Spreadbury v. Bitterroot Public Library et al

Filing 111

AFFIDAVIT in Support re 108 MOTION for Summary Judgment DEFENDANT LEE ENTERPRISES INC'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT ON REMAINING COUNTS FOUNDATIONAL AFFIDAVIT OF JEFFREY B SMITH IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT LEE ENTERPRISES INC'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT ON REMAINING COUNTS filed by Lee Enterprises Incorporated. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit H, # 9 Exhibit I, # 10 Exhibit J) (Smith, Jeffrey)

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EXHIBIT D / 09:05:06 MONTANA TWENTY-FIRST 1 RAVALLI 2 D5''/Ll1 .'UDICIAL DISTRICT COUNTY 3 4 MICHAEL E. S PREADBURY 5 Cause No. 5 7 ANGELA GEORGE B. H. DV -!0 -222 wETzSTEoN and CORN, s Defendants. 9 10 Taken at che Ravalli county courthouse 205 Bedford Street, Hamilton, Montana 11 Friday, August 5, t2 13 The Honorable Jeffrev 20]"0 H. Lanqton Presidinq. L4 15 TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS L6 L7 APPEARANCES: 18 Plaintiff, MICHAEL E. SPREADBURY, appearing pro L9 20 For Lhe DEfendanls: 2L 22 23 24 25 R. KING Special Assistant Attorney Gene ra l Risk Management and Tort Defense Division 1525 11t.h Avenue, Middle Fl-oor P. O. Box 200]-24 Hel-ena, M'I 59520 - OI24 MICHAE], Report.ed by Tamara S tuckey ^ffiaial /1^!rri pa6^rFar qi-.i- a ^f M^hf:n: O 9: FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, Os:21. I THE COURT; The first 2O1O case h'e're ^^i-^ yvrIY ts^ rv 08 2 09:46:10 3 hear this morning is the Spreadbury v. wetzs teon and 13 4 Corn 09:4 6 09:4 6 : : 09:46:1? 5 18 6 09,46;22 7 0 9:4 6: 23 09:46 09,46t2s 09:4 6 :3 I 9 O 10 09:46:36 11 3? 12 09:4 5 : 09 t46 t42 l- 3 09:46,4s ),4 Mi vi na That's a moLj-on for summary judgment MR. KING: Yes, Your Honor. THE COURT: This is your motion MR. KING: Yes. the way I hear THE COURT: And typically, motions, Ehis is not whaE a f uf l"-blown argument would be in t.he Montana Supreme CourE or Ehe U.S. Supreme court.. rt's more like Ehe Nint.h circuit. I allow about 10 or 15 minuEes for each side Eo mention any points that you lhink needs mentioning, either it's reemphasizing something in your brief or responding to something j-n 09;47 | o'7 19 rules during Ehis hearing, as in al-1 hearings. are that nobody is going to inEerrupE Ehe parEy presenting, even if you might have an objecEion. You can raise that in your argument. IL's your motion, Mr. King, so you get Eo begin and you geE Eo close. 09:4 ? : 11 20 Mr. Spreadbury, you are in Lhe middle. And so he 09:4 ? : 15 2f rha 09;47 :22 22 09.41 t24 23 as;47 t26 24 09,4't t3o 25 09 t46:4'? 15 09:46 : 53 15 09:45 : 5? )-7 09:47:01 18 Ehe other briefs. hrr*Aar Mr .,-. My /l^6a raind ..^..9 (IoeS, has rhA dncr lr^ '.'i1l ne wtJ-J- argue EWLCe; yOU wi1] argue once. Mr. King. MR. KING: Thank vou. Your Honor. As Ehis Court may know, this case arises out of Mr. Spreadbury' criminal prosecution on August 8th of 2006 in t.he RavaIl-i CounEy .luetice Court. Mr. Spreadbury alLeges. as I underscand his Amended compl-aint, tha! the Ravalli 09:4?:35 l- 09:4?:39 2 09 t47 144 3 09.47 t48 4 county Attorney's office did four things that entitle him to moneEary and injunctive relief from and agaj-nst Q9;4'7:52 5 Angela wetzsteon and George corn. Q9;4't | 5'7 6 OO 7 03 8 9 09:48 | 09:48: 09:4 8 : 07 09:4 8 r 10 l-0 09:4I : t4 11 09:48:16 L2 09.4a t22 13 09.4a t26 14 09:48r30 15 09:48:34 16 09:48 i 39 I7 09 48:42 