Eolas Technologies Incorporated v. Adobe Systems Incorporated et al

Filing 1317

Emergency MOTION to Strike DEFENDANTS' LATE-PRODUCED DOCUMENTS, VIDEO DEMONSTRATIONS, SOURCE CODE AND PREVIOUSLY UNIDENTIFIED PRIOR ART by Eolas Technologies Incorporated, The Regents of the University of California. (Attachments: # 1 Appendix, # 2 Exhibit A, # 3 Exhibit B, # 4 Exhibit C, # 5 Exhibit D, # 6 Exhibit E, # 7 Exhibit F, # 8 Exhibit G, # 9 Exhibit H, # 10 Exhibit I, # 11 Exhibit J, # 12 Exhibit K, # 13 Exhibit 1, # 14 Exhibit 2, # 15 Exhibit 3, # 16 Exhibit 4, # 17 Exhibit 5, # 18 Exhibit 6, # 19 Exhibit 7, # 20 Exhibit 8, # 21 Exhibit 9, # 22 Text of Proposed Order)(McKool, Mike)

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EXHIBIT 4 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS TYLER DIVISION EOLAS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Plaintiff, v. CV 6:09-cv-446 LED JURY DEMANDED ADOBE SYSTEMS INC., et al. Defendants. DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 Defendants Adobe Systems, Inc., Amazon.com, Inc., CDW Corporation, Citigroup Inc., Go Daddy Group, Inc., Google Inc., J.C. Penney Inc., Staples, Inc., Yahoo! Inc. and YouTube, LLC (“collectively Defendants”) hereby provide and/or confirm their written notice pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 282 of the patents and publications that they may rely upon to anticipate, render obvious or show the state of the art with respect to United States Patent Nos. 5,838,906 (“the ’906 patent”) and 7,599,985 (“the ’985 patent”) (collectively the “patents-in-suit”). Defendants may also rely on the person(s) listed below as being prior inventors or having prior knowledge of or as having previously used or offered for sale the invention of the patents-in-suit. In addition to the items expressly listed in this notice, Defendants also incorporate by reference, all information set forth in the expert reports on invalidity which Defendants served on Plaintiff in this matter, Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions, and the file histories and reexaminations for each of the patents-in-suit, including demonstratives of the Viola, Mosaic, MediaView and HyperCard related prior art. DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 1 1. PATENTS/PATENT Applications NO. TITLE COUNTRY DATE INVENTOR(S) 1 U.S. Patent No. 5,613,058 - Method and System for In-Place Interaction with Contained Objections [PA00278837] United States 03/18/1997 Srinivasa R. Koppolu, et al. 2 U.S. Patent No. 5,367,621 - Data Processing Method To Provide A Generalized Link From A Reference Point In An On-Line Book To An Arbitrary Multimedia Object Which Can Be Dynamically Updated [PA00319424]1 United States 11/22/1994 Amy S. C. Cohen, et al. 3 U.S. Patent No. 5,669,005 - System for Automatically Embedding or Incorporating Contents Added to a Document [PA-00329032] United States 09/16/1997 David Curbow, et al. 4 European Patent Application 91117487.8 to Bernstein (related to U.S. Patent Nos. 5,204,947 and 5,297,249.)2 EU Bernstein 2. PUBLICATIONS/ARTICLES/DOCUMENTS NO. 1 1999 Berners-Lee, Tim The Whole Internet User's Guide and Catalog, O'Reilly and Associates, Inc. 1992, 1993 Ed Krol 3 2 Weaving the Web: The Original Design and Ultimate Destiny of the World Wide Web by Its Inventor, Tim Berners-Lee 2 1 TITLE DATE AUTHOR(S) A Scientific Visualization Workbench, Proc. Supercomputing '88, Orlando, FL, November 1988. [PA-00273159] November 1988 R.L. Phillips And other references related to “Cohen” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. And other references related to “Bernstein” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 2 NO. TITLE DATE AUTHOR(S) 4 R.L. Phillips Interactive SIGGRAPH Proceedings: A New Form of Publication, Presented at EDUCOM'89, Ann Arbor, MI, October 15-18, 1989. Also reprinted in Computer Graphics, Vol. 24 [PA-00334346] January 1990 R.L. Phillips 6 An Interpersonal Multimedia Visualization System, IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications [PA-00273175] May 1991 R.L. Phillips 7 MediaView: An Editable Multimedia Publishing System Developed with An ObjectOriented Toolkit, Proc. USENIX Summer Conf., Nashville, TN [PA-00327398] June 1991 R.L. Phillips 8 MediaView: A General Multimedia Digital Publication System, Comm. ACM, Vol. 34, No. 7 [PA-00273194].3 July 1991 R.L. Phillips 9 How to Write Custom Modules for MediaView, distributed by request to author [PA-00327441] 1991 R.L. Phillips 10 A Fast and Accurate Light Reflection Model, with co-authors, Computer Graphics, Vol. 26 [ADBE0195786] July 1992 R.L. Phillips 11 Motif Programming Manual, O'Reilly & Assoc. [PA-00285473] 1991 Heller 12 UNIX Network Programming, Prentice-Hall [PA-00282885]4 1990 Stevens, W. Richard 13 Introduction to the ToolTalk Service, Sun Microsystems [PA-00195040] 1991 Sun Microsystems 14 4 August 1989 5 3 Distributed Visualization at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Computer, pp. 70-77 [PA-00273167] Applications Are Talking Too, MacUser [PA00289538] May 1991 Swaine And other references related to “MediaView” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. And other references related to “Unix Network Programming” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 3 NO. TITLE DATE AUTHOR(S) 15 Microsoft Press Microsoft brings object technology to the mainstream [PA-00277077] October 4, 1993 Eckerson 17 Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification, Application Note [PA-00260440] June 1992 Microsoft 18 Microsoft OLE Today and Tomorrow, Microsoft [PA-00329002] December 1993 Microsoft 19 X Window System User's Guide, O'Reilly & Assoc. [PA-00284769] 1991 Quercia 20 X Toolkit Intrinsics Programming Manual, O'Reilly & Assoc. [PA-00286486]5 1993 Nye 21 Network Access to Multimedia Information, RARE [PA-00329903] 1993 Adie 22 HTML+ (Hypertext markup language), Hewlett-Packard [PA-00321233] 1993 Hewlett-Packard 23 HTML+ support for eqn & Postscript, email message to www-talk [PA-00321230].6 June 14, 1993 Raggett 24 HTML+ support for eqn & Postscript, email message to www-talk [PA-00321229] June 14, 1993 Janssen 25 HTML+ support for eqn & Postscript, email message to www-talk [PH_001_0000588858]] June 14, 1993 Janssen 26 HTML+ support for eqn & Postscript, email message to www-talk [PH_001_0000588858]] June 14, 1993 Janssen 27 Hyperties Author's Guide, Ver. 3.05, Cognetics [PA-00270936] 1992 Cognetics Corporation 28 6 1992 16 5 Object Linking and Embedding Programmer's Reference, Microsoft Press [PA-00274385] Designing to Facilitate Browsing: A Look Back at the Hyperties Workstation Browser, HYPERMEDIA, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1991, pp. 101-117. [PA-00270916] 1991 Ben Shneiderman et al. And other references related to “X Windows” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. And other references related to “HTML+ and MIME” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 4 NO. TITLE 29 "Distributed Objects," Develop Documentation Manuals, NeXT Computer [ADBE0195785] 1993 NeXT Computer (Apple Inc.) 30 The NeXT System Reference Manual, Part 2: Reference, Product #N6007, NeXT, Computer [ADBE0195787]. 