Nokia Corporation v. Apple Inc.

Filing 57

Disregard; see 61 . Modified on 12/20/2010 (jas).

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UNITED STATES PATENT %ADEMARK OFFICE AND Addmi. COMMlaSlONER OF PA'TENTSANDTIUDEMIKS Wa.bryton, D C W13L X W I u.pta,O. UNITED ETATE3 DEPARTMENTOP COMMERCE U n l d S u b . Pahlra and Tr-duarrk Omo. Nokia Corporation v.APPLICATION NO. Apple Inc. 09/939,3 I 3 2512 7590 FILING DATE 08/24/2001 I im6n002 I FIRSTNAMW INVENTOR A'lTORNEY DOCKET NO. 324-0 1052 I -US(PAR) I CONFIRMATION NO. 2843 Doc. 57 Att. 1 Olli Talvitic PERMAN & GREEN 425 POST ROAD FAIRFIELD, CT 06824 I ARTUNIT 2821 EXAMMER 1 PAPERNUMBER CLINGER, JAMES C I 1 DATE MAILED: I l f l 6 0 0 0 2 Please find below andor attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding. PTO-9OC (Rcv. 07-01) Office Action Summary The MAILING DATE o f this cornmunicetion appears on the cover sheet with the correspondence address Period for Reply MONTH(S1 FROM A SHORTENED STATUTORY PERIOD FOR REPLY IS SET TO EXPIRE three THE MAILING DATE OF THIS COMMUNICATION. - - In no wont, howsvsr. may a rsph be lbnsty filed aftsr SIX I61 MONTHS from tha miling date of thu communbation. .If the period for iapty apacllind above ilose than thiw (30) b y a , a repb within the Ptatutory mininum of t h i q (30) iwill be conaidsrd tinsty. h .tf NO period for raph is Ppscifiadebova. ths maxhum statutory period will opph end will sxpin SIX (61 MONTHS from tha mailing dale of this communication. .Failure to iapw within tha set or axtsndbd period for repty will. by ntatuts, cawe ths application I o becoma ABANDONED 135 U.S.C. 1 133). .Am/ reply received by tha Onice M a r than thee month after tha mailing date of thb communicatian oven if timob fibd. may reducs any sarmd patem t o m adjustment. See 37 CFR 1.704(b). . Extonsionsof t i n s msy be avnilabb under the provbiom of 37 CFR 1.136 le). status 1) @ Responsive to communication(sl filed on Sep 3, 2002 2al@ This action is FINAL. 2 b ) o This action is non-final. 3) 0 Since this application is in condition for allowance except for formal matters, prosecutlon as to the merits is closed in accordance with the practice under Ex parte Quey/e, 1935 C.D. 11: 453 O.G. 21 3. Disoosition of Claims 4 ) @ Claimb) I-8 4a) Of the above, claim(s1 5 1 0 CIaim(s) idare pending in the application. islare withdrawn from consideration. islare allowed. islare rejected. idare objected to. are subject to restriction and/or election requirement. I 61@ Clairn(s) 1-8 7a Claim(s1 1 810 Claims Application Papers 91 0 The specification is.objected to by the Examiner. lo)@ The drawing(s) filed on 111 0 Aug 24, 2001 i s h e a) accepted or b ) n objected to by the Examiner. Applicant may not request that any objection t o the drawing(s) be held in abeyance. See 37 CFR 1.85ta). is: approved b l n disapproved by the Examiner. The proposed drawing correction filed on ala If approved, corrected drawings are required in reply to this Office action. 1 2 1 0 The oath or declaration is objected to by the Examiner. Priorlty under 35 U.S.C. If 119 and 120 13)@ Acknowledgement is made of a claim for foreign priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(a)-(d) or (11. a]@ All b l n Some' None of: 1. @ Certified copies of the priority documents have been received. 2 . 0 Certified copies of the priority documents have been received in Application NO. 3. 0 Copies of the certified copies of the priority documents have been received in this National Stage application from the International Bureau (PCT Rule 17.2(a)). 'See the attached detailed Office action for a list of the certified copies not received. 1 4 ) n Acknowledgement is made of a claim for domestic priority under 3 5 U.S.C. 5 1191e). a) 0 The translation of the foreign language provisional application has been received. 1 5 ) 0 Acknowledgement is made of a claim for domestic priority under 35 U.S.C. 5 5 120 and/or 121. Anechmentls) 1I @ Notice of Raferancsa Cited IPTO492) 41 21 3) 0Notice of Oraftrpsnon'r f a r n t Drawing Revww (PTO9481 @ Intomotion Dircbaure Statamnt(al IPTO14491 Paper Nolal. 5 5) 0bltONkW SUnVnaW IPTO-413) Pepor Nola). 