Overture Services, Inc. v. Google Inc.

Filing 82

DECLARATION in Support re 70 (Christine P. Sun) Opposition to Overture's Motion for Protective Order filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A# 2 Exhibit B# 3 Exhibit C# 4 Exhibit D# 5 Exhibit E# 6 Exhibit F# 7 Exhibit I# 8 Exhibit J# 9 Exhibit K# 10 Exhibit L# 11 Exhibit M# 12 Exhibit N# 13 Exhibit O# 14 Exhibit P# 15 Exhibit Q# 16 Exhibit R)(Related document(s) 70 ) (Sun, Christine)

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Overture Services, Inc. v. Google Inc. Doc. 82 Att. 16 Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW Document 82-17 Filed 08/11/2003 Page 1 of 22 -1/7 :~r( LAW OFFICES KEKER & VAN NEST L.P. 710 SANSOME STREET SAN FRANCISCO . CA 94111- 1704 TELEPHONE (4151 391- 5400 FAX 141S1 397- 7188 August 5 , 2003 VIA FACSIMILE AND FIRST CLASS MAIL Charles M. McMahon, Esq. Brinks Hofer Gilson & Lione NBC Tower - Suite 3600 455 N. Cityfront Plaza Drive Chicago , IL 60611 Re: Overture Services, Inc. v. Google Inc. Dear Mr. McMahon: Enclosed please find copies of documents bates numbered THD 0000 1 through THD 00021. These documents were received in response to document subpoenas relating to GaTa' s System prior to June 1998. Thank you. Amy Zell Paralegal (2;' Enclosure 316628. Dockets.Justia.com .~ Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW Document 82-17 Filed 08/11/2003 Page 2 of 22 1*( CARECOUNSEL EXPERT HELP WHEN You NEED IT MOST RECEIVECJ JUL () 8 2003 KEKEF~ g VAN NEST July 7 , 2003 Christine P. Sun Keker & Van Nest 710 Sansome Street San Francisco , CA 94111 Dear Ms. Sun: We received the subpoena from you requesting documents and financial records relating to our relationship with GOTO. com. We have searched old emails and invoices in our accounting system. It appears that we did not do business with GOTO. com before September 1998 (the date of the first bill paid by CareCounsel , LLC to GOTO. com for advertising). Based on our recent phone conversation , this letter acknowledges that fact. Sinyer,ely, 1--" V'e/V\J Gelb f) 1 , President and CEO THD 00001 CareCounsel, LLC 68 Mitchell Boulevard Suite 200 San Rafael, California 94903 Phone: 415-472-2366 Fax: 415-472- 5528 E-mail: staOOcarecounsel.com -" p ) .... . B7/B9/2BB3 p~ "?! "....... -EB SUJTH ~(' ~_\ Page 3 of 22 PAGE 62 t" . '- Jul 10 a03 3:02-cv-01991-JSW C se 07:07a IG:45 5164517931 Document 82-17 Filed 08/11/2003 C~!!EX f. Ra:ord SOOjcct: C~rtifiCltiOD Goto ' s S Y1Iam ord~ I. the undcn;jgBCd, bc:i:ng !.be duly autborizcd rnSiOdWl of f'CCOf'ds Of other AcJ Uo Corooratioa qnal1.titd Mt.a(sa fur the (oUow1I1,!; cnlity '20 Wubinf1Oll Bou1cvaro With pcnon1I know~ oCthc facts set forth bclow , a.od authority 10 I) A compkIe aDd tborou~ scardi of said fach, 00 hacby att.CQ 86 fuI.Iows: Y.. /'Ie all iICtM., inacti~ and stored 2) All tdent:iJyiDg infoI1Jlll1ion p.-orided, includi~ rovided, and DO fila; hti been made for the m:onts.. mambc:n rL IIUlInc1Il or tavice , aDd II.ame5 err J) AD poKiblc inEora:lXion tb8I can be UKd to search fa- the 4) All bruch offices aDd otha b.t noIlimilcd 10 IWa of bi.rth, JOCiaI JCcurity Dt1IDben, fiJc panic::s \O'aS used in tbc 8t2rclJ, of -di ~) The cntiry 6) To the bell of my know~ ad the CDriJy lUted does IICJIt now and DCYI7 has operated name:, 01' 31 Other locabom thai were in any way cu:tudcd from !be ICarCh (0( !hac I'OC()(ds.. 7) To the tat of my knowkdgc a.ud belief, IIOftC of the RqUe$&((I records CWTCIJdy CWI c~ furt.ber search wUh addiUonaJ infunnatioo U 1X*ibk. the record RIb;ect named IIbovc Jal'l:hcd C8I ti~ above hx DO separate privalc rccotdl or other ICp8nde fib, tDcbJdiq oous:ultatioDII, trcat:JneuI OJ bmiDOa.looldon5 for the mtity lisicd 3bwc h8vc bcOJ tiles, that in auy way ClCJodcd from the iC8tCb. for these rtCOfds, under other 11~ lilY "No" lUt",cn, The ICCOf'ds cal.Iod for ADd dekribcd cannot be product;d (Qr the ItMwoM AllI'tCO!:d5 described in '1 provide. ck:taikd ,.~...arlo.; fDIJowins spccifk rt:a&owi: PokY Attac.bmmI A" that \.be f~goill8 is true and oom:d. Euancd 08: Sip.tuc: hiGt J:WDe; 9tM1 1o \Y)eJ o(~ LcpI Scmca Inc" I brreby dcr\8I"c that a1J , iDfomatioa pnn1d.od 10 Compcx rcprding theic ra:aW was allJlmUlUCalod 10 !be custodl8C\ prior' &0 the c:xcaJtioo of thU Cc1ifocalcl of No HOD: n.e c.to4t.. -.. rwhn4. mne-d te te alp dIU cerUftaU .... . aJmllN' Dak: CDtDpC:!' OTtkr 8, ~IS-OO THD 00002 Case Sent By: DayanPR; 3:02-cv-01991-JSW +972 3 5225531 Document 82-17; 17:33 13. ulFiledJ08/11/2003; age Page 4 Pof 221/2 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: COMPEX LEGAL SERVICES, INC. CIO KEKER & VAN NEST LLP, AnN: CHRISTINE P SUN FROM: GARY DAVIS FAX NUMBER: 415-391-7156 COMPANY: JULY 13 2003 TOTAL. HO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: SENDER' S PHONE NUMBER: PHONE NUMBER: 650-864-2200 RE.: Letter 0( June 19, 2003 (Subp0en8 in Ctn8 No, C 02"'()1991 JfYN SENDER' S FAX NUMBER: 6 so.