1989 NeXT Computer (Apple Inc.) 31 Questions and Answers Regarding NeXTSTEP Release 3.0 (downloadable from http://www.kevra.org/TheBestOfNext/ NeXTProducts/NeXTSoftware/QandANSRelease3/files/page621_1.pdf)) [PA00334325] September 1, 1992 NeXT Computer (Apple Inc.) 32 3D Graphics Kit Overviews, Release 3.2 [ADBE0195784] 1993 NeXT Computer (Apple Inc.) 33 "NCSA Mosaic for X 2.0 available", WWWTalk [PA-00292659] Oct.-Dec. 1993 NCSA 34 NCSA Mosaic Technical Summary, Revision 2.1 [PA-00292824] May 8, 1993 Marc Andreessen 35 Mathematica: A System for Doing Mathematics by Computer, Addison-Wesley Reading Mass.[PA-00333548] 1988 Wolfram, S. 36 Integrated Control of Distributed Volume Visualization Through the World-Wide-Web, IEEE Vis94 [PA-00300269] 1994 Ang, C., Martin, D., Doyle, M 37 MediaMosaic – A Multimedia Editing Environment, UIST'92 [PA-00195287] November 1992 Lin, Jin-Kun 38 NCSA Collage for the Macintosh version 1.0 [PA-00292677] October 1992 NCSA 39 A Brief Overview of the VIOLA Engine, and its Applications [PA-00318355] and [PA00318383] August 16, 1994 Pei Yuan Wei 40 The Complete HyperCard 2.0 Handbook, 3rd Edition [PA-00288603] 1990 Goodman 41 "Mac to Mainframe with HyperCard, MacTutor [PA-00288589] June 1990 John R. Powers, III DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 5 DATE AUTHOR(S) NO. TITLE DATE AUTHOR(S) 42 December 1992 Eric Lease Morgan 43 QuickTime Handbook: The Complete Guide to Mac Movie Making [PA-00289694] August 1992 David L. Drucker and Michael D. Murie 44 Mastering the World of Quicktime, First Edition, Random House [PA-00328099] 1993 Jerry Borrell, et al. 45 Diamond: A Multimedia Message System Build on a Distributed Architecture December 1985, pp. 65-76. [PA-00332212] Dec. 1985 Thomas et al. 46 Mosaic Quick Tour for Windows – Accessing and Navigating the Internet's World Wide Web. Ventana Press (1994) [PA-00320977] 1994 Gareth Branwyn 47 Interactive Image Display for the X Window System, Technical Report to the University of Pennsylvania (1992) [PA-00321299] 1992 John Bradley 48 Stanford Computer Forum WWW Workshop [PA-00293130] Sept. 20-21, 1994 49 Weekly viola status report [PA-00318312] 50 Log of FTP activity [PA-00313878] Nov. 1992Apr. 1995 Wei, et al. 51 Processing of Cross-Sectional Image Data for Reconstruction of Human Developmental Anatomy from Museum Specimens, SIGBIO Newsletter. pp. 9-15 [PH_001_0000041528]7 Feb. 1993 Michael D. Doyle, Cheong Ang, et al. 52 7 "Implementing TCP/IP Communications with HyperCard." Information Technology and Libraries; 11, 4; ABI/INFORM Global. pp. 421-432 [PA-00290482] An Overview of Hypertext and IR systems and applications. From http://www.w3.org/History/19921103hypertext/hypertext/Products/ [PA-00334369] 1992 Tim Berners-Lee Pei Yuan Wei And other references related to “VIS” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 6 NO. TITLE DATE AUTHOR(S) 53 Index of /History/19921103hypertext/hypertext. From http://www.w3.org/History/19921103hypertext/hypertext/ [PA-00334365] 1992 Tim Berners-Lee 54 MediaView download instructions. From http://www.w3.org/History/19921103hypertext/hypertext/Products/MediaView/Mail. html [PA-00334323] 1992 Tim Berners-Lee 55 Montage of 1991 Viola releases, from http://scam.xcf.berkeley.edu/~wei/viola/vintage /montage.html [PA-00313845] 1991 Pei Yuan Wei 56 The Digital News System at EDUCOM: A Convergence of interactive Computing, Newspapers, Television and High-Speed Networks, Communications of the ACT, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 113-116 [PA-00289534] Apr. 1991 Eric M. Hoffert and Greg Gretsch 57 "The QuickTime XCMDs." QuickTime Software Group, Apple Computer, Inc.[PA00333243] Apr. 26, 1994 Apple, Inc. 58 Portable Document Format Reference Manual, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. [ADBE0195521] 1993 Tim Bienz and Richard Cohn 59 HyperCard Basics, Apple Computer, Inc. [PA00333508] 1990 Apple, Inc. 60 Electronic Books, BYTE, Vol. 17, No. 6, McGraw-Hill., New York, pp. 263-268. [PA00334349] June 1992 Louis R. Reynolds and Steven J. DeRose 61 Adobe Non-Disclosure Agreement, 1993 [ADBE0195776-777] 1993 Adobe Systems Incorporated 62 MacroMind Play HyperCard Manual [ADBE0196003-061] 1993 Macromind (Adobe Systems Incorporated) 63 Adobe Acrobat Reader Program On-Line Guide 1993 [ADBE0196072-113] Adobe Systems Incorporated 64 Adobe Acrobat Exchange Program On-Line Guide [ADBE0196114-178] Adobe Systems Incorporated DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 7 1993 NO. TITLE 65 High-Speed Networks, Visualization, and Massive Parallelism in the Advanced Computing Laboratory, Computing Systems in Engineering, Vol. 3, Nos. 1-4, pp. 521-524 [ADBE0196687] 1992 D.W. Forslund et al. 66 MediaView IS-9 Production, VIDEO-93-121 VT. [RLP 000007 and 8] Mar. 20, 1993 R.L. Phillips / LANL 67 Distributed Computing: A Practical Synthesis, Prentice Hall, New York, pp. 736, ISBN 0-13036252-2. [ADBE0196711 (previously produced as ADBE0196688)] 1993 Amjad Umar 68 Multimedia Allows Researchers to Interact With Their Data, R&D Magazine, Vol. 36, No. 8, pp. 35-36 and cover. [RLP 000002-000006] July 1994 T. Studt 69 IRIS Hypermedia Services, Comm. ACM, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 36-51 [ADBE018751 (IRIS Hypermedia.pdf)] Jan. 1992 B. Haan et al. 70 Interactive Editing Systems: Part II, ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 353414. [ADBE018751 (p353-meyrowitz.pdf)] Sept. 1982 N. Meyrowitz et al. 71 Hypertext ’87 Keynote Address, Comm. ACM, Vol. 31, No. 7, pp. 887-895. [ADBE018751 (p887-van_dam.pdf)] July 1988 A. van Dam 72 User Interface Management System Embedded in a Multimedia Document Editor Framework, EECS Dept., University of