0Notice of lnformal Patem Agplkaion IPTO-152) other: BI U. S. Patent and Tmdamrk Officr PTO-326 (Rev. 04-01) Office Action Summary Part of Paper No. 8 ApplicatiodControl Number: 09/939,3 13 Art Unit: 2821 Page 2 DETAILED ACTION Claim Rejections 35 USC 8 102 1. - The following is a quotation of the appropriate paragraphs of 35 U.S.C. 102 that form the basis for the rejections under this section made in this Office action: A person shall be entitled to a patent unless - (e) the invention w a s described in(1) an application for patent, published under section 122(b), by another filed in the United States before the invention by the applicant for patent, except that an international application filed under the treaty defined in section 35 l(a) shall have the effect under this subsection of a national application published under section 122(b) only if the international application designating the United States w a s published under Article 21(2)(a) of such treaty in the Engjish language; or (2) a patent granted on an application for patent by another filed in the United States before the invention by the applicant for patent, except that a patent shall not be deemed filed in the United States for the purposes n of this subsection based on the filing of an international application filed under the treaty defined i section 351(a). 2. Claims 1-3 and 5-8 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. SO2(e) as being anticipated by Johson(6,236,368). Claims 1 and 7-8, figure 10 discloses a mobile station with an antenna(28), ground plane which is part of pcb(32), antenna raising component(48), and a speaker(not number, but on opposite side of pcb; col. 2, lines 40-43) all in a shared space( 1 1) but with the distance between the antenna(28) and the ground plane(32) greater than a circuit board(32) and a back cover(1ower portion of back cover). Claim 2, the shared space disclosed in figure 10 includes the back and front covers. ApplicatiodControl Number: 09/939,3 13 Art Unit: 2821 Page 3 Claim 3, the sound radiated from the back of the speaker in figure 10 will echo in the volume which is enclosed by the dielectric(30) and the pcb(32) which is part of the shared space disclosed in figure 8. Claim 5 , feed conductors are fastened to the antenna raising component(48) disclosed in figure 10. Claim 6 , the circuit board(32) disclosed in figure 10 is in the shared space. Claim Rejections - 35 VSC $103 3. The following is a quotation of 35 U.S.C. 103(a) which forms the basis for all obviousness rejections set forth in this Office action: (a) A patent may not be obtained though the invention is not identically disclosed or described as set forth in section 102 of this title, if the differences between the subject matter sought to be patented and the prior art are such that the subject matter as a whole would have been obvious at the time the invention was made to a person having ordinary skill in the art to which said subject matter pertains, Patentability shall not be negatived by the manner in which the invention was made. 4. Claim 4 is rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103(a) as being unpatentable over Johson in view of .El-Sharawy(W0 97/47054). Johson does not disclose a PIFA antenna. Claim 4, figure 8 of El-Sharawy discloses a PIFA for multiple frequency operation(abstract). It would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art at the time of the invention to use a PIFA element as disclosed in El-Sharawy with the device disclosed in Johson for multiple frequency operation as disclosed in El-Sharawy. ApplicatiodControl Number: 09/939,313 Art Unit: 2821 Page 4 Response to Arguments 5. Applicant's arguments with respect to claims 1-8 have been considered but are moot in view of the new ground(s) ofrejection. Conclusion 6. Applicant's amendment necessitated the new ground(s) of rejection presented in this Office action. Accordingly, THIS ACTION IS MADE FINAL. See MPEP 0 706.07(a). Applicant is reminded of the extension of time policy as set forth in 37 CFR 1.136(a). A shortened statutory period for reply to this final action is set to expire THREE MONTHS from the mailing date of this action. In the event a first reply is filed within TWO MONTHS of the mailing date of this final action and the advisory action is not mailed until after the end of the THREE-MONTH shortened statutory period, then the shortened statutory period will expire on the date the advisory action is mailed, and any extension fee pursuant to 37 CFR 1.136(a) will be calculated from the mailing date of the advisory action. In no event, however, will the statutory period for reply expire later than SIX MONTHS from the date of this fina1 action. Correspondence 7. Any inquiry concerning this commhication or earlier communications from the examiner shouId be directed to Examiner Jim Clinger whose phone number is (703) 305-0619. ApplicatiodControl Number: 09/939,3 13 Art Unit: 2821 Page 5 Any inquiry of a general nature or relating to the status of this application should be directed to the Technology Center