Ronaldo Designer Jewelry, Inc. v. Prinzo

Filing 79

PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION Signed by Honorable David C. Bramlette, III on 9/19/2016 (Attachments: # 1 Appendix 1 - Trade Dress, # 2 Appendix 2 - Infringing Works, # 3 Appendix 3 - Ronaldo's Works, # 4 Appendix 4 - Catalogs - cover page, # 5 Appendix 4A - GCA Dealer Handbook 1, # 6 Appendix 4B - GCA Dealer Handbook 2, # 7 Appendix 4C - GCA Dealer Handbook 3)(ECW)

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CERTIFICATE OF REGIS FORM VA 1ATION For a Worit of the Visual Arts UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT OFFICE This Certificate issued under the seal of the Copyright Office in accordance with title 17. United States Code, attests that registration has been made for the work identified below. The information on this certificate has been made a part of the Copyright Office records. VA 1·140·610 11111111111111 1 • _ .... )1 1• ·· ···· ~ --------·Ill-.-... OFFICIAL SEAL ~~F:~ . 15 Day United States of America DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, USE A SEPARATE CONTINUATION SHEET. ~;..., 1 7 &- .. . ("• lt .,J,. . ....!I'ot :• ,, _.... TITLE OF THIS WORK T -~ ., NATURE OF THIS WORK T Goid Crafi Associates Dealer Handbook See ,.!luctoOns Jewelry Design and Catalog PREVIOUS OR ALTERNAT I\'E TITLES T P11blkation aJ a Contribution If this •ork w;u pul•hshc.l u a contril>ution to • p«iodocal, sen•I. or collo.1oon. gi,·c infomu11on ol><>ur the coll«tl\c .. <rl •• .. hoch th< conlnbution appurod Tilk of Colk<li,. Work T lfpubhshc.J in a pcnociJcol orscri.ll gi\c. \ 'olom< T ~UIIIbrr T hsur Ootr T NAME OF AUTHOR T 2 (:l -...·on. rTU<k fO< horc"! v.orl. a 0 Was T his Author's Con trib~ion to thr Work • nnonymou>., [l ,•.• • P>CU<ion)mous'' [1 Yc; ,.,.,. ol Cou<llt) fEYn u.der the fa • . . . ·eu tttor· or e•wortl m•d• ....... ,. . .. ,s Author's Nationality or Domlci~ OR{ Co111tn of ~- _ • _ Oomoeik.J on lt..!L~A,_ _ V.;u thrs conrnt>uroon to th< NOTE DATES OF 81 RTH AND DEATH Year Died T Year Bom T Gold Crall Associates, Inc. l'o SATURE OF AUTHORSHIP Chcd """""'"Jtcbo>tcs). See Instructions 0 ) -Dimensional sculptur~ 0 Map fO"••• IIr the -ployer. not ~ 2-Dimcnsional art.-ork . . employee ton lnsttuc· fi'Photograph cilcwclry design 0 Reproduction <>f wori-. or an ..,.,,). For eny fO'I of this "II'MI*"-Io"'lher ollhese questions Is N0 ·ves:oee~~ c;{r-;o W'IStructions 0 Tcchnkal dra.- rng ~Tc~t 0 Archit•x:tural work ~ tt\•l••• - .de for h,, •• DATES OF BIRTH AND DEATH caoclo ·vu· '" bNAME OF AUTHOR T Year Born T - epa ce poottded. Q1Ve ee•mptoyer jor othe r Author's Nationality or Domid~ --'Om the w Otk ~ark 0 -part, and Anon)-<! [l Yc. P.....SOO)-mou,·• [1 Y<"> N..,. ol C<Junlly IN<k for hi~-! ov~ -prepa red) .- ·Author•of Wa• Thll Author's Contr!butlon t o lllt \\'orS. oR{ C~itcn of Jlo,·- - - - Was tht.s contribuuun to tht "*'Or\. a ..,..on rcw Year Dtcd T Oomo<ik.J '" ~---- l'o 0 l'o 0 r-:o ':,.":-,-;:,'::.'; -v..: ... .,........, "'""""""'· .... . th• , ... lor detu ..,,,rth end NATURE OF AUTHORStiiP Ct.c.:~ appropnatc ~><>•!cs> See Instructions 0 )-Dimensional sculptur~ lh blank [l Map 0 2-Dimcns10nal an.-·ork 0 Rcproducti<>n of work of art - 0 Photograph 0 0 Jewelry design [l Architectural work 0 Technical drawing ,. 