Weather Underground, Incorporated v. Navigation Catalyst Systems, Incorporated et al

Filing 201

DECLARATION by William A. Delgado re 193 Response to Motion filed by Connexus Corporation, Firstlook, Incorporated, Navigation Catalyst Systems, Incorporated (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit K, # 2 Exhibit L, # 3 Exhibit M, # 4 Exhibit N, # 5 Exhibit O, # 6 Exhibit P, # 7 Exhibit Q, # 8 Exhibit R, # 9 Exhibit S, # 10 Exhibit T, # 11 Exhibit U, # 12 Exhibit V, # 13 Exhibit W) (Delgado, William)

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EXHIBITP A Westlaw Deposition Services transcript, reported by LiveNote Certified Partner: Network Deposition Services CiJ.R.17plEn United States District Court Eastern District of Michigan **Confidential - Under Seal** 30(b )(6) and Individual Deposition Of Donnie J. Misino Volume" November 30,2010 The Weather Underground, Inc. v. Navigation Catalyst Systems, Inc., et al. COPy" 30(b){6) and Individual Deposition of Donnje J. Misino Confidential Under Seal - Volume II 11/30/2010 There's only, I believe, one or two people 1 2 that use it. 3 say they're going to do a scrub on certain terms. 4 Q But they I believe I've heard them And my -- I'm wondering whether or not that 5 part of the system was developed in order to do the 6 scrub we heard about in 2008 on the existing 7 portfolio of domains that had already been 8 registered? 9 10 A The third piece specifically where you upload terms 11 Q Right. 12 A -- and match against? 13 14 15 I believe that functionality existed prior to that. Q And one of the things that Seth Jacoby had 16 talked about -- let me ask you if you recall -- was 17 that at some point the decision was made to not only 18 do a trademark analysis within your system of 19 domains prior to the registration, but to go back 20 and do a -- a scrub of the current portfolio against 21 the database. 22 Does that sound familiar to you? 23 A Yes. 24 Q Do you believe that would have been in 25 2008? Westlaw Deposition Services 800.548.3668 Ext. 1 Page 384 30(b)(6) and Individual Deposition of Donnie J. Misino Confidential Under Seal - Volume II 1 A When the scrub was specifically done? 2 Q Yeah/ when the scrub was specifically done. 3 A 11/30/2010 I believe that's an ongoing/ continuous 4 effort/ though I know there was a moment where they 5 queued up our entire domain database to be 6 reevaluated/ I believe/ in 2008. 7 8 9 I believe that's the event you're referring to. Q 10 Exactly. And I think what Seth had testified to is 11 that essentially they -- you stopped/ for all 12 practical purposes/ registering new domains and 13 devoted the system to this scrubbing in 2008. 14 Does that sound familiar? 15 A I remember the -- yes/ it does. 16 Q And that is to say you wanted all tne 17 computer resources to be devoted to the scrub and 18 personnel resources/ I take it/ as well. 19 Does that sound correct? 20 A It sounds correct. 21 Q Now/ this ability to upload a number of 22 terms and match it against a trademark database/ how 23 is that different than the fuzzy matching tool on 24 new registrations? 25 A When you do new registrations/ you're Westlaw Deposition Services 800.548.3668 Ext. 1 Page 385 30(b)(6) and Individual Deposition of Donnie J. Misino Confidential Under Seal - Volume II 1 uploading a list of domain names to match against 2 11/30/2010 the USPTO database. 3 4 When you already have the domain names -I'm -- I'm sorry. 5 As far as the scrub that was done in 2008? 6 Q Sure, sure. 7 A That's the same. 8 In both cases, you're uploading a list of domains. Right. You're just uploading a different 9 Q 10 list? 11 A Right. 12 Q But the back-end technology is pretty much 13 the same? 14 A Yes, it is the same. 15 Q And it's still a fuzzy match system? 16 A Yes. 17 Q With regards to the comparison of new 18 registrations against the trademark database, when 19 did that functionality first come into place within 20 the CMS system, to your recollection? 21 MR. DELGADO: Can I have that read back. 22 {The record was read as follows: 23 "Q 24 comparison of new registrations 25 against the trademark database, With regards to the Westlaw Deposition Services 800.548.3668 Ext. 1 Page 386 30(b)(6) and Individual Deposition of Donnie J. Misino Confidential Under Seal - Volume" 1 when did that functionality first 2 come into place within the CMS 3 system, to your recollection?") 4 MR. DELGADO: 11/30/2010 I guess 1111 object. 5 not new registrations, new candidates for 6 It's registrations that are being compared. 7 And also I think there's -- there's some 8 ambiguity to the question because I think the 9 documents show that there was a fuzzy match 10 component that he never worked on from 2005, and the 11 one he worked on 12 about either one or the one he worked on. MR. SCHAEFER: 13 14 15 16 so I don't know if youlre asking That's fair enough. BY MR. SCHAEFER: Q Let's start with the -- let's talk about fuzzy matching. 