whose telephone number is (703) 308-0956. Papers related to Technology Center 2800 applications only may be submitted to Technology Center 2800 by facsimile transmission. Any transmission not to be considered an official response must be clearly marked "DRAFT". The faxing of such papers must conform with the notice published in the Official Gazette, 1096 OG 30 (November 15, 1989). The Technology Center Fax Center number is (703) 308-7722 or (703) 308-7724. ... . P L ApplicationlConttol No. 091939,313 Jim Clinger 4pplicent(s)/Patant Under Reexam 01. Tahritie at A r t Unit Notice of References Cited Examiner 2821 Page 1 of 1 Counlrf Code.Numbor-K!nd Cod4 Document Number MM-YYYY' Date Name Cfadfication A 6,236,368 5/2001 Johson 343 I 702 I 1.1 I I I I IJI K L M I I I Counly Coda-Numbor-KindCod4 Document Number MM-YYYY' Date Country Name Clasdfication* N I S I 1 I I T NONSATENT DOCUMENTS Include, as applhb!e: Author, Tltle. Dete, Publlsher. Edition or Volume, Pertinent Pages I I V lw I ' A CODY 01 Ihh reisranee Is no1 balng lumishad with Iha Ollica aclion. U. 3 s MPEP I 707.0513. ' Dalas in MM-YYYY lowrar a n publication ditos. CIarliiicallonI may bo U S . or ioroign PTO-892 (Rev. 0 -20011 1 s. Potmi and Tradom~rk Ollica Notice of References Clted Part of Paper No. 8 J.7N-17-2003 15:38 F'RMRN & GREEN, LLP P.02 IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE APPLICANT ( S ) : Olli Talviti 09/939,313 SERIAL NO. : I AND ART UNIT: 2821 FILING DATE: TITLE : August 2 4 , 2001 EXAMINER: ANTEDIVA Jamea C. Clinger MOBILE STATION MOBILE STATION ARRANGEMENT IN ATTORNEY DOCKET NO. 2 Washington, D . C . 20231 BOX AF Commiasioner of Patent6 FAX RECEIVED JAN 1 7 2003 Sir: RESPONSB TECHNOLOGY CENTER 2800 This is in response to the O f f i c e Action mailed, November, 6 , 2002 (Paper No. 6) in regard t o the above-identified patent application. remarks. Reconsideration of the r e j e c t i o n of the claims is respectfully eolicited in light of the following amendment and amend the Application as follows, amendments with the amendments highlighted Please Appendix A : a copy of the a8 is attached JQN-17-2003 15:3a PERMAN 8, GREEN- LLP P. E3 Please delete claims 1 and 2 without prejudice. Please amend the following claim(8) as rewritten below: 34. (Amended) A mobile station as claimed in claim , , wherein # said antenna assembly space is arranged to constitute an echoing volume f o r the speaker. (Amended) A mobile station as claimed claim#, t y p e o t h e antenna is PIFA. A mobile station as claimed claim/, I 31 ) wherein the +/ (Amended) $. 1// wherein conductors or electronic components are fastened to the antenna raising component. (Amended) A mobile station as claimed in claim/, wherein an antenna circuit board is arranged in said antenna assembly space. I / `b. (Amended) An antenna arrangement for a mobile station, comprising an integrated antenna, an antenna ground plane and an antenna elevation piece arranged to keep the antenna at a determined height from the ground plane, wherein the antenna arrangement is arranged in a space ahared with a speaker of the mobile station, and a circuit board is mounted in the mobile station such that it does not extend into said space. / (Amended) An the antenna arrangement is a8 claimed ae in claim 6 wherein module - antenna arrangement arranged an assembly JRN-17-2003 15:38 PERMRN GREEN, LLP 3 P.04 Ser. NO.: 09/939,313 Art Unit: 2821 assembly including, an antenna ground plane an antenna, and an antenna raising component arranged to keep the antenna at a determined height in respect of the ground plane, said mobile station comprising: a front cover and back cover which define an overall space there bet ween, an antenna assembly space defined as part of said overall space, wherein said antenna aesembly is mounted, said space extending from said front cover to s a i d back cover; a main circuit board space defined ae part of said overall space separate from eaid antenna assembly space, wherein a main printed circuit board is mounted at a predetermined height from said bock cover; and wherein a speaker o f the mobile station is also mounted in s a i d antenna assembly space, and wherein said printed circuit board does not extend i n t o said antenna assembly space. REMARKS StatuB of the Claims Applicant has cancelled claims 1 and 2, added new claim 9 and amended claims claim 9. 