Bourne Co. v. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation et al

Filing 34

DECLARATION of Paul M. Fakler in Support re: 28 MOTION for Summary Judgment.. Document filed by Bourne Co.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit Exhibits E-G, # 6 Exhibit Exhibit H, # 7 Exhibit Exhibit I, # 8 Exhibit Exhibits J-K, # 9 Exhibit Exhibits L-M, # 10 Exhibit Exhibits N-O)(Fakler, Paul)

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EXHIBIT E 91 LAt'lRENCE . D. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --x BOUR CO., Plaintiff, - against 07 Civ 8580 (DAB) TWNTIETH CENTURY FOX FILM CORPORATION, FOX BROADCASTING COMPANY, TWNTIETH CENTURY FOX TELEVISION, INC., TWNTIETH CENTURY FOX HOME ENTERTAINMNT, INC., FUZZY DOOR PRODUCTIONS, INC., THE CATOON NETWORK, INC., SETH MACFAR, WALTER MUPHY, Defendants. --- - ------ - -- -- --- - ----- -- ------- ---- -- - --x DEPOSITION of LAWRNCE FERR, Ph.D., held at the offices of Moses & Singer LLP, 405 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York 10174-1299, on the 6th day of March 2008, commencing at 10:05 a.m., before Colette Cantoni, a Registered Professional Reporter and Notary Public of the State of New York, pursuant to Notice. MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS ( 8 0 0 ) 3 5 - 3 3 7 6 WWW . Mer r i i i .com Pa 8 LAWRENCE FERRARA, PH.D. 1 Ferrara A Yes. 3 Q But you didn i t mention them in your report That is correct. 4 as things you had considered? 5 A Q 6 Are there any other things, materials that 7 you considered in preparing this report that are not 8 identified in the report, other than what we just 9 spoke about? 10 A I saw the episode of "The Family Guy" 11 that is at issue, but did not include it in my report 12 because I stated that I am analyzing the music that 13 was at issue and not the episode in its entirety. 14 Q But you did actually watch a video version 15 in addition to the CD version or the audio version 16 that you reference in your report? 17 18 A Q Yes, I did. A DVO version. Have you ever had one any of your expert 19 testimony excluded from evidence in a case? 20 21 A Q Not to my knowledge. In your report on page 1, footnote 1, you 22 say that you have not been asked to opine on the 23 lyrics for the report. 24 A Q Yes. But you did analyze the lyrics? 25 MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 9 , PH. D. 1 Ferrara A Q Yes, I did. So why did you not opine? MR. FAKER: Off the record. (Off the record.) MR. FAKER: Back on the record. And if you could read the last question, please. (Question read.) 10 BY MR. FAKER: 11 Q On the lyrics? A To the best of my recollection, Mr. Zavin said that the lyrics could easily be assessed and 14 analyzed by a trier of fact who is not a musicologist. That is, that the meaning of the 16 words, and the parody inherent therein, is already 7 there on the face, and therefore a musicologist would 8 not be required in this issue to so opine. 9 o Q Did you agree with Mr. Zavin i s assessment? Yes, I do believe that the lyrics are easy A enough to understand by a non-musicologist. Q And what was the conclusion you came to in 3 the analysis you did with respect to the lyrics? Well, I am sorry, let i s take a step back. How did you analyze the lyrics? MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 35-3376 www.Merril .com Pa 10 LAWRENCE FERRARA, PH.D. 1 Ferrara A 2 I went through the lyrics on the basis of 3 first whether or not any of the lyrics or lyrical 4 phrases from the Pinocchio song were actually used verba tim in The Family Guy song. 6 In addi tion , I looked at the overall 7 seman tic meaning line by line and section by section 8 in tbe lyrics in the Pinocchio song and The Family 9 Guy song. 10 In addition to that, I considered the way 11 in which syllables were actually used, set to various 12 rhythms and to melody. And essentially, on that 13 basis, drew conclusions as to the lyrical 14 similari ties and differences and as to whether or 15 not, in my opinion, the lyrics represented a parody 16 in Family Guy song of Pinocchio i s song lyrics. 