Hooper v. Ryan, et al

Filing 76

MOTION by Petitioner Murray Hooper for judgment (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit State Notice Declining Evidentiary Hearing, # 2 Exhibit Indictment, # 3 Exhibit Judgment and Order, # 4 Exhibit Order of Sentence and Commitment, # 5 Exhibit 9 23 1981 Hearing Tr., # 6 Exhibit Order of Sentence and Commitment, # 7 Exhibit Postconviction Opinion and Order)(Love, Nathaniel)

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EXHIBIT 2 Form 53D-New UNSTED STATES OF AMERICA State of Illinois Cook County Pleas, before a branch of the Circuit Coyrt of Cook County, in said County and COOK and State, begyn and held at the Circuit Court, in the City of Chicago, in said County, E I G H T Y - O N E , AND OF THE INDEPENDENCE OF THE UNITED STATES one thouMnd nine hundred and AMERICA THE TWO HnNDR-RnTW aATn FOURTH YEAR. PRESENT: RICHARD J. FITZGERALD Judgeof the Circuit Court of Cook County RICHARD M. DALEY State's Attorney RICHARD J. ELROD Sheriff of Cook County MORGAN M, FINLEY Clerk Attest: And afterwards, to-wit, on FEBRUARY 2nD -.n 81 in the year last aforesaid, the Sheriff of Cook County returned into Court the Venire Facias heretofore issued for the Grand Jury and returnable to-day, by which it appears that they were duly summoned to appear this day and serve as Grand Jurors of this Court. The panel of Grand Jurors being now filled, the Court having now here appointed a foreman of said Grand |ury, they were duly sworn and charged by the Court, and thereupon retired to consider their presentments. OF 9 * (D fO o 1 (/> Pu i 1 !=* 1 i H- ] a P H o 1 n •• H- 1 V ; CD "^ ^ 1^ :o o p & a •o 1 >-ti 0 i-i* tr a. § (D . 2 c T o a. 2- W (9 D M 3 IX h3 CL > P O 00 N CO •-n O Q* <D O T) JO* 2. a' »—* o '^, o c o so o" 3" & ; r+ ; ^ Q 3 iM o 1 H o a. •? : CD 1 I cr "\, •< • 2. T' Sta W C D H' (-• M C D !V PJ P o n , Pp 1 P:) rY I HHi H- rt- a . w a M Hi s: P M c r+ 1 a s- 8 O o nty < O H(/) M M M H- C D r+ l-t) O M \>_/ 1 p o V "^ 1^ CD cn n o CD •i 8 the autho (^—\ wit iy s: O P M M P r+ H' O rt C D p. V* C D <i % >3 O Oq and ^ « M 1 <n .tf H- ,1 C O r+ 1 oq o (D en 00 a> H P •3" C D r+ ty 1 a. a \\ said Count rese: ri- n i-h Hrf r+ .;S H- • P O |y t:! 1 s: O ; H' o o ithi oaths P to M to t/1 a 1M a ' M P * o inois. cho <^ r+ r+ C D C H. O M tate ureu rt The Grand Juro 3 o o o o o o O a, B O 00 p c H CD cr K CD O ^«:5 o I—I ("3 t\ V^., Cs, \ V4 f^. ... *- F0R5.f: CRm. DIV. NO. 26 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected, and sworn, in and for the County of Cook in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths aforeNovember 12th S3id present that on : ,« 80 , ., ^ , ., ^ , 1 9 — _ , at and within said County' : Roger Collins, William Bracey and Murray Hooper commited the offense of murder • - in that they, shot and killed Richard Holliman with a gun and shotgun, knowing that such shooting with a gun and shotgun created a strong probability of death or great bodily harm to said' Richard Holliman without la^vful justification, in violation of Chapter 38, Section 9-lCa-23, of the Illinois Revised Statutes 1979, as amended. contrary to the Statute, and against thej5eace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois. MORGAiN M. FINLEY, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COLfNTY FORM: CRLM. DIV. NO. 26 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected, and sworn. In and for the County of Cook in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths aforesaid present that on November 12 t h ^ jg 80^ at a^d within said County Roger C o l l i n s , William Bracey and Murray Hooper commited the offense of murder fepi^r:^- ''•^•" in tliat they, intentionally and knowingly shot and killed Fredrick Lacey with a gun and shotgun, without lawful justification, in violation of Chapter 38, Section 9-1 (a-l), of the Illinois Revised Statutes 19 79, as amended, . ^ ^y^Jj/l contrary to the Statute, and against the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois. MORGAN M. FINLEY, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY FORM: CRLM. DIV. NO. 26 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected, and sworn, in and for the County of Cook in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths afore- November 12th 80 said present that on , 19 , at and within said County Roger Collins, William Bracey and Murray Hooper <;ommited the offense of murder - in that they, shot and killed Fredrick Lace^ with a gun and shotgun, knowing that such shooting with a gun a < l shotgun created a strong n' »,m=—.