3-8. Claims 3-6 are now dependent on new Applicant hat3 amended the claims to clarify the novel features of the invention for which protection is sought in this application. rejection in Them amendments are submitted after final order to place the claims in condition for allowance or in the alternative to place the claims in better condition for appeal. The Examiner is requested to exercise his JRN-17-2003 15:39 PERMQN & GREEN, LLP P. 05 Ser. No.: 09/939,313 Att Unit: 2821 under consideration. 4 discretion and e n t e r these amendments. Claims 3-8 and 9 remain Prior claims 1-3, and 5-8 etand rejected under 35USClOZ(e) based on the newly in cited reference Johson, US Patent No. WO 6,236,368. Claim 4 stands rejected under 35USC103, based on the Johson reference 97/47054. view of the reference El-Sharawy, The Examiner is respectfully requested to reconsider his rejection in view of the above amendments and the following remarks. T h e Invention The eubject invention relates to an antenna assembly, which includea an antenna, an antenna support (raising component) and The antenna a ground plain, for a mobile telephone or the like. is a planar type constructed to be contained within the housing of a mobile unit. separating the In order to maximize the available space f o r element of radiating the antenna from its associated ground plane a dedicated space io provided within the housing to accommodate the antenna assembly. this dedicated space. mounted on The circuit board of the mobile u n i t is shortened so that i t does not intrude into The ground plane of t h e antenna is not board, as the circuit is typical of prior art designs, but may be mounted opposite from the radiating elements at a distance which is only limited by the thickness of the housing. This space is also advantageously used to enclose the speaker, thereby improving the speaker response. This avoids the need to provide sufficient height: above the circuit board to provide the necessary separation of the radiating elements from the ground plane. The antenna art configuration and does of the cited the referenee typifies the p r i o r not diacloBe dedicated space provided by the subject invention, a e described .. JQN-17-2003 15:39 PERMQN & GREEN, LLP P. 06 Ser. No.: 09/939,313 A r t Unit: 2821 5 in the claims. Discutasion of the C i t e d Referencee The Johson . Examiner now relies on the the disclosure has cited of the reerence In of particular figure 10 Examiner the referred reference. to the embodiment of Thi 8 embodiment, shows an antenna aseembly 12, eupported at a height above a ground plane 32 in a typical fashion. The ground plane extending examiner under with is mounted on a printed circuit which is element 20 in figure 1. The printed circuit 12, board as is clearly shown by antenna assembly acknowledged the reference to a speaker. The examiner indicates: figure 10 discloees a mobile station with an antenna(28), ground plane which i s part of peb(331 8 8ntaMa raising component ( 4 8 ) I and a epeakar ( n o t number., but on opposite s i d e of gcb; col. 2 , l i n e s 4 0 - 4 3 ) a l l in u shared space (11I rr .....* . This is the typical configuration of the prior art. board does n o t extend into the antenna space. greater height to be maintained of the antenna plane. New claim 9 and amended claim 7 clearly indicate that the printed circuit This permite a from the ground The extension of the printed circuit board under the This i s precisely antenna, as shown in the cited reference, necessarily limits the height of the antenna from the ground plane. the problem to which this invention is addressed. the speaker In addition the printed circuit board effectively divides the space in which operates from the space in which the antenna operates. There is therefore no "shared space" as described in t h e claims of this application. .. J l - 7 2 0 15:39 GN1-03 PERMQN 8 GREEN, LLP P.07 09/939,313 Art Unit: 2821 T h e Iseue o f Arrtacipation AB S e r . No.: 6 previously stated, it ie well settled that a claim is anticipated, "only if each and every element as set f o r t h in the claim is found, either expressly or inherently described, in a single prior art reference. 