- S6 4-2006 (EDL) - CNertu--e y. Google) 0 URGENT 0 FOR REVIEW 0 PLEASE COMMENT 0 PLEASE REPLY 0 PLEASE RECYCLE ~NTS Door ~- Sun Attached is the DeOO"ation we have been asked to sign 00. Please note that, relating to Goto fotJowing a review of cu files. we v.oere not abfe to find e i1hef as a vendor or aJStomer of CornmtoLK;h. Please notify Compex of our respcnse. Sincerely, Gary Davis Genera I Counsej Commtooch Inc. 1300 CRITTENDEN LAHE . SUITE 102 . MOUNTAIN VIEW. CA 940...3 PHO"E: e~O, 8&", ::r2PO . FAX: 1550. 864. 2006 THD 00003 .*..~.......*....................*.........*................ . J1.."e~v"u: ~e/ tJ/O3 0:04; Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW Sent By: Com~ToUch Software , Inc. Document 82-17 Filed 08/11/2003 Page 5 of 22 850 8M 2002; Jun- 25- 0a 2:02PM; Page 7/11 146 SOUTH SPRUCE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO , CA 94080 . (650) 246- 1201 ORDER # :AS 79916 - ~~n e~~ 2002 ' ~ DayanPA; F'ag.. 7 COMPEX LrpJ SdV!CQ, lite. OOB NOTICE TO PARTY BEING SUBPOENAED You may satlliy (h~ provi.~ions of this subpoenl\. by following any of the .1. (o/lOwill~ instructions: ALLOW COMPEX ' m PHOTOCOPY THE REQUES'fRD RECORD W~l~~oWrJ1' YOu THE IF THE SUBPOENA CALLS FOR RECORDS TO BE PRODUC~~J1..E.ASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING DECLARATION AND INCLUDE IT WIlli THE 'PLEA..4;jE 8k1~I'JA tl611~lPffl~~WEE ~:r~D~gr~iN FILL OUT mOI!OUGHLY K.C\..vRDS- DECLARATION OF CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS h~thcsc recrlrm. in 1300 CRITTENDON LANE , SUITE 104 MOUNTAIN VIEW of with personaJ knowJedg~ J. uud~rs.iploo. bciDs.! the duly autharized cu~todla.n of reccrds for: COMMTOUCH SOFTWARE , INC. the fa(:(.~ , CA 94043 set forth bclo-w. and authority to cenify said rccord.! , do hereby atlest to th.e foUowUt& I am AA employee of the O!ganizatioll listed above and .have perso.n..aI knawiedge GOTO S SYSTEM DATE OF' BIRTH: of the ptocedures and prac:tiCC$ te&q~ The (ccorc4 pertain to: 0/00/00 SOCIAL SEC. NO. I to A COMPEX a&ent wI of llicluding (hi~ certificate, ;ill t.b..e rtcordts documenu: (ItCtIIS must be desrib~ jn g1'L~ar O1loudl called for in the :Attached Subpoc:na with which I for the purp06e of copying puuuant to Evidence Code: w~ served lave:. specifcity to IS6/), with the ~cption of theilltached identify rocl1 a;cluded items) ; .Provid~d rocw& identity and method of mdiC3te their rruslwortbines! O~th to t..hc forcgoing f:1cu, The; records were pr~pared in tbe ordilUr)' C(ltJf~ oJnodian of records , at or near me time of the of uid for which I' aJn the dcpictro t11ercin. As cu6todilU1. 1 tesrlly to the preparation. Tb~ Jour~ of the iufonulltion and of preparation W~e as to ff I were called of bu.riPOM, by the acts. conrlitior3S. or evcn4 pascmnc:l 8.3 a wil11e!s in. t:Ms matter, I could tnd would s~ I h~reby declare under penally of perjury und~r the laws of the State of .BXECUTED ON true and correct. J..., (DATE) compct~JItJy I"Ui/y under California.., that the foreg,oing C~ ~OO b-y~e. A~~A,J EXECUTED AT (ADD IUJSS) s--t ~STAT' SIGNED I'lUNT NAME Gary ~NP"" coo~ R1JCORDS) :X (S OF CU ~F Davis THD 00004 General Counsel and Secretary Commtouch ?,/?, a6ed Tnr- E:~ ~E:E::H E:O- ~E:SS?'?'S E: U6+ ~BdueAea :A8 ~ua9 ... ~~ . -.. n..' vv Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW Document 82-17 Filed 08/11/2003 Page 6 of 22 C~,!!EX Record Subject: Certification of No Records Date of Uinh: N/A Soc See 11-: N/ GOlo s System AK/1:-1!M__,___ records or other qu.1.lificd wiLJICSS , the undersigned , being the duly authori/.cd cuslOd.ian. of for Ihe folJowing CJI111)': Distinct Corporation 3315 AJIIl!1den Exprcs5 i.1 e J() l"u With pcl"$Onal knowledge of the fa(.1s $(.1 forth below . and ;mthority to eenify $;.lid fact:;. do hereby attest as follows: I) A complete and thorough seareh of aU active , inaCtive, and stored files lkLS been made for the records- 2) All idcnti(ving infomution provided, including but not Ii lIli LCd to d.-1lCs ofbil1h , soci-11 security numbcrs.. ok numbel'$.. dates of I reat ment or service.. u.scd in the scolrch. I2J C8J 4) and romes of involved panics was v.ras J) AU possible information that can be used to $C..1rch for the records of the record subject named above provided , and no fur1h~ search with additional information is possible. All br:mch offices and other bu.~nc..,-o; 100000uons for tlIC entity li~ted :\bove have been sc:trchcd. , tr~J\menl 5) The entity listed above h.;Js no scp;lr.1te private records or other sqxmlte files.. including eonsuJt.;ltions ~reh for these rOCQ rds classifications. or ehronoJogical files.. that wcre in any way excluded from the 6) To the best of my knowledge 3nd belief, the entity listed. above docs not now and never has Opcr:llCd under other namC$ or at otocr loc.1.tiol1..o; that were in any way excluded from the sc:uch for Ihe~ records. curTcntly exist. 