and the Board of Regents is the take precedence hope you find the Handbook useful Sincerely Mark Becker http//www2 University President gsu.eduF-wwwthb/president.html Exhibit 6 - 8 4/21/2011 312 Section and Responsibilities Duties Faculty of 18 Page 312 Faculty Duties and Responsibilities Broadly defined faculty three primary functions fulfill Georgia State University teaching at research and service 312.01 Teaching members Faculty professional assigning When scheduled Dean See Appendix to dimensions The unit to The individual dimension mission In order goals they on engaged Georgia to planned which are for which work and students has officially of risk Forms may be liability for particularly necessary statement for field obtained faculty trips and from the Affairs Legal the proper is of the academic function of authorities member of carried by each load to be is activity with concept of workload established refers goals in relation to BOR the faculty the mix well as as and service State comparable their is University per academic year records may Within activities contribute primarily the next be this levels accomplish activities research engaged in is reasonable may expect at to goal for activity course institutions have carefully faculty should be equitable may be engaged faculty any one point in time in individual across their activities different mixes of teaching context the intention of effort plan the accomplishment these goals and service and the should to of individual individual talents one of the System research of research/creative teaching to their of the specified performance correspond any strategic and service goals units integrated should for required mission and units to the performance and service researchlcreative be to effort researchlreative contribution of faculty different mixes of teaching the collective of teaching assignments and individual organizational to the Universitys to of workload the assignment to both refers as part of her/his career from one unit and active demonstrated is goals and individual in members load or equivalent http it both of these dimensions rewarded on the basis of academic that needs and the distribution of faculty unit be faculty Because whose for and faculty be the full policy dimension has it are identified researchlcreative that Workload and individual goals may careers is Vice President state of workload mixes of teaching faculty for from any individual programmatic Depending is the goals required different activities Sue forms These the teaching prescribe organizational accomplish unit and Board of Regents as appointed period students and evaluating period faculty the entire for include 301 tReplaced 20 February 1997 Once to or from the Assistant institution Section unit Not of the Board of Regents policies both class holding for Load each system articulated examination normal beyond activity activities Teaching activities include of the University the policies and Covenant Release of the Policy as appointed of teaching and counseling librarians by the as assigned advising the broad category within fall responsibilities the final including class-related out-of-state The which the class use Office faculty and student instruction provide activities instruction within grades in any should for librarianship is enrolled Other Classroom counselors the class are expected to chairman departmental of units collective workload policy work that and contributions universities faculty general up to members with and of service load of up to activity courses 4-course teacing substantial Faculty or equivalent members per year //www2 gsu edu/-wwwfhb/sec3 12 html Exhibit 6 - 9 4/21/2011 of 312 Section Each or school college those specifies activities of the individual distributions activities of the unit reviewed and approved and workload mechanism faculty of the unit by the faculty The for workload workload are linked assignments the performance to each for statement by the dean of the unit faculty each years workload reporting policy teaching individual for how assignments how specifies explicitly specifies equivalent how specifies or schools that the assignment of workload to course specifies member faculty statement policy contribute constitute that the departments to workload of 18 Page Responsibilities must have the goals to arid and service research/creative are linked Duties Faculty unit and by the provost must be of the univeri sty Source Teaching years academic the previous Academic of the faculty 308 In addition on supervision GTAs particular advisor as Each more 3.3% of 803.1403 and related courses has college established Links to that of credit students hours the Student Advisement of Academic advisement its Center one of the is an Office organized Advisement Student is 42 semester than between or dissertation student more in were relationships members and research advisors than In and/or students advises BOR activities freshmen incoming undecided on major and and of the college Center Senate valued is advise to all on March for integral in including member single faculty Guidelines and students graduate advisors teaching many cases one of the capacities by the University approved their members Faculty as advisors and curriculum program graduate faculty State University Georgia at as thesis and there or suspension relationship education capacities Section Polic\ of the than can be found here offices mentoring graduate BOR program requirements of the colleges who have fewer students advisement The such work 12-15-98 are at the discretion not be compensated may Faculty advisement and each department has coordinate to Section students for advisement concerning Assistance dean summer term in Senate University Advisement responsibilities tranfer rate amended by 2-20-97 assignments chairman and the appropriate departmental Policy and administrative research Academic Senate by the University Approved graduate of part various GRAs will and advise student-faculty 14 2002 Curriculum Development The of the colleges faculty students Statutes In order to avoid have the responsibility to prescribe and define IX Article of courses the following duplication March 26 1981 amended by APACE Step July unit the Provost information responses Distribution Step If any written committee curriculum particular course departmental at may issue will or deletion of proposals are received respond they the comments of curriculum if it procedure by the University adopted 10 1990 and amended and adopted by of new courses approval of the curriculum and/or responses of study October of the addition the chairman faculty for the Provost 18 1995 governs Prior to the approval and/or to committee courses for their Section committee allowing is by will college curriculum communicate minimum of fourteen After be communicated its or departmental 14 calendar University-wide days college have been formulated through for Deans Group chairs/directors recommendations committee the proposed changes handled by the Chair of the Associate from deans desires course Senate the Senate on the deans and/or chairs/directors http// 2.html Exhibit 6 - 10 4/21/2011 312 Section Step Senate and Responsibilities chair or director departmental committees recommendation dean may after receiving with render will curriculum from the University advice appropriate Education college appeal decision final as to the proposed changes Program Review Academic Procedures Academic for Program Review APACE Programs and Continuing Education Program Review Academic to pertaining who Programs and Continuing may proceed college of 18 Page through the appropriate the Provost to on Academic Committee whether or not The Duties Faculty housed is Committee were adopted by the Senate on March in 12 1996 The of the Associate the Office on Academic most current information Provost for Academic