Eolas Technologies Incorporated v. Adobe Systems Incorporated et al

Filing 875

***FILED IN ERROR. SEE DOCUMENT 877 FOR CORRECT PLEADING*** MOTION to Seal Document [DEFENDANTS' MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT OF INVALIDITY FOR LACK OF WRITTEN DESCRIPTION by Adobe Systems Incorporated, Amazon.com Inc., CDW Corporation, Citigroup Inc., Google Inc., J.C. Penney Company, Inc., Staples, Inc., The Go Daddy Group, Inc., Yahoo! Inc., YouTube, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit, # 2 Exhibit A, # 3 Exhibit B, # 4 Exhibit C, # 5 Exhibit D, # 6 Exhibit E, # 7 Exhibit F, # 8 Exhibit G, # 9 Exhibit H, # 10 Exhibit I, # 11 Exhibit J, # 12 Exhibit K, # 13 Exhibit L, # 14 Exhibit M, # 15 Text of Proposed Order)(Reines, Edward) Modified on 8/18/2011 (mll, ).

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EXHIBIT M STATES PATENT AND Th In re application DOYLE et No Application Filed of TRADEMARK Examiner aL Art 10/217955 OFFICE Caidwell Unit 2154 Response 2002 August For DISTRIBUTED HYPERMEDIA METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR AUTOMATICALLY INVOKING EXTERNAL APPLICATION PROVIDING INTERACTION AND DISPLAY OF EMBEDDED OBJECTS WITHIN HYPERMEDIA DOCUMENT Commissioner for Patents Alexandria VA 223 13-1450 Sir In response following to Amendments 10 the Office Action mailed 09/09/2004 please remarks to the Remarks/Conclusion Claims begin begin on page on page of this of this paper paper consider the PATENT Attorney Docket Client Reference AMENDMENTS No 006-4-1 94-108-3 TO THE CLAIMS Please This the application No cancel listing claim of the claims replaces all prior versions and listings of claims in PATENT No Docket Attorney Original and workstation client network environment browser utilizes document to received one network located at location directly or indirectly first 10 external said 11 associated 12 first 13 browser to 14 product first the location at least hypermedia of said that document hypermedia first said client an embed includes of said object portion first window on document workstation client of portion text format either specifies wherein said portion wherein said object one least at is comprising to with first it distributed distributed of least wherein the portion hypermedia distributed first at browser-controlled first distributed said in wherein said from said server within displayed is wherein said workstation network said over environment 94-108-3 wherein said environment workstation client system having network to coupled hypermedia on said display use in for product program server distributed is document hypermedia computer 006-4-1 No Client Reference utilized to 15 16 said locate and document invoke automatically and identify hypermedia physically 17 embodied readable computer 18 19 object 20 location 21 first invoked automatically and enable within said therein wherein said embed readable computer by the browser application interactive the portion of the cause to of said object processing first code distributed is the external computer program program comprising by said type information the within workstation client the display area document being hypermedia the to by said parsed readable further product identified code code format text program program has type information program medium having computer usable program readable computer computer computer code document hypermedia to for being display created at displayed an said in first the window browser controlled Cancelled Original client and one network workstation network computer environment is program server distributed for use product to coupled network said environment hypermedia in environment the at system having computer least one wherein said product program comprising usable computer code physically embodied computer browser application included 10 to initiate in to readable parse said distributed computer said therein computer program first code distributed hypermedia instruction sequences medium having computer program for product causing specified and to respond by said text to to identify predetermined formats program comprising workstation client document hypermedia document said further readable text to execute formats text formats PATENT Docket Attorney No Client Reference readable computer 11 12 browser 13 received 14 document 15 wherein said 16 first 17 indirectly 18 hypermedia 19 said 20 instructions 21 format 22 to 23 processing 24 said 25 window to on said display over is location said first in distributed said first the location document execute first external parsed to first at least the first on said client of said object distributed to workstation within hypermedia hypermedia first said client that specifies identify and locate invoke being said at said displayed in located at or distributed with utilized it by sequence of computer said sequence of computer said object to display area created workstation document and wherein hypermedia document either directly first said utilize hypermedia an embed text format includes associated order document of said window on document first has type information to display of portion 006-4-1 94-108-3 workstatiomto to the automatically in client of an object external portion distributed said wherein the portion hypermedia program by said browser least document wherein said object other at browser-controlled hypermedia distributed of browser or by some is from said server within displayed workstation client network code for causing program No first said and enable location first embed text instructions interactive within the portion browser-controlled of PATENT No Attorney Docket No Reference Client 006-4-1 94-108-3 REMARKS Claims 1-3 have now pending in and objections and claims canceled is and reconsideration of all and are outstanding rejections requested the admitted Berners-Lee claim reexamined Reexamination the application is Claims over been prior art and Raggett U.S the in Raggett No Patent as being 906 patent teaching of 5838906 and the newly II 103a under 35 U.S.C are rejected through cited unpatentable of the teachings Toye 10 Claim and Claims tenninal 15 patenting rejection canceled attached is to hereto of claims 101 the judicially created under been has disclaimer under 35 U.S.C rejected are rejected Claim patenting is obviate to obviate the double the same invention for patenting invention same double patenting of obviousness-type doctrine rejection double of claim and double obviousness-type and Introduction with Included Professor 20 traversing this of Computer submitted Although with 25 these with issues in the present raised in the present It publication this is according is and this U.S in those Actions office action position to 35 that U.S.C being treated as to if be made is identical referred However prior art to declarations in the following the reference 102 it are for the to patent based by Professor May 2004 mailed in now A/N 08/324443 these Felten 2004 October the 906 signed to Office Actions Edward 132 Declaration Felten Office will 5838906 10 2004 References Action II signed in response were prepared raised Office No Patent Action and the Rule May filed by Professor Felten University of Office Declaration of the parent patent application Applicants reference in declarations raised 30 cited the response the reexamination the obviousness Princeton at of claims the rejections on the same references Felten Science Rule 132 are response the connection 906 patent issues the obviousness relevant to identical issues arguments below purposes as Raggett II is of the following not arguments PATENT No Attorney Docket No Client Reference Outline of the Non-Obviousness The Argument Claims for 006-4-1 94-108-3 and Claimed Invention Description of the References Admitted Prior Art Applicants Mosaic Bemers-Lee and Raggett Raggett II Toye The Examiners Reasoning Traverse PART that The establishment the claim all limitations of obviousness case ofaprimafacie must be taught or suggested requires MPEP by the prior art 2143.03 None of or collectively individually invention Applicants been teach is Mosaic external parsed the or suggest considered either claimed features of the of obviousness prima fade case Accordingly no suggestion to display is Mosaic first has not the in processing window on Raggett hypermedia document the limitations of claims of primary reference or render the reference MPEP 2143.01 The proposed Raggett combination and render prima facie The case it of operation that images and the II inoperable combination proposed requiring at format the first by the cited would has inoperable in would for not rendered change intended its been the Office of the Mosaic images case not include the its with requires of operation intended the purpose combination of the operation purpose of the of the latter Accordingly established Action contradicts Bemers-Lee when of obviousness for Raggett the Raggett embed fundamental and II tag is at and enabling the object created art text being displayed the principle combination of Toye of obviousness principle being prior an embed or suggested prima facie change is in and combination cannot Mosaic Berners-Lee document the rejection in server the admitted area display are not taught The establishment II the claimed Toye format computer and displaying of the hypermedia combination proposed references display client an text window network of parsing II of the object within limitations in from the either in or Raggett the portion the claim an object art prior invoking when an embed computer network over the admitted of automatically II control or teaching Bemers-Lee Because PART received no suggestion within