—-.-•—•-—~ —-™* probability o£ death or great bodily harm to said Ejg^^jjxk Lacey, without lawful justification, in violation of Chapter 38, Section 9-1 Ca-2), of the Illinois Revised Statutes 1979, as amended. y contrary to the Statute, and agairist the peace and dignity of the sanie People of tlie State of Illinois. MORGAN M. FINLEV, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY FORM: CRLVi. DIV. NO. 26 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected, and swom, in and for the County of Cook in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their o^ths aforesaid present that on November 1 2 t h .' __, 1 9 _ i 2 . , at and within said County Roger Collins, William Bracey and Murray Hooper commited the offense of murder . - • in that they, intentionally and knowingly shot and killed R.C. Pettigrew, with a gun and shotgun without lawful justification, in violation of Chapter 38, Section 9-1 (a-l), of the Illinois Revised Statutes 1979, as amended. V^' contrary to the Statute, and against the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois. MORGAN M. FINLEY, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTS' "^^f FORM: CRIM. DIV. NO. 26 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected, and sworn, in and for the County of Cook in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths aforesaid present that on November 1 2 t h ^ ^^ 80^ ^^ ^^^ ^.^^^^ ^ j ^ ^^^^^ Roger Collins, William Bracey and Murray Hooper commited the offense of murder • in that they, shot and killed R. C. Pettigrew with a gun and shotgun, knowing that such shooting v/ith a gun and shotgun created a strong probability o£ death or great bodily harm to said R. C. Pettigrew without lawful justification, in violation of Chapter 38, Section 9-1 (a-2), of the Illinois Revised Statutes 1979, as amended. f contrary to the Statute, and against the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois. MORGAN M. FINLEY, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY 7x; / 6p~ FORM: CRLM. DIV. NO. 26 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected, and swom, in and for the County of Cook in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths afore^ i d present that on November 1 2 t h ^5__80_^,, 3^d within said County Roger Collins, William Bracey and Murray Hooper commited the offense of murder • . . ... - . . . . in that they, while committing a forcible felony, to wit: aggrayajted .-Mdnaping, shot and killed Fredrick Lacey, with a gun and shotgun, without lawful justificiation, in violation of Chapter 38, Section 9-1 (a-3), of the Illinois Revised Statutes 1979, as amended, / J/f ^ # • > - -7 contrary to the Statute, and against, the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois. MORGAN M. FINLEY, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY FORM: CRLM. DIV. NO. 26 Ttie Grand Jurors chosen, selected, and sworn, in and for the County of Cook in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths afore.^id present that on . ^^I^I^^^LH^^^— - . 1 9 _ i l . a t and within said County • B^Qoer Collins, William Bracey and Murray Hooper commited the offense of murder - . • - •_.-.,• in that they, while committing a forcible felony, to wit: aggravated kidnaping, shot and killed R. C. Pettigrew, with a gun and shotgun, ^fithout lawful justificiation, in violation of Chapter 38, Section 9-1 Ca-3), of the Illinois Revised Statutes 1979, as amended. contrary to the Statute, and against the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois. MORGAN M. FINLEY, CLERK OF THE CIPXUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY FORM: CRLM. DIV. NO. 26 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected, and sworn, in and for the County of Cook in the State of Illinois, In the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths aforeNovember 1 2 t h said pre:^nt that on - - ._, .80 , , .^t • -An , 19 , at and withm said County .