Huon v. Breaking Media et al

Filing 89

RESPONSE by Meanith Huonin Opposition to MOTION by Defendants Nick Denton, Gabby Darbyshire, Irin Carmon, Gawker Media, to dismiss Plaintiff's Second Amended Complaint 57 (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit A, # 3 Exhibit B, # 4 Exhibit C, # 5 Exhibit D, # 6 Exhibit E, # 7 Exhibit F, # 8 Exhibit G)(Huon, Meanith)

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Palin Excerpt Lands Gawker in Court - PageI of2 Tl1 $ll$q::91.!v Business DaY 1dSrl-rtr[orkffmcs WORID U.S. Saftfi All NYTimes.@m Media& Advertising N.Y./REGION BUSINESS TECIINOIOGY ge.rei SCTENCE HEALTH Global DaalB@k SPORTS Mar*ets OPINION Econonry ARTS Enargy Palin'sPublisherand GawkerSettleCase JOBS TRAI'EL P€Eoml Tech ilerlla REALESTA1€ Small BGlm! Log in to sse what yourtriends are sharing on PrivacyPolicyI VvhatsThis? By JEREMY W. PETERS and JULIE BOSMAN Published:Novemb€f 24, 2010 IfGawker Media had wanted to avoid a legal dispute over publishing leaked pagesfrom Sarah Palin's newbook, it could easily havetried what media outlets have done countlesstimesbefore when copiesof an unreleasedbook or article have fallen irrto their hands: paraphrase and use direct quotations sparingly. STYIJ AUTOS Your Money Log In With Facebook Whafs PopularNow I RECOMMEND TWITTER Americans and God LINKEDIN SIGN IN TO E. MAIL fl Tens of H #i#r,{"itr Defiance ofPutin PRINT *nlargs This lmags erf c*il xf hl lbt*ddatfr SARAH P ^c But sidesteppinga good, page-viewKErxrNru grabbingtussle- in this case, one that SHqRE generatedabundant media attention for both Gawker and Ms. Palin's boolq 'Anedsaj5tggg$,"which went on saleTuesday- has never been Gawker'sstyle. The decision to post extensiveexcerptslast week was entirely in step witl Gawket's renegadeapproach to online media. Regardlessofthe potential criticism or legal complications, Gawker has made it its mission to give readers infonnation in unedited, unfiItered form. But this time, it may have found more trouble than it bargained for. HarperCollins, publisher ofthe Palin book Enc rhayor/G€ny hages and a part ofthe News Corporationoprevailed in forcing Bookexcerpts were leeked. Gawker to take down the excerpts.On Friday, it sued Add to Portfolio Gawker,and on Saturday,Judge Thomas P. Griesaof Now3 Corporstlon United StatesDistrict Court in Manhattan ordered the Barno3 Noblo & Incorporatedexcerptsremoved pending a hearing. Gotovour Porlfolio ' on Tiresdaynight, however,the publisher said that Gawker had agreedto keep the material ofr its Web site for good, according to a statement from ErinCrum, a spokeswomanfor HarperCollins. lrrOST E-ttAlLED * 5,. i I 1, EotroR{ALlsuNoAYoBsERvER The r Percent Club's Misguided Protectors I'J 2. oPlNloN What Latin America Can Teach Us 3. Euro CrisisPits Germanyand Tactical Fight pREsENrEo BY Log in to di.cowr morg anideS basedon what you'vomad. fl.filFu"r-ffillft[ vvhat'srhis?lDon' All along HarperCollins had mntended that posting pagesfrom the book, a follow-up to Ms. Palin's zoog autobiography, 'Ggigg!e&e," was a violation of copyright law. Nick Denton, Gawker Media's owner and founder, decliued to comment about the caseor the reasonshe and his editors decidedto post more tlan a dozen pages.But in a memorandum to his staff in Oc'toberhailing the publication of a first-person account of one young man's encounter with Christine O'Donnell. ttre failed Senatecandidate, Mr. Denton