3 4 a \'ur In Whitb Crul;on oil hi< \\ Complrtrd or~ \\'a• ------·~ -t~ bM~I:..Jt ~· ft# t J· · . .., .... . Ootr end ,.;arion of J'o Publiut ionltll" l'orti<obr \\orl. rsl hii Thi•lnlon-notion t . <4 vear i::~~~~~~:.•• 2000 I Tc~t \ i •'-lnlon-notion ~.l:.:.:"~bi.:~ed ••I Month~ . a~-- --· _ U_,S,A. ___ __ 31 - Voa·~ 2 ~_1 __ ... _ . ·--- . :~-""' • COPYRIGHT CI..AI:'IIAST(S) ,.;,,.,. onJ :>J.Jrc" must beG'"" .-en o cuinunoo<th< =~ ><oh< fth< author 1"'" on spocd Oor ~ . ,. ,._ ~~PLICAJI ON RECEIVED .fiQJ/_ }. 3 T ,2{)()/ ~ ... Of E DEPOSIT RECEIVED Gold Craft Associates, Inc. 430 Scenic View Dri\·e Laconia, Ind iana 47135 ;~ No_i_ i3 __ii.OO/ ii:~ TWO DEPOSITS RECEIVED ~~~~~~~~--~--------------------------------------------~~ w Transrrr If th< <lairrunt(s) n•mc.J h<rc on •po« 4 "(..-cl Jo!fcrcnt from thc •uthof1s) ~mru rn sp3e<: 2. '".. • t>ricfsuotmenr or"'"' rhc cbom.mttst obr.unc.J o"nmhoroflht copyright " bl;! _ . g~ FUNDS RECEIVED ... _.. .... _ .e we-.... .....,. . ::~,w• MORE ON BACK ~ ·Complete •• opplocable opaoes lnuml>et> S.9) on the roverw ...,., ot""' J>090. · See detaded tn.sliUCIIOt'IS • \he form at N1e 8 DO NOT WRITE HEliE P•ge I ol . z_ poges EXAMINED b. FORM VA CHECKED BY 0 FOR CORRESPONDENCE COPYRIGHT OFFICE Yes USE ONLY DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, USE A SEPARATE CONTINUATION SHEET. S L'- •\V .#a....%. 'tViX.~~\ciQ..-:1-- PRE\10US REGISTRATIO:'II Has rcg.stnhon r.,.. thiS ,.-on,, or f01 an urher -.rsion ofthi> ..-or~<. alrr...ty b«n mad< on II>< C'Of>>Tia;ht Offi<'C'' !il'Yn 0 l"o If your an;" a is -vu," "'h) os """lhtr rcgostr.loon b.:o~ sough!'' (('hcd: appropmtc bo' l T .. 0 "· 0 Tlus " the lim publo>l>c.J Nohon of I ..-or~< J>fC\ IOU>I)' regi;lac.J on unrut>hshN form r/n.,. '' o chll>r.c.J 'ttsoon of the "...-1<. •• sho-.n b) c. ." Thos os lhc first apph<Oiion submiue.J by tho> outhor 1> cop)nghl d•imonl 'J"'CC 6 on lh1> •rphc•uon If your .,,.,·cr os "Yes_"'"" Pr-t,iou• RqiJiratioo 1\umb<r T Appl~~tion_ ~0~1- _ --;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;:;:;;:;;:;P;e~~ '-='g n d~in :"-·- _____ _ ~ •·-nt.....,.~ - DERJVATI\"E WORK OR CO:\IPILATIO:\ L C'omple~c bolh sp.><c 6o and 6b for a dcrivauvc ,.-0<1<. comple~conly l>h for a rompolation on." b.lscJ on or in<o<pontcs T 1'.-eraislia& lllatrnal Jtkntil'y any prcc\isrong won. or -.O<t•lh>llhis .. . (: ~ '··· ' See tn.5truc:bons belofe aomplebng \his space ... Mtttrbl Ad.s..l to n;. Work Govc. b:id. rcncr•l $lOicrMnl of the nutcriJI that has been ..s.JN IO thiS ...on. and in "hoch is cloomc.J T Add itional jewelry designs, photograph\ text, arrangement, compilation, selection and coordination - - - -- - - - - - ... ~- ..... -:.~w-1. DEPOSIT ACCOU:O.I If the f<Jt>lrallon fcc I<IO "' cb.tgcJ ·~.I )cr.>> II Ac.-ounl C>14bh<hN in lhc COf>)Tta;ho om..... gi\C n.Jtnc an.J nunohcr of Ac<<>unl ...__ T j- Anoual l"umb<r T 1 ManhewOwen Greenebaum Doll & McDonald PLLC 3300 National City Tower, 101 South Ftfth Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202 "- eo~» and~- ._OI>'>One _ , ... I 502 l 589-4200 Email .,. ________... . _,.,~. , -4 ,. F•• .......- ... ( 502 ) 540-2 1)6 J ... .,.,... . --.