O'Bannon, Jr. v. National Collegiate Athletic Association et al

Filing 255

Defendant NCAA's Notice of Motion and Motion to Admit Exhibits by National Collegiate Athletic Association (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Exhibit G, #8 Exhibit H, #9 Exhibit I, #10 Exhibit J, #11 Exhibit K, #12 Proposed Order)(Miller, Jeslyn) (Filed on 6/27/2014) Modified on 6/30/2014 (cpS, COURT STAFF).

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EXHIBIT E THE mGTWELVE CONJi'ERENCE. INC. 2201 STEMMONS FREEWAY,.l8'l'Hl'LOOR DALLAS, TEXAS 75107 ·~ March 11, 2000 Mr1 Howard Km: ~dent ABCS~Inc. 47 West 66 Stt=t New York,.NcwYoU: 10023 Mr. Jolm. Wildback Senior Vwe Preside1rt. Progxa•urf!ing ESPN,.lnc. ESPNPJaza 935 Middle Street Bristctl, ·CODDeeticut 060 1()..7454 Olarles Gelber Executive Vice President and General Manager ESPN Rc:gjoual TclevisiDnt me. 11001 Rushmore Drive Charlotte, North Carolina 28277 • 1'236111' vs · LOI JUUliCI!SI'ti 2117-1 TEXAS000068 This ~nt has been approveQ._by_~e Board ·or Directors of the Conference. but is • subject to theapprova] ofthe Board ofDireCtoD.o-fESPN. Thctmns ofany~FonnAgreementwill be S!ibject to :tmal approval of 1be Board of DireCtors ofthe Conference and the Board -of Dilec.tors of ESPN.. 'Ibi:! ~~t may~ exccntcd in Bf!Y na:mber of co~~ o.f which shall be deemed to be a-~ and all o£whicb shall constitUte one·~ which .u bmding upon .all the parties hereto, notwHbstanding that all parties are uo.t Signatories to the same cotmterpart. If ABC, ESPN and ERT agree to the f01-quing, please so liicf..ea+.e by ha\.~g an authcr.z..."'d representative of ABC, ESPN and ERT Sign below .in tile appropriate place and return a copy to .us. Very truly yums., ~mGi~~~~c ~: lffili!Jt;r ~~ T1tle: ComsmssJ(mcr · . · Agreed and Accepted: Dated:-------ABC SPORT& INC. By: N~---~-------------------T.itle: Agreed ad Aceepted: Dated:---------ESPN,INC. .By. Nmnc: _______________________ Title: ~and Accepted: D~: ________________ ESPN REGIONAL TELEVISION, INC. ~~e:------~----~------­ Title: • !.OIItEABC 2117-2 TEXAS000069 This A.grcemerrt has been approved by the Boatd of Directors of the Conference, 'but is subject to the approval Dftbe Bomd of Directors ofESPN. The temls .of any Long Form A~ will be :Subject to finBl approval of the Board of Directors of the Conference and the Board oi Directors of ESPN. This A~ ma_y be executed 1n any nUJ.'Iiber of co~. each .of which ·shall be deemed to be an oripl and all of which shall constitute Ule agreement Which is biDding upon an the parties hereto, uotw1tbstanding that all parties are not signatDries to the same counterpart. . IfABC, ESPN.and ERT agree to 1hc ~ p~ so indicate by having an authorized representative of ABC, ESPN and ERT SlgD below m t1:ie appropriate place and return a copy to us. very truly yours, THE BIG TWELVE CONFERENCE, INC. Aueed aBd Accepted: D~---------------- Agreed and Attepted· . Dated: ________:_______ ESP.N~JNC. By: Name: n~ ------------------------~ Agreed ad Accepted.; Dated:-------------ESPN REGJONAL·TELEVISION, INC. ~~=------------------ Title: • lrll69!S'V5 • LOI JU!:ABCil!SPN 2117-3 TEXAS000070 • This Agreement has been approved by the Board of Dircctors -of the Conference, but is subject to the 8PP!'OV1ll of the Board ofDil'eCtor,s ofESPN. The tetms .of any Long Form Agre~ent will be subject to fiiW approval tlf the Board of Directors of the Conference and the Board .of DirectorS of ESPN. . This ~t maybe executed many number of~. each of whiCh shall be deemed to beD ori~ mel all of-which sball constitnte one agrcc:mc:nt which is binding upon all the parties hereto, nOtwithstanding that all parties are not signatories to the same countelpart. ff ABC, ESPN and ERT ~to fhe foregoing, .~.so indicate by having an authorized representative of ABC. ESPN and ERT Sign below in ttie llppl'OPI'iatc place snd rctam a copy to us. v r:ry truly yOurs, THE BIG TWELVE CONFERENCE, INC. Agreed aud Accepted: ________________ Dat~: ABC SPORTS, INC. By. Name:---------------Title: Aveed ad Accepted: ~~--------------- ~~ ~: Tik~;~ . B .. Agreed and Accepted: . .