King v. AT&T Inc. et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT filed by Janette Lynn King against All Defendants with Jury Demand. Plaintiff requests summons issued. Receipt No: 0645-2951505 - Fee: $ 350. County of 1st Plaintiff: Oakland County - County Where Action Arose: Wayne County - County of 1st Defendant: Wayne County. [Previously dismissed case: No] [Possible companion case(s): None] (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit A - Sep. 22, 2010 Authorization to to Defendant, # 2 Exhibit Exhibit B - Oct. 26, 2010 Ltr. to Defendant, # 3 Exhibit Exhibit C - Jan. 6, 2011 Authrozation to Defendant, # 4 Exhibit Exhibit D - March 7, 2011 Letter via fax to Defendant) (Hardin, Kenneth) (Entered: 04/26/2011)

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I:EDIXKAI COI IIZT FOR 'Tl1E EASTI:KN DIS'T111C7r OF b IC'I IIGAN 1 .IANI:'fI'lI LYNN K I N G , I'lai~ltifl; C'asc No. I Ion. \' . A7f&'l'INC'., allel .41'&'1' COI<I'. L>ct'c~lilant. - - COMPLAIN'T IN CI\'IL ACTION NOW COMES, I'lai~ltifl; .lanctte L y n n King. by and tl11-0~1gl1 ;ltt~rneys, Ilarclin her Tlionlpson, I'.C'., and for Ilcr Complaint and Civil Action, statcs as follows: I. I'laintif'f is a n adult individual wit11 licr principal place of' I-csidcncc i l l the County of Oaklancl, Statc of Michigan. 7 -. Dcfcndants, A'T&'I' lnc. and .AT&T Corp., arc a col-1301-ation doilig h ~ ~ s i n c ins tlic s C'oi~nty Waync, Statc ol' M i c h i g ; ~ ~ ~ . ot' 3. 'fhat tllc cvcrlls given I-iscto this causc of action occurrocl in LZiaylie County, Statc of Michigan. 4. .I his court has jurisdiction p~~rsuant 2 0 U.S.C. 52001, 2 5 U.S.C7. $ 1 and 2 5 to U.S.C.. 13 33(a)(0). UACI<Gl<OUND Fi\CrTS 4. I'lain~if't'bcgan licr cmploymenl with Defendant in October, 3001. as a position - . 5 A1 all nialcrial titilcs. I'l;lllit~ft' pcrf01-11lcdher Job ilutics in 0. I'l:~i~~riff' n histot-y of schi;.ol~llt-cnia and bipolar diso~.dcthas ~v111~1i L)eti)tlcl;~~it \\,as 7. 1'l:ritltif'i X. I'I;ri~itil'fs~~~gllt treatment ti-on1 V ; I I - ~ O L I S eloc~ors and Ilcal~llcat-c pro\.idc~.s. 0. I)l;~in~ii'f' off wot-k for ~rppruxitnatclyone 111vn~h was M'IICII also cicvclopcd heal-t issues such as low I,loocl :I mi~nlicr- l l i l t n a s r I J I - C S S L I I . w11ic11 C L I L I S C ~ ~ Ixrck to i{'urk by Dctktlda~lr. I'lai~itij'f's docturs nllowcd lbr. I'liri~ltiff'to ~ v o r k ,~ 10. L I Io nly 1.1-0111 1 ~ 0 1 ~ I ~cl . ~ i t ~ t i f t ' ~ ~ i tloclo~. irclvisctl tllal Ilc i v o ~ ~ lI-clcaschcr to work in a short pcriod ol'tinlc w i t l i o ~ ~ t tl rcslt-iction. I 1. ~ I - O I IIlon1c I l'l:~intiSf aclviscrl Ucfcndant of tllc doctot-'s or-0ct.s tllat she bc ;~Iloivccito work ot1Iy li)l- ;I sIlo1.t pcriod ot'tinic and tlietl bc :illou'cd to ~ ~ t u tonwot-k. r May o1'300X. (3011NT 1 VIOLA'I'ION 0 1 ; I'EIISONS W I T H DISAUII,II'\' CIVII, lil<;14Fl'S A C I ' 14. A[ all tnatcrial times. I'lirintil't' was 311 employee atlcl L>ctcndant cot-pot-ation \vi~s Ilcl- c ~ ~ l l ~ l o yCOVCI-ecl and ~vitllinthe 11lcaning of tllc I'cl.sons with Disi~bility cr, by C'i\.il 12igl11sAc[ 15. I'l:rintiffls blood pressure disordcl- ;rnd bipolal- disol.dcl ant1 sclli;/opll~-cnia C O I I S I ~ ~ L I Iclis~~bility, C(~ 21s that tern1 is dctincd by ancl \ \ ~ i r h i n tllc ~llca~ring rhc I'I>C'I(A, MC'L of 37. I l 0 3 ( ~ l ) . At the tiillcs of' I'lai~~tit'f's termination, Ilcl- disability \\,ol~lcl Ili~vc:lllo\vctl hcr to 0 \ \ , ~ I - I < fi.0111Ilonlc. Ar rlic l i ~ n c ot'l'lnintif7's tcrminatio~l,she \\!o~~lcl ha\:c been able lo ~-ctul.nto \\,or.k 17. allel- a sllol-r pc~-iotl ol'con\~irlcscing. I'lai~ltil'l' u;as cliscri~nillatcd against, b c c a ~ ~ sof Ilcr contlitioll c IS. 01.. ;~ltcrllati\cly, bccalisc I)cfi.ntln~itt':lilecl to provide rhc ~.casonabIc acco~nrnod:~tio~lI ~ e r\ Y O I - ~ ~1i.01ll 110111~ ol' I I ~ 1i)r a sl~ortperiod of till~c, within the m e a ~ i i ~ of the I'L)CI<A, wllc~iLlcfc~lcla~~t ig tc1-11iillatcd Ilcr disabi bccirusc of'tllc ali, Iitics. I 1'l:rillrifl' \\,;IS discri~ilirlatcd agai~lst,bccausc ol' her c o ~ l d ~ r i o ~ i alrcl-~iali\,cly, or, i . I~oliic bccausc L>cli.~ldarltIlrilccl to pro\;idc t l ~ c ~.easonabIc accolnliiodntio~iof' lies \ \ . ~ ~ . l i i njg o ~ i ~ li)r 21 ~~~~~~r period ol'timc, \vitllin the nlcaning ol'tlie I'IICI<A, \vlicn Dcfcnd:~~~r rcga~.tlcdI'lni~~tif'f as disablctl 20. nritl tcl-mi~iarcd Iicr. Thar I'lai~~tiff'sdisabilities, as dcscr-ibcd above, or, i~ltcl-natively.L)cfcncli~~~t's I . L ' ~ ; I I . ~ li)r I ' l i ~ i ~ i t i l ' l ' ; ~ ~c i ~disableel [~ ig as dcscr-ibecl a h \ . - c .\\,as a ticte1-11lini1ig I' L)cli~lrli~~lt's dccisioli to tcr~nini~tc i'lointil'f and PI-ccludcIicl. from ~ . c t u ~ - n i ~ i\\,or.k. to g 2 1. 