18 09:48 09 :45 L9 t48;47 20 09:4I | 51 2I 09:48 | s6 22 09:48:59 23 09;49 04 24 09:49 r 07 25 Afl four of Ehose Lhings, those allegations, lack merit. The first allegaEion, as I understand, in the Amended Complaint is that. M.r. Spreadbury alleges that Angel-a wetzsEeon presenEed evidence during Mr. spreadbury's criminal- trial- that the Ravalli County Attorney's Office did noE provide to him prior Eo trial in a timely basis this. This al"leqation lacks merit because a prosecutor's alleged failure Co provide discovery in a timeJ-y manner involves a prosecutorial function for which Miss Wetzsteon and Mr. Corn en'iov prosecut.orial immunity. And Mr. spreadbury in Ehat regard has cited no legal auEhorit.ies to the conErary. Secondly, Mr. Spreadbury all-eges t.hat t.he Ravalli County Attorney's Office filed a motion co continue his trial to a peri-od of time when he woul-d be ouE of Eown, thus in some way causing JusEice Bailey or Just. j-ce of the Peace Ba i I ev ro i ssrre a Warrant. f or his arrest for hi-s faiLure to appear at the trial. This allegation Iacks merit because filing motions, particularly motions for continuance, again, is a prosecutorial funcEion for which Mr. Corn and Miss Wetzsteon have prosecutorial immunity. And again, t12 1 o9:49 I'7 2 09 t49:21 3 09 t49;24 4 09:49:30 5 09:49:35 6 Mr. Spreadbury has ciEed no legal auLhoriEies to Ehe conErary. In addiCion, Mr. Spreadbury hasn't produced any evidence thaE -- showing that Angela Wetzsteon or George Corn in any way participat.ed in Oudge Bailey's 09:49:38 7 issuance of the Arrest warranc. t43 8 09;49 Og;49 Q9;49:46 9 09:49:50 10 09;49 |52 1L a9;49:51 12 os t49 t59 13 09:50 : 02 L4 09:50 | O? 15 09:50 :10 16 09: s 0:13 L7 09 :5 O: 09 : t5 18 50:19 L9 09 And finallv, lhe Arrest warrant itas issued -- iE was issued by Judge Bailey. IE's facially valid. There's no evidence to the contrarv. And in any event, Eo Ehe exEenE Mr. Spreadbury is asserEing a false .yrAdi erretYc ^h.r^a i l_ | a erEqt ^l6.r'lrr rI hrr?AA hrr v), r-t'^ Lrrs \.wv-ysdr scalute of l-imitations. His third alleqation alleqes that the Raval-li County Attorney's Office misrepresented the spelfing of Angela WetzsEeon's last name to Mr. Spreadbury' s unspecified deEriment. I'm not sure whaE kind of a claim Ehis is, buE the best I could make of it was Ehat it was a misrepresentation cl.aim, and the Affidavits -- the undisput.ed affidavit EesEimony of t2't 27 AngeIa WeLzsEeon and George Corn shows that they didn't 09;50:35 22 intend by any such misspelling of Angela wetzsteon's Iast. name to cause him any harm. Mr. Spreadbury certainl"y hasn't produced any facts, let alone specific 09;so 09: 50:39 23 09f50:43 24 09: 50 :46 25 f.-Fc F^ i-ha --..-.ary. ^^hl-v: 09:50:s0 1 09:50:55 2 09:50:5? 3 Fourthly, M.r. Spreadbury alleges that as a resul-t of the first three alleqations, Miss Wetzsteon and Mr. corn intentionally inflicted emotional dlstress 09:51:01 4 rrnar sl,vrr him rrr,r' '1 mori ralz nFrr|irvsef nrrol rr , | :a l- hal/ e4eJ i f d.\ uv j- hF l-hFn f ircl- f h.r-oF ,al I r.r^l- i.rnq hi a f .\1rrl-lrr attsYo.Lfvrr, l- 9:51 : 04 5 09:51 | 07 6 09:51 : 11 7 09:51 : 15 I intentional infliction of emotional distress, l-acks merit. Buc more than thaL, \/ou can't maintain in Montana a cl"aim for intentional, inflection of emotional 09:51 :20 9 disEress when you are fegally entitled to do what you 09:51:23 10 have done, and everyEhing that ceorge Corn and AngeIa 09.s7t27 1l09:51:30 72 Wetzsteon have done in this case, t.hey are 1ega11y entitled to do as prosecuEors for the State of Montana. 