Huon v. Breaking Media et al

Filing 89

RESPONSE by Meanith Huonin Opposition to MOTION by Defendants Nick Denton, Gabby Darbyshire, Irin Carmon, Gawker Media, to dismiss Plaintiff's Second Amended Complaint 57 (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit A, # 3 Exhibit B, # 4 Exhibit C, # 5 Exhibit D, # 6 Exhibit E, # 7 Exhibit F, # 8 Exhibit G)(Huon, Meanith)

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Gawker Media - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia PageI of6 Gawker Media From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Gawker Media is an American online media company and blog network, founded and owned by Nick Denton basedin New York City. It is considered lll to b" one of the most visible and successfulblogoriented media companies.As of March 2010, it is the parent company for 11 different weblogs:,Fleshbot,Deadspin,Lifehacker, Gizmodo, io9, Kotaku, Jalopnik, Jezebel,, and Cityfile. All Gawker articles are licensedon a Creative Commons attribution-NonCommercial license.{31 Gawker Media ;' Contents i I : r r I Revenue and traffic r 2 History .t 2.I Beginnings r 2.2 Expansionsand Contractions r I , i r r r i 'URL ii Gawker Media (http ://; l r r Commercial? Yes li r i Type of site t 2.3 Sourcecode breach t 2.4 2011redesign taffic and I loss 3 List of GawkerMediaweblogs r 3.1Current t 3.2 Licensed Aushalian weblogs r 3.3 Weblogs formerlyowned by Gawker 4 S e e a l so 5 References 6Externallinks Created by Blog network Nick Denton (Publisher) Remy Stern( Adam Pash(Lifehacker) Will Leitch (Deadspin) (Kotaku) Brian Crecente Jessica Coen(Jezebel) AnnaleeNewitz (io9) Ray Wert (Jalopnik) JoeBrown (Gizmodo) Lux Alptraum (Fleshbot) Launched Revenueand traffic January2003 Current status Active While Denton does not go into detail over Gawker Media's finances, he has downplayed the profit potential of blogstal,declaring that "[b]logs are likely to be better for readersthan for capitalists. While I love the medium, I've always been skeptical about the value of blogs as businesses," his personalsitet5l. on http://en. 12/tU20rr Fleshbot Wikipedia,the freeencyclopedia - PageI of1 Fleshbot FromWikipediathefreeencyclopedia Fleshbot is a sex-oriented weblog, publishedby Gawker Media. It was launchedin November2003 as the third online title from Gawker.The rangeof subjectmatter includeseverythingfrom amateursex blogs and thumbnail gallery poststo news about sex in popular culture and advertising.The blog coversboth heterosexual homosexual and eroticatll and usershave the ability to filter betweenthe two if they choose. Fleshbot Fleshbotis editedby Lux Alptraum (formerly Lux Nightmare). Fleshbotappears the ACMA Blacklist (seeInternet on censorship Australia) that was released Wikileaks in via on March 20,2009.P1 Fleshbot front page URL Fleshbot (http://www.fl References l. ^ "SexandTechinthe Type of site Pomographic Available English language(s) Owner GawkerMedia Launched 2003 Fleshbot"(httpl/v* Kari Lynn Deaql{ired,2003-ll, I 4. Retrieved2007-10-16, http//*secret_ACMA_internet censorship_blacklist,_18_Mar_20091. Externallinks r Fleshbotofficial web site (http// Retrievedfrom "" Internetpublication stubs i Internetpropertiesestablished 2003 Blogs Categories: in GawkerMedia Erotica and pornographywebsites r This pagewas last modified on 3 September 20ll at02:46. r Text is availableunderthe CreativeCommonsAttribution-ShareAlikeLicense;additionalterms may apply. SeeTermsof use for details. Wikipedia@is a registered trademarkof the Wikimedia Foundation,Inc., a non-profit organization. org/wikiff leshbot htS ://en.wikipedia. r2lll/201r UpskirtNews,Video andGossip- Fleshbot PageI of2 L"rp$Ki$qT s u N D A Y ,D Ec1 1 ,2 o 1 1 W UFSKIRT What ColorAre Your Panties, Ashlan Gorse? For a moment we got reallv excitedanclthought that E!'s Ashlan Gorservasn't wearing anything at all under her skirt, but it wasjust wishtul tlinking. Because that's clearly nude (lbr her) fabric, but not genuine nudity. No early Christmasgift for us. ilr,Jfifrr]ffiflrffi& Achnlly, Ashlan's sporting a lot ofpatches oftan here and there, which createthe illusion that she'sexposingbot-hher shoulders and her pussy, Perhapsit's a strategic thing? Or a thematic one? sffi . Via'thxi Dril'r:r Movic (taxidrivermor,'ie,com) BV iiAl| a) R i r i l pi .fi \ !:h.lo i ;r l t; i t, .]t1i 1( i :i fi ,qti i l.ilc ij 3;lil Lr*:*n! i rrl ,tt r t,!, t) Panties' """ur ml;";;::f ntr Hfi"Hll"uPanties' What Color Are Your Panties,Maria Fowler?