location client browser-controlled location interactive on interactively document in displayed There and execute Toye either or Raggett Raggett to application in or teaching Bemers-Lee hypermedia static when combination established There that of the proposed the references combination parsed be PATENT No Docket Attorney The combination proposed Bemers-Lee basic is and Raggett of principle its Berners-Lee document author causes the PART Ill reaches The does There Mosaic PART combine user to rejection IV There is the references in distributed interactively in bye of and no motivation to Toye make It is the and therefore premise required to Manufacturing object consider argue Company II invention which in that would 227 dynamic in and hypermedia within make obvious that the cited system art references to obvious would teach prior image cited flexibility by the Mosaic make the claims Berners-Lee away by the from obvious Raggett and combination obvious the references against into openness combination the claimed would system an object embedded or teaching and the Toye browser make that false claimed invention the regarding away from HTML hypermedia dynamic The fundamental problems solved portions based on is process and Raggett Bemers-Lee would give system which to image taught by the combination of the admitted static The language that to document no teaching the examiner teaches systems system intended browsing experience Mosaic the change lose that control obviousness hypermedia is modifying to not disclose browser allows distributed author purpose combination from the users over Mosaic system which distributed Action would the Office in II an intended the change 94-108-3 conclusion false Toye control document and operation and Raggett combination from being II The combination proposed Action would the Office in 006-4-1 No Client Reference in their obviousness USPQ 337 345 entireties i.e including Panduit Corp CAFC 1985 Dennison those II PATENT No Docket Attorney 006-4-1 No Client Reference 94-108-3 ARGUMENT DETAILED The Claimed Invention The invention where that the from the network of location associated at least processing first distributed When instructions an of portion is is to on the document the document The client workstation to responds the network the over includes document specifies the The object has that document and locate one least and where received document hypermedia identify at environment and hypermedia hypermedia the to by the browser format text the hypermedia by the text formats window in an object external sequence of computer document hypermedia by the browser parsed invoked as medium automatically formats specified location first utilized the embed at system having in executed in hypermedia browser-controlled located to identify initiate type information instructions external text to in server format text to of portion for use is distributed to coupled browser application utilizes text formats browser displays in claim example server document hypermedia predetermined for one network workstation client parses an embed as recited and workstation client has sequence of computer the of the parsing result on the execute to client workstation readable computer and enable object The invention claim document formats The to to identify processing browser displays network document initiate includes The object of has associated text at When instructions an is embed of in format least embodied therein workstation client within being to the text format is invoked in the displayed to window display automatically for use is in to distributed executed on the the in by the for being created first an display the at first browser document system having client workstation and responds browser-controlled window at parsed to that parses predetermined document received over The hypermedia location in hypermedia document to the hypermedia document and locate an sequence of identify the document by the browser result to external first of an object utilized one least formats text hypermedia located at environment hypermedia distributed first hypermedia as claim coupled portion type information instructions external computer in formats specified server an embed the location specifies text portion from the network that example server browser application recites document hypermedia for as recited and one network workstation The the of the hypermedia the cause to of the object processing code program window controlled text interactive of the portion location client by the browser application invoke automatically computer of the the parsing to sequence of computer execute on the client workstation When is displayed location the automatically and interactive of the portion invoked processing of the application executes of the object within hypermedia document Description being of the on the display displayed References client workstation window is created enabled at the object the first PATENT No Docket Attorney l.a The e.g Mosaic are several ways to interaction with the tJRL HTML of the 906 patent Applicants specification browser application browser as document HTML an retrieve from in document source The browser application renders the the step document such static the then browser may and images the There is no further interactionwith causes server again its the browser application local store HTML document HTML document with window to of first to to retrieve information hypermedia document hypermedia to static document images referenced For data users or non-native specification element that Many the the Mosaic to 1MG that format in files for local copy user believes browser GUT the from the network retrieved newly local copy of of the retrieved version the browser-controlled in were links from of list price changed data objects The link by in retrieved display or picture other of allowing that types by information window separate file text user may browse has the capability to or the If document document such mechanism or as .TIF for exist that invoke to than the user the to be cannot handle source the rendered in the URL location inline in document an of the source of the document format HTML certain in images may be placed images All must be retrieved document by the browser application Mosaic view specifying an object address to in tags specified HTML window These specifies displayed FIG of rendering the capability can not be rendered separate includes viewers document had displayed format element which the rendering in browser program is Mosaic include native as 1MG by formats command as by the browser and by the browser prior or new window open designated using the be rendered foreign document helper applications GIF as to application by Mosaic Some browsers such file HTML the prices passively document formats such HTML HTML from the retrieved displays if identified the the version other external to first displayed copy of the button HTML HTML determine the an external refresh retrieved the source displaying replaces invoke document hypermedia links selecting window the During the and displayed of the previous if document the HTML render again Although the browser application either of the copy document 211 images of the page the source and the subsequently For example goods the user might refresh actively user locator and displays paragraph the rendered can click and replace the display window or another elements HTML the local to render Web being retrieve copy again parse the source source local temporary Web page external tags the source HTML document subsequent to HTML document has changed she which uniform resource of the copy into at into the images require user of thc source the source document 1MG by There selected retrieves utilizing stores the local parses information retrieve insert by and window referenced files server of which all server describes Art documents workstation HTML of the copy client browser-controlled as source graphic to display in page rendering as local temporary Web rendered network on the network on the cache network Prior HTML The browser then paragraph locates Admitted viewer to view functions that HTML document from the HTML document source that 94-108-3 Admitted Prior Art Applicants published 006-4-1 No Client Reference launches certain types and locating in the format various file viewer program helper applications of types file linked of Uniform formats helper itself object is As such as TIF application in Locator When typically in to response described HTML an Resource i.e data user the in anchor URL commands by clicking on an PATENT No Docket Attorney No Client Reference anchor with displays This means there viewer program As has been the was authors There interactive user the tool or environment while browser on being invoked and The active is by the browser so browser program the screen separate viewer program the after viewer program to continues provide made that data of automatically in WWW the the after browser program execution access to viewing of WWW on the an external application hypermedia area of Web and gave easily accessible anywhere objects invoking display the after viewer programs user-activated simplified and related external run even to stops the explicitly advance of an object processing windowing of the The viewer program program launched no disclosure is in the viewer program powerful separate no longer active is between significant documents hypermedia as independent unless stopped Mosaic page separate completely result is launched is window browser program the is viewer no communication is execution in image that viewer program that the mouse the 006-4-1 94-108-3 document network to