Hooper v. Ryan, et al

Filing 76

MOTION by Petitioner Murray Hooper for judgment (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit State Notice Declining Evidentiary Hearing, # 2 Exhibit Indictment, # 3 Exhibit Judgment and Order, # 4 Exhibit Order of Sentence and Commitment, # 5 Exhibit 9 23 1981 Hearing Tr., # 6 Exhibit Order of Sentence and Commitment, # 7 Exhibit Postconviction Opinion and Order)(Love, Nathaniel)

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EXHIBIT 5 STATS OP ILLIMCin COU'NTY OF C 0 0 K ) ) ) SS; IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY COUNTY DEPARTMENT-CRIMINAL DIVISION 3 4 5 6 7 THS.PEOPLE OF THE ) STATE OP ILLINOIS, ) ) VS. ) ) Indictment No, 81-1204 Charges Murd®r, ®to. MURRAY HOOPER. Heard before the Hon. TiJOMAS MALONSYj, Judge of said Court, on the 23rd day of ' ' ' * « m « , '»^-'br A,D., 1981, at 11:30-©^<?iook a.m. 8 9 10 Court convened pursuant to adjournment- 11 Presents 12 13 14 15 16 Hon. Richard M, Daley, State's Attorney of Cook County, by Mr. Oregg Owen, Mr, Mlohael Qoggin^ Assistant State's Attorneys on behalf of the Peoplej Mr, Thoma® Peter®» on behalf of the Defendant. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 •mm THE CLSHK: ME. PSTER3: T . : Pecpie vs, Kxirray Hooper, 81-1204. >• Good morriinigj Yoiir Honor. Thoma 3 Peters. 3 I'm her« on behalf of Murray Hooper who Is present 4 bafoi'e the court. 5 Your Honorj, ths case is set today for filing 6 of post trial motions, and at this time I would tender 7 to the Court our motion for new trial, copies of whieh 8 was previously served on the State's Attorneys this 9 morning. 10 11 12 13 14 15 THE COURTS MR, PETERSs All right. Your Honor, with respect to this motion I know you hav© now had a ohanoe to read It over. Eaoh of the items raised in there nas raised at trial, and I believe that I stated my arguments to the Court as well th®n as I could now, and that th@ Court fully understood 16 each of my arguments &® to each of these pointa. I 17 don't ie© any further need to reiterace what I already 18 argued to Your Honor and what ^our Honor has already 19 ruled upon. 20 Naturally >we woiild ask the Court to racon21 sider baeed on the er.Tu-nents previoualy made as atated 22 in the laotion. 23 THB OOUHT: All right. The court has read a.nii ooasidered 24 the motion for new trial and the motion I3 denied. • -'Mm All right j are v s ready to proceed to ths aentencing hearinj.?;? 3 MR. PETERS! 4 MR, O W S N J Yea, Your Honor. Judge, coiild I juat raak® a request? Just 5 for the eak© of the record waa there a presentenee don® 6 in this partioular ease? 7 all, I haven't s@@n on® yet, that's I don't know If it was done. 8 THE C O U R T J I believe there was, 9 MR FETEHSs One was ordered, 10 THE GOtJRTs Y©s, that's right, 11 MR, OWENi 12 13 14 15 16 W@ pi;t It -- y@eh. Thank you. Judge. THE COURTI It earn® In yesterday, I'll tender a oopy of it to the State and to th® Defense and fll© the original. MB, O W E N J Thanks> Judge. THE COURTS Hav® th® partly® had a chance to read 17 the presentenee report? 18 MR. PETERSJ Yes, Your Honor, 19 Your Honor, iNfhat the report Indicates 1Q 20 that on Septtmber th« 21 at, I98I, which would b® two 21 daya ago, a probation officer named William Pilcher 22 attempted to intervi-^v Mr. Hooper but; Mr« Hoopigr refuged 23 to be interviavrsd, 24 I -would like to indicate to Your Honor that on at least two, if not three cccaaiona prior to the 21st of September^ I981, unknown accents of the Fsderal Bureau 3 of Inveetigatlon attempted to interview Mr. Hooper and 4 and at my direotlon he refused to be interviewed by them, 5 and if Your Honor's desirous of any informaticn that 6 would ordinarily b@ in th© pr@s®nt@nce report we are 7 willing to provide that information. 