Programs and can be found here Course Duplication The following The members either curriculum committees Materials distributed but will be ADG Each identified contacting ADG the who through after needed 1995 and July on course to distributing from the representatives proposals by approved duplication for responsible by the adopted ADG college and revisions or deletions of current courses Such after being that their out of the reported in of the University appeal Senate may proceed with the proposed curriculum ADG review college will render final course the conflict will not be duplication for responsible is for originated resolving of purposes the issue process the department chair curriculum from the Academic advice appropriate by the syllabi these curricular proposal and hopefully discussing excessive issues potential identifying from which the proposal be involved dean may how but avoid be comprised of the course course duplication If colleges review will Specifically determining the college for members of course respective in do not get resolved chairs that for responsible in to description of the college to parties receiving Education Committee is ADG discussion for information adequate distributed representative representative For those issues raised the issue if member ADG provide be to and reviewed identifying the appropriate Provost all is as soon as possible and course catalog title available are distributed the In order to the information course prefix Review process Appeals chair of new courses ADG within resolution representative ADG the additions be distributed to number and is for be distributed of materials conflict of committee curriculum materials or through directly should proposals ADG Deans Group Associate Deans Group developed by the Associate August 1995 for implementation Senate in March 1991 the University copying were procedures Senate University Timing Review committee proposal that the to Programs and Continuing decision as to whether or not college changes 312.02 Research Faculty members professional included 312.02.01 Research in development the annual Policy is are expected to review to activity http// scholarly their of the faculty Recommendations an investigative in participate and contribute and research disciplines An activities which enhance assessment of these activities their will be member on Research oriented toward the development 2.html Exhibit 6 - 11 of new knowledge creative 4/21/2011 Section 312 cultural and Whereas of the support expressions or innovative artistic research and Responsibilities Duties Faculty is scholarship one of the primary functions and service instructional of 18 Page of Georgia State GSU at programs and University the Research is Committee for necessary makes the following recommendations policy of the administrative Elevation of Allocation scholarship Measures defined be assigned be taken should effort percent and research to research for minimum to It of 1/3 level higher in recommended is effort the administrative that faculty active structure in and research the scholarship in do not encroach other activities that ensure research for position on the time assigned area for research Establishment Allocation of of increased GSU these funds expand needed and of increased Allocation funds for Foundation funds to for and the college to recommend faculty the various of graduate categories levels funding should and scholarship of research support assistantships define of faculty support for dedicated research graduate of an ad hoc senate committee Establishment assistantships at Research University research establish summer during for procedures Each allocation should college of summer funds research Increased Source Senate University 312.02.02 of funds allocation Copyright 12.02.03 Human including based computing departmental equipment May 21 1987 Resolution Policy Intellectual 12.02.04 for equipment Property Policy Protection Subjects Policy The Georgia university ensure State projects that protection of the involve Human This of and welfare rights and with federal regulations the use in Title IRB Review Board Institutional University humans as research of human ects 45 Code of subj Federal is the official It subjects in research Regulations review board the policy is in CFR accordance Part 46 for of the with IRB to GSU Protection rules of Subjects policy applies to Research University conducted in connection by or under the direction with his of any or her institutional employee responsibilities or agent of Georgia regardless State of the location of the project Research using any property http//www2.gsu.edufwwwfhb/sec3 or facility 2.html of Georgia State Exhibit 6 - 12 University 4/21/2011 Section 312 Research research and Responsibilities Duties Faculty Research that or perspective satisfies of completion Is certified course clinical to research policy applies only research systematic is identify or contact to human for degree program or of imposed by the University requirement dean or department by information non-public subjects for faculty appointment the of study University including This USUs of the use involving subjects of 18 Page head or adjunct an obligation satisfy at the appointments human with to subjects designed investigation defined to as 45 CFR 46.102 follows develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge and human data through private under proposals individuals intervention identifiable In reviewing live are subjects this about whom or interaction the researcher obtains or information policy the IRB Risks to subjects to subjects are reasonable 45 CFR 46.111 the following consider are minimized Risks will of the knowledge importance Selection of subjects Informed consent authorized representative Informed consent may be to anticipatee as expected benefits if any to subjects and the result equitable is will in relation that be sought in from each prospective accordance and with will be appropriately the extent to documents in or the subjects subject by 45 required accordance with and legally CFR to 46.116 the extent required by45 CFR46.117 When When maintain Procedures Submitting the research appropriate collected to there are adequate appropriate the confidentiality for for provisions for monitoring the data to provisions protect the privacy of subjects and to of the data review All initial applications program More must be submitted informaiton research renewal application http//www2 makes adequate Researchers proposals Continuing plan the safety of subjects ensure can be projects found must be must be completed 12 html electronically through at the IRB reviewed in the website at least IRBs at once electronic Exhibit 6 - 13 the IRBs electronic submission year For continuing review the submission program 4/21/2011 Section 312 study closure study The closure Informed and Responsibilities Duties Faculty must be application of 18 Page submitted and data analysis are complete once the study can be completed through the IRBs electronic submission program consent must give Subjects their informed consent before items of information in order to following need Subjects participating make informed decisions research with about of the aware be to CFR participating 46.116 statement the study that purpose of the research how saying ii long involves describing of reasonably description iii description of benefits iv disclosure of appropriate advantageous vi consists of or where vii an explanation and research the to that Subjects usually to at signed signing ii consent affirmative that might be be maintained will as to whether an explanation if and injury occurs if any so what this obtained answers to contact voluntary to pertinent about questions of the event in is refusal otherwise to the research research-related participate involve will and the subject entitled penalty