~ -'o iJ.!."l-- CERTIFICATJO:>i• I. thr undtr>lgntrl 1><-rl'loy r~:tif)· tl''" I am tilt' cllf'Ck only onr .. { ~ .... . . ...:;.. ,., Ct ·. ~· t: ::upyrlj,:hl cl•lnuurt ... ~ 0 owrwr of r•dullvt righ t(>) sYauthoflud agmt or Gold Craft Associates. !nc""·- - - ....,.,. d ....,Ot_CJ0f1'1"!1'1- <to-."" - d ~ngl>l(s) & o( ~ \OO<k l&ntltoed In thb appllcatoon and th~t tiM' Stal~noenl' 1114cl~ b) n~ In thi~ application art COfff'Ct lu tht bt'st of Ill)' knowk'<fgt' Typed 01' printod na n>t and d•t• T If this applocatlou giw> a d•t ~ of puiJioution In sp.o<• 3. do 1101 >ign and >ubnoit It bt>fu•• that d.ot~ YOu ... cST C.r11ftcate wtllbe SE"~ A.ll ElEMEt<TS "' T•E SAME PACt<AGE INIIedln wtndow envelope 9 to this 1ddren: ~~Al l TO -~~u s'!! ~06(~•~":vl~y Pre~~ ~,;g.; m~kes ~ false 1epresent~lo\ ot 1 '"'t~ t~l; the app~<abon tor ~h(~;.;.;;;;O'hded tor b; ~ 409 n ~ c~§ 5 ) 1 """' ... epplocai!On, . - " " Aned""' J.1>e t m -100.000 WEB REV .1.-.. 1999 ,_.INn $ 2.500 G) PRI-'IDOH R((YCliO rt.Pt'R u., any ~:,~btemenl r-ied.., (;()flneCbon <.US GOII(t.N•tcNT PRINT ING OfFICE 1999 '5.4-479171 CERTIFICATE OF REGIS"'"'ATION This Certificate issued under the seal of the Copyright Office in accordance with title 17, United States Code, attests that registration has been made for the work identified below. The information on this certificate has been made a part of the Copyright Office records. FORMCA For Supplementary Registration UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT OFFICE REGISTRAliON NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE OF SUPPLEMENTARY REGISTRATION OFFICIAL SEAL /:;- Day DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, USE A SEPARATE CONTINUATION SHEET. ·""··· ~~- . A .... .-::,- ~ Title of Work T Gold Craft Associates Dealer Handboo k Registration Number of th~ Basic R~gi slralion T Year of Basic Registr.ation T VA-1-140-610 2001 Name(li) of Author(s) T Name(s) of Copyright Cl•imllnt(s) T Gold Craft Associates , Inc. Gold Craft Associates , Inc . Location and Nature of lnronecllnformlllion in Basic Regislr.tlion T 8 Line Number 3 Line Heading or Description Date of First Publication lncornct lnformllion liS It Appurs In Buic Registration T May 31, 2001 Corrected lnfonnation T No vember 1, 2000 E>Cplanation of Correction T .... ,. ......> .... c - . . . .. . • ... 0 ...... ~ Location and Nature of Inform• lion in Buic Registrdion to be Amplified T Line Number Line Head in~ or Description Amplified lnfonnation and E•pbnllion of Information T ,':'. . ..., Ja.' •.! MORE ON BACK ... ·Complete ell~~pploaoble sp-s (0-G) on the reverse side ol this-· • See detajrec:J instructJOt'ts • the fOtmat Space F. OONOT~HERE Poge 1 of . .:.,...-' poges FORM CA FORM CA RECEIVED I~CT 1~. 2[10 1 FUNDS RECEIVED DATE EXAMINED BY FOR COPYRIGHT OFFICE USE ONLY CORRESPONDENCE :.J REFERENCE TO THIS REGISTRATION ADDED TO BASIC REGISTRATION J9'ES UNO 00 NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE. USE A SEPARATE CONTINUATION SHEET. ~ ,.,..,:.1'.... ~ .• Continuation of: 0 Part B or 0 P.1rt C ~ta:I'Q. ... D :. ConHpondrncr: Cave name and address to which co rrcsponden~c about this application s hould be sent. E Matthew G. Owe n Greenebaum Doll & McDonald PLLC 3300 National City Tower, 101 South Fifth Street Louisville, Kentucky 40202 Phone LS.Q2) Deposit Account: ~am~ Fn L5ll2)_5..a.:4::LJO'-L-=..c...... 2 1_,3.1.J6~----- Email .JJl..g.o@gdm . com 589-4200 I( the registration fo.