Bourne Co. v. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation et al

Filing 34

DECLARATION of Paul M. Fakler in Support re: 28 MOTION for Summary Judgment.. Document filed by Bourne Co.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit Exhibits E-G, # 6 Exhibit Exhibit H, # 7 Exhibit Exhibit I, # 8 Exhibit Exhibits J-K, # 9 Exhibit Exhibits L-M, # 10 Exhibit Exhibits N-O)(Fakler, Paul)

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EXHIBIT I Page i TERESA TINGLE-HEPPNER UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK BOURE CO., Plaintiff, CIVIL ACTION FILE VS. NO. 07 Civ. 8580 (DAB) TWNTIETH CENTURY FOX FILM CORPORATION, FOX BROADCASTING COMPANY, TWNTIETH CENTURY FOX TELEVISION, INC., TWNTIETH CENTURY FOX HOME ENTERTAINMNT, INC., FUZZY DOOR PRODUCTIONS, INC., THE CATOON NETWORK, INC., SETH MACFAR, WALTER MUPHY, Defendants. DEPOSITION OF TERESA TINGLE-HEPPNER March 13, 2008 9:29 a.m. 600 Peachtree Street, NE Suite 5200 Atlanta, Georgia Jennifer D. Hamon, CCR-B-2287, RPR MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 Page 14 TERESA TINGLE-HEPPNER 1 Q. (By Ms. Stark) You can answer. I would consider Fox a broadcast 2 A. 3 network. 4 Q. These are not trick questions. I'm 5 just trying to get my terminology correct. 6 So I will refer to it as a telecast, .1 then, when I'm referring to Cartoon Network. 8 Does the Cartoon Network 9 MR. RIMOKH: One second. I'm sorry. 10 11 12 Let her finish her question and pause before you answer. Q. (By Ms. Stark) Does Cartoon Network 13 telecast the show "Family Guy"? 14 A. Adul t Swim telecas ts the show 15 "Family Guy." They share channel space wi th 16 Cartoon Network. 17 Q. Can you explain the relationship to 18 me between Adult Swim and Cartoon Network. 19 A. The way I view it, they are two 20 separa te program services that share the same 21 channel space, sort of like in the daytime 22 hours, it's Cartoon Network, and 23 post 11:00 p.m., it's Adult Swim. 24 Q. Adul t Swim is not owned by Turner? Yes, it is. 25 A. MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 Page 15 TERESA TINGLE-HEPPNER . 1 Q. Is Cartoon Network also owned by 2 Turner? 3 4 A. Q. Yes. Do they share the same office space? 5 6 A. Q. No. Where are Adult Swim's offices 7 located? 8 A. Adult Swim is located on Williams 9 Street. I don't know the street numer. 10 Q. And Cartoon Network's office is i 1 loca ted where? 12 13 A. Q. 1050 Techwood Drive. How far away are the offices, 14 approximately? 15 A. Q. A mile. 16 Tell me about your posi tion at 17 Cartoon Network. At the time of the airing of 18 the Weinstein episode, what was your position? 19 A. My ti tle at that time was senior 20 vice president standards and practices for the 21 Turner En tertainmen t Group. 22 Q. So what was your responsibility with 23 respect to the Weinstein episode? 24 A. My responsibility for that episode, 25 as for all programing, is to ensure MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 Page i 6 TERESA TINGLE-HEPPNER compliance with our standards and practices 2 guidelines. 3 Q. So it didn't matter that the program 4 was part of Adul t Swim as opposed to part of 5 Cartoon Network, did it? 6 7 8 MR. RIMOKH: Obj ection . Q. (By Ms. Stark) You can answer. It does matter, because the A. 9 standards are different for the two services. 10 Q. I'll rephrase the question, then. 1 i Your responsibility to review a 12 program does not differ regardless of whether 13 the program airs on Adult Swim or Cartoon 14 Network; is that correct? 15 The criteria may differ, but your i 6 responsibili ty to review a program does not 17 change; is that correct? 18 A. Q. That is correct. When did Adul t Swim s tart the 19 20 telecast of "Family Guy"? 21 A. Q. I don't rememer exactly. 22 23 Was it in 1999? 2000? A. I don't rememer exactly. I think 24 it was after that. 25 Q. 2001 ? MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 Page 18 TERESA TINGLE HEPPNER i briefly discussed in the beginning, when we 2 were talking about your conversations before 3 the episode aired. 4 Before Adult Swim aired the episode, 5 take me through the steps that you went 6 through one by one to make the decision 7 whether or not it would go on Adul t Swim and 8 be telecast. 9 What was the very first thing you 10 did? 11 12 13 14 MR. RIMOKH: Just to be clear, when you say "you," do you mean her, or do you mean MS. STAR: I mean the company. She's here's as a representative of the 15 16 i7 company. She's here identified to discuss that particular issue. 18 Q. (By Ms. Stark) Please tell me what 19 the company did step by step. 20 I'll help you a little bit. How did 21 it come to be that this episode was going to 22 be telecast on Adult Swim? 23 A. As is the case in general, James 24 Bagley, in my department, was the first to see 25 the program. He screened the program and MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325- 3376 Page 19 TERESA TINGLE-HEPPNER 1 wrote the e-mail that you have to Mike Lazzo 2 and Keith Crawford, giving his opinion of the 3 program from a standards and practices point 4 of view and outlining what he thought 5 appropriate next steps were. 6 At some point after that, I recall 7 that Mike Lazzo called me to discuss it and 8 asked me to take a look at it. I screened it 9 and gave Mike my thoughts. 