09:51:34 13 So al,l, four of Mr. Spreadbury's allegations 0 09:51:38 14 09 t5I;42 15 09:51:48 16 09:51:51 L7 of wrongdoing in this case lack meric. As a resuft of that, this Court. should gran! George Corn's and Angela wetzsceon's Motions For Summary ,tudqment and dismiss Mr. Spreadbury ' s Amended complainr wiEh prejudice. Thank you, Your Honor, 09:51: s7 l-8 9:51 :59 19 THE COURT; Mr. Spreadburv 0O 20 MR. SPREADBURY: Thank you, your Honor. O 09:52 : A9:52:02 2I 09:52: 05 22 09:52:10 23 If it pleases the CourE, I'd aLso like to t.hank the judge for coming down t.o RavaIli County Twenty-First I do have a few things I'd like to say. District.. Angela 09:52 : 14 24 WetzsLeon, on August 8th, 2007 -- noE 2OO5 -- 09: 52 :20 25 unauthorized to practice was 1aw. She was not l"icensed. 09.s2t24 1 she was licensed 1-o/9/08, is the date, so its's 09:52:32 2 October 9th of 2008, which is prior to Ehat. date. O9:52;3'l 3 09rs2,41 4 09:52'.45 5 |s2;49 6 is also attorney witnesses, my retained attorney, Ehat Miss wetzsteon was practicing without supervision, hrhich is in violaEion of Ehe student Practice Act issued by the Montana Supreme CourE ApriI 30th, 1,975. wj-thout 09.52;54 7 t.hose items, a bar license, swearing an oath to the 09i53:00 I 09:53:03 9 09 07 10 09:53: 09r53:09 11 09: 53 :11 09 : 53 :15 13 1'2 09:53:20 L4 09r53r24 15 09:53 :2't 09:53:31 09 : 53 !5 '1,7 :36 18 09:53:40 1,9 09:53:42 20 09:5 3 :4 s 2l 50 22 09:53 : O9:53 :52 23 09: 53 :52 24 53 :54 25 O9 | There Constitution and the third item thaE I menEioned, unsupervised, she has no immunicy. ,tust Iike I stand in front of vou here today. I'm noE a prosecutor. This is a civil proceeding. I don't. want. Eo geE off track, buE a studenL, unsupervised, without a bar license.has no -- in the words of Mr. King, he used "Iegally enEitled. " That's not t.he case whatsoever. In facc, his office is charged with the duty of protecting t.he public from unauthorized practice of 1aw, and here he is proEect.ing somebody who did engage in the unauEhorized practice of law. I submitted Eo Ehe Court., and I just gave a copy -- a second copy to opposing counsel. Here j-s a certified receipE. for my Complaint. Would you Iike t.o see this, Your Honor? It was wlEhin the docket. You may have already see it. THE COURT: It''s already in the fi1e. 09:53:5? 59 2 09:53 r 09:54:O? 3 09r54:11 4 09:54:14 5 You can see it if MR. SPREADBURY: IL i-s. 1 you fike. In terms of George Corn as a supervisor or ip an administraEor funcEion, the Montana Supreme court, in 1995, in Kel"man v, Losleben, says Ehat a prosecutor 09: 54 :21 6 A9 t54 t24 7 A9 t54:28 I is not entitled to immunity engaged in administrative duties. If he was sitting at his desk right over here and Angela Wetzsteon was downstairs in the ,Justice 09:54:31 9 a^rrrt- c ^,rf ci^a i-ha ^f 09:54:36 10 months into a trial, 09,s4:41 l-I Fnl- i Fl ad ta :nrr cnaaArr l-ri.l fim6 h6ri^^ lr'vrrvsr!r:rrre aiaLr I don't see how ceorge Corn is immrrni l- rr L'h.f c^alrar Ha rcai anad Annol: tso bhe case and that's 09:54:50 13 an administrative duty. The Supreme Court has already determined, your Honor, that 09: s4 : s4 Ehere is no immunit.y. There is no civil t46 \2 a9 t54 1,4 09:54:58 15 immuni!y in thaE siLuation. 