Viacom International, Inc. et al v. Youtube, Inc. et al

Filing 208

DECLARATION of William M. Hohengarten (Part Four) Ex. 42 in Support re: 176 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment /Viacom's Notice of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Liability and Inapplicability of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act Safe Harbor Defense.. Document filed by Country Music Television, Inc., Paramount Pictures Corporation, Viacom International, Inc., Black Entertainment Television, LLC, Comedy Partners. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 43, # 2 Exhibit 44, # 3 Exhibit 45, # 4 Exhibit 46, # 5 Exhibit 47, # 6 Exhibit 48, # 7 Exhibit 49, # 8 Exhibit 50, # 9 Exhibit 51 - Part 1, # 10 Exhibit 51 - Part 2, # 11 Exhibit 51 - Part 3, # 12 Exhibit 51 - Part 4, # 13 Exhibit 51 - Part 5, # 14 Exhibit 52, # 15 Exhibit 53, # 16 Exhibit 54, # 17 Exhibit 55, # 18 Exhibit 56, # 19 Exhibit 57, # 20 Exhibit 58, # 21 Exhibit 59, # 22 Exhibit 60, # 23 Exhibit 61, # 24 Exhibit 62, # 25 Exhibit 63, # 26 Exhibit 64, # 27 Exhibit 65, # 28 Exhibit 66, # 29 Exhibit 67, # 30 Exhibit 68, # 31 Exhibit 69, # 32 Exhibit 70, # 33 Exhibit 71, # 34 Exhibit 72, # 35 Exhibit 73, # 36 Exhibit 74, # 37 Exhibit 75, # 38 Exhibit 76, # 39 Exhibit 77, # 40 Exhibit 78, # 41 Exhibit 79, # 42 Exhibit 80, # 43 Exhibit 81, # 44 Exhibit 82, # 45 Exhibit 83, # 46 Exhibit 84, # 47 Exhibit 85, # 48 Exhibit 86, # 49 Exhibit 87, # 50 Exhibit 88, # 51 Exhibit 89, # 52 Exhibit 90, # 53 Exhibit 91, # 54 Exhibit 92, # 55 Exhibit 93, # 56 Exhibit 94, # 57 Exhibit 95, # 58 Exhibit 96, # 59 Exhibit 97, # 60 Exhibit 98, # 61 Exhibit 99, # 62 Exhibit 100, # 63 Exhibit 101, # 64 Exhibit 102, # 65 Exhibit 103, # 66 Exhibit 104)(Kohlmann, Susan)

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Received Date: .St,Pjett; l3: Cc; Fro; To: :~~~~;$\@"¡l" .'OndKo~Ol' __ 200-:12 1 tl;S8;r; ÇST RE; Video BPS - Conte ¡",'; '":; :.::. !:~ i:::: While i Uômlân 'yQur PQllis and -gêneltllYXlgfee J do't yel S% IHifriri stroliy Hom an pf .th video c,mpã Fqrexa. you tâlk abo íh T 9h3. ari tnak e..a 'J of. sense, wh Is ltsti:t~y to wir¡ thre? My'issl: ísthat the.toom i!:léacUng 10 olhes fBth$r 1l1ndrMng anew _strategan r Wan to se aCOIPèUìng,dìflerenite.teg sj¡;tag.. ËlÌC' . Ce: Omld KQlÖèSfM/ Subject: Yideo-GPS . Con/ent T~ . ¿ _ From: Da'ict Ëun tmaílo;çJGt@QOgtacotnJ ~ $e,fit:'frli;ay, May 121.8~35AM ÈfÌC¡ ;, In advance of the VldËo GPS. l.jlpllgb. it WoUqPe .héfpf(, to gIve YOU, my . be abfEi.o.shre these thi.hts WJth .you betore -: or dllnri -the GP$. - pèreclwe; My 8pa)pie In advae for th lenth. i Wesrú SL:re if l'l; .! : .' Thri'yP. aiSn.för erirgìziri the Vide tear Wiiri yw reqmt iritias. ßal¡iing :$hort T ~fm vs. LOfì j Grr :0oals 'J JiaSfòc.oniwo:i:ìoi-.n Preparation fOl"bS GPS: i) hQW'WS ~tiat ¥ouTLlb!. inthe shortteim,ar.