O'Bannon, Jr. v. National Collegiate Athletic Association et al

Filing 255

Defendant NCAA's Notice of Motion and Motion to Admit Exhibits by National Collegiate Athletic Association (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Exhibit G, #8 Exhibit H, #9 Exhibit I, #10 Exhibit J, #11 Exhibit K, #12 Proposed Order)(Miller, Jeslyn) (Filed on 6/27/2014) Modified on 6/30/2014 (cpS, COURT STAFF).

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EXHIBIT C ........I I - - - - - · I ·~J ESPN. INC . CONfiDENTIAL ESPN PLAZA. BRISTOL, CT 06010-7454 {ZD3JSBS-ZDDD As ofMay 31, 1994 Mr. Roy Kramer Commissioner ~- _Southeastern Conference 2201 Civic Center Blvd. ~~~-Birmingham, AL 35203 Re: ro FiLE mJJ/ /" -~ ESPN-SEC Agreement-- 1996- 2000 Football Seasons~:=;:::.,;;;;-------1995-96 - 2000-0 I Basketball Seasons. Other Events ,:;~?LY _ ---------------- Dear Roy: Stated below are the terms and conditions agreed to between the Southeastern Conference, on its own behalf and for its individual member institutions (collectively, "SEC") and ESPN, Inc. The SEC has the right to grant television coverage rights to SEC intraconference and interconference footbail·and basketball games and other events (collectively, "SEC Games"). SEC hereby grants ESPN the exclusive television rights specified below to the 1996 through 2000 SEC football seasons and the 1995-96 through 2000-01 SEC basketball seasons plus other events. Your signature where indicated below makes this a binding agreement on the SEC and all of its member institutions, which then may be supplemented by a written agreement more fully stating the details of our agreement which, if and when executed, would be integrated into this agreement. ', I. FOOTBALL 1. Term .. 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 football seasons (plus option for 2001-02). 2. ESPN Games. Du..ring each year of the term, ESPN is gra...Tlted the exclusive rights to produce and distribute twelve SEC intraconference and/or home interconference football games during each of the 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000 football seasons. For each such season, a minimum of nine of these twelve games will be televised on ESPN. The remaining three games may be televised on ESPN or ESPN2, the exact _number to be determined by ESPN in its sole discretion. If a visiting interconference institution that is an independent (i.e. not affiliated with a conference) other than Notre Dame seeks to require an additional rights fee for its appearance in a game selected by ESPN, SEC will undertake best efforts to negotiate terms with said institution that do not include such a rights fee, but if SEC is unable to do so, ESP"N will have the right, in its sole discretion, to either pay such additional fee or to relinquish rights to the affected game and select a substitute game according to the same selection procedures stated below that apply to the affected game. The University Athletic Association, Inc. 2102-1 0000398 FLORIDA000353 COR£mAL 3. Dates Networks & Starting Times. Of the ESPN games each year: a minimum of five will be in prime time on Saturdays; ifESPN so elects, a maximum of two games will be on any Saturday afternoon during the "late-afternoon window", regardless of whether CBS is televising an SEC Game at those times on those dates; and, if ESPN so elects, SEC will arrange for up to two games in prime time on Thursday nights. Up to four Saturday ESPN prime time games each year may, at ESPN's election, start at 6:00p.m., and a fifth game can start at that time in any year that ESPN distributes six or more SEC Games in prime time on Saturday. Either or both ofthe_ESPN Saturday afternoon garnes or one of the ESPN2 games each year may start before 4:00p.m. only if the SEC's syndicator (Jefferson Pilot) or CBS does not televise on that day in the early afternoon window. ESPN may also televise SEC Games on other dates and times not conflicting with CBS telecasts of SEC Games, subject to SEC's approval. ESPN may distribute more than two SEC Games each year in the late-afternoon window, if those extra games are on dates that CBS does not televise an SEC Game in that time period. ESPN may also televise SEC Games on other dates and tiines not conflicting with CBS telecasts of SEC Games, subject to the SEC's approval. Each SEC institution commits to start three of its home games as selected by ESPN (but no more than one per season, or in three consecutive seasons) during the five-year term at 8:00p.m. (local time) on Saturday, subject to current institutional policies regarding night games as set forth on Exhibit II, and one additional such game ifESPN exercises its option for the 2001-02 seasons. (For purposes ofthis agreement, all time references are to Eastern Time, exc_ept as otherwise noted; the "early-afternoon window" is the time period starting at 12:30 p.m. and ending not later than 3:30p.m.; the "late-afternoon window" is the time period starting no earlier than 4:00p.m. and ending not later than 7:00p.m., except for CBS games, in which case the time period is from 3:00p.m. until 6:30p.m. (but ESPN can start an SEC Game at 6:30p.m. on any date that the CBS late-afternoon window extends beyond 6:30 p.m.); all references to CBS will include any one successor over-air network; all references to Jefferson Pilot include any one successor, and. such syndication can only involve over-air television stations that otherwise do not comprise a network and cable systems outside the ninestate SEC region.) 4. ESPN2. During each season, up to three of the twelve games described above may, at ESPN's election, be initially telecast on the ESPN2 network, tWo of which will begin no earlier than 6:30p.m. and the other no earlier than 4:00p.m. ESPN also will have the irrevocable option to acquire rights of up to four additional SEC Games each year for telecast on ESPN2, for an additional fee of $300,000.00 per game. These additional games cannot be televised during time periods when CBS or Jefferson Pilot are televising an SEC Game on a live basis. If a visiting interconference institution that is an independent (i.e. not affiliated with a conference) other than Notre Dame seeks to require an additional rights fee for its appearance in a game selected by ESPN, SEC will undertake best efforts to negotiate terms with said institution that do not include such a rights fee, but if SEC is unable to do so, ESPN will have the right, in its sole discretion, to either pay such additional fee or to relinquish rights to the affected game and select a substitute game according to the same selection procedures stated below that apply to the affected game. 5. Game Selection Procedures. SEC will create and furnish to ESPN its football schedule by no later than November 1 prior to each season covered by this agreement. By The University Athletic Association, Inc. 0000399 FLORIDA000354 2102-2 CORRDEITIAL January 2 of each year, ESPN then will submit to SEC a list of what ESPN, in its sole discretion, regards as the nine top SEC Games to which it wants to acquire rights. By January 15, CBS will select its top two games, then ESPN will select one game, then CBS will select two games, then ESPN will select one game, then CBS will select two games, then ESPN will select one game. ESPN then will have second selection after CBS's selection of one SEC Game on all other weeks per season. CBS has the right to televise three SEC Games in prime time during the five-year term, according to the following procedures and Ii..rnitations: no more tha..'l one prime time game per season; a prime time game must be one of CBS's top two c~oices by the above selection procedure; all CBS prime time games must be so designated by no later than January 15 of the applicable year, or such rights w1II be forfeited for that season. ESPN must select all of its SEC Game telecasts through the first three weeks of September each season by no later than August 1 ofthe applicable season, and all other SEC Game telecasts must be selected by ESPN by no later than twelve days prior to their scheduled date; except for the two occasions per season when CBS may select its game no later than six days in advance, in which cases ESPN may select its game that week no later than six days in advance (on those six-day-advance weeks, no SEC team would be relieved of its obligation to play a night game, as long as the criteria in Exhibit II are complied with). No other television network (over-air, cable or syndicator) has a selection priority over ESPN or CBS for any SEC Game (with CBS's priority being for no more than one game per week), except that Jefferson Pilot has the right to select before ESPN after ten games have been selected for ESPN/ESPN2. ESPN shall designate the Saturdays during that season when Jefferson Pilot may select a game prior to ESPN's selection for the applicable Saturday. None ofESPN's SEC Game selections are subject to any minimum or maximum appearance requirements. 