said,'Writers are successftrl the extent tlat they can sublimate tleir egotism to and get out of the way of the story." Obtaining leaked copiesof highlyanticipated books - like President GeoreeW, Bush's memoir - has long been something of a sport for journalists. To get around violating copyright laws while reporting on the books, media outlets have described passages by paraphrasing and using short quotations. They are free to paraphrasewhat is in unreleased booksbecauseonly expression- not facts - canbe copyrighted. When newsorganizationsdoquotefrom unpublishedbooks, theyaretypicallyatlibertyto do so underthe'fair use" doctrine, which allows small snippets ofquotations to be published when the purpose is edueational orjournalistic. ml20I0| | I /25lbusiness/media/25gawker.html t2/rt/2011 We Need a New Word for'Fag Hag' Dqca 1 nfd r 45 9 rV rr TOPSTORIE$ nlreE 11, r suNDAY,DEc 2o1 NEWER STORIES, Xeni Jardin LiveTtneetsHer First UanmograD, Is Dia$osed With Cancer THE GAYS We Needa New Word for 'FagHag' BY BRIAN MOYLAN $hare DEC2,201112:49 M P Like 605 50,872 549 The collectivegay hive mind hasgiven all sorts ofcrap to peoplewho use the f-word (as in "fag"),like Brett Ratnerand KobeBr1,ant, but evengay men walk around calling our closestfemalefriends "frg hags."Well, it's time for an alternative. I've beendoing the samething, walking around talking about and bitching about 'Tag hags"forlaars, I evencalledKelly Ripaa "celebrityfag hag"yesterday. figurcd ifthe I girls called themselves that and the guys called themeelves that" what's tbe big deal? After Gawkercommenters raisedsome r:oncerns, actually thought about it. First, f it's degradingto womer by calling them "hags"and, if you've spent any time with the women who hangaround gaysin NewYork you'll know that they are often more attractive and well put together than the averagelady. Also, it refers to their gay friends as "fags" somethingwe wouldu't eventolerate if Liza Minnelli called us tbat (maybeJudy but not Liza!). When we toss it arould to eachother, that's kind of OtrLbut it's taken on a life of its owa, Lilceso many other terrns that oaceyou would only hear iu Chelsea West or Hollywood, "fag hag' hasgotten into the mainstream,so if average{read:straight) Americans out there atreusing it, maybewe needsomethingwith a better message, The problem is the alternativesall suck. Most peoplefight for "fruit fly," but it is so cutesyand silly and stupid. And, just Iike a flock of screeching bachelorettesia a gay strip club, a fly is also a pest,a nuisance.The girls that hang around with prcdominantly gay men usually aren't that at all. I also hate the gir{s who are all "my gays"or "my best gay" tike their ftiend is somesort of accessory, he'ssomebedarzledPradapursewho you talte $hoppingand, every time you like 'l 1:31AM GOSSIP ROUNDUP ScarlettJobansson and Blale Lively tue HavingtHot BlondeCatfight LAW SCHOOL "* l1:25 AM Despondentlaw StudentsFontlle PuppiesforSolace ffi iF'35 MCDOr{Al..D'S 10:50 M A There Is Absolutely No Stopping tho HappyMeal THF ECONOMY 10:40 AM No Big Deal but Geor3e Soros Thinks the l4torld EconomyMight Collapse IF A MU S IC 10:13 M The Internet's Most Hated Singer HasaCool NewSong War Crimesin Vitloo Games DnwRedCmss Scrutiny ffi CIGARETTES 9:53AM Only Dumb Kids CanMake Snoking PopularAgain E 9:37A M BLINDTTEMS Which ActressDoesnt Know Who Is the Father ofller Baby? tr 9:00AM BOOKS Is Barnes& Noblein Ttouble? T A MU S IC ID E OS V 5:22 M Iady GaeaGetsNakedaad C,oes Crarv in'Uarry the Niglt' ffi 1:25 M A S IC K Meet the Nerr Fae ofEvil: Craigslist'sHuman Hunters n http:/lgawker. com/5 8645 4/we-need-a-new-word-for-fag-hag 5 12/1112011 Page1 of5 RacismNews, Video and Gossip - Gawker RACISM suNDAY,DEc11,zo11 f,! i,r:l j\ ;*ul. 9l i;,*$i:r: Cffll{0 ,*.rofi ;r; ig1*'e"p199".4r i{1y''; Yj:::::. 