8 that Mr. Pilcher was also attempting to interview Mr. 9 Hooper. M@ w@r© unaware In faot, I specifically requested at the jail 10 that if somebody from probation came there they should 11 contact me so I eap arrange that Mr. Hooper would speak 12 to that person, but h© was instructed by m® not to speak 13 to any agents of th@ Federal Bureau of Investigation or 14 other law enforcement pereonnal, 15 THE COURTS Well, if there is any information that 16 you wish to have written In on this preientenoe report 17 I would be glad to have Miss Soto take it down, 18 19 20 21 MR. PETER3: FroR! what I have is 'rxat a blank here. I know th® questions that are generelly on it, although not by heart. I could, certainly give that information to you orally right now. 22 THE GCJIIT: Well, you can do that. 23 MR. PETERS: Coul^ you tell me what information they 24 u are asking for on there so I don't -- ,•1242 Mr. Hooper'3 &7s la known. It's 35^ coz'rect? THS COUHT: 3 ^ell, I don'c -- MR, PETERS: Ke was at the time of this incident 4 living with a 'foung lady and helping to support t'wo of 5 h@r children^ not his children. 6 two sisters. 7 hav® been here in court throughout the ease. 8 fr©m time to time been employed himself. 9 employed speeifioally at th® time of th© incident allegad 10 15 16 17 18 19 He has He was not He i® not addicted to any drugg, nor is he an alooholisj nof does h® \XBB drugs. 13 14 His parents are both living and smploysd^ in this case. 11 12 He has two brothera and We have nothing further other than the t©itimony he gave about th^ case to state concerning the V case, and to my reeoll®otlon that's th® kind of questions that they generally ®8k. If I'm missing some parsonal background information that you would like, w« would certainly give it to you. THE COURTJ Nothing that I can think of at the moment. 20 MR. PETERS: I don'.t have anythiiijT to add then oeyond 21 that, 22 THE COURT: Okay. Do you have order forms? 23 MR. OWEN: Judge« the reason I didn't bring the^n was 24 because you had uaed your own form before in th€' last cascv. ^ e iaclude--3 them in the file^ v I left rhe form for nr. Hooper In ttie office fcecsu^e I fi^ursd 3 you would probably p.s© your form and we would prepare 4 a form subject to what yours I3 rather than oura, 5 which Is somewhat different than you did in the last 6 two ssntences. 7 In the record that you say on© thing and th© form 8 might say another, so I don't have one prepared with 9 your wording. I thought th@r« might b© a eonfliet I have on© in th® office with the old 10 wording which we have used previously which is somewhat 11 different than yours, than your wording, 12 13 THE GOURT5 Well, all right. I can afterwards sign a written order that would l>e eonsistant with -- 14 MR. OVEN! 15 THE COURT? 16 All right. "~ what is done. We could proceed then. Is th®r@: anything that the State wishes to 17 say? 18 wherein the ^''ury haa recommended th© penalty of death. 19 At the moment that is what we are ad-ir^asino:, 20 21 22 23 24 s We are addressing th© conviction for murder MR, QOQGIN; Your Honor, with regards to that partio- ular charge the ,jury that waa 3elec*;^d in this courtroom arjo)d® the Ysrdict; that we submit is the true verdict In this 08 36 and the only verdict In this caa®, W^ would racommana that the Court follow that verdict and sentence tm4 t - ; iafendanf.^ h. Murray Kocper^ to die based on t > h3 evidence In the oaso, the evidenci: in aggravation, and 3 his history in life in our community.a.e a criminal and 4 a killer. 5 THE COURT: All right. Mr. Peters? 6 MR. PETERS: 7 THE COURT I Anything you wish to aay? 8 HR. PETERS I Just britflyi ^onr Honor* Your Honor? 