California, Berkeley, Technical Report No. UCB/CSD-93773, October 1993, also Foundations of Data Organization and Algorithms, 4th Int’l Conference, FODO’93, Chicago, IL, Proceedings 1993. [PA-00292403] 10/13-15/1993 T. Ohtsu and M. Harrison 73 A Continuous Media Player, Proc. 3rd Int. Workshop on Network and OS Support for Digital Audio and Video, San Diego, CA [PA00334423] Nov. 1992 L. Rowe and B. Smith 74 Capturing, Structuring, and Representing Ubiquitous Audio, ACM Transactions of Information Systems, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 376400. [PA-00334698] Oct. 1993 D. Hindus et al. DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 8 DATE AUTHOR(S) NO. TITLE DATE AUTHOR(S) 75 Ubiquitous Audio: Capturing Spontaneous Collaboration, CSCW ’92 Proceedings, ACM, pp. 210-217. [PA-00334723] Nov. 1992 D. Hindus et al. 76 Multimedia Digital Publication System, MediaView, No. 6, C-6, LA-UR-91 [UCALEOLAS-I000001253-000001258] 1991 R. L. Phillips 77 Multimedia Digital Publication System, MediaView, LA-CP-90 -272 [UCAL-EOLASI000001249-000001252] 1990 R. L. Phillips 78 MediaView: A General Multimedia Digital Publication System, Phillips, LA-UR-90 -4227 [UCAL-EOLAS-I000001222-000001248] 1990 R. L. Phillips 79 LANL 92 [DS000001] 1992 R. L. Phillips/ LANL 80 MediaView 3.0 [ADBE0196641 and RLP 1] 81 Files from PA-NAT-00000004 (1727.pdf, 1744.pdf, 2018.pdf, 2020.pdf, 2310.pdf, 2333.pdf, 2345.pdf, 2414.pdf) [PA-NAT00000004] 82 Unique Visual Tools Aid Critical Materials Science, Signal [ADBE0196985-0196991] June 1993 C.A. Robinson, Jr. 83 Macromind Director Ver. 2.0 [ADBE0183280] 1990 Macromind (Adobe Systems Incorporated) 84 Macromind Director Ver. 3.1 [ADBE0183278] May 1992 Macromind (Adobe Systems Incorporated) 85 Director Ver 4.0 [ADBE0183283] 1994 Macromedia (Adobe Systems Incorporated) 86 MediaView Source Code (various productions, including “MediaView.zipx” attached to the July 20, 2011 Expert Report of Richard L. Phillips [RLP002059.1], [RLP 1], and code produced in response to subpoena served 12/22/2011) files dated prior to October 17, 1993 R.L. Phillips DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 9 R. L. Phillips NO. TITLE DATE AUTHOR(S) files dated prior to October 17, 1994 Pei Yuan Wei et al. 87 Viola Source Code 88 XCF Recovered Hard Drive (including materials relating to Viola) 89 May 12, 1993 codebase obtained from software\viola930512.tar.gz on the disc [PANAT-00000020] (“DX34”)8 May 1993 90 Lemacs 19.10, obtained from the disc [PANAT-00000053] in the archive \source\lemacs19.10.tar.gz dates on files 91 Mpeg_play compiled from from the disc [PANAT -00000053] in the folder \source\mpeg\mpeg.tar.gz dates on files 92 Vis tool binaries (panel, vis, and vren_svc) from the disc PA-NAT-00000060 after extractions dates on files 93 Xplaygizmo materials [PA-NAT-00000042] from Ftp://ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu/mosaic/unix/viewers/xpl aygizmo/ Including xplaygizmo.tar.z, xplaygizmo-sun.z, xplaygizmo.release-notice, and xplaygizmo.readme9 dates on files 94 Yankelovich, Nicole, et al. "Intermedia: The Concept and the Construction of a Seamless Information Environment," IEEE Computer, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 81-96, January, 198810 1988 Yankelovich, N., et al. 95 "InterNote: Extending a Hypermedia Framework To Support Annotative Collaboration," Hypertext Proceedings Nov. 1989 Catlin, T., et al. 8 Pei Yuan Wei / University of California Pei Yuan Wei et al. And other references related to “Viola” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. And other references related to “Lucid Emacs with the w3 browser” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. 10 And other references related to “Intermedia” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. 9 DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 10 NO. TITLE DATE AUTHOR(S) 96 97 Riley, Victor A. "Linking Active Anchors: A Stage In The Evolution Of Hypermedia," Hypermedia, Vol. 2, No. 1 1990 Palaniappan, Murugappan et al. 99 "Hyperties Offers Extensive Hyperlinking," INFOWORLD, Sept. 7, 1992, pp. 76-77.11 Sept. 7, 1992 Jim Canning 100 "Designing To Facilitate Browsing: A Look Back At The Hyperties Workstation Browser," Hypermedia, Vol. 3, No. 2 1991 Shneiderman, et al. 101 "User Interface Design For The Hyperties Electronic Encyclopedia," Hypertext '87 Papers Nov. 1987 Shneiderman, Ben 102 Author's Guide To Hyperties 3.0 And Accompanying Software 1991 103 "Building User Interfaces In NeWS" 1993 Hopkins, Don 104 Hyperties video (2 minutes, 17 seconds), available at http://www.donhopkins.com/home/movies/Hyp ertiesDemo.mov, 1991. [PA-NAT-00000015.] 1991 Hopkins, Don 105 NCSA HTTPD versions 1.0 and 1.1 and accompanying documentation. [PA-NAT00000011.]12 files dated prior to October 17, 1994 NCSA 106 OpenGL and X, Part 1: An Introduction, The X Journal. Nov./Dec. 1993 Mark Kilgard 107 12 "An Interchange Format for Hypertext Systems: Jan. 16-18, The Intermedia Model," Proceedings of the 1990 Hypertext Standardization Workshop 98 11 "Intermedia: Issues, Strategies, and Tactics in the Design of a Hypermedia Document System," Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work Using OpenGL with Xlib, The X Journal. Nov./Dec. 1993 Mark Kilgard 1986 Garrett, L. Nancy, et al. And other references related to “Hyperties” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. And other references related to “Common Gateway Interface (CGI)” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 11 NO. TITLE DATE AUTHOR(S) 108 OpenGL and X, Part 3: Integrating OpenGL with Motif, draft for publication in The X Journal May 1994 Mark Kilgard 109 "NCSA Mosaic for X 2.0 available." Nov. 10, 1993. Email message to www-talk distribution list.13 Nov. 10, 1993 Mark Andreessen 110 User Interface Guidelines for the Andrew System, v.2.0, CMU-ITC-88-093, Oct. 12, 1988 Wadlow 111 An Overview of the Andrew File System, Carnegie-Mellon University, CMU-ITC-88062 (1988). 