17 18 Q And what conclusions did you come to? I found that the only verbatim similarity A 19 in the lyrics is in the "Wish Upon a Star" phrase, 20 and noted that it is in a different place, that is 21 tha t the opening lyrical phrase in Pinocchio song is 22 "When You Wish Upon a Star," yet the use of a part of 23 that "Wish Upon a Star" is not in the opening phrase 2 4 in the lyrics of Family Guy song. 25 In addition, I noted that outside of that MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 P 9 11 LAWRENCE FERRARA, PH.D. 1 Ferrara similarity, and certainly the fact that there are 3 similar setting of syllables to various notes 4 quantitatively, that the qualitative impact of the 5 vast lyrical changes in differences in The Family Guy 6 song represented very new expression, and from the 7 standpoint of parody, as a musicologist, that it took 8 what was in the original a, very pure idea about how 9 one might "Wish Upon a Star," and turned it into an 10 extraordinarily vulgar approach about how the 11 Peter Griffin character was wishing for a Jew. 12 And in that sense I concluded that the 13 lyrics, by themselves, are a parody and indeed 14 overall, in terms of their seman tic meaning, very, 15 very different as compared with the lyrics in 16 Pinocchio i s song. 17 Q And did you share these conclusions with 18 counsel prior to them asking you to omit that from 19 your report? 20 21 22 MR. RIMOKH: Objection. MR. FAKER: On what ground? MR. RIMOKH: We never asked him to omi t 23 them from his report. 24 Q You were asked to exclude the -- 25 MR. RIMOKH: No. MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 Fa LAWRENCE FERRARA, PH.D. Ferrara 2 3 Q -- the opinions from the report? MR. RIMOKH: The words in the report was 4 tha t he was not asked to opine on it. He was not asked to exclude anything. 6 BY MR. FAKER: 7 8 Q You did exclude this from your report? MR. RIMOKH: Objection. Q 9 Did you exclude this opinion from your 10 report? 11 1 MR. RIMOKH: Objection, unclear. Q You can answer. 13 14 MR. RIMOKH: What is this opinion? MR. FAKER: This opinion on the lyrics A 15 that we've been discussing for the past five minutes. 16 As per my footnote 1, I was not asked to 17 include my analysis of the lyrics in the report. 18 Q So when you don't include something that 19 you've done, would you consider that excluding it? 20 21 A Q Yes, I guess. So prior to your excluding it from the 22 report, did you discuss these opinions with counsel? 23 24 A Q Yes. Thank you. Were you at any time asked to consider the 25 MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 LAWRENC FERRARA, PH.D. 91 1 Ferrara 2 composi tion Clair de Lune in connection with this 3 case? 4 A Q Yes. When was that? 5 6 7 8 A Q Relatively recently. And what were you asked to do? A I was asked if there were any notable 9 similari ties in Clair de Lune and The Family Guy __ 10 no, I am sorry -- and Pinocchio song. 1 Q And what were your conclusions? Tha t there were none that were notable. 12 A Q 13 14 Do you know who Walter Murphy is? A I have seen his name on some of the sheet i 5 music that has been proffered, but I do not know who 16 he is other than that. 17 Q Did you at some point receive sheet music 18 with Mr. Murphy's name on it? 19 A The first time that I saw sheet music with 20 Mr. Murphy's name on it was that sheet music that was 1 attached to Ms. Wilbur's report. 22 Q And based on looking at the sheet music, 23 do you have any understanding of who Mr. Murphy is? 24 A It would seem as though he was a composer 25 of the music in Family Guy song. MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 . D. Ferrara Q Have you had any communications with Mr. Murphy? 4 A No. Q Do you know the title of what you refer to as The Family Guy song? A To the best of my recollection, in the episode that I saw I think it said "Wish Upon a Star 9 David," or something like that. o Q And where did you see that? A I think it was in the episode that I saw, 1 but I don't recall. Q Did you ever ask anyone at counselor 14 defendants what the title of the song was when you 5 were doing your analysis? 16 17 A Q No. Is it fair to say then you just didn't 1 know what the title was when you wrote the report, and that's why you call it Family Guy song? 20 1 MR. RIMOKH: Objection. A I am not aware that there is a title, that there is a set title. And so the use of "Family Guy 3 song" is to specify that it is that song, and 4 particularly the song that was actually broadcast in the TV show. MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS ( 800) 325 - 3 6 WWW . Me r r i 1 .com Fa 61 LAWRENCE FERRARA, PH.D. 1 2 3 Ferrara A Q Yes. Do you consider "When You Wish Upon a 4 S tar II to be a standard? 