enable being displayed by the browser .B Berners-Lee Berners-Lee al et HTML Markup Language Hypertext Internet Draft IETF pages 1-40 June 1993 The HTML their is reference Web used by language browser parses pages the specified items Web as rendered describes distributed Web by page or enters There works to nor enable by there across to Web departs rendering hints to display HTMLHypertext document clicks the in hyperlink or browser or how building area browser an external application invoking of document hypermedia page authors to give HTML the presentation Web page static display authors format delivery In pertinent being it is Web by allowing over for and Document Format greater control 23 1993 the final proposed browsing and querying generally part Raggett of equations images independence July Markup Language Hypertext independent added to describing from pure Markup Language HTML entitled the internet At page slightly of automatically weight presentation light information allowing relating the reference in then author page displayed page page and the reference of an object of displays view to page Web as in processing is Raggett Web page another Web pages are written by in disclosure Raggett for Web which The user views user select and then browser window page within in structure its language browser the Raggett standard to text to determine browser and viewed server to no disclosure is is interactive displayed lc some document markup and desired contents the structure describe to HTML for the specification authors model browser window by the browsers button is HTML an reference This then Berners-Lee simple stated page relates drawings in that HTML authors appearance to specify of documents At pages are treated like and characters Inlined in the Graphics text or Icons and an example 10 are discussed of the 1MG it tag is is stated given that these elements No Docket Attorney No Client Reference This img line It and that editor HTML Raggetts EMBED such as TeX and Raggetts external would It 1MG to pixmap example of Raggetts this the example In applicationleqn render static embedded this data reference applications It EMBED simple is also for creating also stated element can at be page etc defined graphs At page 13 the revising in ismap of the figure can be designated There works to nor enable displayed .d is that data data as is embedded the embedded content or library data is is by the eqn application to form external to editor data the using FIG tag instead of using FIG tag the following and src that attribute this useful is of the FIG tag described is It is stated that the reference relating the reference of automatically II Raggett in object The 102 position Posting of W-WWW-TALK of the Applicants However in the following is for arbitrary areas links to display browser or how building browser an external application invoking of area hypermedia document being by the browser Raggett an fonnat as hypertext of an shared image browsers can link sophisticated MIME specify tkit in processing drawings familiar and the type information processed in interactive simple use to follows in the following sinlw immediately attribute tdt mt sinomega when given is no disclosure is form of tdt/embed embedded an external tag to static holding there disclosure talk@nxocOl.cem.ch U.S.C 12 included FIG tag the drawings are better such as of rendering example EMBED pi the that states and continue attribute type structure 2ir The an using simple and complex application mt sinomega is example An data data is pi utilize image of the embedded graphic with provides equations to and images that rendering propOsed embed typeapplicationleqn2 In would tag identify which that authors page modify images data elements EMBED browser Web to be specified should described is of the graphics the source authors page images tag also stated is name to Web for mathematical allow used to render embedded filter as returning An EMBED convenient very tag used is allow larger inlined that eqn proposed be used by to is by using the FIG or specified notation proposed that embedding proposed standards URL editors should also stated Raggett page level given ankh.tiff src is It 94-108-3 end of the the at hieroglyph further stated that the is At type egyptian sophisticated external object has line PATENT 004- Dave Raggett public that it mailing Raggett will II list is be assumed 11 to dsrhplb.hpt.hp.com Posted not that June 14 publication Raggett II www 993i complying is prior art with 35 PATENT No Docket Attorney the subject having an II is Raggett email This reference wants an email The email an number large that then is It MIME content stated It to API common driven programs also stated is It names the function that these requests source that document then identifies the in building formats support browsers and for programs foreign by possible The he also quotes documents his browser the that It e.g as rendering pixmap those to formats and via piies new display and formats by binding that the functions file separate be could stdinlstdout or as dynamically can be put in data foreign in very large for rendering of documents quite also stated is be upgraded for Janssen Bill difficult HTML states attribute browsers can then that to types DLLs libraries tag and lots Postscript both the in of leading has the danger by using as separate implemented type makes inline EMBED is it encapsulated sequence of bytes and return take that foreign from the data can be avoided this functions data proposed of formats send to he has that stating for equations support like and Nielsen Torben 94-108-3 Postscript eqn HTML DTD the that of Raggetts example would embed to of the embedded format for states the capability providing gives then he to Raggett from Nielsen without that stating from Janssen and for support email an quotes Web put on the to from David message HTML line 006-4-1 No Client Reference linked referenced by URL There works to nor enable interactive bye is design teams gather information paper also presents realization of Wide at services Internet 39 of application invoking of document hypermedia being SHARE both of the design to SHARE of the information to apply and communicate undertaken Infrastructure for build technologies and formal informal and design The process an infrastructure toward the environment are NoteMail and DIS an application-oriented depicts link over is of services set view and constraint managers the Internet as can of the other SHARE over communicating The managers information The architecture Some of the Internet diagram services such illustrates as the that World that email is the NoteMail enables them to primary medium messages be for both are formatted in sent as ordinary e-mail human communication MIME and Multi-purpose read using any reader tear One seeks that project Product 22 1993 April understanding components architecture mail shaded of tools shared For example Mail Extension The on Enabling Technologies re-access strategies for Collaborative Catalogs and Libraries Databases integration Environment 33-47 SHARE SHARE DIS include MIME-compliant classes browser an external Services communicate can Web tool Two page architecture In the and area display Workshop organize and research SHARE Fig SiARE of automatically and IEEE pp to establish Information Distributed Second paper describing design these browser or how relating to building in methodology 1993 Enterprises Toye helping SHARE Proceedings Collaborative level of an object processing al et DevelojDment top the reference in in the reference by the browser displayed in no disclosure is there disclosure is drop class is in Fig NoteMail shows that and DIS the SHARE which 12 environment consists helps engineers capture of three and manage file PATENT Docket Attorney Reference Client NoteMail information team of engineering NoteMail Internet standard for It Unlike that This inclusion notebook the Subsequently application that that so this It is allow then stated Because to Instead everyone as DIS There used in claims disclosure processing in set for is this other that of is and preserves architecture open viewer its any video or graphics audio output of environments data with file that will the selected user for by for display in the the original restart network Macintosh using is application mouse leaving file or object environment It is and automatically finder file notebooks lack this openness and and flexibility to be sent by email efficient to store the NoteMail pointers full copies components uses of the messages are not of the message an object-oriented in one place base knowledge repository of the reference of an object captures of input formats more of reference the authoring its without for processing messages are it data opening engineering handful no disclosure and to that page the appropriate or updated similar insert after First invoke the displayed application NoteMail and just transmit known is functionality processing system will can be edited data the appropriate invoking steps selecting is and read by using any e-mail type the dynamic window two in the of NoteMail and multimedia through page data Mail Extension Internet Multi-purpose Format can 006-4-1 94-108-3 by several members of editing on each NoteMail an X-server No team can be sent as ordinary items notebooks through notebook MIME uses an interesting feature accomplished is in notebook sent of information displays into dynamically only NoteMail reader most other engineering application stated that stated is in i.e editing an engineering multimedia mail and mail arrangement spatial collaborative within messages are formatted MIME-compliant the tool