7) To the best of my knowledge and belief. none oCthe requested records !Xl (;8j !Xl rZJ For any "' ~ answers. plca:IC provide;J. dcbilcd c:xplan:rtion: 1hc records called for ;md described ~nnol be produced for thc following specific TCa.o;ons: RKv...I(.) RM.J.~.-.I N~"r Ed"tr;! 1),,:..1"")'.-.1 RPtM.rkI.. P...lky ()t""" (1'1t'. n~ HI""ln) All documents requested in - ~ Allachmcnt A- for the any d,1IC$ prior to 06/0 U98 . 0- , 0, '..- ...-- I hereby declare under penalty of pcJjury. pursu;.lnt to the laws of the Slate of that thc foregoing is true ;Jnd oolTCC1, Executed on: 7/, e- 0~ P.", at - I))-Q,,~ Si~3ture: ~ 'L-:-~ to the cu..~todi:m prior to the Print name: T1\1t C I c;. / P CDfLQ IT! As JJ1 :I(',CJ11 of Compc.x Lcgnl Services, Inc" I hereby dccJlITe Ih.1t :Ill information provilk-u to Compcx rq;!1riling thl.::oc rL-.:.unJ~ WU~ c.olruuwli~tL'-d execution of this CcrtifiCJ.te of No Record.~ NOTE: The Cwtodian W1U reque,ted to ~il:D thi, certifialtc aDd refused , electing ilUtu. to CD ntc a ,imilnr documcnt Date: Compc:x Orderlt: A1I7?916..o11 THD 00005 Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW Document 82-17 Filed 08/11/2003 Page 7 of 22 Citysearch 3731 W,lshue Blvd. 3rd Floor, Los Angeles , CA 900 I 0 Direct: (213)739- 3511 fax: (213)427- 1502 VIA OVERNIGHT MAIL July 16 2003 Christine p, Sun Keker & Van Nest LLP 710 Sansome Street San Francisco , CA 94111- 1704 Re: Overture Services, Inc. v. Google , Subpoena dated June 19, 2003 Dear Ms, Sun: In response to the above-referenced subpoena , please be advised that after a diligent search we have determined Citysearch, com does not have any documents responsive to the above- referenced subpoena. If we do discover documents that we determine are responsive , we will contact you. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, ~(~UShl cc: ~J7? Beth Lovejoy-Corrigan Ed Weiss General Counsel THD 00006 J Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW Document 82-17 Filed 08/11/2003 ~\,~;:" \ :\'" ~\~~ Page 8 of 22 ~~!f5 ::1 'fl; l.tiNf. \\ i:'ii"4~ I;' I : 'I' I "' ' r '11'.II1 !, I! f E /:; I" 'IE. uly 15 2003 f\ '\L.i', v L , ; d: ' 'rJ\' C:l i'J Nc~: ( ','O VIA U. S. Mail Christine P. Sun Keker & Van Nest LLP 710 Sansome Street San Francisco , CA 94111- 1704 Re: Overture Services, Inc. v, Google Case No, C 02- 01991 JSW Dear Ms. Sun Ask Jeeves has diligently conducted a review of its documents and records in response to the third-party subpoena propounded on it by Google Technology, Inc. in the above-captioned matter, and has found nothing responsive to produce. Should you have any questions, I can be reached at 510-985- 7509. 5h~A. Sharon A. Anolik Associate General Counsel and Chief Privacy Officer THD 00007 5858 Horton Street, Suite 350 Emeryville, CA 94608 moln: 5109857400 fox: 510985 7410 C~,!!EX Record Subject: AKA: Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW Document 82-17 Filed 08/11/2003 Page 9 of 22 Certification of No Records Date of Birth: N/A Sex: Sec #: N/A Goto s System N/A , the undersigned , being the duly authorized custodian of records or other qualified witness for the following entity: Classic FX 6754 Barbara With personal knowledge of the facts set forth below 1) A complete and thorough search of all active , and authority to certify said facts , do hereby attest as follows: , file Yes , inactive , and stored files has been made for the records, to dates of birth, social security 2) All identifying information provided, including butofnot limitedparties was used in the search, numbers , and names involved numbers , dates of treatment or service 3) All possible infonnation that can be used to search for the records of the record subject named above was provided , and no further search with additional information is possible, been searched, 4) All branch offices and other business locations for the entity listed above haveincluding consultations, treatment , 5) The entity listed above has no separate private records or other separate files classifications , or chronological files , that were in any way excluded from the search for these records. , the entity listed above does not now and never has operated under other 6) To the best of my knowledge and belief names or at other locations that were in any way excluded from the search for these records, , none of the requested records currently exist. 7) To the best of my knowledge and belief For any " " answers, please provide a detailed explanation: The records called for and described Reconl uested Never Existed Lo5t Retention Poli Othe lea5e ex All documents requested in n Attachment A" for the any dates l&1 Jrior to 06/01/98 that the foregoing is true and correct. I hereby declare under penal Executed on: Signature: Sebasta Print name: tt5 As an agent ofCompex Legal Services , Inc. , I hereby declare that all infonnation provided to Compex regarding these records was communicated to the custodian prior to the execution of this Certificate of No Records, NOTE: The Custodian was requested to sign this certificate and refused, electing instead to geneT1lte a similar document Agent' s Date: signature: -if' THD 00008 A879916-007 ' -7/;~ Compex Ordern: \ Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW FROM : ATTORNEYS 1RUST SERVICE 1 Filed 08/11/2003 9257439259 Document 82-17 PHCt-E HJ. : Page 10 of 22 Jul. 1'3 2003 12: 16PM P2 OO'To. COM. CLI!NT AC1r~1TY ft9'Of\T I"ERtOO: DtOH:It1l11f2000 R~T PAOg 2 OF 2 COMPANY: Attorneys Trullt Service ACCOUNT~; ~1 eAAc T fRJ116 ~6~ UJU. lItO AAfOI.JH T flOP CLICKS TOT~ $a, $O.os con so~ IiI"I1gIMt ~II hC(p~, ..HOI11V)'M~ aII 0!7ICI ~p:fOOtW, TOTAL. 