-.: is to be ~hargcd to a Deposit Account estAblished in the Copyright Offi~. giw name and number of Account ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account Number --------------·-----------------------~:!WC.o . '-'.U'". .- . .. Certification• I. the undersign~. hereby certify that I am the: (Check only one) Oauthor 0 owner of exclusi\'C rir,ht(s) Oothercopyrightclaimant ~dulyauthorizcdagcntof Gold Craft Associates, Inc . Name of author or other copyright claimant. or owner of exclush·e right(s) A of the work identified in this application and th~tth(' statements made by me in this application are correct to the best of my knowledge. D•te't' j IO ) Ce111ftcate will be malted In window envelope to this VOU G . Owen, Greenebaum Doll & McDonald PLLC ·~IS-Apt 't' CA\y/Sia'-'ZIP 'f .. address: / L 7IL0 Z- ~lUST SE~D ALL ELEI>'ENTS IN Til[ SA ~"[ PAC MAG[ . City Tower, 101 South Fifth Street <'PI'¥'""'" MAll TO L.....,d~ o LOUiSVill_ f7!.. Kent:~ckl_ 402Q_~ . _ . · · - - - ------ ··· - - - ---' ~ '17 U.S.C. f c:o,.,..,..Oftoco 101 JndeperOenc-• A~t~ S ( W••~ ... ., . . 506{o): lony _ _ , wl1o knowingly ma~H o tol .. roproseolaloo<l ot a rNIIeriol IIICI ;n ll>e ol)lllocaloo<l tor OC>pJriQhl rogt51tolion proy;ded tor by - . l>o!IPPiGiliot\. lholl be fined not"""" ~ R500. G __ .. -· .... .M\ .. ....,... .,._.,. ,.... ,.... . - ·- -·--···- . . . . - -- .. -·. ·------- _ _........... •.v........ . .. · ca.. F 0C 20SS~ -.~ ......... e.,.,..,.. oe-..•ua (JO)) Jti.JOCIO . ••cton 409. ot In any wrinen a!JIIomonl filed in~ AUTHORIZED DEALER The Finest In Handcrafted Jewelry Copyright 2001 - Gold Craft Associates/The Renaldo Collection - All Rights Reserved 400 West Main St., Ste 230 Babylon, NY 11.702 Tel: (631) 321-0007 Fax: (631) 321-0034 National Register's WHO'S WHO In Executives and Professionals NATIONAL REGISTER'S WHO'S WHO IN EXECUTIVES AND PROFESSIONALS FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NATIONAL REGISTER'S WHO'S WHO IN EXECTUIVES & PROFESSIONALS INCLUDES RONNIE E. NEEDHAM, CEO AND MASTER JEWELRY DESIGNER OF GOLD CRAFT ASSOCIATES, INC./THE RONALDO COLLECTION, IN IrS 2001-2002 EDITION NATIONAL REGISTER'S WHO'S WHO IN EXECUTIVES AND PROFESSIONALS has included the individual named above for appearance in the 2001-2002 edition. NATIONAL REGISTER'S WHO'S WHO wishes to extend it's personal congratulations to the professional named above. The intent of NATIONAL REGISTER'S WHO'S WHO is to notify all who read this announcement that the individual named above has reached a level of recognizable success in their respective field. The 2001-2002 Edition of NATIONAL REGISTER'S WHO'S WHO IN EXECUTIVES & PROFESSIONALS is received only by the included members. This year's edition, of course, will be registered at the Ubrary of Congress in Washington, DC. Gold Craft Associates The Rona/do Collection Princess Bracelet in Platinum AWARD WINNING DESIGN byRONALDO Gold Craft Associates/The Ronaldo Collection- 800/510-0679- Gold Craft Associates, Inc. The Ronaldo Collection Corporate References Borowitz & Goldsmith, PSC Tom Karageorge Wendy Wagner 1 Riverfront Plaza, Ste. # 11 00 Louisville, KY 40202 (502) 584-7371 Jack Russell, CPA 4050 Westport Road, Ste.106 Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 897-9495 Greenebaum Doll & McDonald PLLC Amy Berge 3300 National City Tower 101 