1 . ::'::5*:: I "="' a lrr'qetler ,1$,*$l,r *il, !Ud*r: f,tN .: -stin]* s i ,rr,*$ S : 5 J:4aft Jrgr:p4 !{" m b-RACISM Hey 'Ching' and 'Chong,' Your Chick-fiI-AIs Ready Well, this won't help Chick-fiI-A appear any lessbigoted: A Thmblrer d/b/a "Iolwhut" reports that his friend and an acquaintanceboth ofwhom are Asian-stopped by a Chick and, -fiI-A in lrvine for somesandyraritches upon placingtheir orders, receivedthese receipts referring to thern as "Ching'and name: Rosit' "Chong."Ttrecashier's 311 BestAlibiEverSaves Man From Life ImPrisonment 5:54P M D E C10,2011 APPLE BY LAURI Lik€ 298 share 44,401 313 TWITTER 199 LindsaylolnnTook $1o,ooo to a HouseParlY ffit 189 IsKe$ha'sBobDg'lan CoverPretentiousor StunninglY Honest? r# NEWSLETTER !ry' Like 241 HeadhunterWill Be More Careful About Calling PeoPle 'C-\iockeys' From Now On ,'. ,rr-.) (}A\ryKT:It FACEBOOK 276 TravelChannel Pulls About Touching ChristmasSPecial a Child-Licking Demon people t'|ls. Bethenrstd lll(e 118,896 yourfttends. 143 Lindsaylohan's PlayDoyPicturesAre a lrtdown O'Donnell. No it wasn't! It was "Lia." After learning of his friend's encounter with Racist Lia, Inlwhut stoppedby the Chick-fiI-A and confrontedthe manager: E E5 ?lFrllfl I told him that this cannot happen ever again. I choseto be calm about it, but I was ready to go off. I made it known that it wasn't okay, and that I didn't appreciateit whatsoerer. I think I indirectly fired Lia..." As pointed out by the Orange County Weekly,lolwhut has written a follow-up Tlrmblpost in which he asksthe outraged public at large not to make sweepinggeneralizationsabout Chick-fiIA employeesbasedon just one employee'sactions,but to'be respectfrrland THINK" So please continue doinglunchtime businesswith €binleChick-fi1-A: your sourcefor anti-Asian purchase iii PeopieFonrilYRecail the tatest viryiniaTech shooter _ rffi 114 Has Joe Paterno Americat Most Pathetic Become Man sffi 112 NewTWinTowerc Unveiled asWorld's Jaw Hits Floor ntu 109 Idiot swATTeam Tried to CatchGuy Who Was Already in Prison 6'1 Hey'Ching'and 'Chong,'Your Chick-fiI-A Is ReadY slips and heterosexual-friendlywaffle fries. [OC Weekly.ImcAe uia Lolwhut] COMMENT ContactLau'iApple: THREADS DISCUSSION T cessnadriver A LL S TA R TA N E WTH R E A D Sat 10 f)ec 20116:47 PM ChickfiI a is the only Southem California fast food with all-white employees' They are hired for their religious beliefs. Which meansracism. http :// TWITTER ffi GfulFr€aksOuton Peoplefor Breatldng LoudlYin CSLINLibrary .t' ,0 l;,t ,ll I'llBeleavingYou Soon(Updated) ffi 31 TheYeat's BestWeird Intemet Video GetsIts Viral PaYof 3? r2lrll20r D ^^^ fatb*g- \T ^* :- ^^ r ivruugir' 1 ^ f i, i Jr , 1 4 suNDAY,DEc11,2o1 TOPSTORIES - NEWER STORIES... ll i L tDtOTS 2012 PhilanderingSilvenuare Himself QueenDeclares GOPNominee BY SETHABRAMOVITCH D E C1,201111:02 M P :lPi_e, Li k6 119 53.952 ;;lfr ffi#ffi&*ffiT# China 14,4131 185 That's it, foll<s!Roll up the circus tents and packup thewagons: The nationwide search for a foe