«=- - R.oger Collins, William Bracey and Murray Hooper commited the offense of murder . • . . . in that they, while committing a forcible felony, to ^^^it: aggravated kidnaping, shot and killed Richard Holliiuan with a gun and shotgun, without lax^ful justificiation, in violation of Chapter 38, Section 9-1 (a-3), of the Illinois Revised Statutes 1979, as amended, ' . - " r4 contrary to the Statute, and againft the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois. MORGAN M. FINLE\, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY FORM: CRLM. D!V. NO. 26 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected, and sworn, in and for the County of Cook in the State of IffiEois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths afore- November 12th said present that on .o 80 . . , 19 , , ., ^ -. r^ , at and withm said County Roger Collins, William Bracey and Murray Hooper commlted the offense of murder in that they, while committing a forcible felony, to wit: armed robbery shot and killed Richard Halliman, with a gun and shotgun, without lawful justificiation, in viola'tion of Chapter 38, Section 9-1 (a-3), of the Illinois Revised Statutes 1979, as amended. contrary to the Statute, and against tKe peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois. MORGAN M. FINLEY, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY 0 FORM: CRLM. DIV. NO. 26 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected, and sworn, in and for the County of Cook in the State of Illinois, In the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths aforesaid present that on . November 1 2 t h ^ ^ i/n SO ^ , . . , . . , „ , , 19 , at and witlim said County Roger Collinsj William Bracey and Hurray Hooper commited the offense of murder " • in that they, while committing a forcible felony, to wit: armed robbery, shot and killed Fredrick Lacey, with a gun and shotgun, without lawful justificiation, in violation of Chapter 38, Section 9-1 (a-3), of the Illinois Revised Statutes 1979, as amended. contrary to the Statute, and against the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois. MORGAN M. FITS'LEY, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY FOFvM: CRIM. DIV. NO. 26 Tlie Grand Jurors chosen, selected, and sworn, in and for the County of Cook in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths afore., , ^, . said present that on . November 1 2 t h , « 80 . . ; . . , _ __, 19. ., at and withm said County , Roger Collins, William Bracey and Murray kooper commlted the offense of murder . . - " ' . in that.they, while committing a forcible felony, to wit: armed . robbery, shot and killed R. C. Pettigrew with a gun and shotgun, without lawful justificiation, in violation of Chapter 38, Section 9-1 Ca-3), of the Illinois Revised Statutes 1979, as amended, . " . ii I , contrary to the Statute, and against the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois. M0RG.4N M. FINLEY, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY Si^' FORM: CRIM. DIV. NO. 26 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected, and sworn, in and for the County of Cook in the State of IlliBois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths afore-s^ld present that on November 1 2 t h _ ^ 19-11, at and within said County Roger C o l l i n s 5 V/illiara Bracey and Murray Hooper commited the offense of • armed r o b b e r y ^ __ ,. _. ..,, , in tliat they, by the use of force and by threatening the imminent use of force while armed with a dangerous weapon, took United States currency from the person and presence of Richard Holliman, • in violation of Chapter 38, Section 18-2, of the Illinois Revised Statutes 19 79, as amended. contrary to the Statute, and against the peace and dignity of the same People of tlie State of Illinois. MORGAN M. FINLEY, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY FOKM: CRIM. DIV. NO. 26 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected, and swom, in and for the County of Cook in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths aforesaid present that on November 1 2 t h _ j 5 _ ^ ^ ^, ^^^ ^.,^^ ^jd County Roger Collins, William Bracey and Murray Hooper commited the o f n e of fes armed robbery , • • • . . in that they, by the use o£ force and by threatening the imminent use of force while armed with a dangerous weapon, took United States currency from the person and presence of Fredrick Lacey, in violation of Chapter 38, Section 18-2, of the Illinois Revised Statutes 19 79, as amended, ' . /,/ contrary to the Statute, and against the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois. MORGAN M. FINLEY, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY ra©s!M?i^r''''<^~*^-'^"f^:;^''*-!::^r'~'^^'?"^^ FORM: CRLM. DIV. NO. 26 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected, and sworn, in and for the County of Cook in the State of Illinois, In the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths afore, sasd present that on November 1 2 t h . ,-. , 19 80 , , .