6. Exclusivity. ESPN will have the exclusive right to distribute all SEC Games to which it acquires rights by this agreement. ESPN will have exclusivity to regular-season SEC Games in prime time, except for the three CBS games referred to in section 5 and one prime time SEC Game per season only by SportSouth (or a successor regional cable network, distributed only in the states in which SEC institutions are located) on a day of the week other than Saturday or Thursday, which may be televised only in the nine states in which SEC institutions are located. On those three occasions when CBS televises an SEC Game in prime-time, ESPN will not televise an SEC Game in prime time during such CBS telecast. ESPN will have cable and broadcast exclusivity during the late-afternoon on Saturdays, except for telecasts at that time by CBS, by Jefferson Pilot ifESPN is not televising an SEC Game that day in that window (Jefferson Pilot may televise an SEC Game in both the early- and late-afternoon windows on such days, and may sublicense one of those games to a local or regional cable entity) and only by SportSouth once per season if there is no ESPN or ESPN2 telecast of an SEC Game in that window (and a second time per season only by SportSouth if it cannot schedule its prime time SEC Game that season as provided above, but SportSouth cannot schedule a second SEC Game in prime time if it is unable to schedule that game in the afternoon); however, if SportSouth cannot schedule its late-afternoon window game or games solely because it conflicts with an ESPN2 game to which ESPN acquires rights under paragraph 4 (not one of the up to three ESPN2 games that ESPN has the right to schedule as part of its twelve games according to paragraph 2), then ESPN will waive its exclusivity rights only for the affected game or games. ESPN also will have exclusivity during any other time that it televises an SEC Game. The University Athletic Association, Inc. 2102-3 0000400 FLORIDA000355 CONRDEmAL Notwithstanding any of the foregoing provisions, SEC may allow "Pay-Per-View Cablecasts" on a local or limited regional basis only and "Local Access Telecasts" only in the markets of the two participating teams in such games, as those terms are defined and applied in Section 10 of the current ESPN-CF A contract, and closed-circuit telecasts on the campuses and to institutionalsanctioned alumni groups of the two participating institutions. 7. Corrunercia! F onnat. "All ESPN telec~~ts of SEC Ga..rnes u..Tlder tbis agreement will be subject to the commercial format specified in SeGtion 8 and Schedule B of the current ESPNCFA contract. In each such telecast, ESPN shall provide SEC with two minutes oftime for institutional, non-commercial announcements, to be allocated 30 seconds to each of the two institutions participating in the game, 30 seconds to SEC and 30 seconds to the NCAA. All ESPN telecasts of SEC football games under this agreement will be subject to the commercial format specified in the current ESPN-CFA contract. SEC shall appoint and compensate a liaison official to coordinate with ESPN production personnel and game officials the timing of commercial breaks and other structured interruptions in each ESPN telecast. At the end of each applicable season, ESPN will reimburse SEC at the rate of not more than $350 per game for SEC's expenses incurred in compensating such sideline officials. 8. Chamoionshio Game. If SEC's current agreement with ABC for the SEC Championship Game is not renewed, ESPN Will be afforded the opportunity to make a formal proposal regarding coverage of that game. 9. Option. ESPN has one exclusive, irrevocable option for rights to the same package of SEC Games for the 2001 and 2002 football seasons, exercisable by ESPN by no later than June I, 2000, under the ·same terms and conditions of this agreement, for a rights fee of $10,000,000.00 per season. 10. First Ne~otjation!First Refusal. If ESPN does not exercise the option in section 9, it then will have first negotiation/first refusal rights, according to the procedures of the current SEC-ESPN basketball agreement, "the first day of the Negotiating Period being June 2, 2000 regarding rights to those two football seasons. In this event, SEC may elect either to combine or separate negotiations pursuant to this provision with negotiations for basketball rights. IfESPN does exercise the option in section 9, it then will have first negotiation/first refusal rights, according to the procedures of the current SEC-ESPN basketball agreement, the first day of the Negotiating Period being June I, 2002 regarding rights to at least the 2003 SEC football season. II. BASKETBALL 1. Thnn. 1995-96, 1996-97, 1997-98, 1998-99, 1999-2000 and 2000-01 basketball seasons. 2. ESPN Games. During each year of the term, ESPN is granted the exclusive rights to produce and distribute three interconference (home or away) and nine intraconference SEC men's basketball games. ESPN also has options to acquire additional home or away interconference games for distribution on ESPN at a fee of $60,000.00 per game and up to eight additional The University Athletic Association, Inc. 2102-4 0000401 FLORIDA000356 COI~fiDEITI intraconference or home interconference games per year for distribution on ESPN2 at a fee of $30,000.00 per game. For any game to which the option in the preceding sentence applies, ESPN also will pay any additional fee required by an visiting intercpnference institution, but SEC will make best efforts to negotiate terms and conditions for such game that provide for the payment of no such additional fee. 3. Dates. Networks & Starting Times~ For each season, ESPN will have the right to designate one night each week during the first calendar quarter for an SEC regular-season intraconference "Game of the W,eek". Selection of that night and of the SEC Games televised on that night by ESPN will be according to the same procedure in the current ESPN -SEC basketball agreement and to section 4 below. For years when there are only eight weeks available for the Game of the Week, the ninth intraconference game will be scheduled for a weekday evening (but not during the time period of a telecast by the SEC's syndicator) or weekend afternoon (but not during the time period when CBS is televising an SEC Game). Game of the Week telecasts will be scheduled to start at 9:30p.m. However, no SEC team located in the Eastern time zone will be required to play more than one such home game per season starting at 9:30p.m. local time, although SEC will encourage them to play at least a second game starting at 9:30p.m. If, in any season, an SEC team located in the Eastern time-zone refuses to play a second home game at that starting time, ESPN will have the right to move that game to another night of the same week (except that moving such a game to Friday or Sunday night or in conflict with a time window on the designated night of the SEC syndicator telecast will require SEC's approval) or, with SEC's approval, to another week, in either event at a starting time of7:30 p.m. If, in any season, two or more SEC teams located in the Eastern time zone refuse to play a second home game at that starting time, ESPN will have the right to move one of the affected games to another night ofthe SarrJ.e week (except that moving such a game to Friday or.Sunday night or in conflict with a time window on the designated night of the SEC syndicator telecast will require SEC's approval) or, with SEC's approval, to another week, in either event at a starting time of7:30 p.m., and to move the other affected game(s) to ESPN2 on another date week (except that moving such a game to Friday or Sunday night or in conflict with a time window on the designated night of the SEC syndicator telecast .will require SEC's approval) and at a starting time ear.lier than 9:00 p.m. If a visiting interconference institution that is an independent (i.e. not affiliated with a conference) seeks to require a..11. additional rights fee for its appearaJl.ce in a gruue selected by ESPt~, SEC will undertake best efforts to negotiate terms with said institution that do not include such a rights fee, but if SEC is unable to do so, ESPN will have the right, in its sole discretion, to either pay such additional fee or to relinquish rights to the affected game and select a substitute game according to the same selection procedures stated below that ;:tpply to the affected game. 4. Game Selection Procedures. During each year during the term, SEC will create its schedule after the following selection procedures occur: (a) lntraconference games-- CBS will have first priority to select up to five intraconference games, and CBS shall not select more than five (5) intraconference games per season (exclusive ofthe tournament championship game). CBS may televise a maximum of four (4) appearances per team per year (combined interconference and intraconfetence appearances). One team may appear five (5) times during one year. CBS shall not broadcast more than two (2) appearances per team in intraconference games per season. CBS shall schedule a minimum of six (6) different conference teams each The University Athletic Association, Inc. 0000402 FLORIDA000357 2102-5 CONFIDEITIAL year. Among CBS's intraconference games, no team can be selected for more than two intraconference games, and] CBS cannot select "mirror" games (i.e. two games involving the same two teams). After CBS's selection and by no later than April 1 of each year of the term, ESPN and Jefferson Pilot will conduct a "draft" of remaining SEC intraconference games, in which ESPN will have selections 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12 and 13. Games for initial telecast on ESPN2 will be selected after CBS, ESPN and syndicator priorities. In cases where both "mirror" games are available, ESPN may select the site of the game it wants. Every SEC team must be selected by ESPN at least four times (as part ofESPN's nine intraconference