'Oil Title IUJ'OIlT nlUoo. tue T::/' 1/ '/OW *'" 1& bloodb..C Q 2jfO In I'w:I . oF ClJC)CJ not It'IIII'nf6N 11* .. beoIUIM net . cJcIt. lie( I: If hr/t !wi .. IWd htry, I . Ihn ,..wts peoe 10 dit1 t1t 'fOC1l\IItII rid for thoM pIrtIcuQr 'ImM.. OoTo.-. 7.. N. Pa~ 1\.,...1tdF1oot. cA IttO'. rd: 1.28IIU~FM: fUI) UUA1 THD 00009 000001 F Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW FRO1 : ATTrntB'5 TRL6T SERVICE Document 82-17 Filed 08/11/2003 Page 11 of 22 PI-DE I'D. : 9257439259 Jul. 10 2003 12: 16PM Pl /?J~ NATkUEGOTO. COM CLlI!NT ACTIVITY RIiPORT RIiPORT PIIUODI MONTH I!NDING; 01/31/2000 COMPANY: Attorneys Tru5t Service NAME: James N, Wood EMAlL.: jwoodat~m5n. com ACCOUNT *: 3513fdff7685 $0. TOTAL CUCKTHROUGH CHARGES FOR JANUARY 2000: IUlanct II of Dtc:.m~ 31, un: D&p osits I n J IIOUat)' 2 000: Total Cllck1hrough Ch8rgc. In January 2000: $8, $0. ($0. 90) $7. B.lllnc:. II of Janulry :11. 2000: For an Popul8r~ DI/'tICTratfK: ctn:ter, which ~n more 0etMIed summary of your account IctMty, p~aq uu our for a list or our upoom!ng Cartel" U houri 8 day, 7 dayll week. Alto , Click hereto log In: T~'-T~J: - ' httPt:II~~,OQtQ. corn1&IlitcfCII~ h~:mi:~O:n;:n:Q2.C:QrnII~~~';;'~"fv:m~' to log In to ClreoTraMc Want MOle Tra1'nc? ChJnoea are you can dTMtica.lly Inc:ru... Click hw8 for ::I11.t or 10 -ys you CAn maxlml:e r:J1c1cthroughs M1p:"'-' ~~~~~W ~IC to your 5ite If )'QU optimize your account. your stt.: 00 T 6.~ 7.. No A....., W Roof'. 1'1 Yden8. CA 11 tt3 - T et: fI2f) ax: f'1" THD 00010 000002 E Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW FRCN : ATTCR-EYS TRlET SERVICE Document 82-17 Filed 08/11/2003 Page 12 of 22 PI-Dt NO. : 9257439259 Jul. 102003 12:17PH C2~~~ . (510) 986-1727 2001 BROADWAY, SUIT& 100 O~KLAND, CA 94612 ORDER # IA679916 . 003 NOTICE TO PARTY BEING SUBPOENAED You roilY I!lUd)' tho provldon.1 of tbh 1ubpoel\1\ try following MY of tho foUowiul:\ itulluctlon.,: ALLOW COMPEX 10 PHOTOCOfY TIlE 1\EQUESTED RECORDS APPEAR AT 'mE SCHEDULED 11ME AND PLACE BRING WITH YOU TIlE ORIGINALS OF ALL TIlE RECORDS DESCRIDED u~ TI,ffi SUBPOENA ~D If WE SUBPOENA CAliS FOR RECORDS TO BE PRODUCE~ PLEASE COMPLETE 'THE FOLLOWING DEClARATION AND INCLUDE IT WITI:I THE Rt:CORDS. PLEASE FlLL OUT 11fOROUGHLY. II"..... ........ .................... ........ at.........,...... DECLARATION OF CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS , undersigned, being the duly authariz.ed custodian of rcoords (or: ATrORNE'/' S TRUST SERVICE ,I 1\ A ~"::L 11': 2*1 QJW1 KJd. 1M v.u..LU SAN RAMON, CA t.h~ f;)cU ~cl forth ~:7 wiili pcl'1ona! blowledJe of 94S83~ ~low. !JbVD., ~n;., 1 Cl 'V~.,,~~' :AJld duUlurlty to ccrt.ify ~aid Iewrds. do hereby ..~t to the fol1owi.clt u.:u: I ~ ;!J). employ~ of the Oti!.~li(ln IUI~d above :and have persOnal knowlWBc of the ploadur~ and pr:lC1.!ces IclJect~d in !l1es~ records. Tho lCOOIas pertain to; GaTe' S SYSTEM DATE OF BIRTH: 0/00/00 SOCIAL SEC. NO.: y.iUcll I W:IS served hl\ve been providtrl of the att3cbcd II-ith the Q;CCptjon 1560. oC copyi:cg pur&lW1t (0 Evid~n~ Code to a COMPEX 8!;cnt for the purpos~ !in of docomc:n.ts: (l1t:mJ must be iksribed in &Ioa( eno\lg.h s~cifclty to identify ~c:h excluded itllnu) The r~Hls Wc:c pIcpUtd in tho ord.in3ly count of Includilli tni$ ccrliIic:ate, ill Ihe tccorcU c:aIkd for in tho attached SubpoeJ1a with cunodUD of recOrds, at or DC&!: !l1c time of tho ilCt.s.. conditions, Iecords idt:ntlty and method of preparation. 'The sOUIca of th~ 04th to the forcgoinp, facts, busines'- by the penonud of laid butin= for whkb 1 am tho or CVCIJU depicted. thc:rdn, As cu&todi!.n. J lC3tUy to the iuformatiDli and I!