^,. .. ^ , at and within said Cour.ty Roger Collins, William Bracey and Murray Hooper comiBlted the offense of armed robbery in that they, by the use o£ force and by threatening the imminent use of force while armed with a dangerous weapon, took United States currency from the person and presence of R. C. Pettigrew, in violation of Chapter 38, Section 18-2, of the Illinois Revised Statutes 19 79, as amended. £^ contrary to the Statute, and against the:$eace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois. MORGAN M. FINLEY, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY FORM: CRLM. DIV. NO. 26 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected, and swom, in and for the County of Cook in the State of IlUnois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths aforeNovember said present that on 12th .,19. 80 , at and within said County Roger Collins, William Brace/ and Murray Hooper commited the offense of aggravated kidnaping in that they, knowingly by force and threat o£ force carried -Richard Holliman from one place to another with intent to secretly confine Richard Holliman a felony, to wit: against his will-and committed murder, upon him, n violation of Chapter 38, Section 10-2(a-3), of the Illinois Revised Statutes 1979, as amended. contrary to the Statute, and against the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois. MORGAN M. FIT'JLEY, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY J FORM: CRIM. DIY. NO. 26 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected, and sworn, in and for the County of Cook in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths afore- said present that on J ! 2 I f f ! ^ f L i i l L , 19_i^, at and within said County Roger Collins, William Bracey and Murray Hooper commited the o f n e of fes aggravated kidnaping in that they, knowingly by force and threat of force carried Richard Holliman from one place to another with intent to secretly confine Richard Holliman a felony, to wit: against his will, and committed armed robbery upon him, n violation of Chapter 38, Section 10-2(a-3), of the Illinois Revised Statutes 1979, as amended, - contrary to the Statute, and against the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois. MORGAN M. FINLEY, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTS' K FORM: CRLM. DIV. NO. 26 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected, and sworn, in and for the County of Cook in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the St2te of Illinois, upon their oaths afore., , ^. ^ said present that on . ^ November 1 2 t h . ,. , 19 80 ^ .,. .^>, , at and within said County Roger Collins, William Bracey ap.d Murray Hooper commited the offense of aggravated kidnaping . - . • in that they, knowingly by force and threat of force carried Fredrick Lacey from one place to another with intent to secretly confine Fredrick Lacey, against his will and committed a felony, to wit: murder, upon, n violation of Chapter 38, Section 10-2(a-3), of the Illinois Revised Statutes 1979, as amended. contrary to the Statute, and against the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois. MORGA.N M. FINLEY, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY FORM: CRIM.DIY. NO. 26 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected, and sworn, in and for the County of Cook in the Slate of Illinois, In the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon Ihcir oafhs aforeNovember 1 2 t h : said present that on ,_ , 19 • 80 ^ , .^, - -^ n ,at and wjthm said County • .•«»• Roger Collins, William Bracey ar.d Murray Hooper commited the o f n e of fes aggravated kidnaping ; - in that they, knowingly by force and threat of force carried Fredrick Lacey confine from one place to another with intent to secretly Fredrick Lacey a felony, to wit: against his will., and committed armed robbery, upon him, n violation of Chapter 38, Section 10-2(a-3), of the Illinois Revised Statutes 1979, as amended. M' contrary to the Statute, and against the-jieace and dignity of the same People of tlie State of Illinois. MORGii-' M. .-EILEY, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY FORM: CRLM. DIV. NO. !