5 6 A Q Yes. Do you have any sense of how many times 7 it's been recorded since the 1940s? 8 A I do recall, Googling that at one point, 9 and it has been recorded many times. 10 Q And a rough sense, are we talking over 50? 11 Over 100? 12 A Q I don't recall. 13 14 But a lot of times? But a lot of times, yes. A Q 15 Would you expect there to be, in these 16 various recordings, many different variations in the 1 7 singer's rendition of the melody line? 18 A Q There could be, yes. 19 Did you review or consider any of the 20 other recorded versions of "When You Wish Upon a 21 Starll in doing your musicological analysis? 22 A There was another release of the movie 23 song in a longer arrangement but by the same 24 performer, and I found -- to the best of my 25 recollection, the parts that were the same were MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 120 LAWRENCE FERRARA, PH.D. 1 Ferrara 2 are not identical. 3 Q But "dreamll is a quarter note on the third 4 beat? 5 6 A Q No, that's wrong. Oh, it is the second beat. I got you. So 7 that's why it doesn't correlate. 8 And if we could look at 46, "nee,d" and 9 "dream. II 10 11 A Q Yes? Why don't those correlate? I have them -- are they not There is no line -- 12 A Q 13 14 MR. RIMOKH: I am sorry, where are we? 15 MR. FAKER: In Section E. A Q 16 17 How can we have a different. . . That's the strangest thing. The copy that 18 I have doesn't have it. 19 MR. RIMOKH: Where are you? 20 21 22 A Q MR. FAKER: Let me double-check this one. Here (indicating). No, I got it. It's a bad copy. That 23 answers that one. 24 We have discussed before a couple of times 25 that in this comparison you compared your MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 121 LAWRENCE FERRARA, PH.D. 1 Ferrara 2 transcription of the version in the version of IIWhen 3 You Wish Upon a Star" in the movie Pinocchio to your 4 transcription of The Family Guy episode. 5 Would this analysis in fact have changed 6 if you had used the Deposit Copy sheet music version 7 of the melody? 8 A Yes, I think so. 9 I think there may have been less 10 similarity, I remember doing it at one point, that is 11 going through it visually, but I'd have to actually 12 do it measure by measure now, if you'd want it. 13 Actually, there could have been -- I am 14 looking at it right now -- it's possible that there 15 could be greater rhythmic similarity. 16 17 18 Q Yes, that's what I am asking about. I think that -Can we look at that, please. A Q 19 A Q Yes. Yes. And if you could, maybe the quickest and 20 21 easiest way to do this -- actually, that's the 22 original, or maybe I could give you another one to 23 rip up. So don't rip up that one because she put her 24 initials on it. 25 If you could go through, with the two MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 122 LAWRENCE FERRARA, PH.D. 1 Ferrara 2 documents, and if you could indicate each one of the 3 notes in "I Need a Jew" that would have a line added, 4 that would indicate -5 6 A Q How would you like me to so indicate? Orally. Just callout the note -- not the 7 name of the note but perhaps the word that the note 8 appears over. 9 A Q Would you like me to make a check as well? Tha t would be great. 10 11 A In the event that you wanted me to 12 sumarize it, the checks would make it easier for me 13 to do so. 14 Q Right. That's an excellent idea. In fact, don't let me tell you how to do 15 16 it. Why don't you tell me what you think the best 17 way for you to do this is. 18 A I will say orally those that do in fact 19 correlate identically in terms of rhythm. 20 21 Q Okay. And we are comparing The Family Guy song A 22 to the IIWhen You Wish Upon a Starll Deposit Copy, and 23 specifically what's called the chorus to start with 24 in the Deposi t Copy. 25 Q Right. MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 EXHIBIT PL 1 EXHIBIT F 1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK BOURE CO., ) Plaintiff, ) ) ) ) VS. ) No. 07 CIV. 8580 (DAB) TWNTIETH CENTURY FOX FILM ) CORPORATION, FOX BROADCASTING ) COMPANY, TWNTIETH CENTURY FOX ) TELEVISION, INC., TWNTIETH ) CENTURY FOX HOME ENTERTAINMNT, ) INC., FUZZY DOOR PRODUCTIONS, ) INC., THE CARTOON NETWORK, INC.,) SETH MAC FARE, WALTER MUPHY,) ) Defendants. ) ) RULE 30 (B) (6) DEPOSITION OF FOX EMPLOYEE THOMAS CAVANAUGH TAKN ON THURSDAY, MACH 13, 2008 Reported by: Daryl Baucum, RPR, CRR, CBC, CSR No. 10356 MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 Page 7 1 any way decides to request a license for a particular 2 episode of "Family Guy"? 