\clh.od of prcpanltion wc:re ouc.h u to indictJe their trU\twortbin~. If 1 wa~ ~Icd. M .!I witne~ in thl8 matter, t could and would compdently testify under I hereby declare under pcna1ty true ana correct., f\ff~ of perjury und~ the Jaws of the SUic of Ca1ifomi~ CIi'tJk1t~'t"y d.6~ 1--- ~H ?J ~ ~ Iv that tbe foregoing is XECUTED ON EXECUTED AT j!O 2.0C? (DATI!) III ~trw~" /IM~ ~..J) Su (ADD RES$) ttVSB3 (CI"O'. STA'IEM'D SIGNED PRINT NA.tvffi :X THD 00011 000003 f Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW Document 82-17 Filed 08/11/2003 Page 13 of 22 Custodian I. un ~crslg,nc . being, the duly authorized eustod!un Certi~ication of Records of records for: ATTORNEY' S TRUST SERVICE 2491 SAN RAMON VALLEY BLVD. , STE, 1-303 SAN RAMON , CA 94583- 1601 wi(h person..! knowJcugc of the facts !ct forth below, !lnd authorlly to certify said records do hereby attc.st to the following of I am an employee or the above organization rind have pcrsonw knowledge f..cts: the procedures !lnd practices reflected In tlJe records. Thc records pcrtain 10: GOTO' S SYSTEM Date of Birth: 0/00/00 Social Security Number: Including this certificate, all records called for and described in the attached subpoena pursuant to Evidence Code Section 1560, with the exception of mth which I was served have been pro ' ed to a COMPEX agent the documents (if any) listed be These records were: ailed to COMPEX on: 7-/ or duplication. custodian of Presented to COMPEX on The records were prepared in the ordinary COUIse of busjneos, by tbe personnel of saidbusiness for which I attllhe r~ords, at or near the time of the acts, conditions, or events depicted therein. A5 custodian, I testify to the records identity and method Record Types of preparation. The source of the information and method of preparation were such as to indicate their trustworthiness, If I were called as a witnc:ss in this matter, I could and would competently testify under oath to these facts. If any records were not provided , explain het'e Total number of pages provided: 1 hereby declare, under penalty of pe~ury. pursuant to tbe laws of the State of Dlifomia that tbe foregoing Is true and correct. Sign name: Print Name: Date Signed: Title: Agent' s Certification of Records As an agent of Compcx"Serviccs, lne., I hereby declare iliat the attached are true and complete copies of documents provided to me on tbis date. AU copies will be delivered to NOTE: The Custodian was requested to sign this certificate at the time of document production, and refused to sign or gener;lte a simi1ar document. party that caused this request to be issue :::::,1 " ~d d. Dale: ~ COMPEX Order Number: A879916-003- Signed: DDlc: THD 00012 -' Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW Document 82-17 =,,~" Page 14 of 22 ,:'"' : Filed 08/11/2003 , AO DD (II".11fQ11 aU~nOI" "'. QyO 0.:..11 QIInitrb ~tatpz iBiztrtf"t QIourt DISTRIaf OF CALIfORNIA NORTHERN OVERTURE SERVICES , INC" PLAINTIPFlS) , GOOGLE INC. SUBPOENA IN A CML CASE C 02- 01991 JSW (EDL) CASE NUMBER: 1 DEFENDANT(S) , TO: ATTORNEY' S TRUST SERVICE 2491 SAN RAMON VALLEY BLVD. , STE. 1 - 303 SAN RAMON, CALIfORNIA 94583- 1601 YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear In the United States District Court at the place , date , and I1me specified below to testify k1 the above case, I'I.ACIO Of TESTIMONY DATE At-IO 11ME YOU ARE COMf\W..IOEO to appear at the place , date, and time specified below to testify at the taking of a depos~ion In the above case, PLAce OF DEPOSITION I ,,~'"'"., (Xj YOU ARE COMMANDED to produce and permit Inspectkm and copying of the foJlowing documents or oblec~ at the place , date, and time specified below (list documents or objects): SEE ATTACHMENT A. P L.ACI; DATE AND TIME COMPEX LEGAL SERVICES, INC. 1 46 SOUTH SPRUCE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO 94080 7/21/03 , CA 9:00AM of the following premises at th e date and time specified below. YOU ARE COMMANDED to permit inspection PREMISES I "'~ '"' "M' Any organization not a party to the suh that Is otrlCars, directors , person subpoenaed for the taking of a deposition shall designate one or more or managing agents , or other persons who consent to testify on its behalf , and may $9t forth , .for each 01 CMf Procedure, 30 (b)(6). daslgnated, the matters on which the person wm testify, Federal Rules SUN ATTORNEY- 1I. ISS\J1NG OFflCEJlSIntlATUREAHOnTl,E pNDlCATE IF ATIOI1NEY FOR. PlAIN11FF OR DEFENDANT) DATE . CHRISTINE P. ATTORNEY (S) FOR DEFENDANT LAW ' 6/19/03 GOOGLE INC. ISSUING OFFICER'S NA.J.lE, ADDP.E&:5 AND PHONE NUIoIDEI\ I:..-.-941t1 IS.. KEKER & VAN NEST 710 SANSOME STRE&T SAN FRANCISCO CA It ~1S 391- S400 lIull ~ F.d....IRuI.. ot QvUPtoooduro,P.,u C ~D on R...."ol actlDO b pending in clbulal olh~ than district Df bsuancII stato Ol8trlct undor ca.. n~bcr. THD 00013 000005 Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW Document 82-17 Filed 08/11/2003 Page 15 of 22 Attachmcnt A DEFINITIONS A) "YOU" or " YOUR" refers to Attorneys Trust Service , its subsidiaries divisions , predecessor companies, any joint venture to which it may be a party, and/or each of its employees , agents , officers , directors, representatives consultants , accountants, and attorneys , including any person who served in any such capacity at any time, S SYSTEM" means any GOTO system wherein paid search listings are ranked through an auction process. means GoTo.com, and/or each of its employees, agents officers, directorstrepresentatives , consultants, accountants , and attorneys C) GOTO" B) "GOTO' including any person who served in any such capacity at any time. D) "DOCUMENT(SY