Bedrock Computer Technologies, LLC v. Softlayer Technologies, Inc. et al

Filing 845

MOTION for Judgment as a Matter of Law Regarding Invalidity (Renewed) by Yahoo! Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order, #2 Exhibit 1 - Declaration of Alexey Kuznetsov - DX-48, #3 Exhibit 2 - Source Code - key.c - DX-37, #4 Exhibit 3 - U.S. Patent 5,121,495 - DX-65, #5 Exhibit 4 - Application Approval for Filing - DX-57, #6 Exhibit 5 - U. S. Patent 6,119,214 - DX101, #7 Exhibit 6 - U.S. Patent 4,996,663 - DX-64, #8 Exhibit 7 - Donald Knuth, Sorting and Searching, vol. 3, of The Art of Computer Programming - DX-98, #9 Exhibit 8 - Kruse, "Data Structures and Program Design" - DX-108, #10 Exhibit 9 - Daniel F. Stubbs and Neil W. Webre, Data Structures with Abstract Data Types and Pascal - DX-118, #11 Exhibit 10 - Kuznetsov email to Day re contact request - DX-436, #12 Exhibit 11 - Absher email to Kuznetsov re Linux route.c question - DX-440, #13 Exhibit 12 - Kuznetsov email to Absher re Linux route.c question - DX-441)(Doan, Jennifer)

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Exhibit 5 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 US006119214A United States Patent [11] Dirks [54] METHOD FOR ALLOCATION OF ADDRESS SPACE IN A VIRTUAL MEMORY SYSTEM [75] Inveutor; 6,119,214 Sep.12,2000 Patent Number: [45] [19) Date of Patent: POlVer PC 601 RISC Microprocessor User's Manual, Motorola, Inc., 1993, pp. 6-1 to 6-64. Patrick W. Penzias Dirks, San Jose, Calif. Primary Examiner-Jack A. Lane Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Ilurns, Doane, Swecker & Mathis, L.L.P. [73] Assignee: Apple Computer, Inc., Cupertino, Calif. [21] Appl. No.: 08/231,657 [22] Filed: [51] [52] [58] Int. CI? ............................. G06F 12/10; G06F 12/12 U.S. CI ............................. 711/206; 711/159; 711/209 Field of Search ............................... 395/486,497.03, 395/412,419,497.01,497.02,600 [57] A mernory manager for a virtual memory system maintains three lists of virtual addresses: those which are free to be mapped to a program, those which are currently mapped but no longer being used, and those which are being removed from a page table, i.e. unmapped. The allocation of free addresses to programs proceeds in parallel with the removal of old entries from the page table, such that new free addresses are guaranteed to be available at all times. Each time that a new address is allocated to a program, a limited number of entries in the page table are examined, to determine whether the addresses associated with those entries are no longer in use, and the entries can be removed from the page tahle. By the time that all of the availahle addresses in the free list have been allocated, the entire page table will have been examined and all addresses which are no longer in use will have had their correspondiug page table entries removed, so that they are available as free addresses. As a result, a constant supply of free addre&~es are provided with only a linlited amouut of processing time at regular intervals during the operation of a computer. Apr. 25, 1994 [56] References Cited U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 4,577,274 3/1986 Ho et aJ. ................................. 395/415 4,967,353 10/1990 Brenner et al. ......................... 395/487 5,101,485 3/1992 Perazzoli, Jr. .. ........................ 395/416 5,109,336 4/1992 Guenther el al. .................. 395/497.02 5,125,086 6/1992 Pcrazzoli, Jr. .. ........................ 395/486 5,175,834 12/1992 Sawai ...................................... 395/478 5,'237,673 8/1993 Orbits et al. ....................... 395/497.01 5,269,109 12/1993 Abramson et al. ..................... 395/650 5,392,415 2/1995 Badovinatz et al. .................... 395/406 OlliER PUBLICATIONS Beretvas, T., et ai, "Blocked Page-Out", IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, vol. 26, No.9, Feb. 1984, pp. 4753-4754. EFFECTIVE ADDRESS (32-BIT) r sRI I 20,-- VIRTUAL ADDRESS (52-BIT) I VIRTUAL SEGMENT REGISTERS I SEGMENT /D, VSID, (24 BITS) ABSTRACT 23 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets I PAGE INDEX (16 BITS) I BYTE OFFSET (12 BI7S)1 I I I I PAGE INDEX (16 BITS) IBYTE OFFSET (12 BITS) I I I PTA I 18,-, PAGE TABLE PHYSICAL ADDRESS (J2-BIT) I PHYSICAL 1 PAGE NUMBER, PPN, 20 BITS IBYTE OFFSET {12 BlTS)l Defendants' Exhibit Exhibit No. 101 Case No. 6:09-cv-00269-LED DEF00000797 u.s. Patent Sep.12,2000 ~Wi~sl'---.. . . . . ~I I I I L.I. I. .-Il 111111..u...u..u.LIIIIIII..L.L.I.J.I,.I,1111111 t 6,119,214 Sheet 1 of 7 _-----I j RLEA FIG. 1 EFFECTIVE ADDRESS PHYSICAL VIRTUAL ADDRESS ADDRESS 14 10 18 12 1---eI PAGE TABLE I---~ 16 FIG. 2 DEF00000798 d • rJJ. • EFFECTIVE ADDRESS (32-BIT) I SRI I PAGE INDEX (16 BITS) IBYTE OFFSET (12 BITS) I I 2Ol.- SEGMENT REGISTERS I I I I ~ ~ ..... ..... = ~ 'JJ ~ '? ..... ~N N VIRTUAL ADDRESS (52-BIT) IVIRTUAL SEGMENT ID, VSID, (24 BITS) I PAGE INDEX (16 BITS) IBYTE OFFSET (12 BITS) I l g o I 'JJ =- PTA ~ .... ~ 18\...-;- N .... o PAGE TABLE o m "'Tl o o o o o ...... <D <D PHYSICAL ADDRESS (32-BIT) I PHYSICAL PAGE NUMBER, FIG. 3 PPN, 20 BITS -...J IBYTE OFFSET (12 Bf~ 0"\ '" ~ ~ \C N ~ ~ u.s. Patent Sep.12,2000 Sheet 3 of 7 6,119,214 FIG. 4 CREATE THREAD DELETE THREAD 26 22 FIG. 5 DEF00000800 u.s. Patent Sep.12,2000 Sheet 4 of 7 REQUEST FOR 6,119,214 10 ADDRESS NO 18 RETURN FAILURE NO YES 22 32 26 30 SWEEP PTk{n-1) TO PTk(n)-1 36 L - - -_ _ _ _ ~ NO TRANSFER RECYCLE 38 TO FREE 24 FIG. 6 DEF00000801 u.s. Patent Sep.12,2000 Sheet 5 of 7 REQUEST FOR 6,119,214 10 ADDRESS NO 18 RETURN FAILURE NO 22 32 28 SWEEP PTk{n-1) TO PTk{n)-1 38 36 '---------.1 FIG. 7 NO 24 DEF00000802 u.s. Patent Sep.12,2000 Sheet 6 of 7 6,119,214 REMOVE ENTRY MOVE TO PRIMARY 54 FIG. 8 DEF00000803 u.s. Patent Sep. 12, 2000 Sheet 7 of 7 VSID 1 00 VSID 2 00 VSID J 01 VSID 4 10 VSID 5 10 VSID 6 6,119,214 01 VSID n-1 00 VSID n 00 FIG. 9 DEF00000804 6,119,214 1 2 access the file. In this