Cambridge University Press et al v. Patton et al

Filing 316

DEPOSITION of Mark P. Becker, Ph.D. taken on April 22, 2011 by Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Inc., Sage Publications, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit 7, # 8 Exhibit 8)(Rains, John)

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E X H I B I T 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA ATLANTA DWISION CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD UNWERSITY PRESS INC and SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC No Civil Action 08-C V-1425-ODE Plaintiffs -vs MARK BECKER in his official Georgia State University President as capacity et al Defendants DEFENDANTS OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES TO FIRST SET OF REOUESTS FOR ADMISSION PLAINTIFFS Defendants et President Requests al MARK BECKER collectively for Admission in his Defendants First Requests for official capacity and respond Admission as object Georgia to State Plaintiffs University Set First of as follows GENERAL OBJECTIONS Defendants disclosure of information between which attorney and client Defendants identification hearing or of documents trial or which theories of counsel to object the First reflect or constitute Privilege object to which constitute for Defendants Requests for Admission in full to the extent or in part privileged call they for communications Objection the First Requests for Admission have been prepared mental the Work Product either in to the extent anticipation impressions conclusions Objection 417942.1 Exhibit 8 - 1 of call they litigation opinions or for or for legal Defendants object information which information calculated to possession is not custody not within relevant or control or are this action Defendants action this call or and are not object which is available so equally in they further to information for the First Requests to inclusive of information call or which Defendants object indefinite of matter the extent of discovery scope call they Defendants of to or uncertain for extensive for would or undue burden or expense oppression vague subject to not for reasonably to the First within the Defendants and Objection broad or overly identification the extent Defendants object overly applicable Admission for Requests the to the to First of admissible evidence discovery Admission Scope Plaintiffs is lead to for Requests which the to Admission research Defendants subject to the extent annoyance they information investigation to that are or embarrassment Burden Objection the First Requests and ambiguous Admission for be cannot to the extent that are Vague answered reasonably they Objection Defendants object purport to Rules of impose obligations Civil any way waiving intending to the First Requests for from or exceeding different Admission to the extent they seek or the obligations imposed by the Federal for Admission is Procedure Defendants in to or response to the First Requests intending to waive but rather to the contrary hereby by made without preserving and preserve All questions evidence for as to any purpose the competence of the information relevance materiality or documents 417942 Exhibit 8 - 2 and admissibility as or the subject matter thereof any aspect of in action this or any other action or administrative or judicial proceeding or information or investigation The or the documents The information any time at have believed further or expected Admission because in action as investigation information these overly the or identification this or Becker in to response search this other request or any the that responsive is object or oppression inclusive or to the First undue call to take Requests for burden or extensive for to reasonably Defendants seek Plaintiffs Defendants overly information information for responsive expense research of information RESPONSES TO FIRST REQUESTS Requests for Mark or any other action response where annoyance broad action this and extent requests to further reasonable locations To Defendants are requests any supplement those to responding for conducted be located to subjecting such in searching to such or investigation of documents or production right by any time of any use any aspect of in thereof the to ground any proceeding at object Defendants requests on matter subject to right The these object or administrative or judicial for to right his official capacity as FOR ADMISSION GSU President hereinafter President Becker REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO State University administrative Statutes President Becker Admit is that pursuant to Article II the head of the University officer 417942.1 Exhibit 8 - 3 and its of chief the Georgia RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General Objections Defendant admits REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO.2 authority over the administrators Technology of the Admit GSU that Library request has Becker President and the this GSU Information supervisory Systems and department RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General Objections Defendant admits REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO.3 order that copyrighted compliance with University works may be distributed by the State court-ordered or Admit that President at electronically this request Becker GSU has the authority to only if done so in of Georgia Board of Regents injunction policies set Georgia State RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General Objections REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO.4 existence of the ERes Admit Defendant admits that President this request Becker is aware of the system RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO faculty place Course Reading Materials Objections Admit on the ERes Defendant admits that President system 417942.1 Exhibit 8 - 4 for this Becker students request is to aware access that GSU and read RESPONSE Subject the to ERes system Defendants available for faculty analysis in accordance with the USG to place Policy limits library personnel of the standard reporting Admit functions of compliance with any court-ordered GSU of course material excerpts that report of ERes produce the that satisfy on Copyright REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO order that that Objections Defendant admits General ERes in activity for so ordered if fair makes use and Research Education President library Becker given has the authority time period by the Court in to within the order to monitor injunction RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General Objections Defendant admits REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO.7 