3 4 A. Q. No. And let me just ask you was this document 5 prepared by Marni Feenberg in the ordinary course of her 6 employment at Fox? 7 8 A. Q. I believe so. I would like to show you a document we have 9 marked as Plaintiff's Exhibit 28. It was produced in 10 discovery at FOX 2 through FOX 4. 11 (Plaintiff's Exhibit 28 was 12 marked for identification.) 13 BY MR. FAKER: 14 Q. And can you tell me what this document is? 15 A. Yes, this is a status report that is produced 16 by the licensing department that reports on all of the 17 license requests that have been sent out and what the 18 status of each is. 19 Q. And would this have been produced by a Fox 20 employee in the ordinary course of their employment with 21 Fox? 22 A. Q. Yes. Did Fox seek a license to use "When You Wish 23 24 Upon A Star" in connection with the "When You Wish Upon 25 a Weinstein" episode? MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 Jag, 8 1 A. Q. Yes. Why did Fox seek that license? They intended to use the song in the episode. 2 3 4 A. Q. And by "they," you mean the "Family Guy" 5 production team? 6 7 A. Q. The production, yes. Wha t were the terms of the license that you 8 were requesting? 9 A. Our standard request -- at least I can see from 10 here on this memo they asked for two quotes. One was 11 for a five-year license for all forms of television 12 worldwide, and then the second is a quote for all i 3 television in perpetuity worldwide. 14 Q. Is there anything -- do you know whether a 15 particular request was made to change lyrics from the 16 original song? 17 18 A. I don't know. It wouldn't be reflected on this piece of paper. It would have been in the request that i 9 was sent to the publisher, and typically script pages 20 are attached. 21 Q. Does Fox keep those records of these requests 22 when they have been denied? 23 24 A. Q. I believe so, yes, but. Do you know whether anyone looked for those? 25 A. They have not -- from personal experience, they MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 Pag 9 1 haven't been easily to locate, and I am not referring 2 specifically to this matter, some other matters I am 3 looking at. 4 Q. Do you have any understanding of a search that 5 was made for the original request for this license? 6 7 8 A. Q. For this specific, no. And do you know specifically who was who Fox contacted with this request for the contacted A. 9 license? 10 Well, I know it was Bourne Music. I don't know 11 who the individual was at Bourne. 12 Q. And that request was denied by Bourne? Apparen tly, yes, as it says on the memo. 13 14 A. Q. Are you aware of the fact that during season 15 two, Fox decided not to air the "When You Wish Upon a 16 Weinstein" episode? 17 18 A. Yes. MR. ZAVIN: Objection. 19 MR. FAKER: Are you aware. MR. ZAVIN: You haven't defined Fox. There are 20 21 a numer of different Foxes. 22 23 MR. FAKER: The Fox def endan ts . MR. ZAVIN: Sorry, still haven't defined them. 24 Not all the defendants initially made that decision. 25 BY MR. FAKER: MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 Page 11 1 It was -- one of the executives in the sales 2 group watched it and actually loaned it to a group of 3 friends, most of whom were Jewish, and they had asked 4 him for it and they saw it and came back and said we 5 think it's hysterical. 6 And he then gave it to another execu ti ve to 7 rewatch and the decision was made to allow the Cartoon 8 Network to see a copy of it and let them decide whether 9 they wan ted to add it to their rotation or not. 10 Q. Do you know which executives made that 11 decision? 12 A. The first one was Steve McDonald, ( 13 M-A-C-D-O-N-A-L-D, and he's the one who loaned it to the 14 group of friends. And then he gave it to his boss to 15 watch, Bob Cesa, C-E-S-A. 16 Q. So once that offer was made to Cartoon Network, 1 7 how did Cartoon Network respond? 18 A. I believe that they wanted to take a look at 19 the episode. They watched it and then ultimately 20 decided that it was in keeping with the overall spirit 21 of the show and they added it to the rotation. 