17 Do you have an understanding of what the 18 system was in 2005 for fuzzy matching of domain 19 prospects against trademarks? 20 A live heard just a little bit about it. 21 Q What's your understanding of how that 22 23 system worked? A I know that there was some sort of fuzzy 24 match against the USPTO database, and a list was 25 produced of matches. Westlaw Deposition Services 800.548.3668 Ext. 1 Page 387 30(b)(6) and Individual Deposition of Donnie J. Misino Confidential Under Seal - Volume II 1 2 11/30/2010 it worked that way. Q With regards to the CMS system during -- at 3 least towards the end of the domain tasting process 4 after you were able to get some programming in place 5 to deal with some of these issues, how did your 6 system serve up the domains for review -- or strike 7 that -- how did your system serve up the domains to 8 keep for registration? Was there a batch file that got uploaded, 9 10 or was the data already within the system? Do you understand? 11 believe -- 12 A Yes. 13 Q Where is the check box in the process, I 14 I guess? 15 A 16 keep_ A spreadsheet would be uploaded to flag to I believe -- I think it was a CSV file. So I believe the process is that they would 17 18 get an e-mail report with traffic and revenue data 19 for all the domains that are being tasted. 20 From those, they would do their review, and 21 they would select the list that they wanted to keep 22 and upload those via a CSV file to admin. 23 24 25 Q Got it. With regards to the fuzzy component of the trademark matching system, the logic of that Westlaw Deposition Services 800.548.3668 Ext. 1 Page 401 30(b)(6) and Individual Deposition of Donnie J. Misino Confidential Under Seal - Volume II 1 component, has it changed since first launch until 2 11/30/2010 today? 3 A We added the NGram matching. Initially it just used the fuzzy matching 4 I believe that it was available to 5 component. 6 people who worked at the company, though it was 7 still in development. 8 afterwards added the NGram portion. 9 Q Okay. And we pretty quickly What's the distinction between the 10 NGram and the USPTO database trademark matching 11 systems? 12 A 13 It's part of it. From a conceptual level, when we say fuzzy 14 matching, I'm really referring to both the fuzzy 15 matching third-party component, which does its 16 textual term-to-term matching, plus the NGram 17 matching, which splits the two terms up into 18 components and compares the number of repeated 19 components among the two. 20 21 Those both come together to give us what we conceptually call the fuzzy match result. 22 Q 23 Okay. And -- let's just take a quick break. 24 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: 25 We are off the record. Westlaw Deposition Services Time lS 11:42 a.m. fJOO.S48.3668 Ext. 1 Page 402 30(b)(6) and Individual Deposition of Donnie J. Misino Confidential Under Seal - Volume" 1 11/30/2010 from a table that I had loaded it into. 2 That's about the earliest first step I ever 3 would have taken in building some trademark 4 application, which is to get the trademark data to 5 make it available to some system. 6 So this would have, you know, preceded any I built. This would have been one of 7 system I 8 the first steps. 9 matching and those sort of things came later. 10 Q So this is well before fuzzy Because earlier you had thought, based on 11 that same exhibit, that it was possible that you 12 could have been deployed as of June 2006. 13 14 Are you reconsidering that testimony at this point? MR. DELGADO: 15 16 Objection; mischaracterizes his testimony. THE WITNESS: 17 If I said that, that would 18 have been incorrect because this clearly 19 indicates 20 development. 21 I believe I said that something was in But this certainly would indicate that 22 nothing would be available at this time. 23 BY MR. SCHAEFER: 24 25 Q And how much longer after doing that stored procedure would you estimate it would have taken you Westlaw Deposition Services 800.548.3668 Ext. 1 Page 467 30(b)(6) and Individual Deposition of Donnie J. Misino Confidential Under Seal - Volume II 1 to actually deploy your system? 2 3 11/30/2010 A was If the development came after this date, it it took a good while. 4 I remember we started building a basic 5 system and realized the difficulty of doing the 6 matching. 7 work. 8 approaches and different components. So we began investigating fuzzy matching 9 10 As we said, the literal matching didn't And in doing it, I do remember it took us a bit longer than we would have liked. 