1988 J. Howard 112 Object Linking & Embedding, OLE 2.01 Design Specification, Microsoft Corporation (September 27, 1993). Sep. 27, 1993 Microsoft Corporation 113 February 11, 1993 codebase obtained from midaswww-2.0.pre1.tar.gz and its associated README file midaswww-2.0.pre1.README on the disc [PA-NAT-00000012] (Pre-release 1 of MidasWWW Version 2.0)14 Feb. 11, 1993 114 October 10, 1993 codebase obtained from Eric Bina (a co-author of the original Mosaic web browser) on the disc containing Bates range [PA-NAT-00000045] – [PA-NAT-00000046] (X Mosaic 2.0 pre-release 5)15 Oct. 10, 1993 115 Building Hypertext on a Multimedia Toolkit: An Aug. 1990 Overview of Andrew Toolkit Hypermedia Facilities, CMU-ITC-90-090 Hansen 116 Enhancing documents with embedded programs: How Ness extends insets in the Andrew ToolKit, CMU-ITC-90-104 Jan. 4, 1990 Hansen 117 "Completing The Job Of Interface Design," IEEE Software Nov. 1992 Jim Rudolf And Cathy Waite 118 "Hyperlook" User Manual16 1992 The Turing Institute 13 Bina, Eric And other references related to “Andreessen posting” as references listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. 14 And other references related to “Midas” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. 15 And other references related to “Mosaic” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. 16 And other references related to “Hyperlook” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 12 NO. TITLE DATE AUTHOR(S) 119 "HyperNeWS User Interface Development System." 120 Klemets, Anders, "The Design and Implementation of a Media on Demand System for WWW," Proceedings of the First International Conference on World-Wide Web, Geneva, May 25-27, 1994.17 May 25-27, 1994 Klemets, Anders 121 Bier, Eric, "EmbeddedButtons: Documents as User Interfaces," Proceedings of the 4th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, Hilton Head, South Carolina, November 11-13, 1991, pp. 45-53, ISBN 089791-451-1.18 November 1113, 1991 Bier, Eric 122 "The Microcosm Link Service." Hypertext '93 proceedings. November 1993. Nov. 1993 Wendy Hill, Gary Hill, and Hugh Davis 123 "Media Integration Issues within Open Hypermedia Systems." The Image and Media Laboratory, Dept. of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton. 124 "Towards an Integrated Information Environment with Open HyperMedia Systems." The Department of Electronics and Computer Science at The University of Southampton, Southhampton, U.K. October 11, 1993.19 Oct. 11, 1993 Davis, H., et al. 125 Application Integration: Constructing Composite Applications from Interactive Components, Software—Practice and Experience, 23(3), 255–275 (March 1993).20 Mar. 1993 D. D. Cowan, T. M. Stepien, R. Ierusalimschy and C. J. P. Lucena 17 The Turing Institute Hugh Davis, Wendy Hall and Ian Heath And other references related to “Klemets” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. And other references related to “EmbeddedButtons” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. 19 And other references related to “Microcosm” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. 20 And other references related to “Cowan” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. 18 DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 13 NO. TITLE DATE AUTHOR(S) 126 The Complete Hypercard 2.0 Handbook, 3rd Edition, Bantam Books, Inc. Aug. 1990 Goodman, Danny 127 VideoWorks 2 (1987) used with the HyperCard Driver (1988).21 1987-1988 MacroMind 128 Director 3 (1991) and Director 3.1 (March, 1993) used with the HyperCard driver.22 1991, 1993 MacroMind 129 May 27, 1993 codebase obtained from the archive violaTOGO.tar.Z in the disc [PA-NAT00000021] (“DX37”) May 1993 Pei Wei et al. 130 October 16, 1993 codebase obtained from the archive violaTOGO.tar.Z in the disc [PANAT-00000024] labeled “1– Tar Secondaries” in the folder 047263-000006\usr2\users\pei\ Oct. 1993 Pei Wei et al. 131 February 23, 1994 codebase obtained from the disc [PA-NAT-00000023] (“MS_SUPP_1205_002”) in the archive 051209_1055 (E)\viola940223.tar.gz, also known as “DX73” Feb. 1994 Pei Wei et al. 132 March 23, 1994 codebase obtained from the disc [PA-NAT-00000024] (“1 - TAR Secondaries”) in the folder 047263-000004/usr/work/viola940323 Mar. 1994 Pei Wei et al. 133 "HyperNet: A Tool to Choreograph Worldwide Distributed Hypermedia Documents," Computer & Graphics vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 197202 (1992).23 1992 Marovac, Nenad et al. 134 "Multicard: An open hypermedia system." ACM ECHT Conference. December 4, 1992, pp. 4-10.24 Dec. 4, 1992 Anroine Rizk and Louis Sauter 135 "Oral History And Information Technology: Human Voices Of Assessment," Journal Of Organizational Computing And Electronic Commerce, Vol. 1, No. 3 1991 Brunet, L., et al. 21 And other references related to “VideoWorks 2” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. 22 And other references related to “Director” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. 23 And other references related to “HyperNet” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. 24 And other references related to “Multicard” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 14 NO. TITLE DATE AUTHOR(S) 136 "The Virtual Notebook System," Proceedings Of The Third Annual ACM Conference On Hypertext 1991 Burger, A., et al. 137 "Experience With The Virtual Notebook 1994 System: Abstraction In Hypertext," Proceedings Of The ACM Conference On ComputerSupported Cooperative Work Fowler, J., et al. 138 "A Virtual Notebook For Biomedical Work Groups," Bulletin Of The Medical Library Association, Vol. 76, No. 3 1988 Gorry, G., et al. 139 "The Virtual Notebook System: An Architecture For Collaborative Work," Journal Of Organizational Computing, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 233-250 (1991).25 1991 Gorry, G., et al. 140 "Distributed Hypertext For Collaborative Research: The Virtual Notebook System," Proceedings Of The Second Annual ACM Conference On Hypertext 1989 Shipman III, F., et al. 141 Controlled by the Web, Preliminary Proceedings of the First International Conference on the World-Wide Web, May 2527, 1994.26 May 25-27, 1994 Alan Falconer Slater 142 The KIM Query System, An Iconic Interface for the Unified Access to Distributed Multimedia Databases, July 1994 paper from SIGCHI Bulletin, Volume 26, Number 3.27 Jul. 1994 Ferrara, F. 143 "The Individualized Electronic Newspaper: an example of an active publication." John Wiley and Sons, September, 1993.28 Jun. 1994 A. Hanke, C. Hueser, and K. Reichenberger 144 Silvano Pozzi et al., ALIVE: A distributed livelink documentation system. Electronic Publishing, Vol. 5(3), 131-142, September 1992.29 Sept. 1992 Pozzi, Silvano, et al. 25 And other references related to “Virtual Notebook” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. 26 And other references related to “Slater” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. 