(Christmas Edition) r,,, FUCK What Color Are Your Panties, CourteneyCu? STCYA { f # fl ( ir:ifutr1 .:icilrrl iii/ih,r:i Eilq[..-it-lF-AuTiiOR L]OMtulENr IsThatYourPussy,Annal}nne Mccord? ro Addicted ;*T ;H,";;-os'Is vn tr it ffiil':if"ff*urPanties' What ColorAreYour Panties, Nikki Reed? Bar I ffi:fffi&";l#;n'iies, sf CanThe PaparazziContml The Brese Amund Era longoria's Ass? $ISCU$SION THREADS FEATURTD Ar-{" lEWrut f . I.- rE -i.: Text 'I I il Whar CoiorArel-our Pannes, lmosenThomas? .flmi SelenaGomezIs Addicted To Panty Flashing CANCEL SUBMIT hfip://fl eshbot. com/upskirt/ What ColorAre Your Panties, Iauren Goodger? $i*F r2lrr/2011 l Rebecca Gayheart,"McSteamy"Eric Dane,Get GawkerSettlement Over Threesome Vid,.. page2 of g 48 Hours 7 of 9 Sports MYP,Braun NL positivedrugtestg of 9 pppeals Gallery2011's lunareclipse of 9 last 9 August 4,201A2.,57 PM . Print . Text Rebecca Gayheart,t'Mcsteamy" Eric Dane,Get Gawker settlementover Threesome video By &decioMartines Topics Dailv Blotter . . . . . Have Add Co.rmment your Sav Email StorySend a Friend to Share ThisTellYour Friends TweetThisTweetThis MoreShare It Eric Dane and Rebecca Gayheart (Ap photo, file) http://www.cbsnews.comlS30 l -50408 _t62-20012647 3 -504083.hffi1 t2nt/2011 RebeccaGayheart, "McSteamyu Eric Dane, Get Gawker Settlement Over Threesome Vid... Page 3 of 8 NEW YORK (CBS) The legalbattlebetween GawkerandactorsErie DaneandRebecca Gayheart been has settledafter tlre websiteagrcedto takedown the couple'shomemade tapein rretum themnot suingthe sex for &jeenuout ofthe gossip blog. PICTURES: N"aked AnatomyHits Web "McSteamv's" PICTURES: Whois KariAnn Peniche? The Grey'sAnatornystarandhis wife had suedGawkerin September copyrightinfringemen! aftertheir for web video leakedto the internet,showingDane,Gayheart former beautyqueenKari Ann threesome and Peniche rompingaroundnakedandat times barelycoherent. The lawsuit claimedthat Gawker"maliciously" distributedan uncensored versionof the sextapeandrefusedto comply with a cease desistorder and Accordingto Reuters, Gawkerandthe coupleagreed privatemediation,which facilitateda settlement to that wasfiled with fhe Los AngelesCounty SuperiorCourt last week.Sources closeto the casevaluedthe settlement in the low-six figures. DaneandGayheart wereoriginally askingfor morethan $l million in damages. fair the 'Although we are confidentthat our useof the video on Gawkerwasprotected use-- because posts alreadyhadbeenavailableto our readers nearly ayear, andbecause alreadyhad won an important for we decisionfrom the court striking largepartsof the plaintiffs'damages claims- we agreed removethe postsas to part of a global settlement avoid the burdenof further litigation," Gawkerchief operatingofficer Gaby to Darbyshiresaidin a statement obtainedby Reuters. Danefust appeared ABC'shighly ratedshow,"Grey'sAnatomy,"in 2005,in which he playedDr. Mark in Sloan,alsoknown asMcSteamy. populantywith fansled to a regularrole on the show. His is and knownfor rolesin "CSI: Miami,u"Nip/Tuck,"and"Vanished." Gayheart a television film actress She alsohada recurring role in the originalBeverlyHills 90210series. Penicheis a former beautyqueenwho won Miss United States Teen"but was strippedof her title after appearing nudein Playboy. At onepoint in the video, Gayheart, who seems be holding the camera, to says"I needto lay down too. I am very high." Shethenjoins a nakedPeniche, who was loungingon the bed. a Gawkerhadreleased l2-minute editedversionof the video in which everyone's lower privatepartsarebluned over. Othersiteshavebeenmorerevealing. MEDIA: PICTURES: 'McSteamy's" Nakp.d AnatomyHits Web PICTURES: Who is Kari.dnnPeniche? MORE ON CRIMESIDER Ausust21...2909 in thq NakedWebVid? - Who is Kari Ann Peniche. OtherWoman "McSteamy" Lookingat Grev'sAnatomy.Star Dane's Auglrst17. 