games) during the term of the ag!e~ment and cannot be omitted from selection in two consecutive seasons; no team may be selected for more than three games per season, but one team may be selected for a fourth appearance during not more than three seasons during the six-year term, another team may be selected for a fourth time during not more than two seasons during the term and another team may be selected for a fourth time during not more than one season during the term, and only one such team may be selected for four appearances during any one season (as part ofESPN's nine intraconference games). (b) Interconference games-- CBS will have first priority to select SEC Games according to the limitations of subsection (a); ESPN then selects its interconference games before any other broadcast network, syndicator or other entity. IfESPN can create a special interconference game involving an SEC team, CBS has two weeks from ESPN's notice ofthe availability of the game to commit to carrying it, and if CBS does not so commit, ESPN automatically acquires rights to that game (and if ESPN creates a multi-year [e.g., home-andhome] series of such games, CBS must commit to carrying each additional such game within fourteen days after ESPN's notice to SEC during the process of establishing ESPN's interconference schedule for the applicable season that ESPN wishes to carry that game, and if CBS does not so commit, ESPN automatically acquires rights to each such game). ESPN's first three interconference games must be against Top 25 opponents (based on a mutually-agreeable pre- or post-season poll), unless ESPN agrees otherwise. All of the procedures in this paragraph will apply to all games involving an SEC team played at a neutral site in the SEC team's home state, when the SEC team is designated as the home team. Appearances on ESPN by SEC teams in pre-season, post-season and regular-season special events, such as the NIT, Great Alaska Shootout, Maui Invitational, Great 8 and Tip-off Classic do. not count as SEC appearances for purposes of the interconference games covered by this agreement. 5. Exclusivity. ESPN will have the exclusive right to distribute all SEC Games to which it acquires rights by this agreement. SEC will not permit any televising of any other SEC Game on the night ofESPN's Game of the Week, except for tape-delayed games starting no earlier than 11 :30 p.m. local time. SEC also will. not permit any televising of any SEC Game during any part of an ESPN telecast of an SEC Game, except for games televised before 7:00p.m. on Saturdays or Sundays by CBS, Jefferson Pilot or local pay-per-view only in the local states ofthe participating teams (overlaps to be minimized by consultation between the parties). During the fourth calendar quarter of each basketball season covered by this agreement, non-ESPN interconference SEC games can be televised, but only on an over-air basis, on basic or pay cable in the nine SEC home states and in cities bordering those states on a case-by-case basis or by point-to-point syndication only into the home market of a visiting team located outside a state in which an SEC institution is located, but national cable network or "superstation" distribution is not pem1itted. During the first calendar quarter of each basketball season covered by this The University Athletic Association, Inc. 0000403 FLORIDA000358 2102-6 CONFIDEITI agreement, in addition to the distribution of SEC Games by CBS, ESPN and Jefferson Pilot as provided above, and by pay-per-view or local subscription into the home markets of the schools participating in games not televised by ~SPN (but not otherwise conflicting with ESPN's rights hereunder), and SEC also may permit a maximum of six intraconference games on Saturday nights to be televised only by SportSouth, and only in the nine states where SEC schools are located and only at times not conflicting with ESPN telecasts of SEC Garnes (but these SportSouth games may be televised in the same period as any games telecast on ESPN2 according to the option in Section 2, although SEC will use·its best efforts to avoid any such ov_e~laps). However, first quarter games not cleared by Jefferson Pilot in the Athens, GA; Starkville, MS; Gainesville, FL; Oxford, MS; Auburn, AL; Orlando, FL and Jacksonville, FL markets may be distributed in those markets only by means of basic or expanded basic cable television or local pay cable (but not by a cable network delivering the games in such markets by the means specified in the previous line), and only after Jefferson Pilot has made best efforts to clear over-air broadcast stations in those markets. 6. First Negotiation/First Refusal. ESPN will have a right of first negotiation and first refusal for the 2001-02 basketball season and beyond. During a 60-day period beginning on a date of ESPN's choosing but not later than July 1, 2000, SEC shall negotiate exclusively with ESPN regarding extension of this agreement for the 2001-02 basketball season and beyond. If the parties do not reach agreement during this negotiating. period, SEC shall extend to ESPN a final written offer conforming to the terms and procedures of the current ESPN-SEC basketball agreement. Thereafter, if necessary, ESPN will be afforded first refusal rights according to the current ESPN-SEC basketball agreement. SEC may elect either to combine or separate negotiations pursuant to this provision with negotiations for football rights, as stated in section 10 of the football section of this agreement. 7. Cut-Ins. ESPN also will have the right, at no additional rights fee or other cost, to cut into, on a live or short-turnaround tape-delayed basis, all SEC regular-season and tournament games (except such games being telecast by an over-air broadcast network other than a syndicator) on any number of occasions not exceeding three minutes of game clock time in any one game. 8. Commercial Format. All ESPN telecasts of SEC basketball games under this agreement will be subject to the commercial format specified in the current ESPN-SEC basketball contract. All ESPN telecasts of SEC basketball games under this agreement will be subject to the commerc~al format specified in the current ESPN-SEC contract. SEC shall appoint and compensate a liaison official to coordinate with ESPN production personnel and game officials the timing of commercial breaks and other structured interruptions in each ESPN telecast. At the end of each applicable season, ESPN will reimburse SEC at the rate of not more than $175 per game for SEC's expenses incurred in compensating such sideline officials. III. OTHER EVENTS I. Term. 1995-96, 1996-97, 1997-98, 1998-99, 1999-2000 and 2000-01 academic years. The University Athletic Association, Inc. 0000404 FLORIDA000359 2102-7 CONFIDENTIAL 2. ESPN Games. During each year of the term, ESPN shall produce and distribute programs on ESPN or ESPN2 (at ESPN's election) of four women's athletic events sanctioned or otherwise conducted by the SEC. One of these events will be coverage of the SEC basketball tournament championship game and another will be a regular-season intraconference basketball game selected by ESPN. ESPN's selections will be subject only to a selection priority by CBS and to a priority by Jefferson Pilot ifESPN does not schedule its initial telecast of one of these events on a live basis (in such event, if Jefferson Pilot does not agree to televise the applicable event on a live basis, ESPN has the right to televise that event on a delayed basis). The nature of the other two events will be at ESPN's sole discretion. ESPN will have exclusive television rights to all of the events it covers under this provision. 3. First Negotiation/First Refusal. ESPN will have the same first negotiation/first refusal rights for these other events as is specified in section 6 of the basketball agreement. IV. FEES 1. In consideration of all rights and obligations specified in this agreement, ESPN will pay SEC $46,500,000.00, as follows: $2,500,000.00 upon execution of this agreement; $4,000,000.00 for the 1995-96 academic year; and $8,000,000.00 during each of the academic years from 1996-97 tlrrough 2000-01. All of the payments due for the 1995-96 through 2000-0 l academic years will be made in equal installments from September through March. 2. ESPN will also pay the additional fees specified in this agreement if it elects to acquire additional football or basketball games. All payments shall be within 60 days of the date ofthe telecast. 3. ESPN will have the right to purchase, by no later than a date designated annually by SEC, at box office prices, a reasonable number of tickets, as available, to the SEC Football Championship Game, Bowl Games involving SEC teams, the SEC men's and women's basketball tournaments, NCAA_men's and women's basketball tournament games involving any SEC teams (including Final Four and NCAA Regionals) and any football championship playoff games involving SEC teams. V. ADDITIONAL RIGHTS & MISCELLANEOUS 1: Distribution Rights. For each SEC Game to which it. acquires rights under this agreement, ESPN has the exclusive right in perpetuity to distribute television programs and constituent elements thereof by any and all means and media throughout the universe without limitation as to the number of exhibitions (including taped repeats on any ESPN network of games originally televised Jive o_n any ESPN network). These rights shall be limited to .those games and events which are telecast by ESPN. 2. Conference Composition. SEC agrees to negotiate in good faith for a rights fee reduction and other relief if one or more SEC teams are unavailable for any football or basketball The University Athletic Association, Inc. 0000405 FLORIDA000360 2102-8 CONFIDENTIAL season due to probation or other reasons. ESPN agrees to negotiate in good faith regarding the amount of rights fees if the SEC adds new members during the term. 3. Pay-Per-View Direct TV. ESPN has first negotiation/first refusal rights, according to the procedures in the current SEC-ESPN basketball agreement, for out-of-market pay-per-view and direct-t.v. distribution of SEC football and basketball Games otherwise distributed by other television networks and syndicators during the term of this agreement, the specific terms of which are subject to a separate agreement (the various Negotiating Periods to be established by mutual reasonable agreement). 