Overture Services, Inc. v. Google Inc.

Filing 82

DECLARATION in Support re 70 (Christine P. Sun) Opposition to Overture's Motion for Protective Order filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A# 2 Exhibit B# 3 Exhibit C# 4 Exhibit D# 5 Exhibit E# 6 Exhibit F# 7 Exhibit I# 8 Exhibit J# 9 Exhibit K# 10 Exhibit L# 11 Exhibit M# 12 Exhibit N# 13 Exhibit O# 14 Exhibit P# 15 Exhibit Q# 16 Exhibit R)(Related document(s) 70 ) (Sun, Christine)

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Overture Services, Inc. v. Google Inc. ... Document 82-7 Filed 08/11/2003 Page 1 of 5 Doc. 82 Att. 6 Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW *~D ~-rr-o2 P-L I nereby certify InattnlS correspondence is being depositcd wltn Ine Un lied Siaies Posta! Service, Wlln sufficient postage , as f"'1 class mail In an cm' elope addressed 10: Asslstanl CommiSSioner for Patents Wasnlngton , DC 20231 on ApnJ 6 , 2000 Date of Deposil JohnG Rauch , Reg No 37 218 Name of applicant . assignee or Registered Representorlve r2?: :;?Q :;D ("oJ ?(-n (iI ::2. r-" ,ot' 10fMAfJ-v. o... -;;J = Our Case No. c;?, 9~3/112 IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE In re Appiicaiion of: Davis , Darren , et al. Seria1 No, 09/3P, 677 Examiner: Nguyen , C. Group Art Unit No, : 2764 Filing Date May 28, 1999 For SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR INFLUENCING A POSITION ON A SEARCH RESULT LIST GENERATED BY A COMPUTER NETWORK SEARCH ENGINE RESPONSE Assistant Commissioner for Patents Washmgton , D, c. 20231 Dear Sir: This Amendment IS m response to the Office Action maIled January 31 , 2000 , and having a response due on or before Apnl 30, 2000. REMARKS Claims 1- 68 are pending in the application. Reconsideration and allowance of claims 1- 68 m lIght of the arguments herein is respectfully requested, GOG 31652 Dockets.Justia.com Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW Document 82-7 Filed 08/11/2003 Page 2 of 5 Claim Rejections Claims 1- 68 stand rejected under 35 USe. 1 02(b) as being anticipated by an anicle publIshed May J 9, 1998 about " Goto, com announces first round of financing, " respectfully traversed, This rejection Independent cJaims 1 , 11 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 52 , and 68 , as amended , contain limitarions nowhere shown in any of the prior art of record , including the cited reference. For example claim I was amended by the Preliminary Amendment dated January 12 2000 to recite that each search lIsting IS associated with " a modifiable bid amount that is independent of other components of the search listing, " Independent claims II , 13 , and 68 have been amended to include similar JinlJtations, This aspect of the invention defined by claims , J5 , 30 , 52 , and 68 is nowhere shown, described or suggested in the cited reference, Further , each of independent claims 1 , II , 13 , 14, 15 , 52 , and 68 contains recites "recording a limitations not shown in the cited reference, For example , claim 1 retrieval request event in database corresponding to the searcher s retTlevaI request" II recItes " Claim estimating the cost of a search listing for a specified time period upon receiving a Claim 13 recites " generatIng request from a web site promoter. " a search listing activity report Including Information on retrieval requests received from searchers during a specified time period" Claim 14 recites "suggesting alternative search terms to the searcher for Claim 15 generating addillonal search result lists relatIve to the searcher s search request. " recites " determlnmg a position substantially in