direct course library staff to block access to Admit or remove pages on the ERes system including if that President this Becker materials on the specific request has the authority ERes system to or specific required to do so by the Court RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General Objections Defendant admits REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO order that limits library personnel produce of the standard reporting Admit reports functions of monitor compliance with any court-ordered that of uLearn uLearn President activity for this request Becker has the authority given time period so ordered by the Court Defendant admits this if in injunction RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General Objections 417942.1 Exhibit 8 - 5 request to within the order to REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO enforcement of University policies of such Admit Becker President that for responsible and policies violations staff for and has the authority is to discipline University faculty RESPONSE Subject to Defendants Genera Objections Defendant REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 10 enforcement of Board of Regents discipline University and faculty policies staff for Admit within that the violations admits Becker President request is for responsible and has the authority University of such this to policies RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General Objections REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 11 preparing the annual budget Admit Defendant admits that President this Becker request is for responsible of the University RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General Objections Defendant admits REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 12 enforcement of and compliance with Admit that any court orders President that this Becker pertain to request is for responsible the GSU RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General Objections Defendant admits REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 13 for Admit computer servers and equipment used on other equipment used to operate software/system for its use at the GSU the ERes system that the GSU fees campus paid the computer servers 417942.1 Exhibit 8 - 6 annual to this GSU request budget includes funds the computer servers the vendor of the and ERes and other equipment used to operate RESPONSE budget includes expenses and for funds to GSU servers fees paid and benefits paid salaries GSU by the to Books Information GSU campus to the computer the vendor of the libraries to servers ERes operate and book purchases by the library the GSU the annual 1ST department salaries budget contains line With items computer servers and equipment for uLearn system libraries GSU other library staff and other equipment used GSU annual professor and instructor software/system the that Systems and Technology IT staff and only that GSU to which may or may not include and other equipment used university Objections Defendant admits Defendant admits items used on the General and benefits paid Equipment and/or system for expenditures salaries respect Defendants to Subject its use license at to operate GSU fees the ERes the computer paid by the Defendant denies the rest and remainder of the request REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 14 University Information Dean of Libraries Nancy Systems and Technology Admit that Seamans and University University J.L Albert report to Becker 417942.1 Exhibit 8 - 7 Provost Associate and serve at Ron Henry Provost the pleasure for of President RESPONSE Subject Ron Henry and President to in their J.L Albert Libraries administrative Defendant admits Technology Objections Defendant admits General Dean of University Becker members Defendants that authority and University Associate University Associate Admit Provost Ron Henry Provost for that Information for Becker President Dean of University Provost University serve at the pleasure in their Provost of President serves at the pleasure over University but not capacities REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 15 Seamans Nancy that of capacities as tenured Systems and Information in all faculty capacities Becker has Libraries direct supervisory Seamans Nancy J.L Albert Systems and Technology RESPONSE Subject direct to supervisory supervisory Associate Defendants authority authority Provost for over General over University University Information Dean decisions regarding Provost that Ron Henry and denies of Libraries Admit that President that Becker has he has Seamans and Nancy Systems and Technology REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 16 for Defendant admits Objections direct University J.L Albert President Becker is responsible in part promotions and tenure of faculty RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General Objections Defendant admits REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 17 with and read copy of the Amended Admit Complaint that in this President action 417942.1 Exhibit 8 - 8 this Becker including request has been furnished all exhibits RESPONSE Subject with to Defendants copy of the Complaint regarding the substance Objections Defendant admits General has reviewed the he has been furnished that and has been informed by counsel Complaint therein Requests for Ron Henry in his official capacity as GSU Provost hereinafter Provost Henry REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 18 State University of the Universitys officials the Statutes and professional legal Provost Henry academic fulfillment is Admit the pursuant for responsible administration of that to Article the monitoring and correct any conduct Universitys purposes III of the Georgia functions and not consistent with and objectives RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General Objections Defendant admits REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 19 delineated federal in the previous copyright Request include Admit that responsibility Provost for this Henrys correcting request responsibilities noncompliance with law RESPONSE Subject to Defendants REQUEST FOR ADMISSION preparing the annual academic General Objections Defendant admits NO 20 Admit that Provost this Henry is request responsible budget of the University RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General Objections Defendant admits 417942.1 Exhibit 8 - 9 this request for REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 21 includes University to necessary provide hardware and/or web pages funds for and/or software library library operate necessary