11 But there was a lot of other -- there was 12 other things going on. I -- I -- it's hard for me 13 to say. 14 after this date, if I sat in a room and did nothing 15 but that, it would still take at least, you know 16 it would take a while to do this. 17 guess. You know, if what we built as of today It's hard to 18 Q At least what? Days, months, or years? 19 A It was certainly months, but I remember 20 through -- we went through several iterations of 21 trying to make it work, and then later on, after we 22 asked for other opinions, we added the NGram 23 separate. 24 25 I would think it's probably at least a year after this date before our system was functional Westlaw Deposition Services 800.548.3668 Ext. 1 Page 468 30(b){6) and Individual Deposition of Donnie J. Misino Confidential Under Seal - Volume II 1 similar to -- similar to the way it is today. 2 11/30/2010 Probably a little bit longer than that. 3 Q Okay. So maybe sometime late in 2007? 4 A That would be a decent estimate. 5 Q Okay. 6 A Maybe. 7 Q And so during this entire period before the "- Maybe. 8 launch, as I understand your prior testimony{ the 9 old trademark matching system would have been the 10 thing that would have been used by the human 11 reviewers, whatever that system was? 12 A I wasn't aware of it. I don't know. 13 As I said, prior to recently I wasn't even 14 aware that there was another system in place before 15 mlne. 16 Q 17 18 How did you became aware that there was a system before yours? A I believe when I was hearing about Mavi's 19 deposition testimony, she -- I -- I didn't read her 20 transcript { but someone had said that she had 21 mentioned that there was an old trademark system in 22 place that she was aware of before I started working 23 at Firstlook. 24 25 Q And before your system was deployed{ the entire trademark database was, in fact, available Westlaw Deposition Services 800.548.3668 Ext. 1 Page 469 30(b)(6) and Individual Deposition of Donnie J. Misino Confidential Under Seal - Volume II 1 want that brought to someone's attention, and I know 2 those are treated very seriously and reviewed very 3 carefully if there's a blacklist term match for 4 11130/2010 registering. 5 Q Okay. So hypothetically, if someone wanted 6 to enter the term WND into that part of the system, 7 that would come back as flagged as a blacklist term 8 for the human reviewer to consider? 9 A Yes. 10 Q And on the first part of the system with 11 the domain name, you just simply enter in the 12 literal domain name with the dot-com or whatever, 13 and it's automatically excluded from being -- from 14 working its way through your system at all? 15 A It's excluded from the registration path. 16 Q Now, how long has that first part of the 17 system been in place where you can enter in a domain 18 name and it will preclude it from coming up for 19 consideration of registration? 20 21 22 23 A It's hard to say, but sometime between 2008, two thousand Q late 2007 maybe. And who -- would you have implemented that part of the system? 24 A I did. 25 Q And who would have asked you to do that? Westlaw Deposition Services 800.548.3668 Ext. 1 Page 481 30(b)(6) and Individual Deposition of Donnie J. Misino Confidential Under Seal - Volume II 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 2 11/30/2010 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ss: 3 4 I, JUDY SAMSON, do hereby certify: 5 That I am a duly qualified Certified Shorthand 6 Reporter, in and for the State of California, holder of 7 certificate number 6916, which is in full force and 8 effect and that I am authorized to administer oaths and 9 affirmations; 10 That theĀ· foregoing deposition testimony of the 11 herein named witness was taken before me at the time and 12 place herein set forth; 13 That prior to being examined, the witness named 14 in the foregoing deposition, was duly sworn or affirmed 15 by me, to testify the truth, the whole truth, and 16 nothing but the truth; 17 That the testimony of the witness and all 18 objections made at the time of the examination were 19 recorded stenographically by me, and were thereafter 20 transcribed under my direction and supervision; 21 That the foregoing pages contain a full, true 22 and accurate record of the proceedings and testimony to 23 the best of my skill and ability; 24 25 That prior to the completion of the foregoing deposition, review of the transcript was requested. Westlaw Deposition Services 800.548.3668 Ext. 1 Page 555 Confid~ntial Under Seal 1 I further certify that I am not a relative or 2 employee or attorney or counsel of any of the parties, 3 nor am I a relative or employee of such attorney or 4 counsel, nor am I financially interested in the outcome 5 of this action. 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have subscribed my name 7 8 this 10th day of December 2010 9 10 11 12 JUDY SAMSON, CSR No. 6916 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 556

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