10 Sometime after that, alternate lines 1 i were presented for review, and we reviewed 12 those, according to our practice. 13 And then I wrote a memo in an 14 e-mail, which you have, giving my opinion 15 abou t the program and how it should be 16 handled. And then the decision was made by 17 the network to move forward. 18 Q. Who made the decision? I believe that ultimately -- this is I believe ul tima tely it was Jim 19 A. 20 my opinion. 21 Samples. 22 Q. Who is Jim Samples? 23 A. Jim Samples, at that time, was the 24 head of Cartoon Network. 25 Q. And what does he do now? MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 Page 20 TERESA TINGLE-HEPPNER 1 A. Q. Jim is no longer wi th the company. 2 So going back to the answers that 3 you gave, you said -- and I may be 4 paraphrasing, so please correct me if I'm not 5 stating it correctly -- as always, James 6 Bagley screened the program. 7 Why is James Bagley the one to 8 always screen the program? 9 A. James's role in the department is to 10 support Cartoon Network and Adul t Swim, and he 11 is identified as the first point person to 12 look at programing for those networks. 13 Q. And was Adult Swim/Cartoon Network 14 aware that this episode had not aired on Fox? 15 A. Q. Yes. And had you, meaning the company, 16 17 had conversations with Fox about why it had 18 not aired? 19 20 21 A. Q. I did not. The company. A. I do not know who in the company may 22 have spoken to Fox. I don't know. 23 Q. Did you, in preparation for this 24 deposi tion , talk to anybody who may have had 25 conversations with Fox about why the episode MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 21 TERESA TINGLE-HEPPNER 1 didn't air on Fox? 2 3 A. Q. No. Did the fact that the episode didn't 4 air on Fox enter into your decision-making 5 process? 6 7 8 A. Q. No. Why is that? A. We make decisions based on the 9 content of the program. We don't know what 10 other networks' standards and practices 11 guidelines or decision-making is. 12 Q. So just to clarify, you don't know 13 whether anyone spoke wi th Fox or you don't 14 think anyone spoke with Fox regarding why the 15 episode didn't air on Fox? 16 17 A. Q. I don't know. Wi th respect to the alternate lines 18 in the program, did Cartoon Network/Adult Swim 19 request the alternate lines? 20 A. My department will identify content 21 that cannot air and refer that back to the 22 network. I do not know what conversations 23 anyone else had in terms of requesting those 24 lines. I wasn't a part of that process. I 25 merely identified the line that I wasn't MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 22 TERESA TINGLE-HEPPNER 1 comfortable with airing. 2 3 Q. And what line was that? A. That was the line "Even though they 4 killed my Lord." 5 6 7 Q. In the song? In the song. A. Q. Was there any other con ten t that you 8 identified in the episode or in the song that 9 you were uncomfortable with? 10 11 A. Q. No. So you testified that you identified 12 this line in the song that you were not 13 comfortable wi th . Who proposed the al terna te 14 line? Who proposed an alternate line? 15 MR. RIMOKH: Objection. 16 17 MS. STAR: Basis? MR. RIMOKH: It's vague and 18 amiguous. Q. (By Ms. Stark) Was an alternate 19 20 line proposed for the song? 21 A. An alternate line was presented to 22 me at some later point. And it was 23 acceptable. 24 Q. Who presented the line to you? 25 A. Mike Lazzo. MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 Page 24 TERESA TINGLE-HEPPNER 1 MR. RIMOKH: Thank you. Q. 2 (By Ms. Stark) Can you tell me what 3 this is, what this document is. 4 A. This e-mail has the memo I wrote on 5 the Weins tein episode. 6 7 8 Q. The one that you just testified to? The one that I just referred to. A. Q. And just so we can get the record 9 clear, is that on page TCN-000l4, there on the 10 bottom right? 11 12 A. Q. Yes. Okay. Continue. And I see comments from other people 13 A. 14 and discussion about how we would move 15 forward. 16 Q. When you print e-mails, it goes from 1 7 the bottom up. So did you receive this full 18 chain here on this first page, TCN-00013? 19 20 A. Q. Yes. I see your name appears on each one 21 of these back and forth. So you received 22 this. 23 24 A. Q. Yes. Turning to your memo on the second 25 page that you were discussing, I just want to MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 Page 25 TERESA TINGLE-HEPPNER 1 go back to -- I want to go back to exploring 2 and learning about after you wrote this 3 memo -- and this memo, you testified that you 4 wrote this after the alternate line was 5 approved; correct? 6 7 A. Q. That is my memory, yes. At the very bottom, in the last 8 paragraph before it says, "Please call," it 9 says, I do believe CN should use one of the 10 edi ted versions that lose -- I assume that 11 means loses the line, quote, even though 12 they killed my Lord. 13 Does this refresh your memory as to 14 the circums tances concerning the edi ted 15 version of the episode? 