4. Representation Warranty and Mutual Indemnity. SEC represents and warrants that it, on behalf of its member institutions, which are specified on Exhibit I to this agreement, has the right to enter into this agreement, to bind its member institutions and to perform all of the obligations in this agreement. SEC and ESPN each agree to indemnify the other of any claims arising out of a breach by either party of any of its respective obligations or representations. 5. Binding Effect. When it is executed by both parties, this is a binding contract that supersedes all prior written and oral agreements as to its subject-matter. Roy, we are extremely pleased to have reached this agreement with the SEC, and we are optimistic that it will enhance the mutually-beneficial relationship that we have always had. Please confirm your agreement by signing where indicated below. Sincerely, 7?~ John Wildhack Senior Vice President, Programming ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED CON ERENCE The University Athletic Association, Inc. 2102-9 0000406 FLORIDA000361 CONRDENTIAL EXHIBIT I University of Alabama University of Arkansas Auburn University University of Florida· University of Georgia University of Kentucky Louisiana State University University of Mississippi Mississippi State University University of South Carolina University of Tennessee Vanderbilt University The University Athletic Association, Inc. 2102-10 0000407 FLORIDA000362 CONFIDENTIAL ESPN, INC. LEONARD F. DELUCA GOS THIRD AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY IDfSS-0180 SEN/DR VICE PRESIDENT (ZI Z] !3 I Ei·!JZDO PROGRAMMING DEVELOPMENT (Z f Z] 9 I Ei-!3833 (ZIZ] 91Ei-97Z3 FAX [BGD} SSS·Z3ZS CT February 2, 1998 . Mr. Roy Kramer Commissioner Southeastern Conference 2201 Civic Center Blvd, Birmingham, AL 35203 VIA OVERNIGHT COURJER Re: ESPN-SEC Agreement Dear Roy, ESPN is pleased to notify you that we hereby exercise our option pursuant to Article I, Section 9 of our agreement dated as of May 31, 1994 to extend the term of our coverage rights for SEC football to the 2001 and 2002 SEC football seasons. We acknowledge that all terms and conditions of our current agreement will apply to these two additional seasons and that our rights fee payable to the SEC will be $10,000,000 per season. We look fornrard to continuing and enhancing our relationship with the SEC. Sincerely, I 7~ ~/ THE TOTAL SPORTS NETWDRr The University Athletic Association, Inc. 0000408 FLORIDA000363 2102-11 COKRDERTIAL ESPN, INC. AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, dated as of June 13, 1989, is between Southeastern -..:on::ference with offices at 3000 Galleria Tower, Suite 990, Bi~g,ham, Ala~ama 35244 ("SEC"), and ESPN, Inc., a Delaware corporation; with off~ces at ESPN Plaz~, Bristol, Connecticut 06010 ("ESPN"). SEC hereby grants to ESPN the exclusive rights to produce and distribute one or more programs based on the events described below, all in accordance with the BASIC PROVISIONS set forth below and the attached GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. BASIC PROVISIONS I. RIGHTS: (a) SEC men's varsity, regular season, intercollegiate basketball Games ("Games") during each of the 1989 through 1995 intercollegiate basketball seasons (the "Seasons'') as follows: (i) (ii) (iii) 1989-1990 Season - 12 Games, a minimum of 9 of which will be intraconference; 1990-1991 and 1991-1992 Seasons Season, a minimum of 11 of intraconference; 13 Games which l.n each wili be 1992-1993, 1993-1994 and 1994-1995 Seasons - 14 Games in each Season, a minimum of 11 of which each Season will be intraconference. At ESPN' s request, in each season, SEC shall schedule one intraconference game in the "Fourth Quarter", as defined in subparagraph (c) (iii) below, between teams to be mutually agreed to by SEC and ESPN no later than July 3 of each season. Such game will be played on a date and at a time mutually chosen by ESPN and SEC, and will not be available for syndication. At ESPN's further request, SEC will consider scheduling a second Fourth Quarter game under cne same conditions. SEC's consent to such second game will not be unreasonably withheld. (b) In addition to the number of Games guaranteed above, ESPN may televise at least one additional Game of its choice during each of the six basketball Seasons occurring during the term of the Agreement, and, should the parties agree on a·game-by~game basis, an additional four games, to a maximum of ten additional Games during the life of this Agreement. '!'hese additional Games shall be chosen by ESPN after all syndicated selections have been made, as set forth in Paragraph (c) (v) and (c) (vi) below. These additional Garnes shall be at no cost to ESPN above that set forth in Section II, below. SRA 4/11/90 The University Athletic Association, Inc. 0000409FLORIDA000364 2102-12 CONf\DEKl\Al (c) The SEC Games, including the Games to be televised by ESPN, shall be selected in the following manner which is summarized in Exhibit A, hereto: (i) By March 1 of each Season, SEC shall provide ESPN with a schedule of all SEC Games for that Season. Such schedule shall include all home and away interconference, intraconference and neutral site Games. The Site (the "Site") of each Game will be listed and, for those games which ESPN chooses to televise, will not be changed without ESPN's consent. SEC will use reasonable efforts to not increase the nlllill:>er_· of neutral site Games-. during the ·life of this Agreement~ SEC shall include in the schedule one Game from-each "series" to be'played on a weeknight and one Game to be played on a Saturday or Sunday. A series shall be defined as two Garnes between the same two teams. (ii) As set forth in Paragraph II, below, ABC, CBS and NBC shall select from the schedule the Games they will broadcast prior to ESPN choosing its Games. In each season, the three networks combined shall be permitted to televise a maximum of twenty regular season or SEC tournament "appearances." An SEC conference game shall constitute two appearances, while a non-conference game by a member institution shall constitute one appearance. By June 15 of each Season, SEC shall notify ESPN of the Games selected by ABC, CBS and NBC in order to enable ESPN to choose its Games. (iii) ESPN shall notify SEC of its Main Night selection by May 15 and of its selection for its "Main Night" "Sweeps" Games by June 20 and the remainder of its "Main Night" schedule by June 25. "Main Night" is used as defined in Paragraph (d), below. (iv) By June 25 of each Season, ESPN shall advise SEC of the dates and starting. times chosen by ESPN for Fourth Quarter conference and non- conference games it will distribute. By July 3, following the syndicator's selection of games pursuant to subparagraph (vi), below, SEC will apprise ESPN which conference games can be played on the Fourth Quarter dates chosen by ESPN, and whether any non-conference games can be so scheduled. As used herein, "Fourth Quarter" shall mean the months of Nove.mber and December. (v) By each May 15, the syndicator shall select one national television ratings service and shall identify the four continuous weeks of that service's upcoming first quarter audience ratings ·sweep (the ''Sweep"). For the four sweep weeks, the syndicator and ESPN shall alternate in choice of games, in the following manner. From .the universe of approximately twenty SEC games to be played during the sweep in the 1990-91 season, 3RA 4/11/90 The University Athletic Association, Inc. 0000410 FLORIDA000365 2102-13 COt\f\DENTlAL (A) ESPN shall first select one game, which shall be for its Main Night during the week in which that game has been scheduled to be played. (The syndicator· will also select games to be Telecast that week, pursuant to (d), below). (B) Then, from among the games scheduled to be played· in the three remaining Sweep weeks, the syndicator shall select one game, and then ESPN shall select its Main Night game from among those scheduled to be played during the week of the syndicator's selected game. (C) Then, from among the games scheduled to be played ~n the two rema~n1ng Sweep weeks, ESPN shall select one Main Night game. (D) Then, from among the games scheduled to be played in the last remaining Sweep week, the syndicator shall select one game, and then ESPN shall select its Main Night game from among those scheduled to be played that week. For each suceeding season~ the order of game selection shall be reversed (1.