situation, the page table contains multiple references to the same physical address. Since available physical addresses are mapped to logical FIELD OF THE INVENTION addrcsses as nceded, adjaccnt logical addrcsses arc typically TIle present invention is directed to the management of 5 mapped to widely separated portion"; of p~ysical me111<?ry, and vice versa. Furthermore, durmg operatIOn the phYSIcal memory in a computer system, and more particularly to the addresses are constantly being remapped as different operaallocation of address space in a virtual memory system for tions are carried out. As a result, there is not necessarily a a computer. direct relationship between logical and physical addresses. When an action occurs which removes the need for BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 10 further memory accesses, e.g. an application program or a In the operation of a computer, software programs that are file is closed, it is no longer necessary to assign address running on the computer require access to the computer's space to that entity. Upon the occurrence of such an action, main memory, e.g., RAM, in order to carry out their operatherefore, a command is sent to the memory manager to tions. To this end, therefore, each program is allocated a 15 delete an area, or range of addresses, assigned to the file. At range of memory addresses, which are available for use by this point, however, the physical memory still has an entry that program. This range of allocated addresses is sometimes or address mapped in the page table, which is therefore not referred to as the program's address space. In actual practice, free for other uses. a program may only use a fraction of its allocated addresses In order to free the addresses for further use, their at any given time. Consequently, if the allocated address 20 corresponding entries must be removed from the page table. space corresponds to actual physical space within the main In some types of page tables, contiguous logical addresses memory, a large portion of the memory will not be used. are mapped to contiguous page table entries. In these types While this situation may be acceptable if only one proof page tables, when an address area is deleted, all of the gram is running on the computer, it can present significant page table entries associated with that area can be readily limitations if multiple programs are to be nm, for example 25 identified and removed [rom the table. in a multi-tasking environment. More particularly, once In other types of architectures, however, there is not such address space is allocated to a particular program, it cannot a direct relationship between logical addresses and page be accessed by other programs, even if it is not being table entries. For example, in some architectures the physicurrently used, because it must always be available for use cal address of the page table entry is determined by means by the program to which it has been allocated. As a result, 30 of a hashing function. In this approach, the page table entry once all available memory has been allocated, additional might be determined through a logical combination of programs cannot be run until some memory space is freed different components of an address, for example in accorup, for example by closing a program. dance with a prescribed function, rather than a straight index To alleviate this situation, virtual memory technology has using one or more components of the address. A'S a result, been developed. In this technology, the addresses that are 35 page table entries which map adjacent logical addresses assigned for use by individual programs are distinct from the could be widely separated in the table. There is no fixed actual physical addresses of the main memory. The relationship hetween the locations of page tahle entries for addresses which are allocated to the programs are often adj acent logical addresses. referred to as "logical" or "virtual" or "effective" addresses, Consequently, when a file is closed, or portions of to distinguish them from the "physical" addresses of the 40 memory are otherwise rendered inactive, there is no simple, main memory. Whenever a program requires access to effective way to locate all page table entries that might be memory, it makes a call to a logical address within its associated with the inactive addresses. Since the page table assigned address space. A memory manager associates this entries for a file could he scattered throughout the tahle, it logical address with a physical address in the main memory, may be necessary to check every entry in the page table, i.e. where the information called for by the program is actually 45 to scan the table. Alternatively, it is possible to compute all stored. The identification of each physical address that possible page table entries for the given range of inactive corresponds to a logical address is commonly stored in a addresses, using the hashing function, and check each such data structure known as a page table. This term is derived entry. During the time that the scanning of the page table is from the practice of dividing the memory into individually being carried out to identify inactive entries, software proaddressable blocks known as "pages". 