27 And other references related to “KIM” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. 28 And other references related to “IEN” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. 29 And other references related to “ALIVE” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 15 NO. TITLE DATE AUTHOR(S) 145 “The Digital News System At Educom: A Convergence Of Interactive Computing, Newspapers, Television And High-Speed Networks”, Communications Of The ACM, Vol. 34, No. 4, Pp. 113 – 116 Apr. 1991 Eric M. Hoffert And Greg Gretsch 146 Video and presentation of 1990 EDUCOM conference in Atlanta [PA-NAT-00000035-36] 1990 Apple 147 MotionWorks ADDmotion II Manual, MotionWorks Inc. International Jun. 1992 Hill et al. 148 "SHARE: A Methodology and Environment for Collaborative Product Development," PostProc. IEEE Second Workshop Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises.30 Apr. 1993 Toye et al. 149 A Hytime Engine For Hypermedia Document Presentation (Master's Thesis at University of Massachusetts Lowell.)31 1993 Rutledge 150 HyOctane: A hyTime Engine for an MMS 1993 Koegel et al. 151 "Design issues for a Dexter-based hypermedia system." ACM EXHT CONFERENCE. Milano, November 30 – December 4, 1992.32 Nov. 30-Dec. 2, 1992 K. Groenbaek 152 "Scientific Visualization in High-Speed Network Environments", Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 22, 1991, pp. 111-129.33 1991 Vaziri, A. 153 MediaMosaic-a multimedia editing environment, Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, Proceedings of the 5th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology, Monterey, California.34 1992 Jin-Kun Lin 154 "Quill: An Extensible System for Editing Documents of Mixed Type." IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA., IEEE 1988.35 1988 Donald D. Chamberlin, et al. 30 And other references related to “Toye” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. And other references related to “HyOctane” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. 32 And other references related to “Dexter” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. 33 And other references related to “Vaziri” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. 34 And other references related to “MediaMosaic” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. 35 And other references related to “Quill” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. 31 DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 16 NO. TITLE DATE AUTHOR(S) 155 Aspects of a Modern Multi-Media Information System, Graz University of Technology (June 1991).36 Jun. 1991 Frank M. Kappe 156 Microsoft OLE Today and Tomorrow, Technology Overview [PA-00329002] Dec. 1993 Microsoft 157 Using Andrew for Development of Educational Applications, Carnegie-Mellon University, CMU-ITC-85-065.37 June 2, 1985 David Trowbridge 158 Object Linking and Embedding, Programmer’s Reference, Version 1, Microsoft Press.38 1992 Seth McEvoy, Mike McGee, Barry Potter and Lynne Wasson 159 "A Brief Overview of the VIOLA Engine, and its applications,” pp. TT 05441 – TT 05600, including “Viola in a Nutshell: the Viola World Wide Web Toolkit” Pei Wei 160 Lotus Notes 3.0 [PA-NAT- 00000017]39 Lotus Notes Development Corp. 161 "The Diamond Multimedia Editor." Usenix Summer 1987, pp. 1-18.40 1987 Terrence Crowley et al. 162 Mosaic software including the codebases found at [PA-NAT-00000044] – [PA-NAT00000046] dates on files Bina, Andreessen, NCSA 163 Video: The National Center for Supercomputing Applications Software Development Group presents NCSA Mosaic 164 June 26, 1993 posting entitled "Re: Xmosaic and Xv" [www-talk-00293020] 36 NCSA June 26, 1993 Chris McRae And other references related to “Hyper-G” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. And other references related to “Andrew” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. 38 And other references related to “OLE” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. 39 And other references related to “Lotus Notes” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. 40 And other references related to “Diamond” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. 37 DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 17 NO. TITLE DATE AUTHOR(S) 165 March 20, 1993 R. L. Phillips / LANL 166 The Complete HyperCard 2.0 Handbook, 3rd Edition, Bantam Books, Inc., August 1990. [PA-00288603]41 Aug. 1990 Danny Goodman 167 HyperCard software (e.g., versions 2.0, 2.1, or 2.2) dates on files Apple 168 MacroMind Player Manual distributed with Director 3.1.3. 1993 Macromind (Adobe Systems Incorporated) 169 Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, Second Edition, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA 1990 Foley, J., A. van Dam, S. Feiner and J. Hughes 170 Introduction to Computer Graphics, AddisonWesley, Reading, MA 1993 Foley, J., A. van Dam, S. Feiner, J. Hughes and R.Phillips 171 "A Query Language for a Network Database with Graphical Entities", presented at the 4th Annual SIGGRAPH (ACM) Conference on Computer Graphics, San Jose, CA [PA-00334339] July 1977 R. L. Phillips 172 A Bridge from Full-function to Reducedfunction Workstations, with co-authors, IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, May, 1986, pp. 53-57. [PA-00273154] May 1986 R. L. Phillips et al. 173 Interactive SIGGRAPH Proceedings: A New Form of Publication, Computer Graphics, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 60-61(presented at EDUCOM ’89). [ADBE0183270] Jan. 1990 R.L. Phillips 174 41 MediaView, Videotaped Demonstration of MediaView Capabilities by Los Alamos National Laboratory, VIDEO-93-121, March 20, 1993 An Interpersonal Multimedia Visualization System, Submitted to Visualization ’90, San Francisco, CA. [ADBE0196690] Oct. 22-26, 1990 R.L. Phillips And other references related to “Hypercard” as listed in Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions. DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 18 NO. TITLE 175 An Interpersonal Multimedia Visualization System, VIS ’90 Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Visualization ’90, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, pp. 338-341. [ADBE0196707 and ADBE0196688 (re-publication from Department of Energy)] 1990 R.L. Phillips 176 Digital Publication: Status, Opportunities and Problems, SIGGRAPH ’90, August 6-10, Dallas, TX, 16-1–16-22 (demonstration of MediaView at 16-19) 1990 R.L. Phillips et al. 177 A