ï!) how wè wIn aVér.tíme; WOOf 'ÌslE!ckíti is,hw tobébaJati tf: P!Jr-(:1 oJ bötlìgoali) Thre ¡.s a. chri..oi purstif1$hiiti'HlTI gnafswtlh SU i:êalots, thai:We dèyelovb1jix aJots tim! GOufQ hu lJ lafar. ForexPle. ìhre 'Waa .tieddebate .about wr."lther WeShlJà relax eiorCel'nt. of Our êoyiiQrt . dar;:Qe it would "ÇuSelQ relalionf)ps iNhÇOlert.öwnlS; poldes îri .an efJort to s¡¡mulat~ -lraJfic grOWl.desplte fheiÌ1Vítab/ ! think We shd))t YOUl.Ube - and å!l G0Pe¡itO¡;;' - bUl not et all eosi:. A large part of tr-iêir tr9ff(c is from piraed. co1li. When we cpmt$re Otr ..:.: trafffc.nlJmtirsto ttrs. Wß ShoUk..ack-OledgB tha pur 'lèg;;l l/'ffc' 19.thelr mix .olflBffc from Jeçi ari megl'cOJ. Ors-ani6r media exec tolçl1 they are ii6rt9rng YòuTuf Yen,. c1PixilY DATE:t; (¡. 0'1 17 ¡ EXHIBIT# 1 DEPONENT: S'W~ / '2 CASE: Vìacom, et ai', v. YouTube, et aI., The Football Association Premier League, et ai., v. YouTube, et ai', Case Nos. 07-CV-2203 and 07-CV-3582 A. Ignacio Howard, CSR, RPR, CCRR, CLR, No. 9830 'Confi.d.ert£a: GÖO'O:i-.OQ49G6si ." .:~, ~.: : :/ "~..""-' ... ari'l¡erred fo thm as a 'V¡dìi:l Gror', U,nfortìeiy, aSWe'va bo Siltl"..lo ia¡lJ,Oli'betìng YwTiibe' llis past aui:, ßire rove Peii.mi,¡¡pi.e deal$ lnprovidìng el' ou Cloo pruct that have strain :reátiOnps with CU! par:ri; ard prßveted us from .S\iikiri fI .dßs. ",..:: Tradeoffs If waaæ going to. rëtOC résøçe .anlqng tàil content, 1h.let'-s made. l:ut often in-ib¡t of a vaa. , Man pi;ernlui COten ownefß are alreaçl c;istruul of tjur \/lteiir moUve' ¡;or'so U$ as rii.t)lng vefY:p¡~-jñerily. If Wé wøre ¡ickr;Qwieg¡:rwhal we are NOTqölri, Re.soUl pr¡ol'i~;zUot atoolr: ;.:: ~ :;'; (ove) fpè oli prerji..cQreri J:ore, We.mäY .$Om "tickle. to SPE! paner,riw as,we.shif more of:our a1tenion to .ir-gnerafed çonten. f'orexample. rm not COvlnc that a pald DTO moóei wiU bè wklely embrace by ~ers, en thìl' adveiisa-supportect model wm ùtìmately prevai1. Howeve, I.don't beieve we've yet Pfov~dE a baæli~ of fukinality. . (d~lec DRM. lomr downlèad llmltS, litpt!I serçhlbrowsepipotioií \ht vJOd glve us an accalesens ofwhm the irue._potènlial of -DTO Is: UrJversal Muc ,sld over.40Q paId doi:cads' of juat 00 musè videos in theIr fIrst wOO wJlh ìturs In Oecembe: 13plldingtr¡:.fllc:by focusíri more oriUSl-geroraIEd-conten maybe thß rìgh ~erf.C;r nQw,qut we shvld d!