~., for the 1991-92 season, the syndicator shall have first and third selection). Selection of Main Night Sweep games shall be completed by June 20. (vi) From among the games remaining unselected on June 25, the syndicator may select whatever additional Conference games it then desires to Telecast. The syndicator shall present its final schedule of games by July 3. (vii) From those games remaining unselected on July 3, ESPN may, by no later than July 15, select whatever additional Conference or non- Conference games it then desires to distribute, up to the limit of games established in Paragraph I(a), above. (viii) ESPN shall also choose the additional Game (s) as set forth in paragraph (b) above, by August 1 of each season, after which, the syndicator may choose its Fourth Quarter Games, if any. (ix) All other broadcasters shall make their Game selections only after ABC, CBS, NBC, ESPN and the syndicator have made all their selections in conformity with subparagraphs (i) through (vi) above. (x) ESPN shall not be permitted to select for distribution any "Holiday Tournament" game, the site of which is other than an SEC member school's campus or other home site, nor may ESPN prohibit distribution of such games. With the permission of the SEC, ESPN may select for distribution a "Holiday Tournament" game involving an SEC team, the site of which is the campus or other SRA 4/11/90 2102-14 The University Athletic Association, Inc. 0000411 FLORIDA000366 COKFlDENTIAL home site of an SEC team. For all such "Holiday Tournament" games not distributed by ESPN, SEC may license distribution only in conformity with th~s Agreement. (d) For the 1989-1990 Season, the "Main Night" shall be Tuesday. In successive Seasons, ESPN may change the Main Night by so notifying SEC by May 15 of the preceding Season. ESPN may select those nights from among Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only, with the Main Night's having a 9:30 p.m. EST starting time. All Main Night Games shall begin at 9:30 p.m . .t;::;T. During each Season, each SEC school located in the eastern time zone will play one home Game_of ESPN's choice on the Main Night at 9:30-p.m. EST. During the first quarter, 1990, there shall be nine interconference Games scheduled on the Main Night. Additional 9:30 p.m. EST home Games at eastern time zone schools on the Main Night will be scheduled only with the consent of the school. Should a .school located in the eastern time zone refuse to consent to ESPN' s request to reschedule an additional Game or Games to 9:30 p.m. EST on the Main Night, ESPN may televise that Game or Games beginning at any time between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 8: 00 p.m. EST on the Main Night, subject to subparagraph (ii), below. (i) The remaining ESPN G~mes in either the First or Fourth Quarters of any Season may be played on any night or nights selected by ESPN other than Friday or sunday. ESPN may select a starting time of between 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. local time for eastern time zone sites and between 6:00 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. for central time zone sites. No such game may be distributed directly opposite a game distributed by a syndicator i.g. ESPN will not distribute any such game during the normal two-hour window. (ii) Should ESPN change its Main Night to a night that was the syndicator's regular night in the prior season, and should the syndicator choose to retain that night as its regular night, the syndicated game may be scheduled to begin at 8:00 p.m. t;ti'l', and ESPN's game will be scheduled to begin no earlier than 9:30 p.m. EST. (e) During the guaranteed intraconference Games in each Season as set forth in subparagraph I(a) above, each school shal·l appear a minimum of one time and a maximum of three times. No school may appear more than two additional times in Games in excess of those guaranteed intraconference Games. (f) In addition to the Garnes set forth above, ESPN shall, at SEC's request, telecast a maximum of four women 1 s events in each Season, two of which shall be basketball Games. The specific events will be mutually agreed to by ESPN and SEC. ESPN shall have the exclusive right to distribute and exhibit these events as set forth in Section 3 of the General Terms and Conditions and shall have the sole right SRA 4/11/90 The University Athletic Association, Inc. 0000412 FLORIDA000367 2102-15 CO:lflDEHnAL to determine whether the events shall be televised live or on a tape-delayed basis and in which daypart the events shall be televised. (g) It is of the essence of this Agreement that the SEC consist at all times during the term of this Agreement of at least .the University of Alabama, Auburn University, the University of Florida, the University of Georgia, the University of Kentucky, Louisiana State University, the University of Mississippi, Mississippi State University, the University of Tennessee, Vanderbilt University. If one school leaves the SEC or for any reason, including for being placed on NCAA or ·sEC probation (no:t including Kentucky's current probation), is not available to play in each and any of the Games or any televised Games during each Season, the Rights Fees payable_ by ESPN for each Game in the affected Season(s) shall be reduced by ten percent (10%). If two or more schools leave the SEC or for any reason, including for being placed on NCAA or SEC probation,· are not available to play in each and any of the Games or any televised Games during each Season, ESPN shall have the right in its sole discretion, either to terminate this Agreement effective immediately upon such occurrence(s) and any residual rights ESPN may have in this Agreement shall survive such termination, or ESPN shall have the right to have the Rights Fees payable by ESPN for each Game in the affected Season(s) reduced by twenty percent (20%). If one other school .becomes a member of the SEC, ESPN shall acquire rights to distribute Games involving the Team(s) of such other school pursuant to this Agreement. Should two or more teams become members of the SEC during the term of this Agreement, the parties will enter into good faith discussions regarding the effect of the new member teams on the monetary value of this Agreement. Should the parties fail to reach agreement as to any change in the fee schedule set forth in Paragraph III of the BASIC PROVISIONS of the Agreement, ESPN shall not be permitted to distribute SEC home games involving such new members. II. ESPN shall have the exclusive right to distribute all SEC home Games, interconference and intraconference home and neutral site home Games over non-standard television as follows: (a) ABC, CBS, and NBC will be permitted to televise conference Games, nonconference home Games, SEC Tournament games, or neutral site "home" Games. Neutral site "home" Games shall be defined as any· home Game moved to a neutral site after March 1 of any Season, or any neutral site Game in which an SEC team is designated as the home team or any neutral site Game played at a location at which one of the SEC teams involved in the Game customarily plays its Games, g.g., an LSU Game played in New Orleans shall ·be considered a neutral site home Game. In addition, one syndicator per Season, to be selected by SEC, will be permitted to_obtain broadcast syndication rights to such Games to be broadcast on stations other th~n superstations [as defined below in subsection 12(i)]. such Games shall be chosen by the syndicator in conformity with paragraph I(c), above. SRA 4/11/90 The University Athletic Association, Inc. 0000413 FLORIDA000368 2102-16 ·CONFIDEHTIAI. Neither SEC, its syndicator, nor its member schools will authorize the distribution by any means in any media, other than by pay-per-view or subscription, of any First Quarter Games to which the syndicator does not have rights or whi~h the syndicator chooses not to syndicate. (i) First Quarter Games which have not been cleared by the syndicator in the Athens, Georgia; Starkville, Mississippi; Gainesville, Florida; Oxford, Mississippi; and Auburn, Alabama markets may be distributed in any or all of those markets by means of basic or expanded basic cable television or by local pay cable entities. Before availing_itself of such means of distribution, the syndicator shall be required to use its best efforts to clear broadcast stations in each of these market areas. (b) The SEC and the individual SEC schools may license over-the-air distribution of Fourth Quarter, non-ESPN interconference home Games. Cablecast by means of basic or expanded basic cable or pay cable entities, shall be permitted in the seven SEC home states only. Cablecast by any national cable service or superstation or on a regional or split national basis outside of the seven SEC home states will not be permitted. Notwithstanding the above, should an over-the-air broadcaster obtain the right to televise Games 1 and should such broadcaster subsequently become a superstation, such broadcaster shall retain the right to broadcast SEC Games, if the broadcast right was obtained by the broadcaster through an agreement with the SEC or its syndicator executed on or before June 13, 1989. (c) In First and Fourth Quarters, SEC, its syndicator and its individual schools may license distribution of conference Games, nonconference home Games and neutral site "home" Games by means of pay-per-view and subscription television and tape delay after 10: 3 o p.m. local time within the seven SEC Conference States and the states