50 grams might need to be temporarily halted. For computers Through the use of virtual memory, the available physical having relatively large amounts of address space, and a large memory can be utilized more effectively. More particularly, number of entries in their page tables, the time required to physical addresses only need to be assigned to those logical scan all of the entries in the page table can be considerable. addresses which are currently active. If a program is not If a complete scan of the page table is carried out at once, using a portion of its assign~d address space, no physical 55 delays in the running of the programs can result. In addition, addresses need be associated with these unused logIcal a complete scan of the page table may be too expensive an addresses. By marking pages of data as temporarily operation, in terms of operating efficiency, to carry out every inaccessible, the associated physical page can be copied to time a range of addresses is inactivated. secondary storage and reassigned to map some other virtual Accordingly, it is desirable to provide a method for page. As a result, a larger portion of the main memory is 60 efficiently allocating and de allocating large amounts of available for use by other programs. Each program can address space in a virtual memory system that does not continue to operate as if it has a large contiguous address require excessive processing time and therefore does not space availahle to it, however. result in unacceptable delays in the operation of a computer. In many instances, two or more logical addresses may be DRlEr STATEMENT or TIlE INVENTION mapped to the same locations in the physical memory. For 65 example, two or more applications might share a common In accordance with the present invention, virtual memory data file. Each application uses a different logical address to space is managed in a mallller which allows new address METHOD FOR ALLOCATION OF ADDRESS SPACE IN A VIRTUAL MEMORY SYSTEM DEF00000805 6,119,214 3 4 ranges to be allocated and deallocated in a constant, small amount of time, such that the need for a single complete sweep of all memory allocation records in a page table, to remove unused entries and prepare the addresses for further use, can be avoided. Thc memory manager of the present invention maintains three lists of virtual address ranges, namely those which are free to be allocated, i.e. mapped, to a program, those which are currently assigned but no longer being used, and those which are being removed from the page table. The removal of old entries from the page table proceeds in parallel with the allocation of free addresses to programs, such that new free addresses are guaranteed to be available at all times. More specifically, each time that a new range of addresses is allocated to a program, a limited number of entries in the page table are examined, to determine whether the addresses associated with those entries are no longer in use and the entries can be removed from the page table. By the time that all of the addresses in the free list have been allocated, the entire page table has been examined and all entries associ ated with unused addresses have been removed. The addresses whose entries have been removed can then be transferred to the list of free addresses, so that allocation can continue uninterrupted. Thus, rather than halting the operation of the computer for a considerable period of time to scan the entire page table when a logical address area is deleted, the memory manager of the present invention carries out a limited, time-bounded examination upon each address allocation. A constant supply of free address ranges is provided in exchange for a fixed amount of computation time at regular intervals. The foregoing features and advantages of the invention, as well as others, are described in greater detail hereinafter with reference to specific embodiments illustrated in the accompanying drawings. are not limikd to this particular embodiment, and that its description is for exemplary purposes only. Generally speaking, information that is accessed by a computer's Central Processing Unit (CPU) is specified by a location, often referred to as a logical address. A program is assigncd a domain of logical addresses, known as a logical address space, as part of the process of preparing the program to run. In a virtual memory computer, a portion of the computer's hardware is responsible for converting given logical addresses into concrete physical addresses, through the use of a page table. This conversion process is referred to as memory mapping. The primary purpose of using this approach is to achieve the virtual memory effect that logical addressing is independent of physical memory addressing. Referring to FIG. 1, a schematic representation of memory mapping is illustrated. The memory mapping architecture illustrated in FIG. 1 employs three address spaces. An effective address is generated by the currently active program. In a 32-bit system, for example, there are 232 possible effective addresses. The second address space consists of virtual addresses. The effective address and the virtual address together are analogous to a logical address in a conventional two-address system. The virtual addresses 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is an illustration of file mapping by means of a page table in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 2 is a diagram showing the location of a file in a logical address space; FIG. 3 is a more detailed diagram showing the generation of a physical address from an effective address; FIG. 4 is a state diagram of the possible states for virtual addresses; FIG. 5 is a state diagram of address states as monitored in accordance with the present invention; FIG. 6 is a flow chart of the operation of a memory manager in accordance with the present invention; PIG. 7 is a flow chart of an alternative embodiment of the operation of the memory manager; and FIG. 8 is a flow chart of the sweeping routine for the alternate embodiment; and FIG. 9 is a bitmap of the states of the virtual segment identifiers. DETAILED DESCRIPTION To facilitate an understanding of the invention and its applications, a brief overview of computer memory management is first provided with reference to FIGS. 1-3. The particular example illustrated in these figures pertains to the MPC601 RISC microprocessor sold by Motorola Inc. It will be appreciated however, that the principles of the invention 40 45 50 55 60 65 :~~~::e:p~~~s~sn!