09:55:02 16 I'1"1 continue. liability 09 : 55: 05 I7 09:55:10 l8 The other thing, is as you said in the beginning, the defense counsel, Michael King, from the attorney General's Office has the burd.en 09 :55 : 15 19 here -- and I do realize he has a rebuttal 09: 55 :20 20 statement. a we}]-estabfished However ltrs to ml/ fact, in 09 t55,22 2I Morl"ey and Walker in the Ninth Circuit 09 t55:22 22 ^ 09: 55:28 23 immunit.y bears the burden of demonstrating that immunity nri nl-.\rrl- .\f r-^ il- 1.i.rhi +lrre nffiai:l rvf q! eaalzi na oss^f rry 09 ; 55 :28 24 . I F: ^had 09: 55 :32 25 segment of this 2007 case where Ange.Ia Wetzsteon in - ^^yl- i:Ulaf hFrF v rrlr in 1999 -- f have fUnCtiOn.,' J hevFnr j- srFn vrrurverrqrr), an\/ 55:38 1 |55;42 2 09:55:45 3 09 | 55:51 4 09: 55:56 5 09:56:00 6 09r55:06 7 09: 09 10 I 09t56t12 9 09:56 : 09:56:16 10 09:56:19 11 09:s6 t22 1-2 o9;56:24 13 09: 56:30 L4 09:s6:33 1,5 09i56:3s 15 09:56 0 9: : 39 I7 56:44 18 09:s6:50 19 59 2I 0e. s5 | 09:57 :02 22 09:5'7 | 09 ts7 09|57 fronE of a jusEice of t.he peace or George corn, wherever he was, noE in the courtroom, how EhaE is entitled to immunity. So I just stated a case. I just read from the case EhaE says that Ehe prosecucors have the burden of showing both reasonableness, sir, Your Honor, and E.hat the specific task is entit.led Eo immunity. And I I'd go ahead and say EhaE George Corn assigning a non-bar-licensed, non-supervised student' is not a reasonabfe decision to be made bv a DrosecuEor. So Ehat.'s my argument why t.here isn't immunity -- there's no immunity assigned to this. Mr. King would like the Court to think EhaE none of my claims were intent.ional -- for intentional dist.ress have any merit. There's a Dhoto that r think he was talking about or some evj-dence he was Ealkj-nq about. If someEhing is given ouEside of the Rules of .rimin:l Dr^^6^trra otherwise known aS discoverV, !hat is outside of the Rules of Evidence, and so lhat's noE someEhing where a counsel can say this was -- I caII it tampered evidence, which is what it was. It was acEually altered. Someone scrat.ched their or.vn f ace. It alE.ered my life O't 23 to where my career wiEh a very well-establ-ished path was purposely and intentionalLy ;12 24 dest.royed, and t.hat's hrhaC t.hese IIED cases are al-I 1? 25 about, is t.hat emotional- distress r occurred and .thev were Og t 5'7 :20 I 09;s7 t24 2 09.s7 t2g 3 I would eay that assigning a prosecutor, wit.hout a 1j-cense, unsupervised, violaEing l-he a.t- of rhe srroreme Court would be an inEenEional- 09:5? :31 4 acE. 09:57 :33 5 09:5? | 3? 6 09:57:40 7 09:5?:45 I 09:57:49 9 09: s7:51 10 09:5?:55 11 09:5? : 59 12 09:58:03 l-3 done intenEionally. That ' s an intentional act. Like r said before, that case, october 8th, 2008, the appearance was January sth, so lhaE's outside of speedy trial completely. fE's a misdemeanor. NoE only that, if I had a reEained altorney, Sasha Brownlee, in the courEroom for me, there's no need for a judge to sign a Failure to Appear WarranE, and if Angela Wetzsteon were in the courtroom, t.here's no -- she has a dut.y as an officer of the CourE, and if she's cert.if ied by her dean, which she is, for two years of compet.ent. 09:58 :06 f4 l-egaf school, she would know that. t.hat is her duty to 09:58: 09 15 say, Your Honor, the Defendan! may not be here -- E.his 58: 13 15 is a mi-sdemeanor t.rial . It's a hrell-est.ablished fact in Ehis court and in this stat.e that there is no crime of failure to appear. There's no need for this Warrant. 