Huon v. Breaking Media et al

Filing 89

RESPONSE by Meanith Huonin Opposition to MOTION by Defendants Nick Denton, Gabby Darbyshire, Irin Carmon, Gawker Media, to dismiss Plaintiff's Second Amended Complaint 57 (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit A, # 3 Exhibit B, # 4 Exhibit C, # 5 Exhibit D, # 6 Exhibit E, # 7 Exhibit F, # 8 Exhibit G)(Huon, Meanith)

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Mudgetakesoathasjudge I mudge,judge, bill - Local News - The Telegraph PageI of3 GETEMAIL&MOBILEAIERTS I SUBgCFIBEONLII{€ 30' Clear Home News DON'T !'lls$: Obits Sports FACEBOOXiIWTTER €ntortainmont Ar€a Photos Opinions Info Cent€r Speciel gections About Ug m& I h Home, LocalNews Jobs Autos R€al Esktp Cla6sili€ds slory tl 1 I SlrrareTtrisrrint Story EJvlait I ronrsiae ia)[ l ld iludge takes oath as iudge F€aturedcaF I r SearchOnline I lnventory | r $ellYourvehicle I r SearchAutoClassifiedsl r Research I ll*trrrcreatcorn Canies on farnilytradition Dffimb.r 06,20109:55PM ADVERTISEMENT 8y SANFORD SCHMIDT J. TheT6legraph EDWARDSVILLE. Bill Mudge,who was svvomin as a circuil judge Mond'ay, notthefifst JudgeMudgeinthefamily, nor is lhe firsl to be irrr/olvedin Denpcratic politics or public office, and ncdth€ first lalyer in thc family. Bill MudgF'efath6r, John, was an attomey for the city of Edwards,\rille an a6sistantstate's attomey. John Mudge and died d a young age in a traffc crash trrhileBill's mother still was prcgnant with him. Bill Mudge's s(epfatheris Jim Goman, a longfime dtomey predicing in Edwadsville, and his brothsr, $e\,€ Mudge, is a civil trid auofii€y. BrctherEob Mudge is a videographerior court pro€dur€g and brolher Gr€g Mudge is e longirne pofiticaladivist, public rdalbns m{| and Bconomicd€vdop€r. Sister Ann Gormanjust won a s6al on the Madison County Board and was svtorn in a fe\ryhouF afier Bill Mudgc took office. Mudge has been a larflyortor 24 years, induding 15 yearEin p.ivate pracdceand tilo years as ag8idant dAe's attom€y, ag well as a brief stint as a public detender.tle s€r\r€dthe last eight ygals as date s atlomey. H6 gfaduatedfrcm Saint touis Uni\r€n$tyLad School. <rt JCFI fl'lnr, l{nnsr., trdr ,.:.:::;.:. enlargo Mudge "My grandfath€r,Dick H. Mudg€,was a circuit judge and mayol of Edward3villo,"Bill Mudge said in e brief intervielv dt€r hi6 sweadngjn ceremony Monday. Ho ke€ps as a souwnir a poster from Dick Mudges 1933 el€dign campaign. ERO @*"0.*" 10 0 Recommsd twBet rew*r ADVERTISEMENT Rccomnsndatlonc Missing woman found 6afe recomrilend 229 p€ople this, The lights of Parls PHOTOS; (Lane) 19 psple rtrommendthis. trtr Condltlonlnt fleararrs ffi4+1e' al es& S enri ce l rrrrl S Reward ofrercd in Altotr slaying 20 psple rtrommendthis, C.lct g Qs.flt1t (.t 6f8.t1t6.7J74 Factuok swhl plr-t?ir TII:ki"gTl9.ndh9"tTe:sm Most Viewed Stories Police blotter Dac.9 tor Eor!,ica l t6i) Find uc on F.ebook Ghief 3rd Cirruit Judg€ Anh Cellis presiddd et Mudges ceremony and gar/€ him lhe oath of offie. Mudge wa3 el€cted to fill th€ slot lefi open by fiormo judge Dan Stack, who decided ncltto run again, ' Santa taksstown's visitors Claus bac* to cniuhood r\hF.g hiring driver$ bus ' lllinois Centml 'rii,"fi' Stsk, who eftended the carernonyMonday, said he is going on b become a lrustee of a trusdsd up to settle asbestos. rdated daim6 against bankruptdefendanG.l.le will be make decisioN regardingthe FlintkoG Tru$. TheTelegraph . Reward offeredin Altonslaying Cahokia woman digsin inlerstate crash Jud hours befioreEiil Mrdge was swom in a6 a judge, Joftn Gibbons of Ech/vardiilb wes slvorn in to ftrplace him as Sate's attom€y. Chief Cdminal Judge Charles Romani sore in Gibbons during a rnoming cerernonyd the MadisonCounty Admini$rAtion Buildingr http://www.thetelegraph. com/article s/mudge-47999-j udge-bill.hbnl Like 7,157 p€ode like ltcT€tsonph. Sbrleft EFfI !E :rll i :'tr F !tl- "::L* lffinil Kdeh qlal ptuql1 t2/tuz0rl

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