South Fifth Street Louisville, KY 40202-3197 (502) 589-4200 Jeweler' s Board ofTrade 67 E. Madison, Ste.1912 Chicago, lL 60603-3014 (312) 726-2258 Bank One Hwy 337 & Old 135 Corydon, IN 4 7112 (812) 738-3032 Dun & Bradstreet Dun's # 965 096738 (800) 333-5616 Bennett & Bennett Insurance Larry Bennett 3 51 E. Chestnut St. Corydon, IN 4 71 12-1246 (812) 738-2233 Gold Craft Associates, Inc. The Ronaldo Collection Business References Jewelers/Jewelry Stores Albin's Jewelry 110 Chestnut N.E. Corydon, IN 4 7112 (812) 738-3853 LaGene's Jewelry 13 Northside Public Sq. Salem, IN 47167 (812) 883-3488 Schorn' s Jewelry 3955 Taylorsville Rd. Louisville, KY 40220 (502) 451-1173 Max' s Jewelers 401 Washington St. Columbus, IN 47201 (812) 379-4572 Finley Fine Jewelry 521 Fifth Ave. New York, NY 10175 (212) 551-8327 Sam's Town Hotel 1477 Casino Strip Blvd. Robinsville, MS 38664 (800) 456-0711 Helen Brett Enterprises, Inc Brett Jewelry & Gift Shows (630) 241-9865 Donnell Productions Louisville Women ' s Show (800) 225-4342 American Cancer Society Relay For Life Barbara Jo Lukehart (859) 273-6779 Hursttown Methodist Church Brain Cancer Fundraiser Virginia McCoy (812) 738-4887 Trade Shows/Expositions The Norton Shows Gift & Apparel Shows (523) 436-6151 Charities!Fundraisers American Red Cross Great Gatsby Gala Melanie Koch (502) 561-3606 Gold Craft Associates proudly presents ... The RONALDO Collector's Series Award Winning Jewelry Designer Ronaldo Introduces His Collector's Series Of Jewelry Designs And Will Produce A Limited Number Of These Collector Items. Ronaldo Will Issue A New Design Every Other Month Up To A Total Of 24 Different Designs. With only 1500 Of Each Design Produced, These Beautiful Handcrafted Pieces Will Grow In Value. Each Piece Comes With A Collector's Card Showing The Numbered Jewelry Item And Includes Ronaldo's Signature To Signify It's Collecting Potential. #1 - The "Rainbow" Bracelet Radiant Fiber Optic Beads In 6 Brilliant Pastel Colors Wrapped In 14k Gold Artist Wire. Stunning! Akoya Freshwater Pearls Make A "De-Lite-ful" Addition To Your Collection. Available In White, Black Or Peach. Sterling Silver Weaved Into 14k Gold Artist Wire. Petite Version Of Ronaldo's Award Winning "Princess" Bracelet. This Bracelet Defines Elegance. Designed To Honor All Of America's Heroes and To Remember 09-11-01 . Patriotic Red, White And Blue Beads Shows Your Pride In The USA. 1"60 1'93 P90 P94 P92 ,\II L)Csigru Cop) riJthted P9S !Jiie !Jlonafdo_ ~ !Jiie !Jlonafdo_ ~ WWtJtaJtbf WWtJtaJtbJ !Jiie fJ~t in .1land-0tafled !Jiie fJ~t in .1land-0tafled ~! ~! www. ~, Show Your Prid USA Stick Pins 141< rolled Gold wtth Swarovakl Crystals Wear this beautiful USA Pin and show everyone how proud you are to be an American I Only $35.00 Percentage of proceeds donated to the Disaster Relief Fund Handcrafted By Americans! The Ronaldo Collection The Ronaldo Collection fhe art of hand-cratling jewel~ has been around for cemuries. But, until recently, few had the artist!)' ami skill to bring the craft into the 2 1st century. Ronal do has the unique talent to custom design nnd brmg these original works of art to you. His artistic style. from design to hand-crafting techniques are second to none. The an ofhand-craflingjewell)• has been around for centuries. But, until recently, few had