Schoolcraft v. The City Of New York et al

Filing 598

DECLARATION of Alan H. Scheiner in Opposition re: 566 FINAL MOTION for Attorney Fees for Levine & Gilbert and Peter J. Gleason, Esq.., 559 MOTION for Attorney Fees , Costs and Disbursements.. Document filed by The City Of New York. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit, # 2 Exhibit, # 3 Exhibit, # 4 Exhibit, # 5 Exhibit, # 6 Exhibit, # 7 Exhibit, # 8 Exhibit, # 9 Exhibit, # 10 Exhibit, # 11 Exhibit, # 12 Exhibit, # 13 Exhibit, # 14 Exhibit, # 15 Exhibit, # 16 Exhibit, # 17 Exhibit, # 18 Exhibit, # 19 Exhibit, # 20 Exhibit, # 21 Exhibit, # 22 Exhibit, # 23 Exhibit, # 24 Exhibit, # 25 Exhibit, # 26 Exhibit, # 27 Exhibit, # 28 Exhibit, # 29 Exhibit)(Scheiner, Alan)

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NORI N SB ERG PACE R SEARCH CASES OPEN ED 2OTO, 2OTL, 2OT2, 2OL5 NORINSBERG, JON LOUIS nysdce 12/2/zOtO 9 NORINSBERG, JON L. nyedce t2/3/20t0 7 NORINSBERG, JON L. nyedce 12/8/2OLO NORINSBERG, JON LOUIS nysdce 12/s/2OtO NORINSBERG, JON LOUIS nysdce NORINSBERG, JON LOUIS nysdce t2lt4/2OrO t2/L4/20L0 NORINSBERG, JON L. nyedce 1./L8/20L1 NORINSBERG, JON LOUIS nysdce NORINSBERG, JON LOUIS nysdce 1./31/20t1 2/e/2011. 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The City of New York et al Sewell v. The City of New York et al Davis v. City of New York et al Phillips v. The City of New York et al Thames v. The City of New York et al Jaquez v. The City of New York et al Stanczyk v. City of New York et al Mingo v. The City of New York et al Georges v. The City of New York et al Bestman v. The City of New York et al Hilliard v. The City of New York et al Vasquez v. The City of New York et al Pegues v. The Metropolitan Transportation Tillman v. The City of New York et al Woodhouse v. County of Nassau et al Bertuglia et alv. The City of New York et al Anaba v. The County of Suffolk et al O'Donnell et alv. Card Pujols et alv. The City of New York et al Adams v. The City of New York et al Davis v. United States of America, et al. Pierre et al v. City of New York et al O'Hara et al v. The City of New York et al Ramos v. The City of New York et al Ltl3/20LL /22/20L3 1:20L1-cv-03990 7 I t6 / 2Ot2 I:2OL!-cv -O7 77 3 3 / 13 / 2012 L:201-1-cv-05383 1.1/3/20L1 4/ 2Ot3 t:2}tt-cv -O7 847 7 I 3Ll 2013 1:201-1-cv-05384 Corretjer v. Port Authority of New York and Figueroa v. The City of New York, C.O. et al Witek v. City of New Yor"k et al Stringer v. The City of New York et al Codrington v. City of New York et al Nealy v. The City of New York et al 8 tZ / 1:2012-cv-00981 L2 !:20 !2- cv -0253 1 tO /7 I 2075 1 :2012-cv-01-650 6 I 25 I 2Ot3 1,:20l2-cv -OL652 8 / / 20 8 /2OI3 1:2012-cv-02598 Davidson v. City of New York et al Scott v. The City of New York et al 9 /2O 2 I2LI2O13 1:2012-cv-063 L1 Delgado v. The City of New York et al 5 / 20 / 2013 I:2012-cv -04182 Garrick et alv. City of New York et al NOR! NSBERG PACER SEARCH CASES OPEN ED zOtO, zOtL, 2OL2, 2OL5 cs_date_filed cs_date_term case_no party_name court_¡d NORINSBERG, JON LOUIS nysdce NORINSBERG, JON LOUIS nysdce NORINSBERG, JON LOUIS nysdce t\ORINSBERG, JON LOUIS nysdce NORINSBERG, JON LOUIS nysdce NORINSBERG, JON LOUIS nysdce NORINSBERG, JON LOUIS nysdce NORINSBERG, JON LOUIS nysdce NORINSBERG, JON L. nyedce NORINSBERG, JON L. nyedce NORINSBERG, JON L. nyedce NORINSBERG, JON L. nyedce NORINSBERG, JON LOUIS nysdce NORINSBERG, JON LOUIS nysdce NORINSBERG, JON LOUIS nysdce NORINSBERG, JON LOUIS nysdce NORINSBERG, JON L. nyedce NORINSBERG, JON L. nyedce Ll19/20L0 8/Ltlzoto 1:2010-cv-004L0 t/L9/2010 6/29/2010 1:2010-cv-00408 2/2/20L0 7/L9/2o7o 1:2010-cv-00753 3/23/2070 9/28/2oto 1-:2010-cv-02588 3/2s/2oLo tL/3/20I0 t:2OIO-cv-02670 4/2/20L0 3/L6/2OLL 1:2010-cv-02875 L:?