iLOR, LLC v. Google, Inc.

Filing 12

MOTION for Preliminary Injunction by iLOR, LLC (Attachments: # 1 Memorandum in Support Part 1# 2 Memorandum in Support Part 2# 3 Proposed Order # 4 Exhibit A# 5 Exhibit B# 6 Exhibit C# 7 Exhibit D# 8 Exhibit E# 9 Exhibit F# 10 Exhibit G# 11 Exhibit H# 12 Exhibit I# 13 Exhibit J# 14 Exhibit K# 15 Exhibit L# 16 Exhibit M# 17 Exhibit N# 18 Exhibit O# 19 Exhibit P# 20 Exhibit Q# 21 Exhibit R# 22 Exhibit S# 23 Exhibit T# 24 Exhibit U# 25 Exhibit V# 26 Exhibit W# 27 Exhibit X# 28 Exhibit Y# 29 Exhibit Z# 30 Exhibit AA# 31 Exhibit BB# 32 Exhibit CC# 33 Exhibit DD# 34 Exhibit EE# 35 Exhibit FF# 36 Exhibit GG# 37 Exhibit HH# 38 Exhibit II# 39 Exhibit JJ# 40 Exhibit KK# 41 Exhibit LL# 42 Exhibit MM# 43 Exhibit NN# 44 Exhibit OO# 45 Exhibit PP# 46 Exhibit QQ# 47 Exhibit RR# 48 Exhibit SS# 49 Exhibit TT# 50 Exhibit UU)(Faller, Susan)

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iLOR, LLC v. Google, Inc. Doc. 12 Att. 26 Case 5:07-cv-00109-JMH )) PreFound on Competing with Google - The 360 Document 12 Filed 08/27/2007 Page 1 of 1 htt://360techblog, comlprefound-on-competing-with-google/20061 1,.. The stories behind today's news (( Custom Search the Next Category Killed? Marketing 2.0 with Flick, " : Pages o Aboul' We ain't seen nothing PreFound on Competinl! with Gool!le yet. The web of Now ˇhat Google, ihe "web 2.0 siarlup kiler, " is moving inlo social search lerrilory wih ils Google CWilom Search offering, is ii information in 20 i 0 all over for slarlus like Rollyo, Eureksler and PreFound? I couldn 'i reach PreFound CEO Sieve Mansfield yesierday, but he will make today's replied lasl nighi wiih un emailihai slands by ilself (See also yesterday's inlerview wilh Steven Marder, CEO of Eurekster, J glitz websites seem haven 'i had a response from Dave Pell of Rollyo.) like dinosaurs. The communication and 360 . Archive! o June 2( 360 chart the moves How Wil PreFound Compete? ofihe Internet titans, while keeping an eye by Steve Mansfield on the Googles and eBays of the future. How will PreFound compete with Google? Gosh, I've never been asked that before! I'mjust kidding, of course. It is TH pivotal Calendar question for not only us in the "search" industry, but as Google continues to evolve and grow its sphere assets and business of interests, even "non-search" companies tremble as the Google shadow advances toward them. October 2006 o Mav 2( o April 2 o March o Februa, o J anuaJ' o Decem MTWTFS S 2006 o Novem 2006 o Octobe I is a "social search" site. Google is not. And, as TechCrunch recently wrote, "social" seems to be not a part of Google's DNA. uses people to find, organize, share and rank search results. Google uses computer programs. ~ l ~ 5 ~ 7 8 Google's Co-op program has not been embraced.'s PFfinder application is superior to Google's Notebook o Septem 2 lQ 11 1111 14 i 5 technology. is a different service than what Google offers (for now) and Google has made only a superfcial attempt !2lZ ~12 20 21 22 at "social" search. So a valid question might be: "Does Google really want to compete in the "social search" arena?" U 24 ll ~ ll28 29 Further,, unlike many in our field, has two issued patents (very much a rarity) and a serious patent portfolio in order 2006 o August o July 20 o June 2( lQ;U to level the playing field against the big guys.'s interest relevant to the patents it holds is strictly as a defensive ~ Nov)) construct to maintain any competitive advantage it might have, to do our best to ensure a larger competitor can't simply do exactly what we do and outspend us to market it. o May 2( o April 2 o March o Februa, E-mail me. Finally, and probably most importntly, and other "social search" sites have to become the search engines of choice for social network members. Hey, it's only natural. Social Search sites like can extend the "social" experience that today's users enjoy and demand in ways that Google, as yet, cannot. Social networks like MySpace, FaceBook and many others seemingly have yet to realize their power in the marketplace. With their traffc levels, partnered with a strong social search engine, these sites can provide types of . Categori o Gadget an alternative search product to Google's (7) o Google o Innovai offering that could very much compete with Google, maybe even beat them. Why? Because social search, scamlessly integrated into social networks, gives users the "social" experience they want, more relevant results, result sets weighed by the user's social profie, etc. All potentially without leaving their network For the social network, they now have a great, new revenue stream in the form of sponsored search listings that they didn't have before. That's just the tipthe iceberg, of and others. (60) o MSN(. o Online adverti: really. We have what we believe are strong strategies that will allow us to compete with Google (111) o SaaS (: o Search This enby was posted on Friday, October 27th 2006 at 11:9 am and is med Wlder the inteme~ Gooiie Searh The Next Web web 2.0 Innovation. You can follow any responses to this entr tlough the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a resoonse. or trckback from your own site. o the inte (152) o The Ne Leave a Reply Name (required) Mail (will not be published) (required) Website (98) o web 2.1 o Yahoo ?/submiič'omirE!ni.: Get this wiQell Copyright ~2007 Liz Garone & The 360. All rights reserved. Original Theme by Jason Golod, modified by Santa Cruz Tech and powered by WordPress. .: RSS :. This blog is protected by dr Dave's Spam Karma 2: 57705 Spams eaten and counting". EXHIBIT i ř i of 1 w 8/24/2007 10:58 AM

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