2009- Report: Cgps. Eric Vidgo:Are NakedThreesome You? 20" and Bombshell Seotembgr 2009- Mpckenzie Fhillips:Incest Drues_ Recommend recommerd Bethe firstof yourfriends. this. 6 people . Add CommentHaveYour Say . Email StorySend a Friend to -504083_1 -20A12647-504083.html I 62 tzlrll20lr Flight Attendant Files $40 Million Libel Suit Against Gawke-.. Page 1 of 4 Ex-Arnold Schwarzenegger Log in v Sign up v v Browsevoice Nation MostPopularI MostRecent Blogs r)l '-1 OC Search Weekly q^ Ut|n.e. Admln Obama (Again) Promlsae Not to WageWar on MedicalPot blqg STORIES _F. CatholicLeagus vs. Gustavo A16llanol tilrrilr TOP i'[t-9j ' r . Leanlng Tower of ': Tires Now at qff8:r,f$:it"" $tories MostPopular Flight Attendant Ex-Arnold Schwarzenegger Files$+o Million Libel3uit AgainstGawker, NationalEnquirer I Vieweo I Recellt Woman Plungos to Her tleath From Qussn Mary I Obamr Adminbtration Promisos (Ag8in) Not to Wago War on Medlcal Marijuant Olgg Clar€nco Butterfiold: App€ale Coud Reloct3 Sox With Daughter Complaint By Nutty Killer retweet 0 Arnold Schwarzenegger's longtime personal flight attendant hasfiled a $4o million lawsuit that claims Gawker, the Nationol Bnquiirer, the London Dcily MaiI and other news outlets libeled her in articles portraying her as the ex-California governor's mistress and one ofher sons as his secretlove child. In the July z8 suit, filed in Orange County Superior Court, Tammy Tousignant of Brea seeksdamages for defamation by libel, invasion of privacy and misappropriation of personal images following a ssrig5 qf Comrnented II (6) Comments -.i AM at Aug. Moxleywed., 3 201'1 10:35 ByR. Scott Crimo& Sex,Fi|m,Moxloy,Politics New3, B|Eaking Cat6qorios: 0 Billboard Advocatea Separallon of church & State Bv JustinSnadv Atellarc By Gustavo Lrke 3 Sl|r.ltdac ltrt.t BroaklngNewe Shdre J Our Lrdy of Guadalupe Ghurch In Santa Anr Has Fire by Baptlim IUPOATED Wlth Oetalls About Tho Accldont:l cal stato Long Beach Fatal Elovator Accidont Launchoa lnveltlgatlon lllore MostPoPular... sdrrvrrzcnesscr zoo3 and zort articles that wrongly allegedshe "was Amold's lover" and that her son, Tanner, "was Arnold's." DEAI IN OC TODAY'S $45 Beginnc/s ShootifE Clas For Tm nt LAX Firing Rangc(SltloVabe) Harry Frank scolinos, Tousignant's Pasadena-basedlawyer, slammed the publications in his rr7-page brief, which includes copies ofthe offending articles. "Freedom ofthe press is a valuable right, but it is not a license for gossipy tabloids to tar and feather innocent citizens and destroy their reputations for the rags' profit," wrote scolinos. "Given the nearly instantaneous and worldwide availability ofon-line and print articles, one would expect more rigorous standards to be imposed on those who report news, particularly where such 'news' involves disclosing very personal and private details ffi3$#:'frUffi CARWBffii,iII EVEBY of the lives of non-public fi gures." According to the lawsuit, Tanner--a graduate ofBrea Olinda High School-is the August 1gg2 offspring ofTammy and her husband Tom. The couple--married since r99z-have another son, conner, who was born in July t997. Tammy worketl as Schwarzenegger's flight attendant on the wealthy Hollywood actor's privatejet from 1987 to 1999' Articles in zoo3 claimed that "not only was tlere an affair between Arnold and Tammy but that Tammy claimed that her son was fathered by Arnold," that Tanner "bears a physical resemblance to Amold," and that the boy is "Arnold's love child." Earlier this year, the Ins Angeles Times reported that schwarzenegger had privately h@://}ll/08/ex-amold-schwarzenegger-fligh.php r2lrll20ll

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