immediately contiguous thereto, except on ESPN' s Main Night distribution, as provided in Paragraph (d), below, until 11:30 p.m. local time. "Pay-per-view" means an individual Game offered by means of an encrypted signal to cable subscribers who elect to pay an optional fee for that Game; "subscription" means a series of Games offered to cable subscribers who must purchase all of the Games in the series. Both pay-per-view and subscription Games mu~t be offered on a separate channel and not as part of, or associated with, any other then-existing television service of any kind. (d) Subject to paragraph I(d) (ii), above, SEC shall not televise any SEC Game on ESPN's Main Night in any Season, however, tape-delayed Games may be televised beginning no earlier than 11:30 p.m. local time. Further, unless agreed to in advance by ESPN, no SEC Game may be televised in any medium during any part of an ESPN SEC telecast, other than ESPN Games beginning before 7 p.m. EST or ESPN SRA 4/11/90 2102-17 The University Athletic Association, Inc. 0000414 FLORIDA000369 CONf\DEKTW. Games which have been rescheduled and which overlap a game selected by the syndicator pursuant to paragraph I (c), above, which is broadcast as originally scheduled. SEC will make best efforts to not schedule away games whi~h are expected to be televised, on ESPN's Main Night. Notwithstanding the foregoing, ABC, CBS and NBC may televise a total of two live games on ESPN's Main Night in each season, provided that such games are not televised during ESPN's normal two-hour window. (e) During each Season, ESPN shall at no additional rights fee or other cost, have the right to cut into, on a . live basis, all SEC regular season . and tournament Games (except such Games which are being telecast by ABC, CBS or NBC) on any number of occasions during each Game, not to exceed a total of three minutes of Game clock time for any · one Game. Such cut-ins will not materially interfere with the production of the game being cut into. ESPN shall have the right in perpetuity to distribute such live or tape-delayed excerpts from the telecaster's coverage of such Games, with credit being given to the telecaster on each such occasion. (f) This contract shall not afford ESPN any rights with regard to a "special series", such as the contemplated SEC-BIG 10 series. Should, however, SEC contemplate such series, ESPN shall have a sixty-day right of "First Negotiation and First Refusal" ~o purchase the rights to such series. The method of exercise of such right of First Negotiation/First Refusal shall be as set forth in Section 7 of the General Terms and Conditions, below. such sixty-day period shall run from the date upon which SEC notifies ESPN in writing of its intention to create such a special series, provided that such series is clearly defined ·in such notice as to participants, ·number of games and approximate dates. III. FEE: (a) In consideration ·of all rights granted to ESPN and the performance of all SEC's obligations hereunder, ESPN shall pay SEC in accordance with the following schedule: (i) For each of the 12 guaranteed 1989-1990 Games, $60,000.00; (ii) For each of the 13 guaranteed 1990-1991 Games, $80,000.00; (iii) For each of the 13 guaranteed 1991-1992 Garnes, $80,000.00; (iv) For each of the 14 guaranteed 1992-1993 Garnes, $100,000.00; (v) For each of the 14 guaranteed 1993-1994 Games, $100,000.00; and SRA 4/11/90 The University Athletic Association, Inc. 0000415 2102-18 FLORIDA000370 CONFIDENTIAL (vi) For each of the 14 guaranteed 1994-1995 Games, $100,000.00. (b) Upon receipt of a monthly invoice from SEC, payment of the amounts specified in this Paragraph III shall be made to SEC within fifteen days after the end of the calendar month in which the applicable Game ·was first distributed by ESPN. I~· WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto. have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first written above. SOUTHEASTERN CONFERENCE ESPN, INC. By =-~~~~7J~------------­ Rog L. w rner P siden and Chief Executi e Officer sa~ jfchaWl (;orman Senior Vice President & Chief Financial Officer By SRA 4/11/90 2102-19 vr~~J!Jia" Loren E. ·Matthews Senior Vice President, Programming The University Athletic Association, Inc. 0000416 FLORIDA000371 CONFIDENTIAL GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS THE GAME (a) As used herein, the term "Game" shall mean a sports eventnamed in Paragraph I .of the BASIC PROVISIONS and all events and activities intrinsically related to the Game taking place at the Site on the Date of the Game. SEC shall use its best efforts to cause each Game to be staged and conducted on the Date and at the Site set forth in ·the schedule, at the starting times determined by ESPN in accordance with this Agreement. - . (b) As between ESPN and SEC, SEC shall be solely responsible for all arrangements (including any compensation) with the owner of the Site for the staging of each Game and all participants and any officials involved in the Game, and such arrangements shall accord to ESPN all rights and consents required or contemplated with respect to ESPN' s rights hereunder. For each Game which ESPN intends to distribute as a Program on a live or same-day, tape-delayed basis, SEC shall cause the authorized officials of the SEC to ( i) consult and coordinate with ESPN's producer prior to the Game to integrate the Game format with ESPN's commercial format, and (ii) appoint a liaison official to be responsible for and cooperate in calling time-outs and other structured interruptions so that ESPN's commercial format is satisfied and commercial.and promotional announcements are properly spaced. SEC hereby acknowledges that ESPN shall be entitled to call at least four ninety-second television time-outs for commercial announcements during each half of a Game and shall be entitled to call one television time-out during each overtime. Also, for each Game in which a liaison official is required by ESPN, ESPN shall reimburse SEC for the cost of a fee for, and travel and similar expenses incurred by, such official up to the aggregate amount of $100.00. SEC shall make available to ESPN such.participants, officials and other persons connected with the Games as ESPN may request for purposes of interviews and discussion. 2. ACCESS AND PROGRAM PRODUCTION (a) As used herein, the term "Program" shall mean an audio-video program based on or· including a Game or any portion thereof. ESPN shall have complete control over the production and format of the Program o~ each ba.me. Without limit-ing the generality of the foregoing, ESPN shall have the right to determine the length of the Program, to insert commercial and promotional announcements therein as i t may determine by such sponsor or sponsors as it may elect to title or retitle each Program arid to change or designate the name of any Game-to the extent it is used in connection with a Program. · (b) ESPN shall have complete authority over the selection of announcers, commentators, technical and other personnel for the Program of each Game. (c) SEC shall use its best efforts to cause to be provided to ESPN, without charge, suitable space and locations, as ESPN may determine at the time of its advance technical survey of the Site of each Gam·e, for its announcers and for the installation and operation of all microphones, television cameras and related equipment to be used by ESPN in connection with its production of the applicable Programs. 3RA 4/11/90 2102-20 The University Athletic Association, Inc. 0000417 FLORIDA000372 ~unrJUUf IIAL ESPN shall conduct preseason surveys of each Site to determine its space and location needs for each Game. If ESPN is unable to make satisfactory arrangements for such space and locations, it shall promptly notify SEC thereof which will use its best efforts to accommodate ESPN's requests for physical changes or relocations at the site of the affected Game. Such efforts shall be conditioned upon ESPN·' s notifying SEC thereof at least sixty hours prior to the start of the Game and ESPN 1 s paying the full, reasonable cost of the changes or relocations required. SEC shall cause to be provided to ESPN all available electrical power and all available lighting for a first-quality television production in color, all free of charge to ESPN. ESPN shall have the right to install, maintain in and remove _from the Site and · the surrounding premises · such wires, cables and equipment as may.be necessary for its coverage of ~h~ Game; provided, however, that such facilities shall no·t sUbstantially interfere with the use of the Site or with any of the means of ingress or egress. ESPN shall have the right to bring into or adjacent to the Site mobile units for the transportation of equipment and personnel. Employees and agents of ESPN shall be admitted to the Sita free of charge to the extent necessary to accomplish the production of the Programs and SEC shall cause to be provided to ESPN gratis the necessary credentials for such purposes. Except as provided below in subsection 3(d), SEC shall not grant access to the Game to any other videotape or film crew without ESPN's prior written consent. (d) ESPN shall have the right to display its name and trademark on banners, its e~~ipment, and any platform or broadcast~ng booth used at the Site. The number and size of such banners shall be reasonable, it being agreed that the number and size used by ESPN during its telecasts of SEC Games in the 1988-1989 season was reasonable. ESPN shall be permitted to place at least one of its banners on the court-side table opposite the cameras. (e) SEC represents that, unless ESPN consents thereto in advance in writing, no billboards, display or public announcements for any product or service will be visible or heard at the Site during ESPN's coverage of the Games except such advertising which is permanently affixed at the site (1-~., advertising intended for spectators at the arena and not for the television audience and which is not changed from Event to Event). · (f) At ESPN's request made by the December 1 precea~ng ~ne applicable Season, SEC shall furnish ESPN up to six tickets to each Game at the box office price therefor. Even if ESPN does not so request tickets by December 1, should ESPN make requests for tickets for a particular Game at least ninety-six hours prior to Game time, SEC shall use its best efforts to furnish ESPN such tickets. In addition, if "ESPN notifies SEC by January 20 of each season, ESPN will be guaranteed a maximum of twenty tickets for the SEC tournament at regular box office prices. 