worthy enoughto do battle with Prcsident Obamain the zou presidential election is finally over. libe nomineeis Newt Gingrich. It's done! Over l(aput Newt said as much to ABC News'sJake Tapper this afteruoon: GINGRICH: "I don't haveto go amund of and point out the inconsistencies peoplewho are not going to be the nominee.They are not going to be the nominee." ' TAPPER:'You are going to be the nominee?" GINGRICH: "I'm going to be the nominee.It's very hard not to look at the recent polls ' and think that the odds are very high I'm going to be the nominee." ffi ,im :'@,. m rc m WE READ YOU Commentof the Dar Neil Patrick Harris for Pr;ident 29,141 GUIDES How Much CoffeeIs Safe? 22,587 2012 Jewish Group Won't Let Ron Paul into lts Debate 14,625 TRAILER PARK Dcllqs: Never as Goodasthe First Time qn (18 CULTS Tom Cruise'sSlave-Powered ScientologrBirthday ParS ;ffi Hf ffi ffi ffi G* Wait - it's hard not to look at the recent polls and think that the odds are very high that he rpill be the nominee?Doesnt he meanit's hard not to look at the recent polls and think that the odils are very high that he ruon? be the nominee?What kind of convoluteddeclarationof overwhelmingparty support is that supposedto be, anyway?If this is the kind of mixed messages were getting this early in his campaign,Newt is all but a goner on election day. He should try not being so decisivein public; it's really not a goodlook on him. 36 26,1 Glenn Bcck Fleesfrom MuslimAmericanMogul 16,384 sctENcE Depressed Honry TeensBe€ome Adults, AccoralingtoHamsterStudy G LEN N BEC K 44,862 ctTtEs SatldestCities in America Actually SeemMore Fun Ttan Happiest THEWHITEHOIJSE 226.880 A Visual History of White House ChristmasDemrations 73,299 CHILDREN OF Jon Huntsman'sSinging Daughtea Have'GoneRogue' 12.912 FAILED STATE InnocuousInng Island Joke threatens SenateComity l2llll2011 htp://gawker.coml5864404/philandering-silverware-queen-declares-himself-gop-nominee PACER CaseLocator - View PACER CaseLocator A$ Court Typcs PartYSearch SunDec11 22:O1:5O2O11 found 16records U3er: frY11Og Client: S€arch: All Court Types Party Seamfi Name gantker media All Courts Page: 1 Civil Results l c a w k e r M e d i a ( dfi) ca cd ce S:2 0 1 1 - cv- 0 1 3 8 q 1 2 9 o sm9/2o11 itmi-cv-tqqd flsdce 2 ga$rker media(dfi) g GawkerMedia(dfl) 1:a011-cv-030# itndce iffioo411 nysdce 4 GawkerMedia(dft) nysOce i2010-cv-O8o0t s GawkerMediadrouplnc(dft) nysOce i2olocv{S602 6 cawker MediaGrcubr-t-C(On) 22007{-00230 cicoce 7 GawkerMediaLcc idft) tffiffim nysdce s cawker MediaLCC(dfi) 22009-cv40949 ainace e GawkerMediaLLc (dft) 22005-cv41575 cacdce 1oGawkerMediaLLC(ffi) cacdce t2o0g'cv46912 rl cawkerMediaLlcadfii cacdce 8:2011-cy-01383 12cawkerMediaLLg(dfit 150',i8;;08782 nysdce 13G*dkerMediaLLC(dn) (dff) 1:2011'cv'04442 nysdce 11GawkerMediaLLC nvsdce ls G;{ker Media,LLCidi) lj3olggcg@a ry 3-?9 q?9 8?9 q?9 8?9 820 3?O 94 9?9 9?9 q?9 9?9 szo og|3,ot2@7 osto6,t2o't1 01t2o/2o06 ln2r2O1g f 1U2o1O Wn$nOOT g6y1512OO7 c.,n4f20[p 03/02005 ggn3nmg o9/0s/2011 11t1gtzofi 06,n9t2o11 11l12nfi0 1on4n0o7 o3n1noo7 oltl,12a12011 o6t28t2911 lon7n00a @'3112007 0612612010 1'll03l200,5 o7n7no1o 11nSnOlO 06128/2011 App€llate Result3 oznun10 16 Gawker Media (pty) 85585284 22:01:5O Reeipt 12/11/2011 Ucar iill109 Clle|It Dascdpfon All CortTyp* Pany Seartfi Namo gawktr media All Cdlts Page: 1 Page. I ($0.08) l2l1ll20

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