Arista Records LLC et al v. Lime Wire LLC et al

Filing 186

FILING ERROR - DEFICIENT DOCKET ENTRY - DECLARATION of Katherine B. Forrest in Opposition re: 168 MOTION to Strike Plaintiffs' Exhibits Filed as Part of Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants' MSJ and Defendants' Motion to Strike., 165 MOTION to Strike Plaintiffs' Exhibits Filed as Part of Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants' MSJ and Defendants' Motion to Strike.. Document filed by Capitol Records, Inc., Elektra Entertainment Group, Inc., Interscope Records, Laface Records LLC, Motown Record Company, L.P., Arista Records LLC, Priority Records LLC, Sony BMG Music Entertainment, UMG Recordings, Inc., Virgin Records America, Inc., Warner Bros. Records Inc., Atlantic Recording Corporation, BMG Music. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 492 to Forrest December 5, 2008 Declaration, # 2 Exhibit 493 to Forrest December 5, 2008 Declaration, # 3 Exhibit 494 to Forrest December 5, 2008 Declaration, # 4 Exhibit 495 to Forrest December 5, 2008 Declaration, # 5 Exhibit 496 to Forrest December 5, 2008 Declaration, # 6 Exhibit 497 to Forrest December 5, 2008 Declaration, # 7 Declaration of Elizabeth Cuneo, # 8 Declaration of Siobhan Minarovich, # 9 Declaration of Andrew Kempe, # 10 Declaration of Thomas Sehested)(Forrest, Katherine) Modified on 12/8/2008 (jar).

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Exhibit 493 0CT-24-06 18:25 From:PORTER · HEDGES LLP T-134 P.02/16 Job-Z95 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ARISTA RECORDS LLC; ATLANTIC RECORDING CORPORATION; BMG MUSIC; CAPITOL RECORDS, INC.; ·LF_KTRA ENTERTAINMENT GROUP INC.; INTER.SCOPE LLC; MOTOWN LA.FACE RECORDS RECORDS; RECORD COMPANY, L.P.; PRIORITY RECORDS UMG LLC; SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT; RECORDINGS, INC., VIRGIN R.BCORDS AMERICA, INC.; and WARNER BROS. RECORDS INC., Plaintiffs, DEFENDANTS LIME WIRE LLC'S, MARK GROUP LLC'S, GORTON'S AND GREG BILDSON'S INITIAL LIME PURSUANT DISCLOSURES RULE OF CIVIL FEDERAL TO PROCEDURE V, 26(11)(I) LIME WIRE LLC; LIME GROUP and GREG BILDSON, GORTON; Defen0ants. LLC; MARK CIVIL ACTION NO. 06 CV 5936 (GEL) Defendants/Counter-PlaintiffsLime Grcg Bildson to Wire LLC, Lime Group LLC, Mark Go.on and (colleetiv=ly "Defendants/Counter-Plaintiffs")make these initial disclosures Rule of Civil pursuant Federal Procedure 26(a)(I) and the stipulation of the parties that the plaimiffs/Counter-Defendants and Defendants/Counter-Plaintiffs need each only disclose identity of individuals with dis·vea'able information: Reserv·,tions Defendants/Counter-Plaintiffs make these disclosures based upon information reasonably availabl= this case at this time. not Defendants/Counter-Plaintiffs have not campleted their investigation these of are and have completed preparation for trial. Accordingly, initial disclosures a without prejudice to Defendants'/Counter-Plaintiffs'right to provided trial any evidence that is introduo¢ at hoaxingor at the subsequently discovered. Defendants/Counter-Plaintiffsreserve 0CT-24-06 18:26 From:PORTER & HEDGES LLP T-134 P.03/16 Job-Z95 right to clarify, amend, modify, in accordance or supplement the