'l'hc actions of' Llcfc~ldnnt and its agents, rcprcsc~~tatives, cmployccs \\.cl.c and i~lrc~lrional clisl-cgal-tl1i)stlic I-iglltsand se~isibilirics I'lainti ff. ill of' 22. As a cli~'ectand prosi~natc1-cs111t L)el'C~~d;~~it's: ~ \ \ J ~ L I c lisc~~i~lii~iirtio~l, of LII~I I I'liri~ltii'l' has sus~aincclinJurics ancl clamilgch, illeluding tlic loss of'earniligs a~icicar~iilig capircitics; loss 01' I'1.11igc n d pension bc~lcl'its,111cntalaricl cnlotion;rl distress. I i ~ ~ ~ n i l i a t and cmb:rrrass~llc~~t; a ion loss of c':~r.,'cr.o ~ > ~ > o ~ ~ t i i andt i c s ; of' the ordinal-y plcas~r~-cs c\-ct.yd:ry 1 i ti., inclutl~ng ~ i i loss of tllc i.igli( to COUN'I' I I \ ~ l O l ~ ; l ' l 7 I O1 : 'I'FI I?13LJLL.Al<l)-l'LA\\'EClil Ekll'1,OYEE l<l(;H'l' '1.0 lih'O\\' /lCq'I' 0h Iicr.eill. 24. .~'IILII 011 or- al~oi~t Scptcmbcr 22, 2010 I'lailltift' for-\var-dccl n u airrho~.iz:rrio~lo t tilc 1:1111~1oyce L)clL.llcIan( r.cclucstiiig I'lainti t't's j~c~'son~lel pill-suant to tllc 13nlla1-cl-l'la\\.ccki J<iglit to Klio\\, Acl MC'L 423.501 el. see]. (Scc E s l ~ i h i 11). t 25. O n Octobcl. 20, 2010 Scprc~llbcr22, 2010 all 21 Icttcr \\,as sc11t to D c t c ~ i d a ~ ~ t atl\~isillg 1)cfcnclanr rllar o n ~rutlior-iznlion\vas for-\\,ir~-dccl ~-ccl~~cstilig I'lni~llil'l's pcrsonllcl file and ;~d\;ising [liar llcl'cnd:~nt\\.as i n \,iolation of' tllc I-3ull~lr-d-l'l~1\\1ccI<i Enll~loycc I<igllr [o 1<110\\' Acr, MC'L 423.501 cr, sccl. (Scc I<xliil~it 13). 0 . O n .la~ln;rry0, 201 1 :rnotllcr authol.ization was fo~.\\.ardccl r.cq~~cs[ing I'lai~i~il't's I ~ ~ I ~ S O Itilc I N II I ~ S L I ~ I I MCL 423.501 ct. scq. (Scc Esllihit C'). ~ I ~ ~ to ~ I 27. 'I'lli~L at some point priol- to I\ilarch 7 , 201 1 , I'laintit'fs c o ~ ~ n s spoke cl by Sustcr-. all altol-11cyc~i~ploycd Ucfcndant. I'laitllil'l's COLIIISCI \vi[ll Melissa aclvised l)cli.nd;~nl'scoul~sel that ~licy\\,c~-c \:iolariorr of' M('I 423.501 ct. sccl. and I-cclucstcd that tlicy li)~.\\, pel-sorlllcl in rhc file. 28. 011 Mul-cli 7 , 201 1 , a Ic~tcl- as sent via flrcsi~nilclo lIcfi.rid:rn[ ucl<no\vlcclgi~ig w 1)eli.rid;rnl's agl-eclllcn[ lo li)l.\val.d I'l;rinlit'tls personnel file. (Scc Exllihit 1)). 2 . I'o tlarc, I'laintit'f's ]~c~-sonncl Ilas ~ic\:cltile bee11 Ii)r.\va~.ilcclby Dcli.lltlal~[ ill viol;~r~on ol'MC'1~423.50 1 cr. scq. 70. Dctc~icia~il w ~ c f i ~ l r c t i l s ~ ~ i 17roviclcI'laintif'f's I 11:)s ly to the l3iilla1-d-l'lawccki l<mploycc liiglit to Klio\v Act. ~ ~ iile~ 111\.iol;~tioil~ f . ~ o ~ 7rl~c~-e1'O~-~, j)l~rsllalit to MCL 423.5 1 1 , I'l:rintif'l'~-ecl~~csts claniugcs plus costs a n d scasonoblc attorncy fccs. 32. 