3. DISTRIBUTION AND EXHIBITION (a) SEC hereby grants to ESPN the exclusive right in perpetuity to distribute, transmit, exhibit, license, advertise, promote, publicize and perform (hereinafter "distribute") the Garnes as incorporated by ESPN in each Program and any constituent elements thereof throughout the universe by any and all means, uses, and media now known or SRA 4/11/90 2102-21 The University Athletic Association, Inc. 0000418 FLORIDA000373 ~UrtriUtiUAI. hereafter developed without limitation as to the number of exhibitions. Subsequent to the 1990-1991 Season, and again subse~Jent to the 1992-1993 Season, the parties will meet to discuss ESPN's distribution and exhibition rights as well as the subject of SEC institutional and conference announcements. Should the parties fail to reach an agreement as to any limitation on, or redefinition of ESPN's distribution and exhibition rights, ESPN shall retain the distribution and exhibition rights set forth in this Paragraph 3. (b) ESPN shall have the right to distribute any Program on a live basis and ESPN may make a recording of such Program for distribution on a delayed basis. As used herein, the term "recording" shall mean and include any recording by tape, wire, film, disc, cassette or any other similar- or dissimilar method of recording television programs, whether now known or hereafter developed. _ ESPN shall be the owner of all Programs and any recordings and shall have the right to affix to each recording a notice designating ESPN the owner of the copyright of the Program embodied thereon. ESPN (and such parties as it may authorize) may use such recordings for: (i) (ii) (iii) distribution of the Programs; file reference, sales and publicity purposes; and distribution of excerpts of the Programs television news and highlights shows. as part of (c) ESJ?N represents to SEC that it is ESPN' s intent to distribute Programs of the number of Games per Season set forth in Paragraph I of the BASIC PROVISIONS. Subject to ESPN' s being prevented by what in ESPN's sole discretion, it considers an extraordinary event or occurrence, ESPN shall use reasonable efforts to distribute each Game. If ESPN does not distribute a Game pursuant to this subsection, ESPN shall have discharged fully its obligations hereunder by_paying to SEC the compensation herein provided in accordance with the terms hereof. (d) SEC shall not cause, authorize, license or permit any exhibition or distribution of the Games or of the Programs or any portion thereof in any form by any means, uses or me~ia whatsoever other than by ESPN hereunder. Notwithstanding the above, provided that no interference with ESPN' s television production of the Games occurs as a result thereof, SEC may permit SEC or the participating schools themselves, or to allow others, to ·film or videotape the affected Game for the following purposes: ( i) · use of no more than two minutes of action footage in the general newscasts and sports newscasts of loc"al broadcast television stations; (ii) production of the SEC's and the participating schools' own Game and coaching films for use in pursuance of their tax-exempt activities; and (iii) use of the excerpts of the Garnes in the production of coaches' television programs in -which a coach of an SEC member school is a host or otherwise participates. ;RA 4/11/90 _,,_ The University Athletic Association, Inc. 2102-22 0000419 FLORIDA000374 CONFIDENTIAL (e) Should ESPN receive any share of royalties collected by the copyright Royalty Tribunal with respect to the compulsory copyright license for cable retransmission of broadcast television signals created by the Copyright Act of 1976, it will share those revenues equally with SEC, after subtracting ESPN's costs of application for such royalties. 4. PROMOTION AND PUBLICITY ESPN shall have the right to reproduce, print, publish or disseminate in any medium the·name, likeness and voice of each person appearing in or connected with the Programs and biographical materials concerninq such persons as well as the SEC Is; and l ts member schools I names~ lOgos, and trademarks, and the name of the Game and-Game site, for -advertising and promotional -purposes in connection with · the distribution, advertising and promotion of the Programs, provided, ·however, that ESPN may also authorize its advertising agencies and SEC Game sponsors to make incidental use of such material in selling or promoting ESPN's cablecasts of SEC Games, (such as by inclusion of logos on sales brochures for the Games, or on posters distributed by sponsors promoting the Games). The foregoing is not intended to authorize commercial sponsors to use such names, likenesses, voices, logos, etc~ to promote their products or services beyond the mere use of their names as associated with such cablecasts, and is not intended to authorize the use of such materials for any product, point-of-purchase or dealer promotion, provided, however, that ESPN agrees that it will cause any such. agency or sponsor to cease any use. of such materials which SEC reasonably believes is outside the scope of the foregoing, or, as to names and likenesses appearing outside of Game footage, which SEC reasonably believes is beyond its authority to permit. 5. MUSIC If ESPN so requests, SEC shall send to ESPN a list naming all musical compositions scheduled to be played during the Game which list shall include as to each composition the name of the composer, publisher, copyright holder and performing rights owner. If ESPN notifies SEC that it is unable to clear any su9h composition for use in connection with its distribution of the Programs of the Games, SEC shall use its best efforts to insure that such composition shall not be played. 6. FORCE MAJEURE If the. staging or the coverage of any Game should be prevented or cancelled due to any act of God, inevitable accident, strike or other labor dispute, fire, riot or civil commotion,. government action or decree, inclement weather, failure of technical, production or television equipment, or for any other reason beyond the control of SEC or ESPN, then neither SEC nor ESPN shall be obligated in any manner to the other with respect to the Game (including payment of the rights fee for the Game), but all other rights ESPN may have in this Agreement shall remain in effect and shall not be affected in any manner. If, however, the Game should be postponed or delayed, then ESPN shall have the right to elect to cover the Event on its rescheduled date in accordance with all the terms hereof or to not cover the rescheduled Game, in which case ESPN shall not be obligated SRA 4/11/90 2102-23 The University Athletic Association, Inc. 0000420 . FLORIDA000375 CONFIDENTIAL in any manner to SEC therefor (including for payment), but all ESPN's other rights herein shall survive. 7. FIRST NEGOTIATION AND FIRST REFUSAL (a) SEC shall, at ESPN's election, negotiate exclusively with ESPN in good faith f.or a period of sixty days (the "Negotiating Period") , commencing on a date selected by ESPN (but not later than September 1, 1994) with respect to the acquisition by ESPN of exclusive rights to a number of Games (which ESPN will distribute on national cable television) and other events reasonably designated by SEC for one or more years following the lapse of the term of this Agreement . . If at the end of the Negotiating Period, ESPN and_ SEC have not reac_hed an agreement, SEC shall promptly notify ESPN of the terms, including the identity of the subject ·Games and events, on which it is then willing to license such rights .. _ Such notice shall contain an offer (the "Offer") to contract with ESPN on such terms and ESPN shall have a period of fourteen days from ESPN's receipt of the Offer in which to accept the Offer. If ESPN does not accept the Offer, SEC may enter into an agreement with any third party with respect to rights to the Games and other events designated by SEC, but not in any instance on terms more favorable to such party than those contained in the Offer, without in each instance notifying ESPN of such terms. ESPN shall have a period of seven days from ESPN' s receipt of the Reoffer in which to accept each such Reoffer. ESPN shall not be required to comply with any term or condition which imposes on ESPN any obligation not capable of discharge by ESPN by payment of money and/or acquisition of rights to the