information contained in these initial dlsdosures wRh the Federal Rules of Civil Proc·ure Individuals and the roles of this Court. with Diseaverab|e Info_rmatlon the 1. Defendants/Counter-Plaintiffs identify addresses and following individuals (and to the extent known their telephone numbers have use of the those to individuals) currently known discoverable information to Defendants/Cotmter-Pl·Jnfiffs to Defendants/Counter-Plaintiffs may or likdy have that to support its claims and defenses: Inc. Unknown Representativesof Alm· 14011 Ven·ra Blvd., Suite 501 Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 of Unknawn Representatives, =h South 200 12 Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98144-2734 Inc. 206-266-1000 Unknown of Representatives Apple, Inc. I Infinite Loop Cupertino, CA 95014 408-996-I010 Vance Ikezoye Schrompp, Vice President Engineering Michael McTeigue, Vice President of Business Development lira Audible Magi· 985 Los University Avenue, Gates, CA 95032 Suite 35 408-399-6405 Alex Rofinan, All Vice President, Business Development Aydar Rusty Rueff SNOCAP, Inc. 31o-4o3-38o9 Unknown Sherman of Representatives Brillant Digital Entertainment, Inc. 14011 Ventura Blvd., Suite 501 Oaks, CA 91423 818-386-2179 Fax ·9·3"/5_LD0C 2 0CT-24-06 18=26 From:PORTER & HEDGES LLP T-134 P.04/16 Job-295 John Hank Hummer Berry Hummer Winblad Venture Partner8 One Lombard Street, Suite 300 San Francisco, CA 94111 415-979-9600 Dsvid Goldberg Affairs James A. Pitaro, Bufiness Fisher Roberm Ken Tarmas Matt Rim Compton,Media Services G·din and Strategic Partnerships Yahoo Music 701 First Avenue Sunnyvale, California 94089 Larry Linietsky Senior Viec President Global Business Development Alan Cohen Noel Ke, hoe Andrea Giles Davenow Yassin Ail¢¢n Atkin· Cliona Murphy Napator 9044 Melrose Avenue West 90069 Hollywood,California Hasan Miah Clarke R. Keough. Managing Director Michael Cams, ManagingDir¢ctor Dermis B. L, vine, ADASAR Group Otis Capital Partners 445 Park Avenue New York, Now York Avi Nadar, WhcnU New 10022 CEO 1 Pcrm Plaza, Suite 4532 York, New York 10119 0CT-24-06 18:26 From:PORTER & HEDGES LLP T-134 P.05/16 Job-295 Chris Maxcy Zahavah Levin Eric Klein Realnetworks, 2601 Elliott Seattle, Inc. Avenue Washington 98121 Car·y Sherman Miteh Bainwol Steve Marks Ken Dorshow Stanley Pierre Louis Recording Industry Association of Amexica Avenue, Suite 300 1330 Connecticut Washington, 202-857-9600 D.C. 20036 Nicholas Zenustrom Janus Ffiis Skype Technologies Stephen Street London, WIT 1AN England 2 Michael Weiss StreamCast Networks 20969 Ventura gig-g98-8610 Unknown Blvd., Suite 215 Woodland Hills, CA 91364 Representativesof th Walma· 702 S.W. 8 Street 72716 Bentonville, Arkansas 479-273-02g0 Sam Yagan, eDonkey 45 W. 21st Street #613 New York, NY 10010 646-216-8762 Representativesof elo Katherine Arista Records Cravath. I0019-7475 B. Forest, LLC Swaine & Moore, L.L.P. 825 Eighth Avenue York New York, New 99537·1.DOC 4 0CT-24-06 18:26 From:PORTER & HEDGES LLP T-lS4 P.06/16 Job-295 Representativesof c/o Katherine B, Atlantic Recording Corporation Forest, Crav·th, Swain¢& Moore, L.L.P. 10019-7475 825 Eil!hth Avenue New York, New York Representativesof BMfl Music e/o