staff salaries in to Admit that and the ERes whole in provide academic annual or in part at system whole faculty of the budget computer hardware and/or services part or in the software GSU computer and departmental salaries faculty/instructor RESPONSE to Subject budget includes departments to necessary funds that may provide hardware and/or web pages Defendants for library or may and/or software and General Objections Defendant admits staff not include operate necessary faculty/instructor in to the library salaries funds salaries the whole in provide department and computer hardware and/or for part or in services the annual that or in part ERes system whole at faculty Defendant denies the rest GSU for other software GSU computer and departmental and remainder of the request REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 22 over the administrators of the GSU Admit Library and the Provost that GSU Henry has supervisory Information authority Systems and Technology department RESPONSE Subject authority for over Information to Defendants University Dean General Objections Defendant admits of Libraries Systems and Technology REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 23 Seamans Nancy he has supervisory and University Associate Provost J.L Albert. Admit that Provost of the ERes system 417942.1 10 Exhibit 8 - 10 Henry is aware of the existence RESPONSE Defendants to Subject Genera Objections Defendant REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 24 place Course Reading Admit Provost that on the ERes system Materials admits students for this Henry to is access request aware GSU faculty library makes that and read RESPONSE Defendants to Subject ERes system available for faculty analysis in accordance with the the to USG that the of course material that Objections Defendant admits General place excerpts on Copyright Policy in GSU fair satisfy use and Research Education REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 25 Admit that Provost at electronically Henry has the authority GSU Board of Regents to order that only if done so in compliance Georgia State University copyrighted with policies set works may be of Georgia the State by court-ordered or distributed injunction RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General Objections Defendant admits REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 26 compliance with any court orders that may Admit Provost that pertain to the this Henry dissemination is request for responsible of copyrighted GSUs materials atGSU RESPONSE Subject delegate to to Provost Defendants Henry pertain to the dissemination General Objections Defendant admits responsibility of copyrighted for GSUs that President Becker compliance with any court orders materials at GSU 417942.1 11 Exhibit 8 - 11 that may may REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 27 that library the Court personnel report of produce Admit ERes activity reports to monitor compliance including Provost that for with Henry has the authority given time period any court-ordered if order to so ordered by injunction RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 28 library staff to block to access on the ERes system including Admit Provost that materials on the specific if Defendant admits Objections this request Henry has the authority ERes system or to specific to direct course pages required to do so by the Court RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 29 enforcement of University staff violations for of such policies Defendant admits Objections Admit that and has the authority Provost to this Henry is request responsible University discipline for and faculty policies RESPONSE Subject discipline responsible to Defendants University for faculty enforcement General and staff for of such violations Admit enforcement of Board of Regents policies within University faculty and of University he has the authority policies but denies he policies REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 30 discipline Defendant admits Objections staff for that Provost the University violations of such 417942.1 12 Exhibit 8 - 12 Henry is responsible and has the authority policies for to is to RESPONSE Subject discipline Defendants to University for responsible and faculty enforcement General staff of such Objections Defendant admits for Information the policies to authority but denies he Systems and Technology Admit that Provost Seamans and Henry has supervisory University Associate authority for Provost J.L Albert RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General Objections Defendant admits REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 32 decisions regarding Admit that Provost this Henry is request responsible in part for promotions and tenure of faculty RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General Objections Defendant admits REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 33 Admit this request Provost Henry reports Defendant admits this that directly to Becker President RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General Objections REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 34 Statutes subject of Georgia to State the approval University Admit Provost Henry that pursuant to request Article IIIA9 appointment of Associate of the Board of Regents RESPONSE Subject to Defendants is policies Dean of Libraries Nancy University of Board of Regents violations REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 31 over he has General Objections Defendant admits 417942.1 13 Exhibit 8 - 13 this request of the Provosts is REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 35 of Georgia Statutes applicable State academic Provost University that Henry is Works in Education to pursuant Article IHA8 of the of for including implementation the responsible of the Board of Regents policies on the Use of Copyrighted Admit Board of Regents Policy and Research RESPONSE Subject to Defendants Objections Defendant admits General REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 36 of Georgia Statutes support to State University Admit Provost that Henry is to pursuant responsible this request Article for the HIB1 provision of the of library instructors RESPONSE Subject to Defendants Objections Defendant admits General REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 37 maintenance of the ERes system delineated in the previous at GSU Admit would fall this request the provision operation under the library support that and/or responsibilities Request RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General Objections Defendant admits REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 