Games and other events designated by SEC. The foregoing is specifically subject to the following: (a) SEC shall not negotiate with any third party prior to the commencement of or during the Negotiating Period; (b) any third party discussion following the Negotiating Period will be held only in accordance with the terms of this section; (c) SEC shall not contract or offer to contrac.t with any third party with respect to the sale by SEC of rights to the Games and other events reasonably designated by SEC in such a manner as to preclude itself from complying with the terms of this section; and (d) in making SEC's Offer or Reoffers to ESPN and in SEC's subsequent actions in negotiating with any third party, consistent with the intent and spirit of this ~ntire Agreement, SEC shall act in complete good faith. (b) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Paragraph 7, the may at any time negotiate an extension, renewal, or new syndication agreement with its then-existing syndicator for regional, standard telecast of SEC games during seasons subsequent to the 1994-95 season, so long· as the new or revised agreement resulting th~refrom continues to permit priority selection by a national cable distributor of at least the number of games currently provided and in the manner provided for in Paragraph I of this Agreement. Such agreement will not prevent SEC from granting to ESPN rights as favorable and extensive as those set forth in this Agreement. ~~c 8. WARRANTIES (a) SEC warrants and represents to ESPN that (i) it is free to enter into and perform this Agreement; (ii) it has all rights necessary to its grant of rights to ESPN hereunder (iii) the rights ESPN has acquired hereunder, and its use of such rights in accordance with this SRA 4/11/90 The University Athletic Association, Inc. 0000421 FLORIDA000376 2102-24 COIFIDENTJAl Agreement, will not infringe upon or violate the rights of any third party; ( iv) it will not do anything which would interfere with or impair the rights which ESPN has acquired in this Agreement; (v) each Game is sanctioned by such sports organizations andjor authorities including the SEC, as have jurisdiction ov~r the Game and the Game will be conducted in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations of such organizations anc;Ijor authorities; and (vi) a representative field of the top athletes in the applicable sport will participate in each Game. (b) SEC acknowledges that ESPN's rights in this Agreement are valuable and unique. SEC further warrants that it will comply fully with the provisions of subsection 3 (d), above, and that it will not grant any rights ·inconsistent with those granted to ESPN by this Agreement. · (c) ESPN represents and warrants to SEC that it has the right to enter into this Agreement and perform all of its obligations pursuant to this Agreement. 9. INDEMNIFICATION AND LITIGATION EXPENSES (a) BREACH OR ALLEGED BREACH OF THIS CONTRACT BY SEC OR ESPN. If ESPN or SEC is determined by a final judgment or, should the parties agree to arbitration, by a final and binding arbitration award, to be in breach of any term of this agreement, then in addition to such damages as may be due as a result of the breach, the party in breach shall also be liable to the nonbreaching party for all litigation expense and damages, including reasonable attorneys' fees as may have been incurred in connection with the prosecution of the claim arising from the breach. If either the SEC or ESPN claims that the other is in breach of this agreement and it is finally determined that the other party is not in breach, then in such event, the other party (i.~., successful party) shall · be entitled to recover all' out-of-pocket litigation expenses and damages, including_ reasonable attorneys' fees, as shall have been directly incurred in connection with the successful defense of such claim. (b) CLAIMS AGAINST SEC OR ESPN BY THIRD PARTIES. If a third party shall institute a suit or make claim against-SEC or ESPN arising from any act or omission of an. employee or representative of the other party ("the Responsible Partyn), g.g., a libel or slander claim against the SEC for statements made over the air by announcers employed and/or selected by ESPN or a claim that SEC improperly granted rights to ESPN possessed by such third party, the Responsible Party shall indemnify, defend and hold the other harmless from any and all claims, costs, liabilites, and/or judgments arising from ·said litigation. (c) In any case in which indemnification is sought hereunder: (i) - the ·party seeking indemnification shall ·promptly notify the other of any claim or litigation to which the indemnification relates; and (ii) SRA 4/11/90 the party seeking indemnification shall afford the other the opportunity to participate in and, at the other party's option, fully control any compromise, settlement, The University Athletic Association, Inc. 0000422 FLORIDA000377 2102-25 CONFIDENTIAl litigation, or other resolution or disposition of such claim or litigation. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS SEC and ESPN are independent contractors with respect to each other, and nothing herein shall create any association, partnership, joint venture or agency relationship between them. All persons employed by either party in connection with its performance hereunder shall be that party's employees and that party shall be fully responsible for them, except as otherwise specifically and explicitly provided herein. 11. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE In conformity with Section 507 of the u.s. Federal Communications Act concerning broadcasting matters and disclosure required thereunder, SEC warrants and represents that it has not accepted or agreed to accept, and will not permit its employees, agents, representatives, contractors, or affiliate entities to accept any monies, services, or other consideration for the inclusion of any commercial material or matter in or as part of the Programs. 12. MISCELLANEOUS (a) All notices and other communications from either party to the other hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed received when delivered in person or five days after deposit in the United States mails, postage prepaid, addressed to the other party at the address specified at the beginning of this Agreement, or at such other address as such other party may supply by written notice. (b) Each party hereto shall execute any and all further documents or amendments which either party hereto may deem necessary and .proper to carry out the purposes of this Agreement. (c) This Agreement the parties hereto, whether written or except by a written contains the full and complete understanding among supersedes all prior agreements and understandings oral pertaining hereto, and cannot be modified instrument sign~d by each party hereto. (d) The descriptive headings of the several sections and paragraphs of this Agreement · are inserted for convenience only and do not constitute a part of this Agreement. (e) This Agreement is to be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York applicable to contracts entered into and to be fully performed therein. (f) SEC shall not assign any of its rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of ESPN and any purported assignment without such prior written consent shall be null and void and of no force and effect. · (g) Any provisions hereof found by a court to be void or unenforceable shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provisions. SRA 4/11/90 2102-26 The University Athletic Association, Inc. 0000423 FLORIDA000378 CG:~fiDENTJAL (h) This Agreement shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Directors of ESPN which was obtained at the meeting of November 17, 1989. (i) "Superstation" shall mean any broadcast television station which 1s distributed outside its local market as established by that station's primary Federal Communications Commission license as a distant signal by any means, including but not limited ·to WTBS-TV, Atlanta, Georgia, WPIX-TV and WOR-TV, New York, New York, KTTV-TV, Dallas, Texas, _WGN-TV, Chicago, Illinois. SRA 4/11/90 2102-27 The University Athletic Association, Inc. 0000424 FLORIDA000379 C~::riD~NTIAL EXHIBIT "A" CHRONOLOGICAL SELECTION PROCEDURE SUMMARY MARCH 1 MAY 15 MAY 15 SEC provides full conference schedule and best non-conference .schedule information possible. ESPN informs SEC as to which day of the week will be its "Main Night". Syndicator informs SEC - "sweeps" ratings period utilized. which dates are included in the and which ratings service will be JUNE 15 SEC informs ESPN of the games selected by ABC,CBS, and NBC. JUNE 20 ESPN and syndicator select their period on an alternating basis. JUNE 25 ESPN selects the remainder of its "Main Night" schedule. JUNE 25 ESPN notifies SEC of dates and times needed for Fourth Quarter conference game(s) and non-conference games. JULY 3 syndicator completes its total schedule of Conference games. JULY 3 SEC notifies ESPN which Conference games may be played in Fourth Quarter, and which non-conference games requested by ESPN can be delivered. JULY 15 ESPN selects non-"Main Night" conference games AUGUST 1 ESPN selects any "extra" games it may want to request beyond the one extra game guaranteed. SRA 4/11/90 games the ratings -17- The University Athletic Association, Inc. 2102-28 during 0000425 FLORIDA000380

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