Katherine 825 New B. Forest, Cravath, Swaine & Moore, L.L.P. Eighth Avenue York, New York 10019-7475 Records, Inc. Swaine & Moore, L,L,P. R·resentatives of C·itol e/o Katherine 825 B. Forest, Cravath, Eighth Avenue New York, New York 10019+7475 Representativesof e/o Katherine 825 Entertainment Group Inc, B. Forest, Cravath, Swaine & Moore, L.L.P. Elektra Eighth Avenue New York, New York 10019-7475 Representatives of Interseope Records c/o Katherine 825 B. Forest, Cravath, Swaine & Moore, L.L.P. 10019-7475 Eighth Avenue New York, New York Repre, enmtlve· of Lafaee Records LLC c/o Katherine B. Forest, Cravath, Swaine & Moore, L.L.P, 825 New Eighth Avenue York, New York 10019-7475 Representativesof Motown c/o 825 New Katherine Eighth Avenue York, New Record Company, L.P. B. Forest, Cravath, Swaine & Moore, L.L.P. York 10019-7475 RepresentativesofPriority 825 New Rueords LLC e/o Katherine B. Forest, Cravath, Swaine & Moore, L.L.P. Eighth York, Avenue New York 10019-7475 Representativesof Sony BMG e/o Katherine B. Forest. Music Entertainment Cravath, Swaine & Moore, L.L.P. 89_5Eighth Awnue New York, New York 10019-7475 995375 1 ,DOC 5 0CT-24-06 18:27 From:PORTER & HEDGES LLP T-134 P.OT/16 Job-295 Representativesof c/o Katherine ·25 New B. UMB Recordings, Inc. Swaine & Moore, L.L.P. Forest, Cravath, 10019-7475 Eighth Avenue York, New York Representativesof VirginRecords America, Inc. c/o Katherine B. Forest, Cravath, Swaine & Moore, L.L.P, 825 Ei·th Avenue New York, New York 10019-7475 of RepresentativesWarn· 825 Bros. Records Inc. c/o Katherine B, Forest, Cravath, Swaine 86 Moore, L.L.P. Eishth Avenue New York, New York 10019-7475 Networks Unknown Unknown R·prescntativesof Sharnaan Representativesofpressplay/Roxio 95050 455 E1 Camino Real Santa Clara, California Wayne Rosso Allen D. Lenard Mike Bebel Mashboxx Talmon Mattes Ofer Shabti Robert iMesh Summers Stephen Du.Pont Graeenote 2000 Powell Street, Suite 1380 Emeryville,California 94608 Mitchell Jun Reichgut Mitch Golden Group, Inc. 203-761-8744 Mimi glm Scott Boyd AOL Music One Time Wm·ner Center New York, New York 10019-8016 095375_| .DeC 6 OCT-Z4-06 18:27 From:PORTER & HEDGES LLP T-134 P.08/16 Job-Z95 Martin Intent MediaWorks 4470 Chamhlee Glenn Dunwoody Road, Suite 310 Georgia 30338 Atl·ta, Paul Greenhcrg Senior Vioe Presidenh Business MusicNet t· rd 845 3 Avenue, 11 Floor New York, New York 10022 Development 212-704-0280 Mark Eisenberg Senior Vice President Business New Technology and Business Chrism Haussler Rob Wiescnthal Sir Howard Stringer Sony BMG Music Entertainment 550 Madison Avenue Affairs/ Dcvo|opment New York, New York 212-g33-5392 Ken Parks Senior Viec 10022-3211 President, Strategy and Business Development Ralph Munsen Digital Development and Distribution EMI Music I0011 150 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 212-786.8877 Elliott Peters Vice Presldent, Senior Coumel and Head of Digital Legal Affairs George White, SVP Strategy and Product Development Howie Singer, VP Strategic Technology VP Counsd Stephen M. Bryan, Strategic Planning and Business Development Amy Lauren, Assooiat¢ Warner Music Group 75 Rockefeller New Plaza 10019 York, New York 212-275-2180 9953751.DOC 7 0CT-24-06 