for is documents No in in the reference modifying that applications of automatically display of building area of invoking an external hypermedia browser 13 hypermedia edit or update browser as files being nor or objects application document that to enable displayed term is is there interactive by the Docket Attorney No Client Reference THE EXAMINERS The examiner Bemers-Lee opposed Raggett to It is then stated complete the Bemers-Lee be that The II does not explicitly combination teaches within distributed Toye on the other document user citing to admitted method teach method that discloses interactively prior embeds art in view enables that static of interactive as objects documents hypermedia hand 94-108-3 REASONING combination of Applicants the browser allows hypermedia distributed process byes description an object of NoteMail system in hypermedia within embedded 40 particularly col paragraph It modify objects hypermedia distributed first dynamic that and Raggett of said object processing which states PATENT 00641 No is then method discussed Raggett dynamic object to would be apparent concluded that it would above combining and Raggett embedded II have been the teachings by further modifying object as taught based on Toyes teaching that by Toye its flexibility 14 to readily apparent of the admitted the It architecture is prior combinations stated that provides skilled artisan art static in view embedded the modification openness and to of PATENT No Docket Attorney No Client Reference 006-4-1 94-1083 TRAVERSE This The Felten entire rejection of claims in Felten II with in Felten II The respectfully traversed is rejection II declaration and The citations to Further the argument basic argument of requirements includes as Case traverse an independent presents citations Prima Facie reasons recapitulates and thereof parts also herein incorporated is following relevant the following for parts of the traverse arguments addiponal establish prima facie of Obviousness of obviousness case are three basic must be met First there must be some suggestion either the references in available or to combine reasonable or themselves one of ordinary to reference skill or the set forth of success teach criteria motivation generally modify the reference must be there the prior Finally when combined must or knowledge to Second teachings expectation references in the art in art or suggest reference all the claim limitations The teaching or suggestion 20 The level USPQ2d of skill in PHOSA science just of success must both disclosure In re Fed 1991 1438 equivalent do things level for person at who conventional having is in or ordinary university the industry ways skill but This 15 but gained knows how 15 as computer student does not exhibit an unusual paragraph thinking 488 art good has the declaration star not person in F.2d in the from person who or found be Vaeck 947 the Felten just graduating student in forth is set college average of innovative art person knowledge in Cir the relevant program typical claimed combination and applicants in The benchmark is the expectation the reasonable prior art not make to forth not present Felten to 2143 To of the set to in MPEP PATENT No Docket Attorney No Client Reference PART The establishment claim limitations of case aprimafacie obviousness of be taught or suggested must by that requires the all MPEP art the prior 006-4-1 94-108-3 2143.03 None of the references invention Applicants been of the claimed features the or suggest Accordingly when considered combination proposed teach or collectively individually of obviousness case aprimafacie either of the has not established There Mosaic Berners-Lee external window server in on and to display parsed is Raggett over received an embed in object network browser-controlled window in being displayed an control interactively art prior an automatically invoking computer when client document hypermedia of admitted the Toye or Raggett to execute application format or teaching in either no suggestion is display from on text network the client computer As document that described are subsequently II browsers have into the of set static document is as feature control interactively Further as Berners-Lee the inserts formats being and an object that are interactive set forth Raggeu an external Felten the in static static and inline by the browser invoked by the browser by the browser itself and to form of the presentation window display image and on the in the and Berners-Lee Raggett non-interactive to execute application client the claimed to computer document hypennedia by Thus when Raggetts invoked of beinglisplayed the applications application not is EMBED is tag within display window terminate before of set The browser static to prior applications area created as required the allows user document by Raggett of providing the in hypermedia by claim document hypermedia presentation the taught are not capable parsed browser controlled the into Mosaic the in terminate document of rendering types an object displayed in image and form of the hypermedia the invoked applications static by the rendering browser the the rendering combination return II returned image rendering in can be inserted that application handled by the examiner the Mosaic displayed in and processing document inline not formats and Raggett Berners-Lee displayed rendering format browser displays the images hypermedia presentation by the browser displayed comprising the presentation displayed II inserts invoking Raggett static into be subsequently to browser acknowledged that in static system II static described files graphics formats of ordered by that combination of references or suggested taught render and Raggett set As by the browser foreign the of automatically into format subsequently combination teaches rendered is of an external filein Accordingly II Mosaic Berners-Lee the use teach II that image that to ability and static the presentation graphics process return in displayed the Raggett to above by the browser retrieved is Instead displayed the by the browser discloses Toye page The first full NoteMail viewer paragraph on page that 40 of bye describes to view static an authoring image of notebook environment and viewing environment When included page in authoring the NoteMail II at NoteMail page page paragraphs and then 33-35 the author static The may image displayed 16 data actively image of the file is in the displayed page file in must be or object the to be NoteMail static because PATENT Client Toye so states that subsequently to its the displayed that selection the application at 40 page selection first full is the processes file in an document parsed Thus like NoteMail mouse is page page prior an application teaches that Finder result of the users of user interactive the application launched of an external application of the object and bye is invoking result invocation an application Raggett will 36 paragraph II by the viewer launches that was possible Macintosh using where Finder processing invoke to displayed page at the that automatic interactive Mosaic Berners-Lee NoteMail in the displayed II enable by of the format Macintosh using the data page Further file automatic that and and away from teaches to the by fact NoteMail in by the user the system opening teaches claims with NoteMail in similar to is own window Toye selected is for display file must be selected object file The paragraph 35 paragraph Thus Toye opening its is or functionality as required Accordingly when object paragraph similar to at II no interaction that 94-108-3 the original application restart first full 006-4-1 No Reference with the data displayed interact and static the application launching not parsing selection was when an that invoke automatically data 40 page at to mouse will with updated mouse with states Toye or must be restarted the original application teaches the data selecting can be edited the data that No Docket Attorney but instead enable to interactive combination Subsequently that static user to that processing presentation image static selecting allows teaches or update edit the data There is Mosaic format Berners-Lee at created at the in the II Raggett of the of the portion text the displaying within art prior parsing an embed processing of the object within admitted the document and hypermedia interactive location first or Raggett location first and enabling object or teaching in either Toye no suggestion area display document hypermedia being displayed In the admitted selected set of by the user static The modification invoked rendering inserted terminated the retrieved browser suggested at combination hypermedia by the browser rendered displayed before fundamentally area the is set incapable of first then of is in displayed the that set into document an ordered browser in document at first static formats interactive being 17 returned Since is the ordered into document set In document and terminates formats the static and the presentation application by the browser of an object the this by external hypermedia the rendering displayed in in the image presentation processing displayed does not change by the browser location static returns of II images form of the hypermedia by the browser presentation of providing hypermedia tag located static in line the displayable invoked location static the system are inserted comprising and by Raggett above described EMBED application the As the Raggett fonnats form of the document display to and II the Raggett parsed image in presentation Raggett is and Berners-Lee by the browser and subsequently viewing paradigm applications is Mosaic on the Internet formats presentation fundamental