means and includes any kind of written typewritten , or printed material whatsoever , and any computer readable media including, but without limitation, papers , agreements , contracts , notes, memoranda presentations , presentation materials , correspondence , letters , emails , telegrams, statements , invoices, personal diaries , records , books, maps, blueprints, fonns transcriptions andrecordings , translations to any language , magnetic tapes, discs printed cards, progra111.Irllng instructions , assembly diagrams, schematic diagrams data books , data sheets , application notes, brochures, specifications , and manuals of which YOU have knowledge or infonnation, .either in YOUR possession or under YOUR custody or control , relating to or pertaining in any way to the subject matters in connection with which it is used and includes , without limitation originals , all file copies, and other copies, no matter how or by whom prepared and all drafts prepared in connection with any such writings , whether used or not regardless of whether the document still exists , and regardless of who has maintained custody of such documents. reflecting, constituting, containing, embodying, pertaining to , involved with mentioning, discussing, consisting of, comprising, showing, commenting upon E) "RELATING TO" means concerning, referring to , summarizing, evidencing, describing or otherwise RELATING TO the subject matter. INSTRUCTIONS In answering this subpoena , YOU are required to furnish all documents that are available to YOU, under YOUR custody or control , not merely A) 311314. THD 00014 000006 Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW Document 82-17 Filed 08/11/2003 Page 16 of 22 such documcnts as the pcrsons preparing the responses know of their own personal . knowledge , but including, without limitation , docUI 11cnts in the possession of YOUR att01l1cys , employees , or other persons directly or indirectly cmp!oyed by, or connected with YOU or YOUR attorneys or consultants , or anyone acting on YOUR bchalf or otherwise subject to YOUR control. In answering this subpoena YOU are requested to make a diligcnt search of YOUR records and of other papers and materials in YOUR possession or control or in the possession or control of YOUR employees , attorneys, consultants , or other representatives. privilege or work product doctrine , YOU are required to provide a privilege Jog B) In the event any infonnatlon is withheld on a claim of attorney-client which includes at least the following information: the nature of the information contained in the withheld document , the date oftbe document , its source and subject matter , and to whom that information was disclosed , such as would enable the privilege claim to be adjudicated and cite any authority which YOU assert supports any claim of privilege. If YOU cannot respond to this subpoena fully, after a diligent attempt to attain the requested information , YOU are required to answer the subpoena to the extent possible , specify the portion of the subpoena YOU are unable to answer and provide whatever information YOU have regarding the unanswered portion. C) DOCUMENTS REO VESTED All DOCUMENTS RELATfNG TO GOTO' S SYSTEM prior to June 1998. 2. All financial records reflecting any payments to GOTO RELATING TO GOTO' S SYSTEM prior to June 1998. THD 00015 3113H. 000007 ... ---,"'Filed 08/11/2003 Page 17 of 22 Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW Document 82-17 c~~f~?! DECLARATION ESTABLISHING PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUBPOENA CASE NUMBER. : C 02 - 01991 JSW (EDL) VS....,..... : CASE CAPTION: OVERTURE SERVICES I INC., GOOGLE INC., I served the attached subpoena by personally delivering a copy to the person served as follows: PERSON SERVED.. . . . . , 1: 50 KYRA L. ADDRESS WHERE SERVED: 2491 SAN RAMON VALLEY BLVD. , STE. 1- 303 SAN RAMON, CA 94583- 1601 PHONE NUMBER. . . . . : 925 8309431 DATE OF DELIVERY.. . . TIME OF 7/02/03 DELIVERY.... 0:00:00 15. for WITNESS FEES PAID... CHECK NUMBER: 6545632 I received the attached subpoena service on... of 7/02/03 Person serving: California process server. Is a registered professional photocopier. Name, address, telephone number, county Is an employee or independent contractor a registered registration, and of registration number: ROBERTO DE LA FUENTE , 2001 BROADWAY, SUITE 100 OAKLAND, CA 94612 LOS ANGELES COUNTY NUMBER 666 510 9861727 of I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws California that the foregoing is true and correct. of the State EXECUTED AT: 2001 BROADWAY, SUITE 100 OAKLAND, CA 94612 DATE, . . . . . . : 7/02/03 IcU4 ORDER# A87991600301 SIGNATURE) THD 00016 000008 Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW C~,!!EX Record Subject: . Goto s System Document 82-17 Filed 08/11/2003 Page 18 of 22 Certification of No Records , the undersigned , being the duly authorized custodian of records or other qualified witness for the following entity: Brave New World. Inc. 221 East Walnut Street, Suite 215 With personal knowledge of the facts set forth below , and authority to certify said facts , do hereby attest as follows: IS) I) A complete and thorough search of all active , inactive , and stored files has been made for the records. 