O'Bannon, Jr. v. National Collegiate Athletic Association et al

Filing 255

Defendant NCAA's Notice of Motion and Motion to Admit Exhibits by National Collegiate Athletic Association (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Exhibit G, #8 Exhibit H, #9 Exhibit I, #10 Exhibit J, #11 Exhibit K, #12 Proposed Order)(Miller, Jeslyn) (Filed on 6/27/2014) Modified on 6/30/2014 (cpS, COURT STAFF).

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EXHIBIT F ~~-.~ "'. ·-' AGREEMENT FOR BASKETBALL TELECAST AND CONFERENCE :MARKETING RIGHTS BETWEEN R_AYCOM SPORTS-JEt< FERSON-P!LOT SPORTS ]'ffiTWORK AND THE ATLANTIC COAST CONFERENCE ,;. 2001-02 THROUGH2010-11 SEASONS This Agreement is entered into as of J~tJf. ~3, 2000, between the Atlantic Coast Conference, whose office is located at 4517 Weybridge Lane, Greensboro, North Carolina 27407, and a joint venture consisting ofRaycom Sports, Inc and Jefferson-Pilot Sports, Inc., trading and doing business as Raycom Sports/Jefferson-Pilot Sports Network, whose principal office is at 2815. Coliseum Centre Drive, Suite 200, Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 and they agree as follows: ARTICLE I Legal Status ofRaycom Sports/Jefferson-Pilot Sports Network REDACTED CONFIDENTIAL -- COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-1 RAY000023 ARTICLE IT Legal Status of the Atlantic Coast Conference REDACTED ARTICLE Til 3.01 This Agreement shall be effective solely for a term commencing May 1, 2001, and ending Apri130, 2011, and pertains to all ACC basketball seasons from the 2001~02 season through the 2010-11 season. 2 CONFIDENTIAL~- COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-2 RAY000024 ARTICLE IV Grant ofRights; 4.01 Sch~uling of Games The ACC hereby..:grants to Raycom/Jefferson, with respect to basketball games played 1 during the term of' this Agreement (which covers the 2001-02 thropgh ~e '20 10-11 seasons):. • The exclusive world-wide "Telecast Rights" (defmed b~loV() for all those_men's.and women's. basketball games (including all ACC Tournament games) in which an ACC Member Institution is one of the participating teams and for which games the ACC or ·its Member Institution has the power to grant the Telecast Rights; and • The exclusive right to negotiate all matters concerning men's and women's basketball game Telecast Rights on behalfofthe ACC·and its Member Institutions~ including (without limitation) the right and power to 0ve .or withhold consent to aproposed Telecast and to detennine the rights fee and the terms for any such consent. For the purp os~s of thi~ Agre~en.t, the word. ''Teiec~st;1 .shali i~~l~de: ;my and .ail forms: of . ,' distribution to the public of a video image including, without limitation, distribution . . by ·standard . or digital television, cable television, closed circuit television, multi-point distribution service, satellite transmission. the intem~t, or any other means whether now known or not~ regardless, of whether distribution is free or for a chnrge, ·or is by a commercial or a noncommercial entity, or is live or prerecorded; and the 'phrase "Telecast Rights" shall include, without limitation, the right to Telecast an event live or on a delayed basis, to repeat any Telecast an unlimited number oftimes, 3 CONFIDENTIAL-- COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-3 RAY000025 to advertise and promote such Telecasts, and to authorize others to Telecast all or any portion of the games for which such rights are granted herein. REDACTED 4 CONFIDENTIAL -- COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-4 RAY000026 REDACTED 5 CONFIDENTIAL-- COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-5 RAY000027 .. REDACTED 6 CONFIDENTIAL-- COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulatf=!d Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-6 RAY000028 REDACTED 7 CONFIDENTIAL --COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-7 RAY000029 REDACTED 8 CONFIDENTIAL --COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-8 RAY000030 REDACTED 9 CONFIDENTIAL-- COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-9 RAY000031 " ' REDACTED (b) Raycom/Jefferson will select and Telecast (or cause the Telecast of) no less than the following numbers of men's and women's basketball games during each seaso~. Regionally syndicated games will be Telecast to every major market in the ACC Area (District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia [including RichmondCharlottesviHe], North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida) (see Exhibit E), except that the ACC Television Committee may approve split Telecasts (i.e., simultaneous Telecasts of different games to different areas within the Ace Area). National network games will be televised by ABC, CBS, NBC or Fox (or any other comparable national netvvork) throughout all or any portion ofthe country. National cable games will be distributed live by a national cable programmer (e.g., ESPN/ESPN2 or Fox) in at least 85 percent of the cable universe in the country. Regional cable games will be distributed by one or more cable regional sports networks in the ACC Area: 10 CONFIDENTIAL-- COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-10 RAY000032 Men's Basketball Regular Season Games Syndication: Prime time Afternoon 7 20 Tow.nament Games 6 (prime plus ·afternoon) National Network: (#App~prances) Nationru Cable: Conference Non-Conference ..... ---... -. ~ .... - .... .;'Jot''"'!:'''" .;.,• 20* 2 (outside ACC Area)** 30-35 7 (5 outside ACC Area)** .nla 10 Reglo~:ll ·cable: Conference Non-Conference 6 nla n!a 14 Women's Basketball National Cable: 2001-02 Season Conference Non-Conference 4 3 2 n/a Remaining Seasons: Conference Non-Conference 5 3 2 n/a Regional Cable: 2001-02 S~ason Remaining Seasons 22 26 2 2 REDACTED 11 CONFIDENTIAL -- COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-11 RAY000033 ·'' REDACTED .. 