static art window controlled of prior located is being it has is displayed browser controlled window in the PATENT No Docket Attorney Turning next purpose to and preserve capture Format to data There 311 initiate is NoteMail those the elsewhere by the the can be server mouse restarted so application to an X-server through would Toye editing application provide this of being out at II under which elements in display file using would area in Macintosh Toye being teaches with an of interactive at 40 is specified page controlled be created As run own interface interaction similar to area display at II in is opening Macintosh In paragraph window in since existing in their provide to so as functionality launching separate be run capable points displayed first full interaction if to is Felten and other graphical useable being Professor to by the which combination were designed being able to display should purpose bats an document window in with page hypermedia any application file an through modifying any existing application menu in application of of applications this invention the editors being displays NoteMail in from the proposed away the application that from enabling away for of the document location of that and contained Finder launches file teaches this that new that suitable is that data area display and updating no teaching control teaches intended NoteMail in of information no teaching is teaches Toye of the claimed interfere first Further Toye opening 38 own their There Rather he teaches the time at paragraph text no teaching enabling application the displayed within editing an X-server paragraph editor applications windows allow that or edited window provides through and document MIME The page at the is the location NoteMail teaches processing editing capability displayed displaying and in selecting can be updated interactive Further there because reference Toye formats within Multi NoteMail for type browser controlled in displayed allow data text location first NoteMail on formats text type 94-108-3 MIME in defined is of the document portions of using by subsequently the data that at location first Format Additionally by format text within processing in text data of information arrangement from the specified processes messages are formatted new Format MIME and spatial separate no teaching NoteMail reference Toye the stored is an embed parsing the to Mail Extension Internet 006-4-1 No Client Reference 34 paragraph of location first Finder Thus document displayed Because the combination limitations set claim limitations references As the of claims forth below the rejection and such Bemers-Lee Raggett possible it would not include Web not include the through the references II would in the rejection proposed no motivation provide combination would and by the cited are not taught or suggested change the basic browser technology combination proposed the by principles of the Mosaic operating even However of the pending the limitations for if claims the II combination were at 46- paragraphs 51 Such interactive combination would processing within not automatically area display of Berners-Lee Raggett data map and is rendered data application is in Instead creating static to static displayed separate the bit as static bit then combination bitmap within displayed map window it could at II by the browser paragraph be constructed browser window 18 in such being combination must be selected by that II if and application document hypermedia browser because the Mosaic external an external invoke bye mouse enable displayed teaches and to to by the external that teaches launch that an editor 47 would way include that the Raggett user clicking method on that of static PATENT Client bitmap would launch an editor program an external in window as in combination would not show automatic invocation hypermedia document or enable interactive processing hypermedia document This the external Instead additional manual to processing II at Even first Reference No 006-4-1 94-108-3 Toyc at 50 paragraph not No Docket Attorney is being of selecting action in an automatic as required by claims Thus combination at least the external static would within if only on the external by claims the user took the first and the interactive causing it application when of the portion as required be invoked image by clicking window when combination were Toyc hypemiedia document show browser window of Toye of the editor program was restarted 48-50 paragraphs the the in displayed editor application be enabled if parsed being invocation displayed to in show the interactive browser window of the editor program when the within processing the portion combination would hypermedia document is and two elements II at of claims paragraph and 51 19 would be missing from the proposed of the still parsed PATENT No Docket Attorney PART The establishment II of cannot The proposed 2143.01 Mosaic Berners-Lee combination Accordingly and render proposed of of the principle operation teaches Raggett be EMBED proposed the At page static FIG element document image static return file The reinforced image is the intended its Action purpose established fundamental contradicts and Raggett images rendered when of of the operation has not been Berners-Lee EMBED proposed the embed Raggett tag that require EMBED not qualified cause the displayed in images FIG tag known is of substitute function the in image art that HTML the src-deflned for EMBED proposed to It version tag as Raggetts the the returned of using the src element Raggetts instead an element of the FIG tag as proposed would it for Office stated that is static display or selected using the figure and displayed were is tag to required at incorrectly of the Mosaic EMBED-tag application to II system is be compatible various Since areas the back to the be feature ismap utilized explicitly stated intended the image returned to purpose by the Raggett of the FIG tag attribute ismap as of If the figure would can not be click mouse to allow with figure between areas correspondence Thus an static further is 19 the use to ability would Raggett the Raggetts that tag requires image require returned special the EMBED proposed and non-interactive static within attribute tag as an that and Raggett these function the on correspondence over single the server to areas semantic this can have only clicks is/nap image attribute of the figure can be designated semantic by clicking then changed page static only 13 The browser to send mouse clicks Arbitraiy and the image must be image Berners-Lee FIG then EMBED mouse paragraph Thus the send to rendering at II the case mouse Further the click tag return at areas thus creates can be retrieved that pages scheme author page the tag causes be interactively to browser with interact Web of active Raggett FIG EMBED proposed coordinate Web The links destroyed Raggett in the to respect hypertext the that the discussion with the server teaches it Raggetts context in this requirement by described within to the use of MPEP 44 paragraph causes of Raggett uses primary purpose images element can be used static only static of Raggett 12 is utilized Since be parsed is tag in the the the of the operation would change obviousness of that requires intended its 94-108-3 of Toye with the combination II Mosaic requiring that combination for inoperable it case prima facie The combination to and of principle inoperable combination Raggett obviousness of the change or render the reference reference latter case aprimafacie claimed combination 006-4-1 No Client Reference discussion by Raggetts be returned image on such discussion proposed EMBED is tag proposed and thus Raggett included must be were not If this of Raggetts the use No FIG tag of the src attribute tag instead and non- static interactive the reasoning Accordingly image static object taught by Toye as taught the principle inoperable is of operation for one and Lee Raggett then the intended compatible by the Mosaic with of II its intended Bemers-Lee purposes ismap attribute the of the it would and to returned FIG tag would 20 of Raggett and static be dynamic been obvious combination Raggett If the displayed image have II of the teaching combination were modified of allowing that Raggett direct contradiction of the Mosaic purpose the of the rejection Bcmers-Lee II image be rendered to be modify the dynamic and would combination change and render of the Mosaic as suggested by the Raggett to it Berners by the rejection rendering inoperable function to be PATENT No Attorney Docket No Client Reference The combination Berners-Lee which The admitted to view document text document hypertext the in phrases line 6-7 able to other In document document or data distributed imbedded referenced object Internet at of Thus Since the objects may be located the document Thus static The another to is the Accordingly as operate retrieved by is of various is media documents the browser on displayed display or page the user that updated hypermedia that objects connected to are to the its by of the location specifies the HTML of distributed system the Internet document source author defined combination teaches connected and displays from server location its document the The original source browser user by and on combination teaches II server and edited by by systems FIG or and has control for copy of by anyone created computer combination the Web-page and Berners-Lee by its in anywhere are that author readers using browser access another Toye teaches an engineering Toye workgroups teaches BernersLee the world used only using to separate model which in and read by anyone from one navigate editing application browser