~di~~~~~~i~~et~~e~rn~h~~~:~;a~f~nv~~t~;~ final addresses, namely the real or physical addresses for the memory. Only the physical addresses are presented to a memory controller interface, or the like, to read or write locations in physical memory. The memory mapping architecture illustrated in FIG. 1 implements a paged, virtual address mapping. The eflective address range is divided into a number of segments 10, 12, each of which can be individually mapped to any range 14, 16 of contiguous virtual addresses. Although not illustrated in FIG. 1, two different segments of the effective address range can be mapped to the same range of virtual addresses, and two distinct virtual addresses can be mapped to the same physical address. The virtual addresses are mapped to the physical addresses, using a page table 18. For an exemplary 32-bit system, the effective address range might be divided into 16 segments, each of which is mapped to a 256 MB range of contiguous virtual addresses. The particular segment of the effective address range is designated by the first four bits of the address. The size of the virtual address range is defined by the remaining number of bits in the effective address (in this case, 28 bits). The number of segments and size of this range can be varied to meet different memory management hardware requirements. Referring to FIG. 2, during operation of the computer, the system may use a secondary storage file A to hold copies of physical pages used to map address ranges A'to A". In other words, the file A is mapped into that effective address space. Although not illustrated in FIG. 2, the addresses in the effective address space can be discontiguous, and can be shared among plural programs. The memory manager functions to convert the effective addresses in this range to physical addresses in the main memory. The translation from effective address to virtual address, and from virtual address to physical address, is illustrated in greater detail in FIG. 3. To facilitate an understanding of the translation mechanism, it will be described with specific reference to its implementation in an exemplary 32-bit system, in which the memory is divided into pages each having a size of 4K bytes. In the first step of the translation, the four most significant bits of the effective address (labelled SR#) are used to select one of sixteen segment DEF00000806 6,119,214 5 6 regislers 20. Each segmml regisler holds a 24-bil virlual removed frum the page table before the range of virtual segment identifier (VSID) which identifies a unique 256 addresses can be assigned to another thread. Otherwise, the MRyte range in the virtual address space. reused addresses might refer to old memory mappings that are no longer valid. Since the page table is hashed, entries The lower order 28 bits of the effective address are divided into a 16-bit page index and a 12-bit byte offset. A 5 belonging 10 a given thread are likely to be scallered throughout the page table. The VSID, by itself, does not given page in the virtual address space is mapped onto a provide sufficient information to locate all page tahle entries page in the physical address space through the page table 18. that might belong to a given virtual segment, without The specific entry in the page table is identified by the VSID checking every entry in the page table. Scanning the comand the 16-bit page index. The 12-bit byte offset defines an individual one of the 4K bytes within the page of memory. 10 plete page table every time a thread is created or deleted would be too inefficient and time consuming. Accordingly, In order to efficiently map a sparsely populated effective the present invention is directed to an efficient approach address space or virtual address space, the identification of which provides constant removal of unused entries of the the entries in the page table can be implemented with a hashing function. Any suitable hashing function can be page table, in parallel with the creation and deletion of employed to determine the address for a page table entry. 15 threads and applications. For example, a variable number of the lower-order bits of the In the implementation of the present invention, the virtual VSID can be logically combined with the page index bits in addresses are designated as being in one of several states. the virtual address, by means of an EXCLUSIVE-OR funcMore particularly, in the control of the memory system, all tion. The resulting value can then be combined with any of the addresses (VSIDS) for the virtual address space can suitable base offset, to produce a 32-bit address page table 20 reside in one of three states. Referring to FIG. 4, all of the address (PTA) which identifies an entry in the page table 18. VSIDs are initially in a free state in which they have not The value stored at this entry comprises a 20-bit physical been reserved for use by a thread or application. When a page number (PPN). The physical page number is then VSID is subsequently allocated to an application or thread, combined with the byte offset (the 12 lowest order bits of the it is labeled as active. At some point in time, the VSID 25 becomes inactive. This can occur, for example, when a effective address) to produce a 32-bit physical address. Through the use of the hashing function, the page table thread terminates. In the inactive state, pages within the entries are efficiently distributed within the page table. The virtual address range of the VSID are still mapped to the page table size itself is variable. It can be adjusted to allow page table. However, the data contained in the associated room for more page table entries on systems with more pages of physical memory is no longer being accessed by the physical memory or where more sharing of physical 30 CPU. In this state, the entries can be removed from the page memory pages is anticipated. table, and the VSID subsequently returned to the free state. In practice, an operating system typically needs to deal Until such time as the entries are removed from the