9 You have, of course, heard my arguments 10 throughout th® trial and at the sentencing hearing, 11 and I will not further belabor those points, 12 13 14 15 16 17 I would again urge Your Honor not to impose the sentence recommended by the Jury and I would point out to Your Honor that Mr, Hooper is only 35 years old, that he ia, and I think Your Honor could tell from hia testimony, an intelligent ^^'^ articulate person, certainly a person who is not beyond the realm of rehabil- 18 itation given his age. 19 I am aware of the eviden-e. Your Honor'a 20 aware of the evidence.. 21 I would add nothini:: further now than I had 22 previously aaid. 23 THE COTJRT: Well, It is the Court'3 opinion that the 24 atatut® dooa net allow the Court any discretion at this 1»4« 1 2 p o i i " , the jury having recommeaded the death penalty. MR. PETERS: ?or the rsoord, Your H o n o r , it is x y 3 opinion that y o u always have that discretion. 4 urge YQur Honor to use that discretion. 5 T H E COURT! 6 discretion left, 7 8 9 10 1^ 12 There ia no M r . Hooper^ anything that y o u w i s h to say p r i o r to the Imposition of sentence? M B , PETERS} I don»t beXleve M r * Ho©pel? h a s anything- to eay at this tiraej Y o u r H o n o r , T H E COUET: All right. T h e Court observes that the defendant ia shaking h i s head indicating a n o . ^ ^ ^^ " N o , n o t under our statute. 1 would All i right.: M u r r a y Hooper, for th® murdera of Riehard H i H e y , Frederick Laoey, and R. G. Pettigrew, ^ ^ o f w h i c h the' jury foimd y o u guilty, and for which the ' ^ jury recommended sentence of death on A u g u s t 25th, 198lj ^ ^ y o u a r e hereby sentenced to be p u t to death b y electro- ^ ^ cution, ' ^ It Is further ordered that y o u are to be 20 transported by the Cook County Sheriff to the Illinois 21 State Penitentiary and y o u r custody transferred to the w a r d e n of that penitentiary^ and thereafter y o u ar® to be executed accordinfr to law on December 2 3 , 1 9 8 I , 24 It is further ordered, however, that the 1^46 execution be stayed until ' h final order of the :e Supreme; Court of thia state. 3 You are advised that an appeal to th® 4 Illinois Suprem® Gourt is automatic and will proceed 5 without any aotion b^ing taken by you. 6 7 8 We will now proceed to th® matt@ra of thre© conviotlons for armed robbery and three oonviotions for aggravated kidnapping. 9 10 It is »- there anything that the State wishes to say in connection with those matters? 11 MR, OWEN! Judges we would ask that the senteno® 12 irapoBed by th© Gourt b@ the maximum sentence under law 13 for those offenses b@oaua@ of the heinoua nature of the 14 crime®, IS THE COURT I All right, Mr. -16 MR. PETERS I I have nothing further to add other 17 than what I previously stated today and all of the 18 oth©r occa8iona. 19 THE GOURTi All right. Mr. Hooper, • anything that you 20 wish to flay? I take it that you do not. 21 All right, for the armed robberies of Frederick 22 23 24 Lacey, aad R, C, Pettigrewi and Richard Hilley, the Court finds that they were committed in an txceptionally brutal and heinous manner and that you are^ therefor®, '-'^ tZ47 3ejntancsd to a t>5rm of -- ar: e^tt3nded term of sixty year3 In the peniirentiary ayatei-.i o:" the Illinois Depart3 ment of Corrections for @aoh of those armed robberies. 4 Those sentences to run ooncurrent. 5 For the aggravated kidnapping of Richard 6 Hllley, Fredericic Laeey, and R. C. Pettlgrtw of whieh 7 you have b@en eonvloted th@ Court find® that those 8 aggravated kldn&ppinga were committed in an exception- 9 ally brutal and heinous manner, antl for e'aoh of; thos® 10 aggravated kidnappings you ar®^ therefore, s@nt@no©d to 11 th€ eistended t®rm of sixty yedr® for each of those 12 13 14 15 offengesa those sentenoes to run conourrentiyi and to run. concurrently with the aentenees for armed robbery, •Judgment on those sentence®, Hlttimus to iasu« on all mattera. 