12 CONFIDENTIAL --COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw {N.D. California) 2119-12 RAY000034 ! ''' REDACTED 13 CONFIDENTIAL-- COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967 -cw ·(N.D. California) 2119-13 RAY000035 REDACTED ARTICLE V Payment Tenns REDACTED 14 CONFIDENTIAL --COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-14 RAY000036 REDACTED 5.03 Raycom/Jefferson shall not be obligated to bear or pay (i) any·rights fee to athlete?, coaches, officials or others participating in any game or_ event Telecast pursuant to this Agreement, REDACTED REDACTED 15 CONFIDENTIAL --COUNSEL 0NLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-15 RAY000037 REDACTED ARTICLE VI Terms ofProduction and.Promotion REDACTED 16. CONFIDENTIAL --COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-16 RAY000038 REDACTED 1.7 CONFIDENTIAL-- COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-17 RAY000039 REDACTED 18 CONFIDENTIAL --COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California} 2119-18 RAY000040 -t,.' ··, REDACTED - . . - .. , r - 19 CONFIDENTIAL -- COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-19 RAY000041 REDACTED ........., •. ,j 20 CONFIDENTIAL-· COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-20 RAY000042 ARTICLE VII Cable ProtP-T"'tion REDACTED ARTICLEVTII Marketing Rights. REDACTED 21 CONFIDENTIAL --COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-21 RAY000043 REDACTED 22 CONFIDENTIAL --COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-22 RAY000044 REDACTED 23 CONFIDENTIAL-- COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-23 RAY000045 ARTICLE IX · Advisorl Committee REDACTED ARTICLE X Copyright 10.01 Raycorn!Jefferson agrees that the copyright in each of the games Telecast hereunder is assigned to the ACC and that notice of the ACC's copyright will be ihcludedas.a part of every ACC game Telecast hereilllder. REDACTED REDACTED 24 CONFIDENTIAL -- COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-24 RAY000046 REDACTED ARTICLE XI Additional Warranty REDACTED ARTICLE XII Indemnitv REDACTED 25 CONFIDENTIAL --COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-25 RAY000047 REDACTED ARTrCLE XII1 First Negotiation Right REDACTED 26 CONFIDENTIAL-- COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 2119-26 RAY000048 09-cv-1967~cw (N.D. California) ARTICLE XIV Arc "Shnn" Right REDACTED 27 CONFIDENTIAL-- COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-27 RAYDOD049 REDACTED 28 CONFIDENTIAL-- COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-28 RAYOOOOSO REDACTED 29 CONFIDENTIAL-- COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-29 RAY000051 REDACTED . ARTICLE XV Nonassign:abilitv · REDACTED 30 CONFIDENTIAL -- COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-30 RAY000052 ARTICLE XVI Entire Agreement REDACTED ARTICLE XVII Controlling Law REDACTED ARTICLE Xvrrr Failure to Object Not a Waiver REDACTED 31 CONFIDENTIAL-- COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-31 RAY000053 ARTICLE XIX Subject to Laws. By-Laws Etc. REDACTED 32 CONFIDENTIAL-- COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-32 RAY000054 REDACTED ARTICLE XX. Opportunitvto Cure REDACTED ARTICLE XXI REDACTED 33 CONFIDENTIAL ··COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09·CV·1967·cw (N.D. California) 2119-33 RAY000055 REDACTED IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Atlantic Coast Conference, Raycom Sports/Jefferson-Pilot Sports Netvvork, Raycom Sports, Inc. and Jefferson-Pilot Sports, Inc., have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as the date first above written. ATLANTIC COAST CONFERENCE (ACC) RAYCOM SPORTS, INC. RAYCOM s·PORTS/JEFFERSON-PILOT SPORTS NETWORK By: By:_~_v_·~~~.·~-·-=-~-For. Raycom Sports, Inc. . By: [~{J!!iJJ For Jefferson-Pilot Sports, Inc. 34 CONFIDENTIAL- COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protec~ive Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-34 RAY000056 JEFFERSON-PILOT SPORTS, INC. By: 35 CONFIDENTIAL -- COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-35 RAY000057 EXIDBITA · REDACTED CONFIDENTIAL --COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw {N.D. California) 2119-36 RAY000058 EXHIBITB REDACTED CONFIDENTIAL-- COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw {N.D. California) 2119-37 RAY000059 ,- REDACTED 2 CONFIDENTIAL-- COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-38 RAY000060 EXHIBITC REDACTED CONFIDENTIAL --COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-39 RAY000061 REDACTED 2 CONFIDENTIAL -- COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-40 RAY000062 EXHIBITD REDACTED CONFIDENTIAL --COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw {N.D. California) 2119-41 RAY000063 EXHIBIT E .....,r-r"\.A"""T'"r-r"\. Kt:.UAvlt:.U CONFIDENTIAL -- COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protect!ve Order in 09-cv-1967-cw {N.D. California) 2119-42 RAY000064 EXHIBITF REDACTED CONFIDENTIAL-- COUNSEL ONLY Pursuant to Stipulated Protective Order in 09-cv-1967-cw (N.D. California) 2119-43 RAY000065

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