page with two types of addressing contexts, namely large areas table, however, they remain mapped and are therefore not mapping the code related to an active application or task, available to be allocated to other applications or threads. and small areas that hold information specific to a thread of 35 Generally speaking, the return ofVSTDs from the inactive control running in the application's context to execute a state to the free state is carried out by sweeping the entries specific task. Some of these areas might be shared, i.e. two in the page table, i.e. examining each entry to determine or more effective addresses can point to the same location in whether it is associated with an inactive VSID, and removphysical memory. While large application contexts are gening every entry which has been so identified. In accordance erally allocated and removed infrequently, in practice 40 with the present invention, the sweeping of the page table is threads can be created and deleted at high rates. Thread not carried out in one colossal step, for example after all of creation and deletion are important operations that must be the free VSIDs have been allocated. Rather, the sweeping is carried out efficiently if an operating system is to perform carried out in an incremental, ongoing manner to avoid well. In the following discussion, therefore, specific refersignificant interruptions in the running of programs. Reference will be made to operations that occur upon the creation 45 ring to FIG. 5, the memory manager of the present invention and deletion of threads. It will be appreciated that these maintains three lists of VSIDs. One list 22 comprises free operations apply to the addressing of applications as well. VSIDs which have not been allocated to a program or In operation, the memory manager assigns a range of thread. A second list 24 identifies those VSIDs which have virtual address space to threads as they are created, mapping been deleted and are therefore inactive. A third list 26, segments in the effective address space to virtual segments 50 labelled the recycle list, contains those VSIDs whose entries in the virtual address space. This results in an active virtual are in the process of being removed from the page table. address space that is larger than the effective address space Although the active state of the VSIDs is also shown in FIG. of any given thread. The amount of virtual address space that 5, the VSIDs in this state do not need to be explicitly stored is in use at any given time is a concatenation of all threads' in a list. Typically, they are tracked in other data structures, and applications' address spaces. This space can be much 55 such as process control tables. greater than the size of the physical memory, depending on Although described as three different lists, in a practical the amount of sharing of physical memory. However, only implementation these items of information need not be the pages which are actually mapped consume space in the stored as three separate entities in the memory manager. For page table. example, all possible VSlDs can be stored in a single As the thread is running and generates requests for pages 60 bitmap, as shown in FIG. 9. Associated with each entry in of memory, virtual pages within the 256 MD range are the bitmap is an identifier which indicates whether the VSID mapped to the page table. When a thread is switched, the is free (00), inactive (01) or being recycled (10). Suitable data structures other than a hitmap can he employed as well operating system switches from one segment register to to identify the states of the respective VSIDs, such as a list another to change the mapping of effective addresses to virtual addresses, as well as the resulting physical addresses. 65 which maps each VSID to one of the three states. In operation, the VSIDs on the inactive list are transferred When a thread is deleted, all page table entries that refer to virtual addresses which are valid for that thread must be to the recyele list at a certain time, for example when a DEF00000807 6,119,214 7 8 predetermined number of VSIDs have been placed on the the present invention, is illustrated in FIG. 6. Referring inactive list. Thereafter, each time a VSID is assigned from thereto, operation begins when a request for address space is the free list to a new application or thread, a fixed numher generated (Step 10). This can occur when a thread is created, of entries in the page table are scanned to determine whether for example. In response thereto, the operating system they have become inactive, by checking them against the 5 checks the free list to determine whether a free VSID is VSIDs on the recycle list. Each entry which is identified as available (Step 12). If so, a free VSID is allocated to the heing inactive is removed from the page tahle. After all of thread that generated the request (Step 14). Tn the case of an the entries in the page table have been examined in this application, two or more VSIDs might be assigned. If no free manner, the VSIDs in the recycle list can be transferred to VSID is available at Step 12, a failure status is returned (Step the free list, since all of their associated page table entries 10 18). In practice, however, such a situation should not occur, will have heen removed. This approach therehy guarantees since the process of the present invention ensures that free that a predetermined number of VSIDs are always available VSIDs are always available. in the free list without requiring a time-consuming scan of After the new VSID has been allocated, the system checks the complete page table at once. a flag RFLG to determine whether a recycle sweep is currently in progress (Step 20). If there is no sweep in In one embodiment of the invention, the number of page table entries that are examined upon each allocation of a 15 progress, i.e. RPLG is not equal to one, a determination is VSID in the free list can