2) All identifying information provided , including but not limited to dates of birth , social security numbers numbers , dates of treatment or service , and names of involved parties was used in the search. , file IS) IS) IS) IS) IS) 3) All possible infonnation that can be used to search for the records of the record subject named above was 4) provided, and no further search with additional infonnation is possible. All branch offices and other business locations for the entity listed above have been searched. , including consultations , treatment 5) The entity listed above has no separate private records or other separate files classifications , or chronological files , that were in any way excluded from the search for these records. 6) To the best of my knowledge and belief, the entity listed above does not now and never has operated under other names or at other locations that were inany way excluded from the search for these records. 7) To the best of my knowledge and belief, none of the requested records currently exist. For any " IS) " answers, please provide a detailed explanation: The records called for and described cannot be produced for the following specific reasons: Record(s) Requested Never Existed Lost Destroyed Retention Policy Other (please explain) Any and All records described in -n Attachment An I hereby declare Executed on: that the foregoing is true and correct Signature: W;~ Print name: 'tSr, Oe~~ As an agent ofCompex Legal Services , Inc. , I hereby declare that all information provided to Compex regarding these records was commun.icated to the custodian prior to the execution of this Certificate of No Records. NOTE: The Cu5todian wa5 requested to sign thi5 certificate an refused, electing instead to genenlte a similar document Agont' s Date: Si""atn" L-- THD 00017 A879915-006 Compex Order #: ,,; ': ~(). . ~~~ ;;"" ;-.) -.. """"' .- ~~~"( ,~~~"~.~.,. ~" ~ , ~ ,.... ,....'...... q;;. "",,' . "". F RCJ1 : Cas0 lDtO~~t e 3:02-cv-01991-JSW SUbJc:t: H':A: ~~r ~;d&~M* Document 82-17 FAX t.n Ju I. Filed 08/11/2003 24 2003 12: 09PM 22 Page 19 of Certification orN Dale ofBlnh: See Sed 9.'~6)J 1. the undc~ign~. being (he: duly authorized CU5todian of records or 01 her qualified witness for the follov.ing cntin' 57. S;JIYL ' tJASHI.u"T~N 8:~~CtKt SCI forth below , SIC( f3 With pe1;Onal knowledge: of the faCH and autboriry 10 certify said facts. do hereby allest as follows: Ytt s.. I) A complete and thorough SUtCh of aU acuve. inactive:. and stored files has been made for the r~rds. 2) All idcnr~ing information P/'OY1dcd. including but not limited to dates ofbirth. 5OC1al ~ri!rnumbc~, file' nwnbcrs. d3tesollrurmenr or sc/'\;cc. and ~S o( im'Olvcd .panies U'1lS used in1he ~h, J) All poS5rble information Ih.lI CUI be used to sc.an:b (or 1M records of the record SUbJoc1 namcd above was prmided.. and no further scan:b with addiUon.al information is possibk. ~) AU bldnch offices and other bu5incss locations (or the entity liSled abo\eha\' c been sarr:hcd, 5) The f,) To entity li.s1cd above Iw no ~tc pri\'atc reCQrdS or other scpar;ite tiles. including consulUuons. tre.abnent c~ssificat.ion.s.. Of chtonolopcaJ files. Uut wcre in wy away t..'tcluded fcom the the: bc-st of rumes or at orner ~h for these rcrords. -;) To the my Imowl~gc and belicf. the entity listed above d\Xs not now and nev~r has OpeJdled under other for these rc:c.ord.s. localloru thai ....~ in any aw;ry excluded from the bc-st of my Imowlcdge aJ1d belief. none of the: requested ~rd.s CUITcntly exist, ~h J2i For U)y W ~ 3..OTfU:n.. plei3oC prtnide a detailed explanation: The records C3l1ed for and described c::IMOI bI! produced for the following sp:6fic rt:3.SOl\S: R",onl(., R"I~'" :'i.....r EtbU"d 'to UortIS ~"'t~ r~4',)tIA~ R~ Ot",.tp~ npWnj l\LL ~p-s /WAy \~,.. .B: Ufuf r(;qt...b t.F:ta?tx ~LA.'t('.b TO l.f!ll~"W ~t.V~~1" t...cnT' ( (,r7rQ ~~~I. \' I,J c.u.~1) cAA~. 0I hcrcb\ dCCl.liC under pcJ"\alty of pt:r)Uf), pUI5l1.:UI! to the la\\ ~ .'...oo wr\f (I ~, c*A."T'. M:JJ fW.) ct.b. It9A . IIT;wc of the SLitI' or' (Au EIt'(:ultd on: ::;i'in~lun:"; \, .1..'\ "~d'lt')( at (ft~ AI;!~T thaI the fore:~oing is lrue and 'om:~1. ~W"" \ 'g'mHl..., "Y C4 Print n:.lme: LDtZI; :)'J oetr& I~~ bclO" !il( lIus J.J\ 11" C0mpo-;\ ( ",pi Scr\' ,c:..::s, lnc , I h~~b\' ,1.0.:1&1" Uul ;111 Th., Im\f\l1T)~:" "as ~(~J'\')" 1I\I~.\r:"\~IIN\ :HO"J,..,j 10 l' vmpc\ :~~arJln~ lhex r~orJ..s ,," C ,""\:"WII, the eJ.."oJIJJ1;1T'.Qf 10 the "\0::"1101\ olthJS I.: ~'f1I1 Ic..JI" 1 ;1.."