application separate team the use using of document and Raggett objects browser application utilizing to Mosaic system where distributed In contrast within words at except to the II at 12 paragraph the II responsible Mosaic modified and anchor 1MG Berners-Lee Raggett is in certain or select system because data of the by simple unidirectional links page but not viewed or published pages are connected page and can pages Mosaic be and such as on any computer be edited the on many form of the document presentation cannot is browser retrieves the Further the and or phrases or hypertext document link to retrieve distributed is Raggett in tags the author objects users computer user 27-29 line page referenced allows that other objects to hypermedia hypermedia of may be located linked-to object standard renders system Mosaic Bemers-Lee In the the location link purpose objects document that system by the link hypermedia document within the the selection to or data or text distributed words on may click hypertext icons etc to the hypertext Mosaic the change document as to documents video When 22-25 lines page are linked would intended an connected device similar to is graphics sound browser responds document the user other to sound icons video at mark-up link and operation that document hypertext on images the its display objects as additional click types such from being hypertext on data that specify text hypermedia program describes art Action combination II of principle displayed and view retrieve access prior and Raggett basic is in the Office proposed 006-4-1 94-1083 may be by simply located stored clicking anywhere system for collaborative single centralized object-oriented object-oriented documents 21 II combination was designed anywhere on on the Internet link in to and document displayed on the Internet editing database of engineering DIS database to store for storage documents documents of the PATENT No Docket Attorney Multimedia be costly full to copies NoteMail known DIS for uses service files e-mail DIS serve to support of use centralized collaboration page 41 page The rejection by taught the at the states Mosaic it emphasis would it and results so under the control physically persistent CAD is object created in handle or makes database sense workgroup in II the centralized given at of Toye to 21-24 paragraphs and not database the goal the in NoteMail paragraph first partial that simulation and design with added engineering are created storage information associated pointer object-oriented an between objects links Further within created reference base knowledge centralized the data all specifications that as 40-41 at for components of reference set function most data remains In practice of the application object-oriented the store and just transmit an of transferring Instead to Sending team can design large efficient repository messages forth more is provides management The it this DIS Conceptually on everyone one place in pointers as can get quite large of both time and storage everyone of the message to 94-108-3 encoded raw text containing etc clips via email terms in video clips documents such documents engineering audio images 006-4-1 No Client Reference have been obvious and Berners-Lee Raggett II modifS the to combination to be combination static dynamic object as taught by Toye However bye with the and an intended distributed Mosaic turn under which system operate fundamentally and the II to the database system and II and PHOSA referencing and incompatible 22 by taught the basic combination II is to provide combination with system thereby destroying its away from any combination of the Berners-Lee Raggett and storage objects change on the Internet anywhere and the and Raggelt teaches Raggett of referenced fundamental principle of operation centralized change to storage combination would modified distributed obvious Mosaic II stored system into andlor regard different be to Mosaic Berners-Lee with and Bemers-Lee fundamental Raggett combination of claims principles the centralized Raggett objects distributed Such Berners-Lee the allows that that nature Thus combine of the Mosaic purpose system would distributed to of the combination being of operation principle Toye any attempt Mosaic Berners-Lee the bye Toye centralized references would because the differences and II system not combination and the of objects from make the in the basic displayed bye page are PATENT Client The combination Berners-Lee Raggett document author the Web system which author data able is Web document render will file display for the user Action would the Office in proposed document locations precise that page model In that specifies the in control combination teaches II paradigm which experience to browsing and Mosaic the system intended to give to lose that Berners-Lee Raggett The combination model document document the that author This systems documents as accurate This notion principle of data for the various sees at II be contrary to objects An this 21 paragraph and analyses example simulations than parameters the original document document in document the reflecting by any and Since document sum all users modified Berners-Lee system where the author intended to and where II 40 any user can second column with be displayed to she but rather different in the the rendered and the rendered since document rely would therefore the Web for unsuitable its on the of the be document to data creation its system no user can no resemblance the full sees not the original document Toye redo can recipients unavoidable consequence bear That at first by the published render form of Web model such an analysis object that Toye with would it would This publish page the An communicated the point to the vision of the document of the modified in objects Raggett the information time by users over the data system document document both to and accessed of the original authos reflection as publishing who have any user can change combination of Mosaic of changes made by the since on the published for example at by the original creator total the in states the edited last environment where recipient redoes views user combination with the teachings proposed the resultant data user the that every vision editing for display Once subsequent form specified the in the where Toye specified rely fundamental principle is rendered seen was it publishing to users own parameters their author When changes which is since intended collaborative under the Notemail heading paragraph objects with this end allow to for end user on the other hand can be any document in destroyed is are then of changed of the authors teaches which The been integrity assurance reference viewing can be assured author appear the same to going for important data document has not intended representations integrity modify the data extremely of assuring The Toye Toye is viewed are by nature publishing The document that being is integrity originally created she that retrieves subsequently assured document insures document fully-rendered of author 94-108-3 principle The who an over the users control publish-once/view-many HTML browser the 13-14 paragraphs of the Mosaic create to that objects basic model based upon is from combination causes the document system which The and 006-4-1 No Reference would change Action in the Office proposed No Docket Attorney could be document intended purpose Another important and Raggett document the II author browser will used links in oniy the to retrieve of the of HTML by the document document navigate that text In the from document and acted Web model referential the specific new and they are resolved paragraph is can specify are easily specified fonnats principle combination integrity locations documents author directly 15 23 by the Mosaic In the in these The Bemers-Lee Web model the hypertext links users click since they document upon contained when Web model to taught are directly are simple document upon those specified These links embed through links explicitly by the browser application from which links unidirectional author HTML text which defines II are these at PATENT No Docket Attorney This both document to document text or the data is it Mosaic be defined only out of the document HTML Since information large become both The happen workgroup by different page that link style change in Web Instead functionality CNN browser with This documents one collaborator instantly reflected for would Furthermore embedded viewing enabled graphic could by Toyes originally defined So it and is TI would lose their by the clear the been presentation over to at to to to in which only teaches away the that documents the collaborative editing of vital to of series through propagate Mosaic so Toye home page changes made by any have changes is can create 30 team-based with written create CNNs always be what to that integrity Web me can no longer be assured for combination of Toye referential page will those for on for model two engineering documents difference can to change an link link explains the goals This paragraph naturally desire see and often changes on Webs author document by changes connect that within appropriate cause Felten corresponding be appropriate their TI Professor For example for the model be managed constraints hyperlinks system designed discussed be as various editing rendered semantic HTML users Bemers-Lee Raggett the usefulness of the that would unusable that it would be Toye static at would the As result the the various and therefore ismap Web data links referential in combination with Toye would destroy both fundamental principles behind the design 24 as object of the defined by integrity as