ßL0-cv-04228 5/2512010 6/L/2oto tl3lzoLI t:20L0-cv-04327 6hOl2OtO 2:20L0-cv-02632 6/15/2010 6/6/2012 t:20t0-cv-02714 6/22/2oto tt/29lzoLt 1:2010-cv-02870 /L6/2oto t/s/20l2 1:2010-cv-03357 7/L9/20L0 2/27/20t3 7:2OIO-cv-05472 8/LO/2OLO L:2010-cv-06005 8/2s/2O1O 3lsl2oLs 1-:20L0-cv-06353 8/31/2oto 6/3/2oLL 1:20L0-cv-06493 9/2/2010 12/12/2013 1:2010-cv-04033 9/2/2OtO 6/20/2OtI 1:2010-cv-04032 NORINSBERG, JON L. nyedce 9/24/2010 t2/IslzotL NORINSBERG, JON L. nyedce NORINSBERG, JON LOUIS nysdce NORINSBERG, JON LOUIS nysdce NORINSBERG, JON LOUIS nysdce NORINSBERG, JON L. nyedce NORINSBERG, JON L. nyedce NORINSBERG, JON L. nyedce NORINSBERG, JON L. nyedce NORINSBERG, JON L. nyedce NORINSBERG, JON LOUIS nysdce NORINSBERG, JON LOUIS nysdce NORINSBERG, JON LOUIS nysdce NORINSBERG, JON L. nyedce NORINSBERG, JON LOUIS nysdce 7 1o/13/2oto 1:2010-cv-04356 4/26/20t3 t:2o1}-cv-04678 LO/L4/IOLO 3.0/t5/2O121:2OIO-cv-07844 1O/L9/2OLO 8/29/2OLtt:201.0-cv-O7946 tthl2oto 1.1/2/2010 ttl4/2OtO 1.tll0l201o 1.tho/zoIo 1/9/20L2 L:2010-cv-08238 3/28/2ott 1:2010-cv-05070 5/31./2012 l-:20L0-cv-05103 4/27/2Ot21:20L0-cv-05196 3/I6/2OLL 1:2010-cv-05199 1,1112/2010 4/4/201L !:2OtO-cv-052t4 t1./12/2oLo ttlL6/20L2 1,1/12/2OLO I/6/20L2 tL/I6/2OtO 12/L/2010 12/t/2oto 1:2010-cv-08516 L:201-0-cv-08515 8126/2oLI 1:201-0-cv-0864L 4/26/2OtL 1:2010-cv-05539 9/6/2OIL 1:2010-cv-08979 case_title Phinazee v. The City of New York et al Seeram v. The City of New York et al Mcilwain v. The City of New York et al Williams v. The City of New York et al Nunez v. The City of New York et al Smith v. The City of New York et al Stinson et alv. The City of New York Duncan v. The City of New York et al Stamile et al v. County of Nassau et al Marshall v. The City of New York et al Pertet v. The City of New York et al Rourke v. Phillips et al Antes v. Bonura et al Schoolcraft v. The City Of New York et al Guzman v. The City of New York et al Valentin v. The City of New York et al Hoyos v. City of New York et al Brown v. The City of New York et al Mejias et alv. The City of New York et al Perry v. The City of New York et al Murphy v. The City of New York et al Mcllwain v. The City of New York et al Thomas v. The City of New York et al GIORDANIv. THE CITY OF NEW YORK et al Williams v. City of New York et al Cox v. The City of New York et al Figueroa v. City of New York et al Rose et al v. The City of New York et al Gullo et alv. The City of New York et al Williams v. The City of New York et al Wilson v. The City of New York et al Williams v. City of New York et al Rodriguez v. The City of New York et al GERALD M. COHEN PACER SEARCH RESUTTS zOtO,aOLL,2Ot2,2Ot5 COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce tt/t0/2olo 3 COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce tt/to/zoLo 4 / 26 COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce tLl12/2OLO 11./Ls/20L0 COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce t2/2/2010 8/ 23 / COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce 12/7 COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce 12/7 l2OtO /2010 / 8/ 5 /20L4 1:2010-cv-05198 / 20L1, L:2OLO- cv -0847 4 tlz)Lt L:20L0-cv-05215 2/ 3 / 2O1.L 1- :201O-cv-08606 Lynch v. The City of New York et al 2011, 1 :2010-cv-08998 Cruz et al v. The City of New York et al 4/ 2t / 2ott 1 : 2010-cv-05656 t/ tO Avitto et al v. The City of New York et al Derrick v. The City of New York et al Robinson v. The City of New York et al Harris v. The City of New York et al Deleon v. The City of New York et al Krah v. The City of New York et al Lowrie v. The City of New York et al Shim v. City of New York et al Fernandez v. The City Of New York. et al Torres v. The City of New York et al Garrett v. The City of New York et al Perez v. The City of New York et al Colon v. The City of New York et al Wiggins v. The City of