18:27 From:PORTER & HEDGES LLP T-134 P.09/16 Job-Z95 Larry Kenswil, President ChristopherBell Edgar Bronfman Universal eLabs Universal Music Group 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Moniea, California 310-865-4094 90404 Mark Gotten Lime Wire LLC c/o Charles Porter S. Baker & Hedges, L.L,P, th 1000 Main Street, 36 Floor Houston, Tox·s 77002 Greg Bildson Lime Wire LLC c/o Charles S. Baker Porter Hedges, LL.P. th 1000 Main Street, 36 Floor & Texas 77002 Houston, Sam Berlin Lime Wire LLC c/o Charle· S. Baker Porter & Hedges, L.L.P. th 1000 Main Street, 36 Floor Houston, Texas 77002 Zlatin Balevsky Lime Wire LLC /o Charles S, t·,aker Porter & Hedges, LL,P. t· 1000 Main Street, 36 Floor Houston, Texas 77002 Tim Ols·'n Lime Wir· LLC c/o Charles Porter & S. Baker Healges. L.L,P. th 1000 Main Street, 36 Floor Houston, Texas 77002 995375_1,DOC 8 OCT-24-OG 18:27 From:PORTER & HEDGES LLP T-134 P.10/16 Job-295 Mark Komiilt Lime Wife LLC c/o Charles S. Baker Porter & Hedges, L,L.P. 1000 Main Street, 36 Floor Houston, Texas 77002 Katie Catillaz Lime Wire LLC c/o Charles S. Baker Porter & Hedges, L.L.P. 1000 Main th Houston, t· Street, 36 Floor Texas 77002 Andrew Fischler Lime Wire LLC c/o Charles S. Baker Porter & Hedges, L.L.P. th 1000 Main Street, 36 Floor Houston, Texas 77002 Zenzele Bell Lime Wire LLC c/o Charles Porter & S. Baker L.L.P. th H·gcs, 1000 Main Street, 36 Floor Houston, Texas 77002 Krik Kalm Lime Wire LLC c/o Charles S. Baker Porter & Hedges, LL.P. th Floor 1000 Main Street, 36 Houston, Texas 77002 Felix Bcrger Lime Wire LLC c/o Charles S. Baker Porter & Hedges, LL.P. · I000 Main Street, 36 Floor Houston, Texas 77002 ·53)·_·.D0C 9 OCT-N-OG 18:27 From:PORTER & HEDGES LLP T-134 P.11/1G Job-295 Stephen Pingel Lime Wire LLC c/o Charles S. Baker Porter & Hedges, L.L.P, 1000 Main Street, 36 Floor Houston, Texas 77002 Kevin Lime t· Faaborg Wire LLC c/o Charles S. Baker Porter 1000 & Hedges, L.L.P. Street, 36 Texas th Main Floor Houston, 77002 Roger Kapsi Lime Wire LLC c/o Charles S. Baker Porter & Hedges, L.L.P. *h 1000 Main Street, 36 Floor Houston, Christine Texas 7700'7 Cioffari Lime Wire LLC c/o Charles S, Baker Porter Hedges, L.L.P. th 1000 Main Street, 36 Floor & Houston, Texas 77002 Jesse Rubenfeld Lime Wire LLC c/o Charles S. Baker Porter & Hedges, L.L.P, · IO00 Main Street, 36 Floor Houston, Texa· 77002 Nathan ·/o Lovejoy S. Baker Lime Wire LLC Charles Porter & Hedges, L,L,P. 1000 Main Street, 3@ Floor Houston, Texas 77002 9953"JS_l,DOC l0 0CT-24-06 18:28 From:PORTER & HEDGES LLP T-134 P.lZ/16 Job-Z95 Akshay Kumar Lime Wire LLC e/o Charles S. Baker Porter & Hedges, L.L,P. 1000 Main Street, 36 Floor Houston, Texas 77002 th David Yeu Lime Wire LLC e/o Charles S. Baker Porter & Hedges, L.L.P. th 1000 Main Street, 36 Floor Houston, Texas 77002 Amy Hey Lime Wire LLC e/o Charles S. Baker Porter & Hedges, L.L.P. t· 1000 Main Street, 36 Floor Houston, Texas 77002 Seen Clifford Lime Wire LLC e/o Charles Porter & S. Baker Hedges, L,L.P, th 1000 Main Street, 36 Floor Texas 77002 Houston, Michael Nutt Lime Wire LLC e/o Charles S. Baker Porter & Hedges, L.L.P. th Floor 1000 Main Street, 36 Houston, Texas 77002 Jorge Maneheno Lime Wire LLC c/o Charles