author are an of functionality intra-image their result time modify the corresponding since correspondence such combination with while environment documents integrity the above of data that format time therefore referential my page document would formal is not Web destroyed collaborative FIG tag would integrity as has change FIG tag of Raggett the of be unavoidably would can modify the all proposed the assurance and II however model In the it As causes each other Toye in sense inter-linked documents trust an authored makes Web where they create of inter-linked distributed system the definition of represent model design system can communicate author This paths systems Toye two documents but fundamental and that they should the which This provides integrity the referential the Share in more appropriate of any link within intended or by changing system therefore Toye within example on the know where linked for document only this information that is either of the follow of Webs of multitudes system taught links of the documents integrity of the document home page me allow Web from the use of referential Web of the navigational vision of the the either unidirectional can retrieve users principle of such this can not CNN hyperlinks In the of the other my own page and can modify creator the to would that in who may people links of Toye that via collections that links doesnt make sense it basic is of the control out automatically but teaches system the the authors only document of 23 paragraph retrieval be bi-directional should links links that that on the rely consequence by agents so can Toye bi-directional documents final for the creation that directions insure at comprising from the user location combination employs Without the enforcement applications be changed to can be created unsuitable teaches Toye separate in authors systems infonnation II in the system which the documents hypermedia would and distributed efficient by navigation by the physical II 94-108-3 viewing of documents for rapid imposed and publishing reflected to integrity also allows of for the design for the be displayed to objects allows optimized limitations by the author is are It Berners-Lee Raggett can referential objects primarily model linking which without document Since by lightweight and distributed data text the and simple browser applications hypermedia 006-4-1 No Client Reference the data of the Attorney Client prior art unsuitable Web for system and its intended that the proposed combination would purposes 25 Docket Reference therefore No No render the PATENT 00641 94-108-3 Web model PATENT No Docket Attorney PART The obviousness lU Toyc does embedded hypermedia system embedded object in Raggett and view access phrases line 3-6 able to the types such and text In that document defined by objects second paragraphs located in suggest with the at of different for the as term storage is words at documents or hypertext document is browser on displayed and display is media of various objects or page the user that except other link to retrieve be to the hypermedia system because data objects of the computer system where an open to the not distributed use Toye DIS page and does not teach objects requirements is of 25 26 at II the admitted Toye the use prior crucial art to system does is distributed and used in the intended distributed and hypennedia objects not teach or incompatible 24 paragraph of all first for referenced reference to of operation principle its documents in the that column repository document Thus locations 40 is DIS Service as the central hypermedia is meaning system but requires DIS called documents Toye universal have is protocol document that base standard of the structure of characters geographic of referenced are that connected systems The that data in defined the basic in the certain objects to user and to or phrases or select the internet distributed hypermedia same reasons that on hypermedia Distributed Information heading ability allows that words hypertext distributed to system single described pages the to system and contradicts paragraph Berners-Lee users computer the document hypermedia on many sets particular in to or data or text of the Internet of distributed hypermedia of the centralized at statement Mosaic is 27-29 connected teaches Toye using distributed Also an process by the link lines allows be stored the system is page computer computers environment II at below contrast the use in document may click hypertext video may be located utilizing The NoteMail in the icons etc that link When referenced HTML each In contrast objects interactively this as to documents the selection to hypermedia by the author referenced distributed However connected the user similar to is 22-26 document use of implemented to defined document are linked that document graphics sound object LApplication The user terms device display sound icons video page within on document browser responds or data Internet discloses Toye that an object process document document hypertext link to other specify line distributed imbedded describes hypertext as additional at program states which in system interactively of the various view other data objects on images the to hypermedia hypermedia meaning displayed hypermedia click hypermedia browser allows hypermedia art prior document in user 4-7 lines distributed document retrieve hypertext reaches therefore combination II text premise and false on distributed distributed page of the precise The admitted to at which within view incorrect within Action in disclose not browser allows hypermedia Office based is 94-108-3 conclusion false The rejection 006-4-1 No Client Reference claims purpose hypermedia and of the environment The bye use PATENT No Docket Attorney not teach does Toye admitted was application and Raggett filed and as used distributed parses documents hypermedia elements of the pending documents browser identifying predetermined text to responding browser utilizing to Further the Toye between where objects 41 col first partial admitted in that the is paragraph Felten click mouse teaches Toye at there is second column an object process physically must be processed give arrangement the to structure mark as document data 40 page bye Accordingly Berners-Lee document of information type defined column first does not teach and Raggett NoteMail in by the Toyc last the use of combination II pages are therefore or not documents of interactively processing Toye that data in that any application There paragraph in order of the application for object page and update displays document hypermedia normal interface to edit of modifying in must be selected via data such The type the application II at page that that suggesting it of an application teaches Further Toye created that embedded an X-server through no teaching is an NoteMail in displayed an application under the control using the 31 hypermedia teaches embedded hypermedia are interpreted spatial i.e of the Mosaic restart frill of the use text tags described in is by the author 14 the structure such to first the system being Toyc in within The mark-up paragraph Toye by the user by MIME Format the sense in links are defined combination teaches II page the in browser application the non-standard no teaching described application at II in and DIS database in the combination II links by adding system because and resolved paragraph that by NoteMail Felten document hypermedia remains in II hypermedia some characters standard at not and Raggett where Web-style hypermedia to Also to document can be organized stored objects is Raggett document II preserved of an object embedding and HTML document analogous 40 is are document the for the specific hypermedia the and formats document such in those by specified hypermedia format text information Thus Toye Bemers-Lee In contrast NoteMail page partial an embed other documents hypermedia processing distributed that hypermedia page authors distributed of portion themselves the links text by tags specified up in application does not teach it the that of distributed hypermedia as parsing initiate teaches paragraph The Mosaic document reference Bemers-Lee prior art fonnats text to the in the time at 26-27 paragraphs as such formats text and 94-108-3 defined is PHOSA software no formats text term the by teaches Toye uses that claims and parsing window browser-controlled or formats least at display and that as and II understood claims in browser-related by browser application hypermedia Bemers-Lee prior art 006-4-1 No Client Reference most data the data 36- paragraphs 37 There is modifying art In proposed view in distributed other no teaching in Toye the Mosaic of the above static there the rejection apparent hypermedia image Berners-Lee system and is the skilled the in bye artisan of an analogous architecture 27 that object combination and Raggett no teaching in dynamic taught by to or the use fundamental incompatibilities of that The II into would failure hyperrnedia described above would of the dynamic make of Toye prior image the modification to suggest document would make obvious admitted teach or teach as well as the away from PATENT Attorney to combine Toye any features of the Mosaic The rejection implies forth as in set forth by clicking object the and claims on and static an NoteMail not automatically interactive dynamic object image to application of process in the is format an object displayed in is the link within the only the an external the be activated dynamic database is parsed hypermedia nor Accordingly Raggett there and is II no teaching system to or suggestion make claims 28 in and Toye of modifying obvious the is document enabled