New York et al Diallo v. City of New York et al Williams v. City of New York et al Colon v. The City of New York et al Pagan v. The City of New York et al Barksdale-Powellv. The City of New York et al Cameron et al v. The City of New York et al Henry v. The City Of New York. et al Talley v. The City Of New York. et al Thomas v. The City of New York et al Valles v. The City of New York et al Puglionesi v. The City of New York et al De Leon v. The City of New York et al Moody v. The City of New York et al Brown v. The City of New York et al Maragh v. The City of New York et al /2OL2 L:2010-cv-05654 COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce 1./13-/201.1 COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce 1./27 COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce L/28/201.1 COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce 2/3/201.1. h8 I201,t 1:201L-cv-00630 7 / 25 / 2011, !:2Ott-cv-0O7 44 COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce 2/3/201.t 6 COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce lz}tt / 201J 6 / 29 / 201,L 6/ 3 1 :201 1-cv-00206 1 :201 1-cv-00406 7 / t6 / 2OLI 1:201 1--cv-00755 COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce /20L1 2/7/20L1 COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce 3/8lzotr / t5 / 2011 1 :201-1-cv-00588 t0 / 6 1:2011-cv-01561 COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce 3/81201.r 2/ 6 I 2012 1-:2011-cv-01518 COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce 31101201,1 COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce 3l10/201L 3/t4/201L 3/ts/2011 COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce 3/1.s/20t1. COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce 3/Ls/2OtL COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce 3/ts/2oLt 3/Ls/20tt 3/31/20t1 COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce 3/31/zOrL COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce 3l3tl20tt COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce 3/3L/20rt 4/4/20tL COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce 4/41201.1 2/7 COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce 4/4l2OtL COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce 4/Lt/zott COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce 4/L1,lzOtL 4/11./201t Keller v. The City of New York et al Acevedo v. The City of New York et al Jackson v. City of New York et al 6/9 /zOLt L:2011-cv-00589 7 ll}tt I 201.L 8 / 30 / 2011, L0 / 25 L :20L 1-cv-01650 1 :201 1-cv-0165 L / / 2OI2 \:2}tt-cv -017 1.6 t2 / 9 / 20Lt t:2Ctl-cv -0t2I3 / L0 / 2OL2 L:2OLL-cv -Ot2tL L3 L 1. 20t2 L:20LL-cv -017 65 1,1 / 30 / 20Lt L:2OLL- cv -0L7 64 3 I2/ 20L2 L:2OLL- cv -OL7 66 / 20Lt L:2OLL- cv -022L8 2 / 27 / 7 / 2L 9 /7 /20IL 1.:2011-cv-01575 2012 1,:20L1- cv -OL57 6 4 / 2 / 2013 1,:20tL-cv -02219 tL I 2L / 20tL t:2}LL-cv -02292 I0 / 4 I 2OIL t:2011-cv -0229 4 tO / 27 / zltt t:207L-cv -02293 2 / t / 2012 1,:20tL-cv -02443 t0 I 19 I Z}tt I:20LL-cv -0244L 7 / 26 / 2Ot2 !:201,1,-cv-Ot7 48 1. / 18 / GERALD M. COHEN PACER SEARCH RESULTS zOtO,aOLL,2OL2,2OL5 party_name court_id COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce COHEN, GERALD M. COHEN, GERALD M. COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce cs_date_filed cs_date_term case_no Il2o/2o10 4/7/20101:2010-cv-00460 2/9/2010 6/29/zotj 2/16/2oto 5/L9/2AI0 1:2010-cv-01040 I:2oto-cv-oLL7t 7/L6/20L0 1:2010-cv-01017 3/8/2oto 3/12/2010 3lt5lzjtt 1:201-0-cv-02185 nyedce 3/L6/2OLO 9/IO/2O10 L:201-0-cv-01178 nysdce 4/L6/2OLO 8/5l20IO t:2oLo-cv-03226 4/ t9 /2010 LO|IA|20I] t:20t0-cv-O3294 4/22/2010 1015/2oIo t:2O1O-cv-O3372 4/30/2010 7/21./2010 1:2010-cv-03576 5l10/2OtO 9/23/20L1. 