of benefits or loss injury no penalty may which the subject to if itself agreement http//www2.gsu.eduLwwwfhb/sec3 to will obtained be The subject put at no more than minimal normally required outside must be parental permission treatments not form consent will is always required for the requirement Waiving If consent consent written be does consent used IRB may wiave not IRB may The not must the research the requirement CFR 46.117 presents is written CFR 46.116d of informed consent elements but consent consent from the child to be any time without the form itself would consent With children be obtained for form the research written is sign concent forms IRB how infomred consent for whom or modify the above for for available can which the subject of signed the are contact and participation waive the requirement to thatn minimal reisk to rights waive the requirement explain any entitled IRB may waive The expect if or treatments which confidentiality to treatments whom participation otherwise is of of benefits discontinue might reasonably and statement or loss or others procedures further information subjects subject viii more involving or medical compensation alternative the extent describing research for the subject the subject to statement and procedures experimental identifying the explaining or discomforts risks foreweeable that information last will participation along the procedure Children or procedures participate are involved mere 2.html risk as in failure and involves the research obtained defined or risk parent object Exhibit 6 - 14 is which or parents and assent must who have the research to for context from persons no procedures not attained the legal not Assent enough is defined With as age an older children 4/21/2011 312 Section assent Source Review formal conduct to proposal out the project review and that there submitted is of the an agency as acting individuals authorized commit to order to ensure in and State policies University to It for responsible offer legal each proposal that external of Georgia State the University been reviewed and endorsed by the various of Sponsored Routing Form and/or departments or application responsible persons must be All proposals Programs Programs Most sponsors of Sponsored individuals at involved preparation Chair flcnartment and for required review his or her ideas to facilities by the agency for assuring notify of Sponsored contain original files Programs the budget please Office to different routed of Sponsored required is the be submitted to proposal copy to are the Office submitted The are as follows technical content and quality project the academic commitment and cost-sharing to and processing for responsible certifying presenting responsible is of the project with the principal investigators compatibility space is are area Proposals finally signed submission members from faculty of the formal of Sponsored the internal is of the proposal of copies that the Office in dean and the the time the proposal of the proposal for involves than one original more If staff copies offices number specific which proposal secure signatures from each to of Sponsored the Office at endorsement signatures before department chair copies copies additional and/or the require all of necessary Programs Programs must receive signatures and two In the case is to it one or more signed with Routing Form available by bear appropriate will Programs colleges from the principal investigator The University from support have the endorsement of those individuals with both sponsor must be accompanied of Sponsored the Office with or training project service State and Contracts Grants Routing and Review proposal along as those or training has compliance Programs The Office as well the Office to Internal Each public and routing procedure has been established sponsored research for research oral usually is for Sponsored any such proposal that assent 24 2006 October an offer by the Georgia therefore necessary carrying for Research of 18 Page younger children and Approval Procedures agency represents is with usually written is Vice President 312.02.05 and Responsibilities Duties Faculty validity that of the project commitments other adheres the project the of the availability to department objectives Dean is College The responsible programs and Office applicable contractual review for that resources of SppnsoredPmgams laws and regulations terms and routing In addition reviewed by this the appropriateness determining human responsible for the proposal to animal that ensuring administrative University subjects the Division or be available will is of the project within the Office rules there is compliance cost-sharing of Grants prior and Contracts welfare and other compliance for with of acceptance budget issues are also office Lead Time Requirement Lead time required and care taken accuracy work allow http //www2 for already for in review in the Office necessary its varies with proposal preparation of Sponsored corrections of and its review Programs and the and revisions 12 .html prior and for size It complexity also depends staff available greater assurance Exhibit 6 - 15 completeness upon the amount when that it is sponsor of received To deadline will 4/21/2011 312 Section be Duties Faculty met allow at least five working which proposal Proposals commitments and Responsibilities conditions for days contain of Sponsored Office the unconventional necessitate that of 18 Page or unique features including review legal etc may review the to Programs cost sharing lead time additional require Project Personnel All appropriate percent attention University be given should wage and to of Grants of personnel information and Contracts must be followed in listed is available and the Office the development in grant and contract related to affirmative restrictions Detailed salary ranges the Office and procedures guidelines and time commitments effort action job Human of from the Office of Sponsored proposals regulations of Particular and titles Resources Programs Budgets The budget serves identify the cost to magnitude of the project of Direct Direct all the direct Cost equipment in category Universitys costs and fringe benefits Indirect costs or overhead cost of facilities and are to subject Contracts and/or the Vice President Indirect costs recovered the sponsor funds If department/institute combined divided will that is salaries as The salaries includes rate the insurance Allowable are incurred by the University through the administration available The expenses from the Office rates vary and of Grants 1996 by the University negotiates time Fringe with such benefits require Programs August not be the project programs and health and research deducted lower rate the Universitys minimum of $1000 annually at the fixed or maximum and the Department/Institute rate allowed generating by the from the indirect with remain share will purposes benefitting from external grants or contracts will be evenly forms may be and appropriate yearly Information for Research Required cost sharing sharing be expenses and operation of Sponsored Office Source as retirement Security Additional change not are established costs are those maintenance and the described as budget must always include Costs and computer travel supplies indirect The of the of the project directors the project of budgets Examples identified distinctly Social to between an indicator is it Programs the budget and should contribution measure further cost elements and Indirect Rates can be costs are costs that separate as correlation costs indirect of Sponsored Benefit Fringe and fringe benefits reasonable and costs from the Office obtained budget also serves assessment of the various principal investigators listing The since there must be capabilities the sponsor and of the project to sponsor 50% of the for