(> The Ctznd Jurors chosen, selected, and swom, in and for the County of Cook in the State of Illinois, in the n3me and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths aforesaid present that on . November 12th ^ ,^_^^^,^^^ ..j^hin said County Roger Collinsj William Bracey and Murray Hooper commited the offense of aggravated kidnaping . . - in that they, knowingly by force and threat of force carried. R.C. Pettigrew confine from one place to another with intent to secretly R. C. Pettigrew a felony, to wit: against his will, and committed murder upon him, n violation of Chapter 58, Section 10-2Ca-3), of the Illinois Revised Statutes 1979, as amended. (^Jj contrary to the Statute, and against the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois, MORGAN M. rlNLEV. CLERK OF THE CIFXUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY FORM: CRIM. DIV. NO. 26 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected, and sv/om, in and for the County of Cook In Ihe State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths aforesaid present that on _ November 1 2 t h ,„ — , 19 _ 80 ^ ^ •«! • -AT , at and withm said Couiuy Roger Collins, William Bracey ap.d Murray Hooper commited the o f n e of fes aggravated kidnaping in that they, knowingly by force and threat o£ force carried R. C. Pettigrew from one place to another with intent to secretly confine R- C. Pettigrew a felony, to wit: against his will, and committed armed robbery, upon him, n violation of Chapter 38, Section 10-2(a-3-), of the Illinois Revised Statutes 1979, as amended. I- contrary to the Statute, and against the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois. MORGAN M. FINLEY, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY L FOR.M: CRIM. DiV. NO. 26 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected, and sworn, in and for the County of Cook in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths aforeNovember 12th ,« 80 . _. ., „ said present that on •, ^— 19 , at and within said Coun.y Roger C o l l i n s , William Bracey and Murray Hooper commited the offense of aggravated kidnaping C^ . _..--—----" ' '^^ --^ in that they, knowingly by force and threat of imminent force while armed with a dangerous weapon, carried Richard Holliman, from one place to another ivith the intent to secretly confine Richard Holliman ' against his will, in violation of Chapter 38, Section 10-2 (a-5), of the Illinois Revised Statutes 1979, as amended. ni-' contrary to the Statute, and against"thenpeace and dignity of the same People of tlie State of Illinois. MORGAN M. FINLEY, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY •,s'r.-;a^f^i^5^aSfe!i5!5t!^^ S a 5 ..gisssS. FORM: CREvf. DIV. NO. 26 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected, and sworn, in and for the County of Cook in the State of lUinois. in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Iffinois, upon their oaths afore- said p ^ n t .ha. on November 12th , , _ 8 0 _ ^, ^^^ ^ , , , j ^ ^ . , ^^^^.^ Roger Collins, William Bracey and Murray Hooper commited the o f n e of fes aggravated kidnaping . . -. in that they, knowingly by force and threat of imminent force while armed with a dangerous weapon, carried Fredrick Lacey from one place to another with the intent to s'ecretly confine Fredrick Lacey • against his will, in violation of Chapter 38, Section 10-2 Ca-5), of the Illinois Revised Statutes 1979, as amended. contrary to the Statute, and against the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois. MORGAN M. FINLEY, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY FORM: CRLM. DIV. NO. 26 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected, and sworn, in and for the County of Cook in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths aforesaid present that on November 1 2 t h ^ ; , 19 80 , at and within said County Roger Collins, William Bracey and Murray Hooper commlted the o f n e of fes aggravated kidnaping in that they, knov;ingly by force and threat o£ imminent force while armed with a dangerous weapon, carried R. C, Pettigrew from one place to another with the intent to secretly confine R. C. Pettigrew • against his will, in violation of Chapter 38, Section 10-2 (a-5)j of the Illinois Revised Statutes 1979, as amended. i- J^^M^^^/^/iy&jd3Y contrary to the Statute, snd against the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois. MORGAN M. FIf-JLEY, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY •-. i,".;:"-!'-"-.--i""'",' Z'^T-^ '•-' -^}^--i. '- • "• 32 7 A G. J. No. GENERAL No Q..r it^ Circuit Court of Cook County County Deparlmflnt—Cruninal Division ^.^iH.V.f^FX 19 •'??• The People of the State of Illinois V. '^^^J^ 1 Rp.g.?X..Cpllins e.t a l •y^ IZ/^^' 1^ ..Mu.):.de.r',....e.t<;..,. A TRUE BILL Foreman of tnevQ/aod Jury WITNESSES •Uavicr-Q^-Cariaiia-fl FiJcd 19' ) Bail $. DCS 4a4 i n 2-68 (IfORM TB) (I

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