1:2010-cv-03799 COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce 5/2s/201.0 6/3/2oto L:20LO-cv-04228 lzoto l:2oto-cv-0252L 6/ts/2010 12lI/20I0 t:20IO-cv-O4647 6/15/2oIO t2/7 lzoto 1.:2O1O-cv-O27L6 1.0/27 COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce 6ltsl2oLo COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce 6/28/2oto COHEN, GERALD M. COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce nyedce 6/6/20t2 t:2oLo-cv-o27t4 t0/sl2O1O 1:2010-cv-04984 tls/20121:2010-cv-03357 7/20/2OtO 6/6/2O1.L1:2010-cv-03312 7h6/2oto 8/3/20L0 t/Lg/zOIL 8l6l2oLo 3lLtl20L1. case_title Pinckney v. The City of New York et al Jordan v. The City of New York et al Ramos v. The City of New York et al Jordan v. City of New York et al Figueroa v. The City of New York et al Glenn et al v. The City of New York et al Garcia v. The City of New York et al Quijano v. The City of New York et al Garcia v. The City of New York et al Veras v. The City of New York et al Nibbs v. The City of New York et al Stinson et al v. The City of New York Welch v. City of New York et al Richardson v. The City of New York et al Genao v. The City of New York et al Marshallv. The City of New York et al Jean-Francois v. The City of New York et al Rourke v. Phillips et al Staton v. The City of New York et al Charles v. The City of New York et al 8/1.0/2OLO L:20L0-cv-06005 Branch v. The City of New York et al Schoolcraft v. The City Of New York et al 8/1-6lzoto 2/3/201.L 8/3L/20t0 2/L6/201.1 1:2010-cv-03752 Figgures et al v. The City of New York et al I:201O-cv-03974 Brown et alv. The City of New York et al Antun v. The City of New York et al Orakwue v. City of New York et al Best v. The City of New York et al 1:2010-cv-05925 9/t7l2OrO 4/28/20L1 t:2OtO-cv-O7137 9/29/2oLo 4/20/20L1.'J.:201o-cv-o4443 10/sl2OL0 tlslz0Lt L:20L0-cv-0761L Io/8/20l.0 7 /29/2OtL L:2010-cv-07700 COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce 1,o/13/201,0 COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce Io/20/2010 9/21/2oLt 1:201-0-cv-07966 COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce 1,!/SI}OLO 2/17lzo1-I 1:201-0-cv-08360 COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce 4/26/2013 1:2010-cv-04678 ttlL0/ZOLO 1,1/to/2oro 3/L/2O1.L 1:2010-cv-05197 4/5/2otLL:2010-cv-08473 Burns v. The City of New York et al Perry v. The City of New York et al Adames v. The City of New York et al Martinez v. The City of New York et al Mote v. City of New York et al Drewitt et al v. The City of New York et al GERALD M. COHEN PACER SEARCH RESULTS 2OLO,2OLL,20L2,2OL5 2/2s/2012 Soll v. City of New York et al COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce s/3/2oL1. COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce 6/L7 COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce s/4/2jtr s/23/zjtt tlte/20t2 1:2011-cv-03495 Guzman v. The City of New York et al COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce s/23/2otr 4/LLl20L2 t:2OLt-cv-02462 Glenn v. City of New York et al COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce 6/16/20L1 6/L7 lzOLL COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce 7 COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce 7 COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce 7 COHEN, GERALD M. 1,:2O1,L-cv-O2L43 lz}rs 1:201L-cv-02159 2/7 /201.4 1:20L1--cv-02899 Samtani v. Cherukuri et al Carter v. The City of New York et al Mercado et al v. Pizarro et al /12/2}tt 6/2s/2012 I:2OLL-cv-O4t29 4/2/20L2 t:2OLL-cv-0478L Adu-Boahene v. The City of New York et al /tslzotL 4/te/20t2 Roberts v. The City of New York et al /28/2OtL tl23/20L2 L:20L1-cv-03638 nysdce 7/29/2O1.L 3/1./20L2 1:2011-cv-05335 COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce 8/3/201.1 r7/t7 /2Ot4 1:2011-cv-05399 COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce e/2/2ott COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce 9/21-12077 7/23/2012 1:2011-cv-04595 Protass et al v. Trovato et al COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce ro/t2l2orr e/ts/2or4 1,:2Ott-cv-04954 Dowling v. City of New York et al COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce 10/12/zOL! 11./rlzoLt 8/30/2Ot2 1:2011--cv-071-50 3/8/2Or2 I:2OtL-cv-Ù7772 COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce tt/ts/zott COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce It/30/2OtL COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce t2/21201.t t2/30/zOtL 1.h2/20L2 s/L8/20t2 1:20L1-cv-05548 9/L2/20L2 L:20L1-cv-08699 4/2r/20L4 L:2OLt-cv-05874 sl17 /2013 1:2011-cv-09683 Maura v. The City of New York et al Manu v. The City of New York et al Odtallah v. City of New York et al King v. The City of New York et al Francois v. The City of New York et al COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce 3l30/2OL2 COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce 4/L2/20t2 4/23/2012 s/2s/20L2 7 /13/20L2 COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce 8124/2012 tt/6/20t2 L:2OLl-cv-04878 1:20L1-cv-06156 10126120\2 1:2012-cv-00070 Kosenok v. The City of New York et al Earp v. The City of New York et al Perez v. The City of New York et al Ferguson et al v. The City of New York et al Kenna v. The City of New York et al Banks v. The City of New York et al 3/22/2013 1:2o12-cv-00237 Rahman et al v. The City of New York et al 1./1312012 6h2/20t2 1,:2012-cv-OO3O7 Johnson v. The City of New York et al 3/s/20t2 3/20/20t2 LO/ts/2012 L:2012-cv-01580 3/20/2012 3/27/20t2 3/2e/20L2 tlt8/2ot3 L:2OL2-cv-OL367 LO/22/20L2 L:20L2-cv-02047 912412012 !:2OI2-cv-02245 4/8/2ot4 1,:2O12-cv-O1547 Lolt7/20L2 L:2012-cv-02395 8/24/20L2 L:20L2-cv-O1806 6/23/20Ls L:2012-cv-0L968 4l30l2jts t:2012-cv-04226 L/23/20!3 t:2Ot2-cv-O3477 7/tt/2013 t:2012-cv-04268 of New York et al Vasquez v. S.P.O. Mestre et al Dupigny v. City of New York et al Arvelo v. The City of New York et al Forde v. City of New York et al Katwaru et al v. The City of New York et al Rivera et al v. The City of New York et al Jackson v. The City of New York et al Rucks v. The City of New York et al George et al v. City of New York et al Minott v. The City of New York et al De Jesus v. The City GERALD M. COHEN PACER SEARCH RESULTS COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce ttl29/2012 COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce L2/L2/2012 1/8/201s 1./20/zOLs 2lt0/201.s 3/4/201s COHEN, GERALD M. nysdce COHEN, GERALD M. nyedce COHEN, GERALD M. COHEN, GERALD M. t/Ls/20L3 t:20L2-cv-05892 4/12/20L3 1:20L2-cv-06103 L2/L/201s 1:2015-cv-00095 8/7lzots 1:2015-cv-00381 2:2OI5-cv-O0673 t2l2Llzjls 1:2OL5-cv-O1579 nyedce 4/22/z}ts s/14/zots s/28/z}rs r/2712016 1:2015-cv-03114 nysdce 1.1_/6/z]ts 1,:20L5-cv-O8737 1:2015-cv-03162 1:2o15-cv-O2797 2OL0,20tt,20L2,2Ot5 Ellwood v. 35-33 36th Street Corp. Guichardo v. City of New York et al Hockenjos et al v. City of New York et al Viles v. National Railroad Passenger Corporation ("Amtr¡ v. KJSS Corp et al Westney v. The Ritz Tower, lnc. et al Brown v. The City of New York et al Corrales v. The City of New York et al Holt v. Metropolitan Transit Authority et al Li Aboubacar v. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey ' JOSHUA P. FTTCH PACER SEARCH aOLO,20Lt,2OL2,2Ot5 FITCH, JOSHUA 7 /27 /LOLO FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL 8/3/20L0 8/10/zOrO 8/1.8/2oro 8/19l2OtO FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL 8/24/201.0 FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL 8/24/2010 FITCH, JOSHUA FITCH, JOSHUA 8/30/20t0 8/3r/20t0 s/ts/2010 FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL FITCH, JOSHUA 1./27 lzctL 8/31./20Lt 1:2010-cv-03425 1:2010-cv-05864 1:20L0-cv-06005 6/16/2OLt s/30/2014 3/!41201.L 1:2010-cv-06192 s/t4/2012 4/L3/zOtL 1:2010-cv-06330 2/t6/2OL1, 4/26/20L1. 