other than maximum required rate allowed cost by the sponsor There will be department/institute 12.02.06 Research Purpose of http//www2 this for the unit to receive in its the indirect share cost recovery to the by the University Senate 12/5/02 and Scholarly Misconduct Policy .gsu.edutwwwfhb/sec3 2.html Exhibit 6 - 16 4/21/2011 Section 312 This policy with misconduct is see Nati onal Health reviewing research and Georgia for State teaching members The will of this making implementing knowledge and trust respect broad are this allegations and transmits share in this dedication essential that through that all the to have to appear The of the program of the integrity standards of conduct for demand high imposed when be will of charges must be resolved person making fabrication data from others will in be misconduct and prompt has the fullest restored to maimer just assuring good faith in allegations falsification the research does not include honest means Research in seriously for community proposing of fraud of that are or reporting conducting in in theft publications from those deviate differences or honest errors commitment the of research plagiarism or other practices which within accepted It behavior sanctions appropriate of misconduct befall community may of the University staff and students policy Misconduct includes It interpretation or judgments of 42 CFR 50.102 Furthermore definition includes this the failure including biohazards as well definition is to not intended or intended bring within disagreement impede In short institutionalize specifically violations review proper human involving as the failure techniques to obtain to of University and approval with rules to pertaining by the university animal subjects comply policy radioactive subjects and guidelines set forth research committees or other materials by the committees these areas for responsible to research for responsible This individuals all hereinafter of Misconduct For purposes research pertains to policy for research of mutual of those ultimately cleared Allegations no recriminations Definition and reputations possible member time faculty and others themselves commonly and students This for procedures responsible is and/or through spirit norms of professional requires that University data to the accepted disregarded research service members staff external agencies Act Also that Georgia State University at dealing 42 U.S.C These laws regulations and research Research for knowledge pursues and public from time Nevertheless research with with conducted research 689 Part to pursuant establish administrative to connection promulgated policies Act of 1985 Extension of the University functioning extent University publication occurred liaison as acting federal funds of the Vice President Office CFR 45 at be and regulations Research to regulations in federally funded federal laws the Health regulation of misconduct allegations including research The faculty PHS Foundation Science various For example Service of 18 Page with compliance research in require universities receiving policies policy in adopted and Public 289b and Responsibilities Duties Faculty to attempts validate to the policy those the definition scientific antithetical conformity to the creativity stifle ideals is to hinder unconventional aspects of research not intended Rather it aims the development or revolutionary that nor should to may form it discourage of empirical theories nor is it basis for legitimate be construed those new as an attempt practices which to are of research Applicability This policy student applies to engaged misappropriation in every faculty research Other of funds http//www2.gsu.eduLwwwfhb/sec3 not member sorts uniquely 12 .html staff member employee of reprehensible related to behavior research Exhibit 6 - 17 are subcontractor such considered as sexual outside consultant or harassment or the purview of 4/21/2011 Section 312 this but policy and Responsibilities Duties Faculty may be covered by 10 Page other policies State of Georgia or by state University of 18 or federal laws An Filing Any individual who observe consult may Such research misconduct for Determine be shall Upon to to required Research for about the extent written file by law permissible President for in Individuals and submit complaint complaint the Vice receiving misconduct possible to it Research the shall options the complaint that Refer the matter to Refer the matter to the Office review and take no action insufficient is the student Conduct are President confidential kept research in Research have the following the Vice with consultation Vice President Advice or Seeking Informal Allegation if judicial process Human of appropriate Resources if appropriate of the complaint Review of the Complaint The Review of the Complaint be conducted shall by the Vice President Research and complaint for and shall consist of the following Inquiry The Vice President Initial whether probable determine Research for conducted If communicate agrees that the Vice this in President writing Formal Investigation investigation committee to he section to the Vice If and of this policy will as it serve determines President for The its shall exists he be shall be closed elects to the Vice President investigation cause no probable three-member appoint committee formal conduct to Vice President The Chairperson conducts Research If formal then shall of the University investigation as the written investigation that and the matter the accuser ask the President shall formal been established Research for review shall conduct to has cause conduct the formal of the committee exists cause probable Research for for shall Research follow will ad hoc member be the procedures investigation Procedures The following investigation committee must be completed within warrant longer period summarizes relevant or individuals inquiry If record If inquiry shall CFR 60 written the formal conducting investigation The the allegation requires longer documentation of days be report shall that of possible misconduct or other evidence calendar and includes comments on the investigation include sixty whom the accused in an allegation interviews against be used formal shall into immediately Inquire shall procedures its initiation prepared report than shall sixty of the reasons 60 for days to included complete exceeding the clearly The reviewed individual copy of the report of the comments may be those inquiry the evidence of the investigation be given An circumstances which describes the conclusions was made unless sixty as part the record 60 of the of the day period 42 50.103dl http// 2.html Exhibit 6 - 18 4/21/2011 Section 312 Faculty Protect maximum the to and Responsibilities Duties Afford the affected the inquiry and/or in faith good report apparent of if extent possible of and findings allegations 42 CFR 50.103d3d of the Office determines maximum the to comment on to investigation the of the National investigation treatment and an opportunity investigation the Director institution confidential individuals prompt and thorough Director who of those the privacy possible 42 CFR 50.103d2 misconduct Notify extent of 18 11 Page Scientific an investigation the conditions NIH of Health Institutes that listed OSI Integrity when on the basis of the or prior to warranted is of the Office component initial to the decision of the the inquiry initiate an below exist there is an immediate hazard involved there is an immediate need to there is an immediate need to who individuals it is probable there of the allegations that incident reasonable is indication must inform OSI within minimum PHS Maintain reasons for cause documentation publications should is of the allegation interviewed CFR numbers as his/her or of the the allegation persons making well The formal but with all as well Complete parties for be