Berners-Lee set However dynamic object document window of display that can between in for processing claims pending an object stored combination II meets the limitations that in The page application text used Toye dynamic object the external Raggett object not is NoteMail when an embed invoked processing dynamic described in displayed Thus itself page teaches Toye The term dynamic object the above that Bemers-Lee and 006-4-1 94-108-3 system attempting the No Reference Client with No Docket Mosaic not is PATENT IV There no motivation or teaching in the cited is references make to The language in examiner teaches claimed invention the Toye regarding from away references 006-4-1 No 94-108-3 combine the cited by the Reference Client PART No Docket Attorney to obvious and openness combination flexibility would make that the claims obvious The Raggett the However NoteMail to referring As the described at II quoted file NoteMail editor since skill in references the not related It commonly used the skill is to the strong and Raggett from be solved Toye MPEP II 2143.01 Here list Beniers-Lee of some of the Raggett and Toye the that editing by centralized documents to the set author regarding system over if editors to among rely problems make combine the different by the Mosaic solved browser and reference the bye references is Raggett nature and have away obvious the nature and Berners-Lee system teach claimed invention object-oriented can be retrieved bye between of the problem combination and II structures and is given by an author teaches database in 29 Felten Bemers-Lee and read storage Bemers-Lee from anywhere of the Mosaic the teachings of documents editing are created of readers on these incompatible bye at II other find oniy to 1161 openness were proper it the projects Inc 50 USPQ2d would be or should combinable Mosaic Berners-Lee collaborative documents insert the references even PHOSA combine HTML completely and In fact systems page can the suggestion provide language of the NoteMail fundamental differences II teaches teaches Toye combine would to VS/Intl Corp could notebook engineering be relied upon to an X-server away from modifying teaches known specifically NoteMail into NoteMail that the benefits by the NoteMail selected motivation different that is there cannot they are not systems file projects using and nebulous to are fundamentally that architecture its describing formats displays language advantages motivation for that Al-Site quoting that system solve problems of implementations that teaching notebook different in the other art collaboration combination source the motivation suggestion data quoted to the general The fundamentally possible Mosaic Berners-Lee more than nothing no suggestion the any possible engineering to provide doing insert is merely highlighting for art is page when the in 2143.01 is 411 the in object other engineering superior In the rejection and flexibility paragraph of level bye any application Thus already MPEP references apparent to There system is the Additionally 1999 it that NoteMail 40-41 other any static based on Toyes to ability teaches into paragraphs with FedCir in language editors Toye combined combine been flexibility NoteMail image of static have system editor compared above of the the modification that system would II openness and provides of the states rejection and without of documents teaches and everywhere in that on the to the PATENT bye separate teaches that within unidirectional The need the to To which solve static using connection are used that the to the to only Mosaic Berners-Lee The The pages to editing of engineering viewed at II II in is can be or operating line page the system that references II anywhere another 16-30 model teach and read by world by simple unidirectional is page modified by edited by its author readers using its 12 paragraph by the Toye documents and connected but not of the problem solved nature server are from one page is at Raggett and navigate browser application collaborative on by anyone and documents of hardware the types to 42 Raggett the Internet to by know URLs the Internet on widely simple paragraph at Bemers-Lee regard Ihtemet links implemented users that II distribute connected editor application separate separate teaches users without by end commands know where not by the Mosaic and to publish problem users need information be published pages can anyone with links this only that using Berners-Lee teaches and 94-108-3 Berners-Lee bi-directional rich navigation Berners-Lee location by the computers utilized systems in authors and easily viewed retrieved providing specified by markup specified teaches is document text applications teaches are located contain is Toye of the problem solved nature allow links Toye documents outside type by separate structure display structure document text implemented which data display browser that teaches Format 006-4-1 No Reference Client Internet No Docket Attorney reference within is need the create to team an engineering system for at 36 page toie5 To solve documents includes Because the use of the collaborative publish-and-view II philosophy combination structured Lee and II It those design but Toye for Collaborative design is information to teaches email portions at 39 page Powerbook page when would the disparate other be contrary of Toyc technique the in to For the Mosaic Berners-Lee the in the distributed to nature works of the well Raggett for highly Mosaic information 227 USPQ 337 in entirety teaches its for apply Bemers is in depicted to be shared Fig File Server in the collaborative 30 and Environment to and formal design Abstract process and tool 38 and provides group 1985 technologies infonnal on page that Corp CAFC 345 Method communication i.e including Panduit information both of the design both human by email to to Title and communicate understanding environment connected obviousness Company considered in their entireties against argue Management shared SHARE The would primary medium computers 38 that organize re-access establish The storage contrary Manufacturing Product as the embodied as or useful of Toye required to consider the references reference teams gather is by the references combination Dennison The of the Internet store the to where the data base paragraph 29-30 at problems solved editing techniques 24 paragraph system are not relevant Further the centralized engineering Raggett different one in at II II database object-oriented single objects of the fundamentally utilized using workgroup between links and structures example teaches Toye by an engineering bi-directional techniques and problem this needed is Toye integration number depicts shared help access stored in to of files central PATENT No Docket Attorney No Client Reference data base DIS called capture organize such modify and formats details as file combination existed chose not goal SHARE of the management the Mosaic Berners-Lee massive the hypermedia skill of level first by Mosaic The benchmark PHOSA science just typical PHOSA at professors NoteMail browser paradigm architecture 46 the II is last project because the sense data highly-structured who engineers model taught by and Raggett that recognized would did not attempt paragraph II to be modify or combination not distributed centralized in used or and which does and or in the good but of way Berners-Lee with Raggett 32 31 how to paragraph 151 The entire undertaking As is and organization Raggett the but gained person knows paragraph sharing computer student star has art does not exhibit an unusual massive last not who This at column incompatible skill from person conventional of information claims university the industry the result first paragraph and Raggett SHARE the world of engineering just graduating ways Mosaic Bemers-Lee at centralized Bemers-Lee thinking in is of the Mosaic fundamentally from modifying rejection page model teaches in conventional does things is student average environment that column is college knowledge in and having ordinary person at of innovative level The for program do things to know is person who is equivalent collaborative art term that of made decision innovative system which as in the Such circumscribed the documents Bemers-Lee but the designers editing project 46 taught The not use SHARE NoteMail the to combination II page at web browser they designed team as having of the open distributed hypermedia in the relatively even vision bye of collaborative and of the by the Mosaic taught paragraph 26-281 the goals Raggett undertaking redesign Instead with the designers their at allow to project the type of publication II inconsistent is Thus realizing them use to knowledge design their without and locations the time at work Services that helps engineers share web browsers of Significantly II Information Distributed retrieve 006-4-1 94-108-3 Web and and Thus II II Toye reference that Toye combination does and above not use the Web but instead uses reference as engineers extensively discussed combination the teaches by innovative teaches proposed an away by the PATENT Attorney Docket Client Reference No No 006-4-1 94-108-3 CONCLUSION In early date view is Examiner Application please Applicants allowance for believe The issuance all of believes telephone telephone the undersigned conference at 925 Reg OFFICE OF CHARLES P.O.Box Walnut Tel KRUEGER 5607 Creek 925 CA 944-3320 now pending Notice 94596 Fax 925 944-3363 32 would of expedite 944-3320 Charles LAW claims fonnal in this Allowance at an requested respectfully If the this of the foregoing are in condition Application No Krueger 30077 prosecution of

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