Comprehensive Physical Model for Light Reflection, Computer Graphics, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 175-186 [ADBE0196695] July 1991 Xe et al. 178 Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration, Service Center letter October 28, 2010 regarding FOIA Request dated May 28, 2006 (Films Report – Summary of all Films at page 112 of 220, item 1735). [ADBE0196693] Oct. 28, 2010 Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration 179 How the Web Was Born: The Story of the World Wide Web, Oxford University Press, 2000. [PA-00320294] 2000 Robert Cailliau, James Gillies 180 Post “Re: Standardizing new HTML features,” www-talk email list, [PH_001_0000598210 – PH_001_0000598211] Apr. 27, 1993 Bill Janssen 181 Post “Re: Standardizing new HTML features.” www-talk email list, [PH_001_0000598248] Apr. 29, 1993 Bill Janssen 182 Post re “NCSA X Mosaic 0.6 released,” wwwtalk email list [Bina-Eolas 00006991-6992] Jan. 31, 1993 Marc Andreessen 183 Post re “NCSA X Mosaic 0.7 released,” wwwtalk email list [Bina-Eolas 00007176-7177] Feb. 11, 1993 Marc Andreessen 184 Post re “NCSA X Mosaic 0.6 released,” wwwtalk email list [Bina-Eolas 00007178-7179] Feb. 14, 1993 Marc Andreessen 185 Post re “NCSA X Mosaic 0.7 released,” wwwtalk email list [Bina-Eolas 00007176-7177] Feb. 11, 1993 Marc Andreessen 186 Post re “NCSA X Mosaic 0.6 released,” wwwtalk email list [Bina-Eolas 00007178-7179] Feb. 14, 1993 Marc Andreessen 187 Post re “NCSA Mosaic for X 0.9 released,” Mar. 4, 1993 www-talk email list [Bina-Eola00007212-7213] DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 19 DATE AUTHOR(S) Marc Andreessen NO. TITLE DATE AUTHOR(S) 188 Distributed Computing and Client-Server Systems May 20, 1993 A. Umar 189 “The Virtual Library in Action,” Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Apr. 4, 1995 Louise Addis et al. 190 Post re “the <EMBED> tag in HTML,” wwwtalk email list [EOLASTX-0000025961-62] May 20, 1994 Michael Doyle 191 Email from M. Andreessen to E. Bina re “forwarded message from Dave_Raggett” [Bina-Eolas 00007180-82] Feb. 16,1993 Marc Andreessen 192 Email from M. Doyle to D. Martin re “first cut” [EOLASTX-0000000178-79] Jun. 22, 1993 Michael Doyle 193 Post re “launching executables through HTML files,” www-talk email list [PH_001_0000004038-39] Jun. 20, 1993 Marc Andreessen 194 Post re “the <EMBED> tag in HTML,” wwwtalk email list May 19, 1994 Michael Doyle 195 Email from D. Martin to D. Raggett re “EMBED tag” May 20, 1994 David Martin 196 Email from D. Martin to D. Connolly re “HTML 2.0 specification” Sep. 1, 1994 David Martin 197 Email from D. Connolly to D. Martin re “HTML 2.0 specification” Sep. 2, 1994 Daniel Connolly 198 Email from M. Andreessen to E. Bina re “forwarded message from Dave_Raggett” [Bina-Eolas 00007180-82] Feb. 16,1993 Marc Andreessen 199 Email from M. Doyle to D. Martin re “first cut” [EOLASTX-0000000178-79] Jun. 22, 1993 Michael Doyle 200 Post re “launching executables through HTML files,” www-talk email list [PH_001_0000004038-39] Jun. 20, 1993 Marc Andreessen 201 Post re “the <EMBED> tag in HTML,” wwwtalk email list May 19, 1994 Michael Doyle 202 Email from D. Martin to D. Raggett re “EMBED tag” May 20, 1994 David Martin 203 Email from D. Martin to D. Connolly re “HTML 2.0 specification” Sep. 1, 1994 David Martin 204 Email from D. Connolly to D. Martin re “HTML 2.0 specification” Sep. 2, 1994 Daniel Connolly DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 20 NO. TITLE DATE AUTHOR(S) 205 Email from M. Andreessen to E. Bina re “forwarded message from Dave_Raggett” [Bina-Eolas 00007180-82] Feb. 16, 1993 Marc Andreessen 206 Email from P. Wei to T. Berners-Lee re “X Browser” [PA-00293029] Dec. 13, 1991 Pei Wei 207 Email from P. Wei to M. Andreessen re “stuff in new ViolaWWW” [PA-00313883] Feb. 8, 1993 Pei Wei 208 Email from M. Andreessen to P. Wei re “stuff in new ViolaWWW” [PA-00293039-40] Feb. 8, 1993 Marc Andreessen 209 Email from D. Dougherty to P. Wei re “Friday meeting” [PA-00293042] May 4, 1993 Dale Dougherty 210 Email from D. Dougherty to P. Wei re “Friday meeting” [EOLASTX-0000022409] May 8, 1993 Dale Dougherty 211 Email from D. Dougherty to P. Wei re “Friday meeting” [EOLASTX-0000022409] May 8, 1993 Dale Dougherty 212 Email from M. Andreessen to www-talk re “proposed new tag: IMG” Feb. 25, 1993 Marc Andreessen 213 Post “Re: Standardizing new HTML features,” www-talk email list, [PH_001_0000598194] Apr. 27, 1993 Dave Raggett 214 Post “Re: Standardizing new HTML features,” www-talk email list, [PH_001_0000598198] Apr. 27, 1993 Bill Janssen 215 Post “Re: Standardizing new HTML features,” www-talk email list, [PH_001_0000600082627] Apr. 27, 1993 Tony Sanders 216 www-talk postings regarding web browsers Various dates before October 17, 1994 Various 217 Email from T. Berners-Lee to D. Dougherty re “W3 and ORA” [Berners-Lee Exh. 3] Aug. 24, 1992 Tim Berners-Lee 218 www-talk posting re “SGML/HTML docs, X Browser” [EOLASTX-0000087665-66] Dec. 9, 1991 Tim Berners-Lee 219 Email from P. Wei to D. Dougherty re “viola alpha status” [PA-00293084-85] Oct. 14, 1993 Pei Wei 220 Email from M. Doyle re “Hot Java is here! And it *rocks*,” [EOLASTX-0000022472] Mar. 27, 1995 Michael Doyle 221 Email from P. Wei to J. Kempf re “viola tar” [EOLASTX-0000022424-25] May 31, 1993 Pei Wei 222 Email from P. Wei to D. Raggett re “HMML” [EOLASTX-0000022412-22] May 10, 1993 Pei Wei DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 21 NO. TITLE DATE 223 Email from T. Berners-Lee to A. Clark re “HTML, HMML, and HyperTex” [EOLASTX0000022536] Apr. 21, 1993 Tim Berners-Lee 224 Post “Re: FYI…press release,” www-talk email list, [EOLASTX-0000042939-40] Sep. 1, 1994 Pei Wei 225 Email from D. Martin re Agenda for 8/19 meeting Aug. 13, 1993 David C. Martin 226 Email from C. McRae to J. Dawes re Acrobat and UCSF May 14, 1993 Christopher McRae 227 Email from J. Dawes re Acrobat and UCSF May 17, 1993 John Dawes 228 Email from C. McRae re HTML spec June 21, 1993 Christopher McRae 229 Email from R. Cailliau re WWWWorkshop 07/16/1993 Robert Cailliau 230 Email from D. Kehoe to R. Cailliau re Adobe’s PDF 07/16/1993 Daniel Kehoe 231 Email from D. Kehoe to Kevin Altis re Adobe’s 07/19/1993 PDF Daniel Kehoe 232 Email from D. Martin to M. Solomon re Adobe’s PDF 07/19/1993 David C. Martin 233 Email from K. Atlis to R. Cailliau and D. Kehoe re Adobe’s PDF 07/19/1993 Kevin Atlis 234 Email from B. Janssen to K. Altis and D. Kehoe 07/19/1993 re