real time for the updated search listing in a search result list generated by the search engine in response to a search request received from a searcher using the computer network , where the search term of the updated search listing generates a match with the search request and the position of the updated search listing in the search resuh lIs! is determined using the bid amount. " Similarly, claim 30 recites generating a search result I1st comprised of search listings wherein the search term for each search listIng generates a match with the search request , the search listings in the search result list arranged in an order correspondmg to the bid amounts of the search listing, " 52 recites a number of limitations not disclosed in the cited reference , including at least Claim providing the web site promoter with login access".. " Similarly, claim 68 recites a number GOG 31653 -, Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW Document 82-7 Filed 08/11/2003 Page 3 of 5 of limitations not disclosed in the cited reference, Including at least "programming code for providing the advertIsing web sIte promoter with login access.,.. Accordingly, since the quoted limitations of independent claims 1 , 11 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 30 , and 68 are nowhere shown , described or suggested in the cited reference, the cited. reference can not anticipate any of these claims- Accordingly, each of these claims is allowable over the cited reference, Dependent claims 2, 12 , 16, 31- 51 and 53- 67 are 9 102(b) rejection of each aJlowable for the same reasons. WithdrawaJ of the 35 Us, c. claims 1- 68 is respectfulJy requested, The Drawings The examiner notes that the application was filed with informal drawings and has required formal drawings, Fonnal drawings 'mil be filed when the application is allowed. With this Amendment , the application is in condition for aJlowance. Should the Examiner deem a telephone conference to be helpful in expediting aJlowance of this application , the Examiner is invited to caIJ the undersigned attorney at the telephone number shown below, RespectfuIJy submitted C- W-~ . J61ill G. Rauch Registration No, 37 218 Attomey for Applicant April 6 , 2000 BRINKS HOFER GILSON & LIONE O, BOX 10395 CHICAGO , ILLINOIS 60610 (312)321-4200 GOG 31654 ,~" ~' " "" ~'Document 82-7 ......, Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW Filed 08/11/2003 Page 4 of 5 r-u Rf, ~SMtTT" L LETTER ""ng Oate gLr6L Cas , 0. 9623/112 Exam,ner C. Nguyen Group An Unrt May 28 . 1999 2764 INFLUENCING A POSITION ON A SEARCH RESULT LIST GENERA TED BY A COMPUTER A venhed statement to estabiish small ent,ty Status undel 37 CFR !! 1. 9 subml1!ed TO THE ASSISTANT COMMtSSIONER FOR PATENTS Transmrtted herewith ISIcPnsmmalJe1!er In d;m~fu soonse' ostcard evldenclnQ receipt Small entrty status of th,s applrcatrOn under 37 CFR ! 1. 27 has been established by veril,ed Statel~1! p~iou.gJO and 1.27 ,s enclosed, Petlllon lor a _ month extension of time, No additional fee" required. G -u rrl =n :r: I'l I',) rrl The fee has been calculated as shown below: Other Than r---r /r" Total Indep. Small Entrty Small Entrtv Add' Fee Cla,ms Rema'nlng Atter Highest No. Amendment ~:i)~ Minus ~'flc Prev'ousty Pa,d For Present Extra Rate Add" Fee Rate x s9= x 39 = x $18 = M,nus x$78= + $260= F"St Presentation Muillpte Dep. Claim + $130 TotaJ add" lee total add' i tee $ Please charge Oeposrt Account No, 23, 1925 (BRINKS HOFER GILSON & LIONEl ,n the amount of duplrcate copy of th,s sheet,s enclosed. A check In the amOunt 01 $ 10 cover the 100,ng fee,s enclosed. ,A The Ass'stant CO"1"'Issloner " hereby authon2ed to charge payment of any l addrtlonaJ 1II,ng lees requ,red under 37 CFR ! 