38 reports from the library staff that include Admit statistics that Provost this request Henry receives describing usage of the or has received ERes system RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General Objections Defendant denies REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 39 and read copy of the Amended Complaint Admit that in this action Provost 14 Exhibit 8 - 14 request Henry has been furnished with including 417942.1 this all exhibits RESPONSE with Defendants to Subject copy of the Complaint regarding the substance has reviewed the Complaint GSU of the ERes he has been ifirnished and has been informed by counsel Provost Provost for Information Systems and Technology Associate Albert REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 40 existence that therein Requests for J.L Albert herinafler Associate Objections Defendant admits General Admit Associate that Provost Albert is aware of is aware the system RESPONSE Defendants to Subject General Objections Defendant admits REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 41 GSU faculty Course Reading place Admit Materials on Associate that the ERes system this request Provost Albert students for access to that and read RESPONSE Subject the to ERes system Defendants General available for faculty analysis in accordance with the to USG Objections Defendant admits over in Admit that and maintenance of the ERes system the operation authority of course on Copyright Policy REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 42 for excerpts place the responsible at that material that Education Associate GSU GSU the fair satisfy makes use and Research Provost or that library Albert is responsible he has supervisory persons RESPONSE Subject to Defendants the technical operation other responsibilities General Objections Defendant admits and maintenance of the ERes system or supervisory authority with respect to 417942.1 15 Exhibit 8 - 15 at GSU the that he is but denies ERes system responsible that for he has any REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 43 for providing system or he that GSU to support faculty has supervisory and Admit staff Albert the use of the uLearn course in over authority Provost Associate that the is responsible management persons responsible RESPONSE Subject course the for authority to Defendants GSU management staff Objections Defendant admits General who the support Provost and faculty staff in he has supervisory the use of the uLearn system REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 44 Associate GSU that Albert assistance provide Admit and that IST in training staff the use of under the supervision ERes system of the GSU to faculty RESPONSE Subject GSU Defendants denies specifically to to that IST General staff Objections Defendant denies provide assistance and in training this request the use and of the ERes system faculty REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 45 Associate Provost Albert provide assistance Admit and that training IST staff in the under the supervision use of the uLearn system of to GSU faculty RESPONSE Subject technical Defendants assistance supervision and to training and of Associate to GSU General training Provost faculty with in Objections Defendant admits the use Albert respect of the uLearn system but denies to that IST uLeam 417942.1 16 Exhibit 8 - 16 to staff JST that GSU faculty provide staff provide under the any other assistance REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 46 for setting of the the budget IST Admit that Associate Provost Albert is responsible department RESPONSE to Subject Defendants General Objections Defendant admits REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 47 for funding computer hardware and/or and/or operate faculty posting departmental Admit that used software web pages internet the IST to operate and to this request budget provides department the uLearn system scan to materials for course on ERes RESPONSE to Subject budget provides and/or Defendants funding departmental for of course materials provides funding for Objections Defendant admits computer hardware and/or web internet excerpts General for pages posting hosted on REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 48 for web supervisory that to Associate the operate pages authority for particular instructors over the responsible and academic for department Albert used at scanning budget uLearn system the Provost departments department the faculty operate IST and maintenance of the computer hardware and software the operation individual Admit that used software to and the equipment servers but denies on ERes computer hardware and/or GSU used software IST the that to GSU is responsible provide or that he has persons RESPONSE Subject the operation web pages to Defendants General Objections Defendant admits and maintenance of the computer hardware and software hosted on GSU servers for particular instructors 417942.1 17 Exhibit 8 - 17 that he used and academic is to responsible provide departments for individual at GSU REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 49 authority over supervisory for responsible scanning the Information works copyrighted Admit Associate that Provost Systems and Technology in order to post them on Albert IST has staff who are ERes RESPONSE Subject Defendants denies that specifically post them to IST General staff Objections Defendant denies scanning copyrighted request and works in order to on ERes REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 50 Provost for are responsible this Admit Associate that Provost Albert reports to Henry RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General Objections Defendant admits REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 51 authority servers to order that if including specific GSU faculty Admit Associate that and departmental this request Provost Albert has web pages be removed the from GSU required to do so by the Court RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General Objections Defendant denies REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 52 authority in to order that compliance with State or University copyrighted policies rules Admit works may be set by court-ordered that Associate scanned the State for this request Provost Albert placement on ERes only of Georgia Board of Regents injunction RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General Objections Defendant denies 417942.1 18 Exhibit 8 - 18 has this request the if done so Georgia REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 53 authority to discipline IST staff for