1:2010-cv-03974 al al 1:201-0-cv-06331 Leiva v. The City of New York et al Clarke v. The City of New York et al Jefferson v. The City of New York et al 1:2010-cv-03952 1:2010-cv-04203 s/3/201,1. 1:2010-cv-07609 10/13/zOtO 4/26/2013 1:2010-cv-O4678 FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL 1O/13/zOtO 6/8/20t1 1:20L0-cv-07811 FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL 3/8/2071 t:2OLO-cv-07945 4l22l20tt 1:2010-cv-05133 FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL to/19/2010 1.tls/2o].0 tt/s/201.0 s/13/2071. 1:2010-cv-08361 FITCH, JOSHUA trl10/zoto 3/sl2ot4 1:20L0-cv-05198 FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL tt/12/20].0 3/3/2O1.L 1:2010-cv-08517 FITCH, JOSHUA 1.1./12/201,0 8/L/zOtL 1:2010-cv-052L5 FITCH, JOSHUA 4hsl2otL 1:2010-cv-05625 FITCH, JOSHUA 12/6lzoto 12l6/2010 4/Ll20tL 1:2010-cv-05626 FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL 12/L4/20LO 1:2010-cv-09314 FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL t2/16/20t0 FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL L/tt/201.1. FITCH, JOSHUA t/1,1,/20L1, L2/23làOLL s/24/2OLr e/27/20L1 7/28/2OLt FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL Ll2s/2011 7/Ls/20t1 l2}rr t/27 al Rentas v. The City of New York et al 1.0/s/201.0 FITCH, JOSHUA al I:20L0-cv-06242 FITCH, JOSHUA FITCH, JOSHUA Davíson v. City of New York et Thompson v. The City of New York et Schoolcraft v. The City Of New York et Wílson v. The City of New York et Brown et al v. The City of New York et al Jordan et alv. City of New York et al Calixte v. The City of New York et al Perry v. The City of New York et al Howlett v. The City of New York et al Pringle v. The City of New York et al Borden v. City of New York et al Urretia v. The City of New York et Keller v. The City of New York et Thomas v. The City of New York et Jackson v. City of New York et Fletcher v. City of New York et al al al al al Carter v. City of New York, et al. Jaquez v. The City of New York et al 1:2011--cv-00204 Scafuro v. The City of New York et al Armwood v. The City of New York et al 1:2011-cv-00L50 Genao v. The City Of New York. et al L:201-L-cv-00514 Kouassi v. The City of New York et al 6/29/20L1 8/70/20L1 e/20/2oL7 8/L8/2OLt 7/2s/2OL1 1:2011--cv-00406 Harris v. The City of New York et al 718/20L1. 1:2011-cv-00587 1:2010-cv-09362 1:2011-cv-00407 FITCH, JOSHU-A Ll27 /201.1 FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL 2/3/2011, FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL 2/3/z}tt FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL FITCH, JOSHUA 2/3/2011 217/201r FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL 3/8/20L1. 8/26/201r 1:2011--cv-01562 FITCH, JOSHUA 3131,/20rr 1/L8/2OL2 1:2OIL-cv-OL576 1:2011--cv-00743 1,:2OtL-cv-O0754 L:2OtL-cv-OO744 Hazel et alv. City of New York et al Clemons v. The City of New York et al Collazo v. The City of New York et al Krah v. The City of New York et al Paxton v. City of New York et al Clayton v. The City of New York et al Talley v. The City Of New York. et al JOSHUA P. FITCH PACER SEARCH zOtO,ãOLL,2Ot2;2OL5 party_name cs_date_filed cs_date_term case_no case_title FlrcH, JoSHUA PAUL t/1,3/2010 PAUL t/1.3/20L0 FrrcH,iosHUA t/20/2010 6128/2oro 1:2010-cv-00243 German v. The City of New York et al FrrcH, iosHUA 3/2t/zOtL t:ZOtO-cv-00242 6/22/2010 L:20L0-cv-00228 Guaman v. The City of New York et al 6/30/zoto t:2010-cv-O0227 7 /L4|ZOLO t:2OIO-cv-0L172 7 /20/2OtO L:20L0-cv-01306 lz}t} 1:20L0-cv-01305 /t4/2010 el30/zoto 1:2010-cv-01370 31Ls12011. 