the artistry and skill to bring the craft into the 21 st century. Ronaldo has the unique talent to custom design and bring these original works of art to you. His artistic style. from design to hand-crafting techniques are second to none. Ronaldo's ''arrant) Ronalda's warranty Your creation has been skillfull) hand-crafted from the finest quality ra'" materials, 14k gold. platinum. Silver, precious & semi-precious uld). All designs in The Ronaldo Collection gemstones (or 14k Rolkd ( o are cop) righted. and come with a lifetime guarantee on wire produ~;t s. l'recio u~ and semi-precious gemstones are guaranteed at the point of sale. Any scratches. cracks or breakage after sale: are not co' ereJ b) this guarantee. We will. hO\\C\cr, gi' e you a price quote for replacement of the stone. Your creation has been skillfully hand-crafted from the finest quality raw materials. 14k gold, platinum, silver, precious & semi-precious gemstones (or 14k Rolled Gold). All designs in The Ronaldo Collection are copyrighted, and come with a lifetime guarantee on wire products. Precious and semi-precious gemstones are guaranteed at the point of sale. Any scratches, cracks or breakage after sale are not CO\ ered b) this guarantee. We will, however, give you a price quote for replacement of the stone. For More Beautiful Handcrafted Jewelry, visit ~heronaldocollection . com Or Your Local Fine Jewelry Store 7'/e/re/Ne /r /k ?'/r",(;/rt/ .c~lr/<(;;rr//. ¥t.;.;~·rir,k.J ..?;,c. J. It is with great pride. and a tribute to our many valued A sociate , that we end you our newest catalog. Gold Craft A sociate is dedicated to producing the finest wire-crafted jewelry product available. We are commined to our cu tomers, and it shows through our per onal service. quality, and low price . I would like to take thi opportunity to say thank you to our family of friends and customer . Your continued support and loyalty mean more than mere words can ·ay. I al. o would like to welcome tho e of you who may be meeting u for the fir t time. We are all looking forward to counting you as one of our valued fri ends. Warmest personal regard . Ronnie eedham President ) Artistry. style and elegance are ju t a few words that describe Gold Craft Associate\ unique hand-crafted jewelry. Our craft men take pride in producing the finest wirccrafted jewelry. and it \how · through the many trea ures they create. GCA's reputation ha. been built on the quality of our work and the integrity of our staff. In business. your company's reputation is on the line with every phone call and e\ery order. Rest assured that our number one priority i · the cu'>tomer's ultimate satisfaction. Si~~rel~/ ~/d~ VP Production Actual Size Highlighted Item ... . . .. .. .... .. 3 Bracelets ......... . . ... .. ..... ........ ... 8 Rings... . ............ . . .. .. .............-1- Earring ....... . ...... . ..... . ......... ... 9 Medallion ..... . . . ..... .. .. . .. . ........ . 5 Necklace/Charms ......................... I 0 Bracelets ........ .. ............ ... .... .. .6 Stone Chart ...... . . . . .... . ............ . .. II Brace lets .. ....... .. . . ................... 7 Busine s Kit. . . .... . ...... . .... . .... . ..... 12 Gold Craft Associates 3 All Designs Copyrighted 5

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