1 16 and any patent appircalton plocess,ng lees under 37 CFR ! 1. 17 associated WIth this eommun'catlon or credrt any overpayment 10 Deposrt Account No. 23- 1925 A duplicate copy 01 th" sheet" enclosed, duplicate copy of thrs sheet's enclosed I hereby pet'tlon under 37 CFR ! 1 1361al for any extenSIOn of time requrred to ensure that th" paper" timely f,led Ptease charge any assoc,ated fees which have not otherw"e been paid 10 DepoSIt Account No, 23, 1925, A Respectlu,Jy suom'ttea dolinG Rauch ~~~JL--. Pomls"v", Regrstrat,on No 37 2'8 Attorney for Applicant BRINKS HOFER GILSON & LlONE O. BOX 10395 CHICAGO , ILLINOIS 60610 13121321- 4200 r"" or", m", . w"h 'ulf",.", pomg,. ,n ,n 'nvolope ,dd""eP 10 A",,"n, Com""",on" ", P'..n", W"h,ngron. 0 C 20231 , on I h,..by ceo,.ly Ih.. 'h" ,o"e,pond,n" " """ deno,,"d w"h Ihe U",red 5,.." 0... ,"v 0" . W\0? 5,gn"u.. VCLiVv1 FlCOMMON'.Jg, Goro\9623 112 r"n,m,o,1 do' GOG 31655 ~, (, ," :;::: Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW Document 82-7 Filed 08/11/2003 Page 5 of 5 TR'INSM!r. AL LETTER Se".1 No C. - No 9623/1 12 ng Date 09/322, 677 Inventorls) OavlS, et el May 2B, 1999 ExamIner C. Nguyen Group Ar1 Unit 2764 TItle Of Invention TEM AND METHOD FOR tNFLUENCING A POSITtON ON A SEARCH RESULT LIST GENERATED BY A COMPUTER ORK SEARCH ENG!NE 4fJ.f IQ c.... ::910 "'MAR~ A verrfled statement to estabt,sh small enrny Status under 37 CFR !! 1, 9 and 1.27 IS enctosed, submitted TO THE ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER FOR PATENTS Transmitted herewith IS Tran~mlttal Lette ln dupt~eat. Res ons~' ostcard evld~ne", recei Small ent,ty StatuS of thos applrea"on under 37 CFR i 1. 27 has been estabtlShed by ve"lled stat ."!\'ent prevrously :;;D '-0 Pel/tron for a _month extenSron of !Ime. No additional fee IS reQurred- ::;0 rTl rTl The lee has been catcutated as shown below I ~~ c: rTl ClaIms ghest No. Rem.,n,ng After PrevIously Pa,a For Present Extra Amendment Total Indep, MInus III Small Entrty Add' Fee :;::J = QfW,r Than Small EntIty Add' Fee Rate Rate $9= $IB = M,nus 39= + $130 x $78= + S260= F,rst PresentaMn of Multrple Dep Ctalm Total add' ! fee total add' ! fee the duplicate copy of ,his pfease charge Deposrt Account No. 23- 1925 sheet IS enclosed (BRINKS HOFER GILSON & LIONEl In amount of $ ,A A check In the amounl of $ The to cover the f""'g fee IS enelosed- I'ss'stant CommISsioner rS hereby authonzed 10 charge paymenr of any addOtlOna!fIlIng fees requITed under 37 CFR ! 1 16 and any patent applicatIOn processing fees under 37 CFR ! 1, 17 associated wOth this commun'catron or credit any ovelpayment to DepoSIt Account No 23- 1925. A duplicate copy of thIS sheet IS enclosed. I hereby petit ran under 37 CFR ! 1 1361al for any extensIon of tIme requrred to enSUre that thIS paper IS tImely filed Please charge any associated fees wh,ch have not otherwIse been paid to Deposit Account No, 23, duphcate c'opy 01 th,s sheet's enclosed 1925, A Respectfully submnted, C -.i0 1\'"'nG, 8RINKS HOFER GfLSON & LlONE Rauch RegrstratlOn No. 37 218 Attorney for Apphcant 1~ O. BOX 10395 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60610 13' 2) 321- 4200 r"ar to" co""pond,n,, " '..n, d'p"".., """ "" Un,red Poml s."VIC' " S",., 'U" ,,'" mOI , MI" ,""",an' po,",oa, ,n on an,,'op, o""'"d" A"""nr Comm","on,' 10' e"an" , ".."mo,on, a c 10131 , on Ap,,' 6 2000 I ""'" ""'" 0", ..v 0" - Sl.n"u.. vtfkw F 'COMMON'.Jg,'GolO\9623 "2 T"n.ml"" dDO GOG 31656

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