1:2010-cv-02185 8/1.L/2O\O 1:2010-cv-021-86 /20L0 to/2e/zoLo 1:2010-cv-0L371 t2/22/2OLO L:2010-cv-0'J,479 415/2OtO 10/7 /2O1O 1:201-0-cv-01489 FrrcH,JosHUA 4/1.5/20L0 FlrcH, JoSHUA PAUL 4/26/2010 t/slzott 1:20L0-cv-0L678 12/8/zOtO s/23/201.L r1,/23/zoto 1:2010-cv-03441 McMillan v. City of New York et al fVlills v. The City of New York et al Taylor v. The City of New York et al Pabon v. The City of New York et al Molina v. The City of New York et al Knight v. City of New York et al Figueroa v. The City of New York et al Klass v. The City of New York et al Paxton v. City of New York et al Colston v. The City of New York et al McCalla v. City of New York et al Wright v. City of New York et al Smith v. The City of New York et al Ramos v. The City of New York et al Nibbs v. The City of New York et al Rentas v. Ran et al Stinson et alv. The City of New York Rentas v. Johnson et al Welch v. City of New York et al Vanterpool v. The City of New York et al Marshall v. The City of New York et al Romero v. The City of New York et al Franklin v. City of New York et al Valentin v. The City of New York et al Bynum v. The City of New York et al Shaw v. The City of New York et al Staton v. The City of New York et al Sampson v. The City of New York et al FtrcH,JosHUA FrrcH, JoSHUA PAUL FrrcH, JoSHUA PAUL FrrcH, JoSHUA PAUL FTTCH, JOSHUA PAUL FtrcH, r/20/2010 2/L6/2010 2/18/201.0 2/18/201.0 2/19/zOtO JoSHUA 3/8/2010 PAUL 3/t2/20t0 FlrcH, JoSHUA PAUL 3/12/2OLO FrrcH, JoSHUA FrrcH,JosHUA 3/26/2010 PAUL 3/31./2O1O F|TCH, JOSHUA 4/2/20t0 FTTCH, JOSHUA FtrcH, JoSHUA PAUL 5/10/2OLO PAUL 5lt9/2010 F|TCH, JOSHUA PAUL 5/2512010 FtrcH, JoSHUA PAUL 5/26/2OLO FlrcH, JoSHUA FtrcH, JoSHUA 8/L7 7 L1./L7 1:2010-cv-01019 L:2010-cv-02817 1:2010-cv-O3799 L:2010-cv-O4t2O L:2070-cv-04228 7 /8/20L1. 10/27/2Ot0 1,:20I0-cv-04244 PAUL FTTCH,JOSHUA 6/rsl2}t} 8/30/zoto 6/6/2ot2 1:2010-cv-04395 PAUL 6/t5/2OtO FrrcH,JosHUA 6/1.5/2010 1217 lzjtj 1:2010-cv-04639 to/Ls/2oLo t:20!0-cv-02717 PAUL 7/8l2OrO 6/1,6/20Lr 1:201-0-cv-05L95 FtrcH, JoSHUA 7 /13/201.0 FtrcH, JoSHUA PAUL 7 /1.3/2010 FTTCH, JOSHUA 7 /20/2OtO FlrcH, JoSHUA PAUL 7 /23/201.0 L1./18/zOtO L:2010-cv-03182 12/23/2010 1:2010-cv-05315 6/6/201.1 1:2010-cv-033L2 2/8/2011. 1:2010-cv-056L2 2/18/201L 4/r/20t1. 1:2010-cv-05614 FrrcH, JoSHUA FrrcH, JoSHUA FTTCH, 6/3/2OtO 6/3/201.0 JOSHUA FrrcH, JoSHUA PAUL JoSHUA PAUL FrrcH, JoSHUA 7 /23/2O1O FrrcH, 7 /27 /201.0 L:2OLO-cv-0252L 1,:2O1O-cv-O27L4 l-:2010-cv-05682 Allen v. The City of Yonkers et al Johnson v. The City of New York et al Turner v. The City of New York et al JOSHUA P. FITCH PACER SEARCH 2OTO,ZOLT,2OT2,2OT5 FITCH, JOSHUA FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL FITCH, JOSHUA FITCH, JOSHUA FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL FITCH, JOSHUA FITCH, JOSHUA 4/23/20t2 s/2s/2012 7/tolzor2 7/13/2012 6/23/20Ls 4/30/2OLs e/L8/20L3 1:20L2-cv-01968 L:2OL2-cv-04226 Jackson v. The City of New York et al L:2OL2-cv-O34t6 Lln/2AL3 10/Is/2OL2 1.L/2e/20L2 12/12/20L2 sl6/20L3 t/Ls/20L3 4/L2/2Ot3 12/Llz1ts L2/8/20ts t:2Ot2-cv-03477 t:2Ot2-cv-O7675 Aytch v. Redmond et al George et al v. City of New York et al Castoire v. The City of New York et al Ellwood v. 35-33 36th Street Corp. Guichardo v. City of New York et al Hockenjos et al v. City of New York et al Kane v. N.Y.P.D. et al FITCH, JOSHUA 1.18/201.s FITCH,JOSHUA PAUL 7/20/2O1.s FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL 4/22/z}ts FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL s/4l2ors FITCH, JOSHUA s/14l2o1.s L:20L2-cv-05892 1:2012-cv-06103 1:2015-cv-00095 1:2015-cv-00428 1:201-5-cv-03162 s/!4/201s t:2015-cv-03447 t:2015-cv-02797 Rucks v. The City of New York et al Brown v. The City of New York et al Almeida v. City of New York et al Corrales v. The City of New York et al JOSHUA p. FTTCH PACER SEARCH ZOLO,zOLt,2Ot2,20L5 FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL 3/31./201_1. 