'I (See CHISOLM, Federal Circuit Guide, Pg. 1221). . i t must be shown t h a t the reference contains a l l of the 'I.. elements of the claims apart from irrelevant or merely extraneous variations, and the elements are arranged in the same way to achieve the same result which is asserted to be an inventive function.. . ' I 454 U.S- 1129 (1981) The elements of the claim and their function and purpose within the claim must would be not reviewed in a manner similar to an infringement analysis. reference If the device described in the cited infringe if it was later, it will not anticipate if the reference is earlier. Applying this standard to the antenna arrangement of Johson, miss ing : For example in claim 9: -an antenna assambly apace defined a m part of said overall apace, wherein e a i d antenna aesembly i s mounted, maid epace extending from said f r o n t cover to said back it i s clear that key elements o f the claims of this application are cover; a main circuit board space defined a6 part of s a i d overall space separate from eaid antenna alssembly apace, wherein a main p r i n t e d circuit board l e mounted at a predetermined height frcw eaid back covert and wherein a Bpeaker of the mobile s t a t i o n ie a l a 0 mounted in said antenna aaaembly apace, a ~ d wherein s a i d printed circuit board does not extend into eafd anteana a e d l y space. * m JRN-17-2003 15:40 PERMRN 8, GREEN, LLP p.08 Ser. No.: 09/939,313 A r t Unit: 2821 Ad n 7 in claim 7: lwherein the antenna arrangement is arranged in a space shared with a speaker of the mobile etation, and a circuit board i e m o u a t e d in the mobile station such t h s t it does not extend into e a i d apace." Accordingly there would be no infringement and therefore, the cited reference .cannot support the rejection based on anticipation. Since the primary reference fails to support the rejection of the independent claims, the rejection of must fail. to the rejected dependent claims. With regard to the rejection of claim the elements of the claims and these 4 dependent claims also T h e above arguments are therefore equally applicable under 35USC103, it follows that the primary reference Johson does not teach all of deficiencies are not The remedied by the teaching of t h e cited reference El-Sharauzy. combined references do not support the rejection as presented by the Examiner. In view of the amendments to this application and the arguments stated above, Applicant submits that the claims and under consideration contain patentable subject matter favorable action by the Examiner is respectfully requested. The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge payment for any fees associated with thia communication or credit any over I JQN-17-2003 15:40 PERMFlN & GREEN, LLP P.09 Ser. No.: 09/939,313 0 A r t Unit: 2821 payment to Deposit Account No. 16-1350. Respectfully submitted, Janik Marcovici (Reg. No. 42,841) Perman & Green, LLP 425 Date Poet Road Fairfield, CT 06624 203-259-1600 Customer No.: 2512 CERTIFICATE OF FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION I hereby certify that this c~rresgondence ie being transmitted by faceimlle to (703) 3 0 0 - 7 7 2 2 on the date indicated below, addreseed to the Box A?. Comm%asionsr of Patents, Washington, D.C. 20231. Signature: Person Making Deposit FAX RECflVED .IAN 1 7 2003 I i . JQN-17-2003 15:40 PERMRN & GREEN, LLP P. 10 Ser. No.: Art Unit: 2821 09/939,313 9 Appendix A to Response i n Application No.: 03/939,313 Amendment to the Claims: 3. (Amended) A mobile station as claimed in claim &-, 9 antenna assembly space ; * arranged to constitute an echoing volume wherein -ad si s i speaker. rt;e+ag for the .. 4. (Amended) A mobile station as claimed claim 42, wherein the type o f the antenna i s PZFA. 1 5. (Amended) A mobile station as claimed claim 42, wherein conductors or electronic components a r e fastened to the antenna raising component. 6. (Amended) A mobile station as claimed in claim %- , wherein an 9 I si antenna circuit board is arranged in -ad assembly space. antenna 7. (Amended} An antenna arrangement for a mobile etation, comprising an integrated antenna, an antenna ground plane and an antenna elevacion piece arranged to keep the antenna at a determined height from the ground plane, wherein the antenna arrangement is arranged in a space shared with a speaker of the mobile atation, and 3 u .a .- circuit board is mounted in t h e mobile station such that it does not extend i n t o said space. 8. (Amended) An the antenna arrangement as claimed in an claim 7, wherein module, antenna arrangement is arranged as assembly TOTQL P.1 0 \ . ." '... \ JqN-17-2003 15:37 PERMFlN 8 GREEN, LLP P.01 FACSIMILE MESSAGE FROM PERMAN & GREEN, LLP 425 P o s t Road F a i r f i e l d . , CT 06430 Main telephone number: 203/259-1800 Date: Facsimile number: 203/255-5170 January 17, 2003 James C. Clinger Art Unit: 2821 ( 7 0 3 1 308-7722 -6- To : Fax No. : --.---_. RE : From : Serial No. 09/939, 313 Janik Marcovici I -I-- . .. sa. Number o f pages, including this s h e e t , being transmit t ed : 10 Attached f o r filing please f i n d : FAX RECEIVED JAN 1 7 2003 TECHNOLOGY CENTER 2800 Amendment I 9 p a g e s )

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