·. ·. D~-~------------ • Jrll6915 V5 • LOr RI!:ABCie!I'N 2117-4 TEXAS000071 EXD1BITA BIG XII- ABC/ESPN TELECAsT AGREEMENT Eight years, 'Commeocing with 2000-2001 :academic year, through 2007-2008 academic year, commencing on ~uly 1, 2000. 2001-2002 . 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 TOTAL:. 26.5 million 28.0 millian 3:0.0 million 31..5 million ll.Omillion 34..5 :miUioD 36.0 million 245.0 million Rights fees payable ·qurterly, beginning Sqnembc:r 30, 2000. ALOHA BOWL GUARANTEE: The ·Ccmfermce will be guanmtecd at least $5 minion ftom Aloha Bowl appearances ov:r) . ~T~Mb~ PRESEASON CLASSIC GUARANTEE: ABC wiH cause ~teams 1o have at least two~ in the :first three years d the Tcsnn in eithc:c of the Pipkin Classic: ·or tbe Kickoff Classic. Football: BaskctbaD 4 FOOTBALL APPEARANCE RESTRJC'TIONS: .Appeauwce limits per team to 6 per year, 1q) 1D 4 of which may be hamc games> FOOTBAll. EXPOSURE: • 4 National Telecasts per year. • ,, 2117-5 ... ,,. . . TEXAS000072 2 National Telecasts on the Friday :aftt:r Tha:n1csgiving or, at ABC':s option, on Thanksgiving Day '(the first game will not begin before 11=00 am central time) md no team will be required to play :the first game as a home game more than OIICe in any 4 year perm~ for e'X3IDpk Year FustGame Second Game 1 CU@NU NU@-CU TA&M@t.JT UT@TA&M CU@NU UT@TA&M NU@CU 2 :3 4 1 • TA&M@UT Other National Telecast on any Saturday during the regular season or on a mutua1ly acceptable .iltm:nate date. 1 ~Split Natiomd• Game {.reaches at least 45% oflV households in the nation) -once .every two-year period during the Term. Network E~smcs= ESPN will use its best etforts to mJlYimii71': the number of the Confc:m:tce's Broadcast Network baSketball exposcres, inclndjng without limitation: 2~1 Season: Mmjmmn of 10 ovc:r-tbe-air Network .appearances guaranteed. Each Season 'Ibeicaftcr: MininnmJ of 8 over-the-air Networlc .ap:pearanccs _pravidcd that if ABC has at least .12 natjonal telecast 'WiDdow:s :avaThibJe, mj1ij.1 UIUII of_} 0 p~ over-'the--m Network appearances guaranteed. ESPN shall use good faith efforts to place :same oftlc Netwmk basketball exposures -eaCh year on CBS, wbich -.ap:pearanccs sba1l (:OUDt toward 1be preceding :guarantee. • Basketball Tmn ••••umt ~ Cbampianship Game with national c1istribntion on ESPN m a national broadcast network. • 2117-6 Late Quarterfinal Game on Thursday Night on ESPN2 beginning in 2002 {posslbly 2001 ifESPN2 is :not precluded by other c.nntractnal oommitments) TEXAS000073 •• ESPN and the Conference will work together to enhance the exposure af Conference Basketball during Conference tournament week on .al] ESPN Platfonns (e.g. :player "diary" on ESPN~com, coach interviews on ESPN radio) "Big Monday" Package: Current exposure .on Big Monday(8) extended ESPN and the Conference Will explore the possibility of adding one nonconfm:nce game as a part of~ Big Mmday Package in the first quarter :of each year during the Term. The Conference l1gi'ee5 to consider in good faith any request by ESPN to move the Big Monday package to ESPN2; provided, however, that the Conference .shall be under no legal obligBticm to approve any request .for the trmsfer ofthe Big Mattdaypackage to ESPN2. • ESPN agrees to telecast (i) a minjzmJm of three games played dmiiig the fcmrtb :calendar qwrrtcr ~f ~ season and :(ii) :a mtnj:nmm of tb:ree games played on Samrd8ys during the fim cale:odar qtUII1a' of each sc:ason. ESPN bas 1he right to tnms:fer 6 of the aforemcntiancd basllelhall games to ESPN2 in accordance with the follo-wing factoi3: ESPN2 ·in at least 90% ofbames that ESPN is. ESPN2 rovers at least the :markets in Con:fen:nce1s 7 states that ESPN -CD'VCl'S.. • ESPN and the Conference Will ooopc:n1t.e to bmld cmgomg Special Site Events (e.g. :multjplc year challcagc~ at ueattal sites ·ad/or in ttmmammt cities in off years). The Canfcrcncc and the Manber lns!ltntiom; shall retain the rights to aU Baslcetball ·Games DOt selected by ESPN pmm:amt to the teims of this Agreement, but not fof :natianwide distribution. . ERT SPONSORSHJP RIGHTS: •• 2117-7 Effective as ofJuly ~ 2001, the Confc:rencc gnmts to ERT rights :and obligations to sell and :fulfill presenting ·and seoondary Corporate Spans< 11 sli1ps related io Canfcrcnce A-3 TEXAS00007 4 . _.._ ,..