and co-investigators reported publicly violation In that 42 CFR 42 CFR investigation to involved in research of the of the information possible whom regarding be prepared as of the investigatory the key aspects provided to file the 42 50.103d7 Secure necessary and appropriate of the relevant evidence Take precautions against the inquiry or investigation Prepare and maintain http//www2.gsu.eduR-wwwfhb/sec3 expertise to carry out and any inquiry or investigation the real or apparent conflicts thorough 42 CFR of interest and authoritative evaluation 50.l03d8 on the part of those involved in 42 CFR 50.103d9 documentation 2.html to substantiate the investigations Exhibit 6 - 19 if all interviews and against should part inquiry of data and proposals the allegation making initial examination Whenever calls who might have and included or revision the Service necessary include relevant summaries of these interviews comment if will normally and memoranda of telephone as other individuals whom Health assessment later permit of the completion days limited to not necessarily against and the Public not warranted 30 thirty will 50.l04a1 of inquiries was the institution d45 persons of the allegation involved individuals 50 103 the names of the nature instance information OSI that of obtaining General include within correspondence made should the general investigation including be conducted allegation hours an investigation found is 24 that determining to going detailed documentation sufficiently Begin the formal probable made or grant application is the Inspector the notification have been allegations of the as of possible criminal twenty-four immediately notifj the Office At protect the interest the subject the alleged is or equipment any if associates federal funds protect findings This 4/21/2011 312 Section Duties Faculty documentation National is 10 Take be made available to of Heath who Institutes or will investigation on the act will actions 11 Keep OSI the or that investigation otherwise the affect PHS protect the public 12 Undertake engaged diligent needs as as when will either of the Integrity proceed with own its to ensure of the investigation the course PHS and ensure funds the that 42 CFR 50.103dl carried out are federal protect the for funding of Federal use appropriate which under individuals and funds 42 CFR 50.l03d12 interest to appropriate allegations and reputations protect the positions to appropriate know to office Scientific findings current or potential efforts misconduct in that of any developments during apprised which may of of the Office whether decide of the federal financial assistance disclose facts and also undertake who of those persons of persons the reputations restore not confirmed are in faith good make have to alleged efforts diligent to 42 allegations 50103dl3 13 Complete inquiry the formal Completion and submitting allegation OSI the be provided with If they those can for be conducting comment by identified initial the preparing of the investigation the subj ects persons who the raised the address their of the report that portions of the days the investigation and opinions role 42 CFR 50.104.d14 the investigation 14 Impose the report available the report to should include shall investigation 120 one hundred and twenty within investigation of the report of the finding making in the Director to of 18 12 Page institutions interim administrative purposes CFR and Responsibilities sanctions appropriate when on individuals substantiated 15 OSI of the of misconduct the allegation been has 41 CFR 50.l03dX14 the Notify University plans report of such such termination reasons for funding agency in accordance with obtained include under which relevant the actual engaged in If determined 120 as well to time to shall any formal days and the formal the University The or an accurate that as misconduct shall which occurred was as can which shall describe and from sanctions for taken whom in completed pertains to research in by the conducted submitting and the policies information and the findings by law 42 CFR required regulations of the the relevant 04a3 how not be all it found to institution 50.1 was shall have The 04a4 one hundred and twenty under federal sponsorship request for an extension of 42 CFR 50.l04a5 with during 50.1 and the basis of any the description to of the views of any individuals description investigation including be supplied shall If completing 42 CFR conducted summary with pertinent cooperate report prepared the findings investigation comply be federal agency complete the investigation University shall the investigation be submitted report is text Such without any reason planned termination prepared the investigation misconduct shall it to for federal regulations conducted report of any investigation procedures be shall 42 CFR 50.103d15 of the investigation an inquiry or investigation above outlined requirements outcome final terminate to any funding the course of agency when an project allegation pertains to funded by the agency Sanctions http// 12 html Exhibit 6 - 20 4/21/2011 Section 312 formal The Duties Faculty and Responsibilities may investigation of sanctions imposition Formal reprimand Mandated result may include which is filed of funds restitution but are were used that or innocence If the appropriate not limited to one or more of the following the employee in of guilt determination in of 18 13 Page members or faculty conduct the research to file personnel which the misconduct in occurred Mandated Partial actions or total redress to from duties suspension of misconduct the consequences specified time for concomitant or without with loss of pay of academic Reassignment Reduction in duties salary at Non-reappointment Removal from end of the special position specified term of employment such of privilege or prestige titled as or an professorship endowed chair Immediate 10 Disbarment from indefinite of employment severance with future contractual the University for the University with relationship specified or period In the case of students sanctions permissible more of but one or Policies the sanctions are set forth in the above as to set forth Code Student may faculty of Conduct and also pertain to students Appeals Appeals of the decisions Provost may within made be effect when days five to be 312.02.07 The the decision within appeals five decision in for made after days the decision System writing within of the Board is committee may be made in Appeals of the decisions the decision is made writing to the of the Provost Sanctions will take are exhausted with dissatisfied Vice President shall Research twenty be August of the President of Georgia for final 20 days following and binding the review for all accused may appeal of the decision the decision to Such of the purposes 1996 Animal Care and Use Institutional Georgia investigation of the University must be submitted Source http//www2 level University Should the accused President after the President the Board of Regents appeal of the formal State Policy University strictly gsu.edukwwwthb/sec3 adheres 2.html to the Public Exhibit 6 - 21 Health Service policy on the care and use of 4/21/2011 Section 312 animals research in This research classroom institution as established Research The research scientific If approval is in When the to application committee review the review decision The fully stated If and must indicate letter to include but are not changes in that the protocol includes included under must be submitted If be will sent be be sent to notified will to will with be will will of prolonged IACUC the to be the approved number new restraint protocols Amendments review are implemented the three years every with research IACUC in changes to protocols If must be preparing students an Changes of animals must be might needed or use surgical procedure IACUC for If this