Spreadbury v. Bitterroot Public Library et al

Filing 111

AFFIDAVIT in Support re 108 MOTION for Summary Judgment DEFENDANT LEE ENTERPRISES INC'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT ON REMAINING COUNTS FOUNDATIONAL AFFIDAVIT OF JEFFREY B SMITH IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT LEE ENTERPRISES INC'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT ON REMAINING COUNTS filed by Lee Enterprises Incorporated. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit H, # 9 Exhibit I, # 10 Exhibit J) (Smith, Jeffrey)

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EXHIBIT F MONTANA TVIENTY-FIRST 1 RAVALLI 2 JUDIClAL DISTRICT COUNTY 3 4 6 7 MICHAEL E. S E@F,V PREADBURY, cause No. DV-L0-224 vs. NANSU RODDY, I Def endant, 9 Taken at the Ravalli County Courthouse 205 Bedford Street, Hami.l-ton, Montana 10 Friday, August 6, 11 2010 12 The Honorable John W. Larson Presidinq. 13 14 TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEED I tf, NGS T6 1.7 APPEARANCES ; 18 Plaintiff, MICHAEL E. SPREADBURy, appearing pro se. 19 20 FOr thc DEfCNdANI: NATASHA PRINZING R.\.\na 2T I{ar.'l hard JONES D r- 201 lfesc Main Street, Suite Mi-ssoula, MT 59802 22 24 25 fanmy stuckey, RPR ** 375-6?83 300 FRIDAY, PiUGUST 6,2011 t- 2 THE COURT: There was, I believe, another 4 case where I indicated there \^rould be some opportunity to discuss schedulingr the spreadbury v. Roddy case, 5 Dv-I0-224. we don't have a scheduling -- we do have 6 Scheduling Order. 3 1 I 9 10 11 T2 13 74 l-5 16 L'7 18 19 MS, JONES: Your Honorr I brought with a me today a Proposed Scheduling Order, I presented that to Mr. Spreadbury. We have agreed to the deadlines. We have not set forth a date for a settfement master, We wouLd ask the Court's permissicn to consult by the deadline, which is in December, and then add that information later. That's agreeable to you, Mr. Spreadburyr to work out the date and time for a set.tlement master by the deadline in December? MR. SPREADBURY: Yes, your Hono.r. I did speak with Ms, .lones and I do feel the sett.Lement time is something we need to work out. I,m noticing now that THE COURT: 22 the September 3rd might be a fittle bit early for me. I original-ly thought everything woul-d be fine. I would I j-ke to get everything accompl ished within six months. ZJ and i t annears 24 doinq thaL, but. then the Iast date that I saw 25 February something. 20 21. -l^rf ?amny that -- LhiS Here it is, Stuckey, RPR WOutd l-r F rr.r\, y vrvDr .l f^ ^cF ue was February LLth, ** 375-6783 I would 1 ask that the September date be moved back by a week, to ? qahf 'l nl- h omhar objection Ms, Jones? MS. JONES: No obj ection. THE COURT: So l'l-I lnterlineate three THE COURT: Any A n'ri- l-inn in and tan MR. SPREADBURY: Yes, sir. So I'If order that at this time 9 and allow you/ then, up until the December date 10 hopefully -- I mean, you do need to schedule these THE COURT: l-1 settlement conferences $,ith the settlement maste.rs 12 because their schedules are just like everyone elsers 13 and the more lead tine they have, the more flexibility 14 there is. And certainlyr if your settlement master 15 j-sn'L quite available wi!hin that time frame, I 16 regularly amended Orders to meeL Lhe scheduling issues Il that the settl,ement master miqht have, So there's built Ln, and just as you 18 alvJays a L itrle flexibility 1q .li.l \r-ru qJ, ^.tr\r lLv\ M. r-r!. Cnrar.lhrrrrr rl,/!Eauuu!y, if J-! 1'^,1 r-^'.^ yeu rrcrvc --:^-'.^ crll rrsuc, 20 certainly try to work it out with opposing counsel. If 2I you can't, t'hen you need to file a w.ritten notion. MR. SPREADBURY: Thank you, Your Honor. 22 23 THE COURT: Thank Vou. So I think we have 24 handfed afl matters this morning that we were going to 25 handLe, and Itve handled other matters in chambers, We Tamrny Stuckey/ RPR ** 375-6?83 1 2 are ad j ourned. (Proceedings concluded. ) 3 A 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 1-2 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21. 22 23 24 25 TaNny Stuckey, RPR ** 375-6783 CERTIFICATE 1 2 3 STATE OF 4 COUNTY OF RAVALLI MONTANA 5 7 8 9 10 11 T2 13 74 pah^rl-cr f.\r \r!!r\-r ,!Cyr I, Tamara Stuc L^., a\€€i ^i r'l a^.rr+ L r\!yv! the state of Montana, rln horahrr narfi f rr. That I was dul y auEhorized to and did report the proceedings in the ab ove-entitled cause i That the f oreg oing pages of thi s t ranscrlpt hl-i^n 6f m{, v! rtrj r|JLrv.. constitute a t rue and e+6^^f (r^a h^tac i further ce rt ify that I am not an attorney, nor n.)r r rFl atiVe Or counseL of any of the nartipsemployee of any attor ney o! counsel connected with the aeti.on, nor financial lv interested in the act ion. IN WITNESS WHE REOF, I have hereunto set my hand on this 19th day of S eptenber, 201. 1.. 15 to 17 18 19 20 Official qourt Report. er State of Montana Twenty-First Judicial District )1 22 23 24 25 Tammy Stuckeyr RPR ** 375-6783

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