1'1;111itiI'l'notiliecI Dcfi.nd;Int of Iicr nccd to takc time ol'f l i ~ ~ I . c ; I ~ I I ~ L ' I ~ ~ . r 33. I'laintil'f was con\;alcscing fl-0111an illncss. lio\vc\~c~.. I'laintif'l' \\,as tolcl that lics LO I i ) ~ - r ~1x)"llion \\,us no longel- ;r\l;rilablc anrl that sllc \vollld not he ~-ctlll.~iilig \\o1.1<. ic~- 34. I I I to ~.cstorcI'I:rintif'l' to l ~ c r~ ) r c \ . i o l ~ s ~ position, 0 1an ccl~~iv:ilciit position \vitli e c l ~ ~ i v i ~ le ~ iiti ~ l ~ y ~ i i c ~ i t p;ly, illid 0t1ie1. terms a n d conditions of c ~ ~ l p l o y ~ n c n t , e [)c~iefits, I>cli.ncl:r~i[ \,iol;~tccl I'laintit'l's 1.igIits ~lndcr FMLA 20 USC $2001 ct. scq. 35. As :I clircct and 131-osimirtcI . C S L I ~ ~f Dcf;'ii~l;~~~t's o ;rctiolis, l'l;ri~itit'f'11;)s S ~ I S ~ ; I I I I C C I i~i.jusicsirntl damages, including the loss of' earnings ancl carning capacities: loss of' ii-ingc kind ~~aision loss bcllclits. lncntal and emotional clistrcss, Iii~miliatiorislid c11ib;11-1.ass11icnt; of' casccs ~l to oppo~.tunitics:alicl loss ol'llic orclin;isy ~ ~ l e a s n r c s ' c \ ~ c r y d a y including tlic 1.igIi~ seek :rnd lil'c, ~~UI'SLIL' g;rinlill occupation of choice. I ' l u i ~ ~ l'f I . C ( J L I C S ~[11;1[ this ( ' U L I I - ~cn[cs.judgmc~it ti S against Llcli.nd;rnt ;IS ti)l lo\vs: I . I , ~ g i Relief ~l I . C'o~iil)cns:rlo~.y umugcs d in \vIiatcvcl- ;r~iiounto\:c~$25,000.00 I'lai~itil'l' is fi)~11ic1 l ~ c ntitlcd: to h. An award of bucl< pay ant1 tlic \aliic of' lost fringe bcnclits ancl pcnslon bcncti~s, past and fi~turc; ~ . . ,. . c . 1lucrnpl:rry cl:~magcs in wIiatc\,cr a~nount over S25,OOO.OO I ) l : ~ ~ ~ i t I Sf t ~ ii)i~nclo 13c elititled; t cl. An awal-el of intcl-cst, costs ant1 I-casonablcattol-ncy ti.cs; 3. Equital)lc lielief I A n ordcl- pluci~ig1'l:rintiff in tlic position slic \\:oultl li:r\,c been Irircl tllcre bee11110 \liol:rtioll of l i c ~ riglils; 13. An awarcl of intcl-cst, costs, and scasonablc attorney t'ccs; c. An ol-dcr c~ijoi~ling Llcf'c~idant 1'1-om f'i~l-tllcr acls of discsi~ninir~ion ~'ctaliation; d . \21liirtcvcs othcl- I-clicfapl,cal-s appsopl-iatc at the ti~lic ol'ii~ialjudgment. I)EM!INI> FOIi ,JUliY 7'lil:IL I'lain~if'f, by and througll her attorney, lins paid tlic statutory Jury fkc and demands by JLII-y tllc aho\lc-cnptioncd Iliatlcr. in A/: I<C>IIIIC)//I .I. /IUIY/III, 11 KENNI'TI I .I. I IAKDIN, I 1 (1'430X I ) l~IAl<L>IN IOWI I'SOh', 1I.C. 1-1 Allot-llcys for- I'lai~ltift' 30555 S~i~tllficlcl. Suitc 400 Soi~tlificld.Michigan 48076- 112 1 (248) 593- 1400 - ;I trial

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