4/2/2013 1,:201L-cv-022L9 FITCH, JOSHUA FITCH, JOSHUA 4/tI/zjtr sh7/20t2 7 /te/2072 t:20!1,-cv-01577 FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL 3/3tl2O1.t 4/11/2011. I:2O11,-cv-01748 Maragh v. The City of New York et al FITCH, JOSHUA s/3/201.1 7/26/2012 2/2e/2012 \:2ott-cv-02143 Soll v. City of New York et al FITCH, JOSHUA s/4/201.1. 6/t7lzots 1:2011-cv-02159 FITCH, JOSHUA 6/14/201.1. t:20I1-cv-02848 FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL 6/16/201.1. 2/13/2012 t/1,1/2012 1,:2011,-cv-O2442 Thomas v. The City of New York et al Taylor v. The City of New York et al Clarke v. The City of New York et al FITCH, JOSHUA 6/16/201.1. /20L4 1:2011-cv-02899 FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL 6/24/201.1. 4/27 /2OL2 t:201,1-cv-0429L Samtani v. Cherukuri et al Ward v. The City of New York et al Duckett v. The City of New York et al Carter v. The City of New York et al Quíjano et alv. The City of New York et al FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL 7 /2s/201.1 1:2011-cv-O5081 Bledsoe v. The City of New York et al FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL 7 /2e/201.1. t2/22/2011. 3/2s/20L2 1:20LL-cv-05288 Sanderlin v. The City of New York et al tthT/201.4 slt/2012 s/16/2012 s/s/2012 7/24/2012 1:2011-cv-05399 Perez v. The City of New York et al 1:2011--cv-06532 'J,:2O1I-cv-04702 Jones v. The City of New York et al FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL 8/3/201.1. FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL s/20/2011. FITCH, JOSHUA 9/27 /20L1. FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL to/6/2ott FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL 10/6/20L1. 10/12/2OLt to/12/2011. FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL to/12/2011 FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL to/12/201.1 2/7 1:2011-cv-0409L 1:20Lt-cv-07O27 1.:2011.-cv-O7026 !:20L1-cv-O4954 L2/2/201.1- e/te/201.4 s/23/2Or2 3/28/2Ot2 8/30/2Ot2 4/21./20t4 FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL 12/6/20t1. 6/26/20t2 L:20L1-cv-08883 FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL 12/30/z1tt 7/18/2Ot2 1:2011-cv-09686 FITCH, JOSHUA 1./20/2012 r/27 /2Or2 /Le/20L3 3/Ls/20L3 I:2012-cv-00278 314/20L3 L:2012-cv-00492 to/22/2012 8/24/20L2 8/8/20L2 L:20L2-cv-00915 713/2012 1:2012-cv-00596 FITCH, JOSHUA FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL FITCH, JOSHUA FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL FITCH, JOSHUA FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL FITCH, JOSHUA 2/2/2012 2/6/2012 2/7 /20t2 FITCH, JOSHUA 2/8/2012 2/8/2012 FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL 2/1.s/2012 FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL 2/17 FITCH, JOSHUA PAUL FITCH, JOSHUA /2012 3/2s/2012 7 L:2OLI-cv-O7t5t t:20t1-cv-07152 1:20L1-cv-07150 1:20L1-cv-05874 1:20L2-cv-00680 t:2012-cv-0057O t:2Ol2-cv-00987 s/Ls/20t2 t:20I2-cv-O1,1,66 t2/L2/2012 1,:2OI2-cv-OI23I 4/8/201.4 'J.:20I2-cv-01547 Mejicanos et al v. City of New York et Clark v. The City of New York et Wilson v. The City of New York et Dowling v. City of New York et Cuiman v. The City of New York et Sari v. The City of New York et Maura v. The City of New York et Francois v. The City of New York et Robinson et al v. The City of New York et Cruz v. The City of New York et Saleh et al v. The City of New York et Riley et al v. The City of New York et Farnum v. City of New York et Quinones v. The City of New York et Sampson v. City of New York et Ortega v. The City of New York et Frazier v. City of New York et Wilson v. The City of New York et Wallace v. The City of New York et Forde v. City of New York et al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al

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