09 r 09r58r1s 17 09: sB 09: | 20 18 s8:23 19 os:5a;27 20 09:58:30 2L 09:58 :33 22 09: s8 r O 39 24 9: 58:4 3 25 So by omission, she's claiming in her Affidavit that she didn,t hear it. She didn't see it. I,rn noE quite sure exactly what. she's saying. she's Erying uo geE ouE j-t. But if she's in a courtroom and it's mentioned that werre goj-ng to issue a hrarranL for failure to appear, as a court officer, even as an assumed court officer with the cert.ification from her Dean, thaE means she has the l0 09:58:47 1 52 2 09:58 : 09:58:5? 3 onerous to uphold Che rul-es of the CourE, the constitutj-onaI rights and Che State rights. I'11 finish here, The torE issue that Michae.l- King is bringing up says it's only two years for false arrest. It's a welI-established fact in this state thats it's four years Eo bring a tort claim in |ss;02 4 59:05 5 09: 59 :09 6 09:59 : 15 7 17 I fronE of a cour!. That's why we're stsanding here today. This was Ehree years ago, 2007, and we're here within 09:59:20 9 r-ha f^,rr-\,a.r 09 09: 09:59: t24 10 09:.59 09:59:2'l 11 :30 L2 09:59 09:59:35 13 :3? 14 09: 59 Fima limil- perhans fhFre'S SOme Other requirement I'm not aware of for the two years. I know for a fact in a federal court I can bring a tort. up t.o four years, and I believe i!'s t.he same in this court. The Affidavits never said anvt.hinq t.hat she was supervj-sed in lhe courEroom. I,m referring Eo 09:59:39 l-5 Angela wetzsteon. If a student is not. supervised, I'II 09r59:45 15 ilrsF 09:59:49 l7 al,so was student teaching. My t.eacher was j-n the courtroom. I had no power to put people in jaiI. uv:5v:5J -LO sa\.r __ Trm nl.rf YvtrrY ^^ih^ r-^ Lv F-!, Dc.y J- wcrrt f a.^har Lrtr. T I had 09:59: s6 79 1O:00 :00 20 no power to do the things t.hat a prosecutor can do, and Ehere's a very importanE reason to this StudenE practice 10 | OO: 03 2I Act . 10 : OO: 06 22 10: 09 OO : 10: 00 10 : : 23 12 24 OO:16 25 It's clinical instruction. You,re noE. qettinq clinical instruction when you're standing Ehere aLone. You're noE being watched. You're not being checked, and Ehat's the problem with this case, and this has caused immeasurable and irreparable damage t.o my life, Eo my t-1 8 2 0:34 3 36 4 future and an unbearable sEress t.o my family. And this is the reason why the case -- the complainE was filed. I don't think we need Eo arque on the facts right now. We're talking about immunit.y. f'm going to 5 end with a case where even if immunity is granted, iu 6 still 7 Srnith on behalf of Srnith Butte Si]ver Bow, 1994, 8 "ProsecuEor immuniEy does not shield a prosecutor from 9 ai.,iI 10:00:21 10 :0 0:2 10:0 10:00 r 10:00:40 10:00 : a I 10:OO:54 10 :00: s8 10:01rOO 1 doesn'E give Ehem immuniEy from civil Iirr.,iIif'v f^, all- acES Or OmiSSiOnS. " liabiliEy. SO, in 10: 01: 06 10 ot.her words, even if you do find t.here's immuniEy, 10:01.: oB l-1 10 | 01: l-1 12 there's stiIl civil Iiability invo)-ved. This hearing is noc Lhe end al-l for this case for a coupfe of reasons. For this quot.e righE here t.haE they don't end with prosecutsorial immuniCy, buE also if it gets appealed up 10 rO t:15 13 :20 14 10:0 r 10:01:24 15 10 : O1 :2? 