~. Championship events, subject to the Conference's priar approval, which will not be unreasonably withheld. Certain categories of sponsors. may be excluded for policy reasons. ERT will commit the resources necessary to fulfill all ®ligations to the C r · ..;er . ' corporate sponsors and to manage the sponsorship relationships in a mmmcr . · · ty . satisfactory to the Conference. . _ . . . ·rnc Conference will retain rights and revenues fr-om ail othcr.ancilla:ry confCl'CilCe rights relating to Confcrcnce WP""'fional g#tjes, including, but not limited to~ Big xn Showcase Show. ERT will pay pmductio.n ·costs for the show (not to exceed '$130,000 per y~ and main mveatmy for Spcmsor's expomres; Prog~am Rights for Championship Events. ERT will purchase 1 page per Corpom:e Sponsor; ~rights to .!!!_Conference ~ with ~Intemet rights with ESPN relating to Gsmcs that arc telecast pursuant to 1lris Agreement; Radio rights; and Pa:y-pc:r·view rights aDd 6tber ancillmyrlghts. other than those relating to Games that are telecast under this Agreement The Conference, ERT and ESPN will work coope13tive1y to identify additional events that xcasonahly relate to the rights .gnmted hc:reunder, suCh as joint :ventiDa an: Fan Fests at FootbaJl Championship Game and Bulrebll T01ll'D8Illent; and Special Site Basketball Events such as a cllallcmge series ·The -rw.~ will~ ~ nerassmy to -=~r rig~ ex...A-~ly stL.,lject 1o the ·agn=nmt with H.ostltJSA ~ 1o the sdc of corpcmrte clmmpionShip spoasarships em ar aboot JWy 1., 200L ER.T 'Will be respnm;ible for payment of :any fees on n:mainmg BglHD'ents payable to :aost. not to .exceed 15% of the gross :reveuues payable lDldc:r tbosc ~ ·mad may main teVemJCS realized from existing sponsorship .agrCI'mf%• ns after July ~ 2001~ an ERT will pay diret::t a!ld indirect costs related to tbe adm:itiistratio 1IDd fulfillmf'Jlt of the mmaining term of the :risting spcmsnrshlp aaaugewents, and pay Host/USA • 2117-8 A-4 TEXAS000075 • -agcm:y fee. Fulfillment costs (exclusive of I;Iost!USA agency fee) on existing agreements capped at 30% of gross revenues. The .first $3 million of gross revermcs (less a deduction for any applicahle agency cmmnissions ofnot more than lSOA for new sponsorship agreements entered into by ERT) from eilher (i) new spOliS()lSbips sold by RR:T or (u) mcnsion or~ of prc-msting sponsotShips for periods after July 1., 2001 ((i) lUld (ii} colledively referred to as "New SJi!04W1sliimj in any year is retained by ERT. ERT pays all fulfillment costs. Revenaes to be o)elhl• vi••rrl from Ill1ltrlally-agrecable ·"rate cm.:d", determined in sdVaUce, mlless the Conference md ERT agree to discounts for specific sponsotS.· 'Thc:rcafter., 1he Conference and ERT split 50150 the ·-ncr :revenlles from ~ . · Sponsorships in any 1=' ·OYer S3 million of gross reVenues, with the split of the inai:mwtal ~=me in excess of$3 mil1ion1o be cilcnbQed as follows: , 1. 2. . ~ Gross·~ from New Sporssoomips MINUS S3 miffion 1bat ·diffi::&m 1:lMES 1 mitms Fnlfillment .Expense Ratio (total direct fnffillme:nt costs and any 1!PJ)Jicable ;agc:DCy rommiissions of not mare than ls-A, to be paid to Host/USA basM 'OD existing ~S, -withont ·ovcdlead, ·divided 'by gross 1'eVCIJQCS in that year) that product DIVIDED BY 2. TICKET REOtJIREMENTS: ESPN will be pea mitted to pnrc.base 20 tickets to eaCh 1clevised event .ABC':S ticket lights are as stated :in the .ABC~ SIQNAGE: The~ .ABC, ESPN and ERT agree 1o wmt: :coopelati¥ely to develop app:taprlate gaideliacs for the use of video imaging and the .Jd 81 emmt of Ol!l field and comtside signage. An other terms of the ABC Agreement and the ESPN .Agreement continue to govern this Agreement. • A-5 :.._.. .. ·· 2117-9 TEXAS000076

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