be determined from the total made whether a sweep should be initiated. This is done by number of entries in the page table and the number of checking whether the inactive list is full, i.e. whether it threads and applications that are allowed to be active at any contains x entries (Step 22). If the number of entries I on the given time. Por example, if the page table contains 10,000 inactive list is less than x, no further action is taken, and entries and 500 threads/applications are allowed to be active 20 processing control returns to the operating system (Step 24). at any given time, the 10,000 page table entries should be If, however, the inactive list is full at this time, the flag covered in a maximum of 500 steps (assuming each thread RFLG is set (Step 26), the VSIDs on the inactive list are and application is assigned one segment each). The number transferred to the recycle list, and an index n is reset to 1 of entries that are swept in each step is therefore 10,0001 (Step 28). The system then sweeps a predetermined number 500~20 cntries per step. Thus, for example, as the first VSID 25 of page table entries PT i on the page table, to detect whether in the free list is assigned to a thread or application, entries any of them are inactive, i.e. their associated VSID is on the 0-19 in the page table are examined. Each of those entries recycle list (Step 30). The predetermined number of entries which is associated with an inactive VSID on the recycle list that are swept is identified as k, where is removed from the page table. As the next VSID in the free state is allocated, entries 20-39 in the page table are exam- 30 k = total number of page table entries ined. The process continues in this manner. Thus, after 500 maximumnwnber of active threads VSIDs have been allocated from the free list, all 10,000 entries in the page table will have been examined. At this In the example given previously, k~10000!500~20. For a point, all of the entries in the page table that are associated given value of the index n, therefore, the system sweeps with inactive VSIDs on the recycle list will have been 35 table cntrics PTk.(n-1) to PTk-0)-1. Thus, during the first removed. The VSIDs can therefore be transferred to the free sweep, table entnes PTo to l'T19 are examined in the list, and the process begun anew. example given above. Any other suitable approach can be employed to deterIf a recycling sweep is already in progress, i.e. the mine the number of entries to be examined during each step response is affirmative at Step 20, the index n is incremented of the sweeping process. In this regard, it is not necessary 40 (Step 32) and a sweep of the next k entries is carried out. that the number of examined entries be fixed for each step. Thus, where n~2, entries PT20 to PT39 will he examined. Rather, it might vary from one step to the next. The only The process continucs in this manncr, with k entrics in thc criterion is that the number of entries examined on each step page table being examined each time a free VSID is allobe such that all entries in the page table are examined in a cated. Each entry is examined to determine whether it determinable amount of time or by the occurrence of a 45 contains a mapping for a VSID on the recycle list. If it does, ccrtain cvcnt, c.g. by thc time the list of free VSIDs is empty. that entry is removed from the page table. Generally speaking, the sizes of the free, inactive and After each sweep, the system determines whether all recycle lists are determined by the range of VSIDs that need entries in the page table have been checked (Step 36). This to be allocated. If at most x threads/applications can be situation will occur when n~x. Once all of the entries have active at any time, the free list should start with 3x entries. 50 been examined, the VSIDs in the recycle list are transferred A recycling sweep, i.e. a removal of inactive entries from the to the free list (Step 38), yielding x new VSIDs that are page table, can begin as soon as the inactive list contains x available to be allocated. In addition, the recycle sweep flag entries. At this point, the free list will contain between x and RFLG is reset, and control is then returned to the program. 2x entries, depending upon the number of active threads and If all of the entries in the page table have not yet been applications at that timc. In the worst ease, the free list will 55 checked, i.e. the response is negative at Step 36, control is always contain at least x VSIDs. directly returned to the application program, at Step 24. Once the inactive list contains x entries, the VSIDs on the From the foregoing, it can be seen that the present inactive list are transferred to the recycle list, for example by invention provides an efficient approach to the allocation of changing a pointer or other suitable identifier in a bitmap large amounts of address space, without requiring timelisting of VSIDs. The recycling sweep is carried out as free 60 consuming, and therefore annoying, interruptions in proVSIDs are consumed. Since the free list contains at least x cessing. Free addresses are always guaranteed to be availentries at this time, the sweep is guaranteed to be complete able while avoiding the need for a single complete sweep of hefore the free list is completely empty. Once the sweep is all memory allocation records in a page table to remove completed, it will yield x ncw VSIDs that are transferred to unused entries and determine which addresses are free. The the free list. 65 amount of work that is done is bounded, because only a limited number of entries, k, is examined at each step of the A flowchart which depicts the operation of the address allocation portion of a memory manager, in accordance with process. DEF00000808 6,119,214 9 10 Varialions of lht fortgoing proct:ss can bt: carrit:d oul within the scope of the present invention. For example, it is not necessary to wait for the inactive