22 Q. At a certain point, a decision was made by a 23 Fox entity to release the episode on DVD? 24 A. Q. Uh-huh. 25 Do you know which Fox en ti ty made that (800) 325-3376 MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS Page 12 1 decision? 2 A. That would have been -- the DVD' s are released 3 by a division called FHE, which stands for Fox Home 4 Entertainment, and it was included in what's Volume II 5 of the "Family Guy" but it was actually season three 6 because seasons one and two were combined. 7 And it was -- as they do with all DVD' s, they 8 go to the -- for the television DVD' s that they're going 9 to release, they go to TCF TV, the production entity, 10 and say give us all the materials that you have because 11 the value-added materials have a lot to do with the 12 commercial viability of the product. 13 That episode was one of the things they said 14 they had from season three, and FHE decided to include 15 it. 16 Q. Was the fact that the episode had previously 17 not be aired by Fox also part of the commercial value of 18 including that episode? 19 A. Q. I believe so. 20 21 22 Has the episode been released in other formats? A. Q. Such as? Such as ring tones. 23 24 A. Q. No. I shouldn't say that. 25 Has the song "I Need A Jew" been released as a MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 EXHIBIT G MI N LAZZO i UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK BOURE CO., Plaintiff, CIVIL ACTION FILE vs. NO. 07 Ci v 8580 (DAB) TWNTIETH CENTURY FOX FILM CORPORATION, FOX BROADCASTING COMPANY, TWNTIETH CENTURY FOX TELEVISION, INC., TWNTIETH CENTURY FOX HOME ENTERTAINMNT, INC., FUZZY DOOR PRODUCTIONS, INC., THE CARTOON NETWORK, INC., SETH MACFARE, WALTER MUPHY, Defendants. DEPOSITION OF MICHAL NICHOLAS LAZZO March 13, 2008 10:59 a.m. 600 Peachtree Street, NE Suite 5200 A tlan ta , Georgia Jennifer D. Hamon, CCR-B-2287, RPR MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 Page 10 MICHAEL NICHOLAS LAZ ZO 1 Q. What other ones? 2 3 A. Q. TBS, I believe. That's it. When did TBS start telecasting 4 "Family Guy"? 5 6 7 A. Q. I'm not sure of the exact date. Roughly? Do you have a year? I believe sometime in 2004. I don't A. 8 know exactly. 9 Q. Was it before or after Fox started 10 broadcasting "Family Guy" again? 11 A. Again? It would have been after, I 12 believe. 13 Q. Do you have any responsibili ties 14 with respect to the TBS telecasting of "Family 15 Guy"? 16 17 A. Q. No. So you testified already that 18 Cartoon Network telecast an episode known as 19 "When You Wish Upon a Weinstein" or "Wish Upon 20 a Weinstein"; correct? 21 22 A. Q. Correct. And when was the first telecast of 23 the epi sode? 24 A. Q. Novemer 9th, 2003. How many times to date has the 25 MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 MICHAEL NICHOLAS LAZZO 1 episode been telecast for Cartoon Network? 2 3 4 A. Q. I believe it 's 36 times. And is there a song in the episode called "I Need a Jew"? 5 A. Q. I believe that's the ti tle of it. You're familiar with the song. 6 7 8 A. Q. Yes. Other than telecasts, has Cartoon 9 Network distributed the episode in any other 10 ways, for example, on the Internet or in i 1 ringtones or video games or anything like 12 that? 13 A. We have clipped the "Family Guy" 14 programing on the Internet, offered clips to 15 our websi te . i6 17 18 Q. What website is that? A. Q. Adul tswim . com. So the entire episode is available? , 19 A. Q. No. 20 21 A. Q. Portions? Portions. Do you know whether the song "I Need , 22 23 a Jew" is available on the Adult Swim website? 24 A. Q. I do not believe it is. 25 Is the song "I Need a Jew" available MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 Płge 24 MICHAEL NICHOLAS LAZZO 1 And it says "Lazzo/Cahill." 2 So tell me: Does that mean you 3 produced this particular bump? 4 A. Mike Lazzo and Michael Cahill 5 produced that particular bump. 6 Q. So now I i m going to play the bump. 7 (Playing DVD.) 8 So I just paused it at the first 9 screen, and I will read it into the record. 10 It says, "The following program contains 11 content that some viewers may find 12 objectionable." 13 And then in the bottom right corner, 14 in parentheses, it says "Adul t Swim." 15 So can you tell me about this card 1 6 and this bump. 17 A. We occasionally air that type of 18 disclaimer within the block at the top of 19 every hour to alert viewers that some of our 20 material is for mature audiences. So that's 21 just a fairly standard disclaimer like you 22 would see on many television -- preceding many 23 television shows. 