16 10:01 :34 17 10: Ol :3? l-8 10 : 01:40 19 10: 01 :44 20 10:01 :4 : 51 22 :01: 56 23 10: Ol 10 8 2L 10 : 01 :59 24 10: 02 : 03 25 Eo the Supreme CourE, they may send it right back and say it was incorrect. Eo issue j-mmuniEv because in Losleben, like I quoEed earlier, t.he administrative duties of someone like George corn saying, Hey, Angela go down to ,Justice Court and prosecuEe this case, thaE,s an adminisEraEive dut.y. And t.haE was already established by the supreme court in the state that that doesn ' t bring immunity. Al-so, the 1ast. thing is an action that Lacks probable cause, it stops all immunity. My aCt.orney -and it's weII established, iE ,s in the docket. Mv r2 10:02 : 15 4 attorney, Sasha Brown1ee, was bringing the case for justifiable force and a couple other constitutionaL rights that are irrelevant here. But tshe fact that there's probable cause issue vrhere it was justifiable 10:02 : 19 5 force for this situation would totally IQ 02:24 6 70:02 2a 7 10:02 : 05 1 10 :02 :09 2 10:02:11 3 ].O;02t32 I 10: 02 :35 9 tO:02:37 10 10:02:46 11 LO: 02 :50 L2 erase immunity for the Defendants, George Corn and Angel-a WetzsEeon. This is found in American .Iurisprudence second Edition in secEion 102. So 1asEJ.y, Your Honor, I 'd l-ike to respecCfully object to the assigning of immunity Eo Ehe Defendants. I'd like tha! to be in the official record Eta^.,,aa r f aa1 r'a'r, qf r.\n.rl\/ in rhr thaE I'Ve lO:02:53 13 done in cases involving 10r02rs8 14 students. but especially with respect to Mr. Corn and administrative duties, it.'s a wel-l- -establi-shed fact and precedent in Ehe Montana Supreme Court that no immunity is available. So as a plaint.if f here, I'm asking the 10:03;01 15 10: 03 | 04 16 10: 03 , 07 L7 10: 03:10 18 10:03:15 19 18 20 I0:03 : 10: 03 :20 70 2L t03;22 22 (.nr)r1- f .r anFar -- I couldn't researCh ml/ .\hi a.l- i.rn .r.acna/'l-f .Lpy99u!g!!I find any with rr'l Irr l.ranrrrca T /l^ noc believe, very strongly, immunit.y is avaifable here to Ehe Defendants. THE COURT: Very well. MR. SPREADBURY: Thank you. 10 : 03 :22 23 THE COURT: Mr. King. LO: 03 :23 24 MR. KING: Very briefly, 1o: 03 :2s 25 couple points. your Honor. FirsE of aI1, I want t.o address Just t.he 13 10:03:33 1 10:03:38 2 10:03 :4 3 3 10:03 r 52 4 10:03 : 55 5 10 :04 :00 6 10 : 04 :03 '7 10:04:0? I 10:04:16 9 10 : 04 :20 10 10:04:23 11 10 : 04 :25 f2 j-ssue of the sEudenE Practice Rule and the argument by Mr. spreadbury thaE Miss wet.zsLeon wasn'c authorized under Ehe Rule. Mr. Spreadbury hasn'E produced any evidence that refutes any part of Angel-a wetzsteonrs Affidavit concerning her qualifications under the student PracEice Rule. rt's hi-s burden to come forward with specific facts Ehac refute her Affidavit and he simply hasn'E done it. Saying chat she isn't authorized is not a subsEiEute for presenting facts EhaE she, in fact, wasn't authorized. So there's no factual basis for the scatemen! that she wasn't authorized under Ehe Rule in the firsc place. Secondly, the argument that she needed a 10:04:2? 13 10 : 04 :34 14 10:04:38 15 supervising attorney with her during his criminal trial is mistaken. The StudenE Practice Rule verv cl-earl"v 10:04 : 10:04 :58 20 states in Paragraph 2 thaL, quote, ,'An eligible 1aw studenE may also appear in any criminal matter on behalf of the State wj-th the written approval of the supervj-sing lawyer and the prosecuting attorney or his authorized representative. " And there's no dispute thaE 02 2I she . Corn, and Mr. Fulbright, her supervising atEorney during that : 10 23 tri al 05: 14 24 s: 19 25 having supervision appears j-n Subsection 2(a) of the Rule, not Subsect.ion 2(b), which I jusE quoEed. And 10 r 04 :44 15 10 : 04 :49 L7 lOr04:51 18 10 :05: s4 l- 9 10 10: 05 10 : 10 :0 r^ras authori-zed by her boss, 1-o anncer el- EhaE trial. Mr The reorri remenf f .'r L4 ).0 tOS t24 10:05;28 10: 05 1,0 1 2 :35 3 0 4 :0 5:4 10:05:42 5 10:05:45 6 10:05:48 7 10:05:51 I 05:5s 9 10 : that has to do with criminal defense attorneys representing defendants who have a legal right to lega] counse]. Under those circumstances, the Rule requ.ires Ehe presence of a supervising attorney, but not under subsection (b) , which is the subsection of the rule pursuant to which Miss WetzsLeon appeared at Mr. Spreadbury's criminal trial with respect t.o Mr. Spreadbury ' s argument that George Corn isn't ent.iEled to prosecutorial . 10:05:59 10 immunity because he's an adminisErative attorney or 10:06:02 11 10:06:10 13 supervising attorney, EhaE argumenE was done av/ay with by Ehe U.S. Supreme CourE in Van de Kanp v. Goldstein, which I cite on page 5 of the Reply Brief in Support of 10:06:13 14 summary .fudgment. And 10: 06 : 05 12 70:a6;22 15 10:06:24 L6 10 : 05 :29 17 LO:06:32 18 Mr. spreadbury, despite all t.he J,egal- research he purports t.o have done, hasn't provided this Court wiEh any l-egal authoriLies Lo Ehe contrary. Mr. Spreadbury takes issue with a photograph apparently. He claims it was altered by somebody. What 10:06:44 2L he has failed to do, and it's his burden to do, if he thinks thaE is an issue in this case, is to present evidence that the two people he sued, ceorge Corn and 10:06:4? 22 Angela Wetzsceon, had something to do with any such 10:06 :38 L9 10: 06 :42 20 10 : 06 10 : :50 23 06:53 24 10 : 05: 57 25 al-teration, and he hasnrt. produced any such evidence to this court in that resard. Finall\,r Tr\ra hFFn nl.e.j-icinn in t-hF TOI.t 15 1 Claims Division for the State of Montana for 10:0?:10 2 15 years now, and it's 10:0?:14 3 r 'i -: f vu! ! .\1rr.-\rF,ar sraf rrf F nE req! 10:0?:1? 4 CourE is weLL av'rare Ehere's a three-year general- sLaEute 10:07 : 07 the first \rrr- aLmosL I've ever heard that --ayl/rt( t I --S t.o tof tg. a This IO :07 :20 5 10: 07 :25 6 of limitaEions for tort claims. In the case of a fafse arresE claim, there's a two-year sEatuEe. I don't know whaE rA t fi :2'7 7 10 : O?:30 I 10 r O?:34 9 1O:07:38 10 10 :0 ?:41 11 10 :0 ?:44 L2 10:O?:46 13 10:0?:48 14 15 16 L'7 18 T9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 legal authoriEies Mr. Spreadbury is relying on to the conErary, buc r do know this: He hasn't presenEed any t.o this Court. So this Court should granE summary judgment, and on behalf of ceorge Corn and AngeIa wetzsteon, I would request respeccfully EhaE the courE do so. Thank vou. THE COURT: Very wel-I, the matter is deemed submiEted. The qourt will issue a vrritten rul j-ng. (Proceedings concluded. ) lb 1 J STATE OF A COUNTY OF RAVAII,I MONTANA 5 6 7 I 10 11 T2 LJ I, Tamara Stuckey, Official Court Reporter for the State of Montana, do hereby certify: That I was duly authorized to and did report the proceedings in the above-entitled cause; That the foregoing Pages of this transcript constitute a true and accurate transcription of my stenotype notes. I further certify that I am not an attorney, nor counse.l- of any of the Parties' nor a relative or employee of any attorney or counsel connected with the nor financially interested in the action' ".iion, IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set ny hand on thi-s 19th day of September ' 201I- IJ ,LO L1 18 Tamara Stuckey t9 State of Montana Twent y- Fi rst Judicial 20 n1 22 23 24 25 OfficiaL Court Repo-rt e r District

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