list to fill before initiating the scanning of entries in the page table. To improve page table efficiency, its entries can be examined while waiting for the inactive list to fill. This variation is illustrated in the flow chart of PIG. 7. Referring thereto, if the response at Step 22 is negative, i.e. the inactive list is not yet full, the index n is incremented at Step 40, and the proccss thcn procccds to Stcp 30, whcrc the next k cntries are swept. In the sweeping process, each page table entry is checked to determine whether it has a corresponding VSID on the inactive list. If so, that entry is removed from the page table. This approach provides a two-fold advantage. First, some inaclivt: pagt: labk t:nlrit:s art: rt:movt:d mort: rapidly, sinct it is not necessary to wait for their VSIDs to be transferred to the recycle list. As a result, the efficiency of the page table is increased, i.e. it contains fewer inactive entries than it otherwise would. Secondly, less work is required during the sweep of the recycle list. In particular, since at least some of the page table entries for inactive VSIDs were removed prior to the time those VSIDs were transferred to the recycle list, there will not be as many entries to remove dming the recycle sweep of those VSIDs. After a sweep is completed at Step 30, the status of the flag RFLG is again checked, at Step 42, to determine whether the sweep was of the inactive list or the recycle list. If RFLG=O, indicating that the inactive list was being swept, the process returns to the main program. Otherwise, it proceeds to Step 36, as in the flowchart of FIG. 6. While the page table entries are being examined dming the sweeping process, it is possible to further enhance the efficiency of the page table by carrying out other operations as welL For example, in some page tables, a suitable number of entries are grouped together, and the addressing of entries is done by groups. In other words, the page table address PTA that results from the operation of the hashing function is thc physical address of a pagc table entry group. Whcnever a call is made to a particular virtual address, the individual page table entries within an addressed group are then checked, one by one, to determine whether they correspond to the virtual address that generated a page table search. Thus, it can be seen that it takes longer to locate an entry that resides in the last position in the group, relative to an entry in the first position in the group. Further along these lines, two page table entry groups can be associated with one another. The hashing function value for the two groups can have any suitable relationship to one another that would enable the hashing function value of one group to be derived if the value for the other group is known. For example, they can be complements of one another. If a desired page table entry is not found in one group (the primary group), its associatcd group (thc sccondary group) is checked. Again, it takes longer to find a page table entry in the secondary group, relative to those in the primary group. During the sweeping process, therefore, as each page table entry is being examined, its location within a group can bt: oplimizt:d if il is nol bt:ing rt:movt:d from lht: pagt: labk. A more detailed flow chart of the sweeping process, in which such optimization is carried out, is illustrated in FIG. 8. Referring thereto, when the sweeping process is entered (Step 30 of FIG. 7), the memory manager first determines whether the VSID associated with the page table entry of interest is on the recycle list (Step 44). If so, the entry is rt:movt:d from lht: pagt: labk, al Slt:p 46. If lht: VSID is nol on the recycle list, a determination is made whether it is on the inactive list (Step 48). If so, the entry is removed at Step 46. If the VSID is not on either of these two lists, it is still aclivt:. In lhis cast:, lht: mt:mory managt:r ddt:rmint:s whether the entry is in the primary group (Step 50). If not, a check is made at Step 52 to determine whether a slot is available in the primary group, and if so the entry is moved 10 lht primary group al Slt:p 54. If lht: t:nlry is alrt:ady in lht: primary group, a determination is made at Step 56 whether it is in the highest availahle slot, and if not its location is optimized. With this approach, the efficiency of the page labk is conlinually bt:ing t:nhanct:d. It will be appreciated that the present invention is not limited to the specific embodiments which have been described herein to facilitate an understanding of its underlying principles. For example, while the memory management approach of the present invention is particularly applicable to page tables whose entries are hashed or otherwise randomly distributed throughout the table, its implementation is not limited thereto. Similarly, it is possible to initiate the sweep of page table entries in response to regularly occurring events other than the assignment of a free VSID. For example, a limited number of entries can be examined each time a thread is deleted. Furthermore, it is not necessary 10 t:xamint: lht: pagt: labk t:nlrit:s in a st:qut:nlial mannt:r, as described above. Rather, any systematic approach can be employed which assures that all entries will be swept. Further along these lines, the transfer of VSIDs from the recycle list to the free list need not occur only at the end of a complete sweep. Depending on the structure of the page table, it may be possible to transfer some of the VSIDs after a partial sweep of the page table, as long as it is known that all possible entries associated with those VSIDs have been cxamincd. The scope of the invention is therefore defined by the claims which are appended hereto, rather than the foregoing description, and all equivalents which are consistent with the meaning of the claims are intended to be embraced therein. What is claimed is: 1. A method for allocating address space in a virtual memory system for a computer, comprising the steps of: maintaining a list of available addresses that are free to be allocated to a program; allocating addresses to a program in response to requests for address space; recording entries in a page table relating to addresses that have heen allocated; upon each allocation of an available address, examining a number of entries in the page table, which number is less than the total number of entries in the table, to determine whether the entries have been identified as no longer active; removing the entries from the table which have been determined to be no longer active, and maintaining a list of the addresses associated with the entries being removed; and transferring the list of addresses associated with removed entries to the list of allocatable addresses. 