16 A. I rememer that there were al terna te 17 lines available and that they satisfied my 18 need for an alternate line that was 19 approvable . I do not know where they came 20 from. 21 Q. Is it fair to characterize this memo 22 to Jim as stating that you recommend airing 23 this program with that line revised? 24 A. Q. Yes. And if you look at the date of this 25 MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 26 TERESA TINGLE-HEPPNER 1 memo, itls dated October 27th, 2003. Does 2 tha t refresh your memory as to when the 3 program aired? 4 A. Q. I'm sorry. No. Not a month later or six months 5 6 later? 7 8 A. Q. No. But it is your testimony that you 9 know that it did air. 10 11 A. Q. Yes. After you wrote this memo, what 12 happened between this memo and the time 13 al though you can i t rememer when - - the time 14 that the episode aired? 15 A. I don i t have much memory of what I don't 16 happened once the decisions were made and they 17 had my inf orma tion . I i m sorry. 18 rememer much. 19 Q. If you look at the first page, just 20 take a minute to read this chain and see if 21 tha t refreshes your memory at all. 22 A. My memory is very vague. I mean, 23 all of this is familiar. 24 Q. Can you just tell me generally what 25 this is discussing. MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 Page 31 TERESA TINGLE-HEPPNER 1 between any of the other defendants in this 2 case, Fox, Fuzzy Door, MacFarlane, and the 3 Anti-Defamation League, or any other 4 organizations representing the Jewish 5 communi ty regarding the Weinstein episode? 6 7 8 A. Q. No. So I just want to go back to these Is it changes that were made to the episode. 9 your testimony that you don't know how these 1 0 change s were made? 11 I i m sorry. Thi s one change. A. Is 12 tha t this one change to the line of the song? 13 I am not clear whether you mean 14 technically or what you mean. 15 Q. Let's go through it, then. You 16 testified that you wanted to change that one 17 line of the lyric, and you asked for it to be 18 changed; is that correct? 19 A. Q. Yes. Take me through the steps of how 20 21 tha t got changed. 22 A. Our department communicated to Adult 23 Swim that that line was not acceptable for 24 air. At some point later, they came back to 25 us with alternate lines which were acceptable. MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 32 TERESA TINGLE-HEPPNER i And subsequently, a final was produced with 2 the al terna te dialogue in its place, and that 3 was approved for air. 4 Q. And did it air with the alternate 5 dialogue? 6 7 A. Q. Yes. The first airing aired with the 8 alternate dialogue? 9 A. Q. Yes. Does "Family Guy" have closed 10 1 1 captioning? 12 A. Q. I don't know that for a fact. 13 So would you know whether the lyric 14 had been changed in the closed captioning of 15 the episode? 16 17 A. Q. I do not know. Should it have been if there were 18 closed captioning? 19 A. Q. Yes. 20 21 22 23 24 Are you still in in standards and practices? A. Q. Yes. Were you ' 04? A. Q. Yes. Would you have been 25 responsible for MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 Page 34 TERESA TINGLE HEPPNER 1 A. Q. I don i t see August l3th. (By Ms. Stark) If you look at the 2 3 subject line in the middle of the second page, 4 it says, TBS viewer comments for the period 5 8/l3 to 8/20. 6 So my presumption is that the 7 comment came in sometime between that time 8 period. That's why I'm listing that date. 9 So you rememer this happening? 10 A. Q. Yes. And can you just tell me the details 11 12 of what happened. 13 A. Apparently, in the library, the 14 original Fox version was never pulled from the 15 shelf when the replacement mas ter was created. 16 And when TBS scheduled the episode, the wrong 17 master was pulled -- we were not aware of the 18 wrong master still being in the library -- and 19 aired. 20 We became aware of it because we 21 recei ved this viewer complaint, and 22 immediately afterwards, we had the wrong 23 version that does not have the alternate 24 dialogue removed from the library and 25 destroyed. MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 Page 35 TERESA T NGLE-HEPPNER 1 Q. And on the first page of this 2 document, it says this is from Karen Cassell 3 to you. It says, "My gut is to apologize." 4 Who is Karen Cassell? 5 A. Karen Cassell is the senior vice 6 president of public relations for TBS and TNT. '7 Q. Is she still? 8 A. Q. Yes. And did somebody apologize to this 9 10 viewer? 11 A. It is my understanding that they 12 did. 13 14 Q. It wasn't you, though. It was not me. A. Q. 15 So you don i t know specifically how I don't know specifically. 16 that happened, this apology? i7 A. Q. 18 How does Cartoon Network or Turner 19 normally apologize to a viewer? 20 A. If the complaint comes bye-mail, we 21 generally respond to their e-mail, because 22 that i s the only contact information we have 23 for them. 24 Q. Other than destroying the master and 25 responding to the complain t by the viewer by MERRILL LEGAL SOLUTIONS (800) 325-3376 EXHIBIT PL 40 EXHIBIT FILED WITH THE COURT UNDER SEAL PURSUANT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER

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