S. Baker Porter & HMgcs, L.L.P. th 1000 Main Street, 36 Floor Houston, Texas 7700:2 Anthony Carlucci 81 Sycamore Street Ma·sapequa, New York 11758 99537s_I,ooc 11 0CT-24-06 18:28 From:PORTER & HEDGES LLP T-134 P.13/16 Job-295 Ron VogI Avenue 449 Huron Cambridge, Massachusetts Jennifer-Kate Barrett Street, Apt. ID New York, New York 10003 300 Mercer Matthew Kotzen 607 Lorimer Street, Apt. 1 Brooklyn, New York 11211 BenjnminHunter 252 Seventh Avenue, New York, New York Robert 44 Apt. 8I 10001 Soule Columbia Place, Apt. 4B Brooklyn, New York 11201 Tarum Kapoor ·a 27 West 82 New Street, Apt. 3B York, N·w York 10024 Stephen 7 Cho StonebfidgeLane Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Anurag Singla 30 Newport Parkway, Apt. 2409 Jersey City. New Jersey 07310 Christopher Rohrs th 215 East 84 Street, Apt. 1A New York, New York 10028 Adam Fisk 95 S. 4 th StI'eet Brooklyn, New York 11211 Yusuko Naito 11 Lefferts Place, Apt. 2 11238 Brooklyn, New York 90s375j.·c 12 0CT-24-06 18:28 From:PORTER & HEDGES LLP T-134 P.14/16 Job-295 Adam Harris 133 gtephen gtreet 11756 Levittown, New York Sumeet Thadaui 302 Mort Street, New Apt. 12 10012 York, Now York Aubrey Arago ! 5 Terhune Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey 07305 Susheel Daswani 2110 Haste Street, Apt. 323 94704 Berkeley, California Dave 1105 Nicponski Summit Ave., Apt 3 Jersey City, New Jersey 07307 Christine Nioponski 191 Congress Street, Floor 2 Jersey City, New Jersey 07307 Angel Leon Stockholm Street, Apt. 2L Brooklyn, New York 11237 363 Karl 377 · Broadway, 11 Floor Magdsick tqaw York, New York 10013 Meghan Formd 310 East 9 Street, Apt. 3 New York, New York 10003 th ZaphaniahGnmschlag Drive, Apt, 3P New York, New York 10027 560 Riverside Justin Sohmidt 245 Avenue C, Apt. 5A 10009 New York, NY 90·37s=t.ooc 13 0CT-24-06 18:28 From:PORTER & HEDGES LLP T-134 P.15/16 Job-Z95 Rachel Sterne 321 East Flougt·rt, Apt, 1 New York, NY 10002 JosephD. Cohen Eric D. Wade Attorneys pro hac vice PORTER & HEDGES, LLP th 1000 Main Street, 36 Floor Houston, Texas 77002 (713) 226-6000 (Telephone) (713) 228-1331 (Facsimile) ebaker(· j¢ohen(-·orterhedge·.eom .¢wadc(·,portorhed· Lauren E, Handler P.C, SDNY Bar No. (LH 6908) & NEWMAN, PORZIO, BROMBERG 1 O0 Southgate Parkway P.O. Box 1997 Morristown, NJ 07962-1997 (973) 889-4·26 (Telephone) (973) 538-5146 (Facsimile) _Ct·_ l,ehandl.,er bn.eom Attorneys for Defendants 995)7s l,Doc 14 0CT-24-08 18:28 From:PORTER & HEDGES LLP T-134 P.16/16 Job-295 STATE OF TEXAS ) SS.: COUNTV OF HARRIS Maureen within ) sworn, Voillette, being duly over deposes and in says that she is not a party to the action, is That on 21 years of age and resides Katy, Texas. this·qt of October, fhday 2006, deponent caused a tnae and correct oopy of Defendant's and/or first class mail, postage Initial Rule 26 Disclosures to be served by facsimile the prepaid, upon Katherine following eour·ol of record: B. Forrest Cravath, Swaine & Moore LIP 825 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10019 Attorneys for Plaintiffs SwOrn to before me .·_is · 3 ·'[,d[· DELISA NotAry_ C. ,SMITH o· I"eXAS state P_U.etlO, 0 sEPt. 28,200o / 9953751.DOC

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