2. The method of claim 1 wherein said transferring step is carrit:d oul aflt:r all of lht: t:nlrit:s in lht: labk havt: bt:t:n examined. 3. The method of claim 1 wherein said number of entries that are examined upon each allocation equals pix, where p is the total number of available addresses, and x is the maximum number of addresses that can be active at any given time. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 DEF00000809 6,119,214 11 12 4. The method of claim 3 wherein said examining step is 16. The method of claim 15 wherein said processing initiated after x addresses have been identified as inactive. includes the step of optimizing the entry's location within 5. The method of claim 1 wherein said numher of entries the page table. that are examined upon each allocation is variable from one 17. A system for managing memory in a computer, allocation to another. 6. In a computer system of the type in which ranges of 5 comprising: means for allocating ranges of logical addresses to prological addresses are assigned to programs and the assigned addresses are mapped to physical memory through entries in vide access to the memory of the computer; a page table, a method fur removing entries from the pagt a page table containing entries which map allocated table when a range of addresses is deleted, comprising the 10 logical addresses to physical addresses for the memory; steps of: means for indicating that a range of logical addresses has a) maintaining a list of addresses that have been deleted; b) upon the occurrence of a predetermined event, exambeen deallocated; ining a defined number of entries in the page table to means responsive to the occurrence of a predetermined determine whether those entries are associated with any 15 event for examining a limited number of the entries in of the addresses on said list; the page table to determine whether they are associated c) removing each examined entry from the page table with an address that has been deallocated, and for which is associated with an address on said list; removing each such entry from the page table; and d) repeating steps band c upon the occurrence of said event until all of the entries in the page table have been 20 means for indicating that addresses whose entries have examined; and been removed from the page table are available for e) identifying the addresses in said list as addresses which further allocation. are available to be assigned to programs. 18. The memory management system of claim 17, 7. The method of claim 6 wherein said predetermined wherein said indicating means comprise a data structure event is the assignment of an address from those which are 25 containing a list of logical addrcsses and an indicator identified as being available. associated with each address which identifies whether the 8. The method of claim 6 wherein said defined number is address is available for allocation or has been deallocated. related to the ratio of the number of addresses available to 19. The memory manager of claim 18 wherein said data be assigned to programs relative to the number of entries in the page table. structure identifies addresses as being in one of three states 9. The method of claim 6 wherein said defined number is 30 which respectively indicate whether the address is available variahle. for allocation, deallocated, or being processed for further 10. The method of claim 6 wherein the step of maintaining availability, and further including means for changing the a list of addresses includes the steps of identifying addresses state of addresses from being processed to available in that have been deleted as being in an inactive state, and response to a predetermined occurrence. 35 transferring the inactive addresses to a recycle state. 20. The memory manager of claim 19 wherein said 11. The method of claim 10 wherein said examining step predetermined occurrence is the examination of all entries in determines whether the examined entries are associated with the page table. addresses in the recycle state. 21. The memory manager of claim 20 wherein said 12. The method of claim 11, wherein said examining step processing includes optimization of the location of the also determines whether the examined entries are also 40 examined entry in the page table. associated with addresses in the inactive state. 22. The memory manager of claim 17 wherein said 13. The method of claim 10 wherein the state of a logical predetermined event is the allocation of a range of logical address is indicated by an associated identifier stored in a addresses. data structure. 23. The memory manager of claim 17 further including 14. The method of claim 13 wherein said data structure is 45 means for processing each examined entry in the page table a bitmap. that is not associated with a deallocated address to enhance 15. The method of claim 6, further including the step of the efficiency of the page table. processing each examined entry which is not associated with an address on said list to enhance the efficiency of the page table. * * * * * DEF00000810

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