protocol approval Proposed approval prior training or the year only one protocol faculty that training must be carried out of laboratory animals http//www2.gsu.eduT-wwwfhb/sec3 all carrying involved guidelines under the narrative 2.html in the course are observed direct supervision description is should thesis research student should training be not part of an ongoing research using taught be live to vertebrate animals Curriculum the College by more submitte All laboratory of of Sponsored undergraduate and designating than one faculty listing faculty exercises person experienced of the project Exhibit 6 - 22 is offered at Georgia class the Office submission number course to project courses their laboratory members the same to thesis research new of component IACUC An by the approved submitted Honors part of an ongoing investigators the must be the laboratory in the quarter all for for any changes species decision the modifications letter continue Programs vertebrate animals used is must request insuring responsible approve the protocol the investigator that writing of in modified as and/or before in period live that research faculty the student investigators amend to of Sponsored Instruction/Training Training during using one is or dissertation member as submitted and must be resubmitted Requests of upon reviewed are copy of the reasons modifications modifications approved is be notified will investigator of the committee the changes must send agent etc activity research Committee After limited to changes protocol University Programs approved sufficient Programs announcing the committees with the time at Protocols All instructional instructional letter the Chairman addition The or contingent of approval can knowledgeably the investigator of Sponsored conducted for available must submit the committee the Office to and must include not is protocol complete is via the Office by the committee infectious Instructional use to of the investigator approve the protocol is the Office anesthetic project research of applications/protocols completed application so that abstract withheld is may there are no changes different an the protocol reviewed and approved State has university be submitted should approval portion IACUC the to must be reviewed yearly must be submitted of IACUC of the grant deadline advance scientific always be approval indicating All protocols will the protocol into investigator IACUC the protocol in in the grant application committee the investigator incorporated If or reject modifications the complete submitted for of the grant and portion rough draft including the protocol if The oversee to and approval the review Requests two weeks at least animals for information even institution or at another at this arrangements Care and Use Committee Programs coordinates Programs using the request full and conducted or subcontracting vertebrate animals involving of the complete the final Animal Institutional of Sponsored of Sponsored review of subgranting animals whether live involving procedures Protocols Office for research all funded or unfunded laboratory consequence an applies to policy of 18 14 Page animals involving copy and Responsibilities Duties Faculty must be submitted as principal member and student in the care and along with 4/21/2011 Section 312 Duties Faculty and Responsibilities of 18 15 Page completed application The IACUC meet as necessary will of the animal the operation which they are personally without voting Further information invited be for to assist in Research review not review or vote and changes protocols of the constitution to the review from the Office obtained may Vice President Source nor contribute to year IACUC members may facilities involved may be privilege the academic during in Consultants quorum of complex of Sponsored on applications in issues Programs 1996 August 312.03 Service are Faculty addition make they community education courses by providing conference sponsorship/hosting professional and conducting review the annual in included public in organizations service applied the or to by conducting for continuing These research Guidelines In institutional support for KK Appendix Activity the institution to responsibilities activities is to University-related consultation each year are assessed 312.04 Outside in members perform committees and University on departmental college discipline-related contributions Faculty contributions Faculty as appropriate serve to below Board are specified and to of Georgia the State of Regents with outside governing policies regard outside to activities included are Appendix Board of Regents 12.04.01 Policies on Outside Activities Occupational An which of the University employee will with interfere All full-time faculty of the University teaching with community For all official designee to prior to and punctual criteria is or nation activities channels and participating Source are expected employees are encouraged state discharge in give full any occupation of staff professional or endeavor pursuit duties official members employed effort to their unit by of assignments and service the regular of the following not engage shall and other professional administrators System research Professional interfere System the regular and punctual except or engaging in in business BOR Policy is Section in participate discharge of official means of personal activities professional the objectives of the the employee shall the activities Such activities include that does not meets one the activity development arrangements and secure the approval or service activity duties provided professional consistent with single-occasion the proposed to the serves institution report in writing of the President consulting through or his teaching speaking enterprises 802.1601 Consulting http//www2.gsu.eduiLwwwthb/sec3 12 .html Exhibit 6 - 23 4/21/2011 Section 312 Recognizing members in that to Each in engage beyond activity the appropriate duties assigned be shall it receives and desirable reasonable for defined are of purposes by the institution professional the individual of faculty the primary responsibilities considered which activities consulting discipline for which additional in this for policy as nature and based compensation the during year unit of the University members which faculty for plan and/or of Georgia System are of 18 16 Page and public service research the University any additional contract and Responsibilities teaching members faculty in Duties Faculty consistent with for obtaining procedure for defining BOR Policy adopt for of the use institutions charged outside rates consulting activities of personnel and prohibiting equipment facilities or persons groups and of the president or his designee prior approval Section governing guidelines the following the institution procedure Source shall include shall reimbursing materials System of interest conflicts 802.1602 Political As and interested encouraged citizens to responsible are civic of society processes political the state governing on duty or federal level is it inappropriate of duties or services employees may not hold elective elective employees seeking of absence election without must resign prior person employees appointive with may office seek when the employees Source 312.04.02 office or final elective such candidacy Section Consultancies of the faculty with political assuming office and hold the regular with part in which he to System political manage hold or to or enter elective political the following System Therefore at the state at receives the state election for If compensation or federal or federal policies to must in state interferes with from the System level level candidate elected which campaign political or she office first leave request primary or general or federal office such and office duties and responsibilities BOR Policy