King v. AT&T Inc. et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT filed by Janette Lynn King against All Defendants with Jury Demand. Plaintiff requests summons issued. Receipt No: 0645-2951505 - Fee: $ 350. County of 1st Plaintiff: Oakland County - County Where Action Arose: Wayne County - County of 1st Defendant: Wayne County. [Previously dismissed case: No] [Possible companion case(s): None] (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit A - Sep. 22, 2010 Authorization to to Defendant, # 2 Exhibit Exhibit B - Oct. 26, 2010 Ltr. to Defendant, # 3 Exhibit Exhibit C - Jan. 6, 2011 Authrozation to Defendant, # 4 Exhibit Exhibit D - March 7, 2011 Letter via fax to Defendant) (Hardin, Kenneth) (Entered: 04/26/2011)

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I ..\I\'o l ~ l ~ l ~ . l ~ s FIARDIN 'rHOMPSON, P.C. 1 0 5 5 5 S ~ ~ t h f i cKo,\II, ld St S111'1.r: .loo II.II,I.I), h11(,111(; ~ I S O ~ O \K )~"I'I A'I'&'I7 Attention: 1 luman Resoilrces Department 1365 Cass Avenue Ilctroit, Michigan 48226 ;ir l'lcase be advised that this office represents Jancttc King relative to her termination back Lia). 012008. I have enclosed an Authorization permitting me to obtain b l s . King's personnel lilc Ll'o~~lcl please fi)mfnrclsame within thirty (30) days. you Shoujd you have any questions or comments regartling this nlattcr. plcnse feel free to contact inc. Very truly yours. Ebll'l,OY EE: .Jirnctte I,ynn King I ~ h 11r1dc1-signetl. c Iicrcl2y i~ulhorizc i~bo\.c. Ilic pcrson or compilny lo fillnisli my allorncys. I IAI<I)IN '1'1 IOMI'SON. I'.('. with any and all c~nplo!~iicnlrecords or any and all rlocumcnts having to do w i ~ h cniploymenl will1 the nbo\.c colnpnliy il~cluding, 110t lilnitcd my or but to Iny pcrfi)nnel Iile a n y ant1 all tiocumcnts pertaining to my salary, writtcn warnings. disciplinary procectlings ancl reports, letters of' rcpri~iinlrtl.or other records ol'disciplinary action. I'lcasc provide these rccords Lvithin thirty (30) days to: S111,scribedand sworn lo hcforc me . . /;111dlounty, Michigan ( . ;,n~rnission I?xpircs: 10/06/2014 ;:I!; i l l 0akI;lntf County. Michigan I :'!:. . . . I \ ., ; I

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