Admit that Associate Albert Provost has the GSU of policies of the Board of Regents and/or violations RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General Objections Defendant admits REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 54 furnished with and read Admit copy of the Amended that Associate Complaint in this this request Provost Albert action has including been all exhibits RESPONSE Subject with to Defendants copy of the Complaint General Objections Defendant admits and has been informed by counsel Requests for the Board of Regents State University all he has been furnished the substance regarding therein Defendants REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 55 of Georgia that GSU Admit operations are that pursuant subject to to of the Article the supervisory authority Statutes of the Board of Regents Defendants RESPONSE Subject supervisory subject to to Defendants authority such General of the Board of Regents authority pursuant to Defendants but the Statutes REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 56 the President Defendants admit Objections of Georgia Admit that that specifically State GSU is deny that the Board of Regents Defendants RESPONSE to Defendants General Objections Defendants admit 417942.1 19 Exhibit 8 - 19 GSU to the is University of GSU Subject subject this request elect REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 57 pleasure of the Board of Regents Admit that the President of GSU serves at the Defendants RESPONSE Subject to Defendants Objections Defendants admit General REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 58 for responsible the providing and maintaining uLearn course management system at Admit that this request the Board of Regents Defendants the computer hardware and software GSU or have supervisory authority are which operates the over persons responsible RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General Objections Defendants admit REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 59 the ability pages to order the removal of specific if including Admit that this request the Board of Regents materials posted on uLearn and/or have Defendants specific uLeam required to do so by the Court RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General Objections Defendants admit REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 60 the authority done so in University to order that or works may be copyrighted compliance with policies court-ordered Admit and/or rules set that this request the Board of Regents distributed by electronically themselves at to Defendants injunction General Objections Defendants admit 417942.1 20 Exhibit 8 - 20 GSU Georgia RESPONSE Subject this have Defendants request only if State REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 61 the authority period order that so ordered if ordered to Admit by the Court including Defendants the Board of Regents ERes report of produce personnel library that for activity reports to monitor compliance with given have time court- any injunction RESPONSE Subject to Defendants Objections Defendants admit General REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 62 encourage students to and facilitate University System of Georgia of the use Admit institutions request the Board of Regents course material electronic System of Georgia that this and to distribution retain Defendants in part students to attract new enrolled at University institutions RESPONSE Subject University Defendants System of Georgia environment University to to attract and institutions retain System of Georgia Objections Defendants admit General students for allocating and current technology facilitate the use for they encourage the educational of course management systems to institutions REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 63 responsible to utilize that funding to Admit University that the Board of Regents System of Georgia institutions Defendants including are GSU RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General Objections Defendants REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 64 responsible how much for detennining funding is when funding Admit should that admit this request the Board of Regents be provided appropriate 417942.1 21 Exhibit 8 - 21 to GSU Defendants are from the Board as well as RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General Objections Defendants REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 65 the authority tenure approve or to reject Admit the decisions of that GSU the admit this request Board of Regents administrators relating Defendants have to promotion and of faculty RESPONSE Subject to Defendants General Objections Defendants admit REQUEST FOR ADMISSION NO 66 been furnished with and read copy of the Admit Amended that this request the Board of Regents Complaint in this action Defendants have including exhibits RESPONSE Subject to furnished with substance Defendants General copy of the Complaint Objections Defendant admit submitted this they have been and have been informed by counsel therein Respectfully that 13th day of May 2009 417942.1 22 Exhibit 8 - 22 regarding the all BAKER THURBERT Attorney 033887 General LERER Deputy Attorney DENTSE Senior 446962 General WHITiNG-PACK Assistant Attorney MARY VOLKERT JO Georgia Bar No 728755 Assistant Attorney /s/KristenA King General Swift Spalding LLP Askew Anthony Georgia Bar No 025300 Special Assistant Attorney Stephen Schaetzel Georgia Bar Kristen No 628653 Swift Georgia Bar Attorneys General No 702536 for Defendants 4179411 23 Exhibit 8 - 23 General 558559 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA ATLANTA DIVISION CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS et al Action Civil File No.1 08-CV- 1425-ODE Plaintiffs -vs CARL PATTON in his official Georgia State University President capacity as et Defendants OF SERVICE CERTIFICATE The undersigned hereby certifies that on this 13th DEFENDANTS OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSES REQUESTS FOR ADMISSION Edward No May 2009 TO PLAINTIFFS mail as agreed electronic the by the parties Randi Singer Todd 429927 Larson Hirokawa Corey Georgia Bar No 357087 BONDURANT MIXSON 1201 West Peachtree Street WElL GOTSHAL ELMORE LLP NW 767 New York New Suite 3900 Atlanta GA Telephone Facsimile 30309 404 404 Telephone 881-4100 Facsimile 881-4111 /s/ Kristen Kristen Swift Swift 417942.1 24 Exhibit 8 - 24 MANGES Avenue Fifth York 10153 212 212 foregoing FIRST SET Bruce Rich Krugman Georgia Bar of of record counsel following were served by day 310-8000 310-8007 LLP OF on the

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