No member interferes to of the University the normal personnel the System prior to qualification as the general after in engage System for by the employed for political pay beginning and ending for perform services to while employees may not manage or take an active the performance society employees and otherwise are hereby adopted activities political democratic in obligations Nevertheless while campaigns office at their fulfill other than at or holding to the state of the office the institution or federal does not or the or level conflict or interfere System 802.1603 Non-State Agencies of the University and punctual shall discharge engage in any outside of his/her official work University or activity if it duties and responsibilities http//www2 12 .html Exhibit 6 - 24 4/21/2011 312 Section Prior to engaging from the offices considerations Practical term during calendar 12.04.03 by with while employing institution chief executive The university which University shall the state such will 312.04.04 With Business of any business behalf interest Furthermore state agency entered of the services with if between or of persons said of of such person full- by the authority and set Georgia State of the best interest why forth or college at person in lieu under of obtaining by the State for of Georgia System member of or of Georgia commission the agency university State the employee an employee of the performance member of such services employed the University which department into with the prior organization employees are forbidden the part-time presently employed or department that employment commission the need for the services writing be may officer and full-time faculty Georgia State University in any of the State the best interest in person not any business transacting for average agency board services the part-time that agency Activity week on full-time duty is on the performance effect of the department in certain exceptions is approval and the employing perform such to obtain officer desires to from receiving of the chief executive detrimental appropriate be served by obtaining services notified of the if of the University no one the University available is be will certify for one day of Georgia or State the certification is not detract or have organization form than full-time employee System employment and where time with the dean of the appropriate or activity such employment of not more limit of an agreement between will file State Agencies the person to be employed such services or undertake of the year when the employee portions law state work outside thc copy of the appropriate such agreement for prerequisite that of continue necessitate those other University the negotiation be not member must faculty of the deans Consultancies stipulated by any to and extent shall or activity of 18 17 Page work outside of such undertaking disapproval As and or school available remunerative in of the nature description college and Responsibilities Duties Faculty then whom State an on either his their is by any other must such employment work and 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employee University transaction could subject forms do not transactions in the forms may be obtained Affairs Activity Board of Regents policy encourages responsible 12 .html Exhibit 6 - 25 and interested citizenship it holds that 4/21/2011 it Section is 312 Faculty for perform services the president of each and institution elective the state included in facilities for to or federal level is of this policy delineation on duty while campaigns at office political 312.04.06 Policy Under authorize the use may be limited shall be held only shall equipment BOR Policy at places or vehicles machinery with other Other masters degree from an accredited department or agency another state or for agency of the the services requesting of Georgia State University President another State agree then of System use prohibited are generally University an individual holds Georgia State University the University employee System or of the officer and the employee may do work of Georgia from prohibited doctoral and the chief executive of the University unit is organizations Agencies if or university college campaigns State agencies However state political The by the president designated in political Regarding Employment with business of institution meetings sponsored by recognized to Georgia law full-time employees of Georgia transacting O.C.G.A for 45-10-20 seq It the policy is Georgia be Further institution such use However materials et or enter political manage or to hold System 18 of 18 Page 802.1603 speeches of the to personnel System by the employed Section The System for inappropriate while and Responsibilities Duties of Georgia State University unless approved State that University by another employee no request state such of an employment eligible or unit of the University agency the agreement or letter requesting for employment System shall the following contains information the nature of the maximum the to activity amount be performed of funds which of hours for will be paid to the employee University as part of this arrangement maximum number the the dates The when such employment dean of the college approve the employment involved Subsequent which the University will execute http //www2 will or director taking into the approval employee is letter take place of the school consideration in which the University the nature by the dean or director employed the letter agreement with copy of the Legal to such employment the must state agreement authorizing also agency of the activity the vice approve employment shall he works must and the time president of the area in this activity which requested employee the before the President employment maintained in the Office of Affairs 12 .html Exhibit 6 - 26 4/21/2011 313 Section Other Duties and Responsibilities Duties and Responsibilities 313 Other 313.01 Agreement on Guidelines with educational of the following guidelines fair under Section use of copying permitted of copying the following Quide of the Copyright Revision Bill There guidelines stated below 313.01.01 fair not be permissible Institutions under judicial be instances may in which may for copy may single copy for his determining certain types and conversely that in under revised be permissible Use of copying permitted the types limit are stated copying which in Section does not from article from be made Multiple Multiple the copying or fall within the use fair in by or teacher for or preparation teaching at his or her individual teach collective request class work to newspaper poem or short for Classroom not copies or use diagram drawing copies or for the teacher criteria book short essay graph of any of the following research periodical short story chart may of 107 of the teachers or her scholarly chapter nonetheless under the that of Guidelines Single be permitted to and which decision the future in standards the conditions the future in and Fair not intended in maximum the that agree under these guidelines permitted of guidelines use not may change purposes may Understanding_Copyright statement under the standards parties educational not to minimum and state 107 of for copying See Regnts Moreover to the 2223 The is under these guidelines future other types guidelines Educational in Not-for-profit Copying Periodicals to of permissible the extent for Classroom Books and Respect The purpose the of Page giving meets the from or picture book or newspaper periodical Use the course tests cartoon in any exceed to whether or not from event more than for classroom of brevity use one copy per pupil or discussion and spontaneity meets the cumulative effect test each copy notice as in provided defined course may be made by that below and of copyright 13.01.02 includes as defined below and Definitions