24 Q. So is it fair to say that although 25 Cartoon Network decided to air the Weinstein MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 5 MICHAEL NICHOLAS LAZZO 1 episode, they felt that a disclaimer was still 2 necessary? 3 4 A. Q. Yes. Can you explain that reasoning to 5 me. 6 A. Well, for, you know, any numer of 7 shows, we occasionally air disclaimers 8 alerting viewers about mature content, like 9 many television networks i including NBC. r 10 You know, it's just a fairly 11 standard operating procedure to air In fact, 13 we air disclaimers in front of our block when 12 disclaimers in front of programing. 14 it signs on at 11: 00 every night. 15 Q. So you're saying "mature con ten t . " 1 6 Wha t was the ma ture con ten t in the Weins tein 17 episode? 18 A. Well, we're just -- we're trying to 19 differentiate -- we program to an 18-year-old 20 audience and older. So we're, in es sence, by 21 day Cartoon Network and by night a young adult 22 audience. So we, in a standard way, 23 differentiate our block by running 24 disclaimers. 25 Q. Do you run this bump in front of MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 Page 26 MICHAEL NICHOLAS LAZZO i every "Family Guy" telecast? 2 A. No. We run this bump at 11: 00, in 3 front of whatever program might be there. 4 Right now, that's "Family Guy," but it used to 5 be "Futurama." Prior to that, it was home 6 movies. It's a rotating collection of shows. 7 Q. Does this bump run -- not this bump, 8 because it says Cartoon Network. Does a 9 similar bump run in front of "Family Guy" on 10 TBS? 11 12 A. Q. I don't know. So is it your testimony that this 13 bump really has nothing to do with the 14 Weinstein episode? 15 A. If it aired in front of the 16 Weinstein episode -- you know, I don't recall 17 whether we ran a specific disclaimer in front is of the Weinstein episode or not. It would not 19 surprise me if we did, however. 20 21 Q. And why is that? A. We like to alert our audience that 22 sometimes the content of a specific show is 23 for mature audiences. We would do that for 24 any numer of our programs. 25 Q. Let's look at the next card. MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 Page 27 M CHAEL NICHOLAS LAZZO 1 (Playing Dvn.) So does this second card 2 refresh your recollection with respect to 3 running this bump in front of Weinstein and 4 the specific reasons 5 6 A. Q. Yes. So tell me what your recollection is 7 now. 8 A. Well, I don't exactly rememer the 9 card, however, we clearly produced it. We 10 make packaging like this every week for every 11 night. So we make a lot of these cards. This i 2 is a disclaimer-type card which we have run in 13 the past for other shows, and this one is 14 specific to that episode. 15 MS. STAR: Let me just state -- I'm sorry -- for the record that this second part of this bump is a card that states, "The views expressed in, quote, When You 16 17 18 19 Wish Upon a Weinstein, end quote, are comedic in nature and do not reflect the opinions of Adul t Swim or Cartoon 20 21 22 23 4 Network. " And then, again, the Adul t Swim, in paren, logo appears at the bottom right. 25 And I think this clears up the question as MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 28 MICHAEL NICHOLAS LAZZO 1 to what the name of the episode is. 2 Q. (By Ms. Stark) So is it your 3 testimony that you have no clear recollection 4 as to the decision to create this custom card? 5 A. I don't rememer making it, however, 6 we clearly did. 7 8 (Deposition in recess, 11:35 a.m. to 1l:45 a.m.) 9 Q. (By Ms. Stark) So did Cartoon 10 Network receive complaints regarding the 11 episode after it aired? 12 A. Q. Not to my knowledge. 13 You're speaking on behalf of the l 14 company. Did you educate yourself as to 15 whether there were any? 16 A. I always get phone calls when we 17 have what I would consider a notable numer of 18 complaints. And in this particular case, I 19 did not get that phone call saying that we had 20 recei ved a numer of complaints and that we 21 should look into this. 22 Q. What is the median age of a "Family 23 Guy" viewer? 24 MR. RIMOKH: Objection. Q. 25 (By Ms. Stark) You can answer. MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376

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