..",.;, (0: ::= "OTE Th" Cu ;,..ai.O"" .nd r~(u'cd. d~c'iD.t. in"U ""~~nl ~ ,ien:.tllJre: 1);1,\(; rcqueHcd 10 \i~D rbi, "n.ilic.,c Dt"'1t I ..mil.r d~umcnl ~OTARY DI 'TIUC SU"" ot' (uml'"' 0....... -; 11& 74-'11(" M\ commiSSIon e~plr"~: . CD THD 00018 :i - -. .." .", 1),He (\I ' f3inl1: 1 T Filed 08/11/2003 Sac See #: ~ Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW ;Zecord Subjcct: O(t) G( l/(I : ~Yt71 Document 82-17 Page 20 of 22 ~2fIIJ III :, lh:: undcrsigf\ed. being the duly a~orized cusrodi:m 01' rccorcis or ou,,::, --~u ' I!:~_ ::S le)r lhe I ollowing entity: :CXC(L L:c(LJU I lJ'-3 04(( L H Ic., fi Jhd c, 1tf2-(~A (bL0') ,; i:' :c::' :::J~ :.:,r L/ yC:,- Ie, ll1 ':~rsonaj Knowledge oflhe facts ser ronh l:elo\\' :na :uII1,xir:: '0 ':elii, 'by ~Htcst as follows: ., complete and thorough search of all active, inacti\' c, ~nd oLored rile, ;' ::S, ,he records, 3) \11 identifying information provided. including but not t;mit~d (0 G;:HC~ ,i:' ~::::I' .:cc!rirv numbers. file .lUmbers, dates oftremment or service, and names of ;,l\'oil'c'j ;:J.n;es ':,, " :::rc~, -\11 Dossible iniormation that can be uscd to search ror ,he records of \i1l: :CC()~U ' i::' i ':c: :1:ln1cd above was provided. and no funher search with additionai information is possioil' -\ II branch offices and other business locations 1 01' the e::tity ill htcd ::001',,; " : \:ic;:i:d, ::'!:5~lt:H!CnS , r;-/ The entity listed above has no separate private recoros or 1)11121' cc~o::rJ!,~ !:::,: c!Jssirlcations. or chronological files, that were in unv \vay e\ciuacu riO,i1 Ii) tre3tment I C ' :::1':;; " ~" l!l~se records, To the best of my knowledge and belief. the entity listcd :\OO\' C Jo~s ;lames or at other locations that were in any way c:-.:ciuded frem 1:1;: s~, '\.1\'.' :' ::1 : ,1' illi !:, ,:~ !::15 operated under other ;::2~~ :~::niCS, T a the best of my knowledge and belief, none of the rc:aues:d reco,cis cuITc:ni\ " for ::ny " "10 " E( C :lnswers, please provide:1 detailed C\pl:1n:1tion: Ti~e records called for and described cannot be produced for i:,C : 1iI0, :in~' :1~c"rli(,1 l~cnllcSlcd :;'-' : :::::;,,;,5: ~eI' rr f.xiSlcli ' :oS! l"'C~";'" rK.R I- 1--:; ~ fZD/ J? 1--' L....; ! hereby declare under penalty ::.\ccllted on: (.--1/'( :;I~!1;Jrure: fA a. Datle 9f P L.: l~;e 51:te ury, pursuant to the . (iO ;:;r ' ::5,,:5' ~:;i:,)\' :idged before me this 0:' IPnn! C"SlCOlan "'mOl d;:1\' ,1r (EnIHY) ,!.!.('!1t s signature: :~;HC: It 1vJ Compel Order #: HD 00019 ;1f:!2fN7 ozrl r Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW Document 82-17 Filed 08/11/2003 Page 21 of 22 hA-0~ (\0 ~~cv: b-ec J-L. 5lJYv'f ls ljJ;t~ '-f~ ~o Cfl/V'\ftn\_ A~ (10("" 00 I- ~aVJ ~~ Nt ~ uv ~~ kvu h6 ~~'i A Y\ ~L( Y\ 1tV\ t'\; ze THD 00020 A" t'l-qql \P ~oo Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW Document 82-17 Filed 08/11/2003 Page 22 of 22 Custodian s Certification of Records , undersigned , being the duly authorized custodian of records for: DEAN B. MAZZEI 118 DUFOUR STREET SANTA CRUZ , CA 95060 with personal knowledge of the facts set forth below , and authority to certify said records do hereby attest to the following facts: 1 am an employee of the above organization and have personal knowledge of the procedures. and practices reflected in the records. The records pertain to: GOTO' S SYSTEM Date of Birth: 0/00/00 Social Security Number: Including this certificate , all records called for and described in the attached subpoena with which I was served have been provided to a COMPEX agent pursuant to Evidence Code Section 1560, the documents (if any) listed below. These records were with the exception of ~ailed to CO MPEX on: Presented to COMPEX on "I \3\~=3 for duplication. The records were prepared in the ordinary course of business, by the persOnnel of said business for which I am the custodian of records , at or near the time of the acts, conditions , or events depicted therein. As custodian , I testify to the records identity and method of preparation. The source of the information and method of preparation were such as to indicate their trustworthiness. If I were called as a witness in this matter , I could and would competently testify under oath to these facts. Record Types If any records were not provided, explain here Total number of pages provided: I hereby declare, under penalty of perjury, pursuant to the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Sign name: Print Name: Date Signed: Title: Agent' s Certification of Records As an agent of Compex Services, Inc. , I hereby declare that the attached are true and complete copies of documents provided to me on this date. All copies will be delivered to NOTE: The Custodian was requested to sign this certificate at the time of document production , and refused to sign or generate a similar document. party that caused this request to be issued. THD 00021 Signed: The total number of pages copied was: Signed-- Date: ' ~((C) Date: COMPEX Order Number: A879916-009-

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