Adobe’s PDF Bill Janssen 235 Email from K. Altis to D. Kehoe re Adobe’s PDF 07/19/1993 Kevin Altis 236 Email from D. Kehoe to K. Altis re Adobe’s PDF 07/19/1993 Daniel Kehoe 237 Email from S. Heaney re HTML+ Comments 07/20/1993 Steve Heaney 238 Email from D. Martin to D. Kehoe re Adobe’s PDF 07/20/1993 David C. Martin 239 Non-Disclosure Agreement between Adobe Systems Incorporated and the University of California at San Francisco 08/19/1993 Adobe Systems Incorporated 240 Email from T. Berners-Lee to D. Dougherty re “W3 and ORA” [Berners-Lee Exh. 3] Aug. 24, 1992 Tim Berners-Lee DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 22 AUTHOR(S) NO. TITLE DATE AUTHOR(S) 241 www-talk posting re “SGML/HTML docs, X Browser” [EOLASTX-0000087665-66] Dec. 9, 1991 Tim Berners-Lee 242 Email from P. Wei to D. Dougherty re “viola alpha status” [PA-00293084-85] Oct. 14, 1993 Pei Wei 243 Email from M. Doyle re “Hot Java is here! And it *rocks*,” [EOLASTX-0000022472] Mar. 27, 1995 Michael Doyle 244 Email from P. Wei to J. Kempf re “viola tar” [EOLASTX-0000022424-25] May 31, 1993 Pei Wei 245 Email from P. Wei to D. Raggett re “HMML” [EOLASTX-0000022412-22] May 10, 1993 Pei Wei 246 Email from T. Berners-Lee to A. Clark re “HTML, HMML, and HyperTex” [EOLASTX0000022536] Apr. 21, 1993 Tim Berners-Lee 247 Post “Re: FYI…press release,” www-talk email list, [EOLASTX-0000042939-40] Sep. 1, 1994 Pei Wei 3. PERSONS WITH KNOWLEDGE NO. NAME LAST KNOWN ADDRESS 1 R.L. Phillips Contact through Fish & Richardson P.C. 2 Daniel Sadowski Contact through Fish & Richardson P.C. 3 Pei-Yuan Wei Newark, CA Contact via Daryl Crone Crone Hawxhurst LLP 10880 Wilshire Boulevard, Ste. 1150, Los Angeles, California 90024 Phone: 310-893-5150 DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 23 NO. 4 NAME Scott Silvey LAST KNOWN ADDRESS 2082 Berlin Station Rd Delaware, OH 43015 or 2246 River Run Terrace Columbus, OH 43235-6905 Contact via Daryl Crone Crone Hawxhurst LLP 10880 Wilshire Boulevard, Ste. 1150, Los Angeles, California 90024 Phone: 310-893-5150 5 William Janssen 6 Lawrence Tesler 7 Robert Wulff 8 Eric Carlson 9 Charles Krueger Palo Alto, CA Adobe Systems Incorporated Law Offices of Charles E. Krueger P.O. Box 5607 Walnut Creek, California 94596 Phone: 925-944-3363 10 Charles Kulas Trellis Intellectual Property Law Group, PC 1900 Embarcadero Rd., Suite 109 Palo Alto, California 94303 Phone: 650-842-0300 11 Michael Woods Patent Law Offices of Michael E. Woods 16 Hazel Ct. San Rafael, California 94901 12 Townsend and Townsend and Crew, L.L.P. 2 Embarcadero Center 8th Floor San Francisco, California 94111 Phone: 415-576-0200 13 Michael Doyle Wheaton, IL 14 David C. Martin San Jose, CA 15 Cheong Ang Los Altos, CA DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 24 NO. NAME LAST KNOWN ADDRESS 16 David Raggett Wiltshire, United Kingdom 17 Eric Bina 709 W. University Champaign, Illinois 61820 Contact via Haltom & Doan 18 David M. Martin 19 Christopher McRae 1532 Jasper Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94087-4111 20 Tim Berners-Lee Cambridge, Massachusetts 21 Marc Andreessen 2865 Sand Hill Road, Suite 101 Menlo Park, CA 94025 1398 Forest Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94301-3036 650 Hale Str. Palo Alto, CA 94301 22 Dale Dougherty 1005 Gravenstein Highway North Sebastopol, California 95472 Phone: 707-827-7000 23 Karl Jacob, III 520 Townsend St., Suite 300 San Francisco, California 94103 24 James Kempf San Jose, CA 25 George Toye Foster City, CA 26 Tony Johnson Menlo Park, CA 27 John Cahill 28 Danny Goodman Half Moon Bay, CA 29 Joseph Hardin 30 International Business Machines DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 25 NO. NAME 31 Computer History Museum 32 Norman Meyrowitz LAST KNOWN ADDRESS 1401 N. Shoreline Blvd. Mountain View, California 94043 Phone: 650-810-1010 San Francisco, California Contact via Fish & Richardson P.C. 33 National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign 1205 W. Clark St., Room 1008 Urbana, Illinois 61801 Phone: 217-265-8013 34 Tim O’Reilly, Gina Blaber, or another representative of O'Reilly Media, Inc. 1005 Gravenstein Highway North Sebastopol, California 95472 Phone: 707-827-7000 35 Ray Ozzie Redmond, Washington 36 William Perry 37 RenewData 38 Jay Weber 39 Terry Winograd 40 Kurt Pires 9500 Arboretum Blvd. Suite L2-120 Austin, Texas 78759 Phone: 512-276-5500 3110 Bandera Dr. Palo Alto, California Stanford, CA Experimental Computing Facility Berkeley, California Computer Sciences Corporation 3170 Fairview Park Drive Falls Church, VA 22042 USA 41 Andy White, David Forslund, John Bass, and possibly other witnesses designated by Los Alamos National Laboratory 42 Patrick Heynen Los Alamos National Laboratory 30 Bikini Atoll Rd. Los Alamos, NM 87545-0001 505-664-5265 Apple 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, CA 95014 DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 26 Dated: January 13, 2012 Respectfully submitted, /s/ Edward R. Reines Edward Reines (Bar No.135960) edward.reines@weil.com Jared Bobrow (Bar No. 133712) jared.bobrow@weil.com Sonal N. Mehta (Bar No. 222086) sonal.mehta@weil.com Andrew L. Perito (Bar No. 269995) andrew.perito@weil.com Aaron Y. Huang (Bar No. 261903) aaron.huang@weil.com WEIL, GOTSHAL & MANGES LLP 201 Redwood Shores Parkway Redwood Shores, CA 94065 Telephone: (650) 802-3000 Facsimile: (650) 802-3100 Doug W. McClellan (Bar No. 24027488) doug.mcclellan@weil.com WEIL, GOTSHAL & MANGES LLP 700 Louisiana, Suite 1600 Houston, TX 77002 Telephone: (713) 546-5000 Facsimile: (713) 224-9511 Jennifer H. Doan (Bar No. 088090050) jdoan@haltomdoan.com Josha R. Thane (Bar No. 24060713) jthane@haltomdoan.com HALTOM & DOAN 6500 Summerhill Road, Suite 100 Texarkana, TX 75503 Telephone: (903) 255-1000 Facsimile: (903) 255-0800 Otis Carroll (Bar No. 3895700) Deborah Race (Bar No. 11648700) IRELAND, CARROLL & KELLEY, P.C. 6101 South Broadway, Suite 500 Tyler, Texas 75703 Telephone: (903) 561-1600 Facsimile: (903) 581-1071 Email: fedserv@icklaw.com Attorneys for Defendants AMAZON.COM, INC. AND YAHOO! INC. DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 27 /s/ David J. Healey (w/ permission) David J. Healey Healey@fr.com FISH & RICHARDSON P.C. 1 Houston Center 1221 McKinney Street, Suite 2800 Houston, TX 77010 Telephone: (713) 654-5300 Facsimile: (713) 652-0109 Frank E. Scherkenbach Scherkenbach@fr.com Proshanto Mukherji Mukherji@fr.com FISH & RICHARDSON