(j wr.t tti cQri.s.?te. g90 a.nd bad. J JhlhK'we could 00 a bit more liúa~,ari:maiflaln..$One Of our Jongenerm QbjeClives suh .as:buildlng.addltonal monetlzation aproaCh beyondDTÇj mòFB aggressvely, wníf5'-:üII 'pur.hg shrter tt;nr -Pl1orltles. .Strateg~ Hèa, TaU, TOFW coprehve cori offeirisín the Wurt. We..shl;d'provQ$.conlent of all'kinds ittall )anguagès wíthmulüp!e motij:t¡'t!9n:acmes. Gøola caWfn 'by proviôlri the bß.st usr Ð)g.iienc forttx:l mos Head 'ther ow or wilh Oiul\ple pl'rl~r$. Jus thls week ÇBS armouflèed the lalXcf of a new Prenjkllïf coi:lef) Qwne~ arB.more ea¡¡nO ofer ther .conter. on ~ . .~: broadband nework tf1llho$l; Fqx .tlos the biggest conleri deal wih ltgh1y ,i:ont:igeri:t~ GOd\) 1. -OM? ()G.52 " n\lÆS yet; åhd Wá~r Brolrs at a òea10,Qlslnblle OTO throug Blt Torrent. We sluld contiri to mairnain.Qr :create.rele.iìonlps with them - .an e)lpancl I'Gtíoiihips wllhlhwhen the,prcKuchas improvë. Tajl f;: We.$p províti the be toos ¡m featurßS for lort ii:l çonlen, wliile. tJ1'!andri th¡i th~tß em aifedyti~redofwe!teS-pPViòìri w¥'1 clever,t.aæ off¡:ng (P9Plè acuis1tfqlaf'!'&1). Tol' .' J l,hnR th(l r~,al diffEJreniáior wßl bß'wbàt .i "torso' . . conl: profi'S$ìonaco~ owii by.çom.paes woo çòi1! tive en:)!K¡h $Gle to have lhelr own wel: Q(¡iibutioii pr p.rorn~on:: W9ul Jook to GV'for S!t1. Thse. lr.ude :saller cae..rioma; spatlrieres veripas:. eiucatîPnalinsitl,1oi'f1 nfche progr.ammers, Very few of our fir¡ìng, ægtii:tlri eriqUckly lm.:exng iM~ßvQlLmes :Of'hlStyPEl of COenL. . . Playing 'to Win competor$ will have tl:sè!è-, exertìSé and tt- he st~iit 'le .do in 6 mOnagô. N: ti talked ;;Y biJ'ftl: -a tnbri flb riw ~heri3are lìkety !POO 91her ho 09p.etitQrE. I thlri"Nsaid .a!?lule1y have ._ c1ar, slrt lerm goas, .but we-sn't fOCS on.any'nnecoi:petjtQralthå risk of-mìssriour Icnger-erm goal to win.byOOng copreive. WS is easier s¡ìi; than dìY,. so we ried your guie "to do thst Eric, can.we $tart execÌJ on the prose.i¡IUllon dlSC at Onil(j's ~ (Jt3ìgnatíri a Ptød lead ~¡t i: Ißad for each l1gh ¡: p.rlotiiy ßf.ea? l 'Know 1 ca helpt$e us to Whre we .neei 19 çp In V!qeo; but na1l1ri you ,Sßt tht extatlPh on'me ptiJìê!y as the Busne.lead woud 'provide a tremenou' boost togeì)lng thera. 'DavG .ii.:lglU'ý' Don:,iden.tial 090.0:0.i~0:09-?653 '. .t. ~.,. .NY: 212'570 MY: .-6~253-l99. OavidE:l'l ,''' " (", ¡:~ ;.:. ;: . l!~h3;r çQ;¡i¡i",¡¡t:a: öq(H'l~004~¡¡6i;4

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