16 You are advised under the law with r®3p®ct 17 to the convictions and sentences for armed robbery and 18 aggravated l''.:iclnapping, Mr. Hooper, that you may appeal 19 from th© verdict, judgment, and sent^ance of the Court, 20 To do that you must file a Notice of Appeal with the 21 clerk of the court within In 30 days of thia date, and 22 notice m-aa^ be in writing, and it car. be done by raqueBt23 Ing the clerk of the court to file it on your behalf. 24 If you do not have monay to hire a lawyer 10 to r>8pre3snt you on appeal of these matters a lawyer will be appointed and you will be furnished without 3 4 cost a transcript of your trial. MR. PETERS? Yaur Honor, with regard to that I have 5 already prepared a Notice ©f Appeal and an affidavi;fe of 6 indis®noy which, is not sworn to because w® don't have 7 aoo®@s to a nofearyihsr®, but Mr. Hooper^ If it is n©o®@- 8 8ary> oould be put under oath to indioate he has no 9 income and^no assets, 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 THE COURTS I als-o r©(iu@st -- The Notice of Appeal must be filed in the clerk'Aa.. offlo® but th@ — - Jindlgency of th© defendai., will be aoonpted as a faot,, and th@ Court will grant the petition I'or a transcript of his trial without coat| MR, PETERS; It's further requested, Your Honor^ that th® oXfie® of th@ State Appellate D®f@nd®r be appointed to represent,Mr. Hoopgry and I have previously contacted them and they wer® trnabl© to have a repre- 18 sentative her«- today in court, but they did advia© me 19 that these are ti^ forms that they would like entered 20 If the Court ao •»21 THE COURT! All right, the State Appellate Def nder 22 would ba appointed, 23 MR. PETERSJ Thank you. 24 THP. CO0RT: 11 Okay. I'll ret\Arn these to you in that vxu mm pug 'a::jgp 9 ^ : ; j c sjC^p 0^ ^i: UTq:;]:^ r^jrrvoo oq^ j o ''c^uaiuSpnC OX jfasx^ sq^l q4T*i T^9Cl<5v JO aofr^Ohj B ©tTJ ^^snm VLQ/L ^Bq:;, op oj, 'q.anoo aq^ j o aotif^'^uae puB fsadd-Q jCism noA 0,'on:^ 'j:adooH or '^.oxpaaA ©q-:^ tuoaj '.iw '."Pu-pdclBupfiv; psq.BA-eaSS'e pu-B jCasqqoa p®maie j o j s a o u a ^ u s s puB euoTQ-o-fAUOO ©qq. OQ. ^o®dg®a q^fM M-®! ©q!j a s p t m psexAp'e S J B no;t 61 81 LI 91 0:^ snoiT^^^TH *s©ou®g.uas ssoqt:^ uo q.u8uiSpnj7. SI £1 *ea®«®jjo PI • ^ a s q q o j psuu's 4 0 j 0®ou®^u®e »q^ qq^TiM Xt::iu®aanouoo 0% ptiu *j^x^u@aanouoo u n a , oq. si&ouaauas ®®oq^ ©soqi^ jpo q o « 3 £oj,uaw^A 0!]^ p@ou®4u®s *9aojs^0q^ A^X-^B JO niJ®:^ p®pu©^xs ©q^ *@aB n o ^ e2uTdd9upT:3f; pa^^'SA^aSSB Z\ W 01 ©soq;:^ :j,o qo®,® a o j p.ut / a ^ u u s m ©nou'paq pu® x-Bq.naq An^ 6 'UOj^dBox® u^ Uf ps;^:iT:moioo sa^M. gSujdcIipupTsj pai^-sABaSS-e 8 s®oq^ A®^^ Mpujj ^anoQ @q^ ps^oiAWOO tj©^q ®A^q noX ^ 9 p a ^ q o f H JO SuTddPupfSl p8:;BABaSSB 9-q% aog, S f ' ' t a X ' i ^ q q o a pamaig ©soq::^ j o q o t © a o j suo-f^^oaaaoo j o %uvm -^^aisdQQ sjQujrri f gx-H JO wsagjCs? T^a-BT^lua^iTUsd ^q^ u j sa-Qa^? iC^scTS JO u;a©:; pspu©:^x?- ;.;-e »- j o liij^'q. 1; o:^ psou?:^use It -- well -» this, the affidavit will be filed. MR. PETERS I And I«ll file that with the clerk's ^ office. 4 THE COURT I 5 MR. PETERS I Nothing further. 6 "^ 8 ^ Okay, anything further? Your Honor^ is It possible for Mr. Hooper to visit vtry britfly with hli parents? THE COtmTf No. W@ have not faeilltles and no p^r^on- neX for it* I am 8©rry. ( Whioh wer® all the proceeding® had at the trial ©f thf above entitled cause,) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 lg lasa

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