P.C. One Marina Park Drive Boston, MA 02110-1878 Telephone: (617) 542-5070 Facsimile: (617) 542-8906 Jason W. Wolff Wolff@fr.com FISH & RICHARDSON P.C. 12390 El Camino Real San Diego, CA 92130 Telephone: (858) 678-5070 Facsimile:(858) 678-5099 Attorneys for Defendant ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED /s/ Thomas L. Duston (w/ permission) Thomas L. Duston tduston@marshallip.com Anthony S. Gabrielson agabrielson@marshallip.com Scott A. Sanderson ssanderson@marshallip.com Marshall, Gerstein & Borun LLP 6300 Sears Tower 233 South Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60606-6357 Telephone: (312) 474-6300 Facsimile: (312) 474-0448 Brian Craft bcraft@findlaycraft.com Eric H. Findlay efindlay@findlaycraft.com FINDLAY CRAFT, LLP 6760 Old Jacksonville Highway, Suite 101 Tyler, TX 75703 Telephone: (903) 534-1100 Facsimile: (903) 534-1137 DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 28 Attorneys for Defendants CDW LLC /s/ Edwin R. DeYoung (w/ permission) Edwin R. DeYoung (Bar No. 05673000) edeyoung@lockelord.com Roy W. Hardin (Bar No. 08968300) rhardin@lockelord.com Roger Brian Cowie (Bar No. 00783886) rcowie@lockelord.com M. Scott Fuller (Bar No. 24036607) sfuller@lockelord.com Galyn Gafford (Bar No. 24040938) ggafford@lockelord.com Jason E. Mueller (Bar No. 24047571) LOCKE LORD LLP 2200 Ross Avenue, Suite 2200 Dallas, Texas 75201-6776 Telephone: (214) 740-8000 Facsimile: (214) 740-8800 Attorneys for Defendant CITIGROUP INC. /s/ Neil J. McNabnay (w/ permission) Neil J. McNabnay (Bar No. 24002583) mcnabnay@fr.com Carl E. Bruce (Bar No. 24036278) bruce@fr.com FISH & RICHARDSON P.C. 1717 Main Street., Suite 5000 Dallas, TX 75201 Telephone: (214) 747-6134 Facsimile: (214) 747-2091 John R. Lane (Bar No. 24057958) jlane@fr.com FISH & RICHARDSON P.C. 1221 McKinney Street, Suite 2800 Houston, TX 77010 Telephone: (713) 654-5300 Facsimile: (713) 652-0109 Proshanto Mukherji (pro hac vice) pvm@fr.com FISH & RICHARDSON P.C. One Marina Park Drive Boston, MA 02110-1878 Telephone: (617) 542-5070 Facsimile: (617) 542-8906 DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 29 Attorneys for Defendant THE GO DADDY GROUP, INC. /s/ Douglas E. Lumish (w/ permission) Douglas E. Lumish (Bar No. 183863) dlumish@kasowitz.com Jeffrey G. Homrig (Bar No. 215890) jhomrig@kasowitz.com Joseph H. Lee (Bar No. 248046) jlee@kasowitz.com Parker C. Ankrum (Bar No. 261608) pankrum@kasowitz.com KASOWITZ, BENSON, TORRES & FRIEDMAN LLP 333 Twin Dolphin Drive Suite 200 Redwood Shores, CA 94065 Telephone: 650-453-5170 Facsimile: 650-453-5171 Jonathan Keith Waldrop jwaldrop@kasowitz.com KASOWITZ BENSON TORRES & FRIEDMAN LLP 1360 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 1150 Atlanta, GA 30309 Telephone: (404) 260-6133 Facsimile: (404) 393-0743 Michael E. Jones (Bar No. 10929400) mikejones@potterminton.com Allen F.Gardner (Bar No. 24043679) allengardner@potterminton.com POTTER MINTON P.C. 110 N College , Suite 500 PO Box 359 Tyler, TX 75710-0359 Telephone: (903) 597-8311 Facsimile: (903) 593.0846 Brandon Stroy (pro hac vice) brandon.stroy@ropesgray.com ROPES & GRAY LLP 1211 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 596-9000 Facsimile: (212) 596-9090 James R Batchelder (pro hac vice) James.Batchelder@ropesgray.com Han Xu (pro hac vice) han.xu@ropesgray.com ROPES & GRAY LLP DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 30 Prudential Tower 800 Boylston Street Boston, MA 02199 Telephone: (617) 235-4903 Facsimile: (617) 235-9873 Mark D. Rowland (Bar No. 157862) mark.rowland@ropesgray.com Rebecca R. Hermes (Bar No. 252837) rebecca.hermes@ropesgray.com Sasha Rao (Bar No. 244303) sasha.rao@ropesgray.com Lauren N. Robinson (Bar No. 255028) lauren.robinson@ropesgray.com ROPES & GRAY LLP 1900 University Ave., 6th Floor East Palo Alto, CA 94303 Telephone: (650) 617-4000 Facsimile: (650) 617-4090 Attorneys for Defendants GOOGLE INC. and YouTube LLC /s/ Christopher M. Joe (w/ permission) Christopher M. Joe (Bar No. 00787770) chris.joe@bjciplaw.com Eric W. Buether (Bar No. 03316880) eric.buether@bjciplaw.com Brian A. Carpenter (Bar No. 03840600) brian.carpenter@bjciplaw.com Mark D. Perantie (Bar No. 24053647) mark.perantie@bjciplaw.com Niknaz F. Bukovcan niky.bukovcan@bjciplaw.com BUETHER JOE & CARPENTER, LLC 1700 Pacific Avenue, Suite 2390 Dallas, TX 75201 Telephone: (214) 466-1279 Facsimile (214) 635-1830 Attorneys for Defendant J.C. PENNEY CORPORATION, INC. /s/ Michael E. Richardson (w/ permission) Michael E. Richardson (Bar No. 24002838) mrichardson@brsfirm.com BECK REDDEN & SECREST L.L.P. 1221 McKinney, Suite 4500 Houston, TX 77010 Telephone: (713) 951-6284 Facsimile: (713) 951-3720 DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 31 Joe W. Redden, Jr. (Bar No. 16660600) jredden@brsfirm.com BECK REDDEN & SECREST LLP One Houston Center 1221 McKinney St, Suite 4500 Houston, TX 77010-2020 Telephone: (713) 951-3700 Facsimile: (713) 951-3720 Alexandra C. Boudreau (pro hac vice) alexandra.boudreau@wilmerhale.com Richard Ewenstein (pro hac vice) richard.ewenstein@wilmerhale.com Mark G. Matuschak (pro hac vice) mark.matuschak@wilmerhale.com Silena Paik (pro hac vice) silena.paik@wilmerhale.com WILMER CUTLER PICKERING HALE & DORR LLP 60 State Street Boston, MA 02109 Telephone: (617) 526-6336 Facsmilie (617) 526-5000 Donald R. Steinberg (pro hac vice) don.steinberg@wilmerhale.com Daniel V. Williams (pro hac vice) daniel.williams@wilmerhale.com WILMER CUTLER PICKERING HALE & DORR LLP 1875 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20006 Telephone: (202) 663-6012 Facsimile: (202) 663-6363 Kate Hutchins (pro hac vice) kate.hutchins@wilmerhale.com WILMER CUTLER PICKERING HALE & DORR LLP 399 Park Avenue New York, NY 10022 Telephone: (212) 230-8800 Facsimile: (212) 230-8888 Attorneys for Defendant STAPLES, INC. DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 32 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned hereby certifies that a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing document has been served on January 13, 2012 to all counsel of record who are deemed to have consented to electronic service via the Court's CM/ECF system per Local Rule CV-5(a)(3). Any other counsel of record will be served by email and/or fax. /s/ Danielle Delorio Joint Defendants 282 Notice.doc DEFENDANTS' NOTICE PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 282 - Page 33

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