Brevity poetry from longer httpIIwww2 complete poem poem if less an excerpt than 250 words and if printed on not more than two pages or of not more than 250 words gsu edu/wwwfhb/sec3 13 .html Exhibit 6 - 27 4/21/2011 313 Section Other Duties work of prose complete either prose and Responsibilities more not than of article story or essay 1000 words 10% or of Page 2500 than less words work whichever of the from any an excerpt or but in any event less is minimum of 500 words Each of the numerical an unfinished works special works in their in their or picture of the completion permit and children for however ii which more often combine comprising not 10% language more general such notwithstanding than issue or per periodical other times for at above an excerpt not book per prose poetic Paragraph entirety entirety in pages of such special work and containing the published special more than two of of the words found in the may be reproduced thereof text 2500 words sometimes to paragraph cartoon poetry prose or are intended not be reproduced may in above may be expanded prose diagram drawing certain works short of fall ii and in or of an unfinished poem and which illustrations audience stated limits one chart graph illustration with of line Spontaneity The copying at is the inspiration and decision are so close effectiveness and inspiration of the individual the instance in use to work and the time that it the moment and teacher of its to expect would be unreasonable use for maximum teaching to timely reply for request permission Cumulative The not Effect of the material copying more than one short for only is poem one course article story not be more than nine work excerpts which the copies copying made are be copied from the same may volume or periodical of such multiple instances in the school or two essay author nor more than three from the same collective there shall in one course for one during class during one term class term The limitations stated in ii and current news sections Source of the Agreement Law Copyright Publishers Revision Inc and iii above Ad Hoc Committee and of the Authors adopted March guidelines not to apply current news and newspapers periodicals of Educational League and Organizations Institutions of America Inc and the Association on of American 1976 313.02 Guidelines for Off-Air Recording The shall of other periodicals were developed to Programming only to apply of Broadcast recording off-air for Educational by non-profit Purposes educational institutions broadcast simultaneous to exceed for such retention program cable first may be recorded off-air simultaneously retransmission and retained by forty-five45 period all off-air consecutive recordings calendar non-profit days after with broadcast educational date of recording must be erased or destroyed Exhibit 6 - 28 transmission institution Upon immediately including period not conclusion of for Broadcast 412112011 313 Section programs without Other Duties are television may Off-air recordings and repeated by television homes of students stations recreation for weekends counting 45 45 the forty-five calendar Off-air recordings once by the general public in instruction day retention period examination the during of relevant in necessary is ten first School days teaching 10 and classrooms as well campus or single building cluster home vacations the course as in the school consecutive are school session days--not periods or other scheduled interruptions--within day retention period be made may of and used by individual only at the request No of requests anticipation of the same teacher the request at calendar holidays be regularly recorded without in teachers reinforcement instructional formalized receiving the forty-five in be used once by individual once only when devoted to instruction similar places than transmitted programs of Page charge activities days and Responsibilities and may not teachers program may be recorded off-air more number of times the program may be broadcast regardless of the broadcast number of limited needs of teachers governing After ten 45 10 to merged to off-air such additional consecutive school days period only for teacher include institution their Each day retention calendar the All copies of exhibition recording meet the legitimate to be subject shall copy all to provisions evaluation the teaching purposes not and curriculum other non-evaluation may be used up i.e may the end of the determine to not be used purpose without in the authorization programs may not be the recorded be physically to altered or electronically combined on the broadcast program or or compilations anthologies must include recordings may recordings entirety but Off-air recordings teaching off-air or any in their off-air in program need not be used original content constitute broadcast for student Off-air recordings from from each reproduced under these guidelines first whether or not recording be the original recording the forty-five may copies the copyright notice as recorded Educational are expected to establish institutions integrity Assistant to procedures maintain the of these guidelines Source control appropriate 313.03 Academic members Faculty such occasions Vice are expected appropriate is required responsible valid check-out to University as as long httpI/www2 to attend formal attire academic Statutes exercises Article XI of the University and to wear on Section Cards for university making books as the faculty status member in is card identification identification cards from the University proof of faculty upon termination Legal Affairs academic are expected to have Faculty for Convocations 313.04 Identification Office President libraries and order to receive employed called for students It services is PantherCard and faculty requested The The PanihCard identification by various faculty need not be renewed An offices card is of the identification card remains annually but must be returned of employment gsu.eduF-wwwfhb/sec3 13 .html Exhibit 6 - 29 4/21/2011 313 Section Other Duties 313.05 Ethical Behavior The Senate University The with Regard the full range resolution textbooks is complimentary part of the process an important for their whereby courses However professors the integrity of this must be respected Selling 1989 on February of instructional materials available process of Page Complimentary Textbooks to passed the following of complimentary distribution review and Responsibilities Professor-authors of textbooks copies of economic are deprived the entire affects adversely academic and incentives return in royalties community to write textbooks are diminished Students only generally slightly complimentary Selling revenue Selling their The lost complimentary future publishers textbooks risk Complimentary reference The their for campus source copies as these books are sold at or the cost of all must compensate as publishers textbooks for the tradition of respect by professors for work of the intellectual publishers of complimentary textbooks may be by the reluctance seriously jeopardized of further financial loss receive complimentary textbooks as to bookstore may to sell as for for faculty student are forbidden copies result income of faculty be resold library copies not textbooks source are not or contributed complimentary may of complimentary sale books violates copies not be viewed should Solicitors inflates and for the textbook members Faculty textbooks of availability to from the new book price from the sale of new colleagues faculty